Monday, June 23, 2008


New week thread.


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deb said...

I put video from this morning on my page if you missed it.

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - Got it. Thanks!

Carol_in_WV said...

I haven't read the weekend blogs yet, so I don't know if any of you had the ferocious thunderstorms I had on Saturday and Sunday. I know that some of the lightening had to have struck real close because it was so bright and the thunder was almost instantaneous. My dog, Remus, spent most of the weekend hiding under the steps. I'm glad to see blue sky and fluffy white clouds today!

magpie said...

Got blogger-copped.

Missed it this morning, just saw it now, DEB. Thanks. What a free-for-all after that delivery!

Think there must be intruders nearby at Lowe's Scottish Trust, adult is squawking, and I think I saw some shadows cross over the nest.

IrisF said...

Thanks for the Video Deb...they do NOT like to share do they?

deb said...

No they don't. There was a spat with all three,too, but it was mostly fuzzy. Thanks for sending out the fish totals, it has been fun seeing what everyone is!

movin said...


Live feed seems none too live at the moment?????

It's bound to be a beautiful Monday ... just as soon as I get to it.

Have a great one.



Lolly said...

Golly, what a talkative group! I go and work in the yard for a while and it takes me forever to get through the conversations! LOL And, my email it loaded!

Go Blue Fins!!!!!


Did you see the little flamingo sticking his head out through the wing of momma? So funny!!

magpie said...


magpie said...

Well, you had to look quick, cause now it is gone. Was NOT Tiny!

magpie said...

Mother, baby, and pestersome blackbirds Barton Cove. One just dive-bombed the adult Eagle. That takes nerve!

magpie said...

I know it's nature, but don't ya just think the Flamingo could just give that little baby a boost? A little shove with the beak or foot? But it's part of growing up, I know it....I jast have to get used to it...

Carol_in_WV said...

The baby flamingo has fallen deeper into the hole - you can't even see it now. Momma looks worried and is chasing off other adults - but I think she stepped on baby while doing so. Some of her neighbor are worried too - they are looking down in the hole. Baby is probably crying. Other baby is still in white Momma's wing.

movin said...






NatureNut said...

Good PM Everyone!
Happy Birthday to Carol & Suz's Gypsy!

My Live Cam croaked.
Hot here and another chance of PM showers.After the bad ones last night from 8PM-(:30ish, we got another short one around 11! I didn't have to water plants today!

Bob Quinn said...

Loretta - I sent you an email on the osprey banding trip.

NatureNut said...

the ) was supposed to be a 9

NatureNut said...

Doesn't Magpie get a facial??? She was #200!! LOL

NatureNut said...

Thanks Bob, I'll check!

deb said...

Eaglet in our nest!

deb said...

Someone must be in a branch nearby, mantling.

deb said...

BC and CO eaglets should all be fledging soon. I wonder if some of CO's haven't already gone. BC eaglet is tucked to the far right of cam at 3 o'clock.

NatureNut said...

Paula, I gather you sent Bob my email address. THANK YOU, THANK YOU.
Wrote the osprey trip coordinators and looks like I'm IN!!!!I was planning to go down there Sat. AM anyway to meet some of the group.
If everyone can keep it a SECRET, group who planned this trip is called the "Featherheads"!! Too funny, but appropriate!

magpie said...

Out to go birdwatching for real...please oh please, a Scarlet Tanager....or maybe an osprey, or Baltimore Oriole. Know I can count on Cedar Waxwings !


Good Evening to All....

ceil said...

Think they got a storm at the NZ. It looks like the flamingoes are preening and trying to dry out.

ceil said...

juvie in nest

deb said...

Juvie gone.

ceil said...

Deb,He got tired of waiting for supper or maybe he was called to another spot for supper.

deb said...

That's probably right. They got fed in the nest earlier, I feel sorry for the parent delivering the meals!

deb said...

I just realized the teddy bear is gone form the Delta nest.

MITS said...

probably ate it:)

deb said...

Eaglet back in nest. I couldn't get on here for awhile.

MITS said...

that is one beautiful cam site...Delta

MITS said...

hey the gang is here.

deb said...

All three, I think! Nope just two.

Fouth try to post this!

MITS said...

well maybe only part of the gang....blooger cop is being mean

deb said...

Are you having trouble with the Blog, or is it just me??

MITS said...

took me 4 times also, Deb

deb said...

I guess that answers my question!

ceil said...

second try. We just had a slight storm and there is a beautiful rainbow.

Mema Jo said...

Two in our nest
Looks as though it rained
Didn't have any rain in my valley

Going to copy this in case the
Blogger Cop is watching me ....

hedgie said...

Good evening to all! Happy birthday, Carol.
Been lurking off and on today while doing chores.
See we have two juvies in nest.
Smells like rain & looks threatening but thunder sounds like it's across the river in Hagerstown area!

deb said...

Adult eagle on the OK nest.

deb said...

Now two adults.

deb said...

Now one adult, one juvie.

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like a new baby flamingo in the middle of the pic. When she stood up before, it looked like the egg was breaking open. She got up this time to a live chick and they are being very attentive to it.

carolinabeachmom said...

The other little chick is trying to get back into his high nest. He is soo cute

hedgie said...

Whoops! Forgot to tell you....saw a bear in the back woods this morning! Not too big...just lumbering his way by; didn't stop like one did three years ago!

deb said...

All four in OK.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, parent just sat back down on it.

hedgie said...

Much better view on the flamingo cam than I've been seeing! DId anyone see the way momma plopped herself down on the egg and then squirmed around on it? Too funny! Wonder it didn't break it!

deb said...

That would be fun to have a bear in the backyard. As long as it was just lumbering by!

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like juvies in our nest waiting for dinner. Another arrival makes three.

GOOD EVENING DEB, Magpie, Mits, NN, HEDGEVILLER, CEIL, JO, DEB And all others.

carolinabeachmom said...

We used to have bears wandering in our words in New York and they would get into the garbage cans.

hedgie said...

The bear three years ago knocked over my "decoy" deer and sat in front of the corn feeder, gorging himself! Less than 100 feet from house...a little too close for comfort. I could just see him trampling down the fence to the dogs' yard...I didn't let her go out alone for that whole summer!

Costume Lady said...

We just had a very nice shower here. The kind that gardners like. I heard thunder and looked outside and lo and behold....I saw a BLUE TEDDY BEAR flying through the air, just like a bird! I wonder where it came from??

deb said...

Down to one in the nest.

NatureNut said...

Hi Gang, Just put on 2 pics from the Gypsy kitty party!!!! Sent them to Suz,too. Enjoy :>)

deb said...

Empty nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Aha, pic cleared up! Thought I saw a Mountaineer in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Daggone eaglet must have left as I posted!

Howdy Deb...anyone else around? How's the neck?

paula eagleholic said...

Delta eaglets tossed the woobie (stuffed dog) over last Friday night...

paula eagleholic said...

WOW - Hi Nature, Wanda, Candy and Hedgie!

Just got back from dinner w/ youngest son at Bonefish Grill. I ate too much!

MITS said...

back in our nest

MITS said...


deb said...

It's good, Paula. I hope that is the one and only time I get attacked. The bite by my eye still bothers me a little. Never use a leaf blower on bushes full of mosquitos. Of course, I didn't know they were there, I was just cleaning up.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda = are you refering to the blue teddy from the CT osprey nest...

Blogger cop tried to eat my comment!

Eaglet back...c'mon blogger cop I'm trying to post !

And eaglet gone...maybe third times the charm

MITS said...

Paula, what did you have to eat????

paula eagleholic said...

Wow finally posted that last comment on the 4th try!

Howdy Mits, did Jubby leave you the laptop?

MITS said...

aaarrgghhh...blogger cop

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, they had a special tonight, tempura fish w/ asian sauce and wolf fish stuffed with crab and topped w/ shrimp...Michael and I both had bang bang shrimp...yummmmy.

MITS said...

lol......yes, Paula, Jubby hocked it up for me!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

ROFLMAO...sorry Deb that last comment about the leaf blower was hilarious. I will take your advice.

MITS said...

sounds deeee-lisch!!

hedgie said...

Lots of wind now here, Wanda, but still no rain!

paula eagleholic said...

Also have guest puppy in the house, dark mini hot dog dog...dacshound (sp)

paula eagleholic said...

He "hocked" it up Mits? In the form of a pellet or what? HAHAHA

MITS said...

Deb, no wonder they attacked you, must have thought it was a hurricane...

paula eagleholic said...

And last night I had the shrimp trio at Ruby's w/ oldest son...he works at the Ruby's in Gettyburg...nothing like shrimp, shrimp, shrimp! yummmmy there too!

MITS said...

how do the goldens like the hot dog, Paula?

MITS said...

well they other night, Jo got me with a spelling error, said Jubby (Jay/Husband) became Jubby, and instead of hooking it up, said he was going to hock it, that would hurt.

paula eagleholic said...

We finally got a halfways decent rain tonight....thank goodness, or I had to go out and water...we need it...after all that rain in May, those 90° temps have really dried things up here.

paula eagleholic said...

Goldens love the hot dog!

What is with this
#$#@$%#@ blogger cop tonight???

Try #3

paula eagleholic said...

Oh my has anyone seen the new Mr Bill Mastercard commercial? I love it!

Mema Jo said...

Starting to storm here - lots of lightening.

Lynn How close was that bear to Providence Church Road? I best set up an alert over there!

hedgie said...

Not only that Paula, but the ground is so-o-o hard and dry that these hard downpours just run off...I'm having to water the garden every day! And how the dust flies when I mow!

hedgie said...

About a mile and three-quarters, Jo!!

hedgie said...

Who is Mr. Bill, Paula? That's my guys' nickname!

ceil said...

Just stopping in to say good night.Pleasant dreams.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn- That is a bit too close for comfort because the little ones love the out-of-doors and they have a large piece of land - kids have boundries of course. I'll pass the word.

Loretta- The Cat Party Pics are priceless! Hope you sent them to Suz in an email. Happy for you that you get to go Saturday! That was some great networking on this blog!

paula eagleholic said...

Ooohhhh NOOOOO Mr Bill

The gumby looking dude...think he first appeared on Saturday night live...I'll see what I can find.
Got a pic of the hot dog dog too

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everyone. Just checking in before I go to bed.

Bedford wildlife I have witnessed today - eastern bluebird, baby robin, lots and lots of mockingbirds, cardinals, finches, and as I was working, I looked out the window and four deer (3 with velvet antlers) trapsing across Thelma's yard to the apple tree across the street. Of course, by the time I found the camera, they were gone.

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

I know, Jo! People next door have their son and d-i-l and grands living there while their new house is being built and I called so they could keep the kids in at least for today.
Blogger cop got me, too! WHAT is his problem!
Goodnight, Ceil.
Paula...guess I have missed that dude! My doxie says hi to your visitor!

hedgie said...

Okay, Sharon've confused me! I thought Thelma lived in Bedford!!??

paula eagleholic said...

Nasty storm here now...lost electric and my Mr Bill Link...we have hail too!!

Hot dog doesn't like the my lap.

paula eagleholic said...

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey PAULA, welcome! So you love Mr. Bill too. Isn't he cute. Poor guy just keeps on smiling through it all.

carolinabeachmom said...

We had our big thunder and rain storm this afternoon. It came down so hard, we had small ponds all over the place. Our gutter on the one side of the house couldn't handle all the water. Waited until it was over and causiously drove out, dodging flooded roads in parts and did my grocery shopping. Our cupboard was bare.

NatureNut said...

I've seen Mr. Bill again. He was a little clay dude that always got mistreated and said "OH NOOOOO, as he was usually being flattened.

Yes, Jo, I sent those to Suz.

We had a light rain for about an hour around 6PM. Much better than last night's BIG storm.

carolinabeachmom said...

OMG PAULA, I don't believe you found a web site. Cool

NatureNut said...

Am I #300?? Do I get anything?? I can use all the help I can get!! LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

NN Those were cute pics of the kitties that you sent to Suz. She will just love them.

carolinabeachmom said...

NN YOu get the eagle poop facial from the girls. :) Wanda has them on her blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Here's "Bruiser"

hedgie said...

Thanx, Paula. Nope, never saw him before!! I know...I must have been living under a rock But, honestly, never watched SNL! Almost always worked Sat. nights so didn't get home in time to watch, and have never started since I retired...just seemed like one of those things I COULD live without!

NatureNut said...

Thx, glad you liked the pics. I was just browsing thru My Pics & saw them & got a brain flash!

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, hope you all enjoy the evening. My husband just came home, so I think I will call it a night. All have a peaceful and reasful night. Tomorrow will bring a new day with new beginnings. Oh, before I forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROL. I hope you had a lovely day.

GOOD NIGHT ALL Later Gators~

paula eagleholic said...

I love Mr Bill!!!

My gutter on the back was clogged, so I got out the ladder the other day and climbed on the roof. Lo and behold, there was a tennis ball in the downspout! I'm sure one of my boy chucked it up there when throwing the balls in the backyard one day.

Mema Jo said...

Bruiser is a cutie! Take a good many of him to make one Buddy!

NatureNut said...

Wow, I won a prize!!!
Paula, that is one cute dog!!!Are your other/s bigger?

NatureNut said...

BBL---shampooing to get ready for my facial!! Early work tomorrow

hedgie said...

Thank goodness my dachshund is not afraid of storms, Paula, but one we had when I was growing up was and actually had a heart attack and died during a thunderstorm. Broke our hearts--she looked just like your little one!
Goodnight, Carolina!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Thelma does live in Bedford but I am spending the week here. Mattie has gone to church camp so I came down here. The wonderful thing about my job is that wherever there is an internet connection, I can work.

deb said...

Story about Buddy's care at the Wildlife Center:

Buddy's Care

magpie said...

I'm reading backwards but want to throw this one on for NATURE NUT and COSTUME LADY: I have a surprise for you:

I saw a SCARLET TANAGER ,Beautiful colorul male. I was so surprised! No song, caught a glimpse of some red chasing off, or going AFTER, a darker color bird, thought for sure I was going to see a Baltimore Oriole, but Lo! A Scarlet Tanager. He didn't stay long, switched trees and Poof! Gone!


Now to catch up on what I missed, and back on here later with some more news of my lucky and awesome sightings!


magpie said...


All those double's you isn't it that had them at your place? I know there are others, but yours was the first one I could think of fast fast lol lol
Oh, he put on quite a presentation!

xo xo xo

hedgie said...

Gotcha' Sharon! Didn't remember you saying you were staying down there! What a great job you gals have! really did luck out tonight! Where did you travel this time? See any owls? Eventide is when I usually see them. Did you get any pics?

paula eagleholic said...

Nature- that's it! Mr Bill is a clay dude.

My other dogs are golden retrivers!

Bruiser is son's GF dog...she is in Florida, he came home for a day or two....visiting his Bro at the moment. Doggie up in my lap...can't even get up to make some tea!

blogger is really testing my patience tonight!!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, maybe this blog is finally rolling again!

deb said...

Birdie, the Tesoro Eaglet, is spending the summer in Virginia!

Birdie tracker

paula eagleholic said...

That's cool Deb, hope she hangs around for awhile...

MITS said...

wow, Birdie came that far already...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Great story of Norfolk eagle, Deb.

paula eagleholic said...

Hot dog let me get up and make some iced tea!

magpie said...


FIRST! A BEAR! I am dying to see one in the wild sometime...should have had an opportunity by now but I am usually working when they are "sighted..."

SECOND: PAULA - BRUISER IS A TREAT! My sister had a mini, colored just like him, was one of about six puppies that sister nursed with baby bottles and weighed them everyday. Was named Gretl...she was the BEST!

Continued on next post...

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the Buddy link Deb...very interesting!

magpie said...


I went to Swinging Bridge, Lynn, and on the way out stopped at the original Tanager spot, near an old country pond. Saw the biggest fish, I guess carp, but there was a carp-sized goldfish! I'd say 25-inches long at least. While there, got a great sighting of, and serenade by, a Wood Thrush!

Once there, saw about 30 very active Cedar Waxwings, the Indigo Bunting, a Carolina Wren, one Baltimore Oriole (no song, strange), the Tanager, Red-winged blackbird, heard but did not see a Red Shouldered Hawk, saw maybe a Philadelphia Vireo or some other warbler with yellow, gotta study my bird book for that one. I have seen yellow-billed cuckoos there, but not tonight. No owls...but I have seen them in Morgan County, not recently.

At Swinging Bridge, I have also seen both muskrats and a very chubby beaver, but again, not tonight.

But it was a GREAT outing...and I could see that the storm was hitting somewhere, but I got to see the beautiful, turbulent clouds and sky without any rain.
On the way home, a lightning show! Now, to wait for a few ticks to show up....And I got no pictures.

Sorry this is so lengthy, but I get so excited about these things, and it was a perfect trip!


hedgie said...

Marg--Swinging Bridge has always been a neat place to go! Except for when the bad kids and litterers and pot heads are there! Glad you had a fruitful (birdful!) evening! Yep, Paula came up w/ Hedgie! I love it!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo couldn't get in like the rest of us...think she has signed off for the night!

hedgie said...

From Science News:

(June 23) - The sounds "umph, umph, umph" might not resonate with you, but for baby crocodiles still in their shells, they are telling mom, "Let us out!"

Biologists have known that shortly before hatching, crocodiles make noises within their eggs. A new study, which involved playbacks of the pre-hatching calls, reveals these calls from the egg tell siblings it's time to hatch and tell moms it's time to uncover the nest.

Lolly said...

Hi All! Spent the evening cooking a delicious dinner with my "jubby". The kind of dinner that takes forever to prepare but ohhhh soooo delicious!!!

NN...loved the kitty party pics! Suzanne will love them!

Have thoroughly enjoyed the fish game. Blue Fins Rule!!! LOL

Glad your bites are better Deb. My itching has stopped as well. Each day we go out with wasp spray but there are always more. I don't let it stop me from working outside.

Enjoyed reading the Buddy update. I feel a real attachment to that little guy. Only nest I got to visit!

Lolly said...

Lynn, I am a real wildlife freak....would have loved to have seen your bear!

On our honeymoon (43 years ago) we were in New Mexico. Heard the bears were at the dump at night. Could not talk my new "jubby" into going to the dump.

However, this last fall, while in New England, we went out every evening searching for moose. Never saw one!

magpie said...

HEDGIE: You and I both remember the actual SWINGING BRIDGE! I have been lucky on my outings, but with summertime, will do mostly early morning watching from here on in. I saw one osrpey there last year, lurking in a tree, didn't stay long, and I have seen green herons, blue herons, and, maybe, I think, Wood Ducks fly over! And a juvenile Red-Shouldered Hawk flew over last year. Yes, it is THE SPOT for me. Maybe we can make a trip together sometime?

I am sad about your little daschund that died during the storm.

CAROL - I hope Remus is okay today!

DEB, thanks for the Buddy update. What a story, poor soul, doesn't want to or can't eat on his own. The pictures with the story were great..would love to be there doing that kind of work.

BBL later for a sign off...

Time to get scrubbed up!

paula eagleholic said...

This was posted on the Hancock/Delta forum today, confirming stuffie was thrown overboard!

More news for you eagle lovers! "Stuffie" is not buried in the nest. It was tossed out and has been retrieved by HWF people who were checking the nest. They are deciding what to do with it!! Maybe to David or maybe an auction for HWF...stay tuned!

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, all, going to sign off for tonight...tummy still full, and I'm tired. See ya'll tomorrow!

magpie said...

lolly - I am a bit of a Moose Nut:
have about 25 Moose "things" in my living room alone..rug, pictures, lamp, stuffies, my sister in Massachusetts says they walk through the towns sometimes. Same sister has bears in her neighborhood, has had them look through her windows before. She carries a big air horn when she goes out walking...Another sister is in Alaska this week, they all heard a "thud" on the patio this morning, think it was an Eagle dropped its catch of halibut! It is light there until 11:00 pm, and then light again at 3:30 am! Kind of like Finland I guess...

hedgie said...

Sounds like a plan, Magpie!
Well, gang, I'm going to call it a night. See you all tomorrow. Pleasant dreams and sweet eagle dreams!

Lolly said...

That is hilarious about "Stuffie"!
I even saw a political cartoon about him. He is famous and should bring in a good amount in an auction.

hedgie said...

Lolly...even tho' I am not afraid of the bear, I still got a rush of adrenaline when I saw it! Happened the first time and I figured it was because I was so shocked to see it so close! But it happened this time, too...weird! Goodnight!

Lolly said...

Fantastic Magpie! I have seen a moose but I wanted to see one last fall. No luck! Have seen bear in Yellowstone and Alaska, but to have them near your home....well that is something else.

I love the Bald Eagles in Alaska. They were thicker than fleas! One morning on our cruise, I stepped out of our room and saw a bald eagle swoop down and get a fish!!!
We were on a very small ship. Loved it!

Lolly said...

Nite Paula and Lynn! Sweet dreams!

Lolly said...

CONGRATULATIONS MAGPIE! You are not alone. Looks like there is another swordfish!

magpie said...

OMG: Just opened some mail from my Massachusetts sister: She sent me two local newspapers, one with a story about a Moose calf which got caught in a fence in one of the little towns, it was rescued successfully. Another, about a bear sighting in her town, and third, a wild turkey doing the turkey trot on one of the local streets! How coincidental is all this?

Love to you all, think most will be gone to bed by the time I check in....Prayers for Peace and Serenity, Comfort and Joy, Wellness and Safety.


magpie said...

Goodie! Lolly, I have 33 unread yahoos..think I gotta scrub the bod first, then will find out WHO!
I am no longer the Lone Swordfish!

Costume Lady said...

MAGPIE...Check out your after FACIAL photo.

NatureNut said...

Great tanager sighting, Mag!
Thyx for Buddy update, Deb. He is so precious.

Good Night All--Pleasant Feather Dreams

Lolly said...

Cute picture Wanda!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

Good Night All! Sweet dreams!

magpie said...

WANDA - You, are a Gem!! If you do another poop shoot facial on yourself, it should turn you into a DIAMOND!

Thanks So Much! I'll repost this if I don't see you on here before the Split in the morning...

xx to all xo

magpie said...

Hey MOVIN - Figure you will be on here one more time before everything closes up for the "night." You are usually our last night-time "POST".

I haven't figured out to do fancy things yet, but I haven't given up yet.

Just curious: What are your favorite cam sites?


Good Night, for now...I'll be up for a little while longer and will check back....

movin said...





normabyrd said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 353 of 353   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...