Monday, July 31, 2006

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thursday July 27

Cam Update--The guys did extensive additional testing today and have determined that the problem is in fact up the tree. This is not good news. They are planning to try to get up the tree next week. We'll see how things progress. Not the way we wanted things to end for the season, but we are optimistic that we'll have an improved system next year based on everything we have learned this year. More as I learn it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wednesday July 26

New Thread.

update: I'm waiting for a call back now on status, but I have to teach a class for the next few hours. be back.

ps check out this incredible site-- McNeil River Alaska Grizzly Cam.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tuesday July 25

New thread.

Still waiting for word. Our IT dept. is short staffed this week...

Update: 2:50 Still no luck, but our guys have been trying to diagnose the problem for most of the day. I'm afariad the problem could be up the tree, and if so, we may be up a creek...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday July 24

Update and plans as we go forward, and there are two scenarios:

Scenario One-- we are working on the fix for the current still cam issues. The problem is a battery in the system that may need to be replaced. If we can do the fix easily without buying a replacement, the cam should be back up soon.

The cam would be then shut down on August 1 for maintenance and off season adjustments. Steve thinks the fledged eaglets will be off on their own around that date, so it's a good time to take a break. As you all have noticed, the cam has been down a bunch in the last month or two, indicating the need that we do some real work on it. Also, our contract for the live cam ended last week, thus the live cam is now down as well until next season.

Scenario Two: We can't easily fix the cam without ordering replacements parts, and this results in us shutting things down this week.

Regardless of which scenario plays out, the plan would be to keep the cam down until sometime in November when the adults begin working at the nest again.

We are intrigued by ideas to add audio, and we would like to pursue that and other ideas.

I want to thank our technical team for really doing all of the work and having the inspiration to get this project going--John, Jonathan, Mike, Brad, and Keith should all be saluted for what they accomplished--this was their baby. Our biological staff also had a big part--thanks Karen and Steve. Thanks to Randy Robinson for researching a live cam solution and making it happen, also thanks to our Production folks who helped.

Finally, thanks for your your continued enthusiasm and support of this project, it went beyond our wildest expectations. We do look forward to working with you as we continue this project into the future.

I didn't want to just see the cam shut down with little notice, so I wanted to get with you in advance to tell you all what's up. I hope we can get it back up for the next week. We'll keep you posted on progress.

Steve C.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Messages Received

Thanks to all for your support and kind comments. We plan on starting the cams all over again next nesting season. While there is a small chance the adults would move on, that is unlikely--they will probably be with this nest for many years. As far as I know we will keep the still cam on. If it shuts down for a time I will let you know.

It is truly amazing that the three eaglets fledged and are all still around several weeks later. These birds have beaten tremendous odds. We have all observed and experienced a rare event in the natural history of bald eagles.

We'll keep the blog on and rolling, and we'll all be ready when the action starts again at the end of the year.

Tuesday 18 July

Another hot one out there.

So where are we?

We have been talking here about the end of the season activities that we are seeing right now. While the nest is still gettin g an occasional visit, I'm sure folks have noticed that most of the time the eagles are out and about. Within the next few weeks, the young eagles will move on, leaving the adults to stay.

Soon the live feed will be shut off due to the end of our contract with our partners in Wheeling. We will work again in the late fall to bring the live feed back on.

The actual nest cam we will leave on for now.

I'm also happy to continue to keep the blog rolling through the hext nesting season if folks prefer.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday part 2

Travels note:

Our resident eagle expert Steve Wunderley told me he saw a immature bald eagle soaring over his house this last weekend. Eagle eye Steve lives in Falling Waters (seven miles upriver), so he says the likelihood it was one of our eagles is high.

Monday 17 July

New thread for a very warm day.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wednesday July 12

Wednesday Thread. Checking on the live cam.

Update 1:28 pm: Live cam is up.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Monday July 10

The cam problem is in Denver. We have let them know.

Fresh thread.

Update 3:55 PM: Looks like the problem is centered around the camera and or the batteries. Our folks are working on it. Hang in there.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Great Phots by Todd

Check out Todd's photo album, if you haven't already.

Sunday July 2

I don't know what's worse, a blue screen or a frozen screen. There will be folks working at NCTC tomorrow.

New thread.

2/19/25 AM Routine

632 am Scout arrives and patiently waits for Bella to move from the egg bowl, she does and Switch to Scout. 634 Bella exits the nest He does...