Tuesday, June 03, 2008


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got wax and making the split!

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, Mom feeding 2 of the kids!

Split is coming!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - I think was have that food drop covered!!

paula eagleholic said...

"I think we have" - duh

paula eagleholic said...

I'll bet they are peeping away! You could see the one eaglet calling out right before Belle landed

deb said...

I am not liking this storm. The one eaglet was gone for a couple seconds too long.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits it is a "control burn of land waste at a home". They just got back to me. WW Osprey cam..

wvgal_dana said...

They are getting HIGH WINDS AND RAIN at our nest.

paula eagleholic said...

They are flapping up a storm during the storm!

Mom's eating the fish!

Costume Lady said...

Rain and wind have stopped for now.

MITS said...

Raining and thunder here in Bethesda, poor Megan is driving home in this:(

MITS said...

at a home...interesting.

Lolly said...

Whole lot of flapping going on!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle took off to the right

MITS said...

off to fix dinner...BBL

Costume Lady said...

Did Belle eat all the fish or take it with her? I lost my RP for a minute or two.

paula eagleholic said...

Might still be some in the middle of the nest, Wanda - that white thing

Costume Lady said...

I guess eaglets have a full belly or they would be munching on what's left. Doesn't look very appitizing, does it?

paula eagleholic said...

Not to me - but then again, I like my sushi rolled!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet working on the fish now

paula eagleholic said...

Ct Osprey covering all 4 chicks!

Costume Lady said...

Shushi is not to my liking, but Gene likes it very much, especially with wasabi. I love fish but not with rice and seaweed wrapped around it. You know what; I just realized that I have never even tried sushi, just don't like the looks of it.

MITS said...

yummmmy, sushi and wasabi:)

deb said...

I just got the Heron site open, 3 wet heronettes.

MITS said...

yes they are a little soggy

MITS said...

our cam is really acting up tonight.

NatureNut said...

Good soggy evening everybody!Our storm is pretty much over---REALLY close L & T. Cat went scurrying!
I sent the Delta Teddy Bear vid to Suzanne last night.Greg, naturalist at Park, said one of his childhood stuffed dogs got lost!!!How many years ago?
Read news about Buddy & the CA kidnapees.B's condition is scary-need to light another candle.
GOT PICS to dwnld.Might put one of ME w/ "friend" on Blog.Perhaps some kind soul could print me out & take to NCTC nest Sat.I will be there in spirit & maybe 4x6!!
Been shedding tears over not being able to come.

NatureNut said...

BBL--still housecleaning & gotta play w/camera...;>

ceil said...

Good night everyone. Pleasant dreams.

MITS said...

good nite, Ceil...TTUT, have a good day at work

paula eagleholic said...

Nature - send me your pic, I'll take you along!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets standing in the nest

deb said...

Helen, the refinery race is like a yo-yo. Who knows what the outcome is going to be.

MITS said...

was wondering about it, can't find anything on the main stream media about it.

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE have a busy day at zoo tomorrow, will be there from 10 til 4....

MITS said...

ALREADY LIGHT AT THE Finland NEST, no osprey, and I can't see an egg either:(

magpie said...

NATURE NUT: If I see or even hear a Scarlet Tanager ay NCTC, I will tell you about it soon as I get back to the my "roost." Golly I wish you could be there Saturday. Forestville is not that far away it is? Maybe you can have a field trip somewhere there for us! Take Care!

magpie said...

NATURE NUT: I used to live in PG County a long time, two blocks from the DC city line...

MITS said...

I live in Montgomery County...Bethesda:)

MITS said...


magpie said...

Close-up of two (remaining?)Osprey "babies" on the ledge in San Jose.

magpie said...

Wet rainy night for those herons. Wonder when they will fledge...sure will miss those big guys. I saw a beautiful "flyover" of three, last year in Morgan County. Magical.

magpie said...

Can anyone fill me in on when the big egg disappeared from the Allen's Hummingbird nest..and how?
Tried to warn you guys this magpie is a chatterbox...Just got up from a nap so I am cam-frisky!

magpie said...

..And one last comment. PAULA - your recent post mentioned two eagles standing in the nest..is the third one there somewhere? Sure thought they were going to take off earlier, or knock each other out of the nest with the wing-flapping. Thanks.

Lolly said...

I think Spidey hatched some babies. Something small keeps crawling across the cam.

deb said...

Magpie, the only thing I see is a note from Joe that says one egg not viable. I don't know if the chick pushed it out or the mom.

magpie said...

DEB - Thanks, about the egg. I was watching most of the week, and watched that big egg get jostled all around the nest like a ping pong ball. But I missed the last two days of it, so that is when it must have happened. The link to photos on that site has some great pictures of "past babies."

magpie said...

Oh Boy, Dinner on the Ledge at San Jose. Falcon Picnic.

magpie said...

MITS - We like callers like you at 911...keen watchers of emergencies.

deb said...

They changed the camera at Delta to a different view, I wonder if they can zoom in a little.

Magpie, you will really like watching the little hummers when they get ready to fly. It is fun to watch.

magpie said...

DEB - Yeah, re: Delta Cam. Now we can see two other tree limbs with "silly string." On the Sea Eagles site this afternoon, I swear it looked like one of the babies did a poop shoot straight at his Mom...probably just looked like that...think it went past her.

NatureNut said...

Hi Night Owls! I'll be signing off soon (had 4 hours sleep last night!)
We're getting company Fri. - bad timing.That's ONE reason I can't come, but I'll just go to work Sat. anyway. DUH!
Sat. Eve, Lolly, Deb,& I can hold down the fort 'til the others get back!

NatureNut said...

Checking some cams---IE won't let me get on Delta &%KR*@](is that a Mits?)
I don't think the Fin osprey egg on the water is EVER gonna hatch.Seems adult is gone a lot.
'Course I don't watch it constantly.

Lolly said...

I'm with you Nature, I have about given up on the Finland nest on the water. She is gone an awful lot! And, it seems like forever that we have been watching it.

Lolly said...

I'm not sure I like the new angle on the Delta cam. I liked being up close and personal. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Hi ladies...I just saw the Ferry in Finland for the very first time. (I think it was a ferry, could have been a cruise ship)
No osprey in the nest. I can't see an egg either. Have you seen an egg?

deb said...

I have seen the egg one time. The nest is so deep that it is hard to see in. During the day when I watch she is there most of the time. When was the last time anyone saw them both there? I hope something didn't happen to one of them.

Costume Lady said...

Another loooong day. Picked peas this morning (what was left after the groundhog got his fill), took my Mom to the doctor, worked in her garden a little, washed clothes and now I'm putting myself into bed.


magpie said...

Black Stork parent just arrived at Estonia nest. Lots of noise there now!

magpie said...

Invisible Food, but it must be good - Estonia nest.

Lolly said...

I'm calling it quits. Nite all! Sweet dreams and talk with you tomorrow!

NatureNut said...

Got B C open w/another link (Wavelit?). Comments are under screen--small black thing at front, left of nest is part of stuffed animal she tore off yesterday & had tried to feed chicks some stuffing before she realized it wasn't food!(Think that was in the video)
Wanda,I can see part of Fin egg I think. It was really white Sunday - sun I guess- now it is tan speckled--looks like Big Brother--top half of a shell!
I better get off this machine LOL
Good Night All
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Took the night off and watched a movie!

Magpie - I was commenting on the eaglets because they seem to be standing a lot at night instead of laying down and sleeping. I guess they are learning to be adults. We still have 3 in the nest!

magpie said...

Okey-dokey Paula. Thanks. Hope they are waiting for us on the 7th before they head out. I wonder if they have ANY IDEA how attentive we are to their every wing flap.
Good Night, Sleep Tight. Magpie

movin said...


The live feed is still working, but Spidey's lines are blocking most of the picture.

Happy tomorrow to all.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. Camera is a staticky mess this morning but all 3 are still there.

This didn't post so I will see if it will now.

Pearl was just at the launch pad, started flapping her wings and went over the edge of the nest. My heart is really pumping now. She came back up though. Cam pic is coming and going this morning.

floralgirl said...

Yeah- I really thought she was going that time! Wish the live feed pic was better.

glo said...

Good morning all. Gosh that was the closest thing to an "unfledge" I have ever seen

glo said...

Megan What do you use to get/keep ants off your peonies?

floralgirl said...

Hey Sharon and Glo:) People ask me that a lot, I always pick my peonies before they open, ants are not a big problem for me, just shake them off. Perhaps some varieties attract more ants than others. Mine usually have them when they are first budded, they are sticky with sap and I believe that is what attracts the ants.

glo said...

Thanks OK well thats a great suggestion and I have lots not open. Guess I will go pick me some today.

floralgirl said...

When a peony bud feels like a stale marshmallow when you squeeze it, you can pick it and bring it inside and it will open, don't pick them if they are still hard or they won't open.

glo said...

Is everyone else's cam stopping about every minute or so, or is it time for a restart here?

floralgirl said...

Mine seems to be running ok.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, mine gets fuzzy but doesn't stop completely.

glo said...

OK Thanks then guess I need a restart bbs

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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while