Monday, June 02, 2008


New week, new thread.


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MITS said...


Just got to the blog and it 1:30 here. tired but got allot done. The skunk didnt show either Saturday or Sunday night. I blocked off the dog door into the garage and into the house. Heidi has to ask to go outside when she is in. It will have to be this way for a while. I cant feed the neighborhood wildlife Purina . I'll go broke. Thanks for asking Norma and Deb.
Mits would you please put this on the blog for me. Hugs Anne

deb said...

I found the update on Buddy on the Maine Forum, it hasn't been posted anywhere yet:

I received this at 2pm EDT 6/2/08

Hi Sandi,

I suspect you’ll hear this soon enough, but we have seen a slight reduction of the growth on the eagle’s beak. The little bird is now able to breathe out of both nostrils. That is a small victory, but suggests that the drugs are working. We have now also reached all three of the eagle experts we needed to reach about the case. Surgery is definitely in the plan now, and we have two surgeons identified who can perform the procedure. We are in touch with both to see who is willing and at what cost.

We are still dealing with a really sick little bird, but this is the first day when we have not had to report a worsening of his condition. That is no small accomplishment. We believe the Interferon may be starting to work.

We’ll keep you posted.


deb said...

Three of the falcon eggs at the King Plant have hatched, still two eggs in the nest. You will find this nest on the Xcel Energy site.

paula eagleholic said...

Time to roll...

NatureNut said...

Re: Delta---I couldn't get it to open earlier, but now you can see it is stuffed animal. Went on their discussion & in early AM, someone saw adult come in w/large "prey"!!, But soon chicks were fed mice. Later, they also saw some white on it's face & thought it was maybe a panda or stuffed dog!What scavengers!

NillaWafer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Good evening! Had to get in the back door. Could not get on the regular way.?????

Been catching up on the blog. Had to go check Delta and see the teddy bear or what ever it is. Too funny! Something for the babies to cuddle up with. LOL

Also checked OK eagle cam. Do not see either eagle. Down in the nest or really fledged this time?

I have been out of it today. Still sick and it has affected my eye. (Either that or allergic to one of my eye drops.) Saw two doctors today and I am on my way to recovery. Got a shot and new meds. Lovely!

Did anyone forward the NBG updates to Suz? Poor little Buddy.

ceil said...

Lolly hope you feel better soon.

MITS said...

yes, Lolly, take care...

MITS said...

off to fix dinner....bbl

Lolly said...

Oh, that's funny! Could hear a man clearly talking under the Delta cam. We need to have sound, so when you go to the nest this weekend you can shout out hello to us poor souls at home. :)

glo said...

Latest from Dr Sharpe at iWS

I just spoke with Dr. Weldy and both birds are doing well. He would like to hold on to the bird with the beak injury for a while longer to make sure things heal. Right now I'm planning to pick it up next Monday and take it to the island on Tuesday. Both are eating on their own and are spending their time together in a dog run.

Lolly said...

Dern Crows! Mom flew back in to Delta with the crows right on heels.(talons?) Twice they briefly landed on her back. Such a pain!!!!

Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

awww, what a nice picture...must be MONDAY NIGHT GET TOGETHER...

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though Lib & Belle are the main eaters. Pearl all evening had been messing around with some food.

NatureNut said...

What a great group!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Liberty and Belle are sure eating good now!

Mema Jo said...

Pearl just got fed by MOM...
There goes Lib...

Mema Jo said...

Spidey is starting!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And Lib just took off and Belle is still feeding one of the little ones! Little ones - yeah right!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe we should have named her

Persistent Pearl

ceil said...

Nice picture. Mom still there eating. All that wind the other day and spidey's web survived.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, fooled me. I looked away for a few minutes and thought that was still Belle eating until Pearl raised up her head.

ceil said...

Good night everyone. Pleasant dreams.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

LOoks like an eaglet is still working on dinner at this end of the nest...

Had to take back a tree that already died from my plantings this spring and get another tree all nice and green and in the ground

Eaglet done and moved to the other end.

Mema Jo said...

Sandra & I were just on a phone call.
She has her 50th HS Reunion this weekend BUT the Sat affair is at the
Clarion! She & Tom will come in to chat with us before heading to their dinner. I am very very happy about seeing our Eagle Buddy!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Paula! I am headed up to Knott's tomorrow for grandson's graduation at 1:00. After Corey's there will be 2 more to go!!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Jo, the road north will be busy all week! Started tonight!

NatureNut said...

Some Fun Info==Delta 1 page--open discussion at bottom & when there go to Discussion/Screenshots/Videos,
pg. 42. 2nd person down, Queenie,has video of the adult eagle bringing in the "Prey"!
So Funny!!

deb said...

Here is the link on the video that Loretta found:

Delta stuffed toy delivery

deb said...

That was a good video, thanks for bringing it to us, Loretta. What a surprise, I caught this good sized meal, but yuck what is it!

deb said...

Eagle at Kent 1.

deb said...

Parent at Heron nest.

deb said...

That was quick, parent gone already. Spidey was just out wondering and there he is again.

MITS said...

thank, you LADIES:)...

deb said...

I found on the Maine forum that the birds at the Delta nest are Brewer's Blackbirds.

deb said...

The heronette doesn't branch up the tree, it climbs!

Lolly said...

Just watched the video. So funny! It looked like she was really attempting to tear it up to feed to the eaglets.

paula eagleholic said...

Ha HA - and we thought it was flying!!

deb said...

I about died laughing when I saw it climb up there, just a couple of steps for those long legs!

deb said...

Lolly, hope you are feeling better now with your new meds. Wasn't it funny when the eagle looked like it was trying to get the fuzz out of its mouth!

MITS said...

those wacky eagles at Delta:)

MITS said...

Lisa has a good pic of the Conn osprey chicks on BWO site, she points out the big difference between the oldest and youngest sizes

Lolly said...

I keep thinking of the poor child who lost his teddy. Needs to get on a computer and see his teddy.

Mom must of thought, this is a nice plump meal. ha!

I'm feeling a little better and hope a good night's sleep helps. This virus or infection has really knock me for a loop and I am usually not the one to get sick!

deb said...

That is a good picture, there is a big size difference between them!

paula eagleholic said...

HOpe you feel better Lolly

The Delta video was probably flew out some car window...landed on the road...looked like road kill

Hitting it early tonight...see ya tomorrow!

Lolly said...

Night Paula!

Lolly said...

So, Deb, the herons are climbing up above the cam?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb & Loretta for the video from Delta. I just had an email & one of the gals said it really looked like both crow and eagle babies were in the nest - I sent her the Teddy Bear Link! lol Can't wait to hear her reply. Mom eagle really was trying to tear it apart for food - laughed like you all did when she looked as though she didn't know what that yucky food stuck in her beak was!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - no ferry ride tonight for you - just a good night's rest!

Lolly said...

I think I saw one of the little ones trying to swallow something!

Lolly said...

Ah, Jo, just one little ferry ride?

deb said...

Yes, I watched it walk right up the branch, Lolly. Here we thought one was flying.

Lolly said...

You know, I asked Chrissy about her med, but didn't get enough details. None of my meds get me high like her. :( I think our Chrissy has a special personality and certainly hope she is feeling better.

NatureNut said...

Thanks Deb for doing your techie thing for the Delta link!!!Someone there mentioned eagles' sight must be much better than their sense of smell!!!
Lolly, hope you get well soon.

Pleasant feather dreams to all who are hitting the hay.

(Waiting for last load of laundry)

Lolly said...

the heron up above was just looking down.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to call it quits....

Good Night my Friends!

Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep to all of you.
Prayers for all our needs being said...

Here's to Buddy's recovery!!!

Buddy's Candles

NatureNut said...

Got Heronettes up--what a hoot!Butts & beaks in front of camera!

Lolly said...

I think the herons are just flying in for the night. Also, I just noticed the nest in the distance.

deb said...

They used to have a cam that showed a whole bunch of nests. We would all watch the screen fill up with birds, herons and black birds. Not sure if they were crows or ravens, they were big. I wish we still had that view. They shut it down when they made this one live.

NatureNut said...

What a food fight!!! Mom heron just came in!

Lolly said...

LOL What a riot when Mom comes in with food. And, did you think we were going to get a poop shoot right at us?!!!

deb said...

I missed it. I was surprised last night to see she brings in more than one fish at a time. Did she have tow tonight?

Ha, I see what you mean by thinking a poop shoot was coming!

Lolly said...

Couldn't see what she brought in. Heron on the branch came jumping down.

Costume Lady said...

Went to my grandson's 14th B'Day party this evening. Really super-nice buffet set up by his Mom (Butterfly Mama). Dustin is almost 6ft. tall and still has a few more years of growning!
I love get-togethers with family. Can't imagine life without them.

I can party only so long and I'm ready to conk out.


Lolly said...

Couple years ago we had a heron in our back yard. I went out and chased it away. Few days later, sure enough, we were missing several of our gold fish.

deb said...

Good night, everyone. TTUT

Lolly said...

Night Wanda! Time is going by so fast and my grandsons will be as tall. Right now they are head and shoulders over all their classmates.

Lolly said...

Night Deb! Talk with you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Caught the ferry! (Just a short ride Jo!) I'm off to bed. Nite all! Sweet dreams!

MITS said...


NatureNut said...

Good Night All!!! ;>)

movin said...


Hope everyone's having a happy week so far.

I think, if you've got the video software, you'd better start watching with software at the ready tomorrow morning for No. 1 to fledge. It's bound to be in the next couple of days, I bet.

In 2006 the two oldest ones took off just before the 12 week mark, and then Spunky, who was underfed, took closer to 13 weeks. I think No. 3 has gotten more food this time ... probably those giant carp that Liberty kept bringing for dinner ... so he will likely fledge around 12 weeks also.

How do you see it??



floralgirl said...

Well, Jim you could be right but its gonna be hard to see cause the live feed is currently down again and seems to have a lot of technical difficulties. 30 sec cam shows all 3 in the nest. 55° here on the way to around 83° and sunny. Supposed to have thunderstorms later today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Morning all. This live feed thing is so discouraging. I see on the still cam that there are 3 eaglets still there. Grateful to see that.

glo said...

Well good morning. Its only 6 am here and I was checking you know what. Think I will go back to bed for a while. Yep guess I see three as of 10 mins ago.

Hope you checked the FeedBlitz from yesterday. Had a couple of good spots on there.

floralgirl said...


floralgirl said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Megan. I had just checked it and it wasn't. Sure am glad it is now.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Megan; hope it is fixed for good now.

GLO, I just watched you videos. Loved the scene where Belle just pulled that fish out from under Lib without him resisting even a tiny bit! I think he is "Eagle-Pecked". LOL

wvgal_dana said...

NEW THREAD like Megan said.

Charlie said...

good morning eagle friends.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...