Saturday, February 28, 2015


New thread.

A young elementary school student that my wife teaches has set up a very cool blog called Save All Owls.  Check it out here and give her some love and support for her excellent work.



Mema Jo said...

Good Evening to All ♥

Steve, thank you so much and since I love owls 'almost' as much as eagles
I will surely check out the Save All Owls blog

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I need to check out the weather forecast.

I will alert the others

JudyEddy said...


and I will check out the owl site

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve, for the new thread and thanks Jo, for the call over.

Pizza is ready!

stronghunter said...


Thanks for the new thread, Steve. I'll check on those owls.

Congratulations on the new feather, Jo.

Been out with friends today. Need to read back.

stronghunter said...

Snow, sleet, and freezing rain in the forecast for tomorrow at my abode. And cold enough temperatures to keep the mess around for awhile. We still have plenty of snow on the ground from previous storms.

Hoping things will not be so bad at the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jerry - Hope you are still enjoying your Birthday.
Yes, I have also heard that Hollow Creek is up for sale.

stronghunter said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry!!

Judie said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry. Hoping it was a wonderful day for you and for sharing with family.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Judie!

Hoda said...

Happy a Happy Happy Dance.
Miss you much.
Love you even more.
We came for the Eagles and stayed for the friendships we have made.

I laughed JUDYE!
Why is this thread surprised??!!

stronghunter said...

I will say good night and leave this surprised thread. Perhaps the thread was surprised because Jufie told it Judie was typing up a post.

Hoping that tomorrow brings decent weather for our eagle parents.

SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Vacation is over back to work

JudyEddy said...

I can see a white head and a white tale light is just coming to the nest still black but that white head sure does show through

JudyEddy said...

Went to vote on Blizzard Bear and it says the vote has expired I guess its is over

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - happy first day of March! 19 degrees here - aahhhh, spring is in the air!

Judy, sorry your vacation is over. Hope the Walmart customers treat you kindly today.

Judie, so great to see you back! Please return more often!!

Weather forecast for here sounds a lot like Shirley's.

Belle is up and stretching her wings. Now poof! Eggs are alone for ... about 20 seconds before Shep comes in to settle on them. Sounds windy in WV.

Have agreat day all. I think we will be getting things together for the accountant to do our taxes. Tennis was canceled for this morning and we have put off the taxes thing long enough. When you know you're not getting a refund, there is really no rush!

Sandi said...

I was just composing a comment for the young lady who created the blog Steve told us about, so I had the live cam minimized. I just re-opened it to see an eagle with snow on its back and snow quickly laying in the nest.

According to the Eagle Cam FB page, this is Belle egg siting.

WVJerry said...

Good morning all. See a snowy nest and a snowy eagle. Started snowing here about 7:00. Covered things quickly.

WVJerry said...

Thanks for a new thread and congrats on a feather Jo. Hope that if someone buys golf course they keep it.

WVJerry said...

Thanks Judie and Shirley. I worked late yesterday and just relaxed some in morning for birthday. Eagle uncovered now...don't know if I missed a change or what.

WVJerry said...

Shift change.

magpie said...

Good snowy March Morning, Eagle Pals...don't expect too much here...maybe just the proverbial "dusting" which might change to rain later

Oh boy, Thanks Steve times Two!
For the New Thread, AND for that wonderful link to the young "Owl Gal's" Blog, I'm "In!"

Belated Birthday Wishes, WV Jerry:
Hope you have a Wonderful Year to follow

Hello and Good Day Wishes, Near and Far Eagle Pals...S'Wonderful to SEE YOU!

xoxo ☺ ♥

Sandi said...

Snow has started here - let's see how long it takes before the freezing rain starts.

Jo, I have a small ledge outside my kitchen window that holds a window box in the summer. We have been putting bread, cereal, and now cracked corn on the ledge every day for the past couple of weeks. The sparrows and juncos - and a squirrel who has discovered a new food source - have been frequenting the ledge. It's nice to stand in the kitchen and see the birds so close up. This morning, Mr. & Mrs. Cardinal came!

Ok, time to get dressed and then start organizing tax stuff - I need to sort things for my mom as well. Hopefully, she didn't earn enough income in 2014 to have to file. I'm still waiting to hear from the IRS that her 2012 amended tax refund has been processed and the issue has been resolved. I am still getting notices that she owes over $7k and the amended forms have been filed 3 different times now! The efficiency of our federal government!

Kay said...

Good Frosty Morning Eagle Buds!!!

So much for our warming trend. We have another 3" atop the old this a.m. and it's still sifting down, looking like the angels are dusting the top with powdered sugar. So, is this March coming in like a lion or a lamb--a matter open to individual interpretation.

STEVE, thanks to you for the "surprised new thread" and for the heads up on your wife's talented young student! What a delightful blog--like JO, I have been an owl fan for years and years!

So, JO, you have another feather in that headdress. It must be getting too heavy to don!

SANDI, this is tax gathering time for me, too. Hope we get a good clear Weds. afternoon soon so I can take it to the AARP tax preparers at a nearby rec center.
Nothing complicated anymore--just seems a hassle to put it all together.

Always love a quick nod from JUDIE and MARGY! Stay warm n' dry, girls!

Thinking of Belle n' Shep--knowing they're up to the task at hand and taking the snowy conditions in stride!

Seth is watching the Sunday a.m. talk shows while I wait for the paper to arrive--if, in fact, it does today. We had a good time last night--more good times anticipated as his Spring Break continues.

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

No snow here. Just freezing rain. Ice everywhere.

Will have to check out the nest.

Mema Jo said...

In like a LION
Our like a LAMB

I so hope that old saying is true!
We have had snow and some
stops and then starts up again.

Cardinals and their friends are on the deck scratching at the sunflower seeds. A few squirrels have ventured up through the yard.

Good to see Judie and Margy here on the blog. Like Sandi I think it is a good day to finally get the tax papers ready.

Mema Jo said...

I want to wish our Miracle Gal, Tori a very happy 21st birthday.

Mema Jo said...

Hate to see this season end -

Downton Abbey on Masterpiece
9:00 PM on WETA 26, 2 hr 2014 TV-PG

In the Season 5 finale, the Crawleys are invited by Lord Sinderby to a shooting party in Northumberland. Later, they return to Downton and celebrate Christmas.

Judie said...


Wishing you a terrific day of celebration and another year of terrific accomplishments.

Sandi said...

Tax stuff is all organized and ready to turn over to the accountant. Now we just sit back and wait to find out how much we will owe in mid-April.

When you're employed by a company, you know exactly how much you'll make in a year and how much should be withheld for taxes. Not so when you're in business for yourself - we pay estimated taxes quarterly and then, if Denny had a better year than the accountant predicted when he set up the quarterly payments, then we have pay some more. It's hard to complain about making more money in a year than you expected to make, so it's all good.

stronghunter said...

I see our eagle tenting over the eggs . . . Most likely, it's Belle.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and what is on out eagle head looks dirty??

JudyEddy said...

shift change

JudyEddy said...

doesn't seem to want to give up the spot on the eggs still waiting with wings out sort off

JudyEddy said...

now we are getting up and I am think ing that that is BELLE that just got here Wings are out mumbrella style

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Tori!

JudyEddy said...

Well now it looks like I may need a new roof Carl came over to give me a shot of freon until I can get the $ from my 401K to get a new AC and he discovers a hole at the edge of my roof odd I wonder if the trees did that and I wonder when Jacob was up there if he didn't see it OH well there is a hole and it heeds repaired fixed or replaced will leave that up to a roofer I guess My roof was installed in 1997 so that is 18 yrs I am sure they will say a full replacement instead of patching I know I noticed just today pulling up I have just one shingle also missing in front didn't see that before But we have had a major down pour yesterday Oh well wouldn't you just know it being I am doing pay off on my house next month It all falls apart after its paid for LOL

JudyEddy said...

so now when I call tomorrow I will just ask for more 4T for AC Carl said and I guess maybe I should pull out 6t for the roof
It was 2.140.00 in 1997 and I bet it is no where that now

JudyEddy said...

Love that my daughter has connections being she is in construction but her job does all metal work but she knows roofers etc

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Hate seeing snow on the cam! And, Belle doing her mumbrella act., Bless her!

Interesting day! After church went to Ft Worth with friends to a baby shower. Went to a beautiful home built in the '30's, and of coarse , up dated and awesome! Snow still on the ground, house looks like it belongs in Williamsburg, I felt like I was up your way! After that we went to two more homes of children of friends who have bought two other older, updated homes in Fort Worth.

Snow and ice melting here, but rain continues. Presently 35. Warming up and rainy until Wed night when it gets cold again and more wintry mix in the forecast.

Sandi said...

Judy, sorry about your house woes - I feel your pain. Our house was built in 1994 - at least the original part of the house was(we added on in 2001 and then again in 2006 when we moved here full time). After we did the driveway and the kitchen projects last fall, we decided no more renovations until we have the money set aside to pay for 2 large expenses that could be coming up any time - a new heat pump and a new roof. So I am right there with ya!

It has been a productive 4-day weekend. Finished 1 IEP, started on another, and got everything together for the accountant. Precip has been falling ever since about 9:15am but it started as snow, then changed to ice for a while, and I'm pretty sure that it's now just rain.

Headed to the living room for some unproductive TV watching. Goodnight my eagle friends - I will see you all in the early AM!

JudyEddy said...

I guess I should consider myself lucky that I can draw on my 401K for this Or I hope I haven't talked to anyone yet but I assume I can being I am 65 and there is no early withdraw now I tried before and I was told that of my age either I would have to have the money for medical or house foreclosure but being I am retirement age there should be no issue I hope Never dealt with this before I don't have a lot in it only 111.754.40 ony have had the acct since 2003 I think that is when they started it not positive I may just have to research that answer just for myself to know

JudyEddy said...

boy that was easy to look up I am so glad I keep files and it was 1997 that the 401K came to work
OK off to TV land first shower

Mema Jo said...

Off to the TV

Saying Goodnight to all now just
in case I don't return after my

Hopping for some sunshine tomorrow on all this ice we have....

Stay Safe and warm ♥

magpie said...

Happy 21st Birthday, Tori...
and many Happy Returns of the Day....Have a Wonderful Year...!!

Lovins' and (( HUGS )) xo ☺♥

Hoda said...

Keeping track of things is good JUDYE.
House Maintenance is costly. Always set aside some dollars for that.
Cleaned all day. Windows are open. Skis are in.
I believe I can invite LOLLY to do a white glove test. I rather think I would pass!!! At least I hope I would!

Not much reporting on Eagles today on the blog

7 more sleeps!
7 more sleeps!
I got this!
Today I did not even wear Marino wool.
No socks and am in hemp pants and top.
I think I lost some weight this winter.
I have to find a way to secure the waist on the hemp pants.
It is almost five and the windows are still open and it is still day light!
Oh bliss oh joy!

magpie said...

Try to think Positive, JudyE...and I'm sending Positive Thoughts your way also...

maybe there are some reasonable "stopgap" solutions that will become available....
sounds like you have some good people "in your corners" in checking things out....

One day at a're doing your very best, for sure !!


magpie said...

Uplifting and Enlightening, Hoda!
Always better when one shrinks rather than when the clothes do!
As long as you stay healthy, and I think you have a Lock on That !!


magpie said...

Good Night in Advance, Precious Pals...bedtime will roll around pretty soon here for me....

Sleep Sweetly, watch those slippery surfaces !!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Good to see you, Margy. God bless you, too.

SED, my friends. I will see you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Just finished watching Downton Abby. What a fantastic show! Now we have to wait until next season and that will be hard.

Going to read for a while and than head to the pillow. Night all! Happy March!💚. SED!

Hoda said...

Well MISS LOLLY put on her whit glove to test the clean flat!
She fired the made before she even made it up to Canada!
All because maid left the vacuum out!

That is a good thing! I need to have a younger person get up ladders to clean ceilings and such!

Oh she is sending us cold weather from Texas to Western Canada, BUT NO SNOW!
Honestly the low tomorrow is MINUS 25 Celcius!
Are you kidding me??? It is March!!!
I am thinking perhaps the Bahamas or Hawaii would be a possible destination???
Only if our dollar was not about to tank out!

Good night all.
God Bless.

Happy MARGIE was on today.
Maybe JUDIE will be on tomorrow?
MARGIE might come back after tomorrow???
One can always dream...

Good night.

Hoda said...

White glove
Fired the maid
... Correction with apology...

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

nest is just coming in to view see some snow still in the nest I notice temp is 30° at the nest Maybe the rest of the snow will melt today for our eagles

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends. Schools are on a 20hour delay here in case of icy roads from yesterday's preipitation.

Hoda, 7 more sleeps until what? Did I miss something? Are you going somewhere? Explain, please!

Have agreat day all.

WVJerry said...

Good morning everyone. Margy - thanks for the birthday wishes. Been doing some odds and ends. Haven't checked Cam. We got about an inch of snow and a little ice on top yesterday.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Not a good morning for Blackwater's nest.
Nest Update

03/01/15: Chick Note
Something odd has happened at the nest and we may have lost the final chick. At the end of our Eagle Cam Gallery update you can see what took place. It looks like very odd behavior from the adult on the nest. We'll post a web log update on Monday evening.
I need to go to Web log and read.

Mema Jo said...

Off to appointment

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see our eagle in the nest. One wing spread. Looks like bits of snow blowing around. Maybe coming off trees since the sun is shining.

Hunter's school was supposed to have a two-hour delay, but that was changed. Schools in Spotsylvania County are closed. I do not know why. It's a pretty, sunny day, and, to my knowledge the roads are all clear. Gotta find out what is going on.

Need to check on the situation at Blackwater, too.

stronghunter said...

Eagle in with a beak full of flugg.

stronghunter said...

And poof. I think it's Belle in the nest and Shep flying about, but I am not sure.

stronghunter said...

Checked Blackwater. They have pictures posted of what looks like a sick or dead baby eagle. More information is to be reported this evening.

stronghunter said...

Guess things are still bad out on the country roads. Both Spotsylvania and Stafford County schools are closed today. City schools are open.

stronghunter said...

Checking the cam . . . restless eagle rearranging flugg.

stronghunter said...

Windy enough to make you seasick at the nest. I am guessing our restless eagle is Shep.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

SANDI the 6 sleeps reference is about Time Change coming up on Sunday.
I do not like falling back and always celebrate springing forward.

Make it a good day.

stronghunter said...

Small eagle chirps.

And eagle in.

Three eggs visible.

Looks like a changing of the guard.

stronghunter said...

Lunchtime at the nest. Yummy.

Mema Jo said...

Back from appointment - it was just to have my power port flushed. Next
month a CT and a MRI is being scheduled. Whoopee do ♥

Temps are rising and I see the nest snow is leaving. Up to 40° today.

Start DST: Sunday, March 8, 2015
1 hour forward

I'm with you Hoda - I don't care for time changes - takes my body too long to adjust and when it does the time is changing again.

stronghunter said...

Don't think that is a fish, but not sure. Looks like part of something fairly large.

Hoda said...

Glad you are back from your appointment JO.
I wondered what it was about.
Keep us posted please.
You are on my prayer list. Gratitude that you are well prayers. AND thank you God keep it that way please.

stronghunter said...

Eggs still exposed. Eagle still eating.

stronghunter said...

Now settling down on eggs. Wiggle, wiggle.

stronghunter said...

Both in nest again.

JudyEddy said...

1212 punch time. And I see most of snow melted. Yeah sunshine

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Love seeing those three eggs basking in sunshine while a parent eats. And then back to the bizness of brooding. Both parents at the nest briefly. Very windy there.

So sad to see the Blackwater pics. Sometimes it's a cruel world out there in the wilderness. Will be watching for their update later today.

SANDI, "a 20hour delay"? ☺

I'm a time change hater, too. Wish the country would wise up. Always appreciated that about my home State of AZ. It was, however, a hassle living on the AZ side of the Colorado River and working on the Nevada side!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Hi all. I just read Jo's comment about Blackwater, so I logged onto their site. There was 1 unhatched egg all alone in the nest. No chick and no parent. How sad for them to have lost both chicks. Very, very sad news.

JudyEddy said...

Sad news on BW nest I wonder what happened

JudyEddy said...

DNR has thee hatched

Lolly said...

Good morning! Good to see snow has melted in the nest. Very sad about Blackwater.

Our snow and ice have gone away! Lots of melting yesterday. 36 presently. Possible more wintry mix the middle of the week!

Jack said our snow and ice amounted to six tenths of an inch, possibly a little more. That is on top of the earlier close to two inches. Now for this to keep up. Longing for sunshine but know we will get plenty in due time, now just bring on the rain!!!

Nothing on the agenda today but will continue to clean cabinets and things stored away. On a roll! And, I think it is funny about this reputation I have been tagged with. Oh, if the truth be told!!! Lol

JudyEddy said...

Lolly how often do u all get snow???

Mema Jo said...

The large piece of bloody whatever had been brought in earlier - The fish is more recent and I admit I wasn't watching to know how it arrived.

The BW cam now shows the adult sitting on the egg cup - Not sure they are aware of things - but can't understand why they wouldn't be. However, unhatched eggs have been know to be incubated long after the fact. Anxious to read the update when it is published.

Lolly said...

Judy, this was our first snow for this winter. We may get it only once or twice, sometimes none. I have seen 12 inches here and a few years ago we got about 8. Winters are very mild compared to the north of us. I am from far south Texas and never saw snow until I came up to north Texas for college.

Watched the cam while walking. Saw one egg roll.

Sandi said...

Hi all. I know it's nature and nature can be cruel, but I just feel so sad about the Blackwater eagles losing both chicks and the 3rd egg never hatching. This was posted on Facebook around noon:

"We're very sad to announce that the 2015 Blackwater Eagle Cam season has come to an end. Last night, our final chick died after the adult left it uncovered in the cold. It's behavior we did not expect and have never seen before from an adult on the nest, but it means our season is finished. We'll post an update to our Eagle Cam Web Log tonight discussing the situation and what might have happened."

Hoda, thanks for the explanation.

Need to fix food for people and pets. We could get more snow on Thursday! UGGHH!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Jumping on here really quickly to let you know that the insurance company finally arranged for us to go stay at a Marriott Residence Inn near here. We're jumping thru hoops getting packed up and out of here. Staying there until Friday. Will come back here every day if we need anything. They will be here tomorrow (in hazmat attire?) to contain the hazardous dust or whatever, and the plumbers will be here on Wed.
Supposed to be done by Friday, good as new. I'll believe THAT when I see it! Hope everyone here on the blog is OK--haven't had time to read back very far.
Sad about the Blackwater chick!
Not taking the laptop with us; will be back tomorrow to pay bills online, though, so will drop by.
Oh--belated Happy Birthday to Jerry and to Tori!!!
Later, alligators. Gotta run!!!
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

ANDY so habby you got a place to stay YEAH insurance company

Been on phone since I got home and computer trying to get some $ from 401K what a pia I first have to go open a acct at Bank of American since that is what is affiliated with Meryl Lynch Don't want large check mailed to me
tried to do on phone and they want a pin # I have never called them and if I have a pin# that is news to me LOL so I went online and got it started that way then realized that my banks isn't with ML and then just backed out of the process till I go get a saving acct set up with them

JudyEddy said...

and I got the final pay off for my house silly people want a cashier check for it I said I have been sending in personal check but I guess its their game and their rules LOL 410.75 is the pay off

Mema Jo said...

Andy I am so happy that the insurance
co. has agreed to your lodging while repairs are being made! I was a bit
worried about you!

stronghunter said...

Doing a Lynne2:

Fredericksburg, VA Weather
Winter Weather Advisory for Spotsylvania County, VA
From 9am EST, Tue, Mar 3 Until 7pm EST, Tue, Mar 3
Affected Areas

Mar 2, 7:55pm EST

Issued by The National Weather Service Baltimore/Washington, MD
Mon, Mar 2, 3:37 pm EST


stronghunter said...

All I can say is good grief.

We still have snow and ice on the ground from two previous storms.

Belle and Shep will have to hunker down again.

stronghunter said...

So happy your insurance company has agreed to a hotel room, Andy. Especially if there are hazardous materials involved, they really had to take care of you. That is why you pay for insurance.

I tried for a little while to survive with all of those machines in my house, but the house was so full of pumps and fans that there wasn't anywhere comfortable to sit, and it was hazardous to walk because there were cords and hoses strung everywhere. I picture your house as being similar.

Hope it isn't long, Andy, but do not hesitate to ask for more hotel time if it is necessary.

stronghunter said...

Hard to know exactly what happened at Blackwater. We do learn from watching nature in action this way. It was very sad to see that baby eagle lying in the nest in the cold.

stronghunter said...

Supposed to bowl tomorrow. Time will tell.

stronghunter said...

And more snow predicted for Thursday. One to three inches, they say.

Wow, Hoda. Canada sent their snow to the USA.

Mema Jo said...

Well enjoy your day tomorrow before we get hit again.

Goodnight to all ♥

Hoda said...

Soooooo funny!
It is snowing here!
A dusting mind you but it is snow all the same!
Should have brought my skis in sooner.

Had a great day volunteering with the Kootenay Rhythm Dragons.
Also went to yoga.
Cleaned some more!

Good night all.
God Bless Us All

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. No 20 hour delay for me this morning - no 2 hour delay either! :)

Just rain in the forecast for this round of weather. Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I re read the post

Good Morning Eagle Buds

NO delay for you SANDI I first thought there was a delay so I deleted my comment

Hope each of you have a great day today no matter what you do delay or not LOL

I can see Belle or Shep nest is so much lighter each day now

JudyEddy said...

What is the little animal in the nest at 11 or maybe a stick

grannyblt said...

New thread

stronghunter said...

I see a fish and what looks to be a steak in the nest this morning. Looks to be Belle sitting on the eggs.

Bowling today, and I hope lunch with my buddies afterward.

Winter weather forecast has been changed a bit. We should get some precipitation this afternoon. And it sounds like more will come later in the week.

stronghunter said...

Going over to the



Hoda said...

Discarded jacket and hat today.
Just had SANDI'S MOM, MRS MOORE'S, shawl draped on my shoulders with a prayer for her and her BRIAN and SANDI of course.
Warm again tomorrow.

Went to a library reading of Resisterville. A book written about the USA Draft Dodgers who settled here in the sixties.
Then 35 acres of land sold for 900$! They affected this community a great deal. To this day I can spot an American by the gait, by the position of the head, and by their awareness...Nelson owes them. Great history.

Good night
God Bless

Hoda said...

Nice switch.
Worried that one egg was trampled on.
Belle seemed to roll them all, so all must be well.

Heard someone on camera casing. Shep I am sure.
Settled in for the Night.

Good night.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...