Tuesday, June 17, 2008


New thread.


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magpie said...

IRISF - I see it too...!!

magpie said...

Irisf: I see it too! Trying to get out for some "real" birdwatching but gotta have a few more peeks ~

magpie said...

So excited I had to post it twice!

MITS said...

darn, I don't see it...got to get magnifying glass out:)

magpie said...

Mema Jo: Noticed that "chick" on the Over the Water Finland nest myself earlier....sure doesn't look like water or nest or osprey to me! I loved watching that site.

magpie said...

Oh, baby, baby our nest !

magpie said...

Make that Two !!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good evening FRIENDS

I'll 2nd that Magpie for our nest

deb said...

Mits, you got a facial!

MITS said...

thank God, I needed one....

IrisF said...

What is with the rainbow colors on the still cam????grrrrrrrrrrr

paula eagleholic said...

Juvie alert!

IrisF said...

sure glad I missed that facial :)

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I saw Paula's pic on your site. She has such shiny soft looking face. What happened to her hair? lol

Now Mits gets a free facial wow...you go girl ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Just one now...

IrisF said...

you know what... that may be momma wood duck's foot I saw earlier and thought it was a hatching...darn

paula eagleholic said...

2 again

wvgal_dana said...

My refresh is messing up

No still 2 on mine Paula

MITS said...

oh good, been trying to look for a little duck...

MITS said...

momma duck is giving us the evil-eye...

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I love your pic

HedV ask if the wood duck is in a air shaft "no that is the nesting box".

paula eagleholic said...

I knew I had seen one when I posted that..just came back to computer and saw the pic for about 1 sec before it got fuzzy...so just posted away!

wvgal_dana said...

Iris did you look an see what the "ant killing stuff that is safe" is????

wvgal_dana said...

Now I only see one in our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Now just one...possible Tiny

And I see a turtle shell, too.

deb said...

The wood duck site says the mom duck won't leave if it is hatching time. If she doesn't leave in the morning, then we will know it is time,

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, it's Tiny :)

MITS said...

Dana, I used what Deb used the TERRO liquid ant bait, best product I have ever used....

MITS said...

the wood duck is gone...

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, laying in the nest

wvgal_dana said...

Time for needed rest at nest

MITS said...

2 in nest

paula eagleholic said...

2 our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Really cooling down here tonight...65° already

IrisF said...

Dana, I believe it is liquid borax in a sweet base...I just cannot find my little bottle of it...

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like a little "discussion" going on

paula eagleholic said...

Hmm, wonder if there was a food drop...looks like eating going on

wvgal_dana said...

Well Iris when you find it. Just walk it next door to me.... lol

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful sight - 2 in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe just searching for nestovers...looks like Pearl is in the nest with Tiny...Laying down

paula eagleholic said...

Quick rest, eagle back up again...maybe leaving.

paula eagleholic said...

Now they are both laying down...Tiny in the middle, Pearl at the far end...they make a "T"

wvgal_dana said...

Nothing looks good on tv tonight

MITS said...

guess they are spending the night:)

Mema Jo said...

Guess we won't be catching any more Ferry boat rides! That was the prettiest site - I'll miss it! Next time I hope the Sea Eagles inhabit that nest.

IrisF said...

Dana, do you have any borax at home? If you do, dissolve some is a little sugar water and try a drop or two of that where you see the ants. They should flock around it an then they take it back to the nest - it takes a day or two to kill them but it does work...(like 20 mule team borax)

Mema Jo said...

Mama Wood Duck still out of nest box.

MITS said...

I know what a bummer.....

Mema Jo said...

Refresh our nest - I think one flew

MITS said...

well guess they are NOT going to spend the night

MITS said...

raining at Finney's nest

deb said...

I finally got both chicks in a picture of Finney's for Suzanne. Every time I thought about it, I could only see one.

MITS said...

eagle at KENT cam 1

wvgal_dana said...

I liked that site on the water also Jo. Sunrise and Sunset was so pretty there.

Yep I see one in our nest...maybe too tired to fly out.

paula eagleholic said...

Tiny still in the nest

wvgal_dana said...

Looks like tiny white christmas lights right side of our nest (not Christmas yet lol)

MITS said...

she will be so happy, Deb...how do you take the pics there?

Mema Jo said...

Mama Wood Duck has returned to nest box.

MITS said...

stupid blogger cop.....wood duck back

MITS said...

the hooters are all sitting on their pouch

deb said...

I right click and then chose, View Background Image. I can then save that to my computer. I am on a Mac, so I am not sure if you have that option on a PC.

MITS said...

that is probably why I can't do it...when I hit the save as button, it makes it my desktop pic....I have a Dell Laptop

MITS said...

you know what Deb, I probaly have it in a file somwhere, and just don't know how to find it...

deb said...

Both juvies and one parent at the Oklahoma nest.

MITS said...

racoon party at PA

MITS said...

wow....what a beautiful pic of that nest, Deb

deb said...

Now all 4 are there!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just got home from a meeting. I see we have a baby spending the night in the nest. I love seeing that!

MITS said...

double wow....parents looked like they shared a little kiss:)

magpie said...

Well, back from a foray to one of my favorite bird-watching spots:
Swinging Bridge out in Hedgesville, got a late start, so heard more than I saw: Towhees, Wood Thrush. Saw a nice buck deer with antlers in velvet and a bunch of lady deer, sure there were some fawns in the tall grass somewhere, returned back over the mountain to see that big beautiful Moon...now to settle in to the computer wildlife.
HEDGESVILLER: Funny thing about the crazy looking Wood Duck box, when the ducklings leave, they climb UP to get out...I've not seen it for real, just in playbacks of the daily highlights...still pics at that.
Black-Chinned Hummingbirds "chickened out" for the day it seems on fledging...
maybe Wednesday. It wore me out just watching them teeter on the edge of the nest and flap flap flap those wings.

deb said...

There is something red in the Delta nest, oh, they are eating it. Yuck.

All 3 heronettes are in the nest.

MITS said...

it is a beautiful night Magpie

MITS said...

adult and 2 eaglets at LAKE WASHINGTON

magpie said...

DEB - Could you post the site for the Okalahoma nest for me? When you have a chance, thanks.

deb said...

Raccoons in PA woods.

MITS said...


deb said...

OK nest

MITS said...


deb said...

Both parents left now.

MITS said...

you are quick like a bunny, Deb...

deb said...

Now they are both back!

deb said...

I finally have it memorized and don't need my cheat sheet!!

MITS said...

look at the setting sun in OK...

MITS said...

it makes the adults just glow....what a beautiful site

wvgal_dana said...

Pretty at OK nest ty for reminding me parents and 2 eaglets ( :

deb said...

I wonder if they spend the night there? I haven't checked on them in awhile.

MITS said...

neither have I since they changed the view....wonder when they did that?

magpie said...

DEB and MITS - Thanks for Okla site. Will have to play around a bit to get the live feed.
3 herons on nest, - different cam angles at Sea Eagles, Delta, and White Stork East Germany.
I'm asking an awful lot of my computer tonight...expect it to blow up any minute.

wvgal_dana said...

Has anyone found an update on "Buddy"?

magpie said...

And West End: gauzy and magical looking.....

deb said...

Wow, the black stork chicks have sure changed since I looked at them last.

magpie said...

Soon as I posted "different angle at Delta," it went back to what it has been...saw an extra tree branch with silly string for a few mins right up front..guess it changes automatically or I am just Crazy. Probably the latter....

deb said...

Nothing new on Buddy since the 12th, Dana.

deb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

wow, look at he time.....shutting down for tonight...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

deb said...

My dog wants to go for a walk, so I better get going.

wvgal_dana said...

Following Mits and Deb out the door nite all

paula eagleholic said...

Me 3....or is it 4??

Nite all!

Lolly said...

Hi All!!! Have not been on at all today! Day did not go as planned. Went to church this morning to work in the flower bed there. It was so hot. Had Jack helping me. Pulled weeds and old pansies. Planted lantanas and put down mulch. We were exhausted!!
Came home...decided to water flowers before calling it a day.(Still morning) We were outside when all of a sudden the wind was violent!!! Sirens started going off in town and we can barely hear them, but hear them we did. Scared us, dropped hoses and went in to check the weather.(Our electricity was going off and on!) All storms were basically north and east of us. (WOOD DUCKS!) Don't know why the sirens unless for the wind. HOWEVER, our day was then pleasant and I stayed outside all day and enjoyed it. Wahoo!!!!!!! So nice to be outside and not sweat!

Yes, the storms were in the area of the wood ducks. Laurel got rain but we did not get a drop, but possiable we will have storms again in the morning.

Lolly said...

This is the last update on Buddy.

UPDATE: June 12 2008, 3pm
by Dr. Dave McRuer, Director of Veterinary Medicine at the Wildlife Center of Virginia

The mass appears even drier today compared to yesterday. The eaglet ate well this morning and, although not taking food off the forceps, will readily eat the food when placed in his mouth.

The eaglet is still hock-sitting and will soon need branches within its enclosure in order to strengthen the tendons in his legs and feet. We hope to install a larger pen in our isolation room later this week so that the eaglet can easily begin to perch without feeling confined by the roof.

The bird keeps the nest incredibly clean by defecating through the cage door onto the window and wall two feet away. The bird's projectile power does not seem to be hampered by the pox infection.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly - I was just coming back on the say Good Night. Those sirens were probably for the Straight Winds they were having! Glad it didn't reach you & do any destruction.
I see you are in for a facial having hit #300! Hope your hair doesn't fall out! lol
Bad news is they took our Ferry Boat cam down for the season!
We are having a very chilly night for June!

Mema Jo said...

Well no baby wood ducklings yet.
Probably tomorrow..
We still have 1 in Our Nest for the

Good Night Everyone
Prayers for all our needs
Peace to You & Yours

magpie said...

Good Night Every One...
GLO - know you're working that long shift...tell us about it when you get home.
Best Wishes for Good Sleep, Good Rest, Good Dreams, and all the best Blessings, to all.
With a lot of love,
Magpie xoxo

IrisF said...

Time for me to sign off too for tonight... see you all tomorrow - I hope!

Glo if you can read the Blog, we are thinking about your long shift and hope it is not too stressful!

Good night and God Bless! Prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY!! What a lucky break for you...you won a Facial. Paula was the last known to use her prize Facial and look at what it did for her.(on my blog) Please use with caution and GOOD LUCK!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like everyone has gone Nite Nite, so I will do the same. Gonna put my NEW KNEE to bed and hope I feel like a new person in the morning.


movin said...

Hi, everyone,

Here's one of the video clips of Wood Duck chicks taking the plunge ... what it looks like from outside.

I saw another one on TV years ago where they jumped more than 40 feet onto hard ground, and because of their light weight and all that fluff, not one was injured.


Lil paratroopers

movin said...

more paratroopers

movin said...


Enjoy the video clips. I looked at the Texas nest a few times tonight, but so far I haven't seen any hatchlings.

Have a good tomorrow.......



magpie said...

MOVIN - that's great...both video clips. The second one is more like the CamClickers nest. They are chirpy little creatures. Thank you so much !! ! Quack Quack .

Costume Lady said...

We have a Flying Mountaineer in our nest this morning. Wasn't there at 6 o'clock, so must have just come in. Picking at nestovers. Acts like Tiny (sits like Lib) but doesn't have the white spot.

Costume Lady said...

Our little Mountaineer has run out of nestovers. Maybe he will try to catch a fish...or a turtle.

floralgirl said...

new Weds. thread

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...