We got some statistics of how many folks accessed the still cam last month, and the numbers are big:
total hits are 3,402,750
Unique visitors was about 13,500
and we had visitors from 71 countries around the globe.
This bird site was a big referrer.
Remember these numbers are just for May. I suspect the numbers were much higher earlier in the season.
1 – 200 of 334 Newer› Newest»Good Morning everyone,and thanks
steve for the update.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave
How cool. Love the stats!
WOW! STEVE---Do our best to make you HAPPY!----ho!----THANKS!!---WILL PASS ON THE NEW THREAD!!
That is so cool. Our babies are real celebrities.
What's a unique visitor????
good question, mits.
MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!---Have been wondering how you folks are getting along cleaning up after the flood----or do you still have flooding!!---Wishing you all the best!!---Keep us updated!!
Unique visitor means individual....from different ip addresses or computers...so 13,500 different people...pretty amazing, huh?
Cool site Steve, thanks for the link
Hi normabyrd; The water has gone
down here and now comes the
cleanup,That is all i have been
doing for the past week.The eagles
here are doing ok.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave
thank you, Paula, I thought we were all pretty unique:)
Two in the nest.
Me too, Mits!
Chimney swift is off the eggs, you can see all 4.
Back to one at our nest.
Does anyone have live feed or is it just me.
Has anyone heard from GLO???---Doesn't she live along the MISSISSIPPI RIVER?
No live feed, Red. We had it for a little while yesterday.
no live feed here, RED
Glo is fine. She lives 22 blocks from the river on high ground.
MORNIN' RED EAGLE---I haven't had RP all morning!!---Have you heard from GLO?
I'm thinking maybe I will withdraw my apology. Sorry John. lol
Glo posted the other day where she lives and eveything was fine, Norma
Thanks RED EAGLE!---I have been thinking about her all am---
I think Glo is heading to AZ on Monday to see that grandbaby!
INDIANA DAVE & FRIENDS ---are cleaning up the mess!!---So Sad!!
Mei Xiang is in the water.
awww she wash washing her pretty face
they had some storm damage at the nest, Red
Thanks SHARON---I didn't know GLO had a new baby!---WONDERFUL!-----that would certainly take her mind off the flooding!!---girl or boy!!----She has a granddaughter!!
that was supposed to be was
I was in computer maintenance all my life and I cannot understnd how a problem can go on for so long. Sorry but thats just how I feel.
Norma, Elia is a couple years old I think.
Red - Did you read Mits comment?
We had some storm damage at the nest...and that is what is interfering with the signal. It can't be fixed until the eaglets leave the area...they cannot climb the tree at this point....
So it is something that we have to live with for now...
Good Morning Eagle Friends ( :
I must get on here once today so I am a "unique visitor" hee hee
Lots of people watching
ATLANTA'S "BUTA BUTA" is taking "1" of her many naps----in the day room up close the windows!!---You can see the reflection of the children going by on the cam!!---She is a BEAUTY!!-----
I'm sorry Paula, I never read that. If thats the problem then I understand. Sorry.
RED, they can only work on it if they have spare time, this cam is like a volunteer thing for them
I'm sure Steve and John accept your apology!
Again the BIG storm missed us and it was headed right at us! Big red and purple area on the radar. No wind....just slow rain. Hope it continues!
Dana, want to that you for the facials. Showed Jack my picture...I think he liked it!
Call me "DUM" "DUM"!---I didn't know our nest had been damaged!!---When did that happen!---I thought I had scanned yesterday's blog!!---Need to go back!!! --- NOW!
Left out "n". Make that Thank you!
I can only say,"IT IS WHAT IT IS"
OK. I'm sorry I'm so impatient. I just didn't understand the situation. Now I know. Thanks for putting up with me.
Mits, who is who on the panda cam?
Good Morning & it is another beautiful morning
I have been lurking for awhile-BAD ME
DEB Thanks so much for the Woodsie Escape slideshow! Held my breath on the last one getting out.. Like so many times in my life I have gone up the wrong wall first!
Norma - Glo should be fine! When she was on Tues am she advised us of her 16 hr work schedule with an overnite - and then she gets to pack it up and fly to AZ to see her beautiful Elia! There is a video of that little granddaughter on her FTLOE site! I think that Glo may find it very hard to come home!
Someone help me out--
Are there 2 in our nest?
I think 2 Jo and Good Morning ( :
Wow Lolly you used just the right amount of the "Eagle Facial mixture"....You sure is pre-t-t-y ( :
yes there are, Jo
Looks like Tiny and Middy
checking for you Sharon
Why, thank you, Dana!!
Jo, you asked last night if was really me. Well, this really is a picture of me!! :)
Mei on cam 1
I have been thinking, don't we get any credit for all those hits on this web site? I think a lot of Unique People out there like to look in on our fun and crazy comments. We must sound like a Soap Opera to our Lurkers.
PLEASE tell me when the damage to our nest happened!!!----I still haven't found it on the blog!!!---Was it yesterday or the day before????
Tai on cam 2
Norma it was several weeks ago. When Megan storm hit
EE Sissy - praying for your family and your hubby's mom to find peace.
This evening at 5 is the actual funeral service in GA for Sgt McCoy.
I can't thank you all enough for remembering Steve and his family during these past months. My daughter, Susan, flew down to attend the service for Ryan's dearest friend of the past 4 years. Ryan spoke at Steve's memorial service in Baghdad this Monday. I read the rough draft of his speech & it was written from his heart. Thanks again for prayers of today as they lay him to rest. ((hugs))
Norma, we think the storm affected the cable to the cam, but that is just a guess until they can get to it and check it out.
From Steve --
The storms caused more tree damage than we first thought, and we'll have to get a tree service in to cut some limbs to provide a better line of sight for the microwave. This could take time, but we're not ready to shut it off yet.
I don't think our tree was damaged, just the trees in the line of the microwave whatever.
Prayers are with his family and friends today, Jo, and with Sissy's family.
Wanda We need to give ourself lots of credit for our BLOG!
We need a 'reality' name for all of us!
Most blogs close down after a season ends but we keep ours up & moving all year long!
All 3 in our nest!!
Jo, I am so glad we keep this blog going. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my friends to chat with. It would be like a day without sunshine. When the sun doesn't shine, our friendships make up for it.
Down to one!
I'm surprised more of you do not use Glo's chat room. Seems to me it is lots simpler to use and it's real time.
I thought they had trimmed the tree, when that happened, etc.----Sorry---I am not always with the program!!---ho!
No... we will never abandon this blog or nest.. we are loyal.. another absolutely beautiful day here:) good day for those eagles to soar the skies.
We have everything we want right here, good friends and good conversations, a lot of laughs!
To Blog or to Chat ??
I can say good things concerning both means of communication.
I do find that blogs/forums are most informative about the cams we watch and the every day happenings to which you can easily refer.
It also helps you to get to know the people blogging and new persons are always coming on and giving us fresh thoughts! Chat rooms do keep us connected to those we know & should we ever lose our blog I guess we will just create a new one in order to record all that we see!
Well, I like it here amd Steve has been kind enought to let us hijack his blog and there is a wealth of information to be gotten here about the nest and many other cams.. and yes, our daily trials and tribulations.. what a great read, and what a great group of people it has brought together. So I ain't going anywhere, except right now I'm going back outside, where delphiniums, pumpkins, zinnias, and lisianthus and much more awaits me.. later:)
I think I just got flogged for even suggesting it. lol
Just watch out for those eagle canes...lol......
Red you got it with a "wet noodle" lol
Prayers for those needing them and Gods be the leader.
Yes I have seen one. They could be dangerous. :)
Chat rooms - once you close the box, it's all gone!
Paula just said it Red - once you close - it's a goner! And it is great to have you Blog with us. At least you didn't get the CANE - lol
Oh no no you don't want thee cane eeekkk!! lol
You might get an "eaglet facial" lmbo
I'm not trying to start trouble JO. Just don't know when to shut up sometimes. I can see advantages to both blogs and chat rooms.
I can't get in the heron cam today. One of these days the heronettes are going to fly away instead of climb up the tree.
Deb, I could not get into the heron cam last night.???????
I was on last night, Lolly, empty nest, then first one came down out of the tree, then came another. I didn't wait to see if the third one was up there, too.
OK here I am checking in quickly LOL.
I did work my 16 hour shift. I slept some yesterday and up for Staff meeting first thing this am.
Elia will celebrate her third birthday on June 21. I will be there on June 23 and she and I will celebrate again :).
Mississippi crested in my area on Tues night. Where I live is uphill 22 blocks so yes I am fine. Lots of folks aren't so fine but lots of help comng in. Rick Island County IL is one of the disater counties so the farmers and others will be eligible for more help that way too.
I work Sunday and am off for AZ on Monday.
Right now I am off to fix a Bad Hair Day LOL.
Have a good day everyone.
Sorry to hear about storm damage at the nest and right after we got those limbs trimmed. One thing after another it seems.
It is so funny to watch them come down. Wish we had a shot of the tree.
Juvie in OK!
Have a wonderful time visiting Elia if we don't see you again, Glo. The flooding is horrible. There are drop off places all over here, to get needed supplies to Iowa. Guard members are also there helping out.
Thanks for checking in Glo! Loved the video of Elia - she is a little chatterbox! We know you are busy with work, weather conditions and getting ready for AZ.
So have a great time in AZ - and do
come back to us! lol ((hugs))
Glo I don't have to tell you to enjoy yourself with Elia....sounds from the video she has a new home to show you around in.....awwww such a cutie HAVE A GREAT TIME !!
I couldn't get heron cam yesterday either...
I sent around a video in the email. Hopefully if someone that gets it sees I missed someone please send it on to them. I sure felt a smile come over me when I watched it. ty enjoy
Going to break for a while... Lunch & some other things to do.......
I am off, too. BBLT
Well going to try sending it through the eaglet_momster group see if it comes through. Norma glad you got your ( : it is a smiling video lol
Dana - any chance you can capture the url for just the video of the ducklings?
MITS: Are you packing up the car or have you already HIT THE ROAD?
Our nest is MT. Watching NZ pandas and don't have a clue who is who? Also don't know who they are showing at Zoo Atlanta but pretty sure they are too big to be Buta.
Sharon, you get a facial!!!!!
Lolly, only because I love you so much, am I going to pass this one to you! :)
But Sharon, I have already had two. And, did you check out my picture and see what it did for me?
Only three tenths of an inch of rain. Out to mow! BBL
Happy PM Eagle Fans---catching up on comments,been outside watching wren house--something flew over that I've never seen here--maybe an oriole--have to look it up.
Last night and today was scouring Maine Forum-"Updates on NBG Eaglet" and Dr. Dave has not published his med. update yet, but caregivers said as of TU, Buddy?Poink weighed 6.9 lbs!!!!! He is eating and swallowing on his own if they place food on the non-pox side of his beak.They've also ordered him a larger cage so he can perch and strengthen leg muscles. If you go there--neat info on page 22 & 23.
Hi everyone,
Missed the wood ducks this morning slept in. Unusual for me. Went to the Oriole game last night and did not get home until passed my bedtime. It was mentioned on the other page by Loretta that after watching the helmut video that Steffi said that K77 was found dead. Such a same but as she said only 50% make it. Don't want to think about that. Ours are flying high.
RED chat room been there, done that, didn't like it....not relaxing at all, like the blog is, the chat room has been advertised numerous times on our blog, so if people want to go to it they know where it is.....Most of us have either been readers or participants of this blog since the beginning and I think most of us like to read and post here. I'm just not a fan of chats rooms
I've actually been up several hours, but I got sidetracked with other things.
Great slide show of the Wood Duck chicks, Deb.
I see the live feed is working, but there's still a lot of interference on both feeds.
Hope you are all having a fun time....
I didn't like the Norfolk chat room, very annoying with people coming and going....but some people like to see themselves talk..jmho
Jo, I decided to go to beach tomorrow, had some things to do today, and laundry and packing to do.
Mits, who is on the outside cam at NZ? I am thinking it is Tai but don't know for sure.
checking pandas.....they keep moving them around from yard to yard, just to confuse us
Mei on Cam 1, ignoring Tai on cam 2, getting ready to bring them inside soon
Mei just came inside
Ceil, It wasn't me, if that's who ou were talking about, but went back to IWS helmut cam page and saw that Steffi did post that info about K77, last year's bird. So sad, but part of nature I guess.
How do you know which is cam 1 and which is cam 2?
up at the top of the cam, one says panda cam, (that is #1), and the other one says panda cam 2
lmbo........Sharon, knew you would say that once you saw it
Helen how come they do not keep the pandas out as long as they used to. Sorry Loretta it must have been Lynn got my L's mixed up.
SO THAT THE KEEPERS CAN BE ON TIME FOR THE END OF THEIR SHIFT,and not have to be paid overtime, like before Tai was trained and they spent numerous hours waiting for him to come in
they are ready to come in anyhow:)
It was great for us to watch Tai not come down from the tree but not for the keepers. They were patient with him. Many cold nights trying to get him to come down.
he was a bad panda cub:), but he loved it
It was so funny watching them try to come up with ways to coax him down! They could gather no panda before its time!
and they tried everything , it took awhile but with a lot of patience he was trained
juvies in OKIE nest:)
juvies at BWE
Your right Sharon. I wish he had not been trained loved to watch him up the tree not coming down. Laughed so hard.
What is in OUR NEST
Now that the cam cleared up a little
An Adult and a Juvie
W W Cams
You can see the little baby bluebird - has good many feathers...
I had read about Tai back in '06 when he was a big baby and not eating regular food yet. They couldn't lure him down from the tree w/bamboo or any other regular food--so lots of overtime! Little stinker.
BTW, my new bird eighting was a Baltimore Oriole. Went into neighbor's mulberry.
Our adult flew off POOF!
Looks really stormy at the Scottish cam. Momma is covering her baby like a good momma!
Hope our juvie is getting filled -
One less hungry juvie to wonder about.
Juvie in nest munching away.
Parents at our wren house were so slow w/food today, one almost came all the way out to go shopping for the gang himself!!! I expect that one may fledge in AM. Got lots of pics to sort thru.
Juvie lying down resting now.
Weather is great again today...
Full Moon, 99% of the Moon is Illuminated today
I thought Megan and Magpie mention that it was last night.... well, it was really bright even if it was a day early.
BBL this evening... Watch our nest!
Juvie just backed up and did a poop shot.
Juvie lightened the load and left.
Forgot to say. BBL
juvie was hunkered over like a big turtle shell a little while ago....forgot to snap pic:(
Live feed is up!
Gotta head home to mow...catch ya'll later...
Two juvies and the adult just flew out
One juvie laying down..other standing at 11
Missed the adult flying out
Middy laying down...
Drats - have to go mow....BBL
Just looked in on the site that Steve gave and one of the San Jose falcons crashed into the City Hall building and died.
OH NO......too bad, such a scary time for all young birds......loved that site Steven gave us
They explain on the panda cam how to tell between Tai and Tian a little.
I saw that, Ceil, should be a little help, but if the panda curator, Lisa Stevens has trouble watching the cams, and trying t tell them apart, then I don't feel so bad
Our juvies seem to be enjoying a nice visit together
Wish a third one would show up
yep, that is what I am waiting for
2 adults 1 juvie at OK nest
Parent in nest eating whatever that is in the middle of the nest.
It's Lib in the nest with ??
with one juvie, just don't know which one...
I'm off to watch the Oriole game.
Go O's:)
Might be Middy or Pearl...really don't think it's Tiny
woo, Nelly, did you see that....Lib took off in a flash when other juvie flew in
Probably cause he was empty Taloned!
Juvie that cam in, laying in nest. Other one standing at 11
That Middy laying down and Pearl standing
Awww, they are laying next to each other, facing 1 and 2 on the nest
Guess they are all tuckered out from their daily lessons!
Blogger Cop just ate my very nice comment!
I was looking at the one eaglet moving over as though he had the other one's special spot. Then he/she moved a stick or two and laid down beside the other.
As Paula just said AWWWWWWWW !
I had them ID'd wrong...Lib left when Pearl arrived! Pearl at 2, Middy at 1
Now that is really Brotherly Love. Makes me smile!
Awww, Pearl was beaking with Middy, now looks like was grooming her neck feathers
yes, it does make you :):):):)
Gene had an interesting question: do the juvies learn to catch fish, etc. from instinct, or do the parents teach them?
Wanda, I think the parents teach them but I am sure part of it is instinct.
They learn by watching others and from instinct. During their first year though, they will mainly feed on carrion, or dead prey.
Hate to leave, but have to do the backyard....and throw a couple of balls for some pesty dogs :):)
It really did look like one was preening the other! It was so cute! I love these babies! Sure do wish Baby Littley would come and join them!
they have little school desks down by the Potomac River, and the parents fly by and catch the fish:), to show them how it is done:)
off to fix dinner...bbl
Helen, there is a road about 3 miles from us and it is actually called "Eagle School Road", now we know why it is called that!
Pearl is so sprawled out with her wings that she could be mistaken for a 'double eagle' if I could see another head!!
COSTUME LADY: That is a good one !
I never really appreciated the name of the road until just now!
MITS - You post about the little school desks down by the Potomac, Rich!
Been reading and catching up, checking MITS'S forwards in yahoo of Woodies, Thanks! and DEB's Slideshow...wow, it was quick as a whistle wasn't it!
Once again, The "EYES" have it, all the news that's fit to print!
Sad little tale about Cielo in San Jose Falcon Family...
Good to see everyone had an exciting day. And nice to see some Eagle Action in the nest the last hour or so.
And my mind immediately pictured 3 eaglets sitting at school desks watching with great awe how their parents are catching fish, leaning over to one another "wow, one day, we will get to do that too!!" But in the meantime, - HEY, MA AND PA, WHERE IS OUR SUPPER?
Mits, that was just too good!
Regarding the moon..It was 100% full Wednesday around 1:30 pm Eastern time, now it wanes, which is why it will be 99% or so tonight, but we'll hardly notice, except it will "rise" a little later. The brightest "yellow" object closest to it tonight is Jupiter, wonderful planet.
Wow! Such a clear picture on the cam. Don't know what to think of that. Hope I didn't jinx it by saying that.
Mowed the yard, did the edging, and then used the leaf blower. I was exhausted. Slept for over an hour now I feel groggy. I may look like a million dollars after the facials (LOL)but, boy!, where is my stamina!!!!
and as Paul Harvey would say, "now we know the rest of the story"...GOOD DAY....
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