Off to work . Have an awesome day in Shepherdstown and for those not there keep an eye on that cam in case the Royal Couple gives us a close up shot :)
Wanda, We are so happy you posted the pics. Don't worry about posting anything twice, it's good to see friends twice, right! Hopefully you will feel like posting some more for us tonight.
I'm heading out soon, enjoyed "Seeing" you folks this morning...
Wow, Wanda had me goofed up! I saw the pics, went to check again, they were gone, went to check again, and there were new ones up! For a gal with little sleep, this was whacko !
T-bird there was no rain at Shepherdstown yesterday.
I was at the nest about 6:07pm stayed awhile watching Belle on a limb to the right of the nest. I guess after I left she fly to the nest. From reading comments.
I will miss all those that can't be there at Open House this year.
T-Bird - work wasn't so terribly bad, but someone from dayshift called off sick so I had to ruin two people's days by calling them in. That's a miserable thing to have to do... Yes, I have to pack up the car and head out. Going to Yahoo next, so check that in a few minutes, Okay ?
HELLO T-BIRD, MARGY, GLO, AND DANA Glad you're wearing your necklace Glo. Dana & Margy, I'll see you in a little while.
T-BIRD - You and Buddy rest assured that we know the blog is in excellent hands today. Hopefully we can check in throughout the day. Norma - if you come on today- know that we miss you and we surely will be thinking of you.
Good morning everyone. Thelma you will have the blog alone most of the day. I have a family reunion to go to and won't be back till this evening. Hope everyone at the open house has a fun time and take lots of photos for us that could not make it.
well our friends must be feasting at rumneys again by now. I had a couple of phone calls. Unless I missed them I surely didn't see our egles tonight though. My word day was fine. Busy but not hectic. Gonna find me osmethign to eat now.
No Red, I had some errands to run and some chores to do. I have felt all alone though on the blog the time that I have been here. Hope you had a good day.
Just added another one Puddah. We really missed you. That bird was so pitiful, really hard to watch. I believe both he and the handler were too inexperienced for the public.
Today was a great day in the life of this Momster. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work that went into the day and dinner, and Thelma, Red, and Glo: You were good curators of the Blog!
xoxox Going to check some pictures out now...
Paula, glad you made it back to your nest in good time. Did you see that big doe along the driveway out of the Clarion?
Sorry, but I am headed to bed as well, have to get up early to drive to the's 2 1/2 hours from here, so have to get up at 6.
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow....I think Deb, Lolly, Jack and I will head to the nest when we get back from the train...will stay till dark and try to catch Lib or Belle there. Deb and I walked down to the river right after open house was over, trying to see them, but no luck. I'll post more pics tomorrow night when I get home.
Checked out your pics Paula! They were so great. Stole the one of us at dinner tonight, since my camera died. We are going out to the nest in the morning before we head home. Would love to ride the train, but it is a long trip home. Maybe next time. It really has been a great day!
Checking in and soon checking out!We got home about 10PM. What a wonderful day! Great folks, great weather & great food!Thanks to all those who helped put this gathering together!!! The desserts were wonderful---Red, by way of Paula's cheesecake was tops! So was everything else. Saw Jim & Red there, too! Will try to do some pics tomorrow. Goodnight to all ;>))
Good Sunday morning. This is the day that the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it.
I think today holds more beauty and friendship. I know htose riding that train are in for a special time together.
I will be riding with a friend up the river "by car" to see foliage. Got my cam along. I am hoping to see some nice color. It won't be West Virginia but I have hopes it will still be very pretty.
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... Our Momsters & Dadsters are probably sleeping in this morning. Yesterday was a long, wonderful day. I'm sure we were all wishing it would never end. There were so many wonderful things to see and do. We laughed, talked and probably shed a tear or two from happiness. By evening's end..we were all pretty tired and asking, "Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed"!! The Lord has brought us all together for a reason, and I believe yesterday was one of those reasons: to get together with like-minded people and enjoy the fellowship that coming together brings. I have posted some photos on my blog (Wishes). Paula and Sissy have also posted photos. Enjoy them. Time to get ready for church. Have a Blessed Sunday.
I am so so very happy to hear that Sharon Bev and Mattie got to see Lib and Belle. I was on the phone but did see the visit. That is so very cool for them . YES!!!!
Good Morning - Hi T-Bird! Sharon just called to share the excitement of being at the nest & seeing OUR Eagle Couple! I was so hoping they didn't have to leave to go home & not see them. LIFE IS GOOD
Hi Jo I'm thinking of Norma and that she is now with new Momsters and new friends she has gotten to meet. Oh what fond memories Norma will have for this Eagle Season!!! ( : I'm truly happy hugs to Norma and those with her!!
Checking back Good Morning Glo, Wanda, Thelma, Margy and Jo so far checking in this AM.
See some checked in before heading to bed last night. Glad Loretta and Frank checked in after arriving home safely. Safe journey to all that are traveling.
Good Sunday morning all....what a wonderful day we had yesterday! THere just aren't enough adjectives to describe the wonders of the day and the love shared among friends. Still dragging this am, and already feel like taking a panda nap! But will check in and keep viewing pics through the least until ballgame comes on!! GO SKINS!!! Pics are great...haven't even taken my disc out of camera yet to see if I got any worthwhile camera is SO ancient and heavy! One of these days, I'll upgrade. Hope train group is having as much fun as we had yesterday!!
Gotta tell one story....when I thought Mattie wasn't coming, I decided there was really no reason for my 10 y.o. gd to come, figuring she'd be bored. Then when knew Mattie was coming, gd had other plans. Both gd's were going someplace w/ their other grandma....those plans fell through because the aunt they were going to visit had to work---at the gift shop at NCTC!! I never knew she worked there; also, she wasn't at the register when I went in there. So "other grandma" took both girls to NCTC...and didn't know I was there!! So some of you probably saw my girls without knowing it!!!
Hedgie that just can't be real. There is a young gal that works the gift shop that I always try to stop by and see and her name is FAITH. If you tell me that is who they went to see then that would be the rest of the story.
I got my SKINS sweat shirt on. Hoping they can do it..
Was a wonderful day yesterday. I laughed so hard at times I cried. Then I cried cause I missed Norma so. Then I missed those that couldn't be with us for one reason or another. Then someone said something or gave me a hug and I was back to all smiles again.
The Open House was so great with the many additions. The boy in training EAGLE. We have to give them all credit that worked with him. It was his 1st time in public around people. Each time she got him out he did better. He was injured by flying into a power line. Which injured his left wing and tissue. So thank goodness he has a wonderful life to help educate people.(of course I'd rather see him flying free but all it not always possible).
Dinner was awesome with more hugs and laughter. So much fun and talking going on at our table. You couldn't hear what was happening at other tables. Oh what fun!! It was nice to get up and move around the room. Enjoying talking with others and sharing.
I can't say enough about the love I feel from EVERYONE in this group.
To know we started off a few and grew little by little. Now to have grown to so many "sort of words from Paula".
A big thanks to Jo and Wanda and Paula and EVERYONE else who made our weekend such a special success! Thanks to the NCTC folks, too....I'm sure they were very pleased with how great a turnout they had. When I was saying my goodbyes last night, I couldn't find Dana or Anne missed telling them goodbye. It was really great to meet our traveling members that I hadn't met before!! Everyone is so nice and so much fun. Love to ALL!!!!!
Paula and Sissy and are so good!! I forgot to use my zoom, so mine of the educational eagle aren't too great. Duh!! Red, "your" cheesecake ala Paula was yummy. You and Jim "appeared" to enjoy yourselves, but it would have been much better if you and all the others who couldn't come would have been with us in person....too many to name, but know that all of you were with us in spirit.
good morning all my fine eagle momsters and dadsters
Is there anyone out there?
Sounds like everyone is getting ready for the open house festivities.
Off to work . Have an awesome day in Shepherdstown and for those not there keep an eye on that cam in case the Royal Couple gives us a close up shot :)
Sharon...behave yourself!!!
Wanda keep those pictures coming thanks so much.
Hugs to all.
We are so happy you posted the pics. Don't worry about posting anything twice, it's good to see friends twice, right! Hopefully you will feel like posting some more for us tonight.
T-Bird - and Glo - Don't leave yet...and all Eagle buds:
I want to say Good Morning !
I have to say, there is an Eagle at BWO to get your morning going, he's getting ready to take off, or take a poop shoot !
Just wanted to answer Norma's question from the previous thread regarding turkey vultures and whether they migrate.
The website "All About Birds" shows their wintering area. Apparently many turkey vultures stay in the south through the winter.
Oh, he's eating a fish.
I'm heading out soon, enjoyed "Seeing" you folks this morning...
Wow, Wanda had me goofed up! I saw the pics, went to check again, they were gone, went to check again, and there were new ones up!
For a gal with little sleep, this was whacko !
I haven't left yet Magpie. Are you getting ready to go or taking a Panda nap before you go? How was work?
T-Bird: I saw where you and Loretta worked your magic last night and brought the Eagles In!
Go Girls!
I really have to about 20 mins of warm rest, now need to check in and try to help Paula set up for first shift...
Have a Wonderful Day. We will be sending our energy YOUR WAY !
Two at BWO - that rhymes...!
looks like it rhymes...doesn't really, but they are beautiful
Thanks for the heads up.
Steven ty for the new thread.
Good Morning Eagle Momsters!!!
T-bird there was no rain at Shepherdstown yesterday.
I was at the nest about 6:07pm stayed awhile watching Belle on a limb to the right of the nest.
I guess after I left she fly to the nest. From reading comments.
I will miss all those that can't be there at Open House this year.
T-Bird - work wasn't so terribly bad, but someone from dayshift called off sick so I had to ruin two people's days by calling them in. That's a miserable thing to have to do...
Yes, I have to pack up the car and head out. Going to Yahoo next, so check that in a few minutes, Okay ?
Love to you, all day, all the time.
You and Everyone else on here.
H Ha Magpie have yourself an awesome day. Off to work in the fog actually so leaving a little early.
you be careful glo!
Bye Bye.
Eagle at BWO is gone, one turkey at Pix PA.
Have a good one Glo will miss not seeing you this year. You also Thelma. I'm already missing Norma. :(
Glad you're wearing your necklace
Glo. Dana & Margy, I'll see you in a little while.
T-BIRD - You and Buddy rest assured that we know the blog is in excellent hands today. Hopefully we can check in throughout the day.
Norma - if you come on today- know that we miss you and we surely will be thinking of you.
Thelma your the gal for the cam watch today. I'm sure Sharon or Sissy will call you if they see eagles or juvies. Then you can
put it on the blog.
hope I didn't miss much-had to take a shower, let Buddy out and make some tea
I'll be waiting for the phone call(s).
good morning to you to Mema Jo
Good morning everyone. Thelma you will have the blog alone most of the day. I have a family reunion to go to and won't be back till this evening. Hope everyone at the open house has a fun time and take lots of photos for us that could not make it.
Okay, I'll keep an eye on the nest/blog. Hope you aren't gone too long.
***gOOD mORNING***
Hope you are having a good weekend so far....
A new N Islands Report has been posted on the IWS site...
Bluie link below...
No Islands Report
Well didn't take me long to catch up on this Blog while I was at work today. I imagine everyone is havng a great time.
Hello Norma-Haven't seen our royal couple yet. We have faith though, right!
How was your workday?
We'll, I guess we aren't going to see Liberty or Belle this evening. :(
well our friends must be feasting at rumneys again by now. I had a couple of phone calls. Unless I missed them I surely didn't see our egles tonight though. My word day was fine. Busy but not hectic. Gonna find me osmethign to eat now.
Norma-we have a visitor!!
Is there anyone there?
Gone-just like that. It was a beautiful sight. Their eyes almost glowing with the near darkness.
Man, that visit was way too darn short. At least there was one though.
Well, at least Buddy and I got to see Liberty or Belle. I hope everyone is having a great time at dinner!
think Norma has gone to a family reunion. This is glo...but no I didn't see the eagle but I am glad to hear of the visit.
Sorry Glo-I meant you, I don't know what I was thinking.
I guess I won't miss anything if I get up, since it is so late. I really need something to drink. :)
I guess it's time for Spidey.
I'm back home now. Glad you got to see one of our eagles at the nest today t-bird. Guess everyone is eating cheesecake now.
Yeah, I guess they are Red. Sounds good too.
Looks like you have been hanging out here all day Thelma. You must be tired.
No Red, I had some errands to run and some chores to do. I have felt all alone though on the blog the time that I have been here. Hope you had a good day.
Yes I had a good day. Actually I have been home for a while but was watching Alabama vs Mississippi football game. Roll Tide!!! lol
I hope someone takes lots of photos of the group. I look forward to seeing everyone. Someday I will make the open house.
I bet we will get lots of good photos. Did you see the ones Wanda already posted from last night?
Yes I saw them.
I'm leaving it with you. Have a good evening.
good night Red
We just got back from the Clarion. Wish ya'll had been there. I am going to try to put a couple of pics on my blog thing. Will let you know.
Hey, it worked. I posted a few pics on my page. Will try to put more.
great pics bev
Just added another one Puddah. We really missed you. That bird was so pitiful, really hard to watch. I believe both he and the handler were too inexperienced for the public.
I have posted some too. Will do more tomorrow.
It was a spectacular day!
that is really sad
missed you all too-so glad for the pics
can't wait to see my peeps tomorrow
LOL, ya'll saw more than we the nest...we were at dinner then, but I will try to post a couple pics tonight....looking at them now.
All I can say right now is that it was an AWESOME DAY!!
Hey, Sissy and Wanda...your pics are great!
My pics are up!
Eaglet Momsters Blog
Don't forget, you can click on each picture to see it larger!
I am headed to bed as soon as I can drag myself down the hallway. lol
Do I need to say anymore!
I had a great time & the photos being
posted - well just look at those
smiling faces!
Love You All
thanks paula, good pics
Today was a great day in the life of this Momster. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work that went into the day and dinner, and Thelma, Red, and Glo: You were good curators of the Blog!
Going to check some pictures out now...
Paula, glad you made it back to your nest in good time. Did you see that big doe along the driveway out of the Clarion?
All the Cheesecake was great...including "Red's."
Hi T-Bird and Mema good to "see" you...
now, for the smiling faces...
Sorry, but I am headed to bed as well, have to get up early to drive to the's 2 1/2 hours from here, so have to get up at 6.
Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow....I think Deb, Lolly, Jack and I will head to the nest when we get back from the train...will stay till dark and try to catch Lib or Belle there. Deb and I walked down to the river right after open house was over, trying to see them, but no luck. I'll post more pics tomorrow night when I get home.
hello magpie
No Magpie, didn't see the doe...had a one track mind headed for home...I'm beat!
And Red, everyone loved your cheesecake..and it was nice to have Jim and Red with us there as well...and you can see that we found Bob!!
I believe I'm going to have to say good night as well. Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite. See ya in the morning light.
Yepper, time for Sleep !
Peace, Gratitude, and Prayers...
Talk with you all tomorrow.......
Good Night & Peace to You & Yours
So tired and So sleepy.... can
hardly make my fingers move....
Prayers for all being said......
Checked out your pics Paula! They were so great. Stole the one of us at dinner tonight, since my camera died. We are going out to the nest in the morning before we head home. Would love to ride the train, but it is a long trip home. Maybe next time. It really has been a great day!
Checking in and soon checking out!We got home about 10PM.
What a wonderful day! Great folks, great weather & great food!Thanks to all those who helped put this gathering together!!!
The desserts were wonderful---Red, by way of Paula's cheesecake was tops! So was everything else. Saw Jim & Red there, too! Will try to do some pics tomorrow.
Goodnight to all ;>))
Posted 2 more pics...that's it for tonight folks! See ya tomorrow night!
Going to bed now and relive the wonders of this day in my mind. There is no such thing as going somewhere with this group and not having a good time.
Hope you get to see the royal couple in the morning!
Good Sunday morning. This is the day that the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it.
I think today holds more beauty and friendship. I know htose riding that train are in for a special time together.
I will be riding with a friend up the river "by car" to see foliage. Got my cam along. I am hoping to see some nice color. It won't be West Virginia but I have hopes it will still be very pretty.
Enjoy your day everyone.
Our Momsters & Dadsters are probably sleeping in this morning. Yesterday was a long, wonderful day. I'm sure we were all wishing it would never end. There were so many wonderful things to see and do. We laughed, talked and probably shed a tear or two from happiness. By evening's end..we were all pretty tired and asking, "Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed"!! The Lord has brought us all together for a reason, and I believe yesterday was one of those reasons: to get together with like-minded people and enjoy the fellowship that coming together brings.
I have posted some photos on my blog (Wishes). Paula and Sissy have also posted photos. Enjoy them.
Time to get ready for church. Have a Blessed Sunday.
good morning Wanda-beautifully said
I second T-Bird's comment on Wanda's post.
And I second Glo's post about this being the day, the glorious day, that the Lord has made.
It's nice to wake up to a morning filled with Eagle friends, all across the country.
I'm thinking about the little reunion going on in Romney right about now. Could our RR riders not have a more perfect day for a train ride??
I just some turkeys a few minutes ago at one of the other Cam sites in Pennsylvania. Now there is a deer at one of the other sites too.
And we have our friendly Eagle at BWO
And it's a nice buck at PA..
Little bird sitting in Maine Cam, and a Hoody just took off out of Finney's
I'm heading out for the second wonderful part of this week-end, a day with the Grandson.
Will "see" you wonderful folks much later on. Hope Belle and Liberty make an appearance for us today.
Love, and Take Care,
we have a visitor!!! sure hope family is there :)
is there anyone out there?
gone :(
Guess what guys? Sharon, Bev and Mattie are there at the nest watching Liberty and Belle.
Liberty is perched on the limb above the nest. Belle flew over the hill. They are right there at there under the nest! :)
Sharon said they flew in together, side by side.
I am so so very happy to hear that Sharon Bev and Mattie got to see Lib and Belle. I was on the phone but did see the visit. That is so very cool for them . YES!!!!
Ha Ha how cool Do they have cameras with them? I hope I hope
Yes Glo, they have a camera and have gotten some pics. :)
Great OK I am off to see the foliage
There getting to see them sore off together.
Good Morning - Hi T-Bird!
Sharon just called to share the excitement of being at the nest & seeing OUR Eagle Couple! I was so hoping they didn't have to leave to
go home & not see them. LIFE IS GOOD
Thanks Thelma for being here to bring us the excitement going on at the nest. Hi Sharon, Sissy, and Mattie (she is such a great helper).
Rest assured that Beverly has her camera and it is fully charged and she is snapping away. We will have some awesome pics from them.
The train ride should be happening now! I hope they see as many eagles as there are to be seen up there!
Hi Dana
Hello Mema Jo and Dana
Hi Jo
I'm thinking of Norma and that she is now with new Momsters and new friends she has gotten to meet. Oh what fond memories Norma will have for this Eagle Season!!! ( : I'm truly happy hugs to Norma and those with her!!
Hi Thelma sure did miss seeing you but you were thought of....( :
later glo
Checking back Good Morning Glo, Wanda, Thelma, Margy and Jo so far checking in this AM.
See some checked in before heading to bed last night. Glad Loretta and Frank checked in after arriving home safely. Safe journey to all that are traveling.
thanks Dana-missed my momster and dadster friends too
Good Sunday morning all....what a wonderful day we had yesterday! THere just aren't enough adjectives to describe the wonders of the day and the love shared among friends. Still dragging this am, and already feel like taking a panda nap! But will check in and keep viewing pics through the least until ballgame comes on!! GO SKINS!!!
Pics are great...haven't even taken my disc out of camera yet to see if I got any worthwhile camera is SO ancient and heavy! One of these days, I'll upgrade. Hope train group is having as much fun as we had yesterday!!
Gotta tell one story....when I thought Mattie wasn't coming, I decided there was really no reason for my 10 y.o. gd to come, figuring she'd be bored. Then when knew Mattie was coming, gd had other plans. Both gd's were going someplace w/ their other grandma....those plans fell through because the aunt they were going to visit had to work---at the gift shop at NCTC!! I never knew she worked there; also, she wasn't at the register when I went in there. So "other grandma" took both girls to NCTC...and didn't know I was there!! So some of you probably saw my girls without knowing it!!!
Hedgie that just can't be real. There is a young gal that works the gift shop that I always try to stop by and see and her name is FAITH.
If you tell me that is who they went to see then that would be the rest of
the story.
For all of you who read Wanda's comments none of us need to say another word! Friendships abounding!
Pictures being posted are great!
lynn that is some story, wow-GO SKINS
Good Morning Lynn...
I'm dragging also lol...
I got my SKINS sweat shirt on. Hoping they can do it..
Was a wonderful day yesterday. I laughed so hard at times I cried. Then I cried cause I missed Norma so. Then I missed those that couldn't be with us for one reason or another. Then someone said something or gave me a hug and I was back to all smiles again.
The Open House was so great with the many additions. The boy in training EAGLE. We have to give them all credit that worked with him. It was his 1st time in public around people. Each time she got him out he did better. He was injured by flying into a power line. Which injured his left wing and tissue. So thank goodness he has a wonderful life to help educate people.(of course I'd rather see him flying free but all it not always possible).
Dinner was awesome with more hugs and laughter. So much fun and talking going on at our table. You couldn't hear what was happening at other tables. Oh what fun!! It was nice to get up and move around the room. Enjoying talking with others and sharing.
I can't say enough about the love I feel from EVERYONE in this group.
To know we started off a few and grew little by little. Now to
have grown to so many "sort of words from Paula".
A big thanks to Jo and Wanda and Paula and EVERYONE else who made our weekend such a special success! Thanks to the NCTC folks, too....I'm sure they were very pleased with how great a turnout they had.
When I was saying my goodbyes last night, I couldn't find Dana or Anne missed telling them goodbye. It was really great to meet our traveling members that I hadn't met before!! Everyone is so nice and so much fun. Love to ALL!!!!!
Paula and Sissy and are so good!! I forgot to use my zoom, so mine of the educational eagle aren't too great. Duh!!
Red, "your" cheesecake ala Paula was yummy. You and Jim "appeared" to enjoy yourselves, but it would have been much better if you and all the others who couldn't come would have been with us in person....too many to name, but know that all of you were with us in spirit.
Is there such a thing as a noon time nap? lol
yes there sure is mema jo
i'M really glad I 'appeared to enjoy myself.' That's about as good as it gets anymore. Hahaha.
good morning jim
new thread!
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