I am off again, need to get all my errands done in SF so I can get home and mow today. Lots of rain last night, so I hope it is dry by the time I get there. I hope you all have a good visit this morning. The two in the nest are so still, I thought the feed was down, but the leaves in the background are moving.
Good morning Eagle Friends! Commode Town IL Vicky is departing from this beautiful state of West Virginia! Had a nice time and hope to be back in the Fall. Thank You Captain and Wanda for your gracious hospitality!
Good Morning dear ones, Hope everyone had a wonderful visist yesterday. Must go over my Sunday School lesson again, This is a wonderful day the Lord hath made, and I am sure all are rejoicing and being glad in it. Many blessings and huggs, donna be back much later.
Lib back again...Middy mantling...Lib gone....LOL I don't think he had anything a few minutes ago....but I see a nice fish in Middy's talons now! She takes it to the 6 position and starts to eat!
And Tiny may have got the first drop where I didn't think he got anything, as she was at the back eating and totally ignoring those last 2 visits by Lib
Lib is one busy eaglet....he did make 2 food drops! Tiny is now eating something brown and long from the middle of the nest that Middy gave up for the fish...not sure what it it!
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE.. It is so good to see both eaglets eating at the same time. Maybe Tiny will get the nourishment and strength that he needs to Soar with his siblings.
After we left from the Clairon dinner. We always go by the nest because that is how we go home. One eaglet Tiny in the nest. # 1 and # 2 eaglets where on branches above nest. No site of Liberty or Belle.
So Paula I think you all got there after Ed and I.
Glo thank you for the Memories video neat ( :
John I see you got home and ty for all the viewers out there. That you reset the LIVE FEED from your home. Thank you so much.
Had a wonderful time meeting new Momsters and re-visit with ones you knew. Plus the surprise of Sandra and Tom staying with us for dinner. That was awesome.
Deb, Lolly and Nature it was nice meeting with you three. Next step is in real life ( :
Blogging from work but wanted you to know that very early this am as I got up to get ready for work, there was 1 in nest...Parent brought in food and Tiny grabbed bUT a sib arrived quickly and stole it away. Then out of no where another sib arrived from "horsey trunk"area and fought pretty intensely knocking probably Middy off the launch side of the nest. Spirited eagle continued to prance around and let tiny know to stay away fromt he fish. Then spirited one took off quickly and parent came in with anotehr food drop. Tiny grabbed it quickly and well from parent BUT again sib arrived and stole that fish. As I left for work the 3rd sib had returned once again and major mantling going on. I think that is pretty much where you all started signing on this morning. So if lib has returned with food again once or twice He has been doing lots of fishing and probably trying hard to give tiny Breakfast BUT not working so well today. Sibs have their flying in and out act together pretty well, and grab and mantle superb. I can make the video when I get home tonight.
YESTERDAY WAS FABULOUS...We could not have asked for a better day (maybe a little less heat). If we had paid $100.00 for a ticket to see the nest, we would have gotten our money's worth...but it was FREE! Mother Nature is sooo good and we are also grateful to NCTC for the wonderful work that they do! We go to meet our new Momsters, Magpie and Hedgesviller. Magpie is a very little ball of energy and Hedgesviller is just the opposite, she is very calm, cool and collected. They are both wonderful additions to our group. I hope they decide to stay with us. We also met Ellen, who is a future Momster. She asked if she could join our group at the Clarion;said she has been reading our comments for a long time and would like to join us. Needless to say, we welcomed her with open arms. THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY...was having our WONDERFUL SANDRA and her husband , TOM, join us for dinner. She is getting around very well with the assistance of a cane. She looks wonderful and had no problelm joining in with our conversations and laughter. She has come a long way and we wish her GOD SPEED in even more recovery from her stroke and wish the same for Tom also. WE LOVE YOU BOTH! DEB, LOLLY AND NATURENUT wished to join us at dinner, so PAULA enlarged their photos and set them on our tables. We actually talked to them and ordered them all steaks. They didn't eat them, so someone else did. Didn't go to waste ladies! We truly did think about you all and wished you could have been with us. Maybe in October? Loved meeting Mits' sisters, Ceil and Mary Margaret. Ceil is just like Helen, only more. Mary Margaret is considerably quieter and less animated than the two and just a sweetheart. Sharon's sister, BEV, is a HOOT. She had us laughing quite a bit at dinner. She told our waiter, Richard, that he would really have to work hard for his buck and a half tip. That brought the house down! Paula had a Beautliful Hiking Stick as the Raffle prize. It was the head of an eagle on the top of about a 5ft staff. That was won by Vicky. She is going to be riding that home to save on gas. We wish you luck, Vicky! Sharon was in very good spirits, considering she is to be having surgery soon. We all wish her well and send our love. Thelma had to stay in her room with Buddy, her dog. He cried so much when she started to leave that she had to stay with him, I guess to keep him from disturbing the other guests. Mattie was a sweetheart, being helpful whenever she could. Megan brought a beautiful bouquet of Peonies to SANDRA, and she was overwhelmed with the presentation and thoughtfulness on Megan's part. We all wish Megan well on her AFTER STORM CLEAN-UP. Dana is still suffering a stiff neck, but says it is getting better. We certainly hope so. Ed is taking good care of her. Norma was her usual SWEET SELF...(we love you Norma) and had her daughter Lisa with her. Lisa is just as sweet as she looks. And then, there was JO. She kept everyone on their toes and made sure they were having a good time. What would we do without you JO? Gene and I would like to thank JO and NORMA for buying our dinner. You two know we didn't approve of you doing that, but really appreciate your thoughtfulness and love you both. (I'll getcha back sometime) I guess I had better cut this comment off before The Blogger Cop gets me. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU FROM THE CAPTAIN AND WANDA
Well this will be my last post from work BUT I did leave one just a few minutes ago explaining why Tiny may not be eating...then again I did drive in to work so could have had anotehr drop that he did actually get to eat before a sib grabbed and fought him and each other for it.
Dana... Big Brown. I was looking around for test results this morning with no luck yet. He looked like we would trying to set a world record with a case of the 'three-day-flu' ... don't know if horses have anything like that.
Or like his acceleration rocket, which he showed in the Derby and Preakness, was reversed, and when it fired, it slowed him down very quickly. The 'spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.'
I'm sure that if he'd had his usual stuff, he would be the new Triple Crown holder.
There's still time this year for some big wins in big races if the owners chose to run him.
Jim there was one part in the race where they think maybe the horse ahead of him (because they were so close) might have kicked him unintentionally. Some were saying something about his right front leg. Which some of us noticed too.
Great summaries and anecdotes, everyone, about the NCTC Nest visit and dinner. Wanda, your last post, put it all together! I have had some good belly laughs reading everything. What a great group to be a part of! (oh excuse me, "of which to be a part...." ) And THANKS AGAIN NCTC STAFF AND TECHNICIANS, AND STEVE AND JOHN, FOR HELPING TO MAKE THIS SUCH AN IMPORTANT PART OF OUR LIVES THESE DAYS.
Good morning, all! Another beautiful hot day! Reliving all of our fun from yesterday reading through the blogs. Just want to thank EVERYONE for your warm hospitality. I enjoyed every minute with each of you. Thanks Wanda and Gene for the RV and lunch! What a treat. Thanks, Jo, for all your work organizing everything. Hoping everyone who is traveling have safe trips home (Vicki--did Gene "fix" problem w/ your car?. It is so great to make new friends, and I will look forward to seeing you all again in the fall. Have a restful day!
LOLLY, it is Vicky's fault that Spidey's web is still there. That is what the EAGLE HIKING STICK was for. She was supposed to use that to clear it away...on second thought, she is too short. I am a bit taller and if I had won it, I would have done the deed! It is a beautiful object and I will buy one in October when we go to the Open House.
It seems as if ticks are going to be a problem this year. Gene got two of them on him just from our drive way. I hate to think about going into our woods. We need to spray an insecticide along with weed killer.
...And, we had beautiful Diane and her own "Captain Eagle" in the cool Silver Dodge Ram Pick-up, Diane with the attractive "green bracelet!" I don't think she made it into the Eagle Express. One-handed binocular-wielding was an uncomfortable challenge, but she and the Mister arrived about the same time as I at the Day Care Center and got to see some happy hop-ups by Tiny. They traveled up from Northern Virginia, compassionate husband there, we tried to overtake him with overtures and binoculars, and although he declined, what a fabulous smile and personality. They left a little before lunchtime I think, I looked and the Silver Limousine was gone..Sorry, Diane, didn't get to say good-bye. It was fun to meet people that know people that I do, and I suspect some of you others made those connections too. Anytime I meet someone that knew my sister Kathy, is a blessing for me. Hedgesviller Lynn: That's YOU! Safe Travels, and I guess we all probably have to tear ourselves away from the computers today to do some catch-ups. Love, Magpie xoxo
Since I played all day yesterday, I've got to catch up some today...out to mow the lawn...hoping to work on the pics this afternoon when it's too hot to stay out!
And when you have some down-time folks, like if the cam acts up or something, you cam reminisce after looking at the empty Loon Nest, by checking out some stellar videos at:
Good Morning After So is today the day we will have an MT nest? The 2 oldest will soon start their fishing lessons with Dad & Mom and then not return to our nest. Tiny will soon follow I'm sure!
Just saw a poop shoot! Funny story from yesterday. We are all under the assumption that there is a poop shoot before take off to lighten the load! Four of us were down checking out the closed circuit cam of the nest and saw Tiny do his thingy! Paula ran outside with binoculars & camera and was looking for that 1st Flight of Tiny taking off. Well it was a false alarm - but our paula eagleholic was ready!!
OH, MY BAD!How could I forget our SPECIAL SUZANNE!! I was going around the table at the Rumsy, in my mind, trying to remember everyone that was with us and got to Suz and Jo was in the way, so I didn't see her. It was so good to see Suz. When she had to stop commenting in the mornings, it was like she dropped off the face of the earth. A BIG part of our day was gone. She really misses being with us in the morning, but understands why her bosses have forbidden personal use of the internet. She is not holding it against them...that's our SUZ! We love and miss you!!
MEMA JO: Okay, Grandmaw, anytime you want to float us some information about baby Elizabeth, I'm ready. My oldest sister has that name, and I have named a guardian angel that also...
Magpie, thanks for your kind comments. It was well worth the trip to meet you and everyone! My hubby really is a great guy. He puts up with me. I wanted to apologize for leaving so soon. I think pain pills and heat do not mix. I didn't want to cause a scene by ending up passed out flat on my back! Next time, I will come alone and hopefully in good health so I can hang out longer.
Hi, all. I got all my errands done, but one. They don't open til 11, so I am here for a little while. It sounds like a wonderful day, but glad I missed out on the ticks!
Before Helen hits me with a cane, I must explain my comment about her sister, Ceil. I said Ceil is just like Mits, but even more...meaning, her personality is just like Helen's, but some additional mannerisims all her own. There, how's that? Did I get my foot out of my mouth or put the other one in too? Hope not; they are a wonderful trio of sisters...wish I had sisters. I'll bet they have a ball with the M&M sisters.
Since you asked!!! Elizabeth Nicole was born 6/5/08 at 12:55pm. Her weight was 8 lbs 11 oz. and she was 21 1/2 in length. Dark hair and beautiful smile! Her 6 yr old sister Samantha dearly loves to hold her and give her kisses! Had photos to view when I return yesterday evening. So my day was complete!
Diane (Love to Napp, I think), I am so sorry I missed you. If you came into the Eagle Express and I didn't see you, PLEASE FORGIVE ME! Hope you come again in the Fall and those of us who didn't meet you can do so then.
CUSTOME LADY: HELP ME OUT! If you were at the nest, I was suffering heat stroke! Unless I just didn't match up name with moniker like I was trying to do... Maybe you were at dinner only? At least we are both in Berkeley County and maybe we can hook up here sometime....
DIANE - You are welcome!! I have an email out to my nephew...waiting to see if he will answer me. Otherwise I will send him some snail mail. Don't like to put too much on cyberspace anyway about some things.
Magpie - Costume Lady is Capt Gene's 1st Mate - I know you were matching up names from the list -- Costume Lady is really WANDA Now you have completed your list of Id's!! LOL
MEMA JO: You are IT! Thanks. Boy, WANDA/COSTUME LADY, I am kinda embarassed..I read so much on yahoo emails from you, the moniker just slipped through a BIG CRACK! Now the list is complete! Birds and Blooms, eh? That's top notch! Love, Magpie xox
Diane - it was wonderful of you to make the trip, especially after just having surgery! I hope next time you can stay longer and enjoy the fun! I'm glad you at least got to see Tiny in the nest!
Wow all 3 in the nest again...what a treat! Looks like Pearl was the last one in! And he brought food as well! How cool is that! OUr babes are learning fast!
Hot Sunday Hello Everyone. Been reading all the notes--what a wonderful event and Paula, you're a hoot to take our MIA pictures to show! Thank you. I feel like I really know everyone, and you're a Great Group!! There were 2 eaglets in nest when I got on about an hour ago--cam is ziggy a little. Is it just Tiny now? trying to get cool? >>gotta get more coffee.
BBL--gonna try to get ready to go for funeral home visit---lost 91 yr old hubby of dear couple I've known for years who I bowled with and then they visited lots of Parks regularly.They were neighbors of each other who lost their mates over 15 years ago & got married one Valentines Day. Isn't that special?
Hi, back again. Apparently the trainers, etc., of Big Brown could not find anything outwardly which was wrong with him, and they are running tests on him for less visible medical problems.
Also, I noticed there is an adult eagle in the nest tree at Kent.
Finally, the live feed is viewable again, and both male eaglets are in the nest trying to survive the heat.
Hi everyone. Saw a lot of comments about the problem with ticks. Try a repellant which contains PERMANONE. There are several different kinds, but any of which contain permanone work great. Not only does it repel ticks, but it KILLS them. DO NOT spray directly onto skin. You must spray your clothes and let dry for at least two hours. It lasts for a couple weeks, even through several washings. I promise you, this stuff is great. I don't go into the woods without it, and I haven't had a tick stuck to me for several years!!!
LOL Tiny reminds me of my son when he was little up on the high diving board, trying to get up nerve to jump! I, of course, was sitting down below with lump in my throat....sorta like now!
I'm in for awhile...too hot our right now...will be checking in on and off...gotta get caught up on laundry, c***ning, dirty dishes, etc. Oh yeah, and work on pics, too!
Mike-in-Mo: That sounds like a heavy-duty tick repellant all right. It wouldn't be botanical or organic or herbal by any chance? - sounds like something hunters would want to know about too.
Yeah, Deb, No. 3 is looking more and more like today is the day. AND that darn live feed keeps going berserk just as it looks like something will happen!!
Hello everyone-made it back to Bedford, Va. Beverly, Sharon and Mattie have been on the road for home about 45 minutes. Thanks again for the great company this weekend. Wish we could have seen Tiny fledge but it wasn't time-shucks!! Wanda and Gene you are most gracious-thanks again!! Ofcourse Buddy had a great time too. Until next time...
Refresh cam looks pretty good. I have noticed that when you have both cams next to each other, the pics are pretty much the same. I think maybe it's the clock that's wrong on still cam. BTW checked Delta earlier & Teddy was still in nest.
Sorry to leave you hanging Magpie! Had a couple VERY upset toddlers that had just woke up from a nap! Not to sure about the spray being herbal or organic, but yes, it is some heavy duty tick spray. I do a lot of hunting, especially deer, and this stuff is suppossed to be odorless when dry. I am a little skeptical, because there is a definate odor when it is sprayed. Haven't used it much when deer hunting, but spray everything during turkey season! Lucky for us, turkeys don't smell! They would probably be unhuntable!!!
Hi There T-Bird! Glad you and Buddy are safely home! I really missed you at dinner! Did you go back up to the nest with everyone after you ate? Good to have met Buddy - loved seeing him take over & sit up in the Capt's seat in the RV. Hope you all got a pic of that!
Mema Jo-Missed you and the others at dinner too. I believe next time the "baby" will have to stay at home-more will be revealed. I was not able to go to the nest but Bev got some fantastic pictures. If I was more "literate" I could have posted some but I'm sure Bev and/or Sharon will do that when they get home. Yes - Wanda and Beverly got pictures of Capt. Buddy :)
Still Cam shows a second eaglet in the nest now. I think that just happened. I wonder how many times we are all trying to get the live feed! San Jose Falcon site looks pretty empty. Pa Falcon site, has a cool link to info on the Volunteer "Recovery Teams" put into place this date...those poor souls like they are suffering from heat prostration on that ledge. Cannot get heron cam to open up, nor Loon cam now. Well, back to the still NCTC cam for me.
Hello to all that have been on here today. I have been lurking and reading all about your good times yesterday. I see we had a few more new momsters take part for this visit and that is GREAT!
Make that June 9 for the Recovery teams at PA Falcon site. Parent falcon watching from the pole near the cam box. Wonder what she is thinking. Clock on Falcon Wire News when the site opens up.
I see that Tiny is still in the nest. I guess it is too hot for him/her to fledge today. Just checked our temp here at the Outer Banks and we have 100 on one thermometer and a 98.8 on the other in the shade, PLUS the smoke from those fires west of us. SO I have been inside all day with the air on.
6/6/2008 :: Watch and Rescue Program Begins The watch and rescue program will begin Monday morning, June 9th and continue through the weekend. Volunteers will work in teams of two for two hour shifts during daylight hours.
I can't recall, four or five chicks at PA? There is a blob of something that has not moved for quiet some time on the ledge, so I am trying to figure out if it is a chick, or hopefully, not....
Thanks for the info Helen. I didn't remember that from last year. I don't know how they can stand being right out thewre in all that sun; especially with this heat we are having.
We stopped at the nest around noon today....2 eaglets were there and Lib came in and flew around the nest, came over to where we were and flew over us a couple of times and landed in the nest...we made a pit stop at the admin bldg, and the closed circuit was having some problems also....
MITS- thanks! what a beautiful word, eyases ..I had not seen that before. Clicked on Google and found a beautiful little You Tube showing two of them and two unhatched eggs.
I can't imagine the heat they must be experiencing. You know how hot that concrete gets from the sun, and those birds are laying on it, with the heat beating down on them and radiating off the concrete too!
One of the birds flew off a minute ago. Don't know if it took the bird with it. They were all over to the far edge going at it except for one bird that stayed by the post.
Candy, don't know when I am going to get there this summer..., have to baby sit the M&M girls the next two Mondays, and have zoo shifts, so we get there as soon as I can.
Got the heron cam too, two appear to be in nest, two children? child and parent? Maybe the others are branching, or maybe they fledged! Wonder what their schedule is. Out to visit the grandson. I hope. Take Care Everyone.
Wow, Just read all the comments, and I feel as if I were there on the nest visit. You dear ones really know how to make your visit come alive. How thrilling. I was there all along with you. Thanks for painting the picture for me to read. Come "Open House" make reservation for two more. Hubby and I will make it then. We sure have been blessed this season. God is good. Jo, you're not the only one with news of new grandchild. We are expecting number 10 in March. When I signed on with this wonderful crew of eagle momsters, I was gran to eight. Now I am soon to be gran to 10. By the way, I kept 6 of them from Sunday to Friday last week. I took all of them to 4-H Day Camp from 9 to 12, I even taught a nature class. Feed them lunch, swam with them in the pool, feed them supper and then took all of them to Vacation Bible School, where I was activities director. I did laundry into the wee hours of every morning. They tried to kill me >>>>>> just kiddings. I lurked at least once a day, though. blessings to all donna
Hi, Candy...so good to see you on here. We lost Suz to our Morning line-up and you are gone most of the time. I was all alone for so long, I felt deserted. Then Megan started in on the line-up along with Sharon and we are getting more and more in the Morning. I guess it won't be long before your school days are over and you can join us in the Mornings again.
Donna, those grandkids tried to kill you once before, as I recall. You must be one tough cookie to do all that. I'll bet they are the Light of Your Life. You are truly blessed!
Thanks, CarolinaBeachMom, just filled up some water balloons and packed a change of clothes! We'll see who gets the wettest the fastest. He's 8 years old.
1 – 200 of 228 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the new thread, Steve, I'll let everyone now.
Some serious jumping jacks by Tiny. He (she?) didn't get much out of that last food drop...
I am off again, need to get all my errands done in SF so I can get home and mow today. Lots of rain last night, so I hope it is dry by the time I get there. I hope you all have a good visit this morning. The two in the nest are so still, I thought the feed was down, but the leaves in the background are moving.
Good morning Eagle Friends! Commode Town IL Vicky is departing from this beautiful state of West Virginia! Had a nice time and hope to be back in the Fall. Thank You Captain and Wanda for your gracious hospitality!
Good Morning dear ones, Hope everyone had a wonderful visist yesterday. Must go over my Sunday School lesson again, This is a wonderful day the Lord hath made, and I am sure all are rejoicing and being glad in it. Many blessings and huggs, donna
be back much later.
Thanks for the pic and new thread Steve.
We had a great time at NCTC yesterday!
I could have slept another hour or two....dogs woke me up...gotta go get coffee...
Lib just arrived with more food...looks like Middy grabbed it!
Lib gone!
Tiny was the one eating before Lib arrived!
Well, on review...Lib didn't have any food, but it got Tiny off her food and Middy is finishing it up
Tiny at the back of the nest, at noon, peering off the back
Lib is back again....Major mantling by Middy
Middy finally moves....
Lib back again...Middy mantling...Lib gone....LOL I don't think he had anything a few minutes ago....but I see a nice fish in Middy's talons now! She takes it to the 6 position and starts to eat!
I'll tell ya, it is really a site to see an eagle glide across the field from the back of the nest and land in that sycamore tree!
And Tiny may have got the first drop where I didn't think he got anything, as she was at the back eating and totally ignoring those last 2 visits by Lib
Lib is one busy eaglet....he did make 2 food drops! Tiny is now eating something brown and long from the middle of the nest that Middy gave up for the fish...not sure what it it!
Have ya'll got all that? I'm not sure if I do!
Lib is one busy eagle!
It is so good to see both eaglets eating at the same time. Maybe Tiny will get the nourishment and strength that he needs to Soar with his siblings.
Morning, Wanda. All 3 were in the nest this morning!
When we went back out last night after dinner, one adult, Middy and Pearl were all sitting above the nest!
Good Morning Eagle Friends ( :
After we left from the Clairon dinner. We always go by the nest because that is how we go home. One eaglet Tiny in the nest. # 1 and # 2 eaglets where on branches above nest. No site of Liberty or Belle.
So Paula I think you all got there after Ed and I.
Glo thank you for the Memories video neat ( :
John I see you got home and ty for all the viewers out there. That you reset the LIVE FEED from your home. Thank you so much.
Had a wonderful time meeting new Momsters and re-visit with ones you knew. Plus the surprise of Sandra and Tom staying with us for dinner. That was awesome.
Deb, Lolly and Nature it was nice meeting with you three. Next step is in real life ( :
Gods speed and safety for those traveling.
Blogging from work but wanted you to know that very early this am as I got up to get ready for work, there was 1 in nest...Parent brought in food and Tiny grabbed bUT a sib arrived quickly and stole it away. Then out of no where another sib arrived from "horsey trunk"area and fought pretty intensely knocking probably Middy off the launch side of the nest. Spirited eagle continued to prance around and let tiny know to stay away fromt he fish. Then spirited one took off quickly and parent came in with anotehr food drop. Tiny grabbed it quickly and well from parent BUT again sib arrived and stole that fish. As I left for work the 3rd sib had returned once again and major mantling going on. I think that is pretty much where you all started signing on this morning. So if lib has returned with food again once or twice He has been doing lots of fishing and probably trying hard to give tiny Breakfast BUT not working so well today. Sibs have their flying in and out act together pretty well, and grab and mantle superb. I can make the video when I get home tonight.
Is that an "iddy, biddy fishy" that Liberty brought just now??
They're still having problems getting food through No. 2 to No. 3it looks like.
Cam was just acting a little whacky...when it came back on...Lib was back...think he brought something..not sure!
Well he did...it's laying in the nest....wingersizes now
Good Morning Jim ( : We watched the race on the big screen at Rumsey Tavern. Sorry about BIG BROWN. What do you think happened to him?
YESTERDAY WAS FABULOUS...We could not have asked for a better day (maybe a little less heat). If we had paid $100.00 for a ticket to see the nest, we would have gotten our money's worth...but it was FREE! Mother Nature is sooo good and we are also grateful to NCTC for the wonderful work that they do!
We go to meet our new Momsters, Magpie and Hedgesviller. Magpie is a very little ball of energy and Hedgesviller is just the opposite, she is very calm, cool and collected. They are both wonderful additions to our group. I hope they decide to stay with us. We also met Ellen, who is a future Momster. She asked if she could join our group at the Clarion;said she has been reading our comments for a long time and would like to join us. Needless to say, we welcomed her with open arms.
THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY...was having our WONDERFUL SANDRA and her husband , TOM, join us for dinner. She is getting around very well with the assistance of a cane. She looks wonderful and had no problelm joining in with our conversations and laughter. She has come a long way and we wish her GOD SPEED in even more recovery from her stroke and wish the same for Tom also. WE LOVE YOU BOTH!
DEB, LOLLY AND NATURENUT wished to join us at dinner, so PAULA enlarged their photos and set them on our tables. We actually talked to them and ordered them all steaks. They didn't eat them, so someone else did. Didn't go to waste ladies! We truly did think about you all and wished you could have been with us. Maybe in October?
Loved meeting Mits' sisters, Ceil and Mary Margaret. Ceil is just like Helen, only more. Mary Margaret is considerably quieter and less animated than the two and just a sweetheart.
Sharon's sister, BEV, is a HOOT. She had us laughing quite a bit at dinner. She told our waiter, Richard, that he would really have to work hard for his buck and a half tip. That brought the house down!
Paula had a Beautliful Hiking Stick as the Raffle prize. It was the head of an eagle on the top of about a 5ft staff. That was won by Vicky. She is going to be riding that home to save on gas. We wish you luck, Vicky!
Sharon was in very good spirits, considering she is to be having surgery soon. We all wish her well and send our love. Thelma had to stay in her room with Buddy, her dog. He cried so much when she started to leave that she had to stay with him, I guess to keep him from disturbing the other guests.
Mattie was a sweetheart, being helpful whenever she could.
Megan brought a beautiful bouquet of Peonies to SANDRA, and she was overwhelmed with the presentation and thoughtfulness on Megan's part.
We all wish Megan well on her AFTER STORM CLEAN-UP.
Dana is still suffering a stiff neck, but says it is getting better. We certainly hope so. Ed is taking good care of her.
Norma was her usual SWEET SELF...(we love you Norma) and had her daughter Lisa with her. Lisa is just as sweet as she looks.
And then, there was JO. She kept everyone on their toes and made sure they were having a good time. What would we do without you JO?
Gene and I would like to thank JO and NORMA for buying our dinner. You two know we didn't approve of you doing that, but really appreciate your thoughtfulness and love you both. (I'll getcha back sometime)
I guess I had better cut this comment off before The Blogger Cop gets me.
Tiny was eating earlier Jim and she must be full as that fish is just laying in the nest now.
Well this will be my last post from work BUT I did leave one just a few minutes ago explaining why Tiny may not be eating...then again I did drive in to work so could have had anotehr drop that he did actually get to eat before a sib grabbed and fought him and each other for it.
Now, that's a comment, Wanda!
Good morning to you and to Dana too.
Dana... Big Brown. I was looking around for test results this morning with no luck yet. He looked like we would trying to set a world record with a case of the 'three-day-flu' ... don't know if horses have anything like that.
Or like his acceleration rocket, which he showed in the Derby and Preakness, was reversed, and when it fired, it slowed him down very quickly. The 'spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.'
I'm sure that if he'd had his usual stuff, he would be the new Triple Crown holder.
There's still time this year for some big wins in big races if the owners chose to run him.
Jim there was one part in the race where they think maybe the horse ahead of him (because they were so close) might have kicked him unintentionally. Some were saying something about his right front leg. Which some of us noticed too.
what a beautiful view, the two eagle children roosting side by side at high noon in the nest.
Great summaries and anecdotes, everyone, about the NCTC Nest visit and dinner. Wanda, your last post, put it all together! I have had some good belly laughs reading everything. What a great group to be a part of! (oh excuse me, "of which to be a part...." )
I didn't see the leg, but I did see him run up behind the leader (twice) as they started into the first turn.
I sure am glad Desormeaux realized he couldn't win and pulled him up before whatever it was got worse.
They said he pulled him up because he knew the horse just didn't have it in him, and thought that would be best for the horse
That's what the Jockey said
2 eaglets still in the nest. One standing at noon, the other laying down facing this way
Good morning, all! Another beautiful hot day! Reliving all of our fun from yesterday reading through the blogs. Just want to thank EVERYONE for your warm hospitality. I enjoyed every minute with each of you. Thanks Wanda and Gene for the RV and lunch! What a treat. Thanks, Jo, for all your work organizing everything. Hoping everyone who is traveling have safe trips home (Vicki--did Gene "fix" problem w/ your car?. It is so great to make new friends, and I will look forward to seeing you all again in the fall. Have a restful day!
Good morning everyone!!! After reading Wanda's wonderful commentary I really feel like I was there.
HOWEVER....I am a little resentful that I never tasted that steak...AND......why did you not clean Spidey's web away?!!!!!!
I slept last night with static in my head, I listened to it so much yesterday. Strange to watch it now and have it be so quiet.
So glad you had a great time and keep looking for those ticks!!! They could be anywhere. LOL
Well....shades of yesterday without sound!
Yea, LF acting a little crazy here
Both eaglet laying in the nest...one has that last fish right under its beak, LOL
That was Tiny, but now she is up facing 6
Pic now clear as a bell...well it was!!
LOLLY, it is Vicky's fault that Spidey's web is still there. That is what the EAGLE HIKING STICK was for. She was supposed to use that to clear it away...on second thought, she is too short. I am a bit taller and if I had won it, I would have done the deed! It is a beautiful object and I will buy one in October when we go to the Open House.
It seems as if ticks are going to be a problem this year. Gene got two of them on him just from our drive way. I hate to think about going into our woods. We need to spray an insecticide along with weed killer.
...And, we had beautiful Diane and her own "Captain Eagle" in the cool Silver Dodge Ram Pick-up, Diane with the attractive "green bracelet!" I don't think she made it into the Eagle Express. One-handed binocular-wielding was an uncomfortable challenge, but she and the Mister arrived about the same time as I at the Day Care Center and got to see some happy hop-ups by Tiny. They traveled up from Northern Virginia, compassionate husband there, we tried to overtake him with overtures and binoculars, and although he declined, what a fabulous smile and personality. They left a little before lunchtime I think, I looked and the Silver Limousine was gone..Sorry, Diane, didn't get to say good-bye. It was fun to meet people that know people that I do, and I suspect some of you others made those connections too. Anytime I meet someone that knew my sister Kathy, is a blessing for me. Hedgesviller Lynn: That's YOU!
Safe Travels, and I guess we all probably have to tear ourselves away from the computers today to do some catch-ups. Love, Magpie xoxo
MAULEY: Read your post this morning. AMEN!
Since I played all day yesterday, I've got to catch up some today...out to mow the lawn...hoping to work on the pics this afternoon when it's too hot to stay out!
And when you have some down-time folks, like if the cam acts up or something, you cam reminisce after looking at the empty Loon Nest, by checking out some stellar videos at:
Wow, three children in the nest again.. Maybe trying to tease Tiny into realizing she can leave, go hunting/fishing, and return home and not share!
Good Morning After
So is today the day we will have an MT nest? The 2 oldest will soon start their fishing lessons with Dad & Mom and then not return to our nest. Tiny
will soon follow I'm sure!
Our Suzanne was with us all day yesterday - it was so enjoyable having her there. Lots of catch up!
I'm sure she would be jabbering away today about all of yesterday's events if "you know what" was hooked up at home! She still enjoys all the emails you Momsters send to her.
Be still live feed!!!
Just saw a poop shoot!
Funny story from yesterday. We are all under the assumption that there is a poop shoot before take off to lighten the load! Four of us were down checking out the closed circuit cam of the nest and saw Tiny do his thingy! Paula ran outside with binoculars & camera and was looking for that 1st Flight
of Tiny taking off. Well it was a false alarm - but our paula eagleholic was ready!!
I love seeing all 3 in the nest - squabbling or not! It seemed to take forever with our 1st season for them all to return at the same time.
Wonder what Big Bird is eating...looks like a triple dose of something...
OH, MY BAD!How could I forget our SPECIAL SUZANNE!! I was going around the table at the Rumsy, in my mind, trying to remember everyone that was with us and got to Suz and Jo was in the way, so I didn't see her.
It was so good to see Suz. When she had to stop commenting in the mornings, it was like she dropped off the face of the earth. A BIG part of our day was gone.
She really misses being with us in the morning, but understands why her bosses have forbidden personal use of the internet. She is not holding it against them...that's our SUZ! We love and miss you!!
MEMA JO: Okay, Grandmaw, anytime you want to float us some information about baby Elizabeth, I'm ready. My oldest sister has that name, and I have named a guardian angel that also...
Looks like Larry has expanded the view of the water, maybe so we can a chance to see Loonies and Bloonies.
Magpie, thanks for your kind comments. It was well worth the trip to meet you and everyone! My hubby really is a great guy. He puts up with me. I wanted to apologize for leaving so soon. I think pain pills and heat do not mix. I didn't want to cause a scene by ending up passed out flat on my back! Next time, I will come alone and hopefully in good health so I can hang out longer.
Hi, all. I got all my errands done, but one. They don't open til 11, so I am here for a little while. It sounds like a wonderful day, but glad I missed out on the ticks!
Before Helen hits me with a cane, I must explain my comment about her sister, Ceil. I said Ceil is just like Mits, but even more...meaning, her personality is just like Helen's, but some additional mannerisims all her own.
There, how's that? Did I get my foot out of my mouth or put the other one in too? Hope not; they are a wonderful trio of sisters...wish I had sisters. I'll bet they have a ball with the M&M sisters.
Since you asked!!!
Elizabeth Nicole was born 6/5/08 at 12:55pm. Her weight was 8 lbs 11 oz. and she was 21 1/2 in length. Dark hair and beautiful smile! Her 6 yr old sister Samantha dearly loves to hold her and give her kisses!
Had photos to view when I return yesterday evening. So my day was complete!
Diane (Love to Napp, I think), I am so sorry I missed you. If you came into the Eagle Express and I didn't see you, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
Hope you come again in the Fall and those of us who didn't meet you can do so then.
If you were at the nest, I was suffering heat stroke! Unless I just didn't match up name with moniker like I was trying to do...
Maybe you were at dinner only?
At least we are both in Berkeley County and maybe we can hook up here sometime....
I missed a take off? Man, I am trying to get some work done, but I can't stand missing something!
THANKS MEMA JO: We always learning about new precious life!
DIANE - You are welcome!! I have an email out to my nephew...waiting to see if he will answer me. Otherwise I will send him some snail mail. Don't like to put too much on cyberspace anyway about some things.
MEMA JO; Enjoy "LEARNING" about new precious life that is, my fingers are typing too fast. They are the only things that work fast sometimes.
Magpie - Costume Lady is Capt Gene's 1st Mate - I know you were matching up names from the list -- Costume Lady is really WANDA
Now you have completed your list of Id's!! LOL
I am NOT sure who is on the launch pad right now. It very well could be Tiny - Oh yes! I think it is with all those white tail feathers!
2 'lets in the nest!
Another scorcher! 90° already!!
MEMA JO: You are IT! Thanks. Boy, WANDA/COSTUME LADY, I am kinda embarassed..I read so much on yahoo emails from you, the moniker just slipped through a BIG CRACK! Now the list is complete!
Birds and Blooms, eh? That's top notch!
Love, Magpie xox
Diane - it was wonderful of you to make the trip, especially after just having surgery! I hope next time you can stay longer and enjoy the fun! I'm glad you at least got to see Tiny in the nest!
Let's do some ESP with Tiny: "I think I can, I think I can.
Besides, a cool dip in the Potomac is just what I need!"
Back again to lie down. Ed wnts me ot call them tmorrow and ask for an emergeny doctor vsiit. Don't know if theu do thatl. bbl
MEMA JO: "Dark hair and beautiful smile." Just like her grandmother!
Wow all 3 in the nest again...what a treat! Looks like Pearl was the last one in! And he brought food as well! How cool is that! OUr babes are learning fast!
Dana - never hurts to ask....seems like you need it!
Looks like Middy has left now also!
Hot Sunday Hello Everyone. Been reading all the notes--what a wonderful event and Paula, you're a hoot to take our MIA pictures to show! Thank you.
I feel like I really know everyone, and you're a Great Group!!
There were 2 eaglets in nest when I got on about an hour ago--cam is ziggy a little. Is it just Tiny now? trying to get cool?
>>gotta get more coffee.
Middy flew up into the tree
Tiny is at the launch pad with wings spread...looks like she is trying to cool off
Middy just dropped back in and is peeping...you can see her beak moving.
Wanted to sent Get Well Wishes to Dana--hope they can fix you up real soon.
And Good Health to all others that need it.
My cam cleared---there are 2.
BBL--gonna try to get ready to go for funeral home visit---lost 91 yr old hubby of dear couple I've known for years who I bowled with and then they visited lots of Parks regularly.They were neighbors of each other who lost their mates over 15 years ago & got married one Valentines Day. Isn't that special?
That cam is crazy nuts nervous just like the rest of us! Go Tiny!
Looks breezy up there at the nest.
I'll BBL
Hi, back again. Apparently the trainers, etc., of Big Brown could not find anything outwardly which was wrong with him, and they are running tests on him for less visible medical problems.
Also, I noticed there is an adult eagle in the nest tree at Kent.
Finally, the live feed is viewable again, and both male eaglets are in the nest trying to survive the heat.
Both eaglets still hanging out at this end of the nest, catching some breeze and some shade...
Hi everyone. Saw a lot of comments about the problem with ticks. Try a repellant which contains PERMANONE. There are several different kinds, but any of which contain permanone work great. Not only does it repel ticks, but it KILLS them. DO NOT spray directly onto skin. You must spray your clothes and let dry for at least two hours. It lasts for a couple weeks, even through several washings. I promise you, this stuff is great. I don't go into the woods without it, and I haven't had a tick stuck to me for several years!!!
The Wild Watch Heron cam came right up for me - they are 3 large Heronetts!!
WHoo Hoo! At least 4 little burrowing owls are outside of the burrow!
Blue bird still on eggs.
Both osprey in the nest.
Lake WA eaglets getting too large to hide behind the tree trunk.
Kent eagle gone now..
Tiny doing some wing flaps and getting some air, now perched at 12 on the nest...Middy standing just about in the middle, facing right.
Tiny has been wild with the wing flaps. I just know one of these times when the static clears...he will be gone...up up and away!
LOL Tiny reminds me of my son when he was little up on the high diving board, trying to get up nerve to jump! I, of course, was sitting down below with lump in my throat....sorta like now!
Nerve wracking and wonderful all at the same time, isn't it Lolly!
I'm in for awhile...too hot our right now...will be checking in on and off...gotta get caught up on laundry, c***ning, dirty dishes, etc. Oh yeah, and work on pics, too!
Mike-in-Mo: That sounds like a heavy-duty tick repellant all right. It wouldn't be botanical or organic or herbal by any chance? - sounds like something hunters would want to know about too.
LOLLY: Tiny reminds me of ME on the diving board many years ago.
I sure was thinking the same thing about diving board an hour or so ago too...
If Tiny decides to fledge I hope it is when the cam isn't going crazy.
Just checked Flag Day is next weekend. He'll have to fledge before that.
I feel alittle more awake. Dang medicine.
Only Tiny #3 in nest now
Who just left the nest????
He is really getting air!!!
Middy #2 unless I can't see her/him
Tiny is on the launch pad, maybe today will be the day.
Now he moved over, not time yet.
Yeah, Deb, No. 3 is looking more and more like today is the day. AND that darn live feed keeps going berserk just as it looks like something will happen!!
Rest easy...she's off the launch pad for now!
Start wringing your hands, back at the launch pad!
But wings are in the open, I'm hot position!
And back on the launch pad, spreading the wings into the wind from time to time.
It's a little late for the day, but still 4-5 hours of daylight, probably superior lift on a hot, windy day, so ............
Tiny seems content to sit and watch for now, but I am still afraid to leave the room and miss the big event.
Me too, but now he decided to lay down in the shade a try to cool off.
Tiny now resting in the nest
LOL, she's back up
Jo, there are 5 burrowing owlets, just spotted the fifth one.!
Parent was just in nest don't think there was a food drop
Darn meds eyes getting heavy again. Keep watch let me know. I read comments bbl
Dana - I checked back on the RP - looks like Lib brought in something small, which Tiny quickly gulped down
Hello everyone-made it back to Bedford, Va. Beverly, Sharon and Mattie have been on the road for home about 45 minutes. Thanks again for the great company this weekend. Wish we could have seen Tiny fledge but it wasn't time-shucks!!
Wanda and Gene you are most gracious-thanks again!! Ofcourse Buddy had a great time too. Until next time...
wish we had a video surrounding the nest-wouldn't that just be great
we've got two
Someone's back!
Appeared during the whacky cam...looks like hmmmm....
Gone, who left?
I don't know Deb...I'm looking...
I am trying to find the white spot on the head, but I can't see it. I assume it is still Tiny in the nest.
That white spot is gone Deb, gotta go by the tail
I believe it was Pearl that cam back
And Pearl that left...
My guess was Pearl, because of the size. No wonder I can't find the white spot!
Computer is hangin up, gotta shut 'er down and restart....back in a few minutes
Hi gang---Looks like just Tiny in the nest now. Hope I didn't miss a fledge. Had both cams up to try & get a clear one. Not often.
When you guys visited, was the reception office open so you could see their live feed?Is it a big screen?
We could go into the Training Bldg or the Admin Bldg - they were open and had the closed circuit tv
WOW, that was a close one---Tiny flapped toward 4 o'clock & cam lined out!!But still there.
I keep saying, No, Tiny, not until the cam is clear. She just had some pretty good air time.
I lost my picture!
Large round of wingersizes...some really nice height!
I'm back from Panda Nap & just finished reading comments - I see I didn't miss Tiny shoving off!
Deb thanks for the count. They are fast little owls going in and out of the burrow or camera range.
Good grief--cam went green & now black. Maybe it's the wind.
(Steve---I'm NOT whining--just posting observations!)
Can't get mine back either...Looks like it's down...tried all links
Refresh cam looks pretty good. I have noticed that when you have both cams next to each other, the pics are pretty much the same. I think maybe it's the clock that's wrong on still cam.
BTW checked Delta earlier & Teddy was still in nest.
Sorry to leave you hanging Magpie! Had a couple VERY upset toddlers that had just woke up from a nap! Not to sure about the spray being herbal or organic, but yes, it is some heavy duty tick spray. I do a lot of hunting, especially deer, and this stuff is suppossed to be odorless when dry. I am a little skeptical, because there is a definate odor when it is sprayed. Haven't used it much when deer hunting, but spray everything during turkey season! Lucky for us, turkeys don't smell! They would probably be unhuntable!!!
Hi There T-Bird! Glad you and Buddy are safely home! I really missed you at dinner! Did you go back up to the nest with everyone after you ate?
Good to have met Buddy - loved seeing him take over & sit up in the
Capt's seat in the RV. Hope you all got a pic of that!
Hello, have finally made it to Sunday's thread, been on here reading for last 2 hours...
Mema Jo-Missed you and the others at dinner too. I believe next time the "baby" will have to stay at home-more will be revealed. I was not able to go to the nest but Bev got some fantastic pictures. If I was more "literate" I could have posted some but I'm sure Bev and/or Sharon will do that when they get home. Yes - Wanda and Beverly got pictures of Capt. Buddy :)
temp has been up to 102°. since I have been reading, back down to 100° now:(
Still Cam shows a second eaglet in the nest now. I think that just happened. I wonder how many times we are all trying to get the live feed! San Jose Falcon site looks pretty empty. Pa Falcon site, has a cool link to info on the Volunteer "Recovery Teams" put into place this date...those poor souls like they are suffering from heat prostration on that ledge. Cannot get heron cam to open up, nor Loon cam now. Well, back to the still NCTC cam for me.
Thelma I MISSED YOU AT DINNER....met you last year but always great to renew friendships.
Glad Buddy like being the Capt. at the RV. lol
Looks like 2? in the nest.
I'm getting a 90-second refresh on the still cam at NCTC. Looks kind of rainbowy.
Hello to all that have been on here today. I have been lurking and reading all about your good times yesterday. I see we had a few more new momsters take part for this visit and that is GREAT!
Thanks Paula went back and read your comment that Tiny got food drop ( :
I can't get LIVE FEED....Is everyone elses down?
Make that June 9 for the Recovery teams at PA Falcon site. Parent falcon watching from the pole near the cam box. Wonder what she is thinking. Clock on Falcon Wire News when the site opens up.
I see that Tiny is still in the nest. I guess it is too hot for him/her to fledge today. Just checked our temp here at the Outer Banks and we have 100 on one thermometer and a 98.8 on the other in the shade, PLUS the smoke from those fires west of us. SO I have been inside all day with the air on.
My refresh cam is a mess but I think I see 2 in nest. Don't know which 2. Now it is straight so I am guessing #3 Tiny is at 12 o'clock position.
Clock on, click on, I guess you get the point. Sitting sideways at the keyboard, that doesn't help matters any.
Magpie, are you really saying that on June 9 there is a rescue team going in to help the baby falcon chicks?
DANA I think that is Iiny at twelve oclock. He has been there since I came back on and hasn't moved from the spot.
yes dana my live feed is down too
Well almost dinner time here so I'll bbl
6/6/2008 :: Watch and Rescue Program Begins
The watch and rescue program will begin Monday morning, June 9th and continue through the weekend. Volunteers will work in teams of two for two hour shifts during daylight hours.
checking out for now one and all-have a good evening
I can't recall, four or five chicks at PA? There is a blob of something that has not moved for quiet some time on the ledge, so I am trying to figure out if it is a chick, or hopefully, not....
Tiny is up!
it was 5 eggs and 4 eyases, Magpie.
Wow only one eaglet at NCTC. I missed a departure. I don't have live feed
Thanks for the info Helen. I didn't remember that from last year. I don't know how they can stand being right out thewre in all that sun; especially with this heat we are having.
Magpie, I think the live feed is down for all of us. Now there is a parent in the nest too.
We stopped at the nest around noon today....2 eaglets were there and Lib came in and flew around the nest, came over to where we were and flew over us a couple of times and landed in the nest...we made a pit stop at the admin bldg, and the closed circuit was having some problems also....
MITS- thanks! what a beautiful word, eyases ..I had not seen that before. Clicked on Google and found a beautiful little You Tube showing two of them and two unhatched eggs.
It looks like there are four falcons on the ledge;one just peeking out from behind the beam or whatever.
it has got to be hot on that PA ledge....
Parent gone, but sibling sitting with Tiny for a few minutes now.
I can't imagine the heat they must be experiencing. You know how hot that concrete gets from the sun, and those birds are laying on it, with the heat beating down on them and radiating off the concrete too!
MITS I see you made the trip yesterday. Lucky duck. When do you start to go to your summer abode? :)
Grilling chicken now
Family members arriving
1 bird after cam refresh.
Hey JO Why start the hot grill for the chicken. Just set it out in the sun to cook? :)
Here's the eyases You Tube off Google, it is not our PA falcons, but some in Rome.
MITS - Those parents flew over to wish you a grand send-off. You deserved it for checking on the Clan one more time. Eagle Blessings.
And then there is one after that for James River Bridge, I think that one is in Richmond VA maybe?
Live feed is up!!
Thanks DEB for the heads up on the live feed. Still looks like some problems, but it is at least on sometimes.
Tiny koing wing stretches.
He seems content to just sit there and gaze out on the fields,
Both Pa. falcon parents just flew over to chicks. Oh, it looks like one is eating a bird.
I think the "blob" I saw at PA was something the four eyases are now trying to eat...good to see four up and moving around and making noise, at least.
One of the birds flew off a minute ago. Don't know if it took the bird with it. They were all over to the far edge going at it except for one bird that stayed by the post.
Hmmm is that 2 or 3 in the nest?
Ok...just 1
Howdy Candy!
Thanks for the info on RP Deb.
Back out to finish mowing...is there 2 eaglets at the noon position?
Candy, don't know when I am going to get there this summer..., have to baby sit the M&M girls the next two Mondays, and have zoo shifts, so we get there as soon as I can.
could be, Paula???
temp still 100° here..off to fix dinner...bbl.
Loon cam back on, but no loons in sight yet.
Tiny is getting antsy. Doing wing flaps.
Got the heron cam too, two appear to be in nest, two children? child and parent? Maybe the others are branching, or maybe they fledged! Wonder what their schedule is.
Out to visit the grandson.
I hope.
Take Care Everyone.
Wow, Just read all the comments, and I feel as if I were there on the nest visit. You dear ones really know how to make your visit come alive. How thrilling. I was there all along with you. Thanks for painting the picture for me to read. Come "Open House" make reservation for two more. Hubby and I will make it then. We sure have been blessed this season. God is good. Jo, you're not the only one with news of new grandchild. We are expecting number 10 in March. When I signed on with this wonderful crew of eagle momsters, I was gran to eight. Now I am soon to be gran to 10. By the way, I kept 6 of them from Sunday to Friday last week. I took all of them to 4-H Day Camp from 9 to 12, I even taught a nature class. Feed them lunch, swam with them in the pool, feed them supper and then took all of them to Vacation Bible School, where I was activities director. I did laundry into the wee hours of every morning. They tried to kill me >>>>>> just kiddings. I lurked at least once a day, though. blessings to all donna
Hi, Candy...so good to see you on here. We lost Suz to our Morning line-up and you are gone most of the time. I was all alone for so long, I felt deserted. Then Megan started in on the line-up along with Sharon and we are getting more and more in the Morning. I guess it won't be long before your school days are over and you can join us in the Mornings again.
Magpie Have a super visit with your grandson.
Donna, those grandkids tried to kill you once before, as I recall. You must be one tough cookie to do all that. I'll bet they are the Light of Your Life. You are truly blessed!
Thanks, CarolinaBeachMom, just filled up some water balloons and packed a change of clothes! We'll see who gets the wettest the fastest. He's 8 years old.
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