Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday 17 July

New thread for a very warm day.


floralgirl said...

New thread!! Thank you Steve- MT nest 9:32

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No word from Nilla.

Under the tree? Under the tree?
Please give us your comments, please give us your comments,
Nilla please, Nilla please!

Thanks for the new thread!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning! I haven't read the morning's comments but can tell by these that NILLA is missing.. I waited up until midnight to hear from her..
floralgirl you may be the closest to go check out the tree. Maybe she climbed up and can't get down with so many turtle shells in her hands--she should have taken a bag to put them in. But then, we would see her on the cam... We just need some Eagle Patience this morning...
Hi Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Jo.

floralgirl said...

yeah I thought maybe she was still camped out by the tree, much too HOT to still be out there though.Patiently waiting to hear... Back outside for a while to work.Check back later.

Just Vicky said...

Maybe she took some "coolers" with her and passed out under the tree?? She sure needs to check in with us as our imaginations are going to run wild!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just watching the BW ospreys first fledgling. What a beautiful first flight. A little wobbly on the second flight but nonetheless beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVEN. Stay Cool!!

Anonymous said...

LATE GOOD A.M. EVERYONE----I bet Nilla took a bag of sticks w/her & can't make up her mind which to choose----LOVE HER SENSE OF HUMOR--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like BW may have another fledgling! I only see 2 in the nest and a parent.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, maybe not about the BW osprey. It is hard to tell between the parents and babies.

Just Vicky said...

I called it quits at midnight Illinois time, which would have been 1:00 a.m. eastern and there was someone down in the 5:00 position lounging, perhaps it did not spend the whole night.

Mema Jo said...

MITS Will email you later with some computer talk.
It was great having the live feed all weekend - we really would have missed a lot of action. What do you think is in the nest around 2:00 position? Shadows won't let me decide what it is.

Anonymous said...

SHARON, I have been watching the BW Ospreys----they are truly a beautiful sight in flight---even when they wobble a bit--wish we could see our eaglets SOARING---Nilla w/give us a play-by-play--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

10:42 a.m. MT nest. I can't tell what is at 2 o'clock but they do have a forked stick they could use to find water with!

Just Vicky said...

It was just wonderful having the live cam all weekend! What a treat!!

Anonymous said...

MITS---I was out last night---reading comments this a.m.---did I read that you were getting a CRAVING for a chocolate nut sundae in the middle of the night????

Just Vicky said...

Does everyone know that you can adjust the video on Real Player? It did help with Spidey but he sure can be a nuisance to say the least!

Anonymous said...

Has that branch that looks like it has falling into the nest and is lodged there been there in other pics? I thought all around the nest it was clear for take-offs and landings. Might be shadows from the leaves blowing in the breeze. They are probably down by the riverside, down by the riverside, down by the riverside, c'mon everyone let me hear you sing, down by the riverside. Ok, heat has taken control and I'm not outside, must be because I've been awake since 2:45a.m.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, it is supposed to get up to 91° in Bluefield today. May be a lemonade day tomorrow!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

For those of you who don't know (and most of you probably don't and might not even care) Bluefield, WV is known as nature's air conditioned city. If the temperature breaks 90°, the next day the whole town is served lemonade. Pretty cool tradition.

Anonymous said...

Not really a craving, NORMA, but since I was awake, the local sub shop stays open til 4:00a.m. and was afraid I would get tempted to go visit it before it closed.

Anonymous said...

My eyes are deceiving me, thought I saw an eaglet in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits you are probably hallucinating from not enough sleep!

floralgirl said...

Alright Mits- I don't see any eagle in the nest,lots of shadows-must be lack of sleep or the heat getting to you.Did someone mention chocolate sundaes??mmmm.

Anonymous said...

SHARON What a nice tradition.

Mema Jo said...

MITS You stay off the OC streets at 4am in the morning-craving or not!
VicKy-IL What exactly do you mean by adjusting the video on RealPlayer? I might need to do it.
Sharon Lemonade in the shade! I'd need a pitcherfull today here in MD. I have a dental appointment this afternoon - hate to go out! Hate to go to the Dentist! But, what ya going to do. You need teeth to eat!

Anonymous said...

It's funny I don't feel tired,but I know it will hit, but I hope not before I go get a chocolate nut sundae. Now I am craving one, must be sympathy craving for my daughter-in-law

Anonymous said...

Yes, MEMA JO You can't do that anymore, even down here.

Mema Jo said...



This feeling is as bad as when I went to the Loo and never returned until a couple of hours later...... I guess this is what you call "payback".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Maybe the eaglets had the weekend off and have to be back at training today.

Just Vicky said...

On Real player if you click on the arrows at the top, a slide down shows an option called tools, click on tools go to video controls you can adjust the sharpness by sliding it up and hit to x to exit

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Vicky-IL I'll try it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I remember that "LOO" day really well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, Vicky from commode town, that really helped a lot. I didn't even know that existed. Thanks.

Just Vicky said...

well, anything to help my Momsters see better! I'm too curious I guess, I check all sorts of things out with a computer. I'm sure the ability to record and keep these clips has to be available with Real Player

Just Vicky said...

Be nice not to have to Frap!

Just Vicky said...

I'm going to look into it anyways!

Anonymous said...

SHARON-----You are tempting me---FREE LEMONADE----That would almost be worth the 5-6 hr. drive----I always think of the lemonade when I think of Bluefield----ENJOY---

MEMA---I'll say a prayer--I FEEL YOUR PAIN---I told my dentist I didn't wish to outlive my teeth---
but I am pushing the limits---

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MEMA JO I also remember the LOO DAY, but you were back in 4 hours or so...

Anonymous said...

VICKY-IL--Where did you all get all these computer SMARTS----I have used comp. about 13 yrs.--but I'm a real klutz w/just basic changes---I have always been a birder & have been in awe of our eagle family---but also have learned many computer tips from you young "GENIUSES"---Just noticed I can rewind & frw---Ho-Ho!

Anonymous said...

I would not get on the computer until 2 yrs ago and was terrified. I said to my husband, what if I break it? My husband said to me: "You can't break it , but you can sure mess it up." Truer words were never spoken...I have been known to mess it up, but somehow I always get it back, it may take awhile, but it comes back.

Just Vicky said...

Guess I've just been proned to learn hand on! First off, you have to get over the "fear" that you're going to mess something up! I'm into building web pages now and that's really neat to learn!

Just Vicky said...

It's when you start "deleting" that you really get into trouble!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody else's live feed jerky?

NillaWafer said...

Golly Geee Wizzzz you guys are I had said i had Earthlink canceld at home and waitng on Verizon DSL to come.. lol so no internet at home for few days.. Guess i should have came back in and opened store up to use this Well waited til around 7:30-8:00 to drive over and your right Jo had top off sides doors and windshield so a grand stand seat and the show was just as great as the night before.. they flew in and out .. remember that other large tree to the left of the Sycamore landed there few times.. Once the parents came in and out of the tree sorta fast and flew directly str8t across over the jeep... I do have a video cam small palm held one , next time ill take it along for sure!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon My live feed doesn't appear to be jerking... Really giving me a clear pic! Now if we just had something to look at instead of sticks, leaves & turtle shells...LOL

NillaWafer said...

Well im off check critter Maybe it will cool off enough that some of us could get together the wknd like before if ya'll want.

Mema Jo said...

OH DITZY Sooooo happy to hear from you. Forgot about your DSL!
You have had 2 good nights in a row seeing our kids and their parents!
Good for you!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOPPPSSS!! Forgot all about that,NILLA I have an excuse, I have short-term memory problems, I think, don't know , can't remember!!

Anonymous said...

MITS---you are too kind---Are you still at the beach?? W/love to be there---we used to go to OC when kids were small---was a family beach then-----SUCH FUN---

Just Vicky said...

Oh Nilla, we feel really dumb now!

Anonymous said...

Yes, NORMA, still at the beach. I have to go home for a wedding in Baltimore on August 5th, then right back down till I get word that Baby Kalis is on the way. Did I mention I will be a "1st" time GRANDMOM, must have slipped my mind! Ya know short-term memory and all. :):):)

Anonymous said...

NORMA, Still is a family beach, although the families are a little weirder now. Lot of parents don't like looking out for their younsters.

Just Vicky said...

cams seem to be messing up!

NillaWafer said...

Your forgivin i have the same thing in fact my daughter brought me back this thing to hang in my car window saying I have CRS and you know what that Well checked out critter cams all over and everyone is either nappin or eating so all is well in Animal Wont be any going to the nest tonight i am working til 10 pm so hopefully its getting shady at the nest and maybe 1 will come in for a rest..

Anonymous said...

I think SPUNKY is jumping on the cam!!!

Anonymous said...

Uh-OH!!!! I think the cam is frozen or melting might be a better description.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is gone.

Just Vicky said...

live cam is down for me

Anonymous said...

Spunky did it...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, yes I do remember what you said about your DSL - now I do anyway. Do you feel missed?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My little Spunkster wouldn't do that to me!

Anonymous said...

NILLA---we have missed you---afraid that you had been kidnapped by a critter---AIN'T the same w/out you------what's CRS?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

can't remember s--t! That is CRS!

Mema Jo said...

Cam down - Off to the dentist! Whoopee do! Will check in as soon as I return.
MITS Time for your nap!

I bet Spunky did do it!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Mits i got married once on August 5th, til he got those Over 40 Blues and the Grass is Greener on the other side of the fence. I can handle a woman alot younger,, Oh yeah I am a real Stud Change of Life... Some of ya know what i So after 17 years Pooof gone.. Anyways we talked about that before.. I think Jo and I should come visit Mits..

Mema Jo said...


Anonymous said...

To be continued on other thread and it was just getting good:):):)

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...