Friday, June 27, 2008


Fresh Friday thread.


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magpie said...

Yep - and you just hit the 200-mark Helen!! Second time I looked it looked like two little heads again.....

MITS said...

I just missed a pic of one of the eaglets at LAKE WASHINGTON up on the branch

Mema Jo said...

Both mom & dad Osprey with the Wild Watch chick. I also think there is only one (at least visible)

magpie said...

Two adults WildWatch Osrpey...

magpie said...

I'm sorry, forget it, in and out....

MITS said...

sometimes, I think, I see 2, then other times just one....didn't know we were at 200 already.

Mema Jo said...

Wood duck if off her nest - surprised she didn't cover the eggs with the wood chips as she always does. Maybe they will hatch over the weekend..
The 13 eggs are beautiful there in the nest.... so neatly spaced!

magpie said...

Yes, MEMA - those eggs are gorgeous...Mom has been off the eggs for nearly an hour now, should be back soon.

West End Eaglets looking pretty frisky...have yet to catch a pic of the adult/s there....

magpie said...

Well, a quick Break to Wanda's Wishes....fabulous new makeovers...such fun to backtrack and start from the beginning, with Baby Paula !


MITS said...

juvie in our nest.

magpie said...

We have a Mountaineer .... !!!

magpie said...

Past Tense !!!!!

MITS said...

that was a quick visit

MITS said...


deb said...

Eagle at kent 1.

magpie said...

Both adults and frisky chicks at Delaware Osrpey Cam....well, just one adult now, and frisky chicks:

magpie said...

Loch Garten Parent and Two Chicks extremely restless..I think they are hungry, and wet...did anyone see any meals there today?

Mema Jo said...

I don't think anyone had EJ and her chicks up today or they just didn't mention it. Was reading their update - EJ (from past history) should remove the dead chick within a day or so.

Mema Jo said...

I mentioned grandson's b-day being today - He is headed off to the
O's Game!

magpie said...

Thanks, is difficult to watch...the youngest little chick still there...I didn't see any new updates today on their Blog - the technicians there have been very realistic and sensitive in how they have related the events. Must have been so heartbreaking for them....

Mema Jo said...

That's the first link I've had that got the DE osprey site up for me.
They are really beautiful chicks....

MITS said...

looked in on the osprey several times today, the 2 chicks were laying on the dead one

magpie said...

Time for some chow...

MITS said...

cool Jo, they are playing the Nats, I think

hedgie said...

NO offense to my Maryland friends....hope the Nat's beat the O's!!!

Mema Jo said...

No offense taken for sure....
With Quinn and all his friends rooting for the O's - the Nats might not have much of a chance knowing it's his b-day!! lol

Mema Jo said...

No visitors so far this evening in our nest......

MITS said...

shutting down for tonight..GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Helen!

magpie said...

Good Night Helen...Ocean dreams to you...

Momma Wood Duck has been off the eggs for over 2 hours...

hedgie said...


Looks rather doubtful that you'll get to see any meteor showers tonight, doesn't it? TOo bad!

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone. Got lots to do around here & try to get to bed at decent hour-- (fat chance!!)

Helen gets ANOTHER facial!? What will happen now????

I am now a Blue Marlin--fast and smart, but can weigh up to 1985 lbs!!!!OH NO, Mr. Bill.
Read about Loch Garten briefly today & I'm glad I didn't watch it much.I know this is real, natural life, but very disturbing.I used to like the storks, too, but they eat their young---ick.(live ones, to reduce # in nest)

Changing subject--printed out some pics to take for Suz tomorrow and gotta eat more-just had snack when I got home & do dishes, etc. BBS

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all...back from walking the dogs...gonna grab a nice glass of zinfandel and put my feet up....will check back in a little while

magpie said...

Power of suggestion..Momma Wood Duck is back on the roost.

No, HEDGIE, regarding meteors...don't think so...had I gotten up at 0430 this morning, I think I might have caught a few..

How is the pooch ????

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, I didn't have a chance to tell Suz that I was happy for her that she has this chance to witness the banding. She so loves wild life and all that it entails, she will be in 7th heaven. Please tell her that I am so happy she has this chance of a lifetime. I would guess that this isn't a first for you....but I want you to have a good time too. You will enjoy meeting Suz, she is a super person.

magpie said...

NATURE NUT: Hope you are not too excited to sleep! I know how I felt the night before the NCTC Nest visit....

Have a Great Time !! Look forward to the pictures you will get...

Costume Lady said...

Paula, I got a chuckle out of listening to your dogs howling at the sound of the sirens. Our neighbor has 2 dogs which are supposedly part wolf and spitz...they howl like your dogs all the time instead of barking.

hedgie said...

Dog is fine...however...hmmmm...they "forgot" to perform part of the surgery. She had a clogged gland in upper eyelid w/ a skin tag--they did it--and she has a golf-ball sized lipoma on her side, and he "apparently forgot" to convey all of the information to the new vet who did the surgery. Argh-h-h. Duh...wouldn't you think the tech would have asked why I wanted her to stay overnight because of the steps because of an EYE??? I'm not a happy customer.

hedgie said...

Paula--I enjoyed listening to your dogs, too. They have the wolf sound down pretty good--my sister is on her second hybrid wolf, and I love listening to her, and inciting her to howl!

hedgie said...

Gonna shut down for the night. Have to be at the hospital at 8 for my routine PET scan. Too early for THIS bird! Pleasant fowl dreams!

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - will pray you have a clean
PET scan tomorrow. I agree that these tests are not geared for the late morning risers! Sleep well.

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck on your PET scan, Hedgie. I would be really pissed at the Vet too!

Nature and Bob Quinn - Have a blast tomorrow! I had so much fun last year....don't forget to go out to lunch together afterwards!

Wanda - my dogs do it all the time, inside, outside...still cracks me up. Nugz doesn't sound so bad...but Boo...well...he is a different story!

magpie said...

Time for this bird to hit the sack too... Best wishes for good sleep for all people and pets tonight, and all good things for tomorrow.
Prayers on the wing for comfort, joy, peace, and wellness, and for our military personnel in all parts of the world, and their families


NatureNut said...

Hedgie,Terrible about your vet visit...Duh!
I'm sure your PET scan will be ok since you're going to a people hosp! Best wishes.
Wanda & Mag, I've worked at Park for over 20 years & been on water only about 4 times & not for anything like this. I've seen songbird banding & my camera went osprey banding few yrs ago, so I have all the pics.Greg, our chief naturalist, had forgotten his!
It will be approaching 90 & we're taking metal boat. I'm bringing beach blanket for bench seat, but I think most sit on life preservers!I also wear unbuttoned long-sleeve UVA, UVB protective shirt over other clothes.If you want to be a naturalist, it's fulltime, which I never wanted, so I'm the keeper of the Vis. Ctr.
I'm excited to meet Suz and Bob. He's so great, I won't have to take many pics! Will tell Suz Hello from group! Wish Lisa could have made it.
BBL--gotta finish cleaning up--fixed me a steak & green beans-Yum!

Mema Jo said...

I think the nest will be MT all night

NatureNut - I think I know how you felt not being able to come up to the nest visit - like I would love to go down for the Osprey banding! Enjoy and have a good time with meeting Suz & Bob.

Good Night for now
Restful sleep and pleasant dreams
Prayers for all our needs

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, all. It's been a long day.

Prayers for all.

NatureNut said...

Thx for all the good wishes!!! It will be great to go on a real program & meet everyone!!!

Nighty Nite--Pleasant Feather Dreams!!! ;>]

Costume Lady said...

DANA asked earlier if I was going out for crab legs tonight (I think she asked twice) and I told her yes. I thought she would be there, but she wasn't. She missed some really good eating!
Grandson has gone home and I will, once again, have the 'puter all to myself. LOL Loved having him, but a week at a time is long enough.


Costume Lady said...


movin said...


Enjoy a great weekend.



magpie said...

Good Morning All...
Empty Nest, ours, so far.

The Unusual bird at Ferry Boat Finney's, not sure how long it will be there..trying to save it so I can send it..somehow..
RATS - it just flew off...

I've been looking, agree it might be some kind of jackdaw, still looking thru books....

xo to all

magpie said...

Blessings, food delivery by Father Osprey at Loch Gartens...dropped it off and away he went.

magpie said...

Isla, Angus and Solo at Loch of the Lowe's....Happy delivery there too...

magpie said...

Past Tense, Angus flew off....

magpie said...





TTFN Off to work

Costume Lady said...

Looks like everyone is sleeping in this morning....that is a GOOD THING.
No visitors to our nest since I have been on here.
It is 71° right now, going up to 86° with a 50% chance of rain after 4 o'clock. We surely do need the rain...our garden is VERY dry. These HOT days dry the ground out so quickly after a nice rain.
Have a great Saturday, ALL.

movin said...


i'M up for a few minutes hopefully. Couldn't resist logging on early for once.

Have a great Saturday.



Costume Lady said...

Enjoy your weekend.

movin said...

Morning, Wanda. It looks like they're all asleep yet in a lot of sites I watch.

Anyway, I'm still tired, so I think I shall head back to the rack.



paula eagleholic said...

Good morning, all.

Pretty, but MT nest at present.

Haven't checked out anything else...still on first cuppa!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Jim...I agree, more sleep, looks like you didn't get very much! Enjoy, and we'll see you later!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I think we are in for another SUNNY--HOT & HUMID DAY---but temp will stay in 80s--and expect scattered showers later in the day!!---It's Saturday!!--called the 'SLEEP IN DAY'-----temp is 76° here in WV--HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE----PLUS--3 FREE-LOADING MOUNTAINEERS!!!---Guessing they haven't checked in for their R&R yet!!---LIFE IS GOOD on this last Saturday in JUNE!!!---STEVE---"LIVE WOULD BE GOOD TOO"!!------LET US ALL ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS DAY HERE IN THE MOUNTAINS!!!!---ENJOY LIFE!!

paula eagleholic said...

SR nest - Gulliver did fledge yesterday - Steff saw him off the nest...he is fine!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'!! MAGPIE---WANDA--MOVIN' JIM---& PAULA!---MORNIN' FLOWER GIRL!!----We know you are up too!!---'clip--clip--clip---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Mountaineer in the nest!!

normabyrd said...

BEAUTIFUL FLAMINGO are out this am----but haven't spied any 'little flamingos'---maybe later!!!--

paula eagleholic said...

May have been a food drop...big wing spread picture now!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like eaglet is eating!

Can't tell which one at present

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Norma!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---GREAT pic of the EAGLET coming in for a landing!!!---Wish RP was up!!!---Did you see it JIM?

paula eagleholic said...

WOW look at those eaglet wings! Beautiful!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Jim went back to bed too soon!

normabyrd said...

My picture of the landing EAGLET is frozen!!---But I enjoy the pic!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thought eaglet was eating...if it was, it wasn't much...looks like lots of flapping going on

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, eaglet was already in nest at that point! Been doing wing flapping

normabyrd said...

PAULA---I never know if JIM is getting up or going back to bed!!--Must have a hard time sleeping!!--I think that would be awful!!---I am blessed---I sleep like a log!!!----

paula eagleholic said...

I think eaglet is trying to eat something that is either still flapping or a turtle maybe...

normabyrd said...

PAULA---That mischievous FREE-LOADING MOUNTAINEER is either eating or praying!!---can't tell which???

paula eagleholic said...

So do I head hits that pillow and I am out!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Pearl in the nest

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest!!

MITS said...

GOOD SATURDAY A.M. EVERYONE...Try to stay cool:)

paula eagleholic said...

Morning Mits! Enjoy the ocean today! And your Jubby!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!!---ENJOY that nice OCEAN BREEZE!!!----while we "sweat" it out!!----ho-----

normabyrd said...

Check both PANDAS!!---I think I have them straight!!---the 'LITTLE PRINCE' is asleep in his private den!!----The other is a RIOT!!---"HANGING OVER THE WOOD FENCE"!!!---SISSY MUST NOT BE UP YET!!!!!

normabyrd said...

The CHIMNEY SWIFT is moving her body around quite a bit!!!---think maybe??

Lolly said...

Good morning all! Strange how the wood duck sometimes leaves the eggs uncovered other times no sign of the eggs as she covers them so well.

Hot day here again. Chance of thunder storms tomorrow. Need the rain so badly!!!

deb said...


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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...