Here's a note I got from Dr. Jim Siegel on my staff about the nest visitor yesterday. Jim has studied sanderlings, scrub jays, great blue herons, brown creepers, hermit thrushes, and a few others pretty intimately, including their territorial, reproductive and feeding behavior. Observing eagles is a hobby for him, so here are his thoughts:
"Birds are instinctual creatures. If the male is bringing in fish without young in the nest (Feb 4) , he is provisioning the female - feeding her as if she cannot leave the eggs or young and making sure she is fit and healthy to reproduce. The fish may have attracted the sub-adult (Feb 5)
I am not convinced the sub-adult is a fledgling from 3 years ago just hanging out and visiting its parents. Fledglings of long-lived predatory birds have to disperse widely from home or they will be constantly competing with their parents who may live for decades in the same place. Every young born cannot stay home and wait for their parents to die; they may end up waiting for years. They will compete with their parents (and the new nestlings) for food and space every year. And every year more young competitors are reared. The gene line loses in that case.
Eagles don't live in family groups - none of the predatory birds do. But jays and crows do and these birds try to live at the borders of their parents territory, hoping someone will either die or they find another unoccupied territory nearby that they already know well due to its proximity to their natal territory. Longevity: 6-7 years for jays and up to 20 years for crows. Most small songbirds only live 3-4 years at most.
If the sub-adult bird (I don't know perhaps 2-3 years old?) acts juvenile enough, the male or even the female may act as if the sub-adult is the bird they, in their tiny bird brains, are thinking (?) they have hatched out of the eggs that have not even been laid yet. They may feed him or tolerate him as if he was their 2015 fledgling! This before those 2015 fledglings even exist. Its hormonal not rational.
That is why you get chicken hens brooding kittens, and songbird feeding gaping goldfish mouths in a backyard pond. And lions that try to care for young antelope. Maternal and paternal Instinct takes over and strange things happen.
The other possibility is that subadult is trying to displace the adult male or female bird. It is not likely, but it is possible, that the sub-adult is in better physical condition than one of the adults, and although sub-adult in plumage, it is masculine or feminine enough in its genetic fitness to convince the rival bird and its opposite sex, that it is a potential viable territory holder and mate.
I am learning stuff from these birds all the time."
New thread
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 578 Newer› Newest»Belle takes off first, then Shep.
One just returned with another stick, which was added to the rails at the 11 position. Shep I think?
I was just reading on the Blackwater site that they have been in discussions with an organization called about having live streaming in place for next eagle season! How exciting for them - hope it happens! They will be on hatch-watch by the middle of this coming week and here we are still on egg-watch!
Good morning.
Seems as though there has been some activity at the nest this morning. Nest is currently MT.
Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
And Wishing YOU a Wonderful Day, Judie.....your avatar, well, is just not there...maybe one of your Very Fine Cardinals would be Ennervating !!
xoxoxo Lovins' and(( HUGS ))
It is calming and joyful to see the many Avatars here, always has been....
I don't change mine pretty happy with this Yellow-Billed Magpie which Paula sent to me "years ago" -
I have not seen any Eagles this morning, and only heard the Crows a few minutes ago....
Best Wishes for a Super Saturday for all...
"Bon Samedi."
(this is James the Wise Kidster day for me....heading out for that pretty soon...)
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
Aren't those "Browns" Rich and Beautiful at the Sycamore Palace !
Well it is VERY MILD!!! As a matter of fact we are having a thaw! Actually we are now having flood and avalanche warnings. Yesterday I wore a rain coat! Ugh! WHERE IS MY WINTER?
Ski clinic was cancelled for today because of the weather conditions. It will be this way for at least a week!!! I am thinking of taking out my bicycle if I can not ski!!!
Going to Aqua Fit in an hour and then two yoga sessions today since I can not ski...
I love my juicer...
Could Belle be too old to lay an egg? I had to ask because it crossed my mind several times. Any one have any thoughts on this question?
Yes SANDI PAULA is the one who enters egg laying dates.
I just head my fresh squeezed vegetable juice for this morning...kale, celery, ginger, beets, carrot, and an apple...yum. very delicious.
Now for my tea...
MARGY VERY VERY VERY good to see you.
Enjoy your day.
Miss you much when you are not on here...
Good morning,
Checking in. Was hoping to see an egg, but maybe later.
Nice to see Margy here this morning.
Eagle in!!!
Shep, I believe.
Moving a large stick.
Both there now.
Nestorations taking place.
Good morning to all ♥
Great to see all of you here but
my heart dropped when I saw the MT nest - the no egg nest - then in comes the Royal Couple. Thanks Jerry and Sandy for tracking the nest activity ♥
Enjoy your 'James day' Margy.
Both still in the nest.
Poof Belle.
Good morning, Jo.
Both there now.
Moving flugg.
Stick moving.
Flugg arranging.
I think they are putting on the final touches.
Poof one. I think it was Belle.
Was back reading info Sandi and Jerry posted earlier this morning. The royal couple definitely spending lots of time in the nest.
Hoda, I do not know how old an eagle has to be before she is too old to lay eggs. Not even sure how old Belle is. I am hoping all is fine.
And back.
Two in the nest.
Put out some peanuts earlier this morning and caused blue jay madness. I need to make a video next time. It is almost scary.
I don't think the squirrels stand a chance.
Belle and Shep sitting side-by-side in the nest. Lovely scene.
Eagle talk and one poof.
Sounds like crows in the area.
This from a search I did on my question regarding Belle's age and laying eggs.
Q. How many eggs does an average bald eagle lay in a lifetime?
A. The average bald eagle clutch size is just under 2 eggs/clutch (1.9). If we assume that a female eagle begins nesting at age 5, and lives until she is 25, she will have 20 years of egg-laying. There is no evidence that a healthy eagle reduces egg-laying as she gets older. So 2 eggs/year X 20 years = 40 eggs in her lifetime.
Still one in the nest. On edge at about 5:00.
Thanks, Hoda. Good information.
So it sounds like we are okay for more eggs.
Good morning Shirley
I am forcing myself away from the cam until I take all my meds and eat my breakfast = hard to do.
Our nest really looks great - the crib rails and the flooring all in place.
Good morning! Have read the paper and watched our Eagles. Saw the hp! Now how about an egg?
Leaving to eat a quick bite and then we are off! Just send a message on the fb blog if we get an egg.
Have a great day!😘
Good morning, Jo.
Not much happening right now. One eagle in the nest, just sitting near the tree trunk at the 5:00 position. Seems to be surveying the area.
Yes, everything looks ready for babies.
Have a good day, Lolly.
I hope you are enjoying James time by now, Margy.
Kathryn and Hunter will soon be heading out for Saturday adventures. Thinking about maybe spring football in addition to baseball. Also looking into the chess club. Hmm, that's a lot of stuff. Football was disappointing last fall, and this is the same coach. Not sure if it will work out. Coaches actually tried very hard, but the parents did not support the team, so we will have to see.
Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!
It tickles me pink to open up for the day and find our eagles in residence! I'll be tickled even pinker when there is an egg along with them!
HODA, thanks for posting eagle stats. There is a pair on Vancouver Island that is reported to be in their thirties and still producing. As to Belle's age, I wonder if anyone can guess. According to the natural order of eagledom there will come a day when a young adult eagle will "invade" and Belle will be outsted, as Mother Nature knows when it's time for retirement of Wildlife. We will be very upset, but it is within the grand design. I'm hoping that day is far, far off!
We're having a thaw here, too! I'm sure our local cross country skiers are not happy with it, but I sure am! Time to get rid of the ice buildup and leftover snow before the next onslaught of Winter!
Seth is home today to help Julie with Meals on Wheels---he's writing a paper on it for some class or other. I won't know til' early afternoon if he's go be here tonight or if he's returning to campus. My Kroger list is incomplete til' I know.
Hmmm, a little talking going on--can't tell which eagle is branching at the edge of the nest. No snow left there--yeah!!!
Love reading all posts! Love and prayers for all in need!
Some eagle calls. Sounds like whichever one it is is summoning the other one. I cannot see much, so I do not know which one is at the nest.
Forty eggs would produce a lot of offspring, Hoda. I know that the survival rate of young eagles is not too high, but it is encouraging for the future of eagles that one eagle pair can produce 40 eggs.
Looks like there might be a sycamore ball in the crib rails. At about 2:00. Almost looks like a face looking out at us.
Good morning!
Well I can't get the cam to run more than a minute but just long enough to see an eagle hiding under the branch and NOT laying an egg.
Oh, Lynne2. Sorry you can't get the cam to cooperate this morning. That eagle has been sitting there a long time giving out soft eagle calls.
I am using IE and, so far, it is working fine. I have the blog on Google Chrome because I haven't found a way to have two windows open on IE.
Nest is completely unguarded
Eagle at 5 on the rail just Poofed
Perhaps they are up in the attic
Nest ET.
Missed the poof, Jo. Good you were watching. Hoping they will be back soon.
Meant to say MT. :)
Belle would almost be 15 - 16 years old.. this is assuming she was 5 with the first eggs in 2006.
So, in eagle years, she is not all that old.
I just put out some more peanuts. The blue jays seem to have eaten their fill, so maybe some of the other critters will have a chance. Titmice and squirrels like them too--unshelled peanuts.
The blue jays gather in the redwood tree next door and watch for me to put out peanuts. They seem to take turns coming into my tree and hollering at me to hurry up with the goodies. Very bold birds they are.
Oh, and now I see a titmouse.
Titmice and chickadees.
Both eagles in nest.
Eating. I did not see them arrive. One eating one in egg cup. Not sure which is which.
Think it was Belle eating.
Would be very nice to see Blackwater get live streaming, Sandi. I hope it happens.
Both still in nest.
Lots of nest time today. Promising.
We can hope that a later egg-laying might mean warmer weather for babies. Maybe.
Working on egg cup and settling in there.
And up. More flugg moving.
I'm watching them both in the nest
11:51am One went Poof
Poof one.
Hi all. I did a little checking back through old blog threads.
In 2013, eggs were laid on 2/6 and 2/9.
Last year, the first egg wasn't laid until 2/17. I didn't spend enough time looking to find the dates for eggs 2 and 3 but #3 could have been as late as 2/21.
Our eagles sure have spent a lot of time in the nest already today and the nest DOES look ready to go.
Only 1 in the nest now - I think Belle?
Not sure either, Sandi.
Checking out the cup.
Looks like Belle to me.
Sitting in cup.
Pretty sure that is Belle. I can see the V.
Whoo Hoo
Belle did a nose dive and is now sitting pretty in the egg cup
:) Hi Jo. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Maybe she will spend tonight in the nest.
Is she faking us out
I think she may be standing - maybe not
She moved out of the egg cup. Geesh, Belle.
After noon. I need to find some food for myself.
Is everyone "PUSHING"
for Belle lol
PUSH IT!!!!!
Deb Stecyk is recording!
Trying to keep pics current in our album
1215punchtime hello onb lunch need to catch us lots ofcomments
as often as the mated yesterday we sould have half a dozen LOL
I hope those upward glances are for
Me, too, Jo. :)
seems to be a uneventful day at the nest so far no visitors
Judy, do you get a 30-minute lunch?
Uneventful is nice if it means no intruders. There has been a lot of nestorations and one HP event, though.
Does your sound fade in and out OR
isn't it windy all the time ?
I am not getting sound right now, Jo.
Well, maybe. I hear birds, but not a lot of wind.
No What
She is up
I didn't see it happen
Something distracted her
She is just sitting there. But not in the egg cup.
But she has been in the nest for a long time.
She looked up and is moving towards the cup.
I bet Shep is in the attic.
Settling into the cup.
back in cup
back in cup
Hearing more wind now. Not really loud, though.
Do you see her now
Sorta got up
did some nestorations
pulling some flugg up around her
Oh My
I really need some lunch but I am afraid to move .......
I heated leftover spaghetti and green beans and found some lemonade. Wish I could share with you, Jo.
Belle is up eating
I think she is just getting ready, but it will be awhile.
Kathryn and Hunter finally left after much discussion about the upcoming sports season. Spring football? Baseball? Both? Where are the red football pants?
Belle is snacking. I am feeling like she is getting ready for egg-laying.
The crows are doing a lot of hollering in the background and the wind continues to pick up.
Looks to me like it is cloudy there. I do not see shadows. It's sunny here.
She ducking??????
Something is overhead
I hope it is Shep
Can froze on me
And poof.
Cam shake.
Keep loosing can on laptop pooffffff
We are playing games again
Im getting lunch!
Check Google
I think she circled back and landed on the cam, Judy.
Heading back to time clock Angie party is after work Adults only
Laura Ingalls Wilder--148th birthday. Nice one, Judy.
Hope you are enjoying a nice lunch, Jo.
Shirley - only as good as a Bologna
sandwich can be! lol
What are you going to do with your MT house today ?
I see nest is MT. Good afternoon. On lunch break...will be last chance to watch today. Talk later.
Sounds like something quick so you can get back to watching, Jo.
House is not empty now. They went over to talk to the football people and came right back. Kathryn is cooking some bratwurst, but I'm not hungry since I had spaghetti. Hunter is up showering and getting ready for some more adventures. I'm not sure what all they're going to do next.
I might try to do a bit of cleaning when they depart.
Wish I could practice bowling, but think I need to wait awhile for that.
I am allowed two free games every week, and I am missing out. They expire. But it would not help me to get my knee all in a mess again.
Nest MT.
I think you are using good judgement about the knee and bowling practice.
I would favor it a bit longer.
I was sorry to hear that Sharon has had pain since her Hip replacement.
Not sure how Tori is doing.
I am going to get off of here for a little while
Hi everyone! I am busy with work and admin of another WCV FB poage, But I will be back here when things start to happen with our nest. Belle and Sheop and still #1 for me! And I am following the activity. Soon.....
MT Nest...
Left over food.
My desk top does not stay on for very long! Ugh!
The longest my cam stays on is 50 seconds! I will try my iphone and see what happens
Hi Lydia ! Take care and BTW I love your cardinal pics on FB - really good photos.
We'll see you soon - I hope things begin to happen very soon. ♥
My can has been up on tablet. On Angie desktop keep going down
Cam. Not can
Odd on tablet I have NO time counter also no volume
Hi, Gang,
Golly, no egg yet!! Sure hope Belle gets busy soon. Wonder if the extra cold temperatures have anything to do with the delay.
Nothing much happening here today, except that Ken made some brownies (not the kind Hoda allegedly makes). We found a box of sugar-free brownie mix, and decided to make it before it got too old and stale. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
Going to go watch some recorded TV shows with Ken, so we can delete them and make room for more shows. Will be back later.
Have a great day, everyone! I ♥ us!!!
Are there some Momsters on here that are watching the darkness coming in upon our MT nest !!
Raise your hand if you are ♥ lol
My Live Feed Sound is NOT there.
It was this morning and early afternoon.
Our Royal Couple is really twitching my nerves...
My hand is raised, Jo! I am disappointed - the morning looked so promising!
I have sound (I think) but the wind has died down. The live feed kept crashing during the early afternoon, but mine has been running for over 2 hours now on my laptop.
Dogs have been fed - people food is fixed. Guess we'll eat and watch some more TV since there is no entertainment at the nest.
Maybe tomorrow ...
Live feed has switched to black and white for the night.
Margy, hope you had a great day with James!
Lydia, good to see you on the blog today - please come back more often!
Judy, are you attending Angie's party or Jordyn sitting?
Eagli in
Eagle in! I DO have sound - heard the landing.
Shake cam
Both now!
6:00 sharp
eagles both in
Flew off w something
Poof both
They are gone.............
Yes, they are gone, Jo.
I have critters asking for their dinner. I have gotten nothing done around here today. Need to do something. First, I must feed the pets.
Nest is pretty dark, but I can see that it is empty. Shucks.
Gonna go party see ya
Angie b day party
I don't think they are likely to return now that it is dark.
Nice to see that Lydia was here. :)
Must find food . . .
Guess I best check what is on TV this evening! lol
Sauces has a EGG
Thanks Memeo Jo! Yep, the ation will start soon. Betcha first egg will be here by this next weekend :)
Listening for the fox.
So, not eagle I. The nest at sunset
Had a great day! Went to Joseph's 11 o'clock game, then Jacob's game at 1 and then rushed to Joseph's game at 2! It was loss, win, win!
Basketball is almost over, then Joseph starts soccer and has track, and Jacob is going to play spring basketball. No rest for the weary Mommy!😳
Just baked a cake for covered dish lunch at church tomorrow.
Lolly we did have a quickie at 601 to 605
Chilling outside for a bit
Perhaps tomorrow/tomorrow night will bring a future eggbert.
Restful sleep for all.
I am going to sit in my recliner
I usually dose off - nothing interesting on TV - makes it seem like a long day.
If I don't return
Goodnight to all and God Bless ♥
Well, I am ready for bed😄. Have the comfy Jammies on, under my lap blanket and reading! Two hours of reading ahead of me if I do not fall asleep here in my chair!
Night all! SED!
Must say good night. Eyes watering.
God Bless Us All
GoodMorningEagle Buds
Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends.
Nest is too dark to see anything yet.
Tennis for me this morning at 9am.
Temps are supposed to get into the 50s today - my kind of winter weather.
Hoping for an egg today - have a great day everyone.
Eagle in! Can just barely see but I heard the landing.
Oh, it looks like both arrived - I see 2 white heads.
Good morning Sandi. I'm watching with you. See two white heads
Good morning Sandi and gb. Been watching with you both.
Good morning Lynne & Jerry!
Color on the cam. Shep is gone but Belle is calmly settled in the middle of the nest.
Hi Sandi. I didn't get good early view. Has Belle been in same spot? Thanks for early reporting too.
Both in now.
Good Sunday morning to all you Early Birds.
Happy sight to see them both in our nest.
I haven't analyzed the situation lol
I can't tell if Belle is sitting or standing
One went Poof
Just one now.
Good morning Jo. Good to see you.
Two now.
Shep up on rail at 10 position
Belle standing and there may be a distraction as she stand over at
3 position looking out.
Shep went poof
Belle still standing like she is on guard.....
Sounds like crows hanging around. Only one in now.
Belle sitting on railing at 5 position
Good morning,
I see Bell there by the tree trunk.
Don't let me forget to pay the mortgage today, folks.
Sounds like she is calling to Shep.
I didn't have my sound turned on
Didn't want to wake hubby up
Hi Shirley. Two in now.
Now both in nest
Out again
Going to be a busy day at the nest
Jerry - Shirley
Getting a cup of coffee ..
OK. One back in.
Very pretty fly out
I was going to work outside some today...hoping it does warm up.
Got the dishwasher going. Will need more coffee soon.
Woodpecker saying "good morning" in his woodpecker way. There is very little wood on the outside of this house, but the woodpecker just pecks away.
Nest MT.
One back in.
Both in now.
Jerry it looks like rain could happen on this side of the mountain.
I was eating breakfast - didn't realize they were back
This could go on all day!
Really exhausting - in/out in/out
Jo I agree. Probably same weather here. Only one now.
Gotta step away for a few.
morning. looks as if we are heading towards another split...and we all wait.
egg. egg. egg. we silently chant. egg. egg. egg. and belle takes her time. she knows. we wait.
cloudy morning here in nashvegas. after work yesterday had a quiet day reading and relaxing. today planning a semi lazy day.
tulips and daffodils are greeting the late winter days....lots of green popping up in the flower garden. :)
have a great day to all! (((hugs)))
They both seem to be on their guard
See you later Jerry
Have a great day, Janet
Get ready for the
400 S P L I T
Are they getting serious yet
Belle in egg cup after pulling some of the flugg near her
WELL Guess Not
she is up again
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