Saturday, June 07, 2008


New thread.


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glo said...

Well I just got me what I think is gonna be a great picture of a baby sparrow in a birdhouse off my porch. Looked right at me and Mom and Dad were off but i bet watchign me closely. That was fun and here sits Tiny.

Lolly said...

Right at 12:00 noon they are going to sing or something so we will listen very carefully at that time!

glo said...

Its the split LOL should have warned ya, didn't know it myself.

glo said...

Oh Thanks Lolly for sharing that info. I would have missed it after having sat here all these hours. We should be able to hear that

Lolly said...

Well, just the few of us made the split arrive!!! Good for us!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Anne, welcome aboard. We have been watching and listening all morning.

Lolly said...

I hope so! Depends on the static!

They saw one parent fly in sorta close, but then turn and leave. Have seen no other eagles. They can see Tiny.

Lolly said...

They saw him doing his wing flaps!

carolinabeachmom said...

Maybe they will sing to Tiny to "Fly Like An Eagle"!!

Lolly said...

Oh, static, go away!!!!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Are they near the tree Lolly?

Lolly said...

I did not think to ask how close they are? Sorry!

Anne-Marie said...

Ihave sound and no picture on live but boy the wind must be blowing. Lots of static.

Lolly said...

Well, drat! Can not hear anything!

Anne-Marie said...

After I hear their song of tribute I am going to the hardware store. Lots to do today. Oh I wishI were there instead. Lolly you really should try and go there in October. We could share a motel room. I dont snore or anthing. :)

Anne-Marie said...

Nothing but static and wind.

glo said...

well if they are talking or singing I don't think we are gonna hear it.

Lolly said...

Going to blow horn in one minute.

glo said...

OK Thank You Lolly

glo said...

Ha Ha someone just arrived at the nest

Anne-Marie said...

Eagle screaming.

carolinabeachmom said...

Anne, you went in October last year didn't you? Something just flew in. I went last July, but hopefully I will be able to go this October.

Anne-Marie said...

lost cam

glo said...

Guess lunch is served.

glo said...

They will all be happy to be seeing this. Would be great if a fledgling would head on back for lunch now too.

Anne-Marie said...

I have sound and there is really a ruckus going on but no picture from either. Rats!

Anne-Marie said...

Cam back on only Tiny there.

Anne-Marie said...

I hear voices again.

Lolly said...

They didn't blow the horn as Lib came in. He is about three feet above the nest. They can hear Tiny. They are about 100 feet from the nest.

Anne-Marie said...

I would love to meet you finally Candy.

Lolly said...

Lib just left. They will call just before they blow the horn.

glo said...


Anne-Marie said...

How wonderful!

Anne-Marie said...

Does anyone have live feed?

Lolly said...

One minute to horn blow!

Anne-Marie said...


carolinabeachmom said...

I heard the horn ladies. Did you?

Lolly said...

LOL We gpt it!!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

That was neat!

glo said...

Well I didn't get all of it but got the last couple of beeps. Did the best I could. Kept refreshing but missed your notice. LOL

Anne-Marie said...

I so wish I was there..... Maybe nest year in the spring. I got to see the nest but not the birds.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hooray for the ones at the nest.

Lolly said...

Well, that was cool! Least we were thought about at the nest!

Anne-Marie said...

Thaks Glo, I didnt get anything. but sound

Lolly said...

Anne Marie, Jack and I are talking about going in October.

glo said...

yep heard the whole thing but did it so quickly only could record last couple of beeps. If it works we will have the beeps lOL

Anne-Marie said...

I turned my sound off. It was bad.

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent back in nest.

Lolly said...

Tiny making noise again!

Bird Girl said...

Poor picture but still cam shows parent in nest and eaglet eating (?)...

Bird Girl said...

Oh, and live feed is no-go for me.

Anne-Marie said...

We went on a train last October along the patomic river that was breath taking. I saw eagles there in a distance but the experience was something I will never forget. I hope we can do it again this fall.

Bird Girl said...

Oh, I do hear...rustling? Static?

glo said...

Well they are gettign to see and hear some eagle action.

Anne-Marie said...

Well its off with me. I have got to get stuff done around here. I have only two days a week to do a weeks worth and here I sit. hugs to you all. BBL

glo said...

It was a beatiful trip last year and will always be a treasured memory for me as well.

Lolly said...

Just talked with Paula again. They are to our left. Said they saw adult bring in dinner, lots of mantleing.

Bird Girl said...

The first time I ever saw a BE in the wild, it was not long after I moved to Arizona (from Colorado). My then-husband and I took a drive up to Roosevelt Lake, and there, on the river side of the dam, a BE was sitting on a ledge, then flying in lazy circles over the river. People were lined all along the guardrail, watching and taking pictures.

It was pretty cool :P

Live feed is just static. Figures.

glo said...

well Anne Marie your timing was perfect for some contact with Momsters while at the nest.

Lolly said...

Glo, told them you got the last couple of beeps of the horn.

glo said...

They are on the side road then...nice view of nest from there...its a V in the road Daycare is to the right and where I took the Christmas picture from, side road is to the left very nice view of tree.

glo said...

OK Lolly thanks...I think by the time you time and send and I refresh and read we already lost our minute warning. I will check now to see if we can actually hear the beeps LOL

glo said...

OK Cool I hit that record quicker than i thought I got the whole thing!!!

Lolly said...

First time I saw a bald eagle was traveling on I20 from GA to TX. He was flying along with us. I said, oh look at that bird, OH!!!! That's a BE!

Have been to Alaska where they are thick as flea!

Bird Girl said...

more feeding! that's one hungry baby!

Lolly said...

Parent back in nest. They are getting to see some action!

Bird Girl said...

Please tell me the live feed is going to be back soon! STEVE, where are you!?!? LOL

It would be nice to have the third one's fledge recorded, too...

Lolly said...

Yea Glo!!! They will love it!!!

Bird Girl said...

that's a big fish he's got there...seems to be more interested in something off the side of the nest, about 11 o clock

Bird Girl said...

TWO parents, feeding, and the baby!

carolinabeachmom said...

Both parents in nest now.

glo said...

they are getting their show

Lolly said...

Oh, WOW, two parents!!!

glo said...

I am sure they would love to see a fledge and a couple of return fledglings but they are doing good.

glo said...

With the size of the fish I saw and 2 parents at the nest they just might get a returnee come in for lunch too.

glo said...

Hope someone got picture of them bringing in that fish.

Lolly said...

Tiny is really talking!

Bird Girl said...

uhoh, still cam froze up?

glo said...

isn't that a great sound.

Bird Girl said...

all i get on the live feed is the sound of static and no picture :(

glo said...

thats all there is to get on the live feed. argh!!!!!!!!!!

Bird Girl said...

Didn't someone say that Tiny has/had a white spot on his/her head? Guess the baby down fell out, no white on this eaglet's head -- or it isn't Tiny!

glo said...

guess they aren't able to BLOG from there.

Bird Girl said...


Well I'd better get back to unpacking.

Hope he doesn't fledge until live feed is restored and someone can record it!

Doesn't the NCTC have closed circuit feed, which is separate from our cam? Are they recording that feed?

glo said...

its number 3 who most think is Tiny yes. Could be it fell out or he/she combed feathers today for the Momsters.

glo said...

sounds like another one of the young is in the area. Not sure though

Bird Girl said...

One parent + one eaglet in nest, eaglet is preening. No sign of any fish left!

Lolly said...

One of the eaglets has landed close to the nest. That is why we hear Tiny. The other adult is just a few feet above the nest. They see 4 of the 5 eagles.

glo said...

OK I am outa here for a while now. Enjoy

Lolly said...

Bye Glo. See ya later!

Lolly said...

Come on Tiny!!!! You can do it!! Give em a show!

Lolly said...

Oh, man! I am tired of this!!!! Give us our live cam!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Maybe the parent will get Tiny to fledge.

Lolly said...

One eaglet is just above the nest. It is like he is trying to figure out how to get back in the nest. That is why we are hearing a lot of calling.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like we have three in the nest now.

carolinabeachmom said...

What a lousy time to hae the cams bad. Oh well, they should be back up when I head to school on Monday.

Lolly said...

Did you see three? I only see two and can not tell what two.

carolinabeachmom said...

I thought I saw two and the parent, then it all went fuzzy. When it came clear again, the parent was gone.

Lolly said...

Candy, I started to tell you earlier...Joseph, my oldest grandson was in kinder last year. I was prepared to give her lots of materials. Well, I did not like her. She was not doing a good job. This year Joseph has blossomed in first grade. So much better teacher. Anyway, took her approx. 30 of my big books!

Lolly said...

Ok, all of a sudden I am very sleepy. Time to rest my eyes. BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

Wow! What a gift. Those big books are wonderful. We use them alot in our room. We also have a new reading program using phonics the last couple of year. The kids are just taking off with it. Every child in our class this year was ready I See Sam books and only three didn't finish the whole 52 books. A great emphasis was put on writing this year with the reading program. We had journals we wrote in every day almost and by the end of the year, the children were really making up some good stories and really enjoying it. Our Principal also didn't want us to have any of the usual centers, but my teacher and I "stuck to our guns" and had center time during the day; not much time for napping tho. We felt the kids still have to have some time to relax from work, work, work. It seems like it is all work and no play in Kinder anymore. We now have More at 4 in our school and the surrounding schools for kids that don't come from a good environment to get a head start before heading to Kinder.

I feel I have one more year in me, as I just love the contact and working with the children. I am surely going to hate to see it end. There is nothing like seeing someone's light go on all of a sudden and really start to progress. I love it.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hear you Lolly. I think I will get off for awhile and do a little more cleaning. Once I am out of school, I can clean whenever, but now it is on the weekends. Have a good rest.

glo said...

well I wonder if that landing was better than the one that happened with Pearl last night. Its quiet enough that I think this could be Middy there now.

This was a known and planned trip. Barring an emergency I guess I don't understand why there is no communication or effort to have the cam for this day.

Very disappointing to say the least. Even those who are there might have liked to read the BLOG responses and perhaps seen photos and videos from our ?vantage? point.

Ok I know I know It is what it is.

carolinabeachmom said...

Tiny finally has someone in the nest with him, so all is right with the world for now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, at least everyone up there had a nice view, and that made their trip worth while. BBL

glo said...

Yes they have had sights and sounds galore. Can hardly wait to see and hear what they will have to share.

wvgal_dana said...

I woke up about 10 minutes ago. Had heat pad on low on nect. Boy I was sweating.
Came to look at refresh cam. I honestly see 3 eaglets in the nest. Took pic off refresh to keep. Realized I'm dozing off at computer. So I went in to check picture I save only 2 eaglets in nest. Deleted it. Man this neck thingy and meds are making me see things that aren't there.

wvgal_dana said...

You can fledge now #3 Tiny the group is there so go ahead. Let them see you fly.

Lolly said...

Just talked with Paula again. She said it is not windy there, just a calm breeze. She said the eagle that is sitting down is really panting. Hot!

Lolly said...

Whoops! Only one is nest now.

glo said...

two in nest now

Lolly said...

Now two back in the nest!

glo said...

Nice wingspan shot again :)

glo said...

can hear flapping like crazy maybe now

glo said...

Hope Paula has some video of that bet they could see that flap really nicely

Lolly said...

Look at those wings!

glo said...

Heard anotehr horn

glo said...

Nest looks about 2/3 sunny right now

mike-in-mo said...

New thread.

magpie said...

Hello Everyone, Wow some of you heard things from home that we didn't hear at the NCTC Site eagle squealing and wing-flapping for example. The road we were on was about 200-feet or so from the nest. Farmers have an access road and they were using the staple gun thingy. I can tell you that I know for a fact that it was Paula's little beep-beep you heard...maybe others, but hers for sure. And, you home-viewers saw those great little Loon Antics that we missed. And, I did meet some of the nicest people ever! Captain Eagle had his hands full with all us silly chicks! Finally, I just extricated a tick! Woof! I suspect I might find more..Double Woof! Shoulda shaved my head before I went there...Paula photographed a nice Green Heron on a pond at the site.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...