Friday, February 06, 2015


Here's a note I got from Dr. Jim Siegel on my staff about the nest visitor yesterday.  Jim has studied sanderlings, scrub jays, great blue herons, brown creepers, hermit thrushes, and a few others pretty intimately,  including their territorial, reproductive and feeding behavior. Observing eagles is a hobby for him, so here are his thoughts:

"Birds are instinctual creatures.  If the male is bringing in fish without young in the nest (Feb 4) , he is provisioning the female - feeding her as if she cannot leave the eggs or young and making sure she is fit and healthy to reproduce.  The fish may have attracted the sub-adult (Feb 5) 

I am not convinced the sub-adult is a fledgling from 3 years ago just hanging out and visiting its parents.  Fledglings of long-lived predatory birds have to disperse widely from home or  they will be constantly competing with their parents who may live for decades in the same place.  Every young born cannot stay home and wait for their parents to die; they may end up waiting for years.  They will compete with their parents (and the new nestlings) for food and space every year. And every year more young competitors are reared.  The gene line loses in that case. 

Eagles don't live in family groups - none of the predatory birds do.  But jays and crows do and these birds try to live at the borders of their parents territory, hoping someone will either die or they find another unoccupied territory nearby that they already know well due to its proximity to their natal territory.  Longevity: 6-7 years for jays and up to 20 years for crows.  Most small songbirds only live 3-4 years at most.    

If the sub-adult bird (I don't know perhaps 2-3 years old?) acts juvenile enough, the male or even the female may act as if the sub-adult is the bird they, in their tiny bird brains, are thinking (?) they have hatched out of the eggs that have not even been laid yet.  They may feed him or tolerate him as if he was their 2015 fledgling! This before those 2015 fledglings even exist.  Its hormonal not rational.

That is why you get chicken hens brooding kittens, and songbird feeding gaping goldfish mouths in a backyard pond. And lions that try to care for young antelope. Maternal and paternal Instinct takes over and strange things happen.

The other possibility is that subadult is trying to displace the adult male or female bird. It is not likely, but it is possible, that the sub-adult is in better physical condition than one of the adults, and although sub-adult in plumage, it is masculine or feminine enough in its genetic fitness to convince the rival bird and its opposite sex, that it is a potential viable territory holder and mate.

I am learning stuff from these birds all the time."

New thread


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 578 of 578
Mema Jo said...

Belle was watching something

Up and out of the egg cup again

MT nest

WVJerry said...

OK.I am back now. one in nest.

Mema Jo said...

Both in and I think Belle is eating
I didn't see the fly in as to whether or not food was brought

WVJerry said...

Thought I would change to a more appropriate avatar. Got rid of the old photo of me and my friend(I recently re-connected with after 30 years) and his Mom's boyfriend. Maybe this can help the egg process.

Mema Jo said...

Jerry - we should set up shift-watching lol

Belle is eating

Hope she gets her fill and then sits back down and lays the egg.

Mema Jo said...

Jerry Your Avatar is beautiful

WVJerry said...

Thanks Jo. I'll be around off and on today. Watching Cam on phone.

Mema Jo said...

MT Again

Mema Jo said...

Both have returned

I can't count how many MT's and how many returns I have seen this morning.

Lolly said...

I see Belle is eating. Just assuming that is Belle. The egg cup is looking very distinct this morning.

Oh, and Good Morning! 58 and heading up. Going to be a beautiful day. More daffodils are opening. Will soon be able to have a bouquet in the house.

Church this morning and a covered dish lunch, taking a cake as that was the easiest to prepare yesterday.

stronghunter said...


Seeing nestorations taking place this morning.

Will have to check my flower beds for signs of spring.

Lolly said...

Love watching the moving of that stick!! Maybe going to leave it in that position? Eagle has changed its mind several times. lol

Lolly said...

I think the rails and nest have never looked so good! Come on now, time for an egg!

Lolly said...

Going to eat a bite and finish getting ready for church. Will be watching the cam!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly Say a prayer for our nest! TY

Mema Jo said...


Sandi said...

Hi all - home from tennis. Always good fun and good exercise. Lost the first set but won the next 2.

I see the nest is MT but I hear an eagle every once in a while so someone must be in the tree.

I agree with everyone that our nest certainly LOOKS ready for an egg. If only Belle would think so. But ... she knows what she's doing!

53 degrees at the boardwalk when I stopped at the ATM machine after tennis. Again, my kind of winter weather. Gonna change and head outside to enjoy this day. My daffodils are poking up from the ground - c'mon spring!!

C'mon Belle!!


Sandi said...

Eagle in!

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Sitting at 5:00 spot.

Lynne2 said...

Not laying an egg at the 5 o'clock spot.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I can't keep live feed up on lap top and having issues getting on tab Thanks goodness for the Still CAM

JudyEddy said...

me and my big mouth I lost the still is anyone else having issue with the STILL

JudyEddy said...

Got live fed on tablet but no still

JudyEddy said...

moving sticks at 12 and at 6

JudyEddy said...

in cup area now and one with sticks I think it Belle in cup

is anyone else here?????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????????????????????? still can't get the still cam

Donald said...

There's gotta be an egg today!

Donald said...

My post would not work.... Things seemed to freeze up.

JudyEddy said...

still cam is back for me

JudyEddy said...

I get the spinning circle also Donald but I am using fee wifi and McDs

JudyEddy said...

no longer in the cup

Donald said...

I went and signed in with google +. Seems to work better for some reason.

JudyEddy said...

both still in nest on at 11 and other launch pad just sitting now
seem to be watching soemthing

JudyEddy said...

I like Google better than IE obne poofed

JudyEddy said...

one in still and two in live feed behind lol

JudyEddy said...

i think my live feed is frozen don't want the refresh may not get it back almost time to go punch

JudyEddy said...

one eagle in nest and I did F5 and I did loose the live feed OH well almost time to go back to work

JudyEddy said...

in the egg cup and I must head baack to work I hope we get egg but I sure would like to witness it PUSH belle or hold it till I get homwe LOL I an confusing the poor bird

Sandi said...

I've seen mating twice today and now Belle really is settled in that egg cup, with the grass pulled up around her. I really need to do my house checks but I'm afraid something will happen while I'm gone.

What to do, what to do???

JudyEddy said...

I think being the blog is connected with Google may be a reason it works better JMHO Lator GATOR

JudyEddy said...

SANDI house work can wait We need witness and picture of the egg laying LOL I must go

JudyEddy said...


WVJerry said...

Back now. One eagle sitting in middle of nest.

WVJerry said...

Maybe eagles don't lay eggs while crows are sqauwking.:-)

Sandi said...

Both in the nest now and Belle is up again! Good grief!! This is REALLY getting old!!

Sandi said...

I'm heading outside to enjoy the sunshine and warm temps. If I miss seeing the first egglaid, I'll kick myself but ...

I wonder how many fanatic eagle watchers are glued to their laptops and tablets right now waiting to watch one eagle lay an egg???

Back in about an hour! Jerry, you're holdin' down the fort!!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon
Hello Donald and welcome

I have been checking the nest on the half hour because I too was getting frustrated. They both were doing nestorations - as I stated on FB they should know by now that 2 beaks on 1 large stick = someone gets poked

Jerry you could be right about the noisy crows........

Most of our eggs have been laid early early am hours.

stronghunter said...

Okay, hang in there folks.

It is getting near . . .

Meanwhile, I do have to eat.

Eventually, I must do some housework. The bridge club will be here the third Wednesday of the month. Most of these ladies have maids. I do not. Most do not have a teenager, a cat, and a dog to clean up after. Geesh.

stronghunter said...

Welcome, Donald.

Mema Jo said...

I am almost certain that I won't have the honor of announcing the egg when it does come... No matter I just want an egg to be in that egg cup soon !

Blackwater refuge expects hatching
around 2/11 - 2/14
They have zoomed in their cam on the eagle incubating their eggs.

stronghunter said...

There really are a lot of crows around the nest. But somehow I doubt if they are keeping eagle eggs from coming.

I thought I saw the shadow of something on the ground below the nest. Just a movement. Upper right hand corner.

Mema Jo said...

I just remembered about the Crows
Blackwater's Osprey nest one year - the crows destroyed their unattended eggs.

Mema Jo said...

If your Still Cam goes black
Hit F5

Mema Jo said...

I need to say just like everyone else, I want a cam in another tree so we can view our Sycamore Palace from a distance.

stronghunter said...

That's interesting, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Interesting about the crows.

stronghunter said...

I want a remote cam, too.

stronghunter said...

I see one eagle in the nest now.

WVJerry said...

This part of the season is all knew to me. I'm just enjoying being able to watch the plays for a few seconds...refreshes and repeats. I will be watching off and on today. If I can get up early tomorrow I'll be watching but won't be able to post because of I post on my phone I lose the Live Feed. I'm always glad Sandi is up and reporting early.

stronghunter said...

Wonder if the remote cam we had is still up there.

stronghunter said...

Really was nice to see the action near the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle has a lot of patience for just standing there waiting for the return of the mate.

NatureNut said...

Good, Lovely Sunday Afternoon EagleBuds. Almost an hour ago, both eagles were in the nest, now only one. Very much enjoyed the info written by Dr. Siegel on Friday. I was able today to copy & paste into Word & put it in my '15 Eagle folder.
Might be able to find it!!!!

It's hard to belive BW might have chicks in a week!!!! They're not way down Soputh!!

I want to watch the cam, have chores to do inside, but weather so nice, I'm gonna have to work outside!!!!
Have a lovely day and holler LOUD if something neat happens! ☺

Donald said...

I really like the camera angle this year. Full view of the nest but what happened to the night vision? I miss that spider!

Mema Jo said...

2:27pm Nest is MT
Next time they come into the nest I am going to holler Lock Down and keep them there until we get our 1st egg.

Mema Jo said...

Donald - when the NCTC crew repositioned the cam for the great nest view - they didn't think about checking out the night vision - It is there but it isn't working.

Mema Jo said...

Good Old Spidey
I remember the very fist time he was spotted ! I think Eagle Eyed Sharon captured his pic and that has been many many years ago - I have a feeling he is still around

Donald said...

Thanks Jo, Even without the night vision it still gets better each year.

Mema Jo said...

Donald - are you Donnie?

stronghunter said...

Well, shucks.

Yes, Spidey managed to mess things up for us many an evening. I remember when I first saw Spidey, I was a bit shocked. Had to remember that the closeness to the camera was an important factor.

Judie said...

Ah, Boris. Lynn's favorite blog pet. I'm sure we all remember how much she loved spiders. lol

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie . . . Thanks. I was trying to remember what we called that spider.

stronghunter said...

And, dear Lynn. She couldn't watch if Boris was there.

She walked out of her house waving a stick to get rid of any possible spider webs that might be around. I still picture her doing that. :)

stronghunter said...

Was it her eagle cane she waved?

stronghunter said...

Wow! Sixty-nine degrees here. Balmy.

stronghunter said...

And Boston is about to get more snow. Wow.

Judie said...

Yes, it was her eagle cane. Waved it in front of herself when she left her home.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Lydia says she can hear some
Eagle chatter......

Mema Jo said...

I said that I feel like I am stalking

I am putting my feet up for a while

You hear that Shep and Belle - It is
safe to come back now... Mema Jo is
taking a panda nap !


JudyEddy said...

Checking before leaving work NO EGG WHAT IS UP WITH THAT BELLE

JudyEddy said...

Home and I see NO EGG Belle is being very uncooperative this year I say

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

WIND is deafening again

Donald said...

I had to use the other account today. I'm Donald on one and Donnie in the other!

JudyEddy said...

winds died down apparently

not so bad now

JudyEddy said...

It was so nice again today I noticed that the temp at the Ft Meyers nest was 79° when I was on lunch We are 72° now

stronghunter said...

Yikes, Judie!

Figured that had to be you when I saw the spider.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and Hunter removed one of the kitchen cabinets from the wall and took it over to Jimmy's. Jimmy is Tommy's older brother and very handy when it comes to fixing things. The cabinet is falling apart. We had to empty it, so there are lots of dishes and things all over the dining room table.

Never had a cabinet fall apart like that. First thing we noticed was the door would not stay closed. That is because the whole front part was falling off. It is nice to have them take care of it. I guess I would have just hired a handyman to come in and do the repairs.

Nest MT.


stronghunter said...

Sun is setting. We need Belle to come in and spend the night.

stronghunter said...

Dean Smith has passed away. Eighty-three years old.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE ODD only one avatar shows as a spider the other has none on it and may we ask Why Boris?? First I thought Jufie changed it!

JudyEddy said...

There was a shake on the camera a bit ago SHIRLEY was so hoping someone would hop down

WVJerry said...

Got Cam back on...said about Dean Smith Shirley. See MT nest gonna try and watch a little before eating.

Mema Jo said...

Well took a Panda Nap and now I hit the bit 500.

Mema Jo said...

Taking some time out for dinner

Thanks Donnie for letting me know you are Donald. I can't remember what
we talked about concerning the C&O
Tow Path but they decided NOT to put any charges in place. That is a wise decision.


Sandi said...

Well, this has turned out to be a most frustrating weekend eagle- watching-wise.

I expect our eagles will show up soon, stick around for a few, and then poof! Maybe tomorrow Belle will get serious about laying an egg.

Need to feed the dogs and then fix some food for people. Probably won't hop back on the blog again tonight so I will say goodnight all. See you in the early AM!

Mema Jo said...

I do hope they are not waiting for Valentines Day ♥

JudyEddy said...

looks like we are being stood up

JudyEddy said...

OH JO I can't go through another 6 days

grannyblt said...

I spent most of the day busy around the house with my iPad close at hand to witness the numerous comings and going by our couple. Now it is nearly dark and no Eagles. Let's hope for a more productive day tomorrow. Maybe a surprise at dawn would suffice.
SED to all.

JudyEddy said...

is going down on the nest

and the

”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★..
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★
˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”★”*°•.¸☆..★

are shining on a empty nest

another nite of being stood up LOL

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE IN I see head

WVJerry said...

Goodnight all. If I can get up early, I'll be watching for a while in morning. Take care all.

JudyEddy said...

both are in teh nest

JudyEddy said...

still there

JudyEddy said...

I see white head looks like in cup and I see tail feathers also

JudyEddy said...

just heard like a fly off two flaps sort of and I see no white boo hoo

JudyEddy said...

I did get some snips with my tablet and one with the snip of puter

Mema Jo said...

It's as dark as the Ace of Spades

Lynne you are right - Maybe a surprise at dawn would suffice.


DanaMo said...

JUst looked outside and realized it's dark! :( I was too late for tonight. Glad JudyE caught that they were in the nest.

I've been very lazy today after spending the day at WCC (Warrior Canine Connection for those who don't know is the organization that raises labradors and goldens to be future service dogs for veterans) yesterday with my friend who is now the puppy mom/trainer of one of the Gratitude Litter.

Anyway...can't believe it's Sunday night and no hope for a snow day. I should probably get my plans done. Tuesday will be the 100th day of school! Yipee!

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Have been outside all afternoon! Jack mowed and I blew and raked. raked mostly acorns! It was so being outside. I saw 73 at one time. Presently 70! Daffodils are blooming, and we see groundcover and fern starting to come up! House is open and we enjoyed our evening glass of wine sitting on the front patio. Young man who used to live across the street and would tàke care of our yard was visiting his parents. He saw us and came over with his year old daughter. Loved it!

Checked the cam and in the dark do not see a white head of an eagle. When????

Mema Jo said...

Check this out from Deb Stecyk

Mema Jo said...

Published on Feb 8, 2015 Deb Stecyk

This footage captures the birds arrival to the nest after dark ... a bit odd since they were both in and out of the nest frequently today and Belle seemed to spend a great deal of time standing over the egg cup ... but no egg today ... perhaps tomorrow will be the day for this pair to be blessed with an egg. Good Night

Mema Jo said...


From the attic of the
Sycamore Palace


stronghunter said...

They did fly out at the end of the video, didn't they, Jo?

Mema Jo said...

tonight is my Downton Abbey

Never know what to expect but
The police deepen their probe into Green's death; and Bates tells Anna the truth about his whereabouts on the day in question.

Then I watch on the same channel
Grantchester on Masterpiece
10:00 PM on WETA 26, 1 hr 2014 TV-14

And I will have a slice of pound cake with vanilla ice cream and Hershey's syrup. That's all, Folks

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - you mean Deb's video of them coming into the nest...
I think it was too dark to tell

Guess once again we'll see what went
on in tomorrow's daylight!

Sandi, Grannyblt, Judy and Jerry should be our Early Birds

JudyEddy said...

Watching AC DC Grammy's

JudyEddy said...

Andi have never seem a poop shoot like that lasting that long in squirt . All the ones I have seen one shot

JudyEddy said...

Poor eagle has the squirts

JudyEddy said...

Sam Smith won New Artist

Mema Jo said...

2/8 am video: How to build an egg cup
Deb Steyck

Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!!!

Happy day here with 60 degrees--could hardly bear to stay indoors! Had the nest cam on and checked now and then, but no egg yet. Maybe tomorrow, which is my son's birthday--yeh, that would be nice n' easy for me to remember!

Seth and I had a grand Sat./Sun. and he and Julie washed my front windows---living room & Seth's room aka the TV room. Didn't realize how dirty they were til' they were clean again! Her idea--what a lovely daughter!

JO, I'm with you on what will be good TV viewing tonight. Wish I could join you for that dessert!

Love and prayers, as always, for those in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Eyes are wearing down. I need to get away from the computer screen.

SED, everyone.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. The dogs got me up extra early this Monday morning, wasn't that nice of them?

Sadly, I am on too early to report about anything to be seen in the nest. All I see is black and I'm not hearing anything at the nest either. It will be another hour before anything becomes visible on the live cam.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Sandi said...

Both eagles were just calling out, so they're either in the tree or in the nest. Someone is definitely "home" and not happy about something. Still can't see a thing on the cam. All is quiet now though - the calling out lasted for about 30 seconds.

Hoda said...

Well I can not see a thing!
I can not hear a thing!
I might as well say Good morning all.
Have a terrific day.

Now I will say goodnight since I have yet to get to sleep and have promised to go walk in the rain by eight!
Pathetic really!
Rain in February!
The only thing worse is rain in January!
Oh well...
Good night!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

cam is BLACK to early for the birds

Sandi said...

Nest is MT at 6:53am. Bye!

Lynne2 said...

There are no eggs, and no eagles laying any.

Good misty morning all...will try to check in from work later!

stronghunter said...

Grey at the nest. No eagles. No egg.

WVJerry said...

Best looks MY. Been hearing calls since 6:11.

WVJerry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Silent. I do not hear any eagle calls.

stronghunter said...

Something is on the cam.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jerry. Good morning. Are you still hearing calls? I haven't heard any.

stronghunter said...

I hear crows.

stronghunter said...

Having coffee. Will be taking Hunter to school in awhile. Will be looking in whenever I can.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Shirley Heard nothing since about 6:45.

stronghunter said...

Eagle in!!

stronghunter said...

I didn't hear eagle calls, but one just landed. Working on egg cup. I think it brought in a beak full of flugg.

stronghunter said...

I think that is Shep.

WVJerry said...

Eagle still in...Cam spotty for me now.

stronghunter said...

I'm was getting a clear pic, then it broke up a bit.

stronghunter said...

Belle just arrived.

stronghunter said...

Both working on cup.

WVJerry said...

Two now.

stronghunter said...

Need to go put in some laundry. BBS.

stronghunter said...

Need to go put in some laundry. BBS.

WVJerry said...

MT nest now. HP once.

Sandi said...

Both eagles just poofed! And another day starts the same way the last couple ended. The nest looks ready but the eagles don't!

Good morning Shirley and Jerry.

At school - kids arriving soon. Will be watching as I can.

stronghunter said...

Back for a moment. Need to get ready to take Hunter to school. Nest MT.

The crows are awake and calling.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Sandi. Enjoy your day at school.

stronghunter said...

PT today. Had to wash my exercise clothes.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Handing eagle watch over to the next person.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi. By Shirley. I will watch for a while longer.

WVJerry said...

Got on around 6 I guess. Heard some muttering like sounds, then a loud call at 6:11. Two more loud calls between 6:30 and maybe 6:45. Been trying to watch on phone and post on old phone. Not a good situation. Glad Shirley was on. Missed Sandi. We might going out...wife still sleeping.

WVJerry said...

Nest still MT Just lost Cam. Have to stop watching now. Enjoy your day. Calling for rain here.

stronghunter said...

Back from delivering Hunter to school. I hear crows. MT nest. See you later, Jerry.

grannyblt said...

Good morning EagleMomsters. I have the cam up on iPad and posting from phone. The camera just won't stay up on my laptop. As Shirley Jerry and Sandi have said. MT nest and crows in the background for our listening pleasure.

I'll watch as long as I can.

I need to make a post office run but my driveway is blocked with trash and recycling cans. Snow piles too big and icy to put on grass. So I hope the Tri County folks come soon. The warmer temperatures yesterday did help melt the ice on driveway, but the warmup is over. Icy snow piles will be with us for a long time.

Janet said...

good morning to all. wishing everyone a lovely day!

stronghunter said...

Hearing crows at the nest and blue jays outside my window. No snow here but no flowers poking above the ground quite yet. The buds on the dogwood tree are still tightly closed, but the temperature is in the 40's. Sunny.

stronghunter said...

Good morning Lynne1 and Janet.

stronghunter said...

Need to shower and get decent for my day's adventures. I guess the blue jays are wanting more peanuts. Silly birds. There were lots left over from yesterday.

stronghunter said...

Both in. Loud calls from both.

stronghunter said...

Also soft call to each other.

grannyblt said...

Both Eagles came screaming in just now.

stronghunter said...

Not sure what I heard. Sounded like something in the attic, but eagles not bothered.

stronghunter said...

On there now. Eating. I think Belle. I think she was hoping for HP, but Shep just flew away.

Lynne2 said...

SO MUCH FUSSING!Not enough egg laying! Same trouble at my Codorus nest.

Back to work....

Mema Jo said...






stronghunter said...


«Oldest ‹Older   401 – 578 of 578   Newer› Newest»

2/21/25 PM fisj

 12:13 PM we arrive at the nest. Scout brings back a small fish.I am amazed at she doesn't eat that fish.All gone 1230.He exits the nes...