Friday, June 20, 2008


New thread.


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Costume Lady said...

Must be Tiny up in his favorite spot. Like father, like son.

paula eagleholic said...

2 eaglets still in the nest, one eating at 6, other perched at 12

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Wanda Norma and Deb!

Skeeter stick works good for after the bite...I think she's looking for something to keep her off them in the first place!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA WANDA!!!----Must tell you that every Fri.-- eat w/same friends---LAST NIGHT---I WORE THE EAGLE NECKLACE that you had given us!!!----You will not believe the # of people that admired it & wanted to know where they could get one!!---I do talk about EAGLES--(now & then)-- ho!---Thank you again!!!----

deb said...

I had that new Off on yesterday, they got in my hair and attacked my neck. I am looking for something to spray behind the bushes that will kill them. I figure the farm supply store can help me out. The city should be spraying, I don't know what they are waiting for.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet that was at 12 has left the nest!

One still in the nest...think it's Pearl

Costume Lady said...

I think I got another FACIAL coming to me. I will try the two that I have and post the results later. WHOOPIE!

deb said...

I am going to look for that Skeeter Stick stuff, though, my neck is driving me crazy!

deb said...

I can't wait to see the results of two facials at once!

normabyrd said...

PA PERGRINE FALCONS---No FALCONS VISABLE at the site---But read they have been roosting atop the high bldgs around!!!---They have FALCON watchers who report where they are!!----(last update at nest---announces the # of eggs laid)--ho!

normabyrd said...

DEB---Will check w/daughter in FL to see what she uses on the kids!!
Hope they didn't get around your eyes!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Paula, Mits, Deb, Ceil, Wanda ( :

I'll have to check out those nest Ceil ( :

Wanda yes you must let us know how the facials go. "I love the pics hee hee Jim and others". ( :

Deb good thing to put on skeeter bites is called "CalaGel" it is clear and good for Poison Oak and Ivy and alot of other things.

paula eagleholic said...

My Electric went off for a moment, and when I got everything back up, the nest is MT!!

wvgal_dana said...

Deb I rub it in until the area I put it on is dry. Get for the itch.

paula eagleholic said...

Walmart should have the skeeter stick

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna go rustle up some breakfast...BBL

normabyrd said...

DEB---Daughter--says they use---BENADRYL "ITCH RELIEF STICK"---says it works for them---HOPE IT DOES FOR YOU!!

normabyrd said...

DEB---Not with the program again!------just reread you are hunting for something to spray on the mosquitoes----file my tip under--LATER MOSQUITO BITES!!!!

deb said...

I have plenty of bites from yesterday afternoon, when they got me the first time. I had company, so couldn't get to the farm store before it closed. I better get going now, so I can spray soon. With all of our rain, they are thick. :(

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning out there in Eagle Land to all of you!

Another week has passed us by.. quickly I may add. Good to see all of you here this morning. Lots of sunshine out there.

Going to check out cams & emails and get my coffee!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, "Eagle Buddies".

Mema Jo said...

Wild Watch Cams

Little bluebird baby should fly out of there soon.
Burrowing owls still asleep in burrow
Osprey still nesting - hope they have a hatch soon.
Kent - nothing but Maine forum has many many photos from PattiO
Lake Washington-those 2 eaglets should be ready to branch or even fledge soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mits, Jo, and Sharon ( :

No dolphins yet Mits ... you know I always love the dolplhins awwww.

Those flamingo nest at the zoo. It looks like shovel marks in the dirt. Do they have to soften the soil or dig part of the nest for them Mits?

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---EAGLE KIDS---Thanks for checking in----I began to think 'no body loves me---i was getting ready to go eat worms'----I know not FUNNY!!---MORNIN' JO--SHARON & HELEN!!!

ceil said...

Helen, do you know how long before the flamingoes eggs hatch. Good morning Deb. It is going to be a bad year almost all around for mosquitoes Morning Sharon and Mema Jo. Beautiful morning weather wise in B'more.

normabyrd said...

DANA---Aren't the FLAMINGO nests on the ROCKS?----Only one egg!--They were showing them this am--when CEIL was here!!---Must recheck!!!

normabyrd said...

30 days CEIL!!----Mate helps build nest!!

movin said...

Good morning.


I'm up again, but who knows for how long. Did read a lot of the recent comments. Was surprised to see all the eaglets had been in the nest. There were none in it when I signed back in, and my live feed seems to be down too.

I think we used Campho Phenique (sp?) when I was a kid. We used that for a lot of things like, and it would soothe an insect bite or a jelly fish sting.

But in Nam we had a killer repellent. At dusk we would put our shirts on, roll our sleeves down and button up. Then we would smear this repellent on all exposed areas... Really worked great (stinks though), and the alternative of thousands of bites and very possibly malaria was not what anyone wanted. (I think it contains DEETS, so you might ask the druggist about something like that.)


MITS said...

I don't know Dana, think the flamingo do it on their own, someone at zoo told me that hatching might be next keep an eye out for them,,,,still on old PC, I have that annoying security thing keep popping up on blog, Sharon can't remember how to fix it....can reply and send e-mails, but when I push send button, computer clears all the pages I have up....going back out on the balcony for some more coffee and sun:)

ceil said...

Helen did Jubby bring your labtop? Everyone there was an interesting story on the National zoo bird cam about a bird named Romeo. They shipped his butt to Canada to mate. He really gave the other birds and keepers and visitors a fit. He would steal anything that was not nailed down so they moved him several times but finally found him a mate.

normabyrd said...

They are covered with mud mounds!!------

MITS said...

lol, yes Jubby brought my lap top, but he slept in this a.m. and it is supposed to rain tomorrow, so I am not pushing for him to hock it up

ceil said...

Thanks Norma. Have never seen a baby flamingo.

wvgal_dana said...

Facts from the zoo on flamingos:

Pairs of males and females make mud-mound nests, and incubate only one egg for about 30 days. Chicks leave the nest after ten days, and join a group of other chicks, called a crèche, watched by a few adults.

MITS said...

I read that about Romeo...he was something else....don't forget to read the June 20 th post on Mei Xiang it was too long to copy and paste.

wvgal_dana said...

I have never either Ceil. Now we have another cam so we can see a "baby flamingo chick" ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I hope someone can do a video of the chick in case we miss it.

ceil said...

That's my brother in law. I thought he would be on the beach by now.

MITS said...

me too, I'm not going down til this afternoon sometime....

ceil said...

Thanks Dana. We do learn a lot on this blog. I read the update on Mei. Hope we do get another baby panda.

MITS said...

the zoo website is just loaded with great info, and they have their own search button, just put in an animal and they will search on their site for info, very reliable stuff too.

MITS said...

I'd like to see 2 panda cubs, but that would be alot of work

ceil said...

I'm glad 3 were seen in the nest this morning. I saw two when I looked in.I am off to do some errands. Enjoy the day everyone. BBL

movin said...

Santa Cruz hackers

There's a 4 1/2-5 min. clip of the eaglets in the hacker tower. It's at the bottom of this page, and there are some comments too.



normabyrd said...

DANA----The small grey flamingos are the CHICKS that were hatched in the spring!!----

my computer is hardly moving at all!!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim ( : you have new mail on the 3 ducklings.

normabyrd said...

MEI was on national news---either last night or night before!!

normabyrd said...

WANDA---Did you read my earlier blog in re:--your EAGLE NECKLACES!
Do you sell them??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey Mits, is that Tian on the panda cam?

wvgal_dana said...


Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO - I can't resist this one!
MITS I know that Ceil was ribbing you on your typo about Jubby BUT now you have another one that is giving me a belly laugh (TY-I needed one)
When do you think Jubby will hock it up? lol

MITS said...

good, Lord, and I have not even started on the G&T's yet,

Mema Jo said...

It must be the sea breeze!

MITS said...

I'll go with that reason, Jo

movin said...

Fallen eaglet

Hey, here's another really interesting article I found on the IWS site.



MITS said...

Sharon, not ignoring your question, not sure who it was.

paula eagleholic said...

Out to work in the yard...will check in later!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you had better answer me and not ignore me! :)

MITS said...

okie dokie, Ms Sharon:)

MITS said...

off to beach, later:)

wvgal_dana said...

Don't know if anyone commented yet THERE IS A FLAMINGO CHICK A CHICK A CHICK

wvgal_dana said...

The camera person at the zoo is aiming in on the chick it is white. hee hee It hasn't tried to stand yet. Oh boy!!

deb said...

I am back from the store. I sure didn't think I would be gone this long. The best killing mosquito spray is bad for birds and animals, darn. So I am trying Terro spray. The mosquitos and gnats didn't like it, I sprayed and had to run to escape the bug cloud. No Skeeter Stick left--must work well. I am trying something else, will let you know if it works. Then I went to the grocery store, what a madhouse. It was fruit and vegetable morning and everyone must have wanted the stuff just like me. Coupons for milk, 1.29 for 1/2 gallon, Coke 12 packs for 1.98, on and on. I got lots of good stuff for cheap!

wvgal_dana said...

Jim I pray the eaglet on the ground will be ok from preditors.

IrisF said...

NEW THREAD, come on over!!!

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo! Just saw a baby flamingo - He was uncovered and I got a good look! Mom just sat on him!

DC Zoo Flamingo Cam - new chick

wvgal_dana said...

Iris says NEW THREAD

hedgie said...

Wanda...saw your post from last night. Great pic of your Mom enjoying her crabs, and lovely daughter! Where do you take your Mom for crab? I didn't recognize the decor! Sorry you were alone...was the Captain already asleep?

hedgie said...

WUSA 9 started their "panda watch" coverage yesterday! As always, many references to the butter stick!

hedgie said...

Great article, Jim. Pics were fantastic, weren't they? TY.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...