Wednesday, April 06, 2016


New thread.


WVJerry said...

Thanks for New Thread Steve.

WVJerry said...

Was checking for Jo news. Have to go back to work.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thanks, Jerry for the call over! Congrats on your feather!

And thanks, Steve, for the new thread!

Sunny but a wee bit cooler today. Thank goodness as yesterday got a wee bit too warm. More work in the yard today. Filling pots with flowers and have hanging baskets to create!

Prayers for Jo! Certainly do miss her on here!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to JERRY for the call over. Enjoy that feather, JERRY!

Like all of you I came looking for JO and Lennox family news. Thanks to those who've been able to supply us with some detail. Prayer, prayer and more prayer is the best thing we can do right now and that's a given for the Momster Family!

Wow, is it ever windy at Sycamore Palace, but our wee eaglets seem to be weathering it well under the watchful eye of a loving parent. Feeding just began--always sweet to see.

A-Krogering I must go--Rx's are in and I can't go in those doors without shopping elsewhere in the store. Think I'll drop into the neighboring Target, too. See y'all later, at least I'll be checking for reports on JO and nest activity.

Prayers for all in need!!!


NatureNut said...

Just checking in for Momster news. It sure is cold and windy again today. Thought we would get blown away outside at Park yesterday. Only saw a couple osprey flying high.
Good that all the eaglets have a warm fuzzy blanket!
Prayers for all, esp. Jo and Wanda's knee.

glo said...

There is a plan in place for Megan to bring an outdoor flower box to Jo in early may for exactly the reason mentioned with Jo's COPD . Thinking the flowers should be outside. More info to come on that once Megan thinks it's warm enough for the flowers to be outside. She will deliver what we want and I will invite all of you to join in who want to. Meanwhile it is definitely time for snail mail.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Just checking the box - thanks Steve for a mid-week thread and thanks Jerry for the call over.

I will check in as I can for news/updates about Jo.


Hoda said...

Checking in for updates about Jo.
Glo I am with you 100% on outdoor gift plant idea. Thank you for your leadership. We will await further instructions when you and Megan think it is right in regards the weather.
Keep us posted please.
Love you Jo.

Hoda said...

Enjoy the day everyone.
Keep an eye out for our Matriarch, Eagle Lady Jo...

JudyEddy said...




your head dress is looking good

Holding Jo close to heart and sending healing thought her way
hope it is just over exertion from the day trip to the zoo

and count me in for $ for flower

JudyEddy said...

JO shared a picture on FB of Master Elliot on a organ piano thing

glo said...

Jo also posted her usual daily greeting for today Wednesday. She sends thanks to all Momsters and Dadsters for their thoughts and prayers. I am wondering if she is having trouble getting on blog or just making those couple of brief posts knowing we are all sharing in love and prayers going her way or coming our way too. So good to see a post from her :-)

glo said...

Post on private momster chat from Jo All you Momsters and dadsters know that I am thinking of you and hope it's ok to send messages from Jenny

NCSuzan said...

Glo, i'm pretty sure she is just doing the minimum and that's pretty darn good. Did a double take when I saw her name mentioned on the other blog! Thanks for letting us know.

glo said...


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Received the following from Jo just a few minutes ago:

I am just now at my computer but it isn't going to last very long
Was in er all of Monday - no blood clots - just pain........... taking pain meds
Next time up I'll try to make it to the blog - however; let others know that I am alive and will soon be back.

Elated to see something from Jo. Please, no other social media forums.

Sandi said...

Yay - thanks for the good news!

Hoda said...

Happy Happy Happy Dance!
Thank you Judie, Glo, JudyE for news of Jo posting.
Best ever.
Love you Jo

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets. Awesome to see Jo posting anywhere.

I love us!

"I came for the eagles and stayed for the friendships I have made."

I haven't been able to watch the cam like I want to. This pesky work thing is getting in my way. I'm working a full time job, a part time job, taking care of animals, taking care of my recovery and time just slips right away.

Still issues with Chris, Mattie and Justin's "biological father". They had to take out another domestic violence petition last night against him. Today he told Mattie she was dead to him. I wish he would find another life somewhere else and leave my family alone. Rant over.

I am now guardian/conservator for my 83-year-old Aunt Glenna, my Daddy's sister. She is in a nursing home but is able to move into an apartment as soon as I can find her one. She is in the dementia ward at the nursing home and I have to tell ya, my mind wouldn't last very long there if I didn't have dementia. She has mental health issues but not dementia, or at least very mild dementia.

My other aunt, Aunt Libby, lost a daughter to fungal pneumonia, one will probably be on oxygen for the rest of her life because of it and her oldest daughter has cancer in her abdomen, not exactly sure where yet. She also shattered her kneecap a couple of days after she found out about the cancer. Please keep them both in your thought and prayers.

Life is crazy for the Crisco family. I am not sure if I have posted all of this stuff before but there you have it. If I did, skip over it. Maybe I have a little dementia? EEEK!!

This weekend, I get to go to Regional Service for NA in Ripley on Saturday and then Saturday night, Becky and I will be spending the night at my baby boy's (aka Andrew) and his beloved spouse's place. I cannot wait.

glo said...

Judie Thanks for that added info from MeMa Jo I will post it no where else. Sometimes it's just for the Momsters. That's my thought. If she wants info on other groups she is a part of ( she is pretty loved :-)) she will get that info there herself or from Jenny. I think that news was from you to us . :-) It was wonderful to have her post even for a short while.

Sorry for the family chaos Sharon.

NatureNut said...

GOOD Afternoon!!!!! How happy that Jo has been in touch!
Glo, please count me in on a Megan flower box.
Thoughts and prayers to all, and now sending lots to Sharon's family and to her. Seems Shar is in charge and she can use support! FROM ALL

Also, know Lynne needs help moving. If I had an A+ body, I'd be there. Good Luck!

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon. I see Shamrock and Clover being fed. Also, see Judie's update on Jo. Thanks Judie for sharing. Sounds like Jo is getting stronger. Sharon - I am sorry for all your problems as well. I would like to contribute to Jo's flower project as well. Just let me know how and when. Have a peaceful evening. Maybe there will be an outstanding Jeopardy show for Jo tonight.

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Headed to the scullery.

My thinking is that Jo meant her comment to me to be provided only to the bloggers. My sense is that she is simply too weak/medicated to do much computering. Maybe tomorrow.

When it comes to Jo, Megan will outdo herself with beauteous flowers. Jo can then sit on her porch looking at the flowers and feeding her squirrels and birds. Perhaps Mr. Newt will join her.

Sharon, hope all the family crises resolve quickly.

Babes enjoying the last of the sun's rays for today.

Unknown said...

good evening to one and all.
checking in for JO news....holding her close. holding space with light and love

just ordered my oldest granddaughter's bday gift. she wanted roller skates. not inline skates. roller skates! at last, something I can relate to!
lol raspberry pink with blue trim AND (tah dah) blue pom poms! I don't think kids these days know about the joys of having a ga-zillion pom poms on your skates as you roll along...I am going to try to introduce that to them.... he he he

THANKS to STEVE for the new thread and to WVJerry for the call over!
its been a lovely day.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep - especially Jo.

stronghunter said...

Time for sleep. Rest well everyone.
Hoping that Jo will be posting again soon.

Lynne2 said...

Hi guys, just checking for "Jo" news! I'm keeping those prayers going with the rest of you!

JudyEddy said...

Hoping JO has a restful night and with morning light is feeling better

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

NCSuzan said...

Hoping Jo is having a restful and pain free sleep. Grateful she was able to be for a few today.

Hope everyone has a good evening too.

Lolly said...

Time to put my head down. Busy day outside. Getting a lot accomplished while we have nice weather. Back out again tomorrow!

So happy we had a little communication with Jo today. God bless her! Prayers for an answer and healing!

Wanda seems to be recovering well. Having her daughters with her is awesome. Also, recovering in that beautiful sun room is bound to do her wonders.

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Continuing prayers for Jo.
Very Happy Queen Lynne checked in. With you in spirit. Some hard steps to take. Be compassionate towards yourself.
Shar I have been praying for you and your family. An awful lot of stuff going on there...

Good night.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, prayers continue. Hope you feel up to visiting the blog today - I miss you!

Shar, that's a LOT on one person's plate - SHEW! Stay strong! Glad you will be getting an Andrew fix soon.

Judy, what's the latest on the truck?

Physical therapy at 9am, nails at 11am, haircut at 1pm. Warmer today but cloudy and rainy.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Looks like a wet adult eagle - Belle I'm pretty sure - tenting to keep the chicks dry.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Hoping Jo was able to sleep and regain some strength. Maybe today she will be able to post a few words.

Rainy day. Adult tenting to keep Shamrock and Clover warm and dry.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Thinking of JO as the day begins
and hoping she has improved in her pain management
and return soon

JudyEddy said...

One very very wet adult in cup area and one dry one just landed Where do they go to stay dry?? In with food also and seems to be eating what was brought in at 5
heading out

SANDI truck is a PIA they put 2 more in it and it still whines I haven't a clue what to do I guess have to live with it

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another beautiful day ahead. Storms coming Sunday evening and Monday. Then again later on next week. Doing what I can when I can! Then sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labors. Lol

Thinking of you, Jo. Prayers for you!

Yes, that is a bedraggled eagle!! Presently up and feeding the children.

Sandi, would love to get my nails done, but a big waste of time. I wear gloves but they do not protect enough. My nails, which are thin and weak were looking pretty good before all the work in the yard. Now they are a disaster. Thought I had found gloves this week that would work better however they turned my nails blue. NOT a pretty site! Oh, well, life has worse problems. Not to worry, will just try to clean them well after each day! Still wear gloves and just wish they did better!

Time to throw clothes I the dryer, walk and then get outside!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Just stopping in for any updates on Jo. Stopped raining in our area for now. Probably check back later or tomorrow morning sometime.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I use only gel and my nails last one month My nails are ripply lol wavy sort of and thin
My daughter choose the acrylic polish on her porcelain nails
Now I have gone for repairs inbetween appts though
I never got my nails done regularly until this past Dec when we went on the cruise and have had them done ever since I do the tip but not white I do gold which makes it thicker for cracking etc
Just got back in and now going out again
bought some acrylic spray to spray my finished project I painted I had old 2001 WinnePooh statue in yard and they were horrible from the weather so I decided to paint I am giving Angie 3 for Jordyn also

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Love seeing our beautiful eagle family--Clover and Shamrock are already sprouting those little pinfeathers. How quickly they change. They seem to be equally spunky and I love seeing that. Just about time for the cam swing.

This neck of the woods is into a second day of rain, but the storms of yesterday have subsided giving way to gentle showers.

Remembering JO, TORI, WANDA, SANDI, LYNNE & STEVE, SHAR's clan and any other Momsters/Dadsters/Kidsters or Petsters in need of God's special touch, as I pray off and on through the day and night.


NCSuzan said...

Good afternoon!

Kay, I am really noticing their feets this week! Growing so fast and mom and dad are keeping their tummies full. Anybody seen a poop shoot?

Hope Jo is mending today. I am believing no news is good news and she is getting stronger as each second ticks away!

Will stay vigilant with healing thoughts for Jo and all on the lists.

Sandi said...

Hi all. My shoulder has been worked on, my nails are now a shiny red, and my split ends are history. I feel like a new person! BTW Kay, no need for prayers for me - I am feeling 100% since I started the antibiotics on Tuesday. But thanks for thinking of me!

Lolly, if I didn't have acrylic over my natural nails, they would be a mess and not worth even polishing. But with the acrylic, they rarely crack or break and the polish doesn't even chip in the 2 weeks that I go between my trips to the salon. Getting my nails done has been my big indulgence for over 20 years. I rarely buy new clothes, or shoes, or purses, or jewelry and I pack my lunch every day rather than buying food in the school cafeteria, so getting my nails done every 2 weeks is my treat for me.

I hope Jo is feeling better today and look forward to when she hops back onto the blog.


stronghunter said...


Came in from bowling and found the electrician waiting in front of the house. He checked the connections on the kitchen light, tightened the screws on it and promised to be back next week to do the other repairs we need.

I was talking with one of my bowling partners today. She's 79, comes in to bowl at least twice a week, then goes to work from 2-8 five days a week. She provides care for an "old person." I bowl two mornings a week and often take a nap in the afternoon. I feel lazy.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

DC nests are cloaked in near darkness as the skies are looking like more rain and storm. Rain has begun at my abode.

NCTC looks a little breezy but did not see rain drops.

Shirley, I have often wondered how you became so lazy following retirement. Some people, such as your bowling partner and our Hoda, just seem to never run out of energy. I ran out of energy many years ago and became a sloth. We are past due for a Hunter story, please and thank you.

Sandi, glad you are feeling better.

Suzan, I too have noticed the eaglets feets more. They are starting to sit up trying to toddle about on those clown feet. So cute.

Kay, hope the nasty weather has subsided and you and Penny were out for short walks.

Hope to hear from Glo, Lynne1, and Hoda soon.

Would be ecstatic to see a post from Jo.

Off to the scullery.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Belle just came in with a branch that was not the best choice for the nest. It has twigs in all different directions. Battling it for sure.

I cannot believe how big the babies are getting.

Mema Jo, I love you much. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


NCSuzan said...

Much fluggeration going on.

NCSuzan said...

Check it out! Did you see one of the chicks move fluff to?

NCSuzan said...

Don't think I have noticed that before.

Fell asleep at my desk making a grocery list! Better get back to it!

JudyEddy said...

Poop shoot I did capture two and they are on fb and em album
At Jordyn gym

Hoda said...

Good evening.
All day prayers for Jo and her well being and comfort.
As a Library Board Member I encourage reading and we have a program where authors come to the library to read. We serve Tapas and make a social night on the town of it!
April we have four such events.
I encourage University students to attend.
Today I drove to two neighbouring towns to let them know what is coming up in the Nelson Library. It was all very well received.
I have Dragon Boat Dry Land Training practice tonight.
I am presently at my flat for an hour or so to have a cup of tea, be still and express gratitude.
Judie the way I feel now is that the most I likely have left is 32 years. If I hit a hundred I rather expect I will want to slow down some...meanwhile the clock is ticking!!! Tic Toc Tic Toc....!!!!
I have no idea how I found time to rock!!!

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha!
Make that work not rock!!!
I was nuttier than a fruit cake so I know how I found time to rock then!!

JudyEddy said...

STEVE made a comment under the live feed

""""The Sycamore tree is suffering from Anthracnose, caused by the fungus Apiognomonia venata, a condition that begins to kill higher branches and will eventually kill the whole tree. The tree is alive now and will leaf out, but the limbs the nest sits on are deteriorating slowly. We removed limbs that were dead to allow the tree to focus more energy on the living limbs, and that was a help. We worry too when we see how much the nest moves, but it could serve to support the weakend limbs (to a point, at least)."

glo said...

Checking in for Judie :-) I have scanned the blog a couple of times looking for MeMa Jo but have had a tremendously busy day. Ready for a relaxing evening now. Prayers continue for the many needs known to all on here. AOYP everyone.

grannyblt said...

Both parents in nest now feeding the family.

Shirley, I am in awe of people like your bowling friend. I know a couple of people like Hoda, who are full of vim and vigor and involved with many community activities. I'm on the slothful side I'm afraid.

Snow is predicted here on Friday night. Boo!

Judie said...

Oh Hoda, you do indeed rock! Looking for you to rock (and work for good causes) for at least the next 32 years. You go girl! Oh, by the way, Dudley has been sulking in the corner for the longest time waiting for you to return. He wants to know if you would entertain his company again? JMHO: Dudley is in love with Hoda (and he loves Nelson brownies).

Steve has had the dreadful task of being the bearer of not-so-good news. Of course, we all know the tree is old and has been in decline for some time. Maybe momster prayers will be heard by Belle and Shep and they will select a new tree very nearby and then more momster prayers that cameras can be moved to a new healthier location. If all else fails, perhaps a steady dose of Prednisone would help the Sycamore Palace.

Glo, thanks for stopping by. Glad you had a busy day. How're the critters?

Suzan, I have seen eaglets mimic the adults in just plucking at a piece of flugg. It really is too cute.

I am disappointed tonight. I ordered online a case (24) of the J Boys favorite food which arrived this afternoon. Of 24 cans, ten are severely damaged and I dare not risk feeding my boys food that could harm them. So, in addition to foraging tomorrow, I must visit the local PetCo to see what can be done. PetCo does not carry this variety in store. I will have to go to Pet Smart. Sure hope I can manage an angst-free return and credit from PetCo.

Continued prayers for Jo and her recovery. Prayers for The Family Lennox.

Restful and restorative sleep for all.

NCSuzan said...

Good evening.

Judie, sorry for your troubles with the boys delivery today. Hope you are able to get some restitution. Also, I have seen eaglets move flugg around before but thought they were a little older than our guys.

Sorry to read more bad news about the nest tree.

Hope Jo is sleeping comfortably knowing that prayers are being offered up for her healing.

Looks a little breezy in the nest. Adult and toddlers sleeping soundly.

Lolly said...

Another day spent outside! Same tomorrow!😃

Tonight I watched American Idol! It was great! Really enjoyed it!

We have known the tree has problems. I am amazed we have had the nest this long.

Heading to the shower. Nite all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday. 1 work day and then the weekend - I can do this!

Jo, hope your pain has subsided and that you are feeling well enough to rejoin the blog today. I love you.

Have a greyt day all.

Hoda said...

Praying Jo rested well.Love to you Jo.
All good here. Gearing up for a Grans huge fund raiser today and Saturday. Also an Eco Society Annual Fund raiser Sunday.
I have two concerts to attend and one Yoga Workshop.
Prayers continue for everyone.

Jewels said...

Good morning.
At work today and getting to see the Beautiful Margy, as I am back on days with her. :)
Have had Momma Jo in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that she can rejoin the blog. Hope you are feeling better Momma Jo!! Have checked in with her daughter Jennifer and she is going to keep me posted.
Prayer to all my Momsters and Dadsters. So much going on here and there.
Jessica had her ultrasound Tuesday. IT's A GIRL!!!!! Mom would have been estatic. AS she did not want boys at all..... lol very adamant about that! Jess and baby are healthy and doing well. She has gained 16 lbs. but its all baby and belly. Baby weighs in at 11 ounces now. I am getting so excited!!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Geesh, I had hoped winter would be over at this point. At least, I was able to get the ice off the windshield with a few squirts of washer fluid.

Yesterday evening was wild around here. Wind, rain, hail. As Hunter said, it was the worst hailstorm we have seen since the one we experienced in Denver. That one was bad enough to get on the national news. All of that nasty weather came with a big drop in temperatures. Now they are talking about possible snow this weekend.

stronghunter said...

Happy to see that things are going so well for Jessica, Carolyn.

Hope that your Friday is a good one, Sandi. Yes, you can do it. :)

Hello there, Hoda. It is delightful to see you here. You have been missed.

Oh good grief, Judie! I am sorry that the kitty food arrived in such poor condition. Perhaps you can request the company send an immediate replacement without charging you any delivery costs. They need to understand that J and J must have their special food right now.

As for Hunter, he has taken to wearing the warm hoodie I gave him for Christmas (with his shorts) on these cold spring mornings. The hailstorm yesterday got him excited enough that he tried to catch some hailstorms in a pan stuck out from the shelter of the front porch. He didn't get anything, though, as he was smart enough to avoid venturing beyond the shelter of the porch. We discussed the fact that hail means the atmosphere is very disrupted and that tornadoes are possible.

I had picked him up at school earlier, and there was a beautiful rainbow over the school. However, that rainbow came just before all of the violent storms.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, those young eagles are really getting big. The nest is rocking back and forth in the wind. Breakfast is being served. The grass in the background is greening.

stronghunter said...

Tell Margy that I said hello, Carolyn. Would love to see a message from her.

Jewels said...

I will be sure to tell her hello Shirley !! She said hello back!

JudyEddy said...





2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...