Friday, October 31, 2008


Pumpkin thread.


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floralgirl said...

That is funny, Deb:)
adult eagle flew over the farm yesterday, little girl spotted it and told others. Of course, I was on the opposite side of farm and missed it.

MITS said...

bummer, Megan:(

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of kids trick or treating in our area. They are having a blast!

Raccoons at deer cam

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Doesn't sound like many out and about our house yet. Maybe they will leave us alot of candy to eat up. :)

wvgal_dana said...

When it starts thinning out the ones that come get lots of extra candy.

The rest is held for later when the relatives stop by. Bags are
specially made. The kids love showing us what they got. Then we
add the made up bags. Oh boy are they happy campers ( :

carolinabeachmom said...

Megan, I can't believe that you watched that Frankenstein movie. I was expecting something scarry. Charlie Brown is about the scariest I watch.

wvgal_dana said...

Candy we won't have any left when we are done. Which is good lol

Costume Lady said...

Deb, Lib came back in and exchanged the Witch hat for the crown...he said, "He didn't want to hear the W---- B---- all night"!

carolinabeachmom said...

Down here they have churches, the NC Aquarium, and different organizations having their own Trick ro Treat night like we already had at our school last Saturday and the children seem to take in these more now than house to house. There are some areas that really decorate and I imagine they get the bulk of the Trick ro Treaters down here.

wvgal_dana said...

Maybe back later more that the door .... fun fun fun..

MITS said...

he is a smart man...nothing like a WB...nagging all the time:)

carolinabeachmom said...

The good old days are gone when we used to just go around our old neighborhood to get candy. It was fun then to have the local children come to the door and we tried to guess who they were.

MITS said...

the malls also do it around here too.

Costume Lady said...


floralgirl said...

Silly is good!!

MITS said...

hubby is trying to guess what they are:)

carolinabeachmom said...

DANA that sounds good to me. I don't know why my hubby buys so much. I surely don't need it. Maybe he'll squirrel it away and eat it for the rest of the year. :)

floralgirl said...

You may mail me your leftover candy if it becomes a problem for you...

floralgirl said...

There are trick or treaters on the halloween cam.

MITS said...

later, he gives out shots of Port or Bailys Irish Cream to the adults who stop by

floralgirl said...

Tell him I'll be right over...

MITS said...

mmmm, love Baileys'

floralgirl said...

Here you go, Candy... Frankenstein spooky....

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN I would gladly mail you the left over candy, but my hubby places it under lock and key. :) I just went out and he has had only 5 kids so far. He has the pumpkin and skull head lit and orange lights in the bushes out front. I took my camera down and took his pic.

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Well it's time here in this neighborhood to turn off the front light. They start at 6:00 - It really got dark fast - good to see parents and grandparents with flashlights for their little spooks!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey MEGAN. Thanks for the Frankenstein trailer, but I think I'll stick with Charlie Brown. :) I want to sleep peacefully tonight.

Costume Lady said...

Candy, you said your Hubby goes UNDER THE HOUSE and gives out candy. Do you want to clarify that?

Mema Jo said...

Checking out TV..... BBL

deb said...

I haven't been Trick or Drinking in a long time!

carolinabeachmom said...

OK WAnda Our house is built on pilings down here and the main part of the house is about 8 or 9 feet off the ground. We have built in the back half of the house down under, but park the car and have chairs and picnic and gas grill unter the other half. If we sat by the front door, the kids would have to go up and down stairs to get to us. We don't want any law suits! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Some body dressed as a raccoon is on the Pa. forest site. :)

NatureNut said...

There are some neat, creepy shows on the Travel Channel about aparitions & teams that investigate supposedly haunted places!!!! OOOOOOOWWWW

deb said...

I had my first ever "fractured bone" costume. A boy about 9-10 broke his arm, so he dressed up like a fractured bone. I had to ask what he was, didn't have a clue!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for that explanation, Candy. I could just picture him crawling under your house and reaching his hand out to the kiddies with some candy in it. LOL

MITS said...

roflmbo.....thought the same thing, Wanda....we had a box of fruit loops stop by :)

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA That would be a good laugh. Might scare the beejeebies out of the kids and they would never come back! :)

DEB You have one up on me. I never saw a fractured bone costume. That is one that WANDA should get for her shop.

wvgal_dana said...

We get a lot of tricker treaters here. Lots of local kids and we do guess who is who.

One of our families puts up a BIG CAT with streamers they have to walk through. Then they have a pot with "dry ice" that puts off a smoke coming out of a pot. The kids
get a great magic trick they put on. The kids are lined up for it.

It is great for the kids here. Fun like we use to have when we were kids. ( :

carolinabeachmom said...

One child at our Trick or Treat night at school was made to be a rubic cube.

carolinabeachmom said...

DANA That really sounds great. Sounds more like when I was a kid.

wvgal_dana said...

The kids love our ramp. lol I think they think we put it in just for them lol

Even the teenagers going aroung with the little ones I give too. They are so much fun to kid around with.

wvgal_dana said...

Well Belle would never be a WB. Wanda I like SILLY ...( : Belle does like her house arranged her way that we know!

carolinabeachmom said...

My hubby just came upstairs and said he has had a record 11 kids so far this year! :):):) lol He is enjoying himself so I guess that is all that matters. Give him his cigarettes and coffee and that will keep him happy.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh last night in Martinsburg city was trick or treat. The Dairy Queen gave out a "free small sundae to all kids dressed in costume. I thought that was NEAT of them. (we're in the county our is tonight)

deb said...

Bear at the snowman cam!!

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...

He is behind the cape on the snowman.

wvgal_dana said...

Deb I'm glad you commented you seen the BEAR. Otherwise someone would have thought I was at Mits getting shots of Port or Bailys Irish Cream. lmbo

deb said...

I just got back, wanted the bear to still be there. I had quite a few kids, but not as many as other years. I had one referendum lady, wanted me to sign a petition to put an $8.5 million power line to a vote. Seems like an awful lot of money for 10 miles of lines.

deb said...

There it is!!

deb said...

It stood up on it's hind legs, must be something hanging up that it wanted.

carolinabeachmom said...

Gals, is that the bear laying under the ghost now?

carolinabeachmom said...

OMG now he is walking. Reminds me of weeing bears when we lived onthe couple of acres in NY State. They would come right up to the house and get into people's garbage cans.

wvgal_dana said...

Missed it Deb darn :( Was handing out bags to special family kids. They come around after it is over.

Oh I do see the bear on back to the (looking at snowman) left of campe.

wvgal_dana said...


Yes Deb he is laying on ground under the ghost hanging in the tree.
Looks like he is eating something.

carolinabeachmom said...

I guess that bear just wants to be part of the Halloween scenery or maybe he is looking for some treats! :)

Costume Lady said...

I don't have the snowman cam, Dana??

carolinabeachmom said...

He's up and sniffing or looking around.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Helen. I will bookmark it this time.

Mema Jo said...

POOF - as we say in eagleland

Costume Lady said...

He left in a hurry, wonder what scared him off?

ceil said...

Good evening. Trick or treaters are gone for another year. We had a great time. Little ones and big ones. Cats and dogs. One cat dressed as a chicken. It was not happy. Deb loved the hat for Queen Belle. Good night and pleasant dreams.

hedgie said...

Great "hat" for Belle, Deb! She deserves a crown!
Hey, Dana gal! Glad you are back in the groove!
No trick or treaters in my neighborhood. Don't mind at all!!
Last time I handed out candy was at mom's in doxie was just 1 yr. old...we closed the den door and one patio door so she couldn't get to front door...poor thing didn't realize the sliding glass door was closed and she went running and hit that glass and bounced 12 feet across the patio.

Mema Jo said...

I think I see small deer now on Snowman Cam

hedgie said...

I'll take a Bailey's, Mits!
There's already been one police call for suspicious candy in a kids' bag...argh, makes me so mad.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I just looked back and he is gone. So guess I will fly out of here too for the night. Bear is gone so it looks like deer coming in, but my eyes are starting to need toothpicks to keep them open. You all have a peaceful and restful night. Here's hoping that Maggie isn't having too difficult of a night at her job. Good night all. Tomorrow is a new day with new beginnings. Prayers and Hugs for all.

Costume Lady said...

My Grandaughter dressed her two dogs as a Big Daddy and Big Momma, complete with Bling-Bling for Rocky and Pink Boa for Spirit.

Costume Lady said...

Good Night, Candy, it has been fun having you on here again.

Costume Lady said...

My creepiest costume was a Body in a Bag. Looks real from a distance.

Costume Lady said...

Prettiest costume was Marie Antoinette.

Costume Lady said...

Most handsome costume...Jack Sparrow.

Mema Jo said...

WHOA WHOA Bear has returned

Mema Jo said...

That must be the bear's SPOT. He was there last night at the same place.

Time for me to call it an early night

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all needs being said


floralgirl said...

Yep, he looks comfy there. nite Jo.

Costume Lady said...

I'm right behind you, Jo. Can't keep my eyes open.


Costume Lady said...


deb said...

I think I am done with trick or treaters. Last 3 weren't the polite-ist of kids, so that must mean it is time to turn off the light. (Is that a word?)

I also got a phone call. We heading out to Lake Andes WLR at SEVEN tomorrow morning. Mary warned me that Roger likes to leave early. That means I have to be out of here at 6:15 and find his house in the dark.

deb said...

That's pretty realistic, Wanda. How old was the kid wearing it?

deb said...

The bear just walked off camera.

wvgal_dana said...

Hope Margy don't get a call for the "guy that is wearing The Body In The Bag" lmbo

floralgirl said...

Ewww...that costume is creepy, Wanda, but then I guess that's the whole idea.

wvgal_dana said...

Nighters Deb (that an early get up).. and night Candy it's been fun. Jo sweet dreams. Hope I didn't miss anyone..Not sure Wanda if your following them out the door or not. If so sleep well.

hedgie said...

Yeah, Wanda, body in a bag is pretty funny! Weird, but not really too creepy!
Speaking of Marie Antoinette...for anyone who is a fan of "The Phantom of the Opera" probably remember that the story was set in The Paris Opera House....the show has NEVER been performed there until now! Strange, huh??

wvgal_dana said...

Huh who would have thought Lynn..

wvgal_dana said...

2 deer on snowman cam

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Had a great Halloween...trying to load up some pics of the gkids...

paula eagleholic said...

Halloween pics!

Paula's Prints

Or just click on my name!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - my brother was handing out candy by the handfuls...till I told him one piece per kid. Did I run out early...yes!

deb said...

Great pictures, Paula, very creative. I am headed to bed, packed up all my gear tonight and laid out my clothes, so all I have to do in the morning is get up, shower and go.

Night all.

hedgie said...

Are you going to post them for us all to see, Paula?? Hope so! BEt yours are real dolls!
Calling it a day. Tomorrow is blow-the-leaves-again day!
Sleep well, all. Don't let any hob-goblins "gitcha"!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Paula...they are so cute!! The worm can is a hoot!!!

MITS said...

how cute is that????, Paula;)

wvgal_dana said...

Hee Hee Paula they both are so their costumes. What grand ideas.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, Wanda - liked the body bag...pretty original!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like some other neat costumes out there tonight.

wvgal_dana said...

Night ALL....Margy if you check in hope you shift wasn't too bad.
Did you get any calls about a guy scaring people walking around in Wanda's "Body Bag"???????


paula eagleholic said...

Have a great day tomorrow, Deb.

Gonna work in the yard some here...then friends over for dinner. Will take bro back home on Sunday and visit Mom...

G'Night , all!

magpie said...

WE have a Visitor !

magpie said...

And I have a 60-second refresh right now..
Still just one in the nest..

Costume Lady said...

I just told Gene, we might get to see an I turned the puter on and VOILA!

magpie said...

And BWO has a Juvie, a little while ago was an adult..

Costume Lady said...

It must be Lib because Belle now wears a crown.

magpie said...

And now...the nest is Empty...

Costume Lady said...

Margy, did you have a quiet night at work?

Costume Lady said...

Margy, check out my experience with a visit from Lib and Belle last night; COMMENT AT 6:28 and then Deb's COMMENT AT 7:24:)

Costume Lady said...

Margy must have gone back to bed.

magpie said...

Hi Wanda! I am still up, speed checking the Cams and Blog Posts...yes I DID see the Belle Hat..going to check your and Paula's photos next..then to bed for me! I'ze tarred, it was a very busy night especially after midnight. People just do not know how to behave ! Good to see you, so glad you saw the Eagle. I put out a pic on Yahoo....


magpie said...

Squirrels rule at Pix PA, Adult Eagle back at BWO. Maine looks ripe for a visit, and I saw the Celestrial Trio last night: Awesome! xo

magpie said...

Everyone's comments were fun to read, sounds like a LOT of Fun last night...
Oooh, Bailey's - has anyone ever had it with Irish Oatmeal? Not that's a treat.....

magpie said...

Nice Pictures Wanda and Paula...

Wow, I missed the Bear!

During trick-or-treating time things were actually pretty quiet, did get the one call from a parent about suspicious item, which might have been a yellow glow-stick! Not sure how it worked out....but it was after midnight the Adults started acting up....and I don't think they were drinking Bailey's!

Bummer !

Well, I figure new thread might come up soon, and maybe the Eagles will return to OUR NEST - It's a great day for a visit.

Good Night, Everyone...facing 13 hours tonight (yes, with pay for the extra hour...)

TTFN xoxo z z z z z

magpie said...

Medevac landing at City Hospital, think it is HealthNet...someone is in need....

Prayers for them, all.


NatureNut said...

Great pics Paula & Wanda!! ;>)

Good Saturday Morning Everyone!!! I didn't turn on 'puter soon enough to see eagle. Boo
When we get back to EST, it might be harder to see them---5-5:30 PM is usually drive time for those leaving work.And I can forget AM!

Costume Lady said...

Loretta, are those eeewwwiiees on your house. EEEWWWIE!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning...eagle at BWO - one flew away

Costume Lady said...


paula eagleholic said...

I missed Lib as well..was snoozing...

Eagle still at BWO soaking up the sunshine and preening.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...