Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Wet day thread. Cold too.


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MITS said...

HELLO MATTIE:)....my cam is stuck on 5:49

MITS said...

well if it is going to be stuck, at least we have eagles on it:)

floralgirl said...

My cam seems to be stuck on 5:49:54

MITS said...

The pandas are just beginning to strip the stalks of the bamboo during meal times. This is an indication that we are at the beginning of the seasonal increase in bamboo consumption. Also, during this time of the year the pandas graze on the grasses in their enclosures. Grasses, including bamboo, store carbohydrates in their stems or stalks when the weather turns cold. All three pandas are exhibiting these behaviors now.

Pandas are bears whose digestive systems have to process high-fiber bamboo. It is amazing that a bear would ever evolve to eat a diet that it is so ill equipped to consume. The panda's digestive system produces a lot of mucous, which may help to protect their intestinal lining. Interestingly, when our pandas consume less bamboo we frequently see more mucous stool production. On the days when they are going to produce mucous they become very lethargic and go off of their food. This period may sometimes last three or four days. Individual pandas respond differently and there is tremendous variation in the consistency and color of mucous stools. Some may be thick and look like vanilla or caramel pudding (sorry, pudding fans!) while others may be watery or foamy like your favorite soft drink.

We have been monitoring Tai Shan’s food consumption more closely because of his recent diagnosis of an inflammation in his esophagus. It is difficult to determine whether Tai has recently increased his food consumption due to his medications or the time of year, probably a bit of both. During this period of seasonal appetite loss, most adult pandas seem to maintain or lose a small amount of weight. However, there is always individual variation. Tai Shan has lost weight since July, giving him a longer and lankier appearance. Unfortunately, there is not a large data set on seasonal bamboo consumption and growth rate for young pandas. All Tai Shan’s medical evaluations indicate that he is healthy. In addition to his recent physical under anesthesia, positive reinforcement training allows us to examine him and collect blood for evaluation on a regular basis. As he gradually increases his food consumption we expect him to regain weight rapidly.

deb said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...