Wednesday, June 25, 2008


New thread.


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deb said...

It is hot and humid here, that is a good time to see fireflies. If you get one on your windshield, it glows a bright green for a little while, then it is just a bug splat.

MITS said...

lol.....Tuna, Annmarie, did you get the facial?

deb said...

I didn't even know we were close to 200, I am never going to get a facial. :(

hedgie said...

Mits--I like stones and dungeness okay, too, and definitely snow and kings, but blues do have that kind of "taste of home" to them!
Ceil--safe trip! Relax and enjoy.
Anne-Marie-prayers are with you and your family for your DIL.
MArg--how was your Chinese dinner?
Dana--have no idea what to suggest about the groundhog other than having a trench dug under the fence and block or wiring inserted!

Anne-Marie said...

we dont have them here

MITS said...

I was just starting to see them before I came to the ocean, don't seem to last to much past June in my area, and I have never seen them here

Anne-Marie said...

what facial? I could use one.

MITS said...

Dana, have Jo visit with her eagle cane...should take care of Mr. Groundhog......

paula eagleholic said...

Anne - didn't you have the crab cakes last time you were here?

Anne-Marie said...

thank you hedge. I am waiting for the phone to ring.

Anne-Marie said...

yes I did and I sat next to Jo and she said he could make them better. They were great and I want to learn.

paula eagleholic said...

Anne got the facial! And Mits got one earlier!

paula eagleholic said...

They were probably made from blue crab.

We'll have to get you some real blue crabs this year...

deb said...

Osprey is back on the Finland water nest.

MITS said...

I'd like to donate my earlier facial to Deb:)

paula eagleholic said...

BTW, I was watching Jay Leno last night, and he mentioned the poop facial! It was a repeat...hang on Anne, getting you the link.

floralgirl said...

Well, darn, just missed the facial.. see most of the gangs here..

MITS said...

really bummed that nest didn't make it again this year

deb said...

Wood duck is back on the eggs.

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, I'll love the blue crab I'm sure. My brother and his bride are coming with me. I am flying to Todedo and we are driving to Martinsburg. I am so excited.

deb said...

That's ok, I want to see what the baby panda turned mermaid will be next!!

paula eagleholic said...

Here's the link to the article about the nightengale facials.

Bird Poop Facial

MITS said...

YEA!!!!!!!!MEGAN IS HERE!!!!!

floralgirl said...

LOL.. I haven't been missing that long...

Anne-Marie said...


deb said...

Hi, Megan, we have missed you.

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - Where have you been, woman?

floralgirl said...

Helloo Deb, Paula, Helen, Anne, Hedgie(that's so cute). I have been in the garden...

deb said...

Helen introduced us, I think, to bird poop facials, Dana made it a game and Wanda has made it a lot of fun. Check out Wanda's pictures. She is at least up to two pages of pictures so far.

paula eagleholic said...

Anne - fireflys are only around in the summertime.

magpie said...

HEDGIE: dinner was great, thanks. ..tried to keep track of what I was eating, by putting small portions on three trip's worth! Good shrimp, chicken, green beans...spinach and cheese. Good meal and good fellowship. I love the tabletops in there: all birds (eagles at my booth), flowers and things. Very nice, good service.
COSTUME LADY: thought of you and your Entourage while I was there...

PS LYNN...sister Kathy had a favorite stuffy, a Hedgehog, it was nicknamed 'HEDGIE."


paula eagleholic said...

How's your Tuesday market going?

Anne-Marie said...

Ok, thanks Paula but I think I will stick to Avon..:)

floralgirl said...

So far so good, people seem to be glad to see local product, and I have had some repeat customers. Starting a new mkt. is always a challenge, gotta get people used to stopping by, and become part of their routine.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn- You need a pic of a hedgehog for your avatar....I know of a few...

MITS said...

A Day without Megan is like a day without sunshine:)

deb said...

Parent arrived at Delta.

paula eagleholic said...

Wait till Wanda hears you got one, Anne. Your pic will be on her blog soon!

Anne-Marie said...

I need to go.Phone call wasnt good. Later.

floralgirl said...

Sorry, Anne- take care.

Mema Jo said...

I have been AWOL... Hubby bought & installed my web cam and I have been playing around most of the evening except when I went out for about an hour. I had lots of giggles with my great granddaughter in Germany!
NOW - Anne Marie - praying for your dil & for the Drs attending to her needs.
Deb - Lolly - Looking at your blogs & love the videos Deb! & Lolly your garden really shows all the time you spend out there in the heat of the day!!! Love Annie!

Ceil - I hope I haven't missed you but I know you'll start to feel better once you hit the road! Take your meds with you!

Are we going to be able to get blue crabs in October for Anne Marie?

paula eagleholic said...

Anne, just click on Wanda's name at the beginning of this thread, then click on her Wanda's wishes blog. The facials are a wonderful thing!

paula eagleholic said...

Sept and Oct are the best months, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Anne- Hope to talk to you soon. Prayers for your DIL.

MITS said...

yes, Ann, she is in our prayers

wvgal_dana said...

Evening Jo and Megan ( :

Mema Jo said...

Then blue crabs it will be in Oct for Anne Marie.

Megan - Yes we all have missed you.
We thought you got rooted in your
garden! Glad about how well the new market is going. My Four O'Clocks are doing very well!

deb said...

Anne, take care! Prayers for you family.

magpie said...

Osprey Adult back at Ferry Boat Finney's.

paula eagleholic said...

Well Howdy Jo and Dana. Nice to have a full house tonight!

Yes, Jo, you have been AWOL, but unlike Megan, you have at least checked in!!

hedgie said...

Megan...we were beginning to think that the garden had swallowed you!
Glad you are okay!

paula eagleholic said...

I know there's a good place here in EBurg for crabs, but I thought there was one in Htown, unless I'm thinking of the king crab legs.

Mema Jo said...

Magpie There is another clutch of the 13 eggs with the Wood Duck.
They just say hatching should be Soon-but don't give any specific date
I would think it would be at least by the end of this month.......

paula eagleholic said...

Couple places in Frederick, too. Or we can order them and steam them ourselves...I have a crab steamer.

hedgie said...

Magpie, I love those tabletops, too!
Okay, Paula...send me pic and I'll see if I can figure out how to do it!

floralgirl said...

Hello Jo, Dana, and Magpie- going to fold and put laundry away..

hedgie said...

Anne-marie--glad to hear that you already have your itinerary!

Mema Jo said...

So do you all think that Lolly is still sitting out on the patio or
that Jack got to the computer first?

hedgie said...

So sorry Anne-marie's news wasn't good. Prayers going out right now.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm getting tired going to go get my legs up.

Take Care all
Special prayres for those traveling
Prayers for Anne's DIL and others that need them.

Tomorrow is another day

magpie said...



....And MEGAN: We have been searching for you for a couple of days now ! "Welcome Home."

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie - you have mail!

paula eagleholic said...

Deb has that nice take off from the back of the nest today on her blog too.

Mema Jo said...

Nite Dana

Mema Jo said...

I think that is the very first take off from that position on the nest. I usually would see the 6:00 or 10:00 positions being used for take offs
and also landing come to think of it.

I enjoyed the video, Deb.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Dana. Wish you could have stayed longer...go get those legs up!

deb said...

Glad you liked it, Jo and Paula, it was so nice I had to go back and tape it.

MITS said...


hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula!!! I did it...let's see if it works now!

hedgie said... did! TY!

MITS said...

Great take-off video, Deb

magpie said...

I wish we could be with Anne-Marie. In person.

Good Night, and Love, to all.

Time for Prayer.


hedgie said...

And on that note....goodnight to all. Pleasant fowl dreams and blessings on all!

MITS said...

love the hedgehog:)

MITS said...

yes, Margy, just to hold her hand.

paula eagleholic said...

YAY Lynn!!

Looks great!

Mema Jo said...

Love the pic of the hedgehog.
Cute little fella.

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay here too.

See ya'll tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Going to call it a day....

Anne Marie - Know that we are all praying for you and your son and your dil.

Good Night Everyone
Peaceful dreams and restful sleep

(( hugs for all ))

deb said...

I am calling it a day, also. I wonder if the voices we hear at Delta are watching the nest? Parent arrived with food for two hungry chicks.

Love the hedgehog!

NatureNut said...

Good Good Evening All
Didn't realoze it was this late,
Pleasant feather dreams to all those hitting the pillows :>)
Prayers and thoughts for Anne-Marie's DIL.

Deb, Thx for Finland pic--I can't believe somebody came bacl! Guess now it's just a perch.I hit the 200mark the other day, but I haven't figured out how to go it. Do you stand under a tree & wait for a P.S.???

To Margy, the osprey pics w/ orange fish is "April 8 Ospreys".
Just click on "Nook name and then black arrowhead fot April posts & it's the bottom one. First time I had seen them eating those!
BBL===News on

Lolly said...

Okay....I just have to over power Jack to get to the computer in the evenings!!!!! I missed everyone. WAKE UP!!!!!! I am here now!!!!

Lolly said...

Many good conversations tonight!

Crab cakes...mmmmmm!!!! Crab cakes with green onion sauce!!mmmmmm!

Lightening bugs or fireflies...can not imagine never having seen any! They have already been thick in our yard. Going to have to chase them with the boys and put them in a jar! Never had one squish on my windshield and glow green though.

Ceil......I know you are gone, but know that prayers travel with you. Have fun...stay safe!!

Anne Marie....worried about you and family left suddenly after that call. Prayers are most definitely with you and DIL!!!

Worked in the yard all day! Took breaks to cool off, then headed back out.

Thunder storms in the area, but they seem to be missing us. Need rain sooooo badly!!!

Jo....glad for you to meed Annie. She is 13...was dumped on us when about 5 or 6 weeks old. Her nickname is Madcat for good reasons. She is paranoid about many things but I love her.

Okay...I have put all of one day's blogs into one big blog. LOL And, all I am doing is talking to myself! I will try to do better tomorrow.

Night all!! Sweet dreams and special prayers for Anne Marie and Ceil.

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I heard every word you said, you weren't talking to yourself. I am up very late because I took a nap this afternoon. Weeded my Mom's garden some more and planted her some peppers (3 green ones and 1 purple). Laid down some fabric mulch and watered her flowers. It was so hot, it just wore me out. When we got home, I fixed grandson and Gene some supper and laid down and went out like a light! Oh, it felt so good. So now I sit here hoping to get a visit from the sandman.
I have posted an AFTER FACIAL photo of NATURE NUT. ANNE-MARIE, you are next (I'll get yours in the morning). So sorry to hear about you D-I-L. She and your son and you will be in my prayers.

I'm going to lie down now and see if sleep will come.


Costume Lady said...



magpie said...

MOVIN: You usually jump on here late: Check out yet another Wood Duck site at CamClickers....hatching could beging pretty soon, probably early next week....

..just passing through...back to bed.....'Night!

NatureNut said...

Wanda, you are unbelievable!!!!But since I am now SO beautiful,I don't think everyone needs to see me twice!!! LOL

Forgot to say that I hope Ceil has a good and safe trip!

All the talk about crabs has got me stirred up--a favorite shop where I always got some on weekends coming home from work has moved not closeby. Their's were the best!Just like home steamed. I'm gonna have to find some!

magpie said...

COSTUME LADY: Didn't realize you were on too...Hello, Good Morning, and Good Night Again...
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z

magpie said...

...and NATURE NUT TOO...Wow! Great Facial! Thanks for the SUSHI CARP PICS. Amazing. All your photos are just wonderful...

NatureNut said...

I'm up 'cuz tomorrow is my other day off and have to tell about fireflies. Years ago attended a staff picnic at Park---no outside lights then---when we "felt" our way to cars, the trees at edge of woods in front of us were totally covered w/fireflies!It was like Xmas mini lights.
Twinkling star dreams everyone*****

NatureNut said...

Mag, thought you were zzzzzzzzz!!
TY about pics. I LOVE to do them.
In fact I came back online to email some, & never did it yet!!
DUH, somehow I always get stuck at NCTC!?
Gonna send off mail before kitty cat, Binky, who's walking on desk, attacks the mouse!! ;]

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning, everyone. Is anyone alive out there?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Parent and 2 babies in the nest, parent gone.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

all three babies this morning. wow!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

RP is down.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

i wish we had the live feed, alot of activity with the kids this morning.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

can't tell what they are having for breakfast but everyone wants some.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Both my pandas are wanting out this morning, the hummers are jamming in the jungle, eagles are gone now. I have reached my limit of cameras this morning. :)

magpie said...

A new thread is up....

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...