Monday, April 18, 2016


New thread.


Kay said...

Thank you, Steve! I'll put out the call over.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Another gorgeous day, hoping to enjoy it to the fullest and wishing the same good fortune for each of you.

LORI, thanks for the info. Glad you have time to hunt for just the right home! Lucky are the critters who wind up with a Lori creation to prance around in. Well, bullies don't exactly prance, but they can look proud. Titus, the bully who lives across the driveway from me is a hoot to watch. Like Penny, he's nine years old, but there is a vast difference in their energy level. She'd like for him to play, but he does a good job of ignoring her.

Enjoyed reading up on Momster activities, nest reports and references to JO's welfare. Prayers continue for her and all in need!!!


Kay said...

Oh, and LYNNE1, so happy to hear from you and to know you're enjoying time with the "kids" in Tulsa. I have some vegetarians in my family, but only one vegan. That vegan is still in college, so hasn't entertained any of the family yet. I have given up meats of all kinds, using the Boca and MorningStar soy products available, but I can't give up eggs and dairy. I don't forgo anything when a guest in someone's home and I provide meat for guests when appropriate, but different strokes for different folks, eh? I think you are a lot like me. When I visit my kiddos I want to see and experience the way they live, watch the TV shows they watch, go to their favorite places. Then I can take home an accurate picture of their lives. Also, like you, I've exposed all of mine to Belle n' family, but none have become "nest nuts". Hope the storms hitting OK have not and do not interfere with your good time!

Hoda said...

Good morning
Thank youn Steve and Kay
Prayers for Jo

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a new thread. Thanks Kay for the call over.

Lori, good to see you on the blog! Good luck with the house hunt.

Lynne, I would be most unhappy in a vegan house. My daughter-in-law is vegitarian but at least I could always count on finding fresh eggs in the frig when they lived in WV, since they had chickens. And Brian is a carnivore, except for pork - out of respect for his pet pigs. But you're right that family is far more important than food - enjoy your time there.

It is one warm, beautiful day outside. My kayak and I will be bonding shortly. Say a little prayer that I don't end up bonding with the bay water as well!


Sandi said...

Make that vegetarian, not vegitarian.

Hi Hoda!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds





just got home from the ford dropping truck off Cross fingers or what ever else you can that I don't get a squeaky truck back I told them don't call me and tell me its ready if it makes nose still Don't think they appreciated that comment

I had them drop me a McD and I walked home from there

SANDI thanks for bringing the mssge about JO over I also saw last night about the same time you did

I also wonder what kind of PT they are giving her??

I also think our babes are not that cute at this stage.
To me they look prehistoric

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY the weather looks horrible in TX saying over 20 inches in some area

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, weather is awful. We are up to four inches and thankful it is not more. Many areas have received a lot more! And, more rain to come! Personally we do NOT need it. We were still muddy from the last rain weeks ago. We are now back to standing water in the yard. Yucko!

It was a good weekend weight wise. Family here Friday, party Saturday, no walking and I am now down 26 pounds! Whoa! Feeling really good about that and happy with where I am. However, if the weight continues to drop, that is not a bad thing! I love cooking, I love eating, just trying to it right! Lol

Shirley, Skippi sleeps all evening and then at bed time it is "let's see what I can knock off the dresser to get my people up!" Or, she gets on the bed,between one of our legs and bathes. Jack won't tolerate it, but I fall asleep. She is with us every morning, patiently waiting for us to stir, then she wants petting and purrs loudly.

Two eaglets sleeping at opposite sides of the nest. Seems like the flugg in the middle would be more comfortable than the sticks at the sides! JMHO

Have a great day. I am going to start making lists for our trip, maybe a little grossssssserie shopping. No work in the Hawkwood Swamp!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LOOK at them pin feathers really can see good with it zoomed in

Lolly said...

Love the zoom in! Want it out all the time but this occasional zoom I is great!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I just wondering if there was someone there
Hey if they want someone to man the controls I would be more that willing I know Petes Pond has people around the world doing that

Tour was just going on and everything is so pretty I love the scenery in the area and looks like we are back to full zoom

JudyEddy said...

got some pretty good snips close up of the eaglets so cool when it was zoomed in I also feel the same way LOLLY with it being zoomed in at times this way we can see the feathers and oh they are breathing so hard must be hot there
I wonder what the temp is
Just saw a shadow fly over the nest

JudyEddy said...

we have wingerzing by Shamrock

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everybody. Watching these babies. There are no crib rails from 12-3 o'clock and I'm thinking we probably need some there.

Also I thought I was going to have to go there with an umbrella and a water hose. They looked pretty hot.

And I just have to say, they have faces only a mother could love right now. Well, and maybe a bunch of momsters and dadsters.

I am trying to recover from losing my Buphals but it certainly is a slow process. Miss him really bad.

Mema Jo posted a comment on my Facebook post the other day. Best gift ever!


stronghunter said...


Jo just posted on Facebook:

Jo Lennox SHirley my comments still can't get into our blog - i can read - tell everyone I MISS THEM AND THINK OF THEM DAILY

stronghunter said...

Hi Sharon,

I am so sorry about your loss of Buphals.

It isn't just the faces, Sharon. :)But we do love them anyway.

stronghunter said...

Two eaglets alone in the nest right now.

stronghunter said...

Right at the edge, but in a spot where there is a rail. Yikes! I see that wide-open area. Yes, crib rail is needed there.

stronghunter said...

81 degrees in Shepherdstown. Summer weather has arrived.

Lori O. said...

Looks like Belle in the nest trying to shade the little ones right now.

Lolly said...

Yay! Jo has made a few posts on fb! She is also reading here! Just can not post!

🌹🌹🌹JO......we are going to do a habby dance when you get back here! You are so missed! Love and hugs!!!🌹🌹🌹

Niece in Houston could not go to work today. Telling people to stay home as there is so much flooding. She works at a law firm in downtown Houston. Going to do some work on line from home. They live in the area that got 15 inches of rain. My sister on the west side did not get that much rain. We are both thinking of the fun loading our rv's in the rain! Such joy!

Lolly said...

Up to 70 here! Cooler than WV!

Lori O. said...

Shirley, makes sense about putting the bulbs in all together like a clump. Good to know!

Sandi, Hope you had a great time on the water. I can't even imagine how glorious (gLORIous) that would be! Did you take Janie?

Dairy is the hardest to get off of, but I find a plant based diet is the best for me for losing weight and my brain!

Anyone heard from Lynne 2?

82 dgs here right now. The deck is that plastic wood and it was so hot I burned my foot even after pouring cold water on it. Have to get an umbrella out there. Hoping to plant my pots tomorrow evening.

Radio show is done for the week now, and I've cut out a lot of tulle color combinations but need to sit still and make them now.

Hoping for good news about or from Jo tonight!

Hoda, did you get to do your hike yesterday?

Lori O. said...

Big hugs, Sharon. That's so tough and I'm so sorry.

Lolly, be safe in all that rain!


Sandi said...

Hi all - wow, what a beautiful day for kayaking! Bird count - egrets, blue herons, green herons, ducks, Canadian geese, terns, gulls, osprey, red-winged blackbirds but, as Shar says, no partridge in a pear tree. Found the eagle nest that Denny and I used to hike to but there was no activity in it and no eagles nearby. I was a little over-ambitious and went too far before turning back, but I just stopped and rested a few times and it was worth it. Good for my soul!!!

Lori, I could take either Jenni or Bella in my kayak. Janey would require that I pull a dinghy behind! :)

It's wonderful to see posts from Jo on Facebook. I can't wait til she's home and can post to the blog again.

Pets have been fed - need to throw something together for people. I don't expect to make it back to the blog so I'll say goodnight now. I'll see everyone in the early AM - school tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I've had the nest cam up since 11 a.m. and I do not recall a food delivery or a feeding? Anybody else? May I just missed it?

Hoda said...

Great kayak photos Sandi.
Yes Lori went on my hike all is good.
Happy to see Jo is posting.
Prayers continue.
Thinking of Lynne 2 the Queen Wannabe.
If anyone hears from her please post here.
Waiting for it to cool down so I could go for a bike ride.

Hoda said...

Too hot to eat I would rather think Shar. They ate plenty yesterday.
They were panting today.
Hot Hot Hot!!!

JudyEddy said...

SHAR I also haven't seen any food but their crops are bulging still and each have had several ps today I just noticed Belle going beak to beak with them but they didn't open up never seen that maybe a kiss huh

JudyEddy said...

tree is shaking maybe dad with grub

JudyEddy said...

Belle poof and I thought I heard feather ruffle before she took off

Barbara said...

Got a really good look at Shamrock's head and face -- most of the baby fuzz is gone and a beautiful face is emerging! It's interesting to see how much more mature s/he looks than Clover...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The one at 3 o'clock keeps nodding off. Kind of reminds me of some using addicts I have known. Nod off, head pop back up, nod off, head pop back up. LOL!

JudyEddy said...

I just head either a bee or wasp buzz buzz the cam I thought I heard it yesterday also LOL Nice PS there

LOL Sharon

I nod being old LOL

JudyEddy said...

one is back
no food??

JudyEddy said...

in with a STICK

JudyEddy said...

I think Belle found something in the nest

JudyEddy said...

she is tearing something up so something was buried

Kids being feed

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

whatever it was is gone Was crunchy sounding when it was tore up

JudyEddy said...

getting that buffering like I do nightly and lost the cam also like nightly ODD

JudyEddy said...

got cam back Its odd that it is doing what it use to do

Heading to TV

JudyEddy said...

Doris Roberts died at 90 I loved her in Everyone Loves Raymond

stronghunter said...

Okay, so food is buried in the nest.

Food is an issue here as well. Just heard some noises behind me and looked around to see Cheeto standing in front of the pet food cabinet. He was in a pose that said, "What? I wasn't doin' nothing." We had to lock the door to the bottom cabinet after seeing Cheeto disappear inside the dog food storage section. Later on, I locked the top section where we keep treats and cat food after I found a hole chewed in a bag of cat treats.

From time to time, we see Cheeto trying to defeat the system. Kathryn thinks she might need to purchase a more secure cabinet.

stronghunter said...

Sorry to learn about Doris Roberts.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Really sorry to hear that Doris Roberts has passed away. Ken and I love to watch Everybody Loves Raymond. We'll miss her.

It's been a little cooler here today--88 or 89. Supposed to gradually cool down more each day this week. Really grateful for that!

Lolly, hope the rain there slows down considerably! Our kids got about 4" as well, but have a bit of a lake in their back yard. Their pup, Teavana, is developing cabin fever with all the rain. (She's a German Shorthaired Pointer.)
Jen was going to take her for an hour run if it was just sprinkling when she got home from work today. That pup has been climbing the walls!

JudyE, praying that your truck will be fixed correctly this time, and will not squeak when you get it back!

Jo, if you can read this, I want you to know that I can't wait until you are able to post on the blog again! Hope the pinched nerve is improving FAST! Prayers for you continue as always. Love you!♥♥♥

Shar, you and your family are in my prayers. Tell T-Bird and Mattie that I love them! ♥♥♥

Gotta go feed Emma her dinner--she's reminding me that it's time! Have SED, everyone, and sleep tight. God bless, and goodnight! I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

DELTA has a hatch

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Lolly said...

Good evening! Watched TV and now time to hit the pillows.

After last night's rain it was just cloudy today. Same tomorrow until evening and then more severe weather. Going to get the trailer in the morning. Do not want hail on my trailer!!! Where we store it it is under cover. Scary! But, we need toget it to plug it in and turn on the refrigerator as well as start loading.

Neice in Houston went out tonight to find a way to get to her park and ride. Came to running water over the road and had to turn around. I. Think she should just stay home! She can not park at her usual park and ride.

Heading to bed! Night all!

Hoda said...

48 wildfires in Northern BC.
One evacuation order issued!
This is at least two months early!
Not even summer yet!
Stay safe everyone.
Prayers for Jo
Hoping to hear from Lynne 2

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Hoda, I bet Lolly would gladly send some of her rain to BC! Are stand-up paddleboards popular there? They have become popular here and, while I was out in my kayak yesterday, the only other people I encountered in 3 hours were 2 people on SUPs.

Shar, how is Mattie doing post break-up?

Prayers continue for Jo.

Have a greyt day all.

Unknown said...

good morning!
holding JO close in heart and thought and for all others in need....

quick note: busy Monday: allergy dr and ortho for the kid. then after house was cleaned, laundry done, finished painting kilnz on bathroom walls. couldn't stand it, so then it was go outside. sunny and 80.

planted flower seeds and another clematis. moved rocks. just enjoyed!
Olivia washed the cars for me.

we are in the I want to make money phase. works to my advantage. ;)

everyone have a good day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Sandi, Mattie is not doing well at all post-breakup. "Hot mess" comes to mind. She keeps wanting Jordan to tell her why. She keeps asking everybody if they think he will come back. I'm afraid she is going to need psychiatric/psychologic care through this. I hate it so bad because she is in the last few weeks of her senior year. Please keep her in your prayers, and us too! Eeeek!

Hoda said...

Good morning Sandi.
Yes they are.

...and all the while Wanda has been in my prayers too.

Continued prayers for Jo.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Look at them full crops guess they had a meal while I was out walking
I borrowed Angie Ipod and makes walking so much enjoyable than without I walked through two Kelly Clarkson albums

JudyEddy said...

the weather is awesome so I walk in the am before the sun Last night I walked at dusk was nice also

But now Angie wants her IPOD back so I will give it back She can't do Zumba for a while DR orders until he can fix her maybe a month or so She is sooo bummed

JudyEddy said...

Gotta go buy me one eventually
Gonna head out for a bit

later gator Hope everyone has a great day in no matter what they do Make it a good one

JudyEddy said...

babes are fighting Belle steps in and pick at ones chest funny

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Breaks my heart about Mattie! Want her to be strong, proud and show that guy that she is a treasure! That she can be happy without him. Lol. Make him regret his actions!! Come on Mattie! Do NOT let him see you mope!!!

No rain last night, no rain at the moment and going to get the trailer soon. Yes, will gladly send rain to BC. Flooding in our county. Does not affect us, but we are definitely a muddy, swampy mess!! Water once again standing on the brick extension of our patio. You do not dare step off sidewalk or stone paths, you would sink into the swamp!!

Watching our eaglets. Earlier they were huddled together by the stump. The one on the right so very close to the edge. Then the one on the left stretched its wings. I gasped! I thought I was going to witness an eaglet being pushed from the nest!!

🌹JO.........good morning! Hope you are feeling well enough to go home soon!🌹

Time to get a move on! Have a great day!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

The nest presents a serene scene at the moment. Thanks to all who've given the nest reports.

JO, pleased to know you plan to go home soon and will then be back here with us!

I've gathered more material for today's prayers and will be praying for all who've expressed needs and even those who have unspoken requests.


JudyEddy said...

DIANN O Donnell

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear DIANN ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!
***Sending birthday wishes your way***

JudyEddy said...

HIP HIP Hooray Just got the call and my truck is QUITE so they say It would truly be a miracle if it is LOL I told them yesterday that I would buy a after market pump to put in they said they would sneak me the money but I guess that isn't necessary now that they say its not noise 8 pumps to get it to be quite Waiting for courtesy van to come to pick me up
then I am heading to buy my Ipod

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Just put dinner in the oven--chicken with potatoes and carrots, so I have a little bit of time to blog. Today was the last day of bowling for my Tuesday league. Next week is our banquet. We have two more weeks on the Thursday league. I have said I would bowl with the Lunch and Bowl group this summer.

Sorry to hear Mattie is having a hard time, Sharon. Is he in her classes at school? Maybe it is good that school is almost over.

I saw the DC eagle nest on the news recently...maybe last night. Our eagles are hanging out with one parent in the nest. I do wish the crib rails went all the way around.

Lolly said...

Texting with Jo on fb messenger. Going to bring over her comments

tuesday day 8 in hosp
hello today has been the best so far. thinking about all of you.perhaps 2 more days & home.
our little peeps are so growing.
reducing meds to get me out of hereI
can read our blog but it won't accept my comments - forgot sign on here 2ith hubby's lap topty
ok gals hit the blog with jo misses all of us but hopefully will bw there soon
God bless ans have a great evening.

JudyEddy said...

So happy today was a good day for you JO

and Yep my truck is running quite no power steering noise at all
I think they were just as happy as I was at the Ford dealership

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for bringing that over LOLLY

Hoda said...

Thank you Lolly. Very happy to read Jo's message.
Prayers continue.

stronghunter said...

Two eaglets flopped in the nest. Looks like the shadow of an adult on the branch above.

Lori O. said...

Lol, Sandi re: Janey and the dinghy. :) Guess she is a big girl.

Janet, I love clematis. I had several at the Frederick house and always got so excited when they bloomed. Missing those gardens.

Lolly, thinking of you as I've seen many news reports on your rain.

Kate got home from FL today and all the dogs were very happy to see her. Me too!

Tired tonight and want to watch NY primary coverage. Goodnight. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see Shamrock and Clover home alone this morning. Lolly - thanks for passing on Jo's message. Good morning Jo. Keep getting better.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. As Jerry reported a few minutes ago, the kids are home alone and snuggled together in the center of the nest.

Jo, I'm happy to know that you are keeping up with the blog even though you're not able to chat with us. Get better and get home soon!

Judy, enjoy your quiet truck.

Pollen has been increasing here but yesterday, the clouds of it started blowing everywhere. Tis spring! My dogwoods are in bloom and the goldfinches are sporting their summer feathers. Still haven't seen a hummingbird at any of the 3 feeders.

PT for me at 8:30 and then the rest of the day is wide open. Too chilly for kayaking. I do know the refrigerator is a little bare so grocery shopping will be in my near future.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Updated my Freyja avatar. Gotta love a peaceful, sleeping toddler.

Unknown said...

Morning to all. Just time for a quick check in:

YEAH for JUDYE’s quiet truck!!!! And a new IPOD!
I am sad for MATTIE. This is indeed a tough time ….. hugs and love to her for strength and healing
JO: yeah! Keep resting! Get better! We miss you
LORI: I love clematis as well. The first one I planted was supposed to be purple. Noone told the plant it blooms white. While pretty, not what I anticipated. So I planted a second one. Hopefully purple. Will look gorgeous with two different colors! If it turns out to be white, I give up! Lol.

Hoping for some rain over the next couple of days. The sun is gorgeous, but we ar e a bit dry.
Everyone have a lovely day! Hugs and love, smiles and laughs for all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have purple it! Blooming now on the gazebo in the middle of the swamp!

Another 1.5" of rain during the night. Came down hard with booming thunder! We are now over 5" of rain. NOT what we needed. But, as you need to know, as swampy as we are, we are personally never going to flood!

🌹🌹🌹Good morning, Jo! Hoping you have another good day and you are home soon!🌹🌹🌹

We leave tomorrow and return next Wednesday. Will peeking in when I can.

Last minute grosssssserie shopping and last minute packing on the agenda today!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

OOPS I forgot to say GM so it Good Afternoon eagle buds

Belle picked up fish from 12 and tookk to 5 feeding the eaglets

JudyEddy said...

our weather is marvelous the dew point is lo lo which makes the humidity great feels like a spring day out so pretty 77° but feels cooler

can hear the ripping up of the fish with little cute peeps peeps from the babes sounds so sweet

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Another happy scene at Sycamore Palace. Clover and Shamrock seen to like that spot at the "top" of the nest. They like being together.

JO, happy that you can do everything but post on the blog--feels good to know you're watching our beauties and keeping up with Momster activities!

SANDI, what a sleeping beauty Freyja is!

Prayers for all in need!!!


NCSuzan said...

Good Afternoon!

Jo and others interested in Red Tail Hawks......big Red has a pip in one of her three eggs at Cornell! They are always a great nest to watch and the babies are fun.

Lolly, have a safe and fun trip.

Shirley, glad you will still be bowling.

Jo, hurry home. I am so very sorry you have been so ill. Hope it is all in your rear view mirror now!

Take care.

JudyEddy said...

Do eagle sneeze if so just sneezed adult

funny Clover was screaming announcing moms arrival must seen her coming in

JudyEddy said...

LOL Clover has ahold of Belles talon and she was trying to get loos I got a snip

JudyEddy said...

nope Shamrock has talon Clover is going to other side of nest

JudyEddy said...

5 min later looks like they are holding talons won't let go lots of squealling

Lolly said...

Eagle eye Jo noticed Judie has not posted. I looked back and she posted Friday.

Judie??? Where are you!

Loaded and ready to head out in the morning. Took Skippi out to the trailer. She did great! She immediatly went to her favorite perch on a cushion back to look out of the window.

JudyEddy said...

looks like got free

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Night all! See you next week!

Unknown said...

good evening to all. busy day. very tired. hope everyone sleeps well. good night.

JudyEddy said...


JUDIE hope all is ok with you and yours the last we heard from you was you were headed for your recliner

JO as always you are on my mind

Has anyone heard about TORI of late?

LYNNE2 hope you get connected with the internet soon

I read on FB that part of the nest at SW fell down I am looking at cam and hard to tell in the dark One juvie is in the nest and both E7 and E8 have been seen so they are ok Thank goodness they aren't little.

LOLLY does SKIPPI look out while you are moving? Did you all see the cat that likes riding on the front dash of a car that was on the news and on FB of late!

JudyEddy said...

Today is the Queens Birthday 90 yrs old and did you see to where they made stamps. Each in line to the throne is now on a stamp and naturally the cutest is the little one Prince George stamps launched for queens 90th bday

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Both eaglets in the center of the nest. You can see the sycamore tree starting to leaf out.

Lolly, safe travels and enjoy your family time!

Jo, I hope you are feeling much stronger and the meds have kicked that pneumonia to the curb. Maybe home today? Fingers crossed. Prayers continue for healing for you.

Back to school for me - 2 days in a row! I swear the school days keep getting longer and longer. The special ed. teacher who was put on paid administrative leave for being accused of hitting a student (Patricia) is now under the microscope with the administration. The program she created in her self-contained program has been used as a model throughout the district for years. Her observation write-ups and end of year evaluations have always been exemplary.

Now suddenly, she's being told that her entire program needs to be revamped next year. The write up from her recent observation had areas marked needs improvement. She was even told that her para, who has been with her for 18 years, is being moved elsewhere in the building next year. I really think the principal and vice principal and the new special ed. chair are trying to make her unhappy enough that she will request a transfer. I believe they dislike her b/c she stands up to them.

She has been at our school for 31 years but, since her husband is currently out of work and her daughter is finishing her freshman year of college, she doesn't feel that she can retire yet. Obviously she doesn't want to pack up 31 years worth of stuff and go somewhere else for her last couple of years. But if she stays, I believe she will be miserable next year. What a sad situation for an outstanding, hard-working teacher to be in. I cannot get away from these 2 administrators fast enough.

Rant over. Have a greyt day all.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Safe travels Lolly.
Hoping to hear from Judie today.
Keeping Jo, Wanda, Sharon and family, and Lynne 2 in prayers.
Sandi I am sorry to hear about your colleague. Tough position to be in.
Going out to breakfast! 24 hours are not long enough today! Need a 36 hour day today. Ha! Time seems to be getting shorter as I grow older. Oh my!
Beautiful moon last night.
Beautiful morning with birds singing.
Make it a good one everyone.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

One eaglet at either end of the nest--no snuggling right now and no parent in sight, but I suspect at least one is keeping a sharp eye on Clover and Shamrock. I can't imagine being able to differentiate between the two, they look identical to me these days.

JO, we are truly waiting with bated breath for your return! Prayers abound!

SANDI, poor Patricia. Hope it all turns out well for her and so glad you're getting out of that mess soon.

LOLLY, you two have a good time!

Doggy play day here.

Prayers for all in need of healing and pain relief!!!


grannyblt said...

good morning. eaglets at edges of nest which always makes me nervous.

Sunny day here in OK, finally. Hope to make a short trip to TX next week.

Hope Jo will be home soon. Glad to hear from her on FB messenger.

Patricia, Sandi's friend, is in a tough spot. Tell her that there are a lot of people on her side.

Missing Judie, maybe a silver alert is in order.

Katie and I are going to attempt to go to the Costco opening. Probably not a good idea.

JudyEddy said...

PRINCE pass away 57 not old at all I loved his music

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Watching the news about Prince, now Judy. Very sad.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon eagle friends!

The two eaglets are alone in the nest - Belle is probably up on a limb staring down at them. The bigger one blends in with the crib rails and after first I thought there was only one eaglet in there. Heart stopped.

I LOVE their huge, yellow feet at this stage. :)

Hope you have a great trip Lolly!

Tough time for your friend, Sandi and happy you will have your freedom soon!

Just got home from dr's appointment. She's adding a blood pressure pill that according to new research is supposed to help with some hot flash relief. I sure hope it works.

JO, hope you're home very soon - like tomorrow! ♥

Have a great night everyone.

Sandi said...

Hi all - another school day done and I'm also sporting some new color on my nails.

Lori, I stopped taking my Prempro when we were in Mexico last month. I've been on HRT for about 8 years now and figured it was time to try getting off of it. No problem at first, I guess because I had a blood level of it in my system. But the hot flashes are back now - not nearly as bad as when I started taking the meds 8 years ago but bad enough to be annoying. So I'm with ya sista!

Still no sign of hummingbirds at any of my feeders.

Has anyone heard from Jo on Facebook today? I'm hopeful she'll be back in her recliner at home very soon!

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Stopping by to say there is no need for concern. Darth and I are doing well. I just need to take a break.

My thoughts and prayers are with Jo for her complete recovery and a joyful return to her own abode to visit with family, Mr. Newt, and her birds and squirrels.

Wishing everyone the very best days possible and nights of restful and restorative sleep.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Hi Judie,
Nice to see you here tonight. Trying to wind down here this evening. Thinking of Jo, too.

Oh my, Sandi. I am so sorry your friend is having such a hard time with the administration. Schools are so political.

Hot flashes? I remember having very intense hot flashes after my mastectomy. Students would ask me if they needed to get the nurse for me. It was that obvious. Hope you all find relief. It's not fun.

Time to say good night. Rest well, my friends.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Happy Earth Day.

Two eaglets dozing in the nest.

One more school day til the weekend. Jo, I hope today is a good day for you. I so miss seeing you on the blog. Judie, you too.

Have a greyt day all - do something for the planet if you can.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle friends.

I wrote a post last night that must be floating in cyber space. I'm having trouble with my ipad staying connected to the Wi-Fi. I am glad I brought my laptop on this trip.

We did not attempt the Costco grand opening yesterday. The weather was beautiful so we took Rojo,granddog, to a beautiful dog park. Coincidentally there was an article in the paper about that park which is one of the nation's finest. He had a wonderful time checking out all of the other dogs, maybe 25 in the large dog area. There was some excitement when a Pit mix and a Husky got into a heated argument. No blood was shed and Rojo only watched from the sideline. Tense moments for the pet owners though. There was a Janey look alike, but I didn't get a chance to speak to the owner to see if she was a rescue.

We also went to another park famous for its rose garden. A lot of beautiful roses in full bloom. And a long line of Iris' of every description. I posted a picture of a rose on FB and Jo commented.

I hope everyone has a beautiful Earth Day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

kids are awake in the nest

JudyEddy said...

CHECK OUT GOOGLE was cool yesterday also

Kay said...

Good Morning, RED FRIDAY MORNING, Eagle Buds!!!

The Wordsmith "word of the day" is:



adjective: Wonderful; delightful.

Coined by Lewis Carroll in his 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass. A blend of fair, fabulous, and joyous. See the text of the poem Jabberwocky.

I think our nest and it's two well fed and resting eaglets are Frabjous indeed. No parents in sight, but am sure they're close by.

JO, hope this is move home day. That will take some energy, but will look forward to hearing from you when you feel settled and refreshed!

LYNNE1, sounds like your OK Vacay is going very well! That garden must be gorgeous!

SANDI, have a good TGIF!

Wishing you all a g'day and praying for those in need!!!


JudyEddy said...



2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...