Thursday, February 19, 2015


New thread.  Third egg!  Debi pic below.


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WVJerry said...

Thanks for new thread Steve. Cold Herr.

WVJerry said...

Been watching Cam some. Not much to report. Calling for cold and wind chill advisory here. Stay warm and enjoy your day..

Hoda said...

3 eggs in Nest
SANDI called it.
Thanks .

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning WVJerry and Hoda. Thanks for the call over . I finally did see 3 eggs in the nest too. Sandi was right.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve!

WVJerry said...

Congrats to Sandi.

WVJerry said...

I did not see much when watching off and on. Good thing Sandi was watching. I can't watch Cam and check Blog. I better turn in my eagle watching badge too.

Sandi said...

Good morning from school. Just checking the box and then I've gotta run. Later - stay warm everyone!

Hey Judy, where were you this morning? I missed you!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all
Just now signing on - I read the Nest News - Terrific Three Thursday


Now I need to read back and find out why my still cam is frozen...

Mema Jo said...


Want to check if someone on FB got a photo

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Jo. Third egg is in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Emailed Debi's pic to Steve and also told him the still cam was frozen at 10:30pm yesterday...

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the new thread STEVE and the call over JERRY

and yeah 3 eggs and the still is down and I keep loosing my live feed bummer after all day yesterday they ran

JudyEddy said...

I have lost cam three times in just as many minutes since I said good morning will try my table Can't sit at computer today anyway neck is killing me and I didn't go to the eagle nest in to days so I think it is the computer also

JudyEddy said...



Lolly said...

Good morning! Yay! Three eggs! May they stay safe and warm and develope beautifully! We have some long weeks to go!😄

In the 30's here but sunny! Temp is heading up. Great to see the sun on the nest.

Today major house cleaning for party tomorrow night!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Still cam fix was FAST - email reply said - The still cam should be restored. And so it was. I sent
them Debi's pic of our 3 eggs

JudyEddy said...

MY Live feed seems to be running now on the desk top maybe threatening to use another device scared it LOL

Lynne2 said...

WOO HOO! A Black Moon Egg!

Thanks for the new thread Steve, and the picture!


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thank you, STEVE, for a new thread in celebration of our 3rd beautiful egg! Congrats to Belle n' Shep!

Thanks again for all who report their observations and to Deb for always coming through with vivid documentation of important nest events.

Bitterly cold here--all schools including OSU and CSCC closed up tight! It's rare for our local colleges to have "snow days", but these temps are record breaking.

A good day to set the self cleaning oven function up. It runs for hours and does heat the place up.

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

And thanks for the call-over, Jerry.

Watched the vido last night and really thought it looked like Belle was laying an egg, and it turns out the third egg is here. Yay!!

stronghunter said...

Eagle calls. Poof. Sounds from above and cam shake. HP?

Three eggs are fully visible.

Still eagle calls from above, but one on the eggs. Wiggle, Wiggle.

More calls.

Another cam shake.

Belle on eggs.

stronghunter said...

Kay, I remember a very cold morning in Ohio when the principal called to say that school was closed because they could not start the buses. It was very cold and windy.

Mema Jo said...

SHIRLEY - did you capture a photo when you saw all 3 eggs? Perhaps Debi did - I'll go check.

Mema Jo said...

Kay I sent you an email pic


The pic I sent is the same as on this home page! I really was thinking about you and no FB ♥

Janet said...

THREE EGGS!!! wow. well, hopefully this year will have a better turn out for #3.

HODA: I got a good chuckle out of BAAAAAAAAAAA

Another icy morning here. Sunny but frigid out there. No intention of going out other than to let the fur buns do their business and then right back in for everyone.

Thankfully the end is in sight. Snow/ice tomorrow, turning to all rain by Saturday.

Funny, I haven't minded it too much ..... but younger folks, such as my son have cabin fever something awful and cannot sit still. I remember those days. :)

Chelsea is done with it. 4 kids (livvy is still there although Chris has gone to work the last couple of days and is literally just down the street from us) ....snow clothes.

We almost lost a cat last night. I let Scout and Sevenn out late for a last potty break and dumb buns Natasha ran out. Now normally, in about 30 seconds she is begging to come back in as our cats are indoor cats. And with the ice on the deck I didn't want to do the Natasha chase. Sometimes she comes when called, sometimes you gotta pursue her.

I went and brushed my teeth (2 min timer) and figured ok, I'm sure she is ready to come in now, its 8 degrees.

She was gone.

Repeat: not there. gone.

She jumped 10 feet off of the deck and took off. We called and called. Tom tracked her paw prints to the fence. He went down by Aldi's and capt D's and found her 3 feet up a tree mewing.

She was out about 45 min.

Today....she is curled on my lap.

Ice or no, will have to do the kitty chase if she gets back out again. (headslap)

Hope everyone has a warm, safe day. Hugs for all!

stronghunter said...

Is Natasha a kitten, Janet?

Mema Jo said...

Janet, Natasha was one cold kitty.
This morning Newt wanted out so I opened the door. He ran to the steps and turned and bam! right back into the house.

Kay said...

Thanks, JO! You're a gem with your special treatment of we non-FBers!!!

Windy day there at The Sycamore Palace! Brrr.

SHIRLEY, I've heard of that happening with school buses here. All the closings were announced last night due to the frigid temps expected today. Julie got her notification---doesn't matter as she doesn't teach on Thurs., but it said the tutoring office and the cafeteria would be open til' 1:30 today---for who???? Either close or don't!!!

Mema Jo said...

Judy is this a work day or the beginning of your weekend ?

JudyEddy said...

I just got a snip of all three

JudyEddy said...

I am off today and tomorrow and then I work only SAT then off Sun Mon Tue We Thu Fr and SAt then back to work Sun

JudyEddy said...

so happy she is home and safe now SIS

JudyEddy said...

this is the pic that I got of the triplets

JudyEddy said...

incoming and calling out

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I got a snip with all 5 in nest but only can see bottom of one eagle on rail at 12

JudyEddy said...

I just got back from the bank I went to pay my house payment my next to last payment and I talked with them about sitting up a acct so I can put $ in to pay my taxes and insurance Since they won't be paying my escrow for me any longer Also applied for a no interest for a year to pay off my credit card When my house is paid for I can apply that to the CC and have it paid off in a year That is my plan

JudyEddy said...

changed avatar All 5 are in this pic one is on rail headless eagle Remember that use to be the no head zone

I have taken a couple of Advil and my neck is all better but I still need to try not to set here and type as I type LOL LM LM LM unless something happens

Lolly said...

ANNIE was a very vocal, loud kitty. She would sit at the door and ask out in cold weather. Let her out and she would turn around and ask in. Then turn around and ask out, etc!!! Drove us crazy! But loved her! Glad you found your kitty! Brrrrrrr!

JudyEddy said...

OH and while I was at the bank HELEN is now a new bee that is going to start watching eagle cams She was unaware of our world LOL I wrote down info for here like and a few names of nest She is going to show her daughter and also told about the cell phone tower nest She goes to the park all the time with her daughter


stronghunter said...

Egg roll.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like it is all quiet for now. That wind is sure howling. My husband and I are off to volunteer at our local Food Pantry. This is our week with others from our church and has been a short one, since Presidents Day was Monday, closed because of weather Tuesday, and opened on Wednesday, today and tomorrow. We are only open from 2 until 4, but it is for every day of the week; no weekends.

carolinabeachmom said...

JudyE and Shirley, just watch this from time to time. A few days ago, I watched it constantly all day, and I thought my eyes were going to bug out of my head.

You all have a good afternoon and take care of our 3 lovely eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Judy thanks for all the pics ♥
Sounds like you are a very intelligent financial planner !
When you retire you will be sitting pretty!

Mema Jo said...

Checked out Blackwater - news is
that These images, captured late on Wednesday (when the camera cleared), seem to indicate two eggs remaining.
Other little peep is doing well and being well fed. Hope the other eggs are viable and will hatch

stronghunter said...

All is well at the nest.

Taking a break from sofa scrubbing. The machine ran out of water.

Can't do too much with this darn cold.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for capturing the Family Portrait!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Three eggs. Wow. Let the "watching paint dry" begin. :)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

no problem JO you know me I enjoy doing it and any of us could have gotten the same capture just lucky I was watching

JudyEddy said...

NOTICE 15° at the nest I am keeping the temp on the nest from now on just for the pictures that I snip that way my temp isn't reflecting with snow in the nest LOL

JudyEddy said...

LM again

tonight is gym night from Ms Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

I got a good laugh out of myself today

I am member of many eagle groups on facbook Well since Nove 2013 I have been posting on the Sutton Eagle page thinking it was connected to the OK eagle cams Well today after posting pic of the 5 in the nest on their page this is the comment I get on the picture Now remember I have been putting eagle stuff on this page since 2013

the below is what they said and me commenting back and I left the group Odd huh but I got a good chuckle out of it SILLY ME

"""""Seen by 5

Jack Nathan Richards do you know that this is a facebook group for a football team ageing 10-16, right judy? right?
3 hrs · Like

Judy Eddy OH MY I thought it was the Sutton Eagle nest in OK so sorry I will leave the group and you can delete all the post so so sorry
3 hrs · Like

Jack Nathan Richards its alright, have a good one
3 hrs · Unlike · 1

Craig Bowman thanks Jack - I've been meaning to tell Judy that each time she posts but it always slips out of my mind. It's not as if the posts have been offensive (having seen bald eagles in the wild the are magnificent creatures) but it is good that she chooses to leave.
5 mins · Like

Janet said...

good afternoon all. I have finished my book that I was reading.

No, Natasha is NOT a kitten by any means, she is 9 years old this fall. She seems fairly content to stay in today.

Our street is mostly black now. Sun has done its job. Hoping to go to work tomorrow, but more ice and snow predicted. Will talk with the boss and see.

Watching Daytona / Nascar practice on tv. Going to go online and check out another library book.

hugs to all

stronghunter said...

Egg roll. Up, moving a few bits of flugg and back on the eggs.

stronghunter said...

Funny story, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Judy, I can tell you that this is actually an eagle blog and you can post all of the pictures you want.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends!

At 2:30 this afternoon, one of the secretaries came over the intercom and announced that all Indian River schools will be CLOSED tomorrow due to the cold! Really??? I don't ever recall getting a cold day! A 2-hour delay to let the sun come up and warm things up a little I could understand, but closed ... for cold???!!!

I am still not feeling great - my stomach is still upset. I think chicken noodle soup will be my dinner tonight and Denny and Kevin will have to fend for themselves.

stronghunter said...

Good view of the 3 eggs...covered now.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good idea, Sandi.

stronghunter said...

Schools here are closed again tomorrow, Sandi. They have been closed all week.

grannyblt said...

Happy we have our third egg.

I've been peeling and cutting up potatoes for 6 hours today for our Woman's Club soup sale. We made 60 quarts of potato soup today, and will do over 100 quarts of vegetable soup tomorrow. And the weather is brutal. The temp on my car said 0 when I was driving home and the windchill is like -15. And wouldn't you know it, but a 92 yr old along with a 89 and 87 were probably the hardest workers. Tomorrow I don't go in until noonish to help package. Then I can go back into hibernation until the temps go above freezing. And watch our nest!

Mema Jo said...

5:50pm Switch Belle is in for the night
Shep went Poof
Really need to find some more flugg

I hope I have done the right call on who is who........

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - chicken noodle soup and then feet up and early to bed
Good you have Friday off! Hope you feel better soon.

Mema Jo said...

GBLT - oh how I would love homemade veggie soup - These canned soups just don't have the taste! Don't forget to take some soup home with you tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Terri from Eagle Cam captured the
last switch

Shep is always wanting to stay~!~

Lolly said...

Just watched the changing of the guard. I think it amusing that when the second eagle fllies in that they take their sweet time exchanging places.

My house is clean and picked up so come on over! 😄. Tomorrow just need to prepare a few snacks and then we are ready for our Trivial Pursuit party. Expecting 5 couples, it will be girls against the guys. We won last year! 😜

stronghunter said...

Getting very dark at the nest, but I can still see that white head. Still some snow in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Nice to have Friday off, Sandi, and nice to know ahead of time. You can just roll over and sleep in--unless the dogs get stirred up.

stronghunter said...

Going to fix bacon, eggs, and grits for dinner tonight. Do not even want to do that much.

JudyEddy said...

just checking while Jordyn is being tucked in slo nite on blog talk at ya later girly time with

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. SED, everyone. Stay warm.

NatureNut said...

WOW, Eagle Buds~~~3! Great picture from Debi!

Would you believe that we are getting that blowing, tiny flake snow right now! Didn't know that was happening until it hit me in the face when I took water out to replace the kitty ice bowls! They stayed in the garage, probably in their blankey beds.

We didn't get any of the predicted Wed. evening snow, but got about 5" on Monday night.Everything was closed for TU on Mon. PM except our county~~~~Parks even emailed that we would open at 9AM!!!!!We didn't believe them and as usual, the closing announcements were made at 6AM on TU!!! So I still had to get up early for the message!!!!
Gotta get stuff ready for Chelsea tomorrow.We had tons of robins in trees there. Boy was I lucky there on Wed. Went out kitchen door w/my coffee & was standing near deck railing when heard a Loud noise!!! The ice was sliding off the roof and landed on deck right behind my legs! (What's even more ironic is that I just had appointment w/Dr. who always tells me, "Don't get hit in the head!" I take blood thinner)
Gotta go~~~
Good Heath Prayers for ALL and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Lynne2 said...



Hoda said...

Move to Western Canada! It is down right balmy out here!!!
Sail boats out today and people on the beach!
Craziest winter since I moved to Canada over 42 years ago!!!

Hoda said...

Good night all
God Bless.
I am off to read my book.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Crazy weather here, too. Jack and I sat outside this evening! However weather is about to change, or so they say. Laurel is burning her snow cande. Lol

Watched some recorded TV programs this evening.

Tomorrow I do some cooking for the party tomorrow night. Also, after cleaning closets I have some things to take to Goodwill and some things to take to the preschool at our church. Yes, stuff I have held onto since teaching. Some things are just hard to part with.

Time to get comfortable and thinking about bedtime!

Night all! Stay warm! And safe! SED!

DanaMo said...

Who can sleep in this cold! Apparently our eagle can. All tucked in! Very cold in these parts this morning. 2 hour delay for me.

Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends. Looks like Belle in the nest and still tucked. Doesn't sound quite as windy at the nest this morning.

4 degrees here at the beach in DE - feels like -15!

After I posted yesterday afternoon, I took a 3 hour nap on the sofa. Woke up and tried chicken soup but only took 2 bites before I realized that it might come back up. Had a cup of tea and some jello for dinner and watched some TV. Feeling better this morning but I sure am grateful for the day off!

Stay warm everyone!

Janet said...

a quick check in. good Friday morning. 12 degrees here. I can get out so heading to work this morning. expecting more snow, sleet, rain later today. well, rain by tomorrow they say.

all the furbabies are intent on making me crazy this morning. or certain ones of each pair are intent on making me crazy prior to coffee. time for me to go to work!!!

hope everyone has a safe, day. stay warm. hugs to all

Sandi said...

Sorry, according to Eagle Cam's FB page, the morning switch already happened and this is Shep.

Good morning, Dana! Good to see you on the blog this morning!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Egg roll.

Eagle was tucked when I first looked in.

stronghunter said...

Glad you didn't get hit in the head, Loretta.

stronghunter said...

Sun shining on nest. All is peaceful. I heard calls awhile ago, but not sure what was happening. Did not have a visual.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to all Shep and Belle watchers out there. Another cold winter day out there, but with sun today here.

DanaMo You were up early today. Talking about sleeping in this cold, I woke up early last night to find it freezing in my house; the electric was off! It had been off for about an hour, and my husband had already had the oil lamps and candles going. He was huddled under a pile of blankets on the couch; keeping guard. It came back on about an hour and a half later.

Sandi I hope you are feeling a little better today.

Janet I hope you have a safe trip to work and the weather doesn't start until you can get home tonight.

Shirley. Thanks for letting us know that there was already an egg roll and that it is Shep in the nest, taking his turn on the THREE eggs!

Mema Jo said...

Oh my how much colder can it get?
Good morning and it is about 12° at our Sycamore Palace but with winds at 12mph it feels like -2°F.

It is still a good red Friday morning and good to see you all here.

Sandi I sure hope you kick that virus soon !

Shirley on FB I enjoyed your video of the Beagle Bed & Breakfast - lol

JudyEddy said...

odd I hadn't gotten any email and I know I clicked the box yesterday but it show un clicked today

JudyEddy said...

the temp is showing 11° at the nest BRR eagle is tucked in I would be to if it was me
I think it looks like Shep not wide

my temp is 48° hi will be 53° and that is burr to me but the good thing is back to 70ish tomorrow

forgot to say good morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

back to tucked in

JudyEddy said...

they were just soft pathetic chirps like where is the heater LOL

wind is horrible again today turn it down some was loosing cam but not seems to be running

Lolly said...

Good morning! 61 and cloudy here. Where's my sun?

Took a peek at the cam and eagle was tucked. I use my iPad all the time now and days go by before I use my laptop. Cam runs forever on the iPad. However, can not spit the screen. They need to come up with that! 😀

I am really being slow and have lots to do!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I feel the same way about my tablet there is no split screen on it but I can open another tab but that is not the same as side by side window there is no way to open a new window on tablet I was told by computer geeks only can open extra tabs but they can't be pulled out no minimizing either

JudyEddy said...

egg roll

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Grateful to all reporting nest watchers for keeping close tabs on Belle n' Shep!

SANDI, glad you have the day off and hope your "bug" flies away soon!

Extended forecast says the deep freeze continues for the last week of the month, too. Please, March, come in like a lamb with some nice warming, thawing sunshine!

Prayers for all in need!


JudyEddy said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle calling out and the other one comes into the nest. comes into the nest

JudyEddy said...

looks like food may have been brought in both at launch pad

carolinabeachmom said...

And gone again. It looks like lunch was delivered?

JudyEddy said...

yep one eating one poofed eggs uncovered

carolinabeachmom said...

Thank goodness, the sun is shining on the 3 eggs, at least.

Mema Jo said...

Lunch was right on time

stronghunter said...

One adult in nest eating now.

Now settling on those precious eggs.

Moving flugg.

stronghunter said...

Bird fights going on in my backyard. I think it's those pesky starlings fussing at each other.

Mema Jo said...

I wish they could locate some nice dry flugg in on of those nearby fields

Mema Jo said...

I have a variety of woodpeckers and nuthatches down at the suet. They take turns - love seeing them scale the tree.

No starlings yet today - must have found another place to feed. Jays and titmouse and juncos are all here.
The cardinals are also in abundance for the sunflower seeds.

My Lunchtime BBL

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo

Mr Robin Redbreast just visited the seeds - I'm excited because he startled me. I know they stay year round at times but to me


JudyEddy said...

egg roll

JudyEddy said...

tucked in for a nap

stronghunter said...


Cleaning lady just came for an interview.

She will clean next Friday, and I told her I want her to start coming once a month. Happy dance!!

stronghunter said...

One good thing about having a cleaning lady is that you get inspired to pick up and keep things tidy. Other ladies will understand this. Just hope my housemates will do likewise.

carolinabeachmom said...

You all keep a watch on our nest. I have to volunteer at our local food pantry again today. BB

JudyEddy said...

egg roll just done again

JudyEddy said...

someone is in attic eagle calllin g

JudyEddy said...

cam did shake also

stronghunter said...

Yes, I heard the calls and checked in.

stronghunter said...

Eagle on alert.

JudyEddy said...

eagle peeps again

JudyEddy said...

someone did land in the attic a bit ago

JudyEddy said...

the WCA has heavy snow for tomorrow for the nest area 8-12 inches it says OH MY

JudyEddy said...

little eagle chirps every once in a while small ones looking around now picking at flugg

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and poof

JudyEddy said...

trying to post and do snips at same time

JudyEddy said...

egg roll

JudyEddy said...

pulling the dry flugg brought in around

JudyEddy said...

gotta go get Jordyn will probably come back home tooo cold out there

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping in quickly to check in.

YAY!!! We have 3 eggs!!!

We're meeting my Sis-in-law for lunch, so will be leaving very soon.

It's been cooler yesterday and today. We might even get sprinkles on Sunday!

Not a lot happening around here. I do need to start some spring cleaning, though.

Have missed Judie the last few days. Has anyone heard from her?

Well, need to run so we're not late for lunch. Will be back later with an update. HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Andy,

Nice to see you here. Envy your warm weather. Judie is fine. She sent everyone an email.

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon all. Looks like some snow is off nest. I think more possible tomorrow. Someone on egg duty...looking around. Lunch break over talk later.

Mema Jo said...

Weather report for Saturday (tomorrow) is not good.
3-5" of snow....

Don't know any details yet like time
Will keep my ears open....

Lynne2 said...











Lynne2 said...


stronghunter said...

Was planning to get together with some friends to travel to Culpeper tomorrow for lunch. Sounds like we may have to postpone things.

Lolly said...

Oh, Lynne! That is an awful forecast!

We just came inside. It is 71 and we sat outside for our evening wine.

Expecting friends at 7 for our party! Tomorrow we head to Denton for basketball and dinner. Tomorrow is Joey's birthday.

See you later tonight!

stronghunter said...

Two eagles in the nest. Looks like dinnertime.

I hear geese.

stronghunter said...

Poof one. Darkness is falling on our nest.

stronghunter said...

We are in the 1-3 inch zone. But there is supposed to be both ice and snow.

stronghunter said...

Ice quakes . . . loud booms caused by the cold weather. I remember hearing those in Ohio in the 1970's.

magpie said...

Hi Eagle, Eagle-Nest, and Eagle-Egg Watchers.....

If you can take a peek at the West, SouthWest Sky....and your skies are clear (like I have here)
check out Infant Moon, Brilliant Venus, and tiny dot Mars - a beauteous Celestial Triad...but they will all be setting so check it out SOON if you can....

xoxox Good Evening, Precious Pals !
☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

OH, Margy, it is soooo cold out there. I am going to take your word for it.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

I truly hope everyone got a moment to view the gorgeous site in the evening sky of the crescent moon, Venus and Mars. Incredibly breathtaking!

Lynne2 said...

I see Margy put out the alert....I came home and meant to get on here and got distracted and forgot!

Mema Jo said...

I am about to start watching a Hallmark TV show. It is going to really get nasty out tomorrow - so thankful I have no where I need to be but right here in my home!

If I can see the moon out of my window I'll look!

Goodnight to all and stay warm
Send those good vibes up to our nest
Love to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

oh Jo, the show is was not long after sunset in the western sky but the moon has set now and the planets now as well. They'll be visible tomorrow if the skies happen to clear.

Lynne2 said...

Ran to the library to pick up a book at lunchtime today and WHOA!!!! They have the Codorus Nest showing on a big screen that's easily 6ft tall and 10ft long!!

JudyEddy said...

my work weeks is gonna be great this week


Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Will keep it in mind and try to see the celestial show tomorrow night. Not sure if I could breathe out in that cold tonight.

stronghunter said...

Very windy at the nest tonight.

stronghunter said...

Going to say good night while I am here.

Trying to watch the early news to get a weather report.

SED, everyone. Take care and stay warm.

mariadangeloart said...

Hi everyone! Wow, I see there are three eggs in the nest! I've been away from the cam for quite some time. Looking forward to seeing Belle and Shep raise a new family of eaglets!

Lolly said...

Party over at midnight! Guys won! Boo hiss! So much fun! So much laughter! 6 couples and we have all been friends for close to 40 years. We all have gone to church together. Mike and Marla are visiting from Kansas City, so seeing them was really special! What a night!

Jack is snoring in his chair. I am headed to the shower! Night all! SED!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

the beginning of my one day works weed lol

JudyEddy said...

I can see a eagle in the still cam already getting lighter each day now

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends. The air temp went down to 1 degree last night on our thermometer, but today there will be a warm up. Our weather forecast starts as snow this afternoon but changes to rain as the temps go up.

Judy, enjoy this long work week.

I felt fine yesterday - virus must have been a 24 hour thing.

Had computer problems last night -something must have updated that then didn't play nicely with my Facebook and it wouldn't load. Spent the evening troubleshooting and hopefully the problems have resolved themselves. Sometimes I think the extra cost of a Mac would be very worthwhile!PCs can be such a pain!

Have a great day all - cleaning and laundry are on my dance card.

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

stronghunter said...


Using my cell, and it took awhile to get the version I like. Eagle was on the eggs and tucked when I checked.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Maria. Welcome back.

DanaMo said...

Good morning. No snow yet. Annemarie is actually in Shepherdstown and I am worried about her heading home before the snow starts.
Wind is certainly blowing here and at the nest. I'm so sick of the cold. I bet our Eagles are too! Snow and then rain today. Oh joy!
Andrew got a job in CA! Hajalluia!

Kay said...

Good Morning to my Eagle Buds from knee deep snowy Ohio! Penny seemed to enjoy bounding through it--her legs disappearing from view!

So happy to see an eagle with head tucked in sitting on the egg cup. No new snow there, thankfully.

DANA, praying for Annemarie's safety and so happy to hear the good Andrew news!

MARIA, it's good to have you back to watch the exciting season with us!

Enjoy the "dance" SANDI. I'm all caught up on laundry and housework, so reading, puzzles, perhaps TV or NPR Radio will keep me occupied. Oh, and of course, the nest screen will be on at all times! Love those eagles and US!!!

Prayers for all in need!!!


magpie said...

Yes, it is snowing....
just started 20 mins or so ago...

Have a Safe Day, Eagle Pals....

xoxox ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I see Mombrelling is in place at the Royal Nest....

magpie said...

Mombrella-ing that is

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Saturday morning to all eagle buds; including Lolly, JudyE, Sandi, Shirley, DanaMo, Kay and Margie. You were sure up early this morning. It must be Saturday. I see tenting of eggs going on. Would hope to come on here one day to see beautiful warmish weather and sunshine.

Lolly it sure sounds like you had a wonderful party. So happy for you and your friends that you could get together and have some fun.

JudyE Enjoy your one day work week today. That has to be the best work week ever.

Welcome back Maria. I too come and go on here from time to time. We all seem to come together more when it is time for new life in the laying of eggs and watching the bobble heads feed and grow. Now that I am retired, I can get on more often.

Sandi Hopefully if the temp goes up for you and the rain comes, it will wash some snow away. Glad to hear that your virus was a short one, but sorry to hear that you are having computer problems. I went through that in the fall, and it is very upsetting. Since you are on today, I hope it is all fixed for you.

Dana I hope the bad weather there in Shepherdstown holds off until she can get safely home.

Kay You just keep all that snow in Ohio please. :) I had 40 some years of it when I lived in NY State. I pray for all you people with snow problems to have warm days & melting snow ahead and a beautiful spring to come quickly. <3

Shirley Glad to see you on today. I am hoping the snow won't last too long at the nest. These poor eagles have had a time of it again this year.

Hoda said...

Safe travels to AnneMarie DANA. Let us know when she gets in please.

SANDI glad you are better. Rest. I do not trust 24 hour virus! No such thing I do not think.

Camera has not been getting up for me. Thank you for the reports.

Off to Aqua Fit, yoga and a walk.

LOLLY so glad the party went well. Happy Birthday to Joey.

stronghunter said...

Snow has started here. Need to do some errands. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Why does Luna like to lick the coffee table?

Hoda said...

Maybe she likes coffee?

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - what a blizzard out there. Belle is doing a great job protecting the eggs. I hope Shep brings her lunch and takes a turn.

Shirley & Annemarie please report in when you arrive home. Not a good day out there. Snow started here around 9:00.
Good news for Andrew - I think your son is very serious concerning CA

Lolly happy to hear the party went so well~! Was it Joey's birthday???

Sandi I am so glad you are feeling better.

Lynne2 I meant I was going to look for the moon - sorry I missed all the other things going on up in the sky.

Stay safe Margy - Christie and Carolyn are headed in to work this morning.

Mema Jo said...

I think I either missed a shake off or a switch.

Lolly said...

Good morning! On our way to Denton! Jacob won first game at 8 AM! Next game at noon.

Yes, Joey is 45 today. Laurel has made a delicious cheese cake!

Saw your comments about the nest. Poor Belle! Our ice starts tomorrow morning.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear me, I see our eagle covered with snow and making her "mombrella" over the eggs.

Happy birthday, Joey!!

Snow came fast and furious here. I went out to the local Walgreen's and came straight home. The roads are snow-covered and treacherous here. I discovered the hard way that I am out of windshield washer fluid. Just saw something on TV about making sure you had plenty. Called Kathryn--she's at Costco--and requested that she pick up some.

Luna also licks the sofa . . .

stronghunter said...

Lunch in Culpeper with my bowling buddies has been postponed. It would be an interesting adventure.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Shirley
Glad to know you are home out of the blizzard.

stronghunter said...

I see snowflakes falling at the nest. It has stopped snowing here, but looking at the radar tells me that we're in for more. I am very happy to have made it home safely. I do not venture out the way I once did.

Footing was slippery in the parking lot at Walgreen's and also in my driveway. We have made good use of the ice melt, but we haven't gotten the whole driveway. Happy to be in the recliner.

Mema Jo said...

Snow in nest is getting deeper - looks like a snow fort

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch Don't like what used in the nest

JudyEddy said...

When I woke up I had is issue was running Norton whedn I left just wouldn't let me Los it at all would come up and then down it would go hopefully when I get home it will be fix I can only hope

stronghunter said...

Getting dark at the nest . . . that probably means more snow for our already-buried eagle. Belle, because of her larger size and her mumbrella, certainly does better brooding in the snow.

stronghunter said...

Good grief the bird fights in my backyard are getting loud. Those starlings again.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

Just noticed your request for a report upon my arrival. All is well at my household, though Kathryn and Hunter are out there somewhere. Kathryn is sensible and has 4-wheel drive to boot. But, of course, I will be happy to see them get home.

Oh my, it is snowing here again. It had stopped for a bit.

stronghunter said...

Need to go upstairs and defrost my personal refrigerator. I picked up a few things to put in there. It does need a good cleaning, though.

stronghunter said...

I put a few seeds out on the porch railing . . . my shortcut when I don't want to venture into the backyard and immediately attracted a blue jay. Kathryn said that she heard one pecking at the door this morning. They are quite bold, those blue jays.

Mema Jo said...

Both my cams are up and running well.
The snow is still coming down big time. Sure looks like a big shake off is in order. ♥ It is hard to watch and not worry


NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds. I hate seeing the nest like that and poior Belle, the faithful Mombrella!
Our Friends in Paw Paw said they got about 3" in AM, but now it stopped. Our flakes started before noon, are very tiny, but adding to the pile.
Was dicey at Chelsea yesterday. One long section of road is out in open between two cornfields, so even tho they plow, wind blows snow back into the supposed roadway. It wouldn't pack either, so no tire tracks to follow. I couldn't get in until someone with a Bobcat came and plowed 3 times. Leaving, I decided to go fast enough to maintain momentum and not get stuck in the flugg!!!! It worked. Next I'm going to Daytona!☺

carolinabeachmom said...

Shep doesn't look to happy with all the snow.

JudyEddy said...

Eagle landed

JudyEddy said...

Eagle landed

JudyEddy said...

Notice tip toeing in it

JudyEddy said...

Notice tip toeing in it

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...