New thread.
We passed a milestone a couple of weeks ago that I didn't notice at the time. We are now at post 1017 for this blog. Thanks to all who help make the NCTC Eagle Cam Daily an active and vibrant world-wide community for folks interested in eagles and all other critters as well. A thousand posts about a nest in little Shepherdstown, WV is a lot!
We did some work yesterday to cut back trees that were interfering with the microwave signal from the nest. In addition, our guys are planning for the next season, which will happen sooner that we all think. We're working on some technological improvements to allow more reliable video. More on that later.
1 – 200 of 337 Newer› Newest»ps--the day/time thing is out of our hands. John's working with the powers that be...
Good Morning everyone...
Thanks for that good news Steve.
There is a group out there that is against bird watching, they are against bird porn as they call it LOL,
Thursday, October 02, 2008 8:54:00 AM
Wow, thanks Steve. We are so excited!! Robyn, I think a little "bird porn" is good for the soul!!
This is just like a long time ago: I seem to be the only one that cannot get Live Feed. Must be my BLONDE ROOTS!
Wow,, what a way to start the day!! I got on just in time to see the eagle flying off. Not enough of a sighting to know who it was, but I got video!
I thought it was a joke at first
Thank you Steven!
By the way, what could possibly be wrong with bird porn! :)
Thanks Steve for all the great work you and the guy from NCTC do with the live cam and the refresh cam. Looking forward to those improvements thank you ( :
Robyn that is silly lol
I can remember, Robyn, a long time ago, when I was about 15 yrs old, I belonged to a Bird Watching group and was ashamed to tell anyone because it was not COOL to do such a thing. I wonder why that is? BIRD PORN...they have sick minds!
Someone is sitting above the nest. The shadow is showing on the cam hee hee
WHOA!---I can't get the BOY CUB'S cam up???----SISSY--you aren't hiding him in BLUEFIELD are you!!!
I just watched that video, Robyn, and that girl looks as if she just crawled out of the woods. Must have been BIRD WATCHING. LOL
That shadow is the spider. Saw him crawling off.
Well maybe that isn't an eagles shadow!!! EEEKKKK an insect!!! Yuck where are the eagles....
Red it doesn't look like spidey. Looked more like some kind of bee possibly????
or one of your BM Stink Bugs. lol
Hello again:) That uptight bird porn group is insane. Me thinks they need more sex and less free time- I can't believe it's real, they seem to be very uptight about sex in general.
Thanks, Robyn- I wonder how long the live feed has been up and we didn't even know? I hadn't checked it in weeks.
RED, I read that you all are still having a gasoline shortage...that just seems impossible with all the over-abundance we have up here. Why can't our left-overs be delivered down there? This United States just doesn't GET IT!
Norma, Luney is all alone and trying to get mobile. Doing a pretty good job considering how young he is.
I myself love watching bird porn (doesn't everyone). How crazy people can be!! Some people really just need a life.
My family called me Jane Hathaway (Beverly Hillbillies) when I first started watching birds. Now we all do!!
First thought that comes to mind is, when there is a Hurricane down there, we send all our emergency workers and whatever else may be needed, but with a gasoline shortage...why can't we help now?
GOOD GRIEF! It is time for me to get busy. Have a good day Y'all.
Lib is still in the next, 11 o'clock.
Good morning all. Lets see oh yeah the Bird Porn group yep they effectively shut down one of my "lovulation" videos a couple of years ago g-r-r-r I hope they don't go to the zoo they may want to shut them down too.
I am off to a Staff Meeting but first wanted to give you a link to my day yesterday...what an awesome experince I had.
Hoo Haven Visit and link to update info on RufflesII
The shortage is a fake I think. I have not had problems getting gas. Some stations are out but others have gas and the price is not any worse than before. I think the media makes things worse.
I agree Red, I hear a certain candidate mentioning our gas prices keep rising but mine dropped close to 80 cents. Eventually we will have our own flowing.
Just checked out the bird porn site, read some of the comments. There are some strange people in this world!
lib is in the nest, not next!!
Yep, there is an eagle in the nest.
EAGLE that was sitting at the top of the nest---just 'whooshed' off!
Exciting when they are back in the nest!---LOVE 'EM!---
for months now my real player has been coming up automatically, never thought to see if live feed was working.....
MORNIN' DEB!!---Those aren't WV folks I am sure!!!----'takes all kinds' ho!
thanks, Ceil for calling.....
tHERE'S a new, more complete update of the flight of Deshar posted.
And there are new answers to some pretty old questions on the Frodo site.
It's already near 70° in So Cal, and it looks like another hot one ... near 90° this P.M.
This Afternoon
Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 60s. West winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 40s. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Partly sunny. Highs in the upper 60s. West winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Friday Night
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 40s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 60s. Northwest winds around 5 mph...becoming west in the afternoon.
BTW, the reason we can't see the FLAMINGO CAM at NZ is because it was hit by lightning some time back and they have been trying to fix it....miss the little pink beauties
Good Morning (sorry got entriged with live feed) Deb, Megan, Red,
Robyn, Bev, Wanda, Ceil,Sharon, Mits, Norma Glo and hello Jim
(thanks for more info).
Red if you seen spidey crawling off. Maybe that bug on cam is spidey's breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Supposed to be "intrigued"
awesome shot of clouded leopard right now....all the animals were out on the trail yesterday, but it was raining so hard,,,,it was just me and to talk to the girl otters, they were really vocal:)
TRUE story!!--Foggy weather & bright lights are being blamed for the deaths of hundreds of migratory birds that flew headlong into Tucker Co. WV School----"They were swarming around the lighted entry trying to get into the school---flying around & banging into glass windows at school---Dead birds were piled up on the roof under a window & across school grounds--(DNR spokesman)---Most were yellow warblers!!---Migratory songbirds migrate at night & use stars to navigate---If stars are obscured by clouds or dense fog, they will orient to almost any elevated light source to attempt to navigate.---Heavy dense fog--Mon. am---
Wow, Steve...over a thousand posts for this blog....wonder how many comments??? Bet it's a couple of hundred thousand...
Mornin' MOVIN'JIM!---Thought this story at Tucker School might give a clue as to why DESHAR might be flying off course---& became disoriented---
What?? The live feed is up???
How the heck did that happen? Maybe they realized they owed us some time...
Oh man, and I missed the eagle!
RED---Have CNN on & they were showing more & more places that gas has become available!!---
I posted video of Belle flying away this morning. EAGLE ALERT!!
Eagle alert!!!!!
Eagle Alert!!!
I do so miss the flamingo cam at DC Mits. Liked watching the young grow up.
Oh Norma such sad news about the migrating yellow warblers :(
Morning Paula ( :
Glo loved the video of "Ruffles and the refuge". Loved the music with it ( :
She is just hanging out in the middle of the nest!
That was a nice visit!
Thank goodness my internet went down after she left!!
MORNIN' PAULA!!----Hope Mom is doing well!!!----When my live came up & I saw this EAGLE in our nest & then it flew away!!---AWESOME SIGHT!!----BLEW MY MIND!!---(i enjoyed it---can't you tell)
What an EAGLE FIX !!
Thursday, October 2
The cub continues to grow steadily every day. He weighed 1152.4 grams yesterday. During the exam our Veterinarian, Dr. Sam Rivera, took body measurements on the cub. He is now 35 cm from tip of nose to tail base. He has a neck girth of 16.8 cm, a chest girth of 25 cm, and a belly girth of 29.7 cm (that is a whopping 11.7 inches around -- no wonder Heather refers to him as a little butterball). The only thing that has not increased in size is his tail. It still remains 5.5 cm. So, he is slowly growing into what seems to be a long tail for such a small panda.
Kate Roca
Carnivore Keeper II
Well I never expected that!
Hope it stays up for Open House! WOW! Thank You!
Hee hee stick of butter "butterball 11.7 inches around belly" hee hee
Thanks for the update Mits.
Excuse me - I got so excited I almost spilled my coffee and I totally forgot to say
Great for all you news Steve about this site. We do make good things
Deb - I guess some people don't know zilch about the birds and the bees!
I meant to address the last comment to Robyn.
Deb, thanks for the video that I missed seeing first hand. Made my day
Glo - thanks for the video!
Remember that Donna aka Mauley has her ultrasound exam today.
Taking a look at emails
Haircut day today
Getting ready to leave
Will catch up with you all when I
I have 3 short videos of the nest this morning but not sure how to send it so the link appears... any suggestions? said my real player did not have the software to view them....I'm just a basic PC....not alot of fancy stuff
Robyn - the way you sent it out is fine...I don't have Version 11 of RP either to view them
Did ya'll hear they found Steve Fossett's plane?
AWESOME close-up of sloth bear cam #1a on NATIONAL ZOO CAMS
I heard they had found some stuff of his.
They found the plan late last smashed head on into the mountain...pretty much remains found yet.
Plane, not plan
The crash wreckage discovered in California's Sierra Nevada Mountains is in fact that of lost adventurer Steve Fossett's plane, though no human remains have been found, authorities said Thursday.
hmmmm, wonder what happened to his body
SUZANNE will be taking her SAVE GAS DAY tomorrow and will not be at work
Yep ty I already TGIF her for today.
Wow maybe he did walk out of plane crash????? More questions????
Doesn't sound very likely...but if he did, he's disappeared.
Most of the fuselage disintegrated on impact, and the engine was found several hundred feet away, Anderson said.
sure he disinigrated right on impact...he sure would not leave the 1,000 bucks they found if he were alive, PAULA
And a comment from a woman on the CHIL forum who lives in Mammoth Lakes, near where the wreckage was found
"Where the plane was found is about 1/4 mile from where the ID and money was found. We have plenty of large animals in the area that could have dragged the body. Coyotes, bears, and mountain lions."
Good morning! Sorry I missed the eagles! But, I did see our baby panda!
Another beautiful day ahead!! Hope all of you are enjoying it.
NORMASorry you will not be at the dinner! Are you going on the train?
Lolly - Norma is indeed going to ride the train!
FOR SURE.....if the crash didn't get him....the animals would...they will find more info in the days to come...but have to hurry.....winter coming
Very good! Then I get to meet her on Sunday!
Thanks to all for the cell phone numbers.
Going to clean house today and put out Fall "stuff". I really feel like it is here now that Sept. in gone. BBL
Yes for him to be alive somewhere would truly have to be a "MIRACLE".
Eewwiiee at BWO
2 of 'em
hoodies 3 of them at Finland
now 4
its a hoodie party:)
I wonder if the cam will be up all year at Finney water nest??
They are pretty good size birds...about the size of a raven I would say.
nice cleanup job by the ewwiieess
I hopw so...would love to see the weather....but like I have said before their days are really short in the winter
hoodies all gone....just saw a vehicle driving on the road behind BWO nest
Eewwiiee really checking out the osprey nest...can't believe how many sticks they've already kicked out of the nest!
clouds like here are really racing by
Getting dark in Finland...
Is that a road now, Mits?
Clouds really racing by at BWO also...
Or are you talking about back by the trees?
it looked like a maintenance kind of vehicle...think that road is closed til sometime this month
Eewwiiee still at BWO
LOL, he just left as soon as I posted!
I lost my real player, but it came right back up.
Mine did that about 2+ hours ago, too, Deb.
I sure wish I could join y'all next weekend. I think I'm gonna miss some good moments.
Live Feed LOL who knew? I so much more enjoy it when its live.
I am glad to hear some of you have gone to visit the Hoo Haven site and info as well as just watching the video from the picture.
Its a special place with special people as are many places like that in our ocuntry.
What would we do without our wildlife?
ewwiiee back at BWO
2 now:)...they are so funny looking
2 eewwiies at BWO
Oh my, now it's a 3 some....
Oh, maybe I shouldn't have posted that...the bird porn people will come and drag me away....
maybe they are dancing together.....
yep, bird porn people look at for them weirdos.....JMHO
PAULA, watch out for those threesomes...that could be BIRD PORN!
Isn't that hysterical? Makes ya wonder about people.
Just went to the bird porn site. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I think it is just a big expensive joke. Did not like a lot of the language!
Gotta roll...catch ya'll later!
Lolly I just got a chance to go over to the birdporn site. If this isn't a joke than these people are sick.
Thanks Sharon. Lib and Belle in the nest.
Mits thanks for the Flamingo cam update. I miss that cam. Bet the little ones are big now.
This is a BE STILL MY HEART moment!
I finally got Live Feed and at just the right time. Are they beautiful or what?
The wind is blowing them around in the nest...I think it has also blown my customers away. I was sitting in the shop going to sleep...had to get up and walk around. Gene is still working on our new furnace, so he can't relieve me, so I am relieving myself.
Atta Girl, Wanda
I've returned from morning errands.
It's just too beautiful for words
Feels like you could just reach out and touch that eagle of ours
This is a very good sign that on the 18th we will see them.
sooooooooo peaceful
Hey, RED..gas is 3.49a gal. here. What is it down there?
Saw $3.43 yesterday
Times up...back to shop.
But filled my truck Sunday for $3.89. That will last me a month.
Read some comments from the Bird Porn Idiots! I just can't imagine anyone
with nothing better to do with their
life! All that energy could be put to
such good use if behind the right cause.
On well! I bet Mother Nature takes a
dim view at all the silliness!
May all the birds of the sky
poop on their heads in protest!!! lol
Received an email reply concerning our invitation to come up for Open House from
Lisa - Black Water
I'm not sure if I can make it
I greatly appreciate the invite! I'll be getting back to you. :-)
Black Water's Open House is Oct 4
this weekend. Their schedule of events
are found at the link Lisa put on the Osprey page.
I think it is Lib
I have psychedelic flashing on my Live Feed
BUT I can still see Lib.........
Great Day for eagle watching at NCTC for sure.
Hi Glo - My Live Feed is acting up but I can still see our Liberty..
I guess he is thinking about flying out soon.
Yes shoter visit that time but beautiful the whole time LOL Back again LOL
LOL Looks like nestorations
have begun in OUR nest
Wonder how long Lib will be able to work in the nest until Belle arrives and changes it all! :)
I closed my live feed when Lib left in order to get rid of the lines - it came back on clear as a bell and not he's back moving sticks. I think it is Lib
but I could have the name wrong...
Glad you're here with me
Glo was here a few minutes ago
It is windy out today
But it doesn't look like rain
Good late afternoon. It's been one of those lazy days...slept in which was nice since it was gray and chilly. Read papers, emails,blogs, and then the phone started call after another! Finally got back to you all!
So great to see live cam up--not to worry, it hasn't been long. I checked it about this time last week, and no-go then, so this is a recent development. Yippee!! Thanks to John or whoever got it up and running!
When I saw the email about it, I didn't know who that was, but now know it was our Robyn who was so alert!! Thanks for the heads up!
Interesting stat on the blogs, Steve. Yes, Jo, I bet the comments number in the 6 digits!!!
I am still here :) Enjoying the view
Glo, thanks for the neat video and link to Hoo. Very cool.
I can't believe that there are nuts out there who think that we are getting those kinds of jollies from our bird watching hobby. They are the ones who need help! A bill before the senate???? Give me a break.
Wow-nice clear pic on that cam.
LOL Sharon I had the same thought. Either lib is getting bolder about moving the furnishings without Belle there or it is Belle in the nest.
Either way we do have nestorations for sure.
WOW Sharon you did it - I know you did - I don't believe you did it without me....... Panda Cam
LOL The bed was sooooooo MT. I really thought you had Little Luney.... He's Back
Cam is looking good...not only the nestorations but the clarity is great!! Sure wish that Spidey would depart the premises and stay gone.
any day and time, I volunteer to get into a lift and take my windex and spi,dey-be-gone spray, or fly swatter and get rid of the little varmint
I'll help you get spidey.
you gonna get in the lift????:)
Yep. I just can't look down.
If you have not had a chance. Look at Steffi's report on the West Coast eagles.Nice pictures.
Thanks Jim for reminding us to look at those reports.
Over to see if my candle for Mason is still lite.
Leaving for now
Dinner invite at brother in laws down in
fine, but there will be no yelling and screaming if we get stuck up there:)
Have a good dinner Jo.
I wouldn't be afraid of the lift, Ceil and Mits...just the spider!!!I'll let you gals handle it!
Don't count on it. Remember the mine in New York. MM just arrived. BBL
I can see it now Lynn. The spider would jump into the bucket and I would be screaming like a nut.
Just read Mason's update...who are Shannon and Marcus? Anyone know? Were they in the wreck, too?
Lynn, I think they were patients on the same floor as Mason at the first hospital they were in.
Hi everyone
what a beautiful sight our nest is!!!
HI buddy in the drivers' seat:)
Maybe you fine eagle folk have gotten used to it today but the nest and the live feed up is really exciting
Sharon told me I'd better get my tail on here and I'm glad she did-now I'm ready for an evening visit.
Thanks MITS-I kinda like that picture too-thanks to Wanda and Gene's hospitality Buddy felt right at home
I love hearing the news about the blog milestone and the plans for next year.
i guess we get to see spidey better too-there he/she goes
is anyone there? that was wicked seeing the body go across the lense real slow
i guess i'm not hallucinating
Okay, thanks, Mits...I didn't remember seeing their names before.
Hey, Thelma! Great day for cam watching, and hopefully many more in the future!
It sure is a great day for cam watching. Have you seen spidey yet?
eagle in our nest
I wonder if the cam generates some heat that attracts spidey...??? Can't understand what else would keep him around for so long.
nothing like not seeing liberty or belle for a while to appreciate their beauty even more
spidey is like part of the nest now-I think-belle and liberty sure are working on the cup
i want to hear the noises so bad
now is that usually liberty or belle perched in front-away from the cup
with the branches cut you can see so much more
hope you all have a good night-glad to have a eagle fix before spidey took over-see ya in the morning light, don't let the bed bugs bite :)
Didn't see it, Thelma...see what happens when I walk away?? Cup is looking good. Yes, you really can tell a difference in the tree!
Guess I better go get the kitchen cleaned up before Jeopardy comes on. BBL!
Did you all know that there is a new movie out named "Eagle Eye"?
No I didn't know that Eagle-Eyed Sharon. What is it about?
I sure hope spidey doesn't think the tree limbs cut back are for a bigger home for him. :)
I heard about that Sharon, is it you auto-biography:)
Good Evening Everybody. Been busy, busy. Visited SIL at the new National Harbor. Had dinner there last night. Got a couple COOL pics I was working on when "delete" window froze onto the pics. DUH--still got a gremlin. SIL & daughter will be here in Nov. for G'daughter's wedding & he said he'd work on it then.
Gotta read rest of blog--1000s? Wonder Why???LOL---,finish dinner & pics before debate. BBS
I rewound and found the visit from Belle and Lib that Thelma was talking about. It is posted on my page. Back to Survivor!
Let me see what it is about and I will let you know! :)
Nope, not my autobiography! Way too intense to be about my life! :)
have to run to store..bbialw
Just got my Harbor pics on here. Gonna go see debate and if anyone has an above average IQ! LOL
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