Friday, August 28, 2015


TGIF thread.  Gonna get hot again.


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Thanks for the new thread Steve

JudyEddy said...



stronghunter said...

Good morning, Steve. It is a beauteous morning to be outdoors--watching eagles or whatever.

Hello, and good morning again to all bloggers. I am hoping along with you that Smokey is going to come home today.

Judie said...

Good morning again.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Friday/weekend thread. Have a lovely day.

Congratulations Glo on the new feather. Enjoy!

Surviving panda cub is male and fathered by Tian Tian. So nice our resident pandas are the parents.

Sandi said...

Goodorming all. Thanks Steve for the new thread and Glo for the call over.

Tennis was good.

As for animal eating habits, dachshunds can't get to tables or counters but they have a reputation of eating until they explode so I don't leave food down for mine all day long. I suspect they would eat anything and everything they could get their mouths on, even Bella who has no teeth. When the food bowls hit the floor, both of them are like little Dirt Devils (they're too small to call Hoovers or Eurekas) - the bowls are empty in a heartbeat and then they push them around to lick every single bit of food they may have missed.

Enjoy this beautiful weather on the east coast. Judy, looks like you may be getting very wet very soon thanks to Erika.


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Steve for the fresh new RED FRIDAY thread ♥
My thrill this morning was seeing a young deer running lickety-split across the
back yard. S/he stopped briefly under our large pine tree and then off again.

Thanks for the Panda gender and daddy new Judie. I may also mention that the little cub we lost was also a boy and also had the same daddy - Tian Tian.
Marvelous video from the zoo:

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Glo on your feather!

Hoping that Smokey comes home today and is all better, Shirley

Judy - good luck with your dental.

Sandi - we have and are having beautiful weather - thanks for the rain warning!

Daughter is coming up from Catonsville area for dinner this evening.

Need to go to early morning comments - BBL

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thank you, STEVE, for our new thread on this Red Friday!! And thanks to GLO for the alert---enjoy that feather!!

Penny Lou is akin to SANDI's doxies---a food hound, but too low to the ground to do much about it! She gets her food in four different little feedings per day with an occasional baby carrot, green bean or dog biscuit thrown in for good measure. She loves to chew on bleached rawhide bones, but the vet warned me to remember that those are "food" intake, too. I've been able to hold her weight steady at 14 lbs. so we're doin' okay.

Here's hoping Smokey returns home today, SHIRLEY.

SANDI, thinking of Freyja and her parents daily and wishing them the best!

An AT&T tech will be here at 1 to upgrade my internet and phone service. Called in to renegotiate my billing which has been slowly creeping up, up, up. Got it down by 20 bucks, but with some services I've not had thrown in as well as unlimited calling in the USA. Irks me that a new customer can get the same thing as per the TV ads for 30 bucks a month, but we who've been loyal customers for years do not get a break. I'd switch companies, but I don't believe there is any other option for hard wire phone service. They're saying they'll do away with that and I hate to think of it. We have so many power outages here and once folks with cells only run out of juice there is no way to make a phone call. Could be life threatening.

Love the Autumn redo at Sycamore Palace! Hope our eagles are enjoying their soars.

Thinking especially of you today, JO. Enjoy your evening company!

Praying for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Hi Kay,
It is a shame that AT&T and other companies as well - don't do any reduction in charges until you call and ask! Then they tell you what they can offer you - a new plan!
Cheaper of course!

grannyblt said...

I know what you mean, Kay, about the phone service. I have the television/Internet/ phone service from the local provider at quite a savings, but worry if the power should go out. It is great 99.99% of the time. I do try to keep the cell phone charged up, even though I only use it for long distance for the most part.

I've been messing with the new computer for a couple of hours. So far, so good, except one of the extras with the package provided a program to transfer old info to new computer that I can't seem to download to old computer. I think that will just have to wait for another day.

stronghunter said...

Hi--good afternoon.

Typed a long post and Smokey stepped on my keyboard. It is gone.

Has been quite a day.

Took Hunter to the doctor for a routine visit, but the door was locked. Phone calls and knocking on the door were unsuccessful, so I called Kathryn. She was able to get through and they let us in. It seems that the alarm system which has been sounding for approximately two weeks (can you imagine?) blocks some phone calls.

Left Hunter at home and went to vet's to get Smokey. They said that there would be a delay because they had a lot going on. Then they had everyone remove their dogs so they could escort a bull terrier out.

Next, a man came to the desk complaining that he did not think he should pay any of his bill because another dog had attacked his dog in the waiting room and that his grandson was traumatized. (The bull terrier was the aggressor, I am guessing. He said he did not know if his dog would survive. Yikes. I am glad I did not arrive earlier.

Anyway, I got Smokey home some $1,200 later. There was much meowing until I covered the carrier with a blanket to stop the crying and protect my car upholstery from the little claws. (Thank you, Judie--the blanket worked.)

Smokey is now pestering Luna. I am supposed to keep her isolated from Allie. I hope it is okay that she is with Luna because we surely do not need more vet bills.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon
It is HOT out there now compared to this morning.
Cams really aren't up/running very well. Black screen on Still Cam and Leaves sure
aren't moving on the live feed. Soon it will be a different story, I hope.

Allie is worth her weight in gold ♥

Hoping the apartment for Brian and Lynnis is a relief from the last room. Things
will work out for them with a little inconvenience to boot.

Feet up for a short time before company arrives.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

CarolAnne, I'm so sorry about your Mom's passing. ((Hugs)) and love to you!

Shirley, so sorry to hear of Smokey's illness from the peace lily!! Glad to hear that she is back home again. If you want to feed them dry food, would it work to soak it in water until it's soft? I've done that many years ago with dry kitten food. Lynne2, what's your take on that?

Judy, hope your dentist's plans for you work out OK with your vacation/work schedule.

Boy, it's HOT here again today! It's 99 at the moment, supposed to be a high of 100.
Thank God the humidity is lower than it has been--22%. Is there going to be a winter this year?! Lolly, guess you're dealing with the same thing!

Well, I need to get going and spend some time with Ken & Emma. Ken is feeling fine, by the way. He finished antibiotic #1 yesterday, and continues taking antibiotic #2.
All the redness on his chest is gone; the spot on his hand is improving (very slowly).
He goes back to the cardiologist on Sept. 3rd. for a post-op checkup. Will keep you posted.

Hope everyone has a great Red Friday, and a nice weekend. I ♥ us!!!

Janet said...

good afternoon to all.

short day at work. last client for me was from 11 to 12;30. nothing after that so I went home.

today is niki's bday. got her astarbucks gift card, a reuseable starbucks coffee cup and a cute cupcake from publix. she is out getting a tattoo right now. later we are going to dinner & diviniation. think we will skip the dinner part; the spaghetti isn't all that. good folks though.

tomorrow we get to go play with baby tigers!!!! I wonder how fussy of eaters they are? there are supposed to be four of them, two orange and two white. they should be about 15 weeks old now. I am very excited. I hope the kid will stay in a decent mood.

since we are shooting straight up I65 north I will stop by and put some flowers on mom and dad's space. just thought about that earlier today.

being lazy at the moment. think i'll open my book shortly. :)

stronghunter said...

Jo, Allie is worth her weight in gold, but so is Smokey, since she was the one with the monumental bill.

I hope I am immune to whatever has been wrong with Smokey since she is sticking her nose i4m4 into mine and stepping on the keyboard. Many purrs and meows. Allie has been meowing on the other side of the door.

glo said...

I learned with the derecho that went through here a few years ago now that I must have a car charger for my cell phone. I did not have one then and we were without power or even the landline phone for 5 days. I do indeed have one now. Also they do make portable extra chargers with usb hookups for all of our phones and other things we play with these days. i do not have one of those but I will before spring and the major stuff that goes through here and keeps me spending time in the basement.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Jo, hope you are/did enjoy family time. Thrilled you had a bambi in your yard this morning. I love when the deer visit.

Andy, very happy Kubby is doing so much better. May you have a break from the weather soon.

Shirley, I am having great fun imagining Smokey just right in your face and being ever so helpful as your typing assistant. I've never seen an altercation in a vet's office. Imagine insurance would cover patient combat. Hope Hunter had a good checkup. What a strange way to run a doctor's office. lol May you all get some sleep tonight.

Janet, glad you had a nice day.

Hurray! Glo is all ready to be charged up! Seriously, good idea.

Off to watch some PBS then to dent the pillows.

Restful sleep for all including our eagles and the panda cub.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening ♥

Shirley I just scrolled to my last comment and realized I said Allie when I should have said Smokey. I hope they are not crying for each other since you need to segregate them.

We had a very nice dinner and table talk the rest of the time our company was here.
Their son (our grandson) is the senior at University of MD . His classes start Mon.

I found nothing inspiring to watch on TV this evening. Soon the new seasons will start.

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - almost every morning I have to retype the word friends so it doesn't say fiends! Guess vacuuming my r key didn't do the trick. But sometimes the r types just fine - maybe the problem is with my finger!! ;)

Shirley - OUCH - that's some vet bill!! Repeat after me ... "Smokey is an adorable kitten and worth every penny!" Glad to hear that she's home!

Kay, I have the same complaint with Mediacom and our cable/internet bill. If I left them and then returned as a new customer every couple of years, my bill would be less b/c I would get the new customer specials. But there are no specials to reward loyal longtime customers - GRRRR!!!

Glo, what a great reminder that, as long as we have a car charger - and a vehicle that runs - we have a cell phone!

Tennis for me this morning with a husband and wife I have only met once and the wife's brother. Both of the men are awesome tennis players, the wife is at about my play level (I know this b/c I met them last summer playing tennis). Hoping I can play my "A game" today.

Another beautiful weather day is on tap - have agood one!

Janet said...

good morning. heading out shortly! will post pix later! :) :) :) here tiger kitty kitty kitty!

glo said...

Wellit's cloudy and showery here in the upper 60's right now. I don't think there is going to be a doggie swim for Patches now. :-(

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SANDI, my daughter-in-law changes Internet/Phone/Cable companies once a year, circling back to each one eventually as a "new customer". I'm thinking of doing the same with my little bundle of Internet and Phone. The tech yesterday assured me that there are other options for phone service, so I need to do some research, I reckon.

Hope you're in the midst of a smashing tennis doubles game as I write this. Hope you serve up some aces and that you and your partner win the day! Regardless, it's great fun and good exercise!

JANET, thinking of you and yours as you ♫♪ Hold that tiger, hold that tiger ♪♪♪

GLO, sorry the swim is off, perhaps on a better day before summer is really over. About 7 years ago we had a week long power outage and I had only a cell phone with a charger in my GMC Envoy which was securely locked in a garage with an electricity operated door opener. Due to that exasperating experience my SIL installed a key lock on the garage door for overriding purposes and a hard line phone in the condo, so I'm all set now. The phone line came in handy when I switched from wireless laptop to this standard computer set up. Now, with U-verse my kids can use their wireless equipment here as well as at Julie's house. I love this modern age--most of the time!

SHIRLEY, Smokey is a lucky kitty and hope there is steady and quick improvement so the kittens can be reunited.

JO, glad you had a nice visit with the "kids" and I do wish your grandson well as he begins that final year at U of M! That institution holds a special place in my heart as Julie taught there for a couple of years til' Seth was born and his special needs became her top priority. They lived in Bowie and I loved visiting there.

Wishing you all a terrific Saturday and praying for those in need!!!


Judie said...

Good mid-morning to everyone.

Sunshine and blue sky here. Not much on the agenda.

Shirley, happy the cover helped to quiet Smokey. How many days do Smokey and Allie need to be separated? Hoping all the critters and humans are doing well. Oh, in all the adventures, was the bowling meeting productive? What's the plan for the team this year?

Jo, glad you had an enjoyable evening. Last night I ended up watching Forensic Files until my eyelids fell down asleep.

Wishing everyone a really lovely day.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle bugs

JANET thinking of you and how lucky you are to be able to hold them

I wish I had more a choice here in internet providers We only have one cable co that is allowed in the city I live No underground cables allowed so that stops several co to come in BRIGHT HOUSE IS MY CARRIER . I could go with satellite but that goes out in rain rumor is

comcast, and verion install underground so that leaves them out bummer

watching the weather wonder if she is going to hit out side of Fl the track has changed almost every day sit and watch I guess

DID you all know you an buy your own router for wifi I was told at work Vickie bought her 99 it was may have to check that out since I have equipment I rent

grannyblt said...

Good Saturday morning all. Nest looked as dead as a door nail this morning and momma panda sleeion ping.

JudyE, I've been thinking about you whenever I see a weather report. Since you live in hurricane country, I am presuming you have all supplies in hand. Don't forget to have some low demonaition cash.. You would hate to have to pay $20 for a loaf of bread if the store had no power or change. I don't expect this storm will be too much to worry about.

I've always had my own router, didn't know they could be rented from cable company.

Hope a good day is in store for all.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

Latest news for Judy is that Erika dissipated over Cuba Saturday morning and is no longer considered a tropical storm, according to the National Hurricane Center. I'm sure there will still be lots of rain.

Had some family company for about an hour earlier. Nothing planned for the rest of today.

Sandi - the new picture you posted on FB of Frejya steals my heart! To me she really looks like a 'Roberts'

Janet - years upon years ago my gs, Aaron being 4 or 5 held one of those baby tigers. There was a display at a local mall and he loved it as I know you will - enjoy!

Mema Jo said...

I have my invite now to download 10 - I haven't done so yet.... I'm just not certain
that I am ready to do it yet. I know some of you have so I will soon follow in your

Sani - order yourself a new keyboard and let your "r" go in peace! lol

stronghunter said...

Very sadly, Kathryn and Hunter had to make the heartbreaking decision to have Smokey euthanized this afternoon. She was ill and lethargic again this morning. The vet found that she was dehydrated and that her blood pressure was so low that they could not even use an IV on her. There was just not anything else they could do for her.

stronghunter said...

The vet will do a necropsy to see if she can learn what was wrong with our little kitty.

glo said...

awww I am so sad to read about Smokey I don't understand how she got that dehydrated just being home 1 day. I am glad for the necropsy to maybe protect your other little kitten. Hugs for all.

stronghunter said...

She was having diarrhea and vomiting, Glo. I did see her drink some water, though.

glo said...

I am very sorry. You surely did your best to save her. I do hope she was kept away from the other kitty. I would be boiling or throwing away any dishes she used or atleast package them up and put them out in the garage or something until you get necropsy results back.

Judie said...


I am so heartbroken for you and Kathryn and Hunter. Likely, Allie will need a little extra TLC for a day or two. Wondering if the sisters had a shared biological predisposition. Regardless, the loss is painful and I am saddened for you all.

Restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, As I mentioned to you early - I pray little Alli can fill the heartbreak
of you and Kathryn and Hunter. I'm sure Smokey has gone over the Rainbow Bridge and
was greeted by Bandit! Prayers for you and yours.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed to a 9:00 TV show Whitechapel......... Not much on the rest of the

I may be back later BUT
Just in case.......... Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I am so sorry about
Smokey holding you and your family close to heart

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, just saw your comment on FB about Smokey. I was not expecting to read such sad news. Know it is hard for you and your family to have lost both kitties. I am so very sorry. Such precious short little lives but they knew love because of you and Kathryn and Hunter.

stronghunter said...

Thank you, everyone. Your kind words help. It was hard to lose one kitten, but then to lose another one makes it even harder. Knowing I have friends who care makes it easier. We do love our fur children, don't we?

Rus has stopped by this evening, and we are enjoying a nice visit.

And, I have found one of my cousins on Facebook. I had been looking for Mary Lu for years, and it turns out she has been looking for me. This morning I found a friend request from her.

JudyEddy said...

Good news of the friend request SHIRLEY love fb for that reason finding family and long lost friends

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

good evening to all. I attempted to make an album of the tiger babies on fb, but had no luck so I posted the pix to my blog. please stop by and check out the pix.

MORE IMPORTANTLY: dearest STRONGHUNTER: what can I say? my heart breaks for you and your family. hugs hugs hugs and love to you all...

I am tired tonight. We left, played with the babies, which was an incredible experience I had one sitting in my lap (orange cub) playing with Tom (I brought a squeaky toy). They had a fabulous game of tug of war going!

They weren't silky soft like domestic cats, their fur was kind of rough. But what an incredible adventure.

We drove back, stopping by where I grew some pix to show JudyE. (Also posted on facebook). We had heard last year that mom and dad's place was torn down; which we knew needed to be done. It broke my heart everytime I went there and the place was all but falling in on itself. I wasn't s ure how I would be, seeing it without that particular home, but actually even though it was mixed feelings, mostly, it was peaceful feelings. It looks like a family might live there....and that made me smile.

Stopped by the cemetary....and then home.

Tom had to buy a new computer. I'm tired of expenses now! Alternator....a/c unit for down stairs and now a computer! ENUFF!

Hope everyone sleeps well. SED dreams, except for me, I might have to have tiger cub dreams tonight! :)

stronghunter said...

Playing with tiger cubs sounds like a remarkable experience, Janet. Glad you were okay with seeing your old home place with a new house. You still have your memories, and that is the important part.

Sleepy and yawning here. Thank you again for all of the kind words and thoughts. SED, everyone.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Shirley, I am shocked and so very sad to read that you have lost Smokey. Like Judie, I wonder if both Smokey and Bandit weren't born with the same predisposition. I'm very sorry for your loss.

Janet, I saw your photos on Facebook last night - what a once-in-a-lifetime experience that must have been!! What is the place that you went to? Why are tiger cubs being raised to be comfortable with people rather than in an environment that would allow them to eventually live in the wild?

We went out to dinner with friends on the boat last night - beautiful evening to be on the water. Tennis was excellent but, by the time I got home at the end of almost 3 hours of playing, I was exhausted! Sat on the sofa in my sweaty tennis clothes and watched episodes of House of Cards (on Netflix Judy) for several hours b/c I was too pooped to get up the stairs to shower!

Absolutely nothing on my agenda today. Oh, I got a letter in the mail yesterday from my former dermatologist that started, "This is to inform you that Center for Dermatology will no longer be seeing patients." It continued on explaining how patients can get their medical records ... and HOW MUCH IT WILL COST PER PAGE TO GET THEM!!! This guy practiced medicine while on probation and now wants to charge his patients to get their own medical records! Tomorrow I'll be calling the Board of Medical Licensure & Discipline.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

YOU GO, SANDI!. No shame to his game. You should receive a full copy of your records free of any charges.

Shirley, hoping today will be a day of calm and restoration for you and the family. So nice you found your cousin -- a bright spot.

Janet, what a wonderful experience with the cubs. Fun memories. Think of your family's home as now being a place of rebirth for another family to make good memories.

Jo? How was Whitechapel? That is on the station I don't get. I watched Midsomer reruns.

Not much on the agenda today. Heat is returning. Sky is overcast. May venture out to the farmer's market -- tomatoes and corn.

Wishing everyone a truly lovely day.

stronghunter said...


Having a quiet day here. Hunter and Kathryn are off to have lunch with friends and do some shopping after having stayed home yesterday for some quiet time.

I will be fixing some lunch in a bit. Brought home some nice spiced shrimp yesterday. The restaurant gave me chicken in a salad when I had requested shrimp, so they gave me shrimp on the side, and I had them box it. I can think of some things that will go nicely with it.

It is going to take awhile to adjust to what has happened here. It still hurts to think of those sweet kittens.

stronghunter said...

Hope you find some nice goodies at the farmer's market, Judie.

Janet said...

good morning all.

SANDI: The gentleman who owns and runs Wild Life in Need (google them) are about a lot of things. One of those things is repopulating tigers. There are estimates that within 50 years they will be extinct! One of the things they are doing is breeding to try to repopulate. I am not sure if they will have some to release into the wild, but release is one of the things that they do, but not necessarily tigers. They take care of raptors that are injured and release them. There are videos on their page.

To all, yes this was indeed a remarkable experience. If you are ever going to be in that area, google them and see if they are having this fund raiser. It was truly an incredible experience. I know you can't really see my face in the pix, but I was absolutely enchanted with being eyeball to eyeball, nose to nose with these glorious cubs.

STRONGHUNTER: truly, at first I didn't want to go by mom and dad's place. But then I thought of my mom. She lived thru the bombing of Hamburg, seeing her home on fire, flames on the water, everywhere. And she and my sisters went back years later. Heck, I figured if she could do that, then I could do this.

It took a deep breath and some steadying as we drove by......and everything else is the same in the old neighborhood, but their property. I was tickled to see the storm cellar there....

need to help tom with his lap top, will chat more later. hugs to all

stronghunter said...

Go for it, Sandi.

stronghunter said...

What a remarkable history your family has, Janet. Yes, you have to stay in touch with that.

stronghunter said...

I can see how part of protecting our endangered wildlife is bringing humans into the picture. It must have been an incredible experience to touch the baby tigers. You will care about those tigers always.

Janet said...

Shirley, yes, I do think of this as a fresh start for that property. We have so many memories attached to it. Family get togethers, swinging on the back porch swing chatting with the folks, watching kids play all over the 2+ acres, apples ripening and picking them and various other things…..running down in the storm cellar….my dirtbikes….just so much. But to think another family is living there, making memories makes me very happy deep inside.

Yes, our family has a very interesting history. I’m hoping when Olivia is grown and I have a big more time to do an ancestry dig. I remember much of what Mom told me. Dad knew very little of his history, but maybe I could find something.

SANDI: I”ve been quietly watching your doctor’s horrific situation. Oh my stars. I’d be making some phone calls too…charging for copies of your records, under these conditions? No, I don’t think so.

Tom’s old computer died. I am trying to help him to get back to a comfortable starting point for him on this new one. His aol favorites are gone.  apparently they do not save your favorites on their server. Trying to get this old computer to come up one last time…..and grab them onto the external harddrive.
Lazy day. I slept til my body said wake up. Not doing too much today, but there is much to do.
Will check in later. Hugs!

Lolly said...

Hi all! All is once again very quiet around here. All family gone. Jane and Herbert got here Thurs. then Michael and Zach joined us Friday for dinner and were here until noon Sat. Laurel and boys joined us about 4 yesterday and they, too, spent the night. Said good bye to Jane and Herbert late last night. And, now Laurel and boys have departed!

Had a good time but not without worries! Jane has always been a worrier. Frets a lot, and it is worse! Also, she needs to get toa doctor. Saw possible health problems. Definitely a tremor in her hand and a slow down of her speech. Herbert is no help as he thinks all doctors are no good. He brags about good health! (Tiring!). Also, Janes's youngest daughter, Leigh, who is in her upper 40's is in ICU at a hospital in Atlanta. Not sure what is wrong but I suspect out of control diabetes. She has gone through two procedures to remove fatty acid from her blood and it then goes back up. Prayers, please, for Leigh. So, that was not helping Jane and they are hurrying home.

Lolly said...

Just posted a video on our fb blog of the Kite calling out. He is flying some. Laurel saw him this morning and asked if we had young Hawks. Also saw a feeding., really enjoying them.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Leigh, Lolly.

Will check out the kite calls. I do not know much about kites.

Lolly said...

Have talked with one of Leigh's sisters. Come to find out she has been diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year. Has not been taking her medicine as it upset her stomach. Things are really serious with her condition now. We think Jane, Jack's sister, has Parkinson's. She acted so vague concerning Leigh. Either she has forgotten, does not know, or is just confused about Leigh. Rather frustrating with them all in Georgia, so far away. I urged Lisa to put pressure on Jane to get to a doctor fast. Come to find out her hands have had a tremor for about a year! Good grief! Herbert is no help since he does not like doctors! What a mess! Jane is 78 and Herbert is 81.

grannyblt said...

Lolly. How frustrating for you and Jack when readily available medical help is shunned. Hopefully Herbert and Janes daughter will take some action. I hope Leigh recovers and let this be a wake ip call to pay attention to her diabetes.

Judie said...

Good end of the weekend.

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Headed to my recliner to see if I can read a few pages tonight.

Wishing everyone restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥

I have had a good day - my morning hours were spent with Jenny.
It was really hot today and even now at this late hour the air is so heavy.
The moon last night was just so brilliantly shinning. Some of the pictures on FB are
superb - the one Paula posted took your breath away.

Lolly I dislike seeing you have to worry so when others really don't take care of themselves. The hand shaking can also be caused by steroid drugs. I hope things all work themselves out to keep everyone in decent health.

Janet happy for you and the family getting to be with the tigers - and they weren't very little from what I see in your pictures on FB. Great experience. Olivia looked so pretty in the pictures. Well so did you and Tom...♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne1 - is your momma cat out of heat now and ready to get 'fixed'?

Shirley - does Hunter's school start Monday -Labor Day? Did Alli pester Luna today?

Glo - sorry Patches didn't get to go swimming.

Andy - good to hear that Ken hand is soon going to be infection free - Give Emma a petting for me.

Judy - hoping your dental work is going well.

Judie - last evening about 1/2 hr into Whitechapel we both decided to turn the channel. It was interesting at first - but too many gross murders! I turned to Hallmark's weekly soap opera of Cedar Cove.

Mema Jo said...

I have tired fingers hitting the Caps Lock - lol

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Hunter's school starts the day after Labor Day. He has a freshman orientation at some point before that. To tell you the truth, I am not sure when that is. Kathryn is taking care of it. They went shoe shopping this afternoon and came home with two pairs of shoes for Hunter. Very colorful sneakers and a pair slip-ons.

Allie is still hissing at Luna. She is not a dog lover. She came and snuggled with me for awhile this evening.

Oh my, Lolly. Sometimes you just cannot help people. I don't know what to say.

I am yawning and my eyes are watering. I need to wind thingdown for the evening. SED, everyone.

Kay said...

Good Early and last morning of August to you, Eagle Buds!!!

Reading back it seems a good weekend was enjoyed by most---that's certainly true for me. All's well in my neck of the woods!

SHIRLEY, while you reported on some very positive things as Hunter prepares for H.S., there was the matter of grief to be handled. So sorry Smokey and Bandit both lost their lives to such a strange malady. My heart aches for you and my thoughts are with you, Kathryn and Hunter. Glad you found a long lost cousin--that's a mood brightener!

JO, holding you in my thoughts and prayers as you're fixin' to return to the Cyber Knivers tomorrow. So thankful you have that advanced technology on your side!

Will be back later in the day in hopes that all of our regulars and perhaps some of our irregulars will have reported in!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this very last day of August and my very last day of summer vacation.

Kay, you're up bright and early this morning - what's up with that?

Shirley, has Kathryn contacted the person she got Smokey and Bandit from to find out how the rest of that litter is doing? Just curious.

Lolly, Dennis has had hand tremors for a number of years, his mom had them as well and they weren't Parkinsons - something called "essential tremors" which never become Parkinsons. Just means you can't fill your coffee cup as much or thread a needle. :)

Jo, prayers continue for you today and every day.

Janet, how is school going with Olivia?

Judy, have you started your dental stuff?

Tennis for me at 8am if the courts stay dry - it's looking mighty gray outside. The plants could use the rain but I would really like to play tennis. We shall see.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

Morning all

JO: the cubs were about 15 weeks old, and about 25 lbs. no they weren’t teeny tiny, but a playful good sized bunch.
Thank you for the compliment on Olivia. I think she is a beautiful young lady, but definitely as you can see in the pix a bit moody. She was having fun but sometimes does not smile due to the braces.
LOLLY: so sorry for all the worry and concern! I hope things improve and work out better than anticipated.

JUDYE: thinking about you at the dentist, sis. 

SANDI: school seems to be going well this year. I like some of this online curriculum, but we do the math and PE separate. I have a math tutor for algebra. We’ve been doing a little bit of it, but I know my limitations with it, so we haven’t really dug in. Now that I have Jodi (a friend who is also a teacher) on board, here we go.

Got tom’s computer up and going yesterday. We’ve used AOL since 1998 as our provider. I have changed over and use BING as my search engine. Tom does not like change. It took me a while to figure out the “problem” yesterday, but I did. We had to download AOL onto the new laptop. Oncde that was done, his favorites appeared and he was very pleased!  Me too as I would hate to loose my favorites! Funny how our lives are so on these machines!

Anyway, let me get the kid out of the bed. Orthodontist this morning, then allergy shot, then school, etc etc etc
Thinking of each of you. Love and hugs abound!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Gloomy looking day outside my abode. I also thought I saw a family of humidities skulking around outside. Yuck!

Sandi, do enjoy the day. Enjoy tomorrow even more as you return to a beloved environment you can enjoy without stress and anxiety. Enjoy tennis. No doubt, Brian and Lynnis are settling in and Freyja and critters are doing well.

Oh, Darth also has a tremor in his right hand but does not have Parkinson's. Tremors can be a side-effect of some medications (referred to as extra pyramidal effects).

Jo, I believe Whitechapel must be on the PBS UK station we do not get. I do not like the new Sherlock or Doc Martin. Thinking of you today.

Shirley, it will be so much fun to follow the new soap opera I call The Adventures of Hunter this year: ♫ dum de dum dum dum ♫: "As the sun rises, will young Hunter wear shorts or long pants? Will he wear a coat on this snowy morning? Will he miss the school bus or arrive early to talk with the pretty young girl in homeroom? Will his grandmother sigh and pour herself another cup of coffee?" Can't wait for the first episode.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

JudyE, hope all goes easily and painlessly with the dental work.

Janet, good move to hae a tutor to help you.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Sandi--Smokey and Bandit were the only kittens from the litter that Kathryn's friend had. Someone took some other kittens. I do not know who took them or if they survived. They were taken immediately after they were born by someone who happened to be there. I expect they might not have survived since they were taken away from the mother cat, but I do not know. I think the person who looks after the feral mom (a barn cat) was going to have her spayed. I hope so. I know Kathryn's friend was very upset about the death of Bandit.

stronghunter said...

Hoping for a painless and successful dental procedure, Judy.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning!

Shirley, I'm absolutely shocked and so sad that you have lost little Smokey! It seemed so sudden, too! Hopefully the vet will be able to learn what was going on. I can't imagine what could have happened, unless if it was some sort of inherited problem. My heart goes out to you and your family! ((HUGS))!

Ken and I are going to visit our friends Jim and Darlene today to catch up and do some Scripture sharing. Will report back later.

It's supposed to be a bit cooler today, so Emma should be all right by herself while we're gone. We'll have the fans going for her. I think they are predicting 87 or 88.
That sounds almost like a cold snap after the week we had last week!

Lolly, saying prayers for both Jane and Leigh.

Better get going. Need to get a shower and feed Emma her breakfast. Hope everyone has a good day today. Will check back in later tonight. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

no dental appt till Thur -- yeah so I am enjoying my vacation spent the day out and about yesterday

and will probably do the same thing today

we are really lucking out with the rains last nite had a down pour and really overcast out but better than rain more rain for later in the day and tonight

SIS I use google as my search engine I think I had Msn then bing got downloaded but I don't use either I love google

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Lots of early birds today! I don't relish the thought of having to go out today - humidity is to be high. Thank goodness for AC.

Hoping Alli and Luna could get together and be buddy buddies but I'm not sure that is going to happen. It is great that Alli likes to snuggle with you Shirley.

Janet a tutor for Olivia's math is a great idea. I know I could never do math but now English grammar I could. Sometimes my gd gets together with other home schooling parents and certain subjects are taught in the group by a knowledgeable person on that particular subject. Four of her 5 are now being taught at home. She has her hands full but she is doing a great job and the end of year reports are fantastic.

Mema Jo said...

I need to depart soon so I best get out of PJ's - lol
I'll be back this afternoon.

Prayers for all of you my friends. ♥

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeeee! Do appreciate all the concern and opinions on Jane and Leigh. Jane takes no medicines so doubt that is the cause. She has also become very soft spoken, hesitant, unsure, and expressionless. All point to Parkinson's, but we can hope!

As for Leigh, she is having her third round of plasmapheresis. Her triglycerides were at 759. Anything over 500 is high. She has been as high as 1800. Treating her for severely high triglycerides. It is scary! She has been moved to a room and out of ICU.

Worked in the yard some this morning. Jack has vacuumed so time for me to mop bathrooms and kitchen. Also, doing laundry. Back to routine!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Oh my goodness, Shirley. I cannot comprehend taking newborn kittens from the mother. Just so sad all around.

Hope Andy and Kubby had a nice visit this afternoon. No doubt the cooler weather is welcome by all.

Had hope to see Jo checking in but have a suspicion she may be enjoying an ice cream cone.

Grilled chicken, corn-on-the-cob, sliced tomato on tonight's menu. This has been a reading afternoon. Too hot/humid for being outside.

NatureNut said...

Dear Friends, If they allow me to get on here, want to say Hello to Everyone. Prayers for all in need.
Finally spent the weekend plugging in new computer. It's a Windows 10 & totally foreign. Most of the time I am "Maxine" and the favorite word is AARRGGHH!!!!!!
I haven't tried to load any of my photo programs (they're probably too old)----More Money. And I CAN'T get most shortcut icons I want and need onto desktop or toolbar! Right clicking is NOT working. Will have to consult son-in-law & daughter. They helped us a lot from TX, by window shopping, etc. Poor Fubby spent 2 trips looking for a Best Buy not too far from here. He came home and got the little map I had drawn off old 'puter. He went back to store and they said they don't even have these new ones yet. Even if you see them online, they have to be ordered! They filled out everything there to order and were told, "It's not available"!! He called me and I said ask if they have a can and a string?????? The saleslady laughed, he said. Dear SIL, Jimmy, ordered that same 'puter from his TX BestBuy and sent it to us in 2 days!!!!Could it be because Dell is headquartered right there???
Anyway, I think of all of you and will get back in gear some day soon, I hope! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Judie said...

Hi Loweeeeeda! After all you and hubby and been through, I suggest a visit to Ledo Pizza. (:

JudyEddy said...

SANDI check out google tennis match

Lolly said...

Ahhhhh, Loweeeeeeda! TEXAS to the rescue! 😀

Great to see you on Here!

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening to all ♥

Judie is right - I did have an ice cream cone but not until 3:30 or so.
My appointment didn't really start on the time scheduled and afterwards I went to the cancer center for my scheduled Power Port Flush. All went well.

I've been informed by the head TV watcher of this family that "there is nothing on TV this evening" We don't always like the same shows so that when I check I bet I'll find some that I like!

Judie your menu for dinner really sounds good. I hope the corn on the cob is delicious.

Loretta - come back more often !! Miss you

I'll BBL

JudyEddy said...

big big shake on cam

JudyEddy said...

oh LORETTA I hope you can get the puter up and running That is the reason I don't want to try anything new stick to what I have and what I know as long as I can

lots of rumbling going on storms out in the gulf will be shirting the coast throughout the night

Judie said...

Jo, so glad you had, and no doubt enjoyed, an ice cream cone. Yummy and so deserved. Glad the appointments went well. I'm watching Kid's Cook Off then headed to A&E for First 48. In reality, I will likely find my eyelids fall down asleep soon. Chicken was good. Tomatoes not so much.

Headed across the hall to my recliner. Feet going up (eyelids going down).

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

SED,everyone. Having one of those ocular migraines. Seeing funny colors. See you tomorrow.

CarolAnne said...

Evening everyone
Had Mom's memorial service today. She had been cremated as she didn't want people looking at her once she was dead. :o)
Had never attended that type of service before. It turned out so well and was truly a celebration of her life, not a death ceremony. The Deacon who performed the service began by saying when he met with us the meeting that generally lasts 30 minutes or so ran to over an hour as there was so much to tell about her life. And in his service he nailed it. He had really listened to us and spoke like he really knew her. Everyone was so very pleased with the ceremony. We are at peace with her passing.
Wishing everyone a wonderful autumn as we start the "ber" (or Brr) months.

JudyEddy said...

CA so happy the service was nice

Sounds like Janet and my mom didn't want viewing or even a get together at the house
she said if you couldn't see her when she was alive she didn't want them there when she died

Thinking I need to sit my butt down and do a will I know Staples have them just been putting it off

Got to try to remember to call Glass Pros tomorrow to come out to the house to fix my back window in my truck it has a leak I noticed my paper in back were wet

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

CarolAnne, the service sounds like it was very nice! That is what I like, a celebration of a good life!

Getting today good night! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this first day of September and also the first day of my school year.

Loretta, good to see you on the blog! You'll figure out the computer, just don't stress (easy for me to say, not so easy to do.)

Jo, prayers continue.

CarolAnne, sounds like the memorial service was very nice. I like your mom's thinking.

Shirley, Alli is a beautiful kitty! I hope your hearts are healing.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning to all

CAROLANNE: I agree. The service is for the living to have peace and closure. It sounds as if this was accomplished. HHHUUUGGGSSSS

I hope everyone has a lovely day. Busy here. Groceries. Lunch with Chelsea (oldest) and then tutoring @ 5:30.

Will check in later! (((hugs))), love, comfort and healing for all

Judie said...

Good morning.

Y'all come on over. We have a brand new September thread.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...