Monday, February 09, 2009


New week thread.


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deb said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. I'll get everyone.

deb said...

Both eagles in OK on one cam, the other is frozen.

deb said...

Of course, it poofed right after I posted. The other cam just reset.

Mits said...

thanks, Deb and Steve...egg turning at NCTC nest

Mits said...

back down on eggs again

Mits said...

juvie gone at BWO

deb said...

I missed it, my cam was frozen. It was so nice yesterday with very little freezing, must be a lot of people watching today.

Mits said...

sunset in Finland....ship going by

deb said...

BRS is on the move.

deb said...

TV at BWO.

Mits said...

ewwiiee at BWO

Mits said...

had to chuckle at jubby, he was telling me he and another co-worker were watching the turkey vultures, down in Miami last week, outside the office window, said one of them smacked into window, but he thought it was OK...ahhh, don't think so:(, they were on the 28th floor of the building

magpie said...

Just before I left to get car work done this morning around 8, both birds were moving around our nest a lot...couldn't stay and watch or post about it, trust Vicky and maybe Dana saw that....
that will teach me to make such an early appointment !

magpie said...

Also late last night I saw something VERY STRANGE at our nest, looked like a gauzy snowball moving around the nest, thought maybe it was going to be Spidey but first thought it was Liberty showing up....I know you all have talked about flashlights in the nest...that's what it looked like.
Definitely, surreal....
any ideas?

magpie said...

Anyone thinking of going to the Eagle Festival at Blackwater in early March ??

It sounds the idea of a trained guide going out to help look for and see Eagles there....

magpie said...

eewwiiees flapping wings at BWO

magpie said...

Okla not friendly this morning to my computer :(

deb said...

Poor TV that would be quite a fall.

Not sure what it was, Margy, a bug of some sort. The flashlight we saw, was way on the ground pointing towards the nest.

Mits said...

lol....Margy, looks like a flasher:)

magpie said...

See where red-winged blackbirds have been at BWO platform... a sure sing of spring when we see them around here - love their song...Congareeeeeeeeee ♪ ♫

magpie said...

you are right, Helen ! Looked exactly like that ! ☺
Porn on the platform...

magpie said...

It was like an apparition at OUR nest when I saw it....could not capture it of course...maybe if I could do video I could have...just lasted about 20 seconds...was after everyone had said good night...

Mits said...

both eagles at CALTRAN

magpie said...

I had also seen a beautiful fly in at the Valmost GH cam last night...and the Momma did a wiggle wiggle, and sat on the egg..then looked straight towards the camera for a bit with eyes wide open, then it dozed off

Mits said...

I can't get on OK, must be getting alot of hits

magpie said...

funy you can see the ears on the Owl twitching some, maybe blowing in the breeze....

Mits said...

CALTRAN are sharing some breakfast

Mits said...

and doing more nestorations...

magpie said...

tv's flashing again at BWO

Mits said...

still only see 1 egg there

deb said...

At Eagle Days I learned that the ears of Owls are not where you think they are. What we think of as ears are just feathers that help break up the round head, so the bird blends in with the tree trunk. I like when I learn something interesting like that.

magpie said...

baby hummer in nest getting really big, so cute !

Mits said...

screaming eagles out in California, wish they had sound

Mits said...

great info, Deb...I like to learn things like that too.

Carol_in_WV said...

Whoopee! We have 3 eggs! Aren't Liberty and Belle wonderful!

deb said...

More on owls ears, this explains it better than I can:

Owl Ears

magpie said...

Caltrans is beautiful this morning.
Just realized I can't watch Colo Eagles and Owl at the same time, one closes out the other :(
guess I can figure that one out

Mauley said...

Greetings dear ones, THREE EGGS AGAIN THIS SEASON. Be still my heart. What a wonderful couple of Eagles we follow. I can hardly wait. I am already worrying about the little bits of feather fluff. have a good one donna

magpie said...

EAgle at Colo nest....

magpie said...

Unbelievable information, DEB. That site is in favorites now....and the links too.
WE love it when you learn something new, then we do too ! xo ☺

magpie said...

Liberty is fluffing things up just for you Mauley ! ♥

magpie said...

Two at Coloroda Ft. St Vrain now. Spectacular !

deb said...

They did a demonstration to show how humans can't do what owls do. Clapped hands around a girl with a blindfold on and whenever they clapped over her head or down by her feet, she couldn't tell where the sound came from.

Lolly said...

Good morning! How is everyone on this glorious Monday morning? We were supposed to have thunderstorms this morning, 80% chance, well....guess what....we have bright sunshine! Wanted that rain!

Feeling better. Guess it was just sinus problems upsetting me...not the flu. PTL

NORMA.....have lots of Texas ruby red greatfruit and oranges in the garage refrig. Come on over!!!!

So exciting last night!!! We were going to bed with the windows open, yes, that pleasant....and we heard a Great Horned Owl! Jack and I were both out of bed in a flash (and we threw up the sash!)and leaning on the window sill. Stayed there for a while listening to him. It was so great! Actually sorta "Halloweenish", moonshine, wind blowing....owl hooting! Loved it!

Can not get OK up either. Drat! And I am getting worried about NBG! They have to have a successful year!

magpie said...

When I grow up I definitely want to be a biologist! Ornithologist to be exact !

Our bird looks sooooo long stretched out in the nest like he is...

nice little show at Colo Eagle nest, gone now.

Me too - I am running in empty, time to squeeze a nap in

TTFN xox ☺ z z z

magpie said...

..running on empty that is...

magpie said...

Hi L♥lly - - ssound wonderful, the owls..what a romantic experience share that with someone - that's the best !

Lolly said...

So, now are we all going to blindfold someone and try this? I am! Hey Jack..........! Come here..........! :)

Costume Lady said...

HA, HA...I can't tell where sound is coming from even if it is right in front of me! Hate when that happens:)

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY...WARNING...Jack my think you have something else in mind;);)

deb said...

How fun, Lolly! I have had fun seeing all the owls that I have seen. Now I want to see more!

Lolly said...

Margy...Jack is just as interested in wildlife as I am. We both use the binoculars we have by our kitchen table. We were equally thrilled last night. I always listen when we have the house open and it has been a while since we heard one. I was really excited!

deb said...

Nestorations in CO.

Lolly said...


deb said...

BRS is at his destination in NC.

deb said...

Good one, Wanda!

Lolly said...

We used to hear screech owls all the time. Apparently they had a home close by and raised a family. Haven't heard any recently. Jack did hear one last summer. (When he was making rounds with a gun at night, hunting a @$*% armadillo.)

Mits said...

just got a quick glance of BRS, before he got into the truck

deb said...

Maine thinks we have a fourth egg.

Maine Forum

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Hello! I've returned for a few minutes.
Heading over to Jenny's for a bit.

Love all the Owl Tales & info

Didn't get a real clean bill of health but I'm headed in that direction.


Mits said...

I looked at the pic, have to get the old magnifying glass out.

deb said...

HP just happened in CO.

It is so hard to tell in the picture, but it sure could be 4.

Lolly said...

Coffee is finished, I need to get moving! I am so glad to be feeling good again.! I will be dropping in and lurking a wee bit.

You all have a grand day!

Jack just told me we got six tenths of an inch of rain over night. Slept through it! Yea! That is soooo good! TTYL

Mits said...

if it is 4, one looks like it is right on top of another one, and that could cause problems and breakage...still hoping it is just 3

deb said...

I hope it is just 3, too, and that it is just fluff of some sort on top of the one egg.

Mits said...

I agree Deb....

Mema Jo said...

Cannot tell for sure loooking at pic from Kittenface Me Forum
It is a 'possibility' but not really a
'probability'. Last egg was the 6th - another usually takes Belle 4 days - like the 10th....

I need to see them clearly before any determination is made.

Thanks for popping in on the ME Forum,Deb

BBL to see what you have seen

deb said...

I would think the 4th egg would take longer, too, Jo. She would really need to rebuild the calcium in her system, wouldn't she?

deb said...

Eagle was just up, but I didn't see anything. I can't get a live feed at all right now.

movin said...


**EVeRYBoDY !!**

How are you all??



deb said...

The geese are headed north again. Huge flocks arriving in southern Nebraska.

Mits said...

neither can I Deb.......Morning, Jim

Lolly said...

OMG Now I will be checking in more often. Keep your eyes peeled!

deb said...

If your live feed is up and working, don't reload or shut it down!

floralgirl said...

Hello all:) lost my live feed too:(

deb said...

I emailed about live feed being down and asked about a 4th egg

Lolly said...

I, too, do not think we want 4. That would be too much stress getting all fed! And, it has not been long enough, like you said.

deb said...

I just got a picture on the pop up live feed.

Lolly said...

My live feed is still up but it looks frozen!

floralgirl said...

My feed is up and running here.

Mits said...

my live feed is back on

Lolly said...

Interesting, my pop up is okay for the other is frozen/

deb said...

My live feed is back on the Home page.

Mits said...

Current nest weather...
Currently At 12:41PM[ More ] 45°F
Winds: N
at 3mph
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 57%
Dew Point: 31° F Pressure: 30.43 in
Visibility: 5 Miles

Mits said...

who is in our nest????

deb said...

Good question. Whoever it is looks wide across the back, but that could be the camera angle and the sun. Belle ate and left, When Lib came in. I don't think there has been a switch since then.

Mits said...

thanks, was thinking the smaller size looked like Lib

Mits said...

Update on BRS....

Maxton, NC - Delivered product, now playing in downtown area. :)

Costume Lady said...

Looking at the neck...looks like Belle.
What's this about FOUR EGGS?? I checked Kittenface's photo...all I see is 3.

deb said...

A lot of looking around, thought maybe Belle was on her way back.

deb said...

You can see something that may be a fourth egg on the left side of the picture, on on top of another.

deb said...

Eagle up!

Costume Lady said...

4 eggs would be VERY stressful ON US!!! Can you imagine????

deb said...

Dang, no view at all.

deb said...

That would not be good, the fourth one would be so small compared to the first one.

Mits said...

OK had 4 eggs last year, only 2 survived..I think

Mits said...

BRS is driving on a small road

Costume Lady said...

Kittenface must be on cam watch 24/7. I would be stir crazy!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all.

I looked at kittenface pic...I don't think we have 4. No one noticed any egg laying activity last night, either. Also, we had comments this morning about seeing 3 eggs. I think it may have been one of those cornstalk pieces in there. So I guess we will all keep looking to see how many for sure

Mits said...

hope that is all it was, 4 would be a disaster waiting to happen...hope someone gets a clearer pic

movin said...

We are in our 3rd day of moderate showers here ... been pretty good so far, soaking with no flooding or slides.

And we just had a real downpour for about 10-15 minutes. Blew everything away!



deb said...

Glad you are getting the much needed rain, Jim.

Mits said...

Sharon called, she is drain-free, but it hurt like heck when he took it out....Poor thing:(

paula eagleholic said...

Someone thinks she laid the egg at 3am this morning...we shall see.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, anyone else have any clue what was brought to the nest last night for dinner and also eaten this morning for breakfast?

paula eagleholic said...

Yay,'s for some final healing!

Mits said...

I liked your thought that it might be big mouth bass

Mits said...

BRS is parked on the side of a road, maybe getting nature pics.

deb said...


paula eagleholic said...

Belle just dropped in!

deb said...

I don't know what it was, but I thought she was going to choke on one big bite

paula eagleholic said...

LIB quickly took off the back

paula eagleholic said...

And she's headed for the eggs.

deb said...

I couldn't even see one egg that time.

paula eagleholic said...

No open view this time...Belle was in the way :)

paula eagleholic said...

I could see one...

Mits said...

lol...that was quick

Mits said...

got to get some things done around here, will keep checking:)

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from Jenny's house - I was watching all her bird feeders while Hubby fixed a computer.

WHOO HOO! That's what I wanted to hear! DRAIN FREE - TUBELESS
I'm sure the end result was worth the few minutes hurt!!!

deb said...

They had more snow at the OR nest. The eagles have been visiting the nest.

Mits said...

BRS, sure likes BP gas stations

deb said...

Congratulations, Sharon, I am glad you are Drain-free!

BRS is moving.

Mits said...

lol...if you talked to Sharon, it was VERY unpleasant, told her to call him back, think she needs some anti-biotic cream on it, she was walking around the complex trying to get back to her car to get something to eat

Mema Jo said...

I really really hope that there wasn't enough HP to give way to 4 eggs. OH!
I hope someone soon gets a clear picture.

hedgie said...

Hi, Momsters and Dadsters!
Jim, my friend said that it was raining on a tome of voice that made it sound like she didn't like it...but I reminded her that you all need it, and that it sure beats the snow/ice that some areas are having! I think she was just bummed that grandkids were staying in the house!
4 eggs??? Sure hope not....pic is dubious.....sure wouldn't take it for gospel...guess MTBR!

hedgie said...

Good info on owls, Deb. Lolly, I heard my nearby Great Horned a couple of nights ago...but only one...he wasn't getting any answering calls.

magpie said...

Juvie Eagle at BWO

deb said...

Up again.

deb said...

And down again.

deb said...

That's the same juvie from this morning, or at least one the same age.

magpie said...

Our Eagle looks almost like a Duck !

magpie said...

Juvenile at BWO giving some nice poses, just looked like he was yodeling a minute ago ☺

deb said...

It is very vocal right now at BWO.

magpie said...

Juvie was putting on a real show at BWO but just left :(

"Ear" feathers standing on end at Valmont !

hedgie said...

Yippee for Sharon! What a relief...and as they say..."no pain, no gain"!!! Hope she also gets to ditch the binder!
Jo, when do you go back to the Dr. again for the ALL better report?
Any word on the pending great-grand?

Lolly said...

Oh good, no confirmation on 4 eggs. That we do not want!

Talked Jack into working with me pulling dandelions. Filled two buckets. hee! hee! Now I am all hot and sweaty. It is up to 71 now. Yuk!

Lolly said...

Yea!!!!! For are one great step towards healing.

magpie said...

Lolly - how about some dandelion wine ? ☺

Deb - sent you an email....

hedgie said...

Sure that Belle was just throwing something out of egg cup, but sure looked like she was spitting!

Mits said...

I just remembered something, I sent a pic of the 3 EGGS to Suzanne late this a.m.

Mits said...

she does like her chewing tobacco

paula eagleholic said...

She was still blocking most of the view again.

Would someone go over to the nest and kindly tell her to get on the other side of that egg cup so we can see!!

Or, she can just hold up however many talons to count off the eggs for us.

paula eagleholic said...

And to Steve, I think you said.

Look in your sent emails folder.

I saw another pic from 7am this morning...looked like 3 eggs.

Mema Jo said...

lol Eagles do spit!

Mits said...

Paula...roflmbo.....maybe a little sign:)

deb said...

I just got a picture from the last roll, it is on Nest Pictures. Looks like 3 to me.

paula eagleholic said...

I guess Lib knows...but he's not telling!!

Anonymous said...

Good day everyone! Just now finally making it on here. I see we definitely have 3 eggs! Awesome!

Lolly said...

Margy...Jack said he chased away a few bees. How about dandelion honey? I am totally against dandelion wine. Sounds yukky. Just give me a glass of good cab. Boo! Hoo! Not drinking wine on this diet.

Mits said...

I just sent to some of you the pic I sent to Suz this a.m., it looked like just 3 to me, and this was at 10 this a.m.

Lolly said...

i like the idea of Belle holding up the correct number of talons to tell us how many eggs. LOL

magpie said...

I put two pics on the Momsters album from this morning, entitled one "Feb 9 Switch and 3 eggs"...before I realized there was talk of a fourth...something you can look at during a quiet time...

Lolly said...

Hi Danelle! There has been talk of a 4th egg, but we do no believe it.

Mits said...

but wait, doesn't she have only 3 talons:)

Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO 3 talons
Guess that tells it all!!!

Lolly said...

She has two sets of on the end of each leg. :)

Mema Jo said...

Grandfather always made Dandelion Wine..

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I can't hold up both feet and count lol Belle would be flat on her tail!

Mits said...

yeah, meant 3 talons on each foot;)

paula eagleholic said...

I don't see a fourth egg anywhere...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Danelle - Just like last year Belle laid that 3rd egg on Sandra's b-day!

Mits said...

what a sight that would be, Jo

Lolly said...

I saw where someone mentioned a flashlight at the nest. The other day I saw something that looked like a flashlight shining up. It was not headlights. seeing things at the nest. I think she needs more sleep. LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles have 4 talons on each foot!

Mema Jo said...

Deb your pic shows 3

Lolly said...

Belle can fly! She can then point the number of talons!

Mits said...

yes, we do see any occasional flashlight at nest, and whoever is doing it, I would like them to stop it, there is no need to be flashing a light in the me that is just plain eagle harassment....jmho;)

Lolly said...

Oh, my! For some reason I just had a wonderful idea about a children's book on Lib and Belle. Wouldn't that be fantastic. I can just see it!!!!

Lolly said...

I will write the book, Deb can do the phontography, who can do the art work?

Mits said...

"Leaning your Numbers, with BELLE AND LIBERTY"

Lolly said...

ha! Make that photography.

movin said...

I don't believe I've seen the eggs in a week, except in the video Paula and Deb took. But I seriously doubt they will lay 4 eggs.

Number 4 would be one miserable chick, if it survived at all!

Take a look at NBG, there's an eagle perched on a big branch in front of the nest. I had to watch full screen to make it stay "up" for a while, but then when I went back to normal size, it remained.
Try that if you have trouble viewing it now.



Mits said...

SORRY ,I only do stick people...I can do the captions, and Ceil is good at captions too.

Mema Jo said...

Local Yocals Lunch
Let's break the Feb Cabin Fever Blues
and meet for lunch at NCTC Feb 12th...
Those responding are: Helen,Ceil,Jim,MaryMargaret,Megan,Wanda, Gene,Lynn,Dana,Ed,Jo,Jenny. Our sunshine gal, Margy is scheduled to work and our special gal, Paula has to do payroll.

I sent emails to Jill & Robyn. Any other locals? NORMA come on down for lunch - She just might not pass an offer for lunch Everyone would surely be welcomed!

deb said...

No art work from me, that's why I take pictures!

paula eagleholic said...

Dandelion wine is good!

Lolly said...

Okay, you guys just go your lunch....make me feel bad!! I wanna come too!!!!

No, how fantastic you guys can get together. Will you do me a favor? Check in the gift shop and see if they have received in their walking stick medallions. If they have them , I want to get two.

paula eagleholic said...

If she could get up right now...light is just right!

Mema Jo said...

The book would be fantastic!
Raise some money and we could have a
blown up time at 2009 Open House!

I really need to place my head under my wing for a few

I think an egg roll is coming up soon


Lolly said...

Wanda needs to go to the nest and prod her to get up so we can check the nest.

Mema Jo said...

We'll for sure check on it for you Lolly.

Lolly said...

Thank you Jo! I would appreciate it. They were out of them last October. They were expecting more in, but I forgot the name of the girl to call.

Anonymous said...

Yay! What a nice b-day gift for Sandy! :)

magpie said...

Sure I'll miss something, but have GOT to get the vehicle washed...
TTFN xo Happy Perching on the Edge of Your Seats ! ☺ ♥ xo

magpie said...

Guess I could use BRS lingo and call it the Four-Wheeler.... ☺

Mits said...

OK cam seems to be working properly again

Mits said...

guess OK is due for another egg if she is going to lay it

Mits said...


Mits said...

STILL only 1 egg at OK

Mits said...

OK female is moving the egg around, maybe she wants to lay another one soon

Mits said...

he just sat on her,,,,he needs to get out of the nest

Mits said...

she keeps rolling the egg at OK, what a fascinating cam that one is

deb said...

It is funny to watch them, they sure both want their turn on the egg.

Mits said...

she was a friday egg, correct, Deb?

deb said...

Yes, she was. Our nest, OK, Caltrans and Valmont GH Owl were all Friday, or Egg Day as I call it!

Mits said...

they keep looking like, there has to be another one there, she cups the egg underneath her beak and rolls it back and it keeps rolling forward

Mits said...

Stillwater, OK forcast...
Wind Advisory in effect until 6 PM CST this afternoon...
Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 40s. South winds 10 to 20 mph.
Partly cloudy. Slight chance of thunderstorms in the morning...then chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Some thunderstorms may be severe in the afternoon. Highs around 70. South winds 10 to 20 mph. Chance of thunderstorms 40 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail

Mits said...

good he finally left at OK....SPLIT COMING

Mits said...

OUR EAGLE getting up

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED