Thursday, June 26, 2008


Fresh thread. Getting hot again.


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paula eagleholic said...

Mits, I guess you are really out to sea now! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Couple more facials and you'll be in Bermuda!

MITS said...

Osprey butt tail on the WW cam again

MITS said...


MITS said...

I do love Bermuda;)

wvgal_dana said...

Juvie at BWE

Mema Jo said...

Well - I was gone and I am back again!
I must have lost my nest charm lol

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - I did send you an email concerning Yahoo mail... Let me know if you need any help!

wvgal_dana said...

Which nest has the "new chick" in it please

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I put a comment about you leaving and the Juvie at our nest that 2 people seen. Before the split. hee hee

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits your computer works well out there in the drift of the ocean.......( : (facial pic)

wvgal_dana said...

Juvie still at BWE had food was eating

paula eagleholic said...

Did someone mention that we had sound earlier today??

paula eagleholic said...

One last round of ball throwing...back in a few...

MITS said...

I never had sound

MITS said...

both osprey at the WW nest

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Come on in Tiny, Pearl and Middy to say goodnight at least we are waiting............

Mema Jo said...

Paula Is that a flower from your garden? It is beautiful.

I saw that Dana - lol Quick in & out

How's your ground hog? You need a
good ground hog trapper! Then they can take him away to a farmer's field.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi family, just got home and I need to do chores but wanted to touch base.

Mema Jo said...

The little Wild Watch Bluebird
should be out of there before he grows to large to make it out of the opening!

Anne-Marie said...

I dont think the Kent Lady could convince her new boy friend to set up house keeping. I know just how she feels. Poor thing.

magpie said...

ANNE-MARIE, so good to have you with us...we would be there if we could...and would do those chores for you !

Anne-Marie said...

I cant figure out how miss bluebird hasnt broken that other egg. She bounces all over it.

Anne-Marie said...

Your a sweetie Maggie. Dishes to load and garbage to take to the curb. that kind of stuff. I still have time. Its still light and warm.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I can trap him...did my sister's for her but we are in farmer country here....don't think they would like my trapping him.

As long as he keeps his hole small enough my dog can't go through. God's groundhog can run through my yard too. I'm the only one on this side with a fence up. So I guess I AM IN 'HIS' WAY LOL

Anne-Marie said...

They are so big. Dont they distroy your gardens?

Anne-Marie said...

I got a letter from City Bank today stating Howard had a savings account I didnt know about. How about that. I just got my trip in October paid for. thank you Howard.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home from your tiring day of work, Anne Marie! You mentioned going to your son's for the weekend - How long will DIL be hospitalized - or is she coming home already?

Anne-Marie said...

they will let her go tonight as long as she stays at the hotel across the street. If she has no problems tomorrow she can go home and back again in two weeks.

MITS said...

WOW, isn't that something, Ann, he is looking out for you

Anne-Marie said...

Mits I agree with you. Everytime there is a money problem something comes up from Howard. bless Him.

Anne-Marie said...

Now that I think about it he paid for last year too.

MITS said...

off to watch CSI, and the the premiere of HOPKINS, based on the hospital of my hometown, BALTIMORE:) BBL, MAYBE. If not, GOODNIGHT EVERYONE

Anne-Marie said...

My home office doesnt have a window so I have to keep a watch on Washington to see how much daylight I have left.

Anne-Marie said...

Hugs Mits....

Anne-Marie said...

Its still so smokey I had to use headlights to come home.I have the filter on the air so I wont breath the junk.

Anne-Marie said...

I am going out to do chores. BBL

hedgie said...

Dana...that was Magpie, not me. I knew you were a "local"!!!

Margy...everything your message and responded. Check your e-mail!

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo...answered your e-mail. I think everything is fixed now!

hedgie said...

Dana, bet the farmers wouldn't mind a bit...they just would want you to take it far away from the farms!

hedgie said...

Hope everything seems a bit brighter for you and yours today. As a survivor, all I can say is keep hope and faith alive, and thank God from whom all blessings flow...I think everyones prayers are what have gotten me this far.

paula eagleholic said...

Anee Marie - just saw some lightening bugs out tonight while I was doing some late watering!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits for the heads up on Hopkins.

Jo, that is a lily from out front. They are just coming into bloom.

Mema Jo said...

Magpie said earlier --
Meteor Showers predicted for tonight, the Bootids....should start around 10:30 and last through the night. Hope there are some to see...Make Wishes on the "shooting stars" if you see them.

Looks as though if you can find the handle of the Big Dipper you may see some. Not sure how clear out it is tonight. Didn't go out yet to check..

Mema Jo said...


Lolly said...

Yes, Paula, and THANKS! This time of evening we love to sit outside. We walk around the yard (call it "overseeing") and admire our work. Seems like I have been doing more recently, but it is so rewarding.

Mema Jo said...

I can see 2

How about everyone else....

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO! I wish someone would have caught that "STEAL" It was

Mema Jo said...

It is really late for a snack!

Mema Jo said...

If I could WHISTLE
really loud - I bet that would get everyone's attention on the NEST!

We usually don't expect to see any action this late in the evening.

Lolly said...

Hi Jo! Jack had taken over the computer last night. LOL Going to have to leave in a minute...late dinner. We were out watering pots. Have to do it every other day in this heat.

magpie said...


Lynn - got your hit SPAM folder of all things, kookoo, I sent you one back so it if hits SPAM, you will see that is from me.

Mema JO: You are right, BOOTES cluster pretty near to Big Dipper all righty.

Lots of city lights here, but I am gonna give it a shot...from the back yard..

Lolly said...

Off to eat! BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Little ratfinks! I turned the live feed off! Eating in the nest!!

magpie said...

Man oh Man, that one eaglet is chowing down!
off to get a cappucino...keeps me awake longer to watch for shooting stars..


MITS said...

I'll be darn, little buggers came in late....have to check out for the meteor shower here, but with the city lights it is usually very hard, need to be out on my facial boat

MITS said...

and they are hungry!!!!!!!!!1

paula eagleholic said...

Such a nice clear pic!

Mema Jo said...

I think I see a shiny eye up at the noon position where the one just laid down. I know he's hoping there will be some nestovers! I just wonder what it is that was caught in the darkness of this evening hour......

paula eagleholic said...

Aww all done and 3 in the looks like for the night.

wvgal_dana said...

Someone is in the nest don't know who...

paula eagleholic said...

I think it's Pearl and Middy Dana. Neither one looked like Tiny to me.

Lolly said...

Posted today about BUDDY

UPDATE: June 26 2008, 12noon
by Dr. Dave McRuer, Director of Veterinary Medicine at the Wildlife Center of Virginia

Great news today. We decided to start exercising the eaglet's tendons by providing a perch in the enclosure. As you can see by the picture, the bird thought this was a fantastic idea and now spends many hours of the day perching and grasping the new furniture.

We are continuing to provide supportive care and the patient continues to gain weight. From a surgical standpoint, the stars are aligning and I feel comfortable to report that we should have the mass debulked within the next two weeks. This has been a long process - longer than we had intended. However, in the interest of doing the very best for this bird, we've been consulting with the very best avian surgeons. The spring/summer is a very busy time for everyone and arranging schedules and the necessary equipment to perform the surgery (laser and radio surgical instruments) has been a challenge. The downfall of waiting is that the beak may be more deviated than if the surgery took place two to three weeks ago. On the other hand, the surgery would have been more risky as the mass was still in the growth phase and the immune system was not as effective.

Stay tuned.

Just Vicky said...

Hey we have a camper tonight!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky - There are 2 campers!

Mema Jo said...

Be back in about an hour.......

wvgal_dana said...

2 tired and glad to be "home" juvies ( :

Watching NY Animal Rescue

magpie said...

I see two in our nest, sacked out.

Two eaglets at Okla perched on rail.

Three chicks at Finneys, growing and feathering out.

One Osprey at Ferry Boat Finland.

And one magpie about to go check for meteors...partly to mostly cloudy, we'll see what happens.

magpie said...

past tense Ferry Boat Finneys - he's outta there.

Lolly said...

Buddy pictures

Lolly said...

I think they are still having problems at Finney's nest. The picture goes away frequently and you get the "connecting" message.
Also, I think it must be very stormy is really dark.

Lolly said...

Have not been to the stork nest in a very long much to see, so little time! Anyway, those two little storks are so cute!

Anne-Marie said...

Kitchen is clean and garbage in at the curb,

Lolly said...

Well, Anne Marie, what do you think of yourself after the facial?

Anne-Marie said...

I just received a call from my teacher friend in Texas that we prayed for that had the knee surgery. She is home and in wonderful spirits. She says thank you so much for all of our prayers. Her doctor said it was the easiest surgery he has done in years and she is doing very well.

Anne-Marie said...

boy Lolly dont I wish I looked like that.

Lolly said...

Where does she live in Texas?

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update and link for Buddy, Lolly. He's so cute!

paula eagleholic said...

Good news, Anne.

Lolly said...

Aren't you impressed....I have learned to make the "blue thingy". LOL

Anne-Marie said...

Lolly she lives in Athens.

Lolly said...

Paula, how many are in the nest tonight?

Lolly said...

Oh, that's right! I remember you told me that! Forgot!

Anne-Marie said...

Paula, you saw lighting bugs?

Anne-Marie said...

Lolly your gardens are beautiful. So are you babes. The look like mine.

Lolly said...

Thanks!! Proud of the yard, work hard in it. Very proud of my boys!
Laurel told me tonight Jacobs's newest word is "actually". He is three.

Lolly said...

My three grandsons are 7, 3 and 2. How old are yours?

Lolly said...

Going to go read for a while. BBL

Anne-Marie said...

I put Brandons picture in my album with his two broken arms. poor little guy.

Anne-Marie said...

Lolly I have 8 grand. 22, 21, 18, 10, 7, 4, 2, and one to be born nest week.

deb said...

If you want to see another Buddy picture, take a look at the Norfolk forum. Buddy has quite the aim with his poop shoots:

Norfolk Forum

magpie said...

Cam and Live Feed is Stellar tonight, nice clear pics.

Which is more than I can say for the SKY: a ZILLION clouds and no stars. But I am still wishing on shooting stars because I know they are out there...Imagination.

Might try again at 0430...

Good Night All, Prayers for all, for peace, wellness, joy, serenity, comfort,safety, and REST.


wvgal_dana said...

He chose 2 different colors Anne lol and he looks happy lol

Night for me take care all
Prayers for those that need them
Praises for many things
Prayers for those traveling

deb said...

We have tornado and thunderstorm warnings all over central SD tonight, I hope they die out before they get to me. We have flash flood watches out for my area from last night's rain. Just when the fields were starting to dry out.

magpie said...

DEB - take care, we have you in our prayers.

Love this little blurb at the end of the Buddy Pics:

"Handle every stressful situation like a dog. If you can't eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away" (no author cited)

Good Night again, this time for real. xo

deb said...

Poor Brandon, at least they are casts that are below the elbow.

hedgie said...

Check you e-mail Magpie!
Stay safe, Deb--hope storms miss you.
Vicki, you must stsay longer!
Mits...what did you think about Hopkins? So similar to "Trauma: Life in the ER" at Shock Trauma, huh?
Good night everyone! Blessed peace to all.

deb said...

Kent eagle left, it was nice seeing one again, it has been a week or so since I have seen one there. Night, everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, said "nest weekend"

I think this bird watching is rubbing off on you!

paula eagleholic said...

OMG Anne, poor Brandon. At least they are both below the elbow.

Gnite, Deb.

Hedgie, you won a facial!!

paula eagleholic said...

Just for fun!

My Howling Dogs

paula eagleholic said...

And yes, Lolly, I am impressed!
You really got the blue thingy down!

Lolly said...

Paula, loved the howling dogs! LOL

Anne, poor Brandon! Our school secretary once had two broken arms. Just imagaine all that had to be done for her. Not good!

Deb, thanks for the additional pictures of buddy. Had to laugh at the fan....brings to life the comment "when ______ hits the fan!"

Lolly said...

Keep seeing Osprey at the nest on the water. Right now there are two. Wonder if they will try again?!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all!

Lolly said...

LYNN, gets a facial!!!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Sweet dreams everyone!

Good Night
Prayers for all

Costume Lady said...

Here I am again...waiting for sleep to come to nap today, too much iced tea, I guess.


movin said...


I must have crossed paths with a flu virus or something, and I've been feeling down from the effects most of the day.

Doesn't feel like a class A sort of virus, so I should be better soon.

I hope you are all well and having fun on the netcams...



magpie said...

Two in the nest when I got up 15 mins ago, one gone, second one at the launch pad.

Good Morning Everyone.

Wow, just before I finished the comment, second one bailed.

magpie said...

..And just like that, two back in the nest again..same two? Trying to figure it out....

magpie said...

I think it is Pearl munching on last night's leftovers, and Middy, trying to sneak a bite and being rebuffed...

MITS said...


magpie said...


Don't know when you will see our posts today, maybe not until well into the split and fresh thread:
Hope you feel better fast..
It's always nice to see your "early morning greetings" .

Have you been checking out the Wood Duck Cam? Different nest, 13 eggs I think, and hatching, probably pretty soon.


MITS said...

Margy, did not see meteors last night, but woke up this a.m. and decided to watch Mr. Sun wakeup:)

magpie said...


Good Early Morning to You and All Others...

See our kids in the nest?

Clouds ate up the meteors here, rained in middle of the night, I think if I had gotten up at 0430 like I was gonna do, I might have caught a few...There should still be some residual ones over the next few days anyway....


magpie said...

Wow, one took off while I was gabbin....

MITS said...

one just took off at the noon position, the other one ran over and I thought she would take off, but didn't

MITS said...

you too:)

MITS said...

the other one is thinking about it

magpie said...

..And Take Off from the opposite side of the nest....Beautiful....

MITS said...

off goes the other one....have a good day at work, Margy

floralgirl said...

ANd then there were none...morning all:)

magpie said...

Yay! Floralgirl! Hope it's cooled off some for you too, feels pretty nice here this morning.!
Happy Flower Day to you...and all.

magpie said...

Hope you saw the chicklets this morning, Megan...a good send-off...

floralgirl said...

Yep, 66° here right now, I'm going out to cut flowers, gonna be a hot one today:( hope the sun stays behind the clouds for a while. LAter- have a nice morning!

MITS said...

some darn nice takeoffs this a.m.,morning Megan....see the blog has our own M&M ladies, Megan and Margy

magpie said...

Loch Garten nest, parent has been out for awhile, two remaining chicks seem very restless...don't think they have had a meal for many hours now....tough situation there.

MITS said...

think I might go back and get a little more sleep, later

magpie said...

Double-E S and Double E Sissy:
Your Little Pocahontas returning today? Bet it seems like forever to you...

MITS said...

BTW, I got this e-mail after I sent Loraine the pic of eagle in KENT tree......

Hi Helen, It's nice to hear from you again. Yes I love seeing them in the tree too. They are both here every day, they don't always perch on this branch like you have here but they are in the area.. I hear them all the time and under my breath I'm telling them "GET BACK TO WORK!". Take care, and have a great weekend. Loraine :)

magpie said...

I saw that that beautiful visiting bird at Ferry Boat Finney's last night and tried to capture it in a photo, but it left too fast. Looks almost like a grackle with some yellow on it...or a variation of some kind of MAGPIE! Will have to study my overseas bird books to see if I can find a match.

Ta Ta For Now. Time to get ready for the salt mines.

Good, Safe, Healthy day wishes to all.


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning everyone! Yes, Magpie, our baby girl is coming home today!! Now if my sister would come home. I have been without them both all week, had about enough of that.

Anyway, TGIF!! Hope everyone has a great day!

T-Bird said...

Good morning everyone,
Yes I have had Sharon all week and it has been great. Beverly she has decided to move here. :') Hope everyone makes a great day. I just loved the talons yesterday!!

Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER!!!!!!!!!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...