Monday, March 01, 2010


New thread, new week.


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paula eagleholic said...

Egg egg, Margy...and back down facing 6. Belle did some really pretty wing stretched last night...

Cubbie really sounds cute! I haven't watched it at all!

magpie said...

I'm pulling a Judie... ☺

Saw that Paula, it was pretty, got a pic for the album

cam and blog always last things to close down for the night...

Lynn...hope headache disappears pronto !

okay...this is IT - I have done all the other close-down things.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, watched a Lily video...I got it now...

Mema Jo said...

Night Margy

5 months ago...... What?What?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh I see it!

paula eagleholic said...

Little head an paw poked out, pointing to 12 again

Lynne2 said...

pooping in to say goodnight everyone!

Judie, that just SUCKS about the student calling you at home! The unmitigated gall of him! He should be INCARCINATED.

And Paula, that SUCKS about your DIL. I hope it can be worked out, and most importantly that she will be OK at home on the meds.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, getting ready to head out...catch ya'll sometime tomorrow

Hugs to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

was just watching heated debate about the killer whale situation on Larry King. Wish I would have seen from the start.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

5 MONTHS AGO . . . ? ? ?

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, wasn't the woman that the hubby had in the motel a prostitute? Wasn't she in on the frame up? I fall asleep a lot and miss a few minutes here and there:)

Costume Lady said...

Hope you are still on here Lynn...I have been wondering about something on the Young and Restless: How did Patty her hair dyed in jail?

Lynne2 said...

GOOD POINT Wanda...I was wondering the same thing!

Costume Lady said... watch Y & R don't you? Maybe you can tell me about the dyed hair?

Lynne2 said...

I watch sporadically Wanda, and I missed the big "switch". It was a riot to see Dianne Jenkins back this past week!

Costume Lady said...

I can only manage about 3 days a week of Y & R and it seems the days I miss are always important!
Love that show, but, hate the story line of Jena (Jana?) and the 2 creeps who kidnapped her!

Costume Lady said...

She has a baby, but, do we know who's it is? I remember she tried to pawn it off as either Jack's or Victor's.

Lynne2 said...

I don't even have a clue as to that particular story line. Even when I watch I tend to tune out parts.

Costume Lady said...

I'm speaking of Dianne.

Lynne2 said...

Jena has a baby? Good grief I am so out of the loop!

Speaking of babies, guess it won't be too much longer before they figure out that Sharon is the real mother of Ashley's baby.

Lynne2 said...

oh...Diane was visiting with "Jack's" son Kyle....I only vaguely remember all of that.

Mema Jo said...

Now it is down to 4 months ago

Watching Damages and that is how they tell their story.....

Costume Lady said...

I think I'm going to watch a little TV and wind down before bedtime.

Thank you all for you encouragement about my new venture with the church. Gene and I really feel we have done the right thing by accepting this challenge:)


Almost forgot...snapped a photo of that beautiful colored moon, but by the time I got outside, the moon had crawled behind a cloud. If you look right in the very center of the photo (after enlarging it) you can see a tiny bit of the beautiful color that this moon was.
Also, a few of Jayden last Friday:)

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading up too. Prayers for all and good night!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Now just where did he get that money?

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Sorry, had a giant Panda nap & missed Tai Shan if they did show him. Think the pain meds got me.
Wanted some NE clam chowder, so mashed the little potato chunks~~yum.
Paula, just horrible about Ajay's classes! Hope it gets straight~~~that's incomprehensible & downright mean!!!
Daughter called~~~dentist, too!She fractured a tooth hitting a bone in chicken soup in China!!Had a root canal & today the tempo crown!
Gotta send the TINY BW bobble heads to her. They are just adorable.
Heard strange noises at Lily's den earlier.
Gotta get act together for work in AM, so if I don't return,Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)
(think I had mine! LOL)

Judie said...

OMG! Sharon has a baby and Jack might be the father? Does Sharon know that Jack has a son named Kyle? Does Lolly know about Kyle and Sharon? Are Victor and Jena lurking around our nest? Are they doing HP? Oh my, this blog family is out of control.

Paula, when you return -- sorry I misunderstood. I am serious about looking into incompletes. Your DIL is legally entitled to complete her courses when a medical condition prevents her completing her course work. Typically students have at least one semester and sometime two to complete course work and receive a final grade.

Just so annoying to have a student google to find personal information and then invade my privacy in order to get out of taking an exam tomorrow. Policy is clearly stated in the course syllabus. Besides, it is multiple choice and he could circle his answer choice with either hand. I was NOT nice on the phone.

Well, must turn my light off now but will leave the night light on for others. Andy, will you turn the security system on when you come in? Sleep peacefully everyone.

hedgie said...

JO, the plot sickens!!

Mema Jo said...

lol You really meant to say Sickens!
Right? Well I agree! I have no clue!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Now Lynne2, why did you have to come pooping on our blog?

stronghunter said...

I have tried to read a few of the messages this evening, but my brain is . . . I can't even remember what term I was using to describe my brain tiredness before.

Paula, I hope your daughter-in-law gets her issues straightened out. I would think contacting the people teaching the classes might help.

I have graded a set of papers and done my assignment for the class I am taking. George has been walking on the keyboard. I think he wants my attention.

I will see you lovely folks later.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And what Sharon has a baby, cause it sure as heck ain't this one! :)

stronghunter said...

But, do not call the people teaching the classes at home!!!!

Mits said...

was wondering oh great spell checker if you would find that, I was afraid to come back in, didn't want to step in anything;)

hedgie said...

I guess he got the money via Tobins' daughter, Jo! Time will tell----should be 3 months next week!!!!

Wanda and Lynne....Patty dyed the docs' hair blond right their in the looney-bin cell. Wrapped a scarf on her own head until she got to her hotel room and then dyed hers dark. Kyle is Jack's son. Always thought Dianne was an attractive gal. Nice to see her again. Remember she ran off with "Andy"--Paul's former partner played by Steven Ford (Pres. son)...

Good night one and all. Bath time and then taking my headache to bed! Peace and prayers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I hear a TRAIN! :)

Mema Jo said...

lol Sharon & Mits
I saw that Pooping on the blog!
I don't think Lynn2 realizes her misspelled word is giving us the giggles.

Mema Jo said...

Just noticed your new pic of Tai
I really like it.

Mema Jo said...

Time to mossy down the hall way..

Good Night to All
Prayers for All
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

PA Nana said...

Hi everyone! I looked at the eaglets pictures of BW and they look like two dust bunnies with black eyes. So cute!! I must check out Hope.

Was today national visit your dentist day? I had my teeth scraped, prodded, polished and x-rayed and my mouth is sore.

BTW - coming back from the dentist, snow had melted close to the edge of our shed and I saw my Snowdrops! They're only about 1-2 inches high and if we get another snow they'll be covered again, but Spring is on its way!!

I know I missed most of you, but prayers for those already sleeping and those going to bed soon.
Goodnight everyone.

PA Nana said...

P.S. The cam is running for a long time without the "go" arrow or that stupid question. Wonderful viewing.

Lolly said...

Hello all! I have been sitting here just ROFLMBO as I read the blog. You all really got on a roll tonight!

I did see where Lynne pooped on the blog. I knew she was not going to live that one down. (((Hugs))) Lynne!

And Judie's blogopera report was fantastic!

Hope...I like it! Wasn't what I expected, but it fits! She is a very special little bear.

Had a GREAT time with the boys. Lots of fun. Bought a sheet of coupons from Jacob, then gave them to the family. They were for places in Denton. Gave Jacob a $20. (The Deevil made me did it!) He said, "Oh, no, not again!" LOL

He read his home work for me. His reading is so good and he is only in pre-K. That's my boy!

Got home late. Then we got a call. Going to babysit in Dallas tomorrow. they are going to a hockey game. We have not done that for a long time so hope it goes well. The deevil saying was something Michael said once when he was little.

Okay, I have got to get to bed.

Bless you all, have a healing good nights sleep...see you in manana!

Lolly said...

Good morning Early Birds!☺

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Middle-of-the Night, Everyone!
I spent yesterday studying like a madwoman for my test tonight in school. Having a terrible time trying to learn normal results for different kinds of blood tests! Need to know what each test is used for (diagnosis wise) too. Start praying, please and thank you!

Fell asleep after dinner in front of the TV. Woke up and decided to read and catch up here--made some progress, but not much. Hope everyone who visited the dentist is now pain free! Prayers being said.

Wanda & Gene, glad you got your answer regarding the soup kitchen!
Please delegate where possible, though, so it doesn't become a burden.

Judie, sorry that student is such a pain in the @$$! Geez, he just broke a finger, NOT both arms! If he can't circle an answer with either hand, have him hold the pen in his teeth! Some people's kids!!!

Well, hope you are all getting a particularly renewing night's sleep. Prayers being said for everyone. The night light's on, the porch light will see you coming, and the eye scanner is enabled. Sleep tight, and hope to have a chance to talk to you in the morning light. Goodnight, and God bless! Love you guys! :o]

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--just heard and eagle chirp or two, so checked on Belle--she stretched a wing, "fluffed the pillows", rolled the egg, and did a "wiggle, wiggle" to settle back down, facing 6:00. Sleep tight, Belle, and God bless! :o]

floralgirl said...

Eagle on eggs just flew out of nest to right, other flew in from left.
Morning all:)
32° and cloudy this morning.

magpie said...

Hi Megan
just missed the switch
glad you saw it
Good to see you...
hope you have a good day ☺

floralgirl said...

Hey Margy:)

magpie said...

I opened up the live feed
got the ad with the singing animals!
Love that red fox....hope Wanda gets to see that...

hope everyone has a good day today...I'm just passing through


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---Help!!---I have not figured out what is FACT & what is FICTION this am?---Sending prayers for AJAY--Bless her heart!---She has a GREAT mil!! Have a PAINLESS dentist! YOUNG!--I go back Tues--(i told him i did not wish to out live my teeth) ho!---He looked at me like I was nuts! He is SHARP!--ho!--hope you are feeling better HEDGIE & LOWREEDA!---CONGRATS!! 'DAISY' is attending school! --- would kill to see that!---Bet she will be the #1 dog in the class!---KEEP US INFORMED LYNN2!!!---Must get dressed!! W/OUT

normabyrd said...


movin said...


GOOD morning, aLL.

More of the SamE

Fun as Yesterday to ya.




hedgie said...

Good morning all! Jim...awful early out your way! Go back to bed!!
Gee, Andy was up really late and you're up really early!
Norma, when you never posted yesterday, I was "afearin" you had run away with that young dentist!
Here's a crazy name for you: my new dentist is Dr. Charles Glen Stevenhazard. Mouthful for a last name!

floralgirl said...

Both chicks being fed at BWE

magpie said...

Oh Megan - Thank you !!!

that is so precious

Hi Lynn

magpie said...

well there is plenty of food for them at that nest...

movin said...

Hi, Hedgie, Norma.
I did have troubles getting back to sleep, so I got up and started in on the puter.

I just saw Diego running around in the dark...outdoors on one of the paths.



movin said...

BWE is feeding chicks now.



magpie said...

in our nest...a little something white to the left of our bird....
near the tail..

wondering about that...maybe flown in debris from windy Monday

magpie said...

looking at the way our Eagle is swaying its tail ever so slowly

magpie said...

it looks like a little triangle, that white thing in our nest...

magpie said...

Happy to see Norma made it out of the dentists office ☺

magpie said...

Our blog numbers are kinda goofy again -

whatever the little white triangle thing was is gone, saw a nice egg in the nest cup

magpie said...

to clarify something I said yesterday,
I had thought I saw two eggs, I KNEW I DIDN'T THAT IT WAS JUST AN ILLUSION.... between me, my eyes, and the computer...

It seems that there is still just the one

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So my dream last night - that Belle stood up, the egg cup was actually like a box and there were about 15 eggs in there, all various sizes and colors.

magpie said...

Wow, Sharon, like the Wood Ducks !

magpie said...

disappearing here again,
Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

see you later...still sending best wishes for a good day

hedgie said...

Funny dream, Sharon!!! Don't think even our Lib could provide for 15!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. No pooping ont he blog today MeMa Jo can tell you how to get to the loo, oh and Sharon . Your dream is hilarious and after all this eagle cam watching and waiting and watching etc etc it surely makes sense.

Just for the record I have no right at all to ever pick on anyone who makes a type on here :-) But its fun to stat the day with a smile. Maybe it was daisy's fault LOL

glo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

WOnderful video of the new baby elephant at SD on TV. He weights 225#!!!! Willbe 900# by his 1st b-day. TOO cute!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow, where is everyone this morning? I slept late and was surprised at the count.

Talk about typos! All the time I type yu for you. I have thought about letting it go and tell yu all to get used to it. I still have not become accustomed to this laptop keyboard.

Lolly said...

I do believe they have changed the cam to stay on longer. That means I can watch the nest while doing my walking. Yea! Having to change it every 10 minutes was difficult while walking, gave up on it!

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I made a suggestion on day that for a certain length of time, we all do not correct our errors, just let them go and see how funny some of the "wrong words" can be:)

Lolly said...

What parents!!! Blackwater has the pantry stocked!

Lolly said...

Hey, I'll go for that Wanda! It really would be funny. Can you imagine someone new getting on and seeing that. Too funny!

hedgie said...

Hi, Lolly. Loved your stories yesterday of the kids! And you just egged the little salesman on with YOUR $20 bill!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lolly, I have a regular keyboard connected to my laptop when I am working.

Lolly said...

Yes, I did Lynn. It was hilarious. He rolled his eyes!! Bless his heart, he is just too precious! I should post a picture. He and his grandaddy built a castle with ALL the blocks. Jack made their blocks and they have a lot. Joseph joined in at the end.

Lolly said...

Oh, well, Sharon, then you have no excuse for typos. lol Good morning!

Costume Lady said...

The Jacob story was priceless...showed his intelligence by not wanting to part with his $10 bill. He knew it didn't sound right, so he refused, rather than giving in to an adult!
Then Grandmommy had to try it again!

Lolly said...

Sharon, have I ever told sisters name is Sharon. Pretty name! She is Martha Sharon, but has always been Sharon. Martha was our mother.

hedgie said...

Wanda, sounds like a fun idea! Like when Lynne pooped in last evening!!

Lolly said...

The deevel made me did it!

Costume Lady said...

The Jacob story was priceless...showed his intelligence by not wanting to part with his $10 bill. He knew it didn't sound right, so he refused, rather than giving in to an adult!
Then Grandmommy had to try it again!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I didn't know that Lolly. Mine is Sharon Lea. Mommy called me ShaLea and Daddy called me Charlea.

Costume Lady said...

I don't think Lynne realized her typo. We get soooo many laughs on here.

Lolly said...

Another Jacob story. Just minutes before dinner last night, Jacob got out a little bottle of childrens yougurt drink and wanted it. His mommy told him no, dinner was ready. His relpy was "But, I already shook it!" I died laughing. He got mad at me, but it was so funny. I apologized!!

Lolly said...

Yes, and laughs are what we all need.

Eagle rolling egg.

Lolly said...

On Jacob's homework last night. He had to read the short story, actually just about six sentences about Nat the fat cat who sat on a mat. He had to illustrate it and mark the vowels. He did so well and this is pre K!!

Lolly said...

Time to read the paper.


hedgie said...

Sharon, that is a cool idea! Certainly makes it alot easier, for sure. Not only the size of laptop/notebook keyboard is a problem, but not ergonomically good, either.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a Microsoft Comfort Curve keyboard. Love it. Can't type well on laptop keyboards at all.

Mema Jo said...

Good Tuesday morning. I am being visited by Kristen and Jenny will be here soon. I will be back this afternoon to catch up - Kristen and I looking at things for Heather's wedding in May.

Lynne - Loved the reminder you sent me about hair do for tomorrow. In all these years that J.Lawson card was new to me! Loved it!

magpie said...

heading out

huge owl view at Valmong
Valmont Co Owl Cam


magpie said...

uh, typo here it's contagious

make that ValmonT

Mits said...

good morning everyone, beautiful lion on the NZ lion cam this a.m.

Ragdoll said...

Egg roll.....Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. What a beautiful eagle and nest we have. Is that Belle or Lib on the nest. They can finally rest minus the WIND

Ragdoll said...

Last night, I said I would be back later. Sorry...after eating dinner and putting my feet up (with a glass of wine) I fell asleep in the recliner. My hubby didn't want to wake me. Woke up at 10:30 and crawled upstairs to bed.

I never got to catch up on my 2 days of reading. It has gotten ahead of me. STRESS!!!!Pressure!! I am going to have to just start fresh.

Lolly said...

Have been over on fb catching up. Now off to eat breakfast and walk.

Have a great day!


paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon, all!

Too funny reading last night!

I want to see the singing animals commercial!

I see those weird blog counts again too.

Brensin is finally napping...will post a pic in a few minutes on Paula's prints.

Sharon - you sure the Easter Bunny wasn't in your dream, too?

Lolly, that sounds like a great preschool that Jacob attends,

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and found out they can't do the sonogram on the kidney stone because it involves a dye that is a no-no when you are pregnant. She's supposed to call later and tell me if she's being released today...but her grandfather is going to pick her up. She was having contractions again this morning, so they were doing another test to make sure she wasn't going to deliver in the next couple of it's a wait and see.

movin said...

Well, I'm back up again. Good morning, God bless you.

I took a quick look at the Channel Island nests, and I see that WE is back on-line. AND they appear to be laying down branches to include at least part of the higher level of stone, which should give them a much larger nest area when complete.

Paula probably posted it, but both TH and PH have two eggs now as well.



stronghunter said...

Oh, Paula, I hope your daughter-in- law. is able to come home soon. What a mess to have a problem like that at the end of your pregnancy. I truly hope she gets her class situation straightened out. It is hard enough to manage classes while pregnant, not to mention the other children at home.

Prayers for her.

stronghunter said...

Just checking during lunch break, but students are coming back now. We have lunch in the middle of my third block class.

paula eagleholic said...

Egg roll and wiggle wiggle...gonna go try and get some cleaning done for John and Ajay while Brensin is still sleeping...check out his pic on my Paula's prints blog


hedgie said...

Paula, thanks for update on Ajay. i assume they have been doing ultrasounds or at least plain x-rays, right? Poor girl. Wish I could take those stones for her. ANy word from John on the mess at school. Judie was right in the way the school needs to handle it.

Lolly said...

both in view BWE

Lolly said...

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NEW THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ragdoll said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...