Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday July 9

New Thread. Anyone see anything?


Anonymous said...

I was checking in, Sunday 10 am, got to sleep late...No camera today. Everyone have a wonderful Sunday, looks like another great day.

movin said...

Good morning, Cindi and all, from California,

How can you tell there's no camera? It appears to be refreshing to me. AND it is late enough that the whole family could be down at the river fishing or learning the finer details of that vital undertaking.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.


belle_wv said...

Thanks for the new thread.
What is to see, Steven? Can you tell what is in the middle of the nest from the sharper images you have at NCTC? Has anyone gone by the tree to visit?

wvgal_dana said...

I am not sure if the "still pic" is working right or not today.
Thanks for new thread Steve.
If you are looking for something to check out remember today July 9 Sunday is Tai's Panda Cub's Birthday. You can check the site out at:
Just click on the picture of the panda bear or any other animal that has a web cam on there.
May all in eagleland have a good day but

. .

____ SAD FACE NO LIVE FEED for our eagles and eaglets till probaby Monday.

belle_wv said...

Good morning Jim and Cindi,

I hope the kids are having a good hunting and fishing class today. Cam has been stuck since sometime last evening... time updates, but image doesn't. The sun never set on the nest last night according to the cam LOL that's one way to stop time :) How're the eagles doing that you mentioned last night Jim? Is there a cam or a website about them?

belle_wv said...

Good Morning WV Vicky!

Happy Birthday Tai Shan! I have resisted going to see that cam because I know it will be so cute that I won't want to quit watching it either. Maybe today is the day, though. I can resist anything but temptation!

movin said...

Oh yeah, I forgot...
The "strange object" is definitely the packaging from a large "Gorton's Frozen Fillet" dinner the kids had Friday night........


movin said...

Just looked closely at the cam ... no leaves moving. Read mema jo's comment from late last night, so the cam is certainly frozen until Monday ... a thunder storm probably zapped the thing again.

The other bald eagles I mentioned ... Kent (with the "i" next to the camera icon) and Catalina Island (the eaglet is actually at the site shown at the top of Catalina's site) .. are viewable at Both of those eaglets should be fairly close to fledging.


paula eagleholic said...

Belle WV -
There is also a link on the momsters site to the California cams...

Everyone have a great day...absolutely gorgeous here!

paula eagleholic said...

The panda cub gets his first Fruitsicle for his birthday

Mema Jo said...

Good morning out there in Eagleland. I am certain our eagle family is enjoying the beautiful weather today even though I don't think we are going to get any sightings of them. With the live feed down and the live eagle cam messed up-we will just have to look at photos, other blogs and keep the faith that they are soaring high in the sky and fishing in the Potomac!!
Thank you, Steve for the new thread. Monday morning isn't that many hours away when hopefully the cams will be operating... LOL

Mema Jo said...

JIM I just read all the comments on this new thread. I love starting my day with laughter & your description of the mysterious object in the middle of the nest did just that for me. Thank you so much!
Going over to see TaiShan celebrate his birthday..
Hugo seems to be doing great - standing upright all the way on those legs! I still have never seen him being fed due to not looking at the cam at the right time his day.
Everyone get outside & enjoy this weather today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, everybody. Still at Cedar Lakes in Ripley. Hate I can't see anything but enjoyed reading the blog. Jim, that is a wonderful description of what is in the nest! I'll take it! :) Be back home later this evening. Everybody have a wonderful day. Hopefully cam will be back up early in the morning!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Glad you visited us this morning.. Now you know you're not missing anything - the same as us sitting here at our pc's. Enjoy your stay - relax - and have a safe trip home.
NILLA You have a safe ride home in that jeep!
GLO We all know you're having a beautiful day with your special little angel!
wvgal Vicky If you go anywhere-you let all of us know about it!!! LOL

belle_wv said...

Does anyone know what Tai Shan is playing with? It is white and pink and orange?

movin said...

Hey, Eagle lovers,
I just realized ... we could all go watch the "Man of Steel" fly once again ... make a day of it.
What do you think??

Glad you liked my I.D. of the mystery object in the nest.


Anonymous said...

Someone asked what Tai Shan was playing with--it would appear to me it is a "birthday cake" made out of ice. I know they have been receiving fruitcicles regularly. It is also smaller then it was earlier.

At least that is my best guess! He sure has been having fun today. I've been in and out all day and he seems to be active each time I check in on him. At least he's have a great birthday!

Happy weekend all,

Mema Jo said...

Belle wv I have been watching TaiShan & his mother with the item you described. Looks to me to be a 3 tierd Fruitsicle.(sure resembles a cake)... They are both devouring it. The top layer is gone. Great view right now on Cam 2!
Janet M Other then being disappointed not seeing our eagles, sounds like you & hubby had a good time!

glo said...

Hi everyone. WEll its nap time at my house, but I can't sleep LOL N ow aht is that about? Had fun showing Elia off at church this morning. Got to meet lots of people. Company do in about an hour now. OH and I have taken a a picture of Elia with and eagle, watch for my picture to change here in the next couple of days if I remember LOL. Sorry cams are down. I am sure all our little eaglef riends are doing fine.

Mema Jo said...

I guess we have hit an all time low on comments today. Hopefully tomorrow will be different. Sure hope we see our eaglets & Liberty and Belle sometime during the day.

This thread asks the question:
"Anyone see anything?"
This is the answer:
Same old, same old.....
I really don't think Steve realized our cam was down when he asked that one. LOL

belle_wv said...

Thanks for the ID on the fruitcicle (spellinig?) cake - that's a great idea for a gift... cool, yummy and refreshing! Tai had the cameras going nuts for awhile - he climbed up in the 'willow-like' tree and the camera couldn't find him for a long time, then when it did finally zero in, had a hard time with focus. The way those cams work is incredible! Are they automated? It is like there is a person there controlling them, but I can't imagine anyone being able to do that.

The 'date' sounded wonderful Janet. Too bad no eagle sightings... I sure do miss seeing them! I guess it is meant to be, the cameras not working is letting us know that we CAN go on without seeing our eagles every day... it just isn't as fun as seeing them!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well I am home and hoping tomorrow is better day for us eagle viewers. Good night everyone in blogland.

movin said...

Evening, Folks,
The Kent eaglet is literally climbing the walls (limbs which support the nest), and he looks like he's ready to fly any time.

This morning the Santa Cruz eaglet (same site as the Santa Catalina cam)was standing tall on the edge of the nest, already gaping and spreading his wings to cool himself, but this evening I don't see him on camera at all.

I believe he has fledged, but there's a chance he found a cooler spot off camera. He was hatched on April 12th, so, if I counted right, that's like 12 1/2 weeks.

I was on the momsters site earlier, but got unceremoniously shutdown by a software clash... might return a little later.

I hope you have all been having a good Sunday.

[By the way, I've noticed several of you are keeping "Fraps" clips in the daytime. Are you all entering them on one site?]


glo said...

Well goodnight everyone. I'm sure I will stop by at some point tomorrow, and hopefully there will be a camera giving us an update on our little feathered friends.

Mema Jo said...

GLO Love that picture!!!

JIM The FRAPS clips are mainly on GLO's blog site


Bird Girl said...

Hey everyone...

Jim I'll ask my friend Dave about the chicken -- they roam freely about the grounds of this historic ranch, and some are hybrids of a few types as a result. I'll check and get back to you. I have a great one of a beautiful rooster, too.

All I will be offline for a few days. I hurt my back (lower back; torn muscles, acute sciataca, bulging disc, major inflammation) and I'm on percocet, a mucle relaxer and prescription ibuprofen. I'm really spaced out. It's taken me about 20 minutes to type this message!

Keep up the good notes!

Bird Girl

belle_wv said...

Bird Girl,

Very sorry to hear about your back injury. I've lived with one for quite a few years now, so I can totally identify with your misery. I don't agree, however, with your abandoning us - we'd love to see your incoherent percocet induced ramblings any time you feel up to typing to us! Don't deprive us of the entertainment :) Just trying to make you smile and let you know you are in our thoughts! Mend soon, your birds and people friends are out here :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody! Hopefully in the next hour or so, we will get to see an updating picture. Missing the eaglets really bad!

Make a good day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Suzanne, I had a wonderful weekend! It is always good to be back home though.

I have been watching Tai Shan this morning. He is just so precious!

floralgirl said...

Good morning!!Busy weekend working-haven't been on in a while.Hope everyone is doing great-even though the cam is down.Hate that we are missing some of the last glimpses of our eagles in the nest. Bird Girl- so sorry to hear of your injuries,hope you start to feel better soon.Although I agree with Belle WV, please don't feel you have to deprive us of your percocet thoughts, with no cam action,we have to fill this blog with something.Oh,and thanks for the e-mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do ya reckon anybody is working on the cams this morning?

floralgirl said...

Still to early in Denver?? We need control of this cam on East coast time!!

floralgirl said...

8:58 am-New thread this morning

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...