Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Fresh thread.


Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh Tuesday thread. Have a lovely afternoon.

Um, Shirley? A message for Hunter: the cats keep staring because they are girls and are fascinated by his good looks. lol Is he ready for school? Hope the bowling meeting goes well. Guessing you're staying with last year's team?

Decided today is another "do nothing" day. Going to do some Ancestry research. Have let that slip away in recent months. Ancestry has a new format.

Sunshine and blue sky will be enjoyed looking from inside to outside.


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks for the shiny new thread, STEVE! And, thanks, JUDIE for the call over--your headdress is lookin' good!

SHIRLEY, those cats think Hunter is a cool cat! Watched a vet and a animal shelter director being interviewed on local TV yesterday. They were asked how to introduce new pets into a home where there are "old" pets. They said it takes about 2 weeks for cats to adjust to new surroundings and to be accepted by current residents. Have your sweet kitties decided they can be buddies?

ANDY, glad your Kubby is on the road to good health again!

Thanks for all the good wishes for Seth! I'm thinking of all your kids, grands and great grands who are starting or getting back to school as summer begins to give way to autumn! Such a special time for kids and their families!

SANDI, your analogy was so well thought out and written! Thanks for the insight into your new position. You know I wish you great happiness!

LOLLY, sounds like your enjoying yourselves, both at home with company and in looking beyond to beautiful Estes Park. A great place to camp, hike and meditate!

Penny still seems to be recouping from several days of bouncing around with joy over all the TLC and the brisker, longer walks the younger women were able to take her on. She is not trying to jump up on my lap, the bed, the couch, as has been her normal behavior---though I try to limit that due to her age and long spine that must be protected. Hope this isn't indicative of a decline for her, but rather an indication of aging. She takes a daily dose of Phycox for her joints. SANDI, I look to you as the Doxie expert--what do you think?

Just love the news about the new panda cubs doing so well. They sure do attract a lot of attention!

Time to check e-mail and check in with my kids before they begin to call regarding my welfare.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch and find a new thread JUDIE your head dress or hat must be overflowing with feathers

1214 punch time Only one more day in the week Really can tell cutting down one day a week

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY tell Hunter they are plotting their next move to pounce on him LOL

SANDI I also love the analogy make sense that way

JudyEddy said...

Heading to check out some of the cams panda etc

FYI so far our eagles have not returned to the NEW CELL phone tower
Audubon really thinks that they wont use the open saucer on top of the tower
when they were in the tower it felt like they were surrounded but with this saucer out in the open BIG TIME I am saddened by this
and the Ft Meyers no show on Ozzie yet the video that looked like a band on the leg wasnt I guess

JudyEddy said...

ERIC is working on my desk top today brought it in yesterday He was successful in getting pictures on to a thumb drive I had most in terabyte already
I wonder about my email through windows will I have to input all the contacts back in I guess I will find out I guess he is giving me a new system in it He says won't stay up very long and its over 8 years old now :-(

will see when I get it back I guess

Lolly said...

HELP! I am melting! 😱. Not as hot today, 91, but very humid! Every spring we do a patio cleaning. Well, the rain and our trip cancelled that. Then it was too hot! So, today I cleaned the patio. I hosed it down, scrubbed, dried and then went over the tile with a sealer. Jack scrubbed the furniture. We really cleaned and it looks so nice. Wish it was cooler so we could sit out and enjoy it!

Had a great time last night with Sharon and Dan. They are headed for Kansas today. Now, expecting Jane and Herbert on Thursday.

Everyone had a good day at school yesterday. However, it was off to a bad start. Joey's truck had a hard time starting. It is now in for repair and they are having to do with one vehicle and all four go in different directions. Having to hitch some rides and Joseph is having to do some walking. It is about two miles to his high school.

All morning there has been a Mississippi Kite at the top of a tree. He has been calling all day! I also saw another one in the top of a close tree. Then an adult flew in and fed the one calling out. So, I know it is a juvie and that is the reason for the calling. Have also seen two circling! Very interesting!

Lolly said...

Sandi, just went back and read your analogy. Lol. Love it and so true! I always started going back to my classroom two weeks early so that sitting in the meetings I would not stress too much! Still stress as their is still so much last minute stuff to do.

Looks like Laurel and the rest have a problem student this year. He has no self control over his actions and his mouth. Another teacher, thankfully a man, was telling the students that Friday will be school spirit day and they can wear their school shirts and colors. The rather large student stood up, yelled "Go Vikings!" And ran up and chest butted the teacher! Oh my! They are documenting and hoping to get him into a social adjustment class.

Lolly said...

As there!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work

Not able to get live feed on tablet I push arrow and nothing happens arrow stays there and lap top says " Sorry we are unable to play media you selected please try again or select alternate media. Error encountered Stream not found"

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Thanks Steve for a new thread and thanks Judie for the call over.

Kay, maybe Penny is sad that all of the company has left and she's not getting as much attention? Maybe she's just pooped out from all the exercise as you suggested. If she's eating and wagging her tail, I wouldn't be worried.

Lolly, isn't there a bus to take Joseph if the house is 2 miles from school? That's a heck of a walk!!

Judy, hope the computer is fixable - is this the one running Vista? If so, you should be happy you are getting an upgraded OS.

There is a Hertz Rental car charge on my Visa that Kevin carries for emergencies. He has been in WV for a music festival. Either he was in an accident or his van broke down. I have texted him but he hasn't responded. MTBR.

We never did get any rain and now the sun is out. Had to water by hand. Lazy day for me - did some calling around and checking online for a new kayak but no one has an end-of-season markdown and I'm unwilling to pay the asking prices for a new one like I want. No urgency.

Time to fix food for people and pets. Bye.

Sandi said...

Oops! Checking the box!

stronghunter said...


Yes, I am on the same team as last year, but also on a new team on a Thursday league. I will be bowling twice a week this year. Val and Julie bowl afternoons on Thursdays, but I opted to bowl mornings so I can be home when Hunter gets out of school.

stronghunter said...

Keep getting a message that I might have a virus on my phone and should scan it with this particular program. I keep hitting the minus button, but it keeps coming back. Guess I'll be checking things out at the ATandT store.

grannyblt said...

Good evening eagle friends. I thought I posted earlier, but I guess not. I changed my email on Google, so maybe that had something to do with it.
JudyE, I hope your computer friend can get your older computer going. I have a 4 yr old Windows 7 laptop that is really slowing down, so I ordered a new One with Windows 10 installed. Hope I can figure it out by myself., I have no local people to call for free help. I always have this iPad for email, etc, so it may be a journey until I get the hang of the new one.
Off to watch PBS tonight. Some new locally produced but distributed nationwide to be on .

SED to all

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Seems that everyone had a good day with lots of tasks completed and no major mishaps along the way.

Yep, I'm thinking we'll be watching Shirley on Bowling for Dollars before much time passes.

Sandi, hope the rental car charge is legitimate and Kevin can explain - soon!

Hoping Jo had a good day as it was a lovely one for her to get out and about.

JudyE, hope your desk top is repaired and not expensive.

Kay, I suspect Penny is just a bit tuckered out from all the excitement and attention. She'll be just fine when she readjusts her routine.

Sandperson continues to be at the zoo watching over the panda babes.

I am headed to the recliner and some tv time. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

Grannyblt and Mema Jo must have had the same virus this morning! I also thought I was on here and said Good Morning - can't find it if I did.

Pleasant day was had - didn't have to go anywhere or do anything - Retirement.

Lolly - could Joseph ride his bike to and from school instead of walking - of course he is a track person and 2 miles probably doesn't seem that far.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - bowling is a great sport and such a good way to make new friends.

Sandi your analogy of a day at school was wonderful - you are going to have a very special time this year.

Judy have you start Virginia's book?

Kay I hope Penny is back to her ol' self soon.

Andy - happy that Ken is doing better - take care of yourself so you can take care of him.

Mema Jo said...

Going to be watching 9:00 movie
I sure wish my old favorites would soon return.......


This is Goodnight to all ♥

Janet said...

good evening to one and all!

SANDI: great analogy! very easy to understand. Thank you. :)

how was everyone's day?

I had a hard time getting out of the bed again. too comfy I suppose. going to bed earlier tonight.

work was great. after work, chiropractor. its amazing how I feel as if I can take a deeper breath after an adjustment!

I spent some time in the pool today. (lOLLY DON"T READ THIS) the POOL water was WARMER than the air temp. ! it was 80 today. pool temp: 89. we are having very unusual august weather. normally we are sweltering!

i'm not complaining....its just odd.

not a lot else is going on. hope everyone sleeps well! night all!

glo said...

Good evening everyone or is that good night. Gosh I am back to a busy but nice schedule. I have had time to do some projects I need to do. Mow and do some yardwork. train with Patches 3 times today. I have played with both cats. Zoey has 1 more day of liver supplement and then every other day she will take 1/4 of a prednisone tablet until they are all gone. Gosh she seems good. My daughter's voice is so light on the phone. I think she feels better than she has felt in months. HEY Did I tell any of you over here that one of the local TV stations is coming to my home to do a segment on my trip up to see the Polar Bears? They are coming in late Oct. I will get to sort of relive the experience. I will actually miss going to see them this year. Now that I know what it is like up there for a few short weeks every late Fall. It is a magical indescribable kind of place. Hope all have had a good week. AOYP everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Glo, your post last night was full of good news - Becky is feeling good, Zoey is doing well, Patches training is coming along, you are going to be famous for your polar bear photos - all wonderful!

Lynne1, I pulled the trigger the other day and upgraded my primary computer to Windows 10 since I had been playing around with it on the property owners association laptop. Had 1 glitch b/c the scanner on my all-in-one printer wouldn't work (copy, print, & fax all worked fine). Went online to Canon & updated the printer drivers and some new software and all is well. You're used to apps with your iPad so you'll be fine. There is an app in the Start menu called Get Started that is a Windows 10 tutorial that explains different features.

Kevin's response to my text that said, "R U OK? Were u in an accident? Rental car?" was, "Everything's fine." How's that for cryptic? My translation ... something happened - accident or breakdown - but he doesn't want his parents to know what, so he's being his passive aggressive self. Since he didn't say, "I didn't rent a car," I assume that he did, and we will learn the details at some point. It is what it is.

Tennis for me at 8am - have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning to all! wild and wacky Wednesday! happy mid week!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Concerned about Smokey this morning. She is showing the same symptoms as Bandit. I have discovered that the peace lily plant I have had in the dining room is toxic to cats and causes kidney problems. I have removed the plant and vacuumed the floor. I did find leaf parts there. Kittens have been into that plant, though I have not seen them eating any of it. Have already called the vet and will be taking both Smokey and Allie.

stronghunter said...

I had moved the plant to a spot kitties were not likely to get to. It is now out of the house for good.

Kay said...

Good Hump Day Morning Eagle Buds!!!

That is for those of you who are not yet in retirement. For we retirees the days just seem to flow together without a lot of significance placed on those work related terms.

Oh my, SHIRLEY, I hope the kitties Peace Lily woes are easily taken care of. Fingers crossed.

GLO, I love your glowing report on your daughter and the upcoming TV coverage!

SANDI, "kids" even when grown can keep things jumpin'. Hope Kevin arrives home all in one piece and in his own car.

Thanks to all who expressed concern over Penny's post-company behavior! She's much friskier today and never lost her appetite and other bodily functions remained normal. A little depression is probably the thing--some of her own and reacting, perhaps, to the blues I always experience when such a grand weekend comes to a close.

I'm off to my yearly meeting with my "personal banker"---signing up for even more electronic handling of things---don't know that face to face meetings will be necessary in the future. We old gals have so much to adjust to in this modern world!

Prayers for all in need! Still have THELMA and the rest of the Southern Delegation on my list---anyone have updates?


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Shirley - I sure hope Smokey is ok - There are a couple plants toxic to cats. Sure hope she perks up for you.

Judie - I asked yesterday about Virginia's book but miss-typed your name - Sorry.
Have you started it yet?

Sandi its good to have heard from Kevin - you were hoping for more conversation I'm sure.

Janet - I hope your 'get up & go' comes back to you!

Judy - I'm not sure of your work schedule - My live feed was up and running really well earlier but now it is down. I guess they are still working on the equipment.

Glo - You are still a very busy gal! Wonderful about TV station and I'm certain you will give a fantastic presentation. Thankful that Becky is feeling so well.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Kay - you sneaked in above me - I was typing too long.

Retirement is a relaxing time of one's life. It was a blessing that I could work for so long ♥

Enjoy your day and let Penny keep bringing you joy and good times.

CarolAnne said...

Rejoicing in heaven today as Dad welcomed Mom with open arms.

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Before I left for tennis, I texted Kevin and said, "Did u rent a car or do I need to cancel the credit card and report it as stolen." Kevin surely wouldn't want that to happen b/c then he wouldn't have a credit card to use as a back-up, so he texted me back. A friend of his needed a rental car and didn't have a credit card so Kevin used his (my) card. Chase called me while I was playing tennis to report "suspicious activity" on my card and to make sure it was legit. It's all good - the girl who needed the vehicle had her mother call and give her credit card number - Kevin's (mine) was simply used for her to get the car, so the charge will drop.

Beautiful day outside today - cooler temps and low humidity.

Kay, good to hear that Penny is OK.

Shirley, I sure hope Smokey is OK. I didn't know peace lily was toxic. Brian's doxie once ate the pigs' food that had onions in it and onions are toxic to dogs. Lynnis thought he threw up most of it but then she noticed the whites of his eyes were yellow b/c the onions had affected his liver. She got him to the vet and it was touch and go for a few days but eventually he made a full recovery. Hopefully if something is going on with Smokey's kidneys, you've caught it early enough to correct things. Keep us posted - you have really had some vet bills lately, haven't you?

Sandi said...

Oh CarolAnne, you posted while I was typing. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers. What happened - did she have another stroke?

grannyblt said...

So sorry for your loss, CarolAnne.

stronghunter said...

Condolences, CarolAnn. So sorry for your loss.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

CarolAnne, condolences to you and your family on the death of your mother. May she rest in peace with your father.

I believe today is National dog day.

Panda cub #2 is being completely cared for by people. Mei does not want to trade. Hope she changes her mind.

Jo, (and Shirley), I read a few pages of the first mystery by Virginia. Realized I would need to put my brain into Chinese name mode. So, decided to finish the library book (should do that today) to get that returned on time then can read Virginia's books at my leisure.

Shirley, so glad you have completely removed the peace lily from the house. Chocolate along with other plants can be toxic as is aspirin. Do hope Smokey and Allie will be okay.

Sandi, what a relief that Kevin let you know "the rest of the story." Especially nice that the charge will be removed from your card.

Kay, very happy Penny is okay and hope your financial meeting provides great dividends.

Glo, I can almost see the glow of happiness with all the positive pet news and especially your upcoming celebrity status. Congratulations. Very good news that Becky is feeling so much better.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon on lunch 1212 punch time

ERIC got my vista up and running no replacement for now he said

should get back tomorrow he is DEFRAGGING ME I FEEL SO VIOLATED

JudyEddy said...

CarolAnne so sorry for you loss

JudyEddy said...

My live feed is up now during lunch today is my Fri two weeks off coming up

stronghunter said...

Smokey 's liver functions are normal. They are doing X-rays.

Judie said...

Good news, Shirley. Hope the problem is quickly identified and treated.

JudyE, enjoy your upcoming vacation.

glo said...

CarolAnne So sorry for the loss of your Mom. It is good to know there is rejoicing in heaven. Look close with your heart and you can almost see it. Hugs to you and yours and prayers for healing and peace.

Prayers for the little fur critters not feeling so good today. Cats and plants can be a tricky mix. Sandi I am so glad all is well with your credit card. That would have spooked me for a bit for sure.

Went to photograph 2 therapy dogs this morning at the Hospital close by. 9 out of ten folks can NOT pass up wonderful dogs like that. It is so nice to see there faces and hearts light up. It is National Dog Day. Once again I have a sweet little one by my side. We are a work in progress but then again all dogs who are accepted as family are indeed a work in progress. I work on her and she works lots on me lol. hagd everyone.

NCSuzan said...

Broke hearted to learn the smallest panda cub died.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley happy that Smokey's kidneys are ok.

Carole Anne, sorry for the loss of your mom. Will be thinking of you.

stronghunter said...


Home from vet's. Smokey is hospitalized overnight. She needs IV feeding and watching over. When they took Smokey back to take blood, etc., Allie heard her crying. Allie got very upset and started crying as well. I would say they have bonded. When they brought Smokey back for a visit with us before we left, Allie gave her kitty kisses.

Allie has ringworm. Medication for that will be sent via mail.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, very sad to learn that the smallest panda cub has died.

It has been a busy day. Kind of forgot to eat, so Hunter and I stopped at McDonald's on the way home.

JudyEddy said...

hELLO HOME from work and I am so friggin excited I drive daily by the cell tower and go up at sunset but no eagles on the way home



I am heading back up I had grocery in car and didnt want to defrost them

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon.

I'm on my new Windows 10 computer. Decided to jump right in and distract myself from the horrible shooting news today. Now I am reading that the youngest panda baby has succumbed.

Hope Smokey is found to be all right. My 7 week kittens are fine and will be going to their new home next week.

Off to learn more computer stuff.

Mema Jo said...

National Zoo officials discuss the death of the smaller giant panda cub.

Full details here: http://on.wusa9.com/1hfxXcy

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, so sorry about little Smokey. Hope whatever is bothering him is caught in time and he is back to his loving self.

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - Prayers for you and your family to have peace in your hearts -Your
words tell me that you feel blessed to see Mom now be with Dad. You have a beautiful
Faith. ♥

Judie said...

Today has been a mostly sad day. Very much saddened by the death of the second cub. Very much distressed by the shootings/deaths that occurred outside Roanoke.

Now wishing a quick recovery for Smokey and a little extra attention tonight for Allie. Does the vet have a diagnosis? Was it plant toxin?

Happy Glo spent time with amazing therapy dogs.

Mema Jo said...

Mei is holding cub (perhaps nursing) but Helen has that cam zoomed in on them

Mema Jo said...

Good shot of cub under Mei's chin

JudyEddy said...

there is a mouse running around the panda cam don't like that

Judie said...

Hi Jo, really nice camera work right now. Hope Helen knows how much we appreciate her expertise. If I were that mouse, I think I would be very nervous. One good swat and bye-bye mouse.

Headed early across the hall to my recliner to finish the library book. Laundry slowed me down today.

Hoping little Smokey is sleeping and healing and Allie is snuggled with Shirley and/or Luna.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

CarolAnne, so very sorry! My mother passed 9 years ago this week. I hate August! Prayers and hugs!

Shirley, so sorry you are having more kitty problems. Hope he does well and is home soon!

Very sad about the panda cub. Let's celebrate the survival of the other one!

For two days now we have had a juvie Mississippi Kite in the same tree in the front yard. He is calling out all the time. Have seen him fed several times. Also, have seen the parents circling above. Well, tonight we have decided that what we thought was a squirrel nest in that tree is possibly the bird's nest. Hmmmm??? That is exciting!

CarolAnne said...

Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. Mom had flu like symptoms Monday and Tuesday. Early this morning she just faded away. She was 91 and had been living alone since Dad passed in 2002. She had said recently that she was ready to go as she was tired of being alone. We are at peace that she did not suffer long.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

CAROLANNE: hugs and love. so sorry to hear of your mom's transition.
STRONGHUNTER: hopefully smokey will turn around quickly!

not a lot going on here today. hugs and well wishes for all!

JudyEddy said...

The still cam is down AGAIN

AND ACCORDING TO THE LIVE FEED IT IS STILL DAYLIGHT SO i THINK IT IS BROKE ALSO pretty sure it should be dark by now I am dark here

stronghunter said...


No diagnosis on Smokey yet. The vet said she was dehydrated. She had lost about 1/2 pound, which is a lot for a small kitty. We had been commenting about the fact that she is a lot thinner than Allie. Unfortunately, she has been getting too thin. We do not know if either kitty really got poisoned by the plant. But the plant is gone, nonetheless. Even if I put the plant up where the cats can't get to it, leaves, etc, would drop from it.

I was concerned because Smokey's symptoms were the same as Bandits--lethargy, vomiting, no appetite. But those symptoms could mean a lot of things. We will just have to see.

Thanks for all of the kind words and concern.

stronghunter said...

. . . Bandit's

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Smokey ♥

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Saying a prayer for little Smokey that she perks up and comes home to be with her family today.

Brian, Lynnis, Freyja, the dogs and the cat should be moving to a house today.

Nail appointment for me at 11am, then spending a day on the beach in Fenwick with teacher friends from my school.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning all. thinking of each of you today; holding you close in my heart and thoughts. enjoy your day!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, hoping Smokey is all better and can come home today. So stressful when our furbabies are not well. Oh, a thought I had late last night. Sometimes a diet of dry food only contributes to dehydration as cats often do not drink much water so wet food may help with hydration issues. Just a thought.

Sandi, happy nail "do" day and enjoy the beach with your friends. Wishing Brian & Co and smooth transition to their new home.

Headed to the coffee pot then to forage for the weekend.

Wishing everyone a most lovely day.

JudyEddy said...

Good storming raining almost 2 inches so far since storms started about two hours ago Loud thunder I tried to stay in bed and gave up

Judie said...

Good morning again.

Come on over. Steve has provided a fresh Thursday thread.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...