Thanks for the heads up on the new thread Margy and thanks Steve and the gang for giving it to us. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families, NCTC people. We sure are thankful for you.
Good morning everyone. Guess you don't do the 5 am shopping thing LOL. I don't either BUT I am going to the Craft Show at the Expo after coffee and dog treats.
If anyone knows what to feed a graylag goose I would love the info. They do not fish. He is so friendly I feel he may have been dropped off at the marina in the spring but from what I have read they graze. Once the snow hits and stays for any length of time I am very concerned for his survival. I do see folks including myself bringing bread for him as well as the many many ducks aroudn but not sure that is going to sustain a bird this size when winter really sets in. HELP!!!
GOOD MORNING, CANDY & MARGY... Candy, Yes, I was having coffee with THE GREAT WHITE HUNTER! I guess both you girls are gone now, sorry I missed you. I was soooo tired last night, that I turned in early and slept late this morning. We had 11 at our dinner and it seemed as if it took longer to clean up after dinner than it did, preparing the dinner. It was a wonderful time, I love my family so much. Sounds like you dinner with D-I-L's family turned out JUST RIGHT!
Good morning everyone. We had a great Thanksgiving at Helen's SIL 12 adults and Maggie and Molly. Food was great. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, Berger cookies, other cookies and fresh whipped cream and Jay asked for ice cream and his sister forgot to get it. Lots of laughter. Deb so sorry for your friends loss. It is especially hard around the holidays to lose some one I do not go near the stores this weekend.BBL all this talk of food is making me hungry
Wow, cleaned up computer and things are really zippy now..
GLO - at one of the city parks they sell little pellets to feed the ducks and geese, they try to discourage people from dropping bread into the water. But, I don't know what those pellets are! xox
Howdy Everyone
Eagles at BWO sure are looking nice....The two White Gull pics made the page too....goofy looking bird! xox ♥
Glo maybe at the pet store they could tell you whether some guinea pig food or hamster food would be ok to feed them. That food has all sorts of vitamins in it.
Good Morning, Ceil, glad you had a nice time yesterday. I'll just bet Maggie and Molly were the STARS of the day ;) Dinner was where? Helen's sister in law? Haven't heard about her. She is a brave soul and very generous, too.
DEB, I never thought of the illness of Alzheimers in the way that you described, but so very true....Upon death, that person has been lost to family twice. It is a terrible disease. When my Dad was in the Nursing Home, I saw many Alzheimer patients ( a first for me). My thoughts were, these people have no life and DEATH WILL HAVE NO STING FOR THEM.
Yes There are several Glo's Glimpse's. Hmmm not sure why you aren't getting them Wanda . I haven't even checked the subscription list as Feedblitz does that not me. I can get into the info though and see if you are there. Check your spam filter.
I don't throw the bread into the water. It gets scarfed up as soon as it hits the grass or pavement between the ducks, gulls and Mr Goose.
Mr Goose is a feature for yesterdays Glo's Glimpses if you haven't met him yet.
OK well I will check Farm and Fleet here. I think they have bulk kinds of grains etc and can find something. I know cracked corn is on the menu.
Sounds like everyone had a nice Thanksgiving (us included). We got to share not only with family but with our neighbors from place we moved from. So much smiles, fun, laughter, and memories.
Those that are waiting like Sissy and family. I'm sure will enjoy their Thanksgiving meal and enjoy each others company.
Margy you must get that pumpkin pie or you'll be dreaming of it. ( :
Candy so glad things went well with the Thanksgiving get together. It's always hard when their is a divorce; both parents wanting daughter to be with them.
Deb sorry for you and your friends lose. Prayers for you and your friends family.
My uncle had Parkinsons disease. During time my aunt had cancer she had to put him in a nursing home. Believe me you loose them once and they loose themselves. Same with Alzheimer's patients. They know things one time and other times not. My uncle said, "I here today, gone today, and when I die I'll be gone forever". He knew and he was a wonderful and great man.
Bet Norma is having a find time at the Fox Hunt. Go Norma gal!!
Glo you are smart lady not to through the bread in the water. Some doesn't get eaten and causes a bacteria. That bacteria makes the ducks and geese sick. We had ask and always went across the street by the park. To southern states and got cracked corn for the ducks and geese.
Yes Wanda I checked. I do see you on the subscription list and you have a green light so that means to me they are sending them and having no problems getting the feed to you. I get a red light if your email is full or you unsubscribe and a yellow if they are having problems with the delivery.
Glo Greylag geese will work their away across the fields, nibbling the more nutritious growing shoots of the grass or cereal crop. Grass, by itself, is not particularly high in nutrients, and geese have to eat almost continuously in order to gain any nourishment from it.
Deb well thanks. I am most concerned aobut its ability to feed once the snow falls and it can't get to the grazing areas etc. It sure did that a lot last year. I do know there are some others in the area who stop and feed it also. Bread most likely. I am sure it needs more than that to get through the winter.
OK well I now have some things to go look for. I will have a trunk ful of grain LOL. Off to the craft show :)
So Glo I am thinking to ask at a store like farm and feed or Southern States store if you have one there. A farm store would know what grains to feed him/her.
Well I am sure I will be off to the local Farm and Fleet store either after the craft show or maybe tomorrow after work. Argh those places are going to be so busy today. Farm and Fleet has huge awesome toy sale all weekend. Maybe I will buy a bag of cracked corn to get us through the weekend along with bread :) and head to the Farmstore on Monday.
Deb, sorry about you friends' father.......Wanda, hubby has two wonderful sisters, my sil' lives in Annapolis, and the other lives in Braddock Heights, community right nest to Jo in Middletown, they have met it other at Mass.
The animals are going to need their Snowshoes at the Snowman Cam ! Really getting deep. I saw some pretty little does there overnight...snow must have moved in since then.
Thank you all for the kind thoughts. I spoke with Jan this morning and everyone is doing better today. The hurt is still there, but the worry has been lifted. I don't think they all realized how much stress they were under, as you just deal with it and move on. Jan said her mom is so much calmer today than she has been in a long time.
My computer doesn't like that new site, shuts everything down. I have the newest Quicktime, so that isn't the problem. I will have to try it in Firefox and see if it works there.
DEB, that is pretty much the way it was when my Dad died. Of course, we loved him more than words can say, but after watching him go from a big, strong man, to a very thin man who could not walk or talk, I prayed for God to take him...and when he did, we were all relieved, not only for him, but for ourselves. Watching a loved one die a little at a time is very stressful.
Thursday, November 27 Happy Thanksgiving to all from the Zoo Atlanta Staff!
The pandas will not be enjoying a turkey feast today, instead they will get to enjoy their primary diet of bamboo (and mom's milk for the cub). Two weeks ago I mentioned they were enjoying black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) and bambusoides bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides), but all three bears have since moved on to other types. Lun Lun, Yang Yang, and Mei Lan are really enjoying a species called yellow groove (Phyllostachys aureosulcata). They are still primarily eating the leaves but will nibble at the culm. The second species we are offering is henon (Phyllostachys nigra henon). Lun Lun seems to love to eat the leaves while Yang Yang and Mei Lan are “hit and miss” about the selection. Although the Zoo is closed on Thanksgiving Day, many of the animal care staff will be spending the day taking care of the animals. They all need to be fed, spend time outside, and have their enclosures cleaned like any other day. Working on holidays and weekends is a labor of love that the animal care staff does willingly because the animals always come first. Kate Roca Carnivore Keeper II
Good morning after, fowl friends! Hope everyone is recuperating from their RG festivities....I am still dragging. It was a long and yum, but tiring. Got home late and crashed! Daughter accidently put my leftover turkey in her bag, so I don't have any for a! Now trying to catch up on blog and emails! Sorry about your friends' loss, Deb. But can understand the relief along with the sadness. Margie knows only too well the toll that horrible disease takes on all.
Sorry I missed the parade, so didn't see "your" band, Deb! Glo, I don't get the emails, either!! Guess feedblitz just doesn't like me and Wanda!! Candy, your day must have been very interesting!! Where is the Christmas Shoppe you go to? The one in Manteo that I always visited shut down a couple of years ago...didn't know there was another one!
Good Morning the Day After... Deb my thoughts for your friend and her family is that they will soon find peace. I am sure your concern for your friend will help her through this time.
Well from all reports other then a skunk here and there and Margy's not having any pie, everyone's day was filled with family & friends and many things for which to be thankful. As Norma would say - Life is Good!
Lolly, can totally sympathize w/ your skunk ordeal....had no idea that they finally came up w/ a product that really works!!! Thank goodness, I've never had a repeat experience...once was was about 20 yrs. ago and it was probably one of the worst things I've ever had to deal with.
Firefox shuts down, too. The same thing happens whenever I try to open any site that uses Quicktime, lately. I wonder if there is a bug in the new Quicktime for Mac's.
Wellll, I guess I had a little trouble with Caltran Eagle site too....couldn't move around or refresh anything....will watch you guys talk about it and see what's a good idea....First time I opened it up, no problem, second time, same as you guys, pokey pokey pokey!
Goose at Snowman Cam is beginning to resemble a Ghost !
Glo I am getting the Feedblitz emails...but I have not checked everything out yet....that's my treat for in the morning when I get off work.
Well, speaking of which, I check in at 6 pm for 12 hrs, so it is time for that old Panda Nap...and the Pie Dreams!
Great so See Everyone...
Good Friday to Everyone, hope wellness increases and sorrows lessen. xo ♥ ♥
Mr. Bill's mother is back in the hospital..released Weds. but taken to WInchester yesterday by with congestive heart failure. Also, forgot to tell you that my SIL got injured Tues. at work. They were doing a training exercise and the fire was so hot that the heat went through his turnout coat and he got 2° burns on his shoulder. Protocol called for him to be taken to Washington Hospital Center (burn unit), but luckily he was treated and released. But they put him off work til can be reevaluated there on Monday...we teased him (with great thankfulness!) that it was a heck of way to get TG holiday off!
Paula, I can look at the sites, but the minute I touch them with my mouse, down everything goes. Isn't that weird? I have to ask my Mac friend if he knows why that happens.
Incidentally, I don't recall having that particular QuickTime problem, but generally if you "uninstall" something, you should restart Windows BEFORE trying to "reinstall" the software. That helps clear the system of the old before beginning again.
It would be a good idea when you delete it to do a "search" for remnant files and remove as many as you are sure relate also.
Thanks for well wishes! No, Jim, don't have any desire to get into the madness on Black Friday!! Used to do it when I was a teen, tho'! Thank goodness, I grew up!! I will try the Caltran now and see what happens...not feeling very optimistic after reading about problems...LOL!
My problem isn't Caltran it is Quicktime. As long as I don't touch the site, it will stay open. That just doesn't work all the time. The minute my mouse touches it, down everything goes.
Thanks for all the info folks. I am back from the Craft show slightly poorer than when I left.
I have copied info from a website that I think will give me a good idea of a variety fo things to feed Mr Goose from Feeding the fowl of this world LOL
I am off to buy some cracked corn at the local grocery and Dex and I are off to the Marina. Well after the turkey sandwich we will share. :)
Hi All! Well, I usually do NOT go shopping on Black Friday, however Laurel wanted me to go with her. It is the only day she has for shopping except for weekends. So, off we went at 9 this morning. She had a very successful day getting what she wanted on her list. The stores were not all that bad, however we did hear that it was really crowded much earlier. That is crazy!
I could not get on the new cam site. Don't have the correct Quick time. Will check it out later.
Jack just came in and said lets go outside. We finally have fall color. BBL
People at Snow Man Cam, gorgeous cardinal at Okie...there was an equally gorgeous BlueJay a few mins ago..
Good "Morning" Everyone !
Phooey, make that invisible cardinal now...
Wow, Caltran put on a show. I have cut and pasted all your suggestions over to word pad and will attack it Saturday! Too much action to be missing....☺
Whoo Boy ! I am trying to tell you I think there is an Eagle at the Top Rock at West End...I think the IWS site is giving me problems too....don't know if it will still be there..I have been in la-la land for about 7 or 8 minutes...
Anyone on here seen a yellow-bellied sapsucker? They are very nice, though it always makes me think they need a Bath! Just their colorings. Hairy Woodies are nice too, see one at Swanging Bradge from time to time...
Hello to all..hope to see the Southern Delegation on here sometime or another
But for now, it is time for me to beckon the fairy....
Catch you all one time before I head out...
Oh yeah, Black Friday, I guess because sales are good and puts merchants in the "black" - that does not sound so bad after all. And hunting friend says hunting in WV - you can start half hour before sunrise, and end half hour after sunset...
Gun Turkey season ended here on Saturday, archery season remains open til the end of the year...
He tuckered out. Bless his heart. He really has the want too.
Margy, the Southern Delegation is doing pretty good. I just finished putting my tree together, now to decorate it. I have surrendered and got a fake tree. I did not surrender easily but I did. I so love a real tree.
Thursday November 27, 2008 The falcons have left the building. Alcoa Anglesea has reached the end of another successful falcon breeding season. The three chicks for 2008 - Midnight, Rocket and Stan - have taken flight. Here is one of the last pictures with all three boys at the nest box. We hope you have enjoyed the 2008 season on the web and that you'll tune in again in 2009. If you have any feedback on the information and images we have provided this year, please contact us at
Okay Eagle ♀ and ♂ Buds, it's that time.... Fairy suggested Bibs, she thinks there is pie in my future . She also found me some RED !
When I grow up, I think I want to be a Pastry Chef !
Just heard and saw a pile of gaggle of geese fly over..they sounded like Canada Geese, but they sure looked, I will have to ponder this. I think they were too low for Tundras.
Hope you all can look South, South West and see Venus (bottom) and Jupiter (top) getting very cozy towards each other. Tomorrow night, maybe, just maybe we will see the Newborn Moon...might have to wait 'til Sunday though....
I love you guys and would rather stay home and play!
I thought one was going to come in by itself, but he has to help them.
I had to do the same with my dogs, but I used treats to train them. I didn't get a doggie door until they were about 5 years old. They wanted nothing to do with it, finally food worked.
i have one more load of laundry to put in the dryer. I got my Christmas lights put up today, need to pack up all my fall stuff yet and start on the inside. I like to put the lights up on a nice day, and today was beautiful.
A Walmart employee was trampled to death this morning by shoppers. They took the doors off the hinges, knocked him down and ran right over him. Four shoppers were also taken to the hospital. It happened in Long Island.
1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»Thank you Steve ! ☺ ♥ I'll try to get the others.....Happy Friday to you ! xox
Thanks for the heads up on the new thread Margy and thanks Steve and the gang for giving it to us. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families, NCTC people. We sure are thankful for you.
Off to see if I can find WANDA and GENE having coffee together again this morning; two lovebirds. :)
Good morning everyone. Guess you don't do the 5 am shopping thing LOL. I don't either BUT I am going to the Craft Show at the Expo after coffee and dog treats.
If anyone knows what to feed a graylag goose I would love the info. They do not fish. He is so friendly I feel he may have been dropped off at the marina in the spring but from what I have read they graze. Once the snow hits and stays for any length of time I am very concerned for his survival. I do see folks including myself bringing bread for him as well as the many many ducks aroudn but not sure that is going to sustain a bird this size when winter really sets in. HELP!!!
Candy, Yes, I was having coffee with THE GREAT WHITE HUNTER!
I guess both you girls are gone now, sorry I missed you. I was soooo tired last night, that I turned in early and slept late this morning. We had 11 at our dinner and it seemed as if it took longer to clean up after dinner than it did, preparing the dinner.
It was a wonderful time, I love my family so much.
Sounds like you dinner with D-I-L's family turned out JUST RIGHT!
GLO, a diet of chicken feed would probably sufice...what a BIG HEART you have. That is why we love you!
By the way...haven't gotten any emails from Glo's Glimpses. Am I missing them, or is Glo still glimpsing? :)
Good morning everyone. We had a great Thanksgiving at Helen's SIL 12 adults and Maggie and Molly. Food was great. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, Berger cookies, other cookies and fresh whipped cream and Jay asked for ice cream and his sister forgot to get it. Lots of laughter.
Deb so sorry for your friends loss. It is especially hard around the holidays to lose some one
I do not go near the stores this weekend.BBL all this talk of food is making me hungry
Oh No, more Pie talk! I am doomed !
Hi Ceil, sounds Wonderful !
Wow, cleaned up computer and things are really zippy now..
GLO - at one of the city parks they sell little pellets to feed the ducks and geese, they try to discourage people from dropping bread into the water. But, I don't know what those pellets are!
Howdy Everyone
Eagles at BWO sure are looking nice....The two White Gull pics made the page too....goofy looking bird! xox ♥
Wow, Wanda, sleeping in til a little after 8 - how decadent !! Shame on you!
LOL xoxo
Glo maybe at the pet store they could tell you whether some guinea pig food or hamster food would be ok to feed them. That food has all sorts of vitamins in it.
Ceil - I plan on using YOUR mailing address this morning... ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ Hint Hint!
Deb...your friend has a blessing in you for comfort and support at this time of loss.
Prayers for you, and all who are facing this sadness. ♥
Margy fantastic Thank you. Can hardly wait?
Good Morning, Ceil, glad you had a nice time yesterday. I'll just bet Maggie and Molly were the STARS of the day ;) Dinner was where? Helen's sister in law? Haven't heard about her. She is a brave soul and very generous, too.
DEB, I never thought of the illness of Alzheimers in the way that you described, but so very true....Upon death, that person has been lost to family twice.
It is a terrible disease. When my Dad was in the Nursing Home, I saw many Alzheimer patients ( a first for me). My thoughts were, these people have no life and DEATH WILL HAVE NO STING FOR THEM.
Time to think about breakfast in the Wright house. Turkey sandwiches? Noooo, not yet;)
..And just why not, Wanda? Turkey sandwiches and pumpkin pie for breakfast sounds just perfect to me!
Headed out to the Post Office, gotta pull my Red things on again...
I hear Eagles in Maine, and crows..
TTFN xox ♥
Yes There are several Glo's Glimpse's. Hmmm not sure why you aren't getting them Wanda . I haven't even checked the subscription list as Feedblitz does that not me. I can get into the info though and see if you are there. Check your spam filter.
I don't throw the bread into the water. It gets scarfed up as soon as it hits the grass or pavement between the ducks, gulls and Mr Goose.
Mr Goose is a feature for yesterdays Glo's Glimpses if you haven't met him yet.
OK well I will check Farm and Fleet here. I think they have bulk kinds of grains etc and can find something. I know cracked corn is on the menu.
Sounds like everyone had a nice Thanksgiving (us included). We got to share not only with family but with our neighbors from place we moved from. So much smiles, fun, laughter, and memories.
Those that are waiting like Sissy and family. I'm sure will enjoy their Thanksgiving meal and enjoy each others company.
Margy you must get that pumpkin pie or you'll be dreaming of it. ( :
Candy so glad things went well with the Thanksgiving get together. It's always hard when their is a divorce; both parents wanting daughter to be with them.
Deb sorry for you and your friends lose. Prayers for you and your friends family.
My uncle had Parkinsons disease. During time my aunt had cancer she had to put him in a nursing home. Believe me you loose them once and they loose themselves. Same with Alzheimer's patients. They know things one time and other times not. My uncle said, "I here today, gone today, and when I die I'll be gone forever". He knew and he was a wonderful and great man.
Bet Norma is having a find time at the Fox Hunt. Go Norma gal!!
Glo you are smart lady not to through the bread in the water. Some doesn't get eaten and causes a bacteria. That bacteria makes the ducks and geese sick. We had ask and always went across the street by the park. To southern states and got cracked corn for the ducks and geese.
Good morning, everyone.
Glo, we have some geese year round here, they eat just about anything. Here is what I found:
on land - grasses, marsh grass, berries, seeds
in water - pond plants, tubers, roots, algae
also feed on crops like clover, alfalfa, wheat, rye, corn, barley, oats and grain left in farmers' fields after the harvest
Yes Wanda I checked. I do see you on the subscription list and you have a green light so that means to me they are sending them and having no problems getting the feed to you. I get a red light if your email is full or you unsubscribe and a yellow if they are having problems with the delivery.
You can always just join the follower button at the top instead of FeedBlitz if you like. Then you can see all new feeds on your dashboard.
Glo Greylag geese will work their away across the fields, nibbling the more nutritious growing shoots of the grass or cereal crop. Grass, by itself, is not particularly high in nutrients, and geese have to eat almost continuously in order to gain any nourishment from it.
Deb well thanks. I am most concerned aobut its ability to feed once the snow falls and it can't get to the grazing areas etc. It sure did that a lot last year. I do know there are some others in the area who stop and feed it also. Bread most likely. I am sure it needs more than that to get through the winter.
OK well I now have some things to go look for. I will have a trunk ful of grain LOL.
Off to the craft show :)
Hey bet they sell goose clothes there tee hee
They eat grass, roots, cereal leaves and spilled grain.
So Glo I am thinking to ask at a store like farm and feed or Southern States store if you have one there. A farm store would know what grains to feed him/her.
Morning all!
Guess I'll stop checking on our cam!
Eagle at BWO
Please don't feed the ducks or geese's not good for them! Cracked corn is much better!
Well I am sure I will be off to the local Farm and Fleet store either after the craft show or maybe tomorrow after work. Argh those places are going to be so busy today. Farm and Fleet has huge awesome toy sale all weekend. Maybe I will buy a bag of cracked corn to get us through the weekend along with bread :) and head to the Farmstore on Monday.
Thanks folks.
Company later
Squirrel was just having a field day in the Maine Nest, up and around, in and out again.
Wow, have you all seen the Sunflower postage stamps? Awesome!
Well, hello again.
Hello again, Eagle Friends!!
Deb, sorry about you friends' father.......Wanda, hubby has two wonderful sisters, my sil' lives in Annapolis, and the other lives in Braddock Heights, community right nest to Jo in Middletown, they have met it other at Mass.
The animals are going to need their Snowshoes at the Snowman Cam ! Really getting deep. I saw some pretty little does there overnight...snow must have moved in since then.
Paula :
That Caltran Eagles nest site is a beauty!
Puppies having a blast and the sound is back on! Wa Hoo !
They look like little Foxes !
Thank you all for the kind thoughts. I spoke with Jan this morning and everyone is doing better today. The hurt is still there, but the worry has been lifted. I don't think they all realized how much stress they were under, as you just deal with it and move on. Jan said her mom is so much calmer today than she has been in a long time.
Magpie - My brother said they Shiba Inu's look like Akita's. I would have to agree.
I looked up the Shiba Inu dog....only get to 18" and 23 lbs....small hunting dogs of boars and bear!
You can see the highway at the Caltrans site....
My computer doesn't like that new site, shuts everything down. I have the newest Quicktime, so that isn't the problem. I will have to try it in Firefox and see if it works there.
DEB, that is pretty much the way it was when my Dad died. Of course, we loved him more than words can say, but after watching him go from a big, strong man, to a very thin man who could not walk or talk, I prayed for God to take him...and when he did, we were all relieved, not only for him, but for ourselves. Watching a loved one die a little at a time is very stressful.
Shuts my 'puter down too, Ceil.
Thursday update from Atlanta...
Thursday, November 27
Happy Thanksgiving to all from the Zoo Atlanta Staff!
The pandas will not be enjoying a turkey feast today, instead they will get to enjoy their primary diet of bamboo (and mom's milk for the cub). Two weeks ago I mentioned they were enjoying black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra) and bambusoides bamboo (Phyllostachys bambusoides), but all three bears have since moved on to other types. Lun Lun, Yang Yang, and Mei Lan are really enjoying a species called yellow groove (Phyllostachys aureosulcata). They are still primarily eating the leaves but will nibble at the culm. The second species we are offering is henon (Phyllostachys nigra henon). Lun Lun seems to love to eat the leaves while Yang Yang and Mei Lan are “hit and miss” about the selection. Although the Zoo is closed on Thanksgiving Day, many of the animal care staff will be spending the day taking care of the animals. They all need to be fed, spend time outside, and have their enclosures cleaned like any other day. Working on holidays and weekends is a labor of love that the animal care staff does willingly because the animals always come first.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II
Friday update not yet available
eagle BWO
Good morning after, fowl friends! Hope everyone is recuperating from their RG festivities....I am still dragging. It was a long and yum, but tiring. Got home late and crashed! Daughter accidently put my leftover turkey in her bag, so I don't have any for a!
Now trying to catch up on blog and emails!
Sorry about your friends' loss, Deb. But can understand the relief along with the sadness. Margie knows only too well the toll that horrible disease takes on all.
UPDATE AT BWO.........
We haven't seen many gulls on the Osprey Cam platform over the years, but we had one the other day.
Opinion seems to be that it was a herring gull...
That surprises me since it is in such close proximity to the ocean
I heard it works good in Firefox...
Sorry I missed the parade, so didn't see "your" band, Deb!
Glo, I don't get the emails, either!! Guess feedblitz just doesn't like me and Wanda!!
Candy, your day must have been very interesting!! Where is the Christmas Shoppe you go to? The one in Manteo that I always visited shut down a couple of years ago...didn't know there was another one!
Tai and Tian are having a chat:)
Good Morning the Day After...
Deb my thoughts for your friend and her family is that they will soon find peace. I am sure your concern for your friend will help her through this time.
Well from all reports other then a skunk here and there and Margy's not having any pie, everyone's day was filled with family & friends and many things for which to be thankful.
As Norma would say - Life is Good!
Lolly, can totally sympathize w/ your skunk ordeal....had no idea that they finally came up w/ a product that really works!!! Thank goodness, I've never had a repeat experience...once was was about 20 yrs. ago and it was probably one of the worst things I've ever had to deal with.
Puppies have really taken a toll on their turkey!
Firefox shuts down, too. The same thing happens whenever I try to open any site that uses Quicktime, lately. I wonder if there is a bug in the new Quicktime for Mac's.
Wellll, I guess I had a little trouble with Caltran Eagle site too....couldn't move around or refresh anything....will watch you guys talk about it and see what's a good idea....First time I opened it up, no problem, second time, same as you guys, pokey pokey pokey!
Goose at Snowman Cam is beginning to resemble a Ghost !
Glo I am getting the Feedblitz emails...but I have not checked everything out yet....that's my treat for in the morning when I get off work.
Well, speaking of which, I check in at 6 pm for 12 hrs, so it is time for that old Panda Nap...and the Pie Dreams!
Great so See Everyone...
Good Friday to Everyone, hope wellness increases and sorrows lessen.
xo ♥ ♥
Eating some brunch - then need to have blood work done - don't have to fast for this one....
I removed all of the old Quicktime stuff and am starting over, will let you know if it helps.
2 eagles at BWO
I had to uninstall and reinstall the newest Quicktime on my Windows XP....
On my Windows 2000 at work, it worked without any problems.
...paula...forget to mention that i love your new avatar, i am whispering so no one knows i didn't get to bed yet...but now i really am going...shhhhh
Mr. Bill's mother is back in the hospital..released Weds. but taken to WInchester yesterday by with congestive heart failure.
Also, forgot to tell you that my SIL got injured Tues. at work. They were doing a training exercise and the fire was so hot that the heat went through his turnout coat and he got 2° burns on his shoulder. Protocol called for him to be taken to Washington Hospital Center (burn unit), but luckily he was treated and released. But they put him off work til can be reevaluated there on Monday...we teased him (with great thankfulness!) that it was a heck of way to get TG holiday off!
back away from the computer, Margy.
what is the differecnce between Quick tme and Quick set....?
The other firefighters on his shift were the big losers....he's the chief cook!! So they may not have had the feast that they had hoped for!
that's a shame, Lynn:(
Hedgie - hope they can clear up Bill's Mom's issues, will keep them in my thoughts...
Glad SIL is OK
Wow, Lynn, he is so lucky that it wasn't worse. I am glad he will be ok.
Prayer's for Bill's mother.
Quicktime is the player...I think Quickset is the plugin....
All I know, is if it doesn't work, uninstall and reinstall Quicktime....newest version is 7.5.5 for XP
Quickset is for Dell computers:
Quickset.exe is a process belonging to Dell computers which allows you to access power management diagnostics and settings.
It didn't work for me. It still shuts everything down. I can't watch the Oregon site anymore, either. :(
*** TO ALL [:~D] ***
How many of you shop today??
Believe it or not, I have never shopped on the day after Thanksgiving in my life!
But I might today, cause I got a specific idea of something I want to get this time.
Fishcrows at BWO
gatcha...thanks, so just uninstall quicktime, not quick set?
Ruh Roh, Deb...
From what I read Quickset and Quicktime don't have anything to do with each other, so Yes, just take out Quicktime.
Paula, I can look at the sites, but the minute I touch them with my mouse, down everything goes. Isn't that weird? I have to ask my Mac friend if he knows why that happens.
Incidentally, I don't recall having that particular QuickTime problem, but generally if you "uninstall" something, you should restart Windows BEFORE trying to "reinstall" the software. That helps clear the system of the old before beginning again.
It would be a good idea when you delete it to do a "search" for remnant files and remove as many as you are sure relate also.
installed the new quicktime, just in time to see eagle at Caltran cam
was doing nestorations, now on branch, can see the highway in the background
just flew off
just flew back in with more sticks
Thanks for well wishes!
No, Jim, don't have any desire to get into the madness on Black Friday!! Used to do it when I was a teen, tho'! Thank goodness, I grew up!!
I will try the Caltran now and see what happens...not feeling very optimistic after reading about problems...LOL!
Wow...can't believe that I have no problems with Caltran. BEautiful site...two adulots in nest, working away on nestorations!!!
My problem isn't Caltran it is Quicktime. As long as I don't touch the site, it will stay open. That just doesn't work all the time. The minute my mouse touches it, down everything goes.
I am getting beautiful reception on the Caltrans Eagle Cam. Both eagles in nest - they remind me of Our eagle couple. One in nest now.
You do time out after 20 min.. & need then to restart. I kept looking and then realized all the traffic had stopped!.. lol
You have some outside cats to help with that mouse, you know! lol
Both back in the nest again.
(Couldn't resist that remark, Deb)
they do remind you of Belle and Lib.
As long as I don't readjust anything once it is open, I am ok. The picture is very clear. Is there supposed to be sound?
Too bad I can't move my mouse outside and delete the cats!!
My volume is turned up on the pc and at the cam - NO SOUNDS
I had one this morning, darn it. I am going to the farm store today for chicken wire fencing.
Thanks, I was hoping I didn't have to try and figure that out, too. It is a very beautiful view when the eagle is in the nest.
I can move around through the site w/o trouble.
Wonder if Anne Marie has ever visited Turtle Bay??
Eagle at Caltrans
Ha - see ya'll saw the pretty eagle!
Up on 11 branch, preening
both have been in and out, Paula
feeding time at Atlanta
Pretty fall colors around the Caltrans tree
Fishcrows at BWO
PH nest had visitors this morning, too
Thanks for all the info folks. I am back from the Craft show slightly poorer than when I left.
I have copied info from a website that I think will give me a good idea of a variety fo things to feed Mr Goose from Feeding the fowl of this world LOL
I am off to buy some cracked corn at the local grocery and Dex and I are off to the Marina. Well after the turkey sandwich we will share. :)
Hummer babies growing quick!
just saw a cardinal at caltran nest
Boardwalk down the ocean is as crowded as it is in the summertime
eagle back at BWO
Asian Trail
Otter Sisters out & about
Clouded Leopards are no where
Fishing cat is prowling
2 A cam Sloth bear visible
Mama Hummer feeding both chicks
Awww hummer babe spread its little winglets!
Eagle at BWO...
Getting dark in Maine
Mama is mostly off the hummer chicks now.
Hi All! Well, I usually do NOT go shopping on Black Friday, however Laurel wanted me to go with her. It is the only day she has for shopping except for weekends. So, off we went at 9 this morning. She had a very successful day getting what she wanted on her list. The stores were not all that bad, however we did hear that it was really crowded much earlier. That is crazy!
I could not get on the new cam site. Don't have the correct Quick time. Will check it out later.
Jack just came in and said lets go outside. We finally have fall color. BBL
People at Snow Man Cam, gorgeous cardinal at Okie...there was an equally gorgeous BlueJay a few mins ago..
Good "Morning" Everyone !
Phooey, make that invisible cardinal now...
Wow, Caltran put on a show. I have cut and pasted all your suggestions over to word pad and will attack it Saturday! Too much action to be missing....☺
Invisible people too at Snowman cam..,.just don't believe a word I say on here ! sorry for the relapse for Mr Bill's mother...prayer network is up and running, no slowdowns there !
okay cardinal back.
"gorgeous" and "beautiful" are hard to type....pretty is much easier..
Paula, I open up Pelican Harbor and the other California IWS sites often...miss out seeing things most of the time...Wah...
Seven Springs is Rockin'! -Light show coming up....looks like fun...and cold, and blowy and snowy
I love the Okie cam, Margy, watch it a lot during the day...always some beautiful bird stopping by to feed
pic of wall in Atlanta, probably taking luney for weight check, since this is Friday
Whoo Boy ! I am trying to tell you I think there is an Eagle at the Top Rock at West End...I think the IWS site is giving me problems too....don't know if it will still be there..I have been in la-la land for about 7 or 8 minutes...
Yes, MITS - It is a very nice site....woodpeckers and all other kinds of beauties....and the photo gallery is awesome!
Yepper - I think it is an Eagle at West End, just surveying the water for chow probably...
Hey, are ya'll watching Luney?
He is trying so hard. He is gonna get that butt off of the floor yet.
Anyone on here seen a yellow-bellied sapsucker? They are very nice, though it always makes me think they need a Bath! Just their colorings. Hairy Woodies are nice too, see one at Swanging Bradge from time to time...
Hello to all..hope to see the Southern Delegation on here sometime or another
But for now, it is time for me to beckon the fairy....
Catch you all one time before I head out...
Oh yeah, Black Friday, I guess because sales are good and puts merchants in the "black" - that does not sound so bad after all. And hunting friend says hunting in WV - you can start half hour before sunrise, and end half hour after sunset...
Gun Turkey season ended here on Saturday, archery season remains open til the end of the year...
He tuckered out. Bless his heart. He really has the want too.
Margy, the Southern Delegation is doing pretty good. I just finished putting my tree together, now to decorate it. I have surrendered and got a fake tree. I did not surrender easily but I did. I so love a real tree.
Thursday November 27, 2008
The falcons have left the building. Alcoa Anglesea has reached the end of another successful falcon breeding season. The three chicks for 2008 - Midnight, Rocket and Stan - have taken flight. Here is one of the last pictures with all three boys at the nest box. We hope you have enjoyed the 2008 season on the web and that you'll tune in again in 2009. If you have any feedback on the information and images we have provided this year, please contact us at
Plum tuckered out, I mean. I would give anything to just snuggle him one time, just anything!!
Gotta go for a while. See ya'll in a bit. BBL.
Deer headed toward the snowman
Puppies are growing! Doggie door now and they are having a ball - In & Out!!
Okay Eagle ♀ and ♂ Buds, it's that time....
Fairy suggested Bibs, she thinks there is pie in my future . She also found me some RED !
When I grow up, I think I want to be a Pastry Chef !
Just heard and saw a pile of gaggle of geese fly over..they sounded like Canada Geese, but they sure looked, I will have to ponder this. I think they were too low for Tundras.
Hope you all can look South, South West and see Venus (bottom) and Jupiter (top) getting very cozy towards each other. Tomorrow night, maybe, just maybe we will see the Newborn Moon...might have to wait 'til Sunday though....
I love you guys and would rather stay home and play!
Love, Peace, and Prayers xo ♥ ♥
" Pile of Gaggle of Geese? "
Duh, you know what I mean ! ☺
Here's some interesting info about the aquila constellation. It means eagle! Be sure to read down to the mythology part!!
Eagle stars
racoons at PA
Goose is unrecognizable on the snowman cam!
deer RDHC
Cams are pretty quite, but the puppies are waking up. Coons still at Pix PA, but snowman and rdhc are empty.
Raccoon at RDHC, puppies didn't wake up. :(
Two puppies are up, checking out the doggie door.
And they are all up, mr and mrs. must have gotten home.
Out the doggie door with all of them.
Now he is trying to get them to come back in.
that is funny, teaching the puppies to come and go...:)
Two in, four out.
I thought one was going to come in by itself, but he has to help them.
I had to do the same with my dogs, but I used treats to train them. I didn't get a doggie door until they were about 5 years old. They wanted nothing to do with it, finally food worked.
Puppies are all in...good girl!
all in.....:)
Human coming in...
I think they turned the sound off.
yep no sound here right now
Doing something with the door again...lost my sound...
Think he secured it so it's open
Puppy sound is back
I am trying to get my snowman to move, might have to try a new one.
We have sound again.
Whatcha doing Deb and Mits?
I am waiting for my cheesecake to bake :):)
Good luck, Deb. Don't know how you got the other one to work....Blogger doesn't like my moving PB pictures anymore :(
i have one more load of laundry to put in the dryer. I got my Christmas lights put up today, need to pack up all my fall stuff yet and start on the inside. I like to put the lights up on a nice day, and today was beautiful.
Pupppy was investigating the cam...
yum...cheesecake....dinner is tomorrow night, Paula?
follow the leader out the door.
foody time....
I am not having any luck this time, Paula.
Awww dinnertime!
Don't think it likes my animated pic either
trying to get pups out the door...think they want to play...moved food bowl outside
wonder why it likes the animated stuff sometimes and not other times?
Regular WWF match going on!!LOL
Too bad, there are lots of cute snowmen out there.
This one tried to move, but nope.
IDK Mits....if Photobucket is hosting the pic, it should used to...but now it doesn't
Okay, I give up.
I had that one last year, Deb :)
Are you putting your on PB or uploading them to blogger, Deb
They are rowdy pups tonight!
LOL, had that one too Deb.
YEAH, I found one that works.
good one, Deb:)
I just save them to my desktop. I think that is why the simple ones work for me. Not much moving in the two that I got to work.
Deb, the question is are you loading them directly into your profile...
Yes, I am, save them to my desktop and then load it using the "from your computer" choice.
Hmmm, I'll have to try it that way.
I guess that isn't really directly, but you get the idea.
Let's see...
Looks like it has to do with the filesize...will work with very small files...
Well, that is a very hyper snowman. Had too much excitement over Thanksgiving.
Ladies, looks like you are having fun...can I play too? lol
2 puppies still rasslin
Deer at RDHC.
Paula, I found out if it doesn't move on my desktop, no point in trying it on here.
Oh, good, you got one. I never thought of file size. Last load of laundry in the dryer, so I just have sheets left to fold when they get done.
A Walmart employee was trampled to death this morning by shoppers. They took the doors off the hinges, knocked him down and ran right over him. Four shoppers were also taken to the hospital. It happened in Long Island.
Well Jumping Snowman and snowing on
Snowman. Wintry to say the least!
Looks good.
All is quiet....everyone has gone home. Laurel left a little while ago with the boys bathed and ready for bed. I am ready to rest!☺
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