In what countries is trick-or-treating most popular? Besides the US, trick-or-treating is most popular in the UK, Canada and Ireland. In recent years, Australia and New Zealand, along with many other countries in Europe, have also adopted this fun Halloween tradition
SHARON---Did you all get more snow?---TUCKER CO closed schools & pics of CANAAN VALLEY were on the news!!---Looked like a pic of 'WINTER WONDER LAND'!! --
Sandy is a biologist educator, when I was talking to her we were talking about other things, she lives near me in Bethesda, was not paying that much attention to what the program was, but told her I would be happy to help out if they are going to do a school project in Montgomery County, Maryland, it is supposed to involve the eagles at NCTC, I think.....ask PAULA, when she comes on or e-mail her:)I don't know and do not want to gice out incorrect info:)
Close Mits, that's Randy Robinson that works at NCTC. Sandy Burke works for them also, on a contract basis. She is developing some educational programs for elementary school kids based upon our "food chain" and Blackwater's "food chain". It's a card game based upon the food chain.
There will be some new links in the spring off our website to the game. She is also introducing the NCTC cam to lots of teachers and talking to them about how to use it as a teaching tool.
His description is: Dark brown/black bird, a little smaller than a robin, he has orange patches on his wings, buff-color on feather tips on his back and buff stripes by the eyes. Spots on his chest (spots that look like a starling). His beak is black and not as long as a starlings.
I am so grateful the mystery is solved. Now, maybe I can get some work done today! I think it probably is a first year male. Looking at it right now on my roof. Beautiful bird.
Well, I have seen red-winged blackbirds at the dam before but have never had any here at the house. It is sitting in the holly tree with the sparrows right now and I have only seen 1.
First-year males look like mature males but with rusty edgings on their black feathers. They have red wing-patches, but they are generally paler than mature males and may be darkly spotted.
Thursday, October 30 All is well with Lun Lun and her cub. He weighed 2682 grams at his last weight check.
Since there is no new news with the cub, I thought I would share a little about what Yang Yang and Mei Lan are up to. Over the last week, we have started to see the pandas eat the culm, or stalk, of the bamboo instead of the leaves. We see this shift normally in the fall and winter months as the nutrients of the bamboo shifts to the stalk as the temperature drops. For the pandas to eat the culm, they first have to remove a thin outside layer that they don’t eat, a process we call culming. Both Lun Lun and Yang Yang are quite proficient in culming the bamboo, for they have had many years of practice. They both peel the outside layer off around the whole stalk, then they crunch into the soft center and enjoy; much like we peel a banana then eat the whole banana at once.
Since this is only the second year that Mei Lan has had the opportunity to try out her culming skills and because she was still nursing the first year, her culming skills are really now starting to develop. She currently has a different technique then her parents do to remove the outer layer, which has been amusing to watch her figure out. Instead of removing all the culm first, she crunches down, causing the stalk to splinter into strips. She then peels out the inside and leaves the outside layer still attached to the stalk. Kind of like peeling a section of an orange, eating that section; then moving on to peel and eat the next section. Over time I am sure she will become as proficient as her parents, even if she keeps to her own style. Kate Roca Carnivore Keeper II
I love Red-Winged Blackbirds, and I love their song. Cong-a-reeeeeee. Always one of the first Spring birds I watch for around here....and there's usually a pile of them at Swanging Bradge....
Ooooh, Cedar Waxwing! Love their masks ! See a lot of them at Swanging Bradge too, and where there is one, there are usually more, Sharon, they are very communal....I think I need to make a field trip to Bluefield!
Hate to leave all this good company and the wildlife...gotta head out to take care of some all have a good day !Or, As T-Bird says, Make a Good Day !
Good late morning. Catching up...Mits, I asked Chrissy yesterday if they celebrated Halloween the way we did, but got no answer!! Thanks for investigating!! Loved the Turkey Shoot, Jo...thanks! My hand got tired, too, Helen! Hey, Red, you should join us on our yahoo account!!
I got this from a friend--the lake is in western Minnesota. The people belong to the Minnesota bird group. It's kind of long, but didn't want to leave anything out.
Where Eagles Dare (to float)
After noticing an adult Bald Eagle exhibiting a persistent low, circling behavior over Silver Lake (near Battle Lake/Otter Tail County), we dutifully crossed the road to see what was going on.
The object of the eagle’s attention was a Coot, apparently unable or limited in its ability to fly. The chase moved from near shore to further out in the lake. The eagle would circle, the coot would dive. Again and again and again.
Finally, the eagle simply landed in the water at the spot where the coot last went under. We counted. The eagle floated in the dead calm lake for nearly two minutes, occasionally lifting its wings out of the water. Then, it was up again. And, so was the coot. It had surfaced alive near the eagle, but it was unable to sustain its underwater time. Then, finally, not at all. The eagle claimed its prize after just a handful of circling attacks, plucked the exhausted coot out of the water and flew low over the water about 100 yards to a tree on the lakeshore where it perched, ate, and was hassled by a pair of crows who expressed their very great disappointment in the whole predator/prey thing.
We’ve read of eagles swimming but had never witnessed this eagle placidly floating on the water behavior. Absolutely amazing, but maybe a little more Life and Death action one would care to observe before breakfast on a picture perfect morning in autumn?
Happy Sunny TH to Everyone! Just starting to read blog & catch up. Gotta check Sissy's bird. Does sound like red-winged blackbird. The females don't have any orange. We have tons of them here. They especially like the wild rice at the Park on the River & we get some at bird feeder at home. Couldn't find my Chelsea "haunted house" yet in 'puter, so I took a new one. Can't hardly see it anymore, due to plant growth, but the upstairs window is where I saw Mom EEWWIIEE perched one time after she just about dive bombed me!
Sissy, I can't view the bird pic on Momsters---it always just shows an empty square that says "attachment not stored" & Picasa just tells me how to join! AARRGGHH Could you add it to Blog--Sissy's Pics??? Plz or EM me at Thanks a bunch!!!!
Howdy again, I feel like this place is BWO - I'm dropping in and dropping out..
Hi Nature Nut!
Paula I had a lot of fun with the Snowman cam late overnight, watched a bear and a large doe, that is a great site ! That Scrub Jay at Pelican Harbor was pretty...
I think there is a little blackbird at Two Harbors...
WOW, Deb, what a story! I went down to other boat ramp after work yesterday & saw TWO eagles flying across the river. Got pic of one, but it's far away.Will work on these new pics & get them on blog later. BBL---hunger!!!!
Loretta, I very seldom am able to see anything on Momsters Email. It is so frustrating for me. There is nothing to click on to view the subject. Don't know what the problem is.
Have been out running errands. Jack and I voted, need to return the books on tape. Now to clean the trailer and return it to it's home. After that I can pack for the weekend. Someone asked...the retreat is just outside Athens, TX. (East Texas)
Deb, that's a very interesting eagle behavior you reported, and perhaps it is a first report of such behavior. I know I haven't read of it before.
I was interested by the location of the report, because my uncle's and his brother-in-law's families both have cabins [recently enlarged into full house size] on Lake Buchanan, which is one of the smaller lakes "very near" Ottertail Lake. Great fishing on all the lakes in the area. :~D}
We visited a Bald Eagles nest, which was a fairly short drive from their place, and a large female was seen on "our lake," roosting on a snag and attempting to fish ... I think we scared it with the boat ... on L. Buchanan. It was gorgeous and flew very low over the water until it got near the western shore. It gained altitude and cleared the trees, and we lost sight of it. I think that was the only live sighting of an eagle I have experienced.
COSTUME LADY! I often have the same problem, so I go to the side bar on left which says "My attachments" then pick the sender/user....but sometimes that does not work either...
But it might be worth a try if you haven't done that yet...
DEB That was a very interesting and informative report about the Eagle and the Coot...Poor little Coot, but that sure is the way of nature all the way around....
I missed them too, but got your email, Margy! Did you attach pics, too, or was it an alert? The clock on still cam is about 12 min. ahead of real time??!! Is it Back to the Future?? or running??
Hi...Capt. Gene gave me a break and here I am and nobody's home. Speaking of doves in Pa., check out my Grandson on my Wild and Wonderful Blog. Grandson had a dove to land on his shoulder.
Had to be on the ball. Heading out in the morning for a retreat. Did not want to leave the trailer in the drive. We have an acre, but because of the trees and landscaping there is no convenient place to park the trailer. We have a long drive that goes staight to the house and garage.
We have the same problem, Lolly. With all the trees on our property, we are afraid to park the Motor Home anywhere except in the driveway...and that is a nuisance.
I am glad you all found the eagle story interesting. I did it, too, but poor little coot. Although, it would have been interesting to watch, I would have wanted to rescue the coot. I know it is nature, but it would be hard to stand by and watch.
I am back and had a good time. Now I am off to get a hair cut. I got a really cute picture of a muskrat, but will have to deal with it later. We saw one osprey (or three, but I think same one 3 times), mallards, mergansers, buffleheads, grebes, geese and lots of coots. BBL, oops, redheads, too.
Going trick-or-treating at next door neighbor lady's - - it is tonight in the city of Martinsburg because there is a High School Football game Friday night...townspeople are not real happy about it...! everywhere else in the county is Friday night... Sigh....
I have been away from my desk all afternoon. Has anyone seen Buta today? I have been worried about her since she fell yesterday. Would love to get a visual on her for just a minute.
Thanks, EESissy. That's the one. I had it, but somehow it got deleted.
The other day, after Microsoft had downloaded an update, I couldn't find another link, which I used every day, thought it was deleted; but I found it later in another unrelated folder!
Hunting used to be like a religion in our family. All of the men would disappear for 2 weeks in November, come home for Thanksgiving and go right back. Daddy had his camper in the woods before the leaves started turning in anticipation!! None of the boys hunt anymore, for whatever reason.
Good update from Channel Isl., Jim. TY. Paulleo, glad you like us so much. You must join us in person next time. We are a crazy bunch, but we all are smart in varying disciplines, and we have a lot of stories/experiences to share, and we do have FUN!!!! We never to cease to be amazed at the bond and spirit of friendship a group of strangers has formed thanks to our Lib and Belle and their offspring. Each and every one of us is special, and we truly are blessed.
Well, hunting is a great outdoor activity ... great exercise, great interest figuring where the deer, for example, will be and a great charge in handling and shooting the rifle successfully..
Anyway, its a man's thing involving skill, strength, communing with nature ... and eating.
ALSO! You get a lot of good meat for the winter, which is what it was all about in the old days.
Good evening everyone. I have just finished my emails and the blog. It looks as if you had 3 sightings at our nest today. I saw the one early this morning and was stunned when the eagle arrived. Just hope our cam stays up and running. Live cam would be good too.
That little fuzz ball ZZ has really grown since I last could see her. She is a cutie.
Pa woods are MT as well as our nest and BWO.
CSI is next on my list of things to do, so will be off to watch that. Just wanted to check in and say, "Hi". You all have a nice evening and a peaceful sleep.
Good Evening, Eagle Buds! Finally put my Park & River pics on blog. There's one set of 5 and a single one after that. Blogger messed up again & posted them in backwards order, so I had to redo everything backwards!!!
1 – 200 of 229 Newer› Newest»Good morning Steve. Thanks for the new thread
thank you Glo and Steve:)
Have we had any word on when our Live Feed will be up and running again? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME.
no word that I know of yet....when is that school thing supposed to start????
SEA EAGLE on view
In what countries is trick-or-treating most popular?
Besides the US, trick-or-treating is most popular in the UK, Canada and Ireland. In recent years, Australia and New Zealand, along with many other countries in Europe, have also adopted this fun Halloween tradition
just a little bit a trivia....:)
Have a great day all:) Much better weather today!! Off to entertain the kiddies!!
I Want Candy
and if you don't like that song-I'm Sorry
Good songs Megan. Thanks Glo and Steve and Mits for the trivia!
Morning again everyone!!
Good morning everyone. Big herd of turkeys in Pa woods cam
Eagle and fish at BWO
Me talking to self in Toney,
Al. lol
BWO---EAGLE & FISH!!----
Good morning Norma. Thought I was alone this morning. lol
RED!!---SORRY---but I was listening to 'I WANT CANDY'!---ho!!
Guess I was country and never heard that one but do remember "I'm sorry".
HELEN!!---What's the SCHOOL THING?----
Randy Johnson and Sandy Burke were talking about it at open house.....PAULA would have more details
ATLANTA'S "CC" is doing what he does best!!----nursing!!--He will out weigh BUTA BUTA soon!!!---ho!M
Oh yeah RED!!!---I remember all the "TEAR JERKERS" too!!!
Don't know RANDY JOHNSON or SANDY BURKE---Do they work at NCTC?---(i will pay to work there)---ho!
SHARON---Did you all get more snow?---TUCKER CO closed schools & pics of CANAAN VALLEY were on the news!!---Looked like a pic of 'WINTER WONDER LAND'!! --
How cool, visitors in the early light...
Sandy is a biologist educator, when I was talking to her we were talking about other things, she lives near me in Bethesda, was not paying that much attention to what the program was, but told her I would be happy to help out if they are going to do a school project in Montgomery County, Maryland, it is supposed to involve the eagles at NCTC, I think.....ask PAULA, when she comes on or e-mail her:)I don't know and do not want to gice out incorrect info:)
Close Mits, that's Randy Robinson that works at NCTC. Sandy Burke works for them also, on a contract basis. She is developing some educational programs for elementary school kids based upon our "food chain" and Blackwater's "food chain". It's a card game based upon the food chain.
There will be some new links in the spring off our website to the game. She is also introducing the NCTC cam to lots of teachers and talking to them about how to use it as a teaching tool.
Yeah Randy Johnson is the baseball pitcher...:)
Sissy just sent out a pic of a mystery bird we have that is going back and forth between our houses. Please let us know what it is!
MONSTER TURKEYS at PA site!--BEWARE 'FEATHERED FRIENDS'!!!----Turkey season is next month!!!!!!!!
Good morning, everyone.
Questions on the mystery bird:
Is it as dark, all over, as it looks in the picture??
Is the beak black??
His description is: Dark brown/black bird, a little smaller than a robin, he has orange patches on his wings, buff-color on feather tips on his back and buff stripes by the eyes. Spots on his chest (spots that look like a starling). His beak is black and not as long as a starlings.
I didn't get the bird picture. Can someone put me on the mailing list?
Email address, Bill?
Sounds like a female Red Winged Blackbird.
I think Red has nailed it! Either a juvenile or female Red-winged blackbird.
Red, do you get the eaglet momster mail, that is where she sent the pic out
I saw that yesterday but thought it wasn't supposed to be this far east!
eagle came back at BWO with yet another fish:)
send it to Lisa at BWO, she is good at identifying birds, or she passes it along to the bird experts there.
Could be a first year male red winged blackbird too. Here is photo of a first year male.
First Year Male Red Winged Blackbird
No Helen, I'm registered but never get the mail. :(
neither does my sister????
I am so grateful the mystery is solved. Now, maybe I can get some work done today! I think it probably is a first year male. Looking at it right now on my roof. Beautiful bird.
2 sea eagles at Finney!
RED---I agree with you!!---didn't know it had red stripes on wing!!-----I thought it was all black with two light stripes on wing!!-----
The Juvie male would have red stripes.
SHARON!---There several of those birds in this area---They are beautiful birds!!---
Well, I have seen red-winged blackbirds at the dam before but have never had any here at the house. It is sitting in the holly tree with the sparrows right now and I have only seen 1.
First-year males look like mature males but with rusty edgings on their black feathers. They have red wing-patches, but they are generally paler than mature males and may be darkly spotted.
I have Red Winged Blackbirds at my feeders all year. Beautiful bird and vocal but sure not a songbird. Squawks like a grackel. lol
PAULA!!!---WHOA!!--sounds like WONDERFUL programs!!!---REALLY NEEDED!!---Also the SOONER the BETTER!!!
Lots of RWBB at Blackwater too
I think the individual emails would do Paula.
Done...and check your mail...
Eagle back at BWO eating
the male ate all 3 fish that were there
Thanks Paula. Guess I could have done that but wasn't aware where I could do it. Now I know.
2 at bwo now
big momma brought in her own fresh fish to eat.:)
Thursday, October 30
All is well with Lun Lun and her cub. He weighed 2682 grams at his last weight check.
Since there is no new news with the cub, I thought I would share a little about what Yang Yang and Mei Lan are up to. Over the last week, we have started to see the pandas eat the culm, or stalk, of the bamboo instead of the leaves. We see this shift normally in the fall and winter months as the nutrients of the bamboo shifts to the stalk as the temperature drops. For the pandas to eat the culm, they first have to remove a thin outside layer that they don’t eat, a process we call culming. Both Lun Lun and Yang Yang are quite proficient in culming the bamboo, for they have had many years of practice. They both peel the outside layer off around the whole stalk, then they crunch into the soft center and enjoy; much like we peel a banana then eat the whole banana at once.
Since this is only the second year that Mei Lan has had the opportunity to try out her culming skills and because she was still nursing the first year, her culming skills are really now starting to develop. She currently has a different technique then her parents do to remove the outer layer, which has been amusing to watch her figure out. Instead of removing all the culm first, she crunches down, causing the stalk to splinter into strips. She then peels out the inside and leaves the outside layer still attached to the stalk. Kind of like peeling a section of an orange, eating that section; then moving on to peel and eat the next section. Over time I am sure she will become as proficient as her parents, even if she keeps to her own style.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II
beautiful tiger on cam at NZ
ewwie has arrived at BWO
It is really hard on the eyes and the mind to go from 2 eagles one minute to a lovely eeewwie the next!
juvie at BWO
Juvie eagle just arrived at BWO
Nice wings!!
He's a beaut!
He is beautiful, ain't he?
and he knows it:)...look at the wonderful profile
Oh my someone got chased away..
Paula, how old do you think the Juvie is?
its like a revolving door there at BWO
Wow fresh chow....
I think someone just stole the chow..
I love Red-Winged Blackbirds, and I love their song. Cong-a-reeeeeee.
Always one of the first Spring birds I watch for around here....and there's usually a pile of them at Swanging Bradge....
Good Morning Everyone...
Juvie is back...another eagle on the cam...
morning, Margy.
Magpie - could be this year or last years juvie
Thanks, Paula .
Great stuff at BWO this morning, allrighty!
RED - I have a pic of "Florida Race" Red-Winged Blackbird which looks a whole lot like Bev's pic..
( On my Thayer's Guide on the computer)
I had a cedar waxwing out here a minute ago. Never had one of those before either.
That bird at BWO is awesome..and what is the shadow right next to the real thing? Another bird maybe?
you must be putting out some primo birdseed, Sharon:)
yes, Margy, it is
Ooooh, Cedar Waxwing! Love their masks ! See a lot of them at Swanging Bradge too, and where there is one, there are usually more, Sharon, they are very communal....I think I need to make a field trip to Bluefield!
Hmmm maybe juvie around 2 1/2...looks like beak starting to change...
Sharon, they must be migrating through...
Hate to leave all this good company and the wildlife...gotta head out to take care of some all have a good day !Or, As T-Bird says, Make a Good Day !
That Juvnie sure is eyeing whatever it is that is making the shadow !
Have a good one Margy!
Good late morning. Catching up...Mits, I asked Chrissy yesterday if they celebrated Halloween the way we did, but got no answer!! Thanks for investigating!!
Loved the Turkey Shoot, Jo...thanks! My hand got tired, too, Helen!
Hey, Red, you should join us on our yahoo account!!
I better get on here & say Good Morning before it is too late.
40 emails takes awhile - Trying to catch up on the Mystery Bird's ID.
it was on my American Greetings page, Lynn.
juvie just took off
wonder who the next visitor will be?
There is something at Pelican Harbor....cannot tell what it is..
Now I am out the door...
An eewwiiee, but now he's gone too!
Looks like a scrub jay
Lynn - Red has been a Eaglet Momsters/Dadsters since June 2007.
He is a full fledged Eagle Buddy! lol
I got this from a friend--the lake is in western Minnesota. The people belong to the Minnesota bird group. It's kind of long, but didn't want to leave anything out.
Where Eagles Dare (to float)
After noticing an adult Bald Eagle exhibiting a persistent low, circling behavior over Silver Lake (near Battle Lake/Otter Tail County), we dutifully crossed the road to see what was going on.
The object of the eagle’s attention was a Coot, apparently unable or limited in its ability to fly. The chase moved from near shore to further out in the lake. The eagle would circle, the coot would dive. Again and again and again.
Finally, the eagle simply landed in the water at the spot where the coot last went under. We counted. The eagle floated in the dead calm lake for nearly two minutes, occasionally lifting its wings out of the water. Then, it was up again. And, so was the coot. It had surfaced alive near the eagle, but it was unable to sustain its underwater time. Then, finally, not at all. The eagle claimed its prize after just a handful of circling attacks, plucked the exhausted coot out of the water and flew low over the water about 100 yards to a tree on the lakeshore where it perched, ate, and was hassled by a pair of crows who expressed their very great disappointment in the whole predator/prey thing.
We’ve read of eagles swimming but had never witnessed this eagle placidly floating on the water behavior. Absolutely amazing, but maybe a little more Life and Death action one would care to observe before breakfast on a picture perfect morning in autumn?
What an experience...
Happy Sunny TH to Everyone!
Just starting to read blog & catch up. Gotta check Sissy's bird. Does sound like red-winged blackbird. The females don't have any orange.
We have tons of them here. They especially like the wild rice at the Park on the River & we get some at bird feeder at home.
Couldn't find my Chelsea "haunted house" yet in 'puter, so I took a new one. Can't hardly see it anymore, due to plant growth, but the upstairs window is where I saw Mom EEWWIIEE perched one time after she just about dive bombed me!
Sissy, I can't view the bird pic on Momsters---it always just shows an empty square that says "attachment not stored" & Picasa just tells me how to join! AARRGGHH
Could you add it to Blog--Sissy's Pics??? Plz or EM me at Thanks a bunch!!!!
Howdy again, I feel like this place is BWO - I'm dropping in and dropping out..
Hi Nature Nut!
Paula I had a lot of fun with the Snowman cam late overnight, watched a bear and a large doe, that is a great site !
That Scrub Jay at Pelican Harbor was pretty...
I think there is a little blackbird at Two Harbors...
Back out again...Have a Fun Afternoon everyone...
WOW, Deb, what a story!
I went down to other boat ramp after work yesterday & saw TWO eagles flying across the river. Got pic of one, but it's far away.Will work on these new pics & get them on blog later.
Loretta, I very seldom am able to see anything on Momsters Email. It is so frustrating for me. There is nothing to click on to view the subject. Don't know what the problem is.
Hello!! Great story Deb! Fantastic to watch.
Have been out running errands. Jack and I voted, need to return the books on tape. Now to clean the trailer and return it to it's home. After that I can pack for the weekend. Someone asked...the retreat is just outside Athens, TX. (East Texas)
I so enjoyed the Fall color...not much here. :(
Deb, that's a very interesting eagle behavior you reported, and perhaps it is a first report of such behavior. I know I haven't read of it before.
I was interested by the location of the report, because my uncle's and his brother-in-law's families both have cabins [recently enlarged into full house size] on Lake Buchanan, which is one of the smaller lakes "very near" Ottertail Lake. Great fishing on all the lakes in the area. :~D}
We visited a Bald Eagles nest, which was a fairly short drive from their place, and a large female was seen on "our lake," roosting on a snag and attempting to fish ... I think we scared it with the boat ... on L. Buchanan. It was gorgeous and flew very low over the water until it got near the western shore. It gained altitude and cleared the trees, and we lost sight of it. I think that was the only live sighting of an eagle I have experienced.
I hope everyone is having a great day.....
I see an eagle at BWO now.
There's something besides the egg in the Hummingbird's nest, but I don't think there is a second egg yet.
Oh, JIM Nice! My first "real" Eagle sighting was at NCTC on Easter 2006...
COSTUME LADY! I often have the same problem, so I go to the side bar on left which says "My attachments" then pick the sender/user....but sometimes that does not work either...
But it might be worth a try if you haven't done that yet...
LOLLY AND JACK! Good to know you are back in YOUR OWN ROOST NOW
We sure enjoyed meeting you folks...
Enjoy your Retreat !
Gobbler Party in Pennsylvania...
DEB That was a very interesting and informative report about the Eagle and the Coot...Poor little Coot, but that sure is the way of nature all the way around....
Catch ya'll much-o later-o
Have a good afternoon!
BBL Going to pick up a Play Date
Nature Nut - I'll be watching for your photos! Sounds wonderful....
The turkeys are disguised as doves now in Pa.
Eagle Alert !!
Our Nest !!
How utterly beautiful, Sharon..not sure if anyone is around to watch !
Wow, that was great, I got a couple of pics and just sent them out...
Sorry I don't have any picture things on my Profile...will have to learn to do that one of these days...
Hope a few of you folks saw OUR EAGLE.
Shoot!! I missed it. Do you know which one it was?
I missed them too, but got your email, Margy!
Did you attach pics, too, or was it an alert?
The clock on still cam is about 12 min. ahead of real time??!! Is it Back to the Future?? or running??
I hardly ever know, JIM, but Sharon probably knows. I did put a couple pics out on Yahoo email...
I don't know how to get them out on my email program that I sent you the message on, Loretta (not yet anyway) but I did put them up on Yahoo..
Sometimes I can make them bigger on there too but I didn't try that this time.. It was beautiful, the afternoon sun shining on the big white head!
Got to go to Charles Town for a little while, catch you folks later.
You know, I really can't believe it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since I smoked!
Deb, what a wonderfully graphic story about the eagle and the coot. As always, nature is amazing!
Good Afternoon Folks!
I really like this Blog. It`s the only one I use.
Have learned a lot just by watching!
Oh, wow!!! Two adult eagles at BW then one left. Wow!
Trailer now clean, ready to go back to its home. So sad!
Started the day in jeans and a sweatshirt, now in shorts and a t-shirt.
Hi...Capt. Gene gave me a break and here I am and nobody's home. Speaking of doves in Pa., check out my Grandson on my Wild and Wonderful Blog. Grandson had a dove to land on his shoulder.
Paulleo, glad you are here!
GOOD GOLLY MISS are really on the ball. Did you find any Stink Bugs in you trailer?
Yes, Paul, we do like hearing from you.
No stink bugs!!! Went to see your grandson's picture with the dove. Explain the "kitty" picture. :)
Eagle still at BW.
Had to be on the ball. Heading out in the morning for a retreat. Did not want to leave the trailer in the drive. We have an acre, but because of the trees and landscaping there is no convenient place to park the trailer. We have a long drive that goes staight to the house and garage.
Lolly, my daughter sent the email about the Kitties and I didn't get the "Punch Line" along with the photo. Here it it:
'So, there I was . . . Just relaxing
In front of the T.V.
And then the kids yelled,
'Hey Mom, Come see the kittens!'
We have the same problem, Lolly. With all the trees on our property, we are afraid to park the Motor Home anywhere except in the driveway...and that is a nuisance.
My break is over...must help Gene out. BBL (College kids have been here off and on all day...they buy a lot of accessories)
I am glad you all found the eagle story interesting. I did it, too, but poor little coot. Although, it would have been interesting to watch, I would have wanted to rescue the coot. I know it is nature, but it would be hard to stand by and watch.
Deb, are you back from the trip to lake?
Lolly and Wanda....the punch line is...they are not kittys...they are baby skunks....the little girls thought they were kittys.
well, yes obviously you are back, did you have fun?
I am back and had a good time. Now I am off to get a hair cut. I got a really cute picture of a muskrat, but will have to deal with it later. We saw one osprey (or three, but I think same one 3 times), mallards, mergansers, buffleheads, grebes, geese and lots of coots. BBL, oops, redheads, too.
hope they visit before spidey nest takes over:)
think it is LIB?
30 Second refresh is more like a 90 second refresh
maybe they will come back
both are back.
just BELLE now
looking to the West:)
getting dark, they may be back or maybe not:)
guess the show is over for tonight
Man ! I didn't miss the action except by a few minutes !
By I'm glad to see some pictures of it !
Beautiful Jupiter and Venus tonight..I think 4% of waxing crescent Moon is going to be hard to see but I 'm looking !
Two birds at Two Harbors - I guess crows or ravens....
Check Bai Yun and ZZ ... like mother, like daughter when it comes to feeding on the bamboo.
And there's a close-up of Lil Lun stretching his 2-month-old muscles to the max and squiggling this way and that.
pizzas to run:)
Take a peek at the Report on the No. Channel Islands......
No. Channel Isles Report
Going trick-or-treating at next door neighbor lady's - - it is tonight in the city of Martinsburg because there is a High School Football game Friday night...townspeople are not real happy about it...! everywhere else in the county is Friday night...
xoxo TTFN xoxo
I tried to get a picture of what I think is a bat at PIX PA but computer would not cooperate! Phooey ! xo
Raccoon party just starting in PA, everybody come on!!
I think the Racoons have been in the Hallowe-en Candy !!
TTFN, now , really
time for some candy for myself !
I have been away from my desk all afternoon. Has anyone seen Buta today? I have been worried about her since she fell yesterday. Would love to get a visual on her for just a minute.
Could you give me a link or the proper name of the PA cam? I think I had it, but I can't find it now.
Try that Jim.
Thanks, EESissy. That's the one. I had it, but somehow it got deleted.
The other day, after Microsoft had downloaded an update, I couldn't find another link, which I used every day, thought it was deleted; but I found it later in another unrelated folder!
I am way too slow. They are both the same, so it must be correct!
That is one of my favorites...always something going on there.
Anybody remember the deer with the bad leg last looked like it was getting better finally. Does anyone know if it recovered?
Thank you too, Wanda. I didn't see your entry until now.
The PA cam is Tom's favorite. Makes him want to go hunting. He quit hunting years ago, lost the heart for it. (THANK GOD). But he misses it sometimes.
Always happening, except right now. I don't see even an insect moving.
I haven't hunted in years either, although I'm looking for somewhere to do it now.
I never lost the love of hunting, but some so-and-so built developments all over my Happy Hunting Grounds.
Hunting used to be like a religion in our family. All of the men would disappear for 2 weeks in November, come home for Thanksgiving and go right back. Daddy had his camper in the woods before the leaves started turning in anticipation!! None of the boys hunt anymore, for whatever reason.
So, I reckon no one saw Buta today?
Good update from Channel Isl., Jim. TY.
Paulleo, glad you like us so much. You must join us in person next time. We are a crazy bunch, but we all are smart in varying disciplines, and we have a lot of stories/experiences to share, and we do have FUN!!!! We never to cease to be amazed at the bond and spirit of friendship a group of strangers has formed thanks to our Lib and Belle and their offspring. Each and every one of us is special, and we truly are blessed.
Sharon, I am SO PROUD of you!!! It's also been two weeks since you graced us with your arrival!!!! Miss you! Sissy and Mattie, too.
Well, hunting is a great outdoor activity ... great exercise, great interest figuring where the deer, for example, will be and a great charge in handling and shooting the rifle successfully..
Anyway, its a man's thing involving skill, strength, communing with nature ... and eating.
ALSO! You get a lot of good meat for the winter, which is what it was all about in the old days.
deer at snowman cam
Well that didn't work???
Home from my hair cut, but watching Survivor.
Good evening everyone. I have just finished my emails and the blog. It looks as if you had 3 sightings at our nest today. I saw the one early this morning and was stunned when the eagle arrived. Just hope our cam stays up and running. Live cam would be good too.
MITS Thanks to the link to the cam.
OMG jZZ and mom are still together at SD Zoo.
That little fuzz ball ZZ has really grown since I last could see her. She is a cutie.
Pa woods are MT as well as our nest and BWO.
CSI is next on my list of things to do, so will be off to watch that.
Just wanted to check in and say, "Hi". You all have a nice evening and a peaceful sleep.
Good Evening, Eagle Buds!
Finally put my Park & River pics on blog. There's one set of 5 and a single one after that.
Blogger messed up again & posted them in backwards order, so I had to redo everything backwards!!!
Loretta! Pictures are beautiful, as usual....thank you !
And now I think we are going to SPLIT ...maybe....never know til it happens.
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