Thursday, October 30, 2008


Fresh thread.


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magpie said...

Loretta, Do you say your pictures are sometimes blurry because you are standing in the marsh? Remember I plopped in the creek over the summer trying to photograph a cardinal flower!

Any pic with an Eagle in it is a quality shot as far as I'm concerned....

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, in one of your photos is a bluebird house with some sort of baffle on it. I assume to keep critters out of the nest. What a neat idea. Is that what it is, actually?

Costume Lady said...

ROBYN and TORI stopped in the shop this evening and said that Bobbi came through her Gall Bladder surgery OK and was in recovery.

Costume Lady said...

This was another looong, busy day. I think it was our best day so far...haven't tallied everything up yet. Need some sleep.


Mema Jo said...

Hello - Thanks for the update on Bobbi. I'm sure Robyn & Tori were happy to hear that.

My play date this afternoon & early
evening played me out! Great fun. I
let Alexis play the Cat Bowling game. She loved it & the little squirt got a couple strikes!

magpie said...

Super News about Bobbi, Wanda - thanks for the update.

Good Night, Sleep Well, no dreaming about ghosts and goblins allowed..! xo

Mema Jo said...

There is a deer visiting on the Snowman Cam. I think everyone over there is watching for the bear to return.

The PA woods are MT right now.

magpie said...

..If we could bottle the energy that the little ones, have, Jo - we would have it made! Sounds fun, good to hear about it...


magpie said...

did the deer already scramble away?
or do I need my eyes checked...

magpie said...

never mind I see it now approaching the snowman....

deb said...

I had a good day in the great outdoors. Who knows how many days like we had today are in store for us.

Loretta, great pictures!

deb said...

I hope the bear comes back tonight to the snowman cam.

magpie said...

HI DEB, and Good night to you and everyone else! Going to bank my sleep so I can attend a "Fall Party" at my grandson's school Friday, before clocking in for 12 hours of Hallowe'en "Fun" at the office at 6 pm.

Peace, Love, and Prayers.


deb said...

Night, Margy. Hope you have a very quiet Halloween at work.

paula eagleholic said...

Man on the snowman cam

deb said...

When he first came on, it was a big blurry spot and I couldn't wait to see what it was. Then I could see the man. No exciting creature. :(

hedgie said...

More great pics, Loretta. Thanks!
Anyone watch ER? Sure am curious as to how they're going to bring back Mark Greene when he DIED so long ago!!!
Bath time. Errands to run tomorrow. Everyone sleep well. Blessings for all, prayers for those in need. Talk atcha' on Halloween!!

deb said...

Night, everyone. TTUT

paula eagleholic said...

He was doing some adjusting...putting top back on the pumpkin and stuff. The deer is gone.

I have my brother visiting for a couple of days, so I will be on here sporadically.

See ya'll tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All

Prayers for all our needs being said


NatureNut said...

Margy, My nest pics are blurred because it's SO far away. I don't stand in the marsh---either on road or at edge of woods near marsh.
Wanda, that's a wood duck box, altho you can't see the water(or maybe there USED to be water there!) They put guards on all boxes to prevent predators from getting eggs or young.

movin said...

***GOOD nIGHT***


Getting close to the weekend....
Enjoy, enjoy!!



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And 1 at BWO!

MITS said...

Good Morning...nice to see the eagles have stopped by to visit

MITS said...

Happy Halloween:):):)...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There is an eagle in our nest!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...