Tuesday, March 02, 2010


New thread.  Rain and snow heading this way.


Lolly said...

Thanks Steve! I will go call the others over!

Lolly said...

Just finished my walking/excercise. Watched our cam the whole time and saw a couple of egg rolls. Love it! After walking I checked on BWE and saw a feeding. A great day it is.

Now off to clean a bathroom. Groan!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Can't say I like the weather forecast!

Hi Lolly.... and all others who will be coming over.

Jenny left after lunch but Kristen and I are still visiting.


Ragdoll said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread. Now I have to go back and see if I can get the comment I just sent.

Costume Lady said...

Hi to Kristen:)

Capt. Gene is on his way home from Best Buy...problem with the printer and he is taking it in to them to check it out. Also, problem with losing internet connection just out of the clear blue sky. I will say good night now.
Hope your day goes well and have a lot of fun on here:)

Costume Lady said...

Jo has invited everone over to her house...she said "Hi to Lolly and all the others who will be coming over". Get your shoes and coats on.

Ragdoll said...

Ragdoll said... Yeah!! I did it.
I have a little time now. students are engaged. yeah!!!!

Stronghunter,Sorry to hear about your DIL. Prayers for her and her coming home........Your lunch time is not bad. Mine is at 10:00. Between 2nd and 3rd block.

Costume Lady, I am happy you got an answer to your prayers. Now we will pray for you to have people to help you. Thank you for sharing your daily devotion.

For all that are having dental work done rather scheduled or emergency. I pray for painless and speedy recovery.

Sound like while I was snoozing on the recliner, you all were having a good time. Darn, I missed it.

I want to see the animals singing commercial too.

Wind has stopped and the sunshine has been out today. (smile)

Ragdoll said...

Oppps....I meant my lunch is at 10:30 to 11:00.

Ragdoll said...

I have to wrap up my class here. Time to get ready and go home. Another day !!!! Only had I "Bratty" student today. Life is good.

See you later gaters !!!

paula eagleholic said...

DIL on her way home!

Vacuuming and bathroom done.

Judie - thanks for the info on how she should handle the classes. Actually I found out it is only one class. She takes online classes and didn't log in over the weekend, and when she tried to yesterday they had booted her out of the class. I'll keep you posted!

Sounds like Brensin is up...probably talk to you much later!

magpie said...

Love the criss-crossed tail feathers on the Eagle at Our Nest

not sure to say beautiful or handsome...because, I am not sure which bird but I think Belle

magpie said...

Good News for AJay, and she gets to come home to sparkly house

great picture of Bresnin on Paula's Prints

magpie said...

The Jacob stories have been lots of fun Lolly

Wanda said good night...maybe...she does not think she will get back on tonight

sounds like fun day for you Jo...
Hello to Kristen for me...

magpie said...

good night reminds me of nap time which seems to be right about NOW
have to go out later on

kinda dreary day hereabouts, don't expect to see ISS tonight :(

Oh, library got my book in, A Beautiful Mind...hardback, AND, large print. Now that's my kind of book !

magpie said...

Belle looking over head this way and that

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am thinking one of our eagles just landed in the tree above the cam.

magpie said...

I was hooping that is hoping to see the second one come down Sharon...but I do have Nap on the Brain....

see you....Hello, I mean, and see you xo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Margy, John Nash was from Bluefield and went to school with my mom.

hedgie said...

Cool, Sharon. Never saw the movie---just assumed he was much older than that!

hedgie said...

LOL....I was wondering if Wanda had her day and night mixed up!

ceil said...

Afternoon all. Been busy. Had to get tax info ready for tax person. I vow to keep better records. Sure.
Paula glad AJ is coming home. Hope she gets better. Kidney stones can take awhile.
Have not seen our cam today. Did see BWE and NBG
Wanda do make sure you get lots of help with the soup kitchen. I know soup and sandwich we have alot of help but still not enough.

hedgie said...

Jo, tell Kristen hello---sorry I didn't say hi to Jenny earlier. Wedding planning is SO much fun----but glad I don't have any to do soon!!
NCIS looks like it's going to be really good tonight---Gina Rowlands playing Jethro's MIL!

ceil said...

Lynn I was wondering the same thing. Thought it was me. Had to ask Jim if it was Tuesday passed a little lunch wagon that is open on Wednesday thru Saturday. It was open today. How are you feeling today? Has the headache left?

ceil said...

Count is going wacko again.

Lolly said...

Wahoo! Party at Jo's!! I can go for that. Be right over, Jo!

Lolly said...

Have now cleaned the bathroom and then I cleaned out the refrig. Wasn't too bad. Often find hidden treasures in there. Not this time, only had to throw out a couple of things, reorganized and cleaned. Now time to start getting ready to go to Dallas.

floralgirl said...

Eagle just came flying in with fluff. Very vocal. One on eggs flew out.

Lolly said...

Forgot to say..Paula, so glad DIL is coming home. Guess the contractions have stopped??

Lolly said...

See the snow is melting on the ground under the nest. yea!

hedgie said...

Ceil, I often have to stop and THINK about what day it is...sometimes hard to keep track when we don't work!!
Yep, headache was gone when I got up this morning.

ceil said...

Lynn glad to hear that it is gone.

Lolly said...

Heading out the door shortly.

Have a great evening!

hedgie said...

Rats! Sissy sent the snow here...:(

Lynne2 said...

oh dear is my face RED....so sorry I "pooped" all over the blog last night. Sure hope no one stepped in it!

Dreary day here, and now rain/snow. Could be worse!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne2, we did have fun with it though! :)

magpie said...

oh don't apologize Lynne, it was good for a LOT of laughs !

Sharon, didn't know he was from Bluefield until I started reading ..think Nash was born in 1928? or close to that

my brother John was at Princeton (teaching) and I need to ask him if he remembers anything about him, if was there at the same time when Nash wandered the campus more or less like a phantom at times. I am only on Chapter 5

magpie said...

you were in the right place at the right time, this morning and this afternoon with the Eagles...
that's great !

magpie said...

I've never seen the movie...yet...will after reading the book Sharon...

magpie said...

colors on the nest are fabulous...still cam for me that is

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My mom was also born in 1928. He graduated from Beaver High School (now Bluefield High School) I think maybe the year before mommy did, which would have been 1945?

magpie said...

good to see you Ceil..think I mighta missed you

I often have trouble figuring out what day it is...even more so when I go to work on one day and leave on the next..starting Friday :(

magpie said...

golly Sharon....that's tough....so long ago...

there's some interesting info in there about Bluefield and its ways during the pre-war and war...

well I have to leave now..
had to make a little time to have some social time here with my friends and check the nest

Lynn glad you lost your headache, some things are good being lost !!

headed to Berkeley Springs to see James

That was quite an egg check ! Deep Well !

Good Evening Wishes to everyone....

magpie said...

intersting updates on the Valmont Forum, some chow in the nest, some kind of feathered something, was food for the owls...3rd owl seems to be gone, had to speed read a little
VAlmont Forum

and the nest box

Valmont Owl Cam

two babies in view at BWE

hedgie said...

Can sure understand how confusing that gets, Margy!

Shar---so how old was your mom when you were born? Were you and Sissy the youngest kids?

BTW---speaking of birthdays....Robyn's Tori turned 16 yesterday! Saw it on FB.

hedgie said...

Wished her a Happy, Happy onthere, but will add it here, too:

Happy Belated Birthday to Tori!!

Lynne2 said...

well, glad everyone got a chuckle! Guess I better proof read before posting...

OOOOHHHHH guess what! I FINALLY figured out how to get the Valmont Owl cam (not really great timing)....I tried everything on Firefox and just kept getting a black screen. Well, duh! I just opened IE and voila! Owl Cam! Sad about the mishap though. Sad to see the little eggs all alone.

Off to get dinner started. Please be careful where you step on here!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My mom was almost 34 when I was born and almost 31 when Sissy was born. We were the youngest 2. Donna was born in 1948, the twins in 1950, Duck in 1955, Sissy 1959 and me in 1962. Daddy's b-day was April 3, 1928, Mommy's May 3, 1928 and Donna's was June 3, 1948. Always thought that was a neat fact.

ceil said...

Happy Birthday to Tori. Hope she is doing well.

ceil said...

Margy if I had your schedule I would show up at the wrong day and time.

hedgie said...

Sure enough, Sharon....cool! My mom was just 5 weeks short of 30 and daddy had just recently turned 30when I was born---and I always thought my folks were so much older than the parents of all the kids I grew up with!

Ragdoll said...

Hello Eagle Friends..was just watching Lily and HOPE. The little cub just stuck her head out from Mom right in front of the cam. What a beautiful little girl,

Ragdoll said...

I hear the train at our nest. Is it raining there?

hedgie said...

Not sure about at nest, Deb, but it is snpwing here, 30 miles away. Thick cloud cover, regardless of precip, magnifies the train noise.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did somebody say train? And what is snpwing? Is that a variation of the white stuff? :)

Ragdoll said...

Snpwing, So sorry to hear that. You have had enough. We had sunshine today. Scared me at first.

Ragdoll said...

I think it's rain. I don't see it bouncing so it's not slpeet. LOL

Mits said...

eagle sitting at BWO

hedgie said...

LOL...yeah. Sharon. Have typed the s- word too many times this winter...had to spice it up a bit!!

Ragdoll said...

My live cam of our nest has been running 57 min. non stop.

floralgirl said...

It's mostly rain, with a little snow mixed in. Temp is 35°.
I can't seem to get the live feed to work...

Ragdoll said...

That's what happen to me. Then it keeps running once you get it.

Ragdoll said...

I think Mom is feeding her little ones at BW

floralgirl said...

I give up, none of the usual tricks work to get it going. I've seen the commercial three times tho:)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am having trouble getting the live feed now too. I can get the picture to come up, the play button goes back and forth between pause and play and the double arrow keeps going round and round in the middle of the skin.

Ragdoll said...

Floragirl...I tried all the tricks. It got me nowhere. I started over and left it alone for awhile and it worked.

Ragdoll said...

are you getting the commercial with the singing animals?

floralgirl said...

About every other time I open the page I get that commercial.

floralgirl said...

Aha! The twentieth times the charm...no commercial, black screen, then hit play and it finally started.

Ragdoll said...

Yeah, Floragirl!!! I never get that commercial. Come to think of it 90% of the time I get right to the nest.

Ragdoll said...

I use Firefox. I am going to try IE.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have tried IE and Google Chrome!

Mits said...

love your daffodil,Megan, saw some at Safeway today, but they were really closed shut....did not know if they would open when I brought them home, but decided against buying them.

Ragdoll said...

I tried IE. I could even get our nest going. No Commercial.

Be Back Later. Dinner time. ^..^

Ragdoll said...

Couldn't ...I meant couldn't get nest going. Bye BBL ^..^

PA Nana said...

My live cam was going and going and going and rolled over itself at 60 minutes. I'm definitely NOT complaining. I even had time to take a potty break. Belle/Lib pulled more fluff around and then wiggle, wiggle. I see the nest is having some wet weather too.

Sorry. Hi everyone. Hope your day has been calm and uneventful.

Jim & I had our eye exams today and have ordered new glasses. Maybe now he can see things on the floor, etc. and pick them up and put away. ;o)

Weather here is yuky! Rain with s.... mixed. That 4-letter word has appeared a lot this winter. We have to go to the grocery store tomorrow or Thursday at the latest cuz Jim goes back to work Friday.

Sharon, when is your Train coming to VA?

Jo, what time is the party?? I could use a good time.

Tonight is terrific Tuesday on tv so I'll say goodnite now.
God bless everyone!
dizzy d

Mema Jo said...

Wonderful view of Lily's face and of Hope lying on her back

Mema Jo said...

Hope really has dark hair and she isn't so little anymore!

Mema Jo said...

Diann - we have yucky weather too!
Rain with s.... mixed...

Lily and Hope are singing away!
I don't know what else to call all that noise!

My live feed came on IE just great. There was a commercial (lots of animals characterized) Anxious to see how long it will stay on..

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!
Just dropping in to say hello before I have to eat an early dinner and run to school. Well, make that DRIVE to school. ;o] Although in younger days, I could have run to school--it's only 4-1/2 miles away. (Make that MUCH younger days!)

Have been busy studying and housecleaning today. Hope all are well now who went to the dentist yesterday!

Hubby is now home from work, so guess I'd better run. Will come back for a bit after school tonight. (Hopefully not too late.)
Take care, and have a good evening!

Mema Jo said...

Our Live Feed - I guess I am lucky like some others I read about because
it hasn't stopped on the 10 or the 20.
Anxious to see how far the timer will go.

Diann - is right about TV tonight.
3 in a row and all NEW!
NCIS NCIS:LA The Good Wife

floralgirl said...

I always pick my daffodils before they open, put them in water, they will open. Many flowers will do this.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My Train rolls into Virginia on March 11! Norfolk at the NorVa!

ceil said...

Mits the daffodils will open and they are so pretty when they do

Mema Jo said...

So Wanda - your the one I should thank for all of those guests here at my house the you told to come on over to Jo's! lol

Mema Jo said...

We not only have Spell-checkers on the bog We also have Proof readers! lol

hedgie said...

Raining now! Yippee!! Hope it stays rain!

Mema Jo said...

Hope the temp stays up
Closing down as I have a problem of
freezing up.

BBILW I hope

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy, bye, Andy. What a busy lady you are!!! Hope your class goes well tonight!

Lynne2 said...

LOL JO!!! We have proof readers on the "BOG" !!!!!

and we have a BOG because I pooped in last night....LOL!!

Lynne2 said...

BTW...I just LOVE this BOG!!!!

stronghunter said...


I finally got home. Went to the eye doctor for the final check on my new contacts. As I was on the way home, Kathryn called and wanted me to pick up Hunter and meet her at Walgreen's. She had to pick up more medication for Luna and wanted to get home as quickly as possible to give it to her because she's having problems. Surgery is Thursday.

Ragdoll, it was not my daughter-in-law I was writing about. It was Paula's. Surely she can get that class problem straightened out. But thanks for the kind words, anyway. I am taking an online class, and I would be very upset if they booted me out if I missed a log-on.

School story--today they were trying to get me to look out the window to see if it was snowing. Do you know what happens when the teacher looks away? They were all ready to throw things. I fell for that one years ago. Eventually, I had to send a boy outdoors to retrieve all of the items he threw out of the window.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all!

I sure had a great time with the gkids!

Back at home, DIL is home, doing OK. Got her pain meds and anti nausea meds. Pain pills are same as IV was, Delauded (sp), but in pill form. Anti nausea meds work better with pill form of pain meds, so appetite is better. John brought home chinese for dinner. Ajay was starving, although she didn't eat much. John was giving the kids a bath when I left.

Contractions all gone...makes me wonder if she was having really strong Braxton-Hicks. Her grandmother is coming over tomorrow, the pain meds make her drowsy right after she takes it. Hope she passes that stone soon!

Just some light rain here, but was snowing at sons since 5pm, but no accumulation.

Going to go read rest of what I missed.

Mema Jo said...

See Lolly - you're a proof reader. lol

Mema Jo said...

I thought that Lolly went to Dallas!!

Lynne you do qualify to be a proof
reader - You know - You've been there and done that!

I am heading for the TV

Lynne2 said...

Valmont, both adults

Lynne2 said...

oh pretty, dead bird I think.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, that's what you get with owls too! Lots of dead animals!

Lynne2 said...

it's poor little foot is sticking up....yuk!

on that note I'm going to get a shower now!

paula eagleholic said...

2 trains...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did somebody say 2 trains?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good night my eagle budlets! Love you guys!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes I did :)

paula eagleholic said...

Well fine friends, I am slam wore out already...letting the dogs out for the last time and heading for the covers..if I'm lucky I'll watch some TV before I hit the hay.

Hey did anyone catch Jay Leno last night? So glad he's back at 11:30.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I finally got the cam to go. Took hours and now I am going to bed! :)

Mits said...

me too, Paula, and he was really funny...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And speaking of Jay Leno, Train will be on his show on April 8! :)

Mits said...

when do they brush their teeth Sharon;)?????

magpie said...

Ooops think I missed just about everyone, but did hear a TRAIN in Morgan County....the weather sure carries the sound.

just think that little kidney stone, is probably about the size of a medium size pinhead...maybe a little bigger...and it can cause Soooooo much pain

magpie said...

like you theory about improved eyesight Pa Nana Diann...good luck, hope it works !

magpie said...

Well it was Snow-Raining coming back from Berkeley Springs, and I have to say, it was really very beautiful....
cause I know it is just a little snow, not a big storm !

magpie said...

I think Megan can do just about ANYTHING with flowers and they will do nicely ! ☺

magpie said...

My mother was 42 when I was born...talk about having a mother older than all the other kids' moms!

But she was great....had some great skirts for me to hide behind when I was shy... ♥

magpie said...

your school stories are a Hoot.
which reminds me a very large owl flew across in front of me on a back road on the way home
no skunks tonight

Hoping that the surgery for Luna, will be okay ..prayers for that too

magpie said...

I guess Wanda might have meant Good Night this afternoon, but she does post kinda late sometimes.

Andy -

oh, medical test results...positive and negative values and upper and lower ranges and all that....good luck!
I find it interesting to read (try to ) my own results !

magpie said...

give me those names of your dogs again when you can...I KNOW I printed it out, but, uh, I forget where I put it !!
Mopsy, Buphals...and and

magpie said...

Well, I have been flapping my jaws, now I gotta shake a leg...
work Wed and Thurs 6 am to 6 pm,
so morning comes mighty early

Good Night to All
Sorry I missed the party at Jo's ☺

Prayers for wellness and all good things

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Shows were all good tonight!

hedgie said...

Good night yto all turning in. Margy, I saw a large owl just before it got dark here....flying fast and low. Amazing that tjey don't hit a tree! Hope your day is a good one tomorrow.

Shirley, please let Kathryn know that I have included Luna in my prayers...our 4-legged friends are so special.

Mema Jo said...

Well I see everyone is still here on this Poopy Bog! Great place to be!

All 3 TV shows were very enjoyable and glad I watched them.

hedgie said...

Typos are getting worse...either fingers are getting fat, or it's time for a manicure!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe a brain refresher would be good for me......

Mema Jo said...

For a fresh blog it is surely taking a long time to publish a remark........

hedgie said...

Have heard several trains this evening. Ceiling is really low! If I mute the TV, I can even hear them inside.

hedgie said...

Your brain is fine, Jo!
Agree, blogger cop is dragging us through tonight!

hedgie said...

Ch. 9 meteorologist Topper is calling this rain and snow event "snizzle"! I like that term!

Mema Jo said...

You like 'snizzle' better then 'snpwing' ?

OK Time to head down the hallway

Good Night All
Prayers for All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Calling it a day. Sweet dreams, peaceful sleep, and answered prayers for all.
Hope you all know how much you mean to me!

stronghunter said...

Stopping to say good night because I forgot to earlier. Having trouble relaxing tonight, though I am tired.

See you tomorrow. George and I had a little milk. Sometimes that helps.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the prayers for Sweet Luna. Kathryn has asked Will to come over tomorrow and give her her mid-day medication so she'll get it on a better schedule.

I have a long day on Thursday. Parent conferences.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I do know it is only Wednesday. I am thinking about Luna's surgery day, because I will be at work the whole time. Susan is going to try to go be with Kathryn if she is needed.

movin said...


GooD NighT,



Belle has her head tucked in and she's sleeping away. There are flakes of snow drifting down once in a while, but the main action now is Spidey's web blowing in the wind.



Ms Bookworm said...

Good (Late) Evening, Everyone!
Hope I haven't missed everybody--just got home from school. I saw a raccoon on the way home, only a couple of blocks from our house. It was in the fast lane on the opposite side of a 4-lane street that our street meets. The car that was about a block ahead of me stopped so they wouldn't hit it, and just sat there. I'm sure they were trying to figure out how a raccoon found its way to our neighborhood! When I got close, the raccoon turned and ran back the way it had come, lickety-split! Their facial mask is pretty definitive. Glad he didn't get run over or hit! We still get them on our roof every so often, so they seem like family.

Got all my transcription done tonight, but have to proofread it and do a list of definitions to go along with the new words for the week. This week's chapter is 'Genitourinary'. Pretty interesting!

Well, need to go wind down a bit in front of the TV. Shirley, Luna's on my prayer list for sure--along with your daughter, you, and the rest of the family! BTW, love your school stories! ROFLMBO! :oD

Paula, sure am glad your DIL is home now. Hope she's able to pass that pesky stone real soon! She's in my prayers too! Prayers being said for everybody, for all kinds of needs. The night light is on, the porch light is motion-sensitive, and the eye scanner security is ready to go. Hope all of you have a wonderful night's sleep! Sweet dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love all you guys!
Goodnight, and God bless! :o]

magpie said...

It's the Morning

still getting rain mixed with snow here in Martinsburg WV

hope it stops soon...it is not pleasant weather for our roosting Eagle Belle

magpie said...

I know the answer....
Mopsy, Buphals, Scooby and Hairy -
your pups ☺

magpie said...

Ok, it's that time...work...
haven't seen Belle shake off the nighttime snizzle...but BWE Eagle is tenting...

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone
xox ☺ ♥

floralgirl said...

34° and raining lightly here and at nest.
Crows flying around nest, Belle is giving them an earful.

floralgirl said...

Eagle just flew in, eagle on eggs flew out, egg roll and a wiggle.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---MARGY & MEGAN!----I 'thought' it was a cloudy am--but it is a cloudy am with a fine mist between S & Rain!---Have dr appt in Winchester this am--must cancel--not driving mts in bad weather--schools on delay! 1-3 inches in higher elevations---No one has a better column than LISA!!---She mentions the 'WONDERFUL WV MAGAZINE in her column---Ours will be ready to go out with the nest few days!!---She also states that she is happy both eggs hatched close together--means the older one will have LESS of an size advantage!---Bald Eaglets are the fastest growing birds in North America.....Remember we had that one time!---SPUNKY!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN--we are at 36° & still a mist/S coming down!

normabyrd said...

Hard time getting to see our nest!!---But there is an EAGLE on the nest!!!

normabyrd said...

pixCO----MARGY just missed them!---A 'herd' of WILD TURKEYS were shooed on to the site!!----

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! Hope I'm on the right page!!!Big Gap in comments.So glad Paula's DIL is coming home & hope all else w/ailments get in tip top shape.
I didn't get on here yesterday~~~after some soup for dinner, went downstairs to watch a show & fell asleep on couch. Just got up an hour ago!Should have stayed home yesterday!
Gotta shuffle off to work at farmhouse today & then I have all day TH to shovel the house for Fri. guests!!! Where are Merry Maids???
My sweet friend Shorty came by a little while ago & sat next to me eating peanuts for breakfast!Great way to start a day!
XXX & OOO to all

hedgie said...

AGood morning, Eagle Dudettes and Dudes. Slow morning here!

Hi, Lowreeda! Will Sh0orty eat out of your hand??

hedgie said...

The day is not starting well for me as far as typing goes, is it???? LOL!

Mits said...

Morning everyone....eagle was just at BWO with fish, then took to BWE and dropped it off there.

NatureNut said...

Hi Lynn. No, that hasn't happened yet, but when I was putting a peanut on the railing ttuhye other day, he/she came within a few inches! That's my goal for the summer. We had one a few years ago, Stumpy, that would take peanuts from your fingers.
I put a newer pic on blog.
Guess I gotta shuffle off~~~~

NatureNut said...

I can't type either ☺ never could!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Check out that nice fish at BWE!!

Lolly said...

Good morning bogettes! Poopy Bogettes!

Got home late last night. We had a fun evening. It had been so long since we had stayed with Zach, but all went well. It took a while to warm up, but then we had loads of fun. Zach and I sent phone pics while texting to his daddy and Aunt Laurel. Once I almost called his Daddy, hit the cancel button fast, Zach thought that was hilarious! Got a deep belly laugh.

Talking about our cam....I never get a commercial any more. It comes up with a black screen, I hit the play button and it goes for over an hour. Love it! I have always used IE.

Lolly said...

Time to read the paper.


Lynne2 said...

Good morning all in the Poop Bog!

Dreary and breezy here today but NO SNOW!! Nice enough that this will be the day I prune the crepe myrtle and my butterfly bush...must be done when the crocus sprouts and I've got some serious crocusing going on!

Well, we could use some prayers again. Steve hurt his wrist pretty badly at work yesterday. No swelling, and we put ice on it for about 20 minutes or so every hour and he took some Aleve. He went in today and now he's had to leave to go to the Dr. He said it's burning, tingling, shooting pain and some numbness. He's really upset. Not because it hurts but because he is worried about the financial disaster we will face if he has something wrong that can't be fixed in a few days so he can work again. UGH

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, CRC chicklet looks huge! Glad to see it getting so big!

hedgie said...

Hi, Mits!
Any idea how close BWO is to BWE?

Dana Gray said...

Good morning everyone. Temp her ein Morgantown is a balmy 33 degrees and rising. The snow is finally begin to disappear. Spring fever has set it!

Mits said...

pretty close, Lynn....beautiful close-up of male Lion on the NZ cams this a.m.

Mits said...

wish that cam had sound, he was just roaring

Mits said...

now he is up and moving around, so beautiful

hedgie said...

Lynne, sorry about Steve.....that's what Workers' Comp is for!!!! FILE stat!! Covers all medical bills and lost wages (in WV after first 3 days missed).

Mits said...

eating fish BWE

Mits said...

chicks aren't happy parent is not sharing right now..ok, parent getting snack ready for them

Mits said...

feeding now at BWE

Mits said...

eggs alone at Decorah nest

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Sunshine and heading to 40 here today. Its both good and bad. Dex loves the snow disappearing and we will head out for a stroll in about an hour. Other places to go and things to do this afternoon. You might enjoy a stop by Glo's Glimpses today. I am glad that it didn't snow much on Belle. Snizzle is ok I am sure she really didn't mind that much at all.

movin said...


Good morning, people.



hedgie said...

Loretta, is the new pic of SHorty taken with your new lens?

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, WC only pays about 60% of the employees wages (AFTER a standard 3 day waiting period), although it's not taxable. And if he isn't able to work, WE have to pay FULL cost of keeping our health insurance through his company. Right now they pay 80%. The company is under no obligation to pay for it if the employee isn't physically working.
Then there's a whole other set of rules for "light duty" if he is cleared for that.
And of course he is worried about loosing his job. Maryland is one of the few "at will" states left, meaning you can be hired or FIRED, at will, by the employer. (exceptions are discrimination, or worker's comp claim, but guess who has to pay the lawyer to fight it?)
So as you can see, anything more than a minor issue could be a major mess for us.

Mits said...

hmmm, eagle flew back into Decorah nest, looked around and left...temp 27 there now

Mits said...

eagle came back at Decorah and is on the eggs now

Mits said...

nice to see people at chat at NBG, were following the saga at Decorah

Lynne2 said...

Glo, love the video....cool to actually "hear" the "clicker fish"!!

Lolly said...

First listened to Lily give Hope a very noisy bath. Now Hope is "purring" while nursing. Such a noisy pair!

Lolly said...

Lynne, so sorry about Steve's wrist! When it rains...it pours. Definitely keeping him and you in prayers.

Mema Jo said...

Good Wed morning - I'll check my typing as to NOT have any funny typos.
Hello Jim - This 'people' is happy to see you today!
Paula - prayers and continuous thoughts for Ajay, John & the boys and for you!
Mits - I too wish NZ would have sound with the Lion - I watched him yesterday after you mentioned about him in view - He is so large (long)
Loretta - I love the pic of Shorty. My squirrel has been on the deck railing retrieving the peanuts BUT he
has to move fast because there is a little tufted titmouse that is swooping down and taking them away. I'm not even sure they can open them as they look like a woodpecker once they get up in the tree.
I have a hair appointment this afternoon - really glad the weather is just snizzle and not snpwing.

Lolly said...

Time to get with it! Need to eat and then walk and then......ta dah...heading outside to work. This is the second day of sunshine! It was 38 when we got up, but up to 46 and supposed to get up to 60. I go for that! Have places to work that are not boggy, but then I am going to have to start working in the muck.

Have a great day, Bogettes! Don't bog too much. Faster to catch up that way.

Have a great day!

hedgie said...

Will check out your video when I get on PC, Glo.

Hi, Jim. Is CA sunny??
Still snizzling here, but temp is 36, so no concern.

hedgie said...

Lynne, MD is nasty. Here it is 80% and employer must continue with all benefits.
What did Steve do to his wrist? Sprain?

Lynne2 said...

Lynn, not sure what he did but I suspect it's been sore for a while. He just never complains about anything. He said he was picking up shields as always, and it was a very sharp sudden pain. It kept happening all day. Also burning and shooting pains into fingers and this morning some numbness.
Well, he just called after seeing the company Dr. and they said he has a contusion on his wrist. I didn't see any bruise or swelling but I'm not a Dr. He says he never hit it on anything that he remembers. He's in a bandage and on 550 Naproxen and has to get a recheck on Friday. Til then, no lifting with that hand over 15lbs. I sure hope that's all it is! Seems odd that a contusion would cause shooting pain and the other symptoms, but of course as I said, I'm no Dr. PLEASE GOD let this be the only thing wrong!!!

Mits said...

from BWE....

Cam watchers have been admiring the recent "whale" of a catch. We're told it's a gizzard shad.

We'll be posting our eaglet video clips later today in our Eagle Cam Web Log.

glo said...

LOL Lynne Sorry about Steve. Try not to worry about it just now. Get it fixed whatever it is as quickly as you can and then do what needs done for the Workers Comp. Its scarey for sure. But so many things that life sends our way feels scarey. Most of them eventually turn out ok with lots of perseverance and encouragement and support from friends.

Mits said...

from NBG

Azalea is still close by the Norfolk Botanical Garden as of mid-night March 3. I don’t know exactly where until I get a detailed map which I will post as soon as I get it

Mits said...

also from NBG....

Tuesday, March 02, 2010
“Inside The Eggs”
The embryos inside the eggs continue the final stages of development. At this point many recognizable structures are in place and the major organ systems are largely formed. There are no highly detailed studies of the embryology of bald eagle eggs - but we can use studies from other raptors, namely American kestrels (Falco sparverius) as a rough guide to what might be happening inside the egg.

By now the feathers of the natal down are in place. The bill has started to harden and scales are covering most of the legs and toes. The eyes are closed and the complexus muscle (hatching muscle) has begun to swell. Much of the remaining amniotic fluid inside the chorioallantois membrane (see archive for egg diagram) has been absorbed. We’ll post again in the coming days with more of what’s happening inside the eggs as they get closer to hatching.

won't be long now:)

Mema Jo said...

Headed out the door

See you when I return....


Lolly said...

Finished our excercising. Now going to clean up a little before heading outside. Now up to 52...and climbing!

Won't be back for a while. Oh, and watched to little eaglets be fed while walking.☺

Mits, thanks for the NBG report.


hedgie said...

Really neat stuff, huh, Mits? Wish there was a way to "see" it all!!
Nice that Azalea is tagged...wonderful that she is staying "in the area". It probably happens more than the pros realize. How else would an areas population increase? Don't think that many pairs would relocate to a particular area at any given time, unless habitat destruction or lack of food forced a move.

Bob Quinn said...

New thread, come on over.

1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...