Saturday, August 20, 2011


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning Eagle Fans

Thank you Steve for the new thread - I'm sure we will fill it to the brim.

Mema Jo said...

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Steve -
Enjoy your day and have a great year ahead

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Jo . . .

Brought over.

stronghunter said...
Good morning,

Kathryn and Hunter have left for the beach trip. They were going to drop off a load of metal on the way. (Kathryn sells scrap metal from the shop and splits the profit with her boss.)

I need to pick up the rest of George's pills from the vet. They did not have a full supply when I was there last. Probably ought to pick up some food while I'm there.

Need coffee before I take off.

Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:07:00 AM

hedgie said...

The Norfolk zoo has lost their baby giraffe.....she died Weds. night from peritonitis....:(

stronghunter said...

Brought over also . . .
stronghunter said...
Got an ugly shock when I went to get my prescription refilled. Instead of the usual 30-some dollars copay, it was $291.48.

I am in the doughnut hole for the first time. The paperwork says the pills cost $985.99. I wonder if that is what I will have to pay next time.

To add insult to injury, I do not get gas points because I am on Social Security. My store gives discounts on gasoline for purchases , but Social Security recipients don't qualify.

I started paying into Social Security when I was 16. I am now 69. I am not getting something I have not paid for.

Now I have had my complaint session for the day.

stronghunter said...

The coffee is ready. I need some.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Steve!

stronghunter said...

Sad about the baby giraffe.

hedgie said...

Shirley, you probably need something stronger than coffee!
I made the mistake of switching from local pharmacy with 30-day refills to my Medicare mail-order---3 mos. through mw into the donut hole and cost me $1000 co-pay. I was shocked. So I gather that I am going to have to pay full price for the rest of the year---unless I hit the $4700 OOP mark and then I only have to pay 50%. BS! I will NOT be refilling 2 of my three scripts. Isn't it a shame?
Do you mean that your pharmacy offers the gas discount points to everyone else but SS recipients? Do they have another Senior discount plan? This is blatant age discrimination if they don't. Think you should pursue it!

hedgie said...

That should have read THREW ME! Duh!!! That was back in April, BTW.....

hedgie said...

Just got a bill in yesterday's mail from the dentist. At time of my "emergency visit" with one filling replacement and one small new one, I paid my $50 co-pay plus $ to reach 20% of bill. Insurance (Humana Medicare) only paid $54 and I owe another $175......geesh! Just keep getting ripped off, don't we?

Judie said...

Good morning!

Steve, thank you for the new thread and ♫♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♫♫ Wishing you a very special day and a wonderful year to come.

movin said...




C(°?°)3 Jim

wvgal_dana said...

I wanted to say good morning and hope everyone is having a good one.
Doesn't sound like it by comments on this small thread so far.

Sorry to read of the loss
the baby giraffe. :( Sad

Shirley that is like an insult to injury. You need those gas points
more now than ever!!!!
Sorry about the high perscription.

Hedgie sounds like your getting the ripe off too for perscriptions. That
is where Ed was too.

For me I'm not even going there about perscriptions.

Me they took my dental.
I have to pay cash.

There's Judie our sweet Judie.
Is Darth still hording?

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry Mema Jo and your first on her Hi (hand waving)

Hi Jim how are you doing today?

Judie said...

So much to catch up:

Wanda, so glad family night was fun but sorry your camera pooped out.

Hoda, you are just too funny with the football teams. I really had a big smile from your questions and the responses. Many team names are reflective of the State or City. Baltimore Ravens, Edgar Allen Poe lived in Baltimore, his poem The Raven; Baltimore Orioles, Oriole is Maryland State bird; Pitsburgh Steelers, Pitsburgh was a steel producing city; Washington Redskins > very controversial name now. Congratulations on a fun day and to the Rhythm Dragon Seniors winning second place.

Shirley, I cannot imagine. Are you sure there wasn't some miscalculation about the prescription? Lordy, I might be inclined to just do without and take my changes.

Glad Paula and DanaMo arrived safely at their destinations.

Hi Jo. Is the Bragg Brigade still around?

Okay, time to get something less important done. Going to get my new glasses. Never got there yesterday. So, wishing everyone a good day.

JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Doing a Margy:

Sad about the baby giraffe. This has NOT been a good year for the critters.

Hi Dana, yes, but keep in mind that sometimes Darth lurks. Shhhh that I shared. How you feeling these days?

Good morning, Jim.


T-Bird said...

See you all later. I'm off to see what is in store for me while I sit in my la-Z-boy today. : ))

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Thelma going for the Lazy Boy huh. Is it new?

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

grr my delete it posted twice

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I forgot to say Loved the pic of Eric MMMMM Nice he still looks damn good

JudyEddy said...

LYNN Angie didn't give me heck She said looks like the one she got at Charlie house when she fell and hit the coffee table She know accidents do happen. I told her I damaged her and was giving her damaged goods back LOL

movin said...

Hi, Ladies. I'm in good spirits this A.M. Thanks for asking. It's warm and humid in So Cal now, but we are in to a cloudier, cooler cycle today.

I was wondering if they had all left at Finney's place when the youngest fledgling landed on the nest a couple of minutes ago.

C(°?°)3 Jim

movin said...

Any word on BW electronics besides what's on the site??

C(°?°)3 Jim

magpie said...

Haven't seen another word, last not on the cam site, maybe somewhere else on their links

Hello Again More Eagle Pals

xoxox ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Good to hear you are well Jim. That is a PLUS.

Hello Margie have to been back to swinging bridge lately?

Lori Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad.
Sorry just checking those comments out.

Oh I see talk of the battle scars of divorce and the "he's" that got the most. I'm among your group.

Oh JudyE the comment hit me hard that poor Jordyn with ear infection and strep. I remember daughter kept getting it over and over. We took her to Ed's ear nose and throat
doctor because she had been on antibiotics for 3 months. He said tonsils needed out. He did take
them out and said there was so much infection. After that that kid was like a new child as far as being

wvgal_dana said...

Margy or Hedgie is it legal to buy and carry with you Pepper Spray?

stronghunter said...

I think it is illegal to carry pepper spray in DC. Don't tell anyone that Susan had some there. I guess that if she got mugged and defended herself with pepper spray, she might get into more trouble than the mugger.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I am already taking less than the doctor prescribed. I mentioned that and said that maybe I would try cutting back more, but the pharmacist pointed out that I will stay in the doughnut hole until I have paid off whatever the amount is that I have to pay, so cutting back just means that I take longer to get out of the hole, but I don't save anything in the long run.

Yes, Judie, I had the pharmacy call the insurance company.

People say that I should buy supplemental insurance. This IS supplemental insurance. I could buy the plan that my former employer offers, but then I have to pay those premiums, and it is an HMO. I am not allowed to have the other plan--a PPO--because it is a health savings account and I am not allowed to have that because I am over 65.

Lolly said...

Hellloooo! Jack and I got up and out early to mow and work in the yard. Now we are both drained! He is actually asleep in his chair.

Laurel sent a picture to me. Joey was awake very early this morning. Went to get in his truck to go buy his addiction, diet Pepsi when he ran over something. Thought is was Jacob's scooter, got out and thought it was a neighbors dog, closer look revealed an armadillo!!! Anyway, she sent me a picture of the belly up dead armadillo and a picture of their dog, Bosco, doing his imitation of a dead armadillo. (Belly up..Bosco!) LOL

stronghunter said...

I am taking less of the medicine because it seems to work just fine. I just kept forgetting to take that 3:30 PM dose and found that I did not need it.

stronghunter said...

I complained about not getting gas points and the clerk working at the pharmacy said she has the same issue herself. She's a senior citizen, too.

stronghunter said...

Took advantage of sales at Target and picked up some school clothes for Hunter. He has grown a lot this summer.

stronghunter said...

Glad it wasn't the dog nor the scooter, Lolly! I guess you aren't unhappy about the fact there's one less armadillo in the world.

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda that is a beautiful picture of Samia and Hamza. I am sure your sister is thrilled to have Hamza for awhile.

hedgie said...

Jim, the fledlings were at Finney yesterday when I checked....but I'm sure that migration is imminent. Isla has already left the Loch for her journey. Long months of wondering if she will make the return again in the spring.

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie you can teach her to put her toys back.

I had Nannette a poodle that always took all her toys out and didn't put them back. I worked with her and watched. If she was playing with a toy and finished. Was going to get another I would say no you have to put the one back. Then you can play with the other. That finally led to once all toys were out. You would just have to say, "Time to clean up-put your toys away". Off she would go picking each one up and putting them all away. She and I use to walk can't remember if it was 13 or 16 blocks each day from house to Broadway and back.

hedgie said...

Not sure, DanaWV, abut the pepper spray around here. Heck--ssince tasers are legal, then why not mace?? I know that when I was in college in VA, it was legal. Don't know about now. Do a google search. Bet you'll find the answer!

hedgie said...

Shirley---disagree with the pharmacist. January starts a new year, so we are automatically out of the hole then and start all over. Of course, if meds stay the same, we end up in the same predicamemnt long before the year is up!

hedgie said...

Lolly....can't sympathize TOO much with the armadillo. I was just told some info by an old work pal that she heard on a TV show that an exterminator does: he said that they carry rabies (internet search only mentions leprosy) and that digging in the soil where they may have been requires gloves to protect yourself from something else contagious, but she didn't remember what. Ever heard anything like this??

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda just reading where the Senior Nelson Team came in first in first race. Second in the secon race and more racing will be on Fridays comments. GO SURVIVORS!!!

hedgie said...

Dana, think I'll have to try that! Just like a kid.....but not sure that I can use the kind of reward that would work with a kid!!! "Let's put your toys away and then Mommy can read you a story" or "After you put your toys away, you can go out to play." LOL!

hedgie said...

Vacuuming almost finished.
Dishwasher should be cool enough to empty. Had an optical migraine with my lunch, so that killed two birds with one stone!

Got the trail cam remounted now that the corn is flowing again. Saw Momma and the twin deer spotties early this morning in the fog!

Found a lot of raccoon scat close to cam tree...wonder if they were looking for it?? Wish they would stick their faces right in front for a close up!

stronghunter said...

Okay, Lynn, so I need to check out prices. I think Costco might give me a better deal. I plan to do some research on this.

hedgie said...

Here you go, Dana---and for anyone else who wants to know:

Pepper spray is LEGAL in all fifty states. However, some states and cities have specific regulations pertaining to the purchase, possession and use of defense sprays. Please check with your local law enforcement agency for any regulations your state may have.

New York: the sellers must be local licensed firearm dealers or local pharmacies.

Massachusetts: the buyer is required to obtain a Firearms Identification Card (FID); the sellers must be local licensed firearm dealers.

Michigan: OC Pepper Spray can be no stronger than a 2% concentrate. CS is the only Tear Gas accepted. Both must be no larger than 35 grams per can. No combination sprays allowed.

Wisconsin: Pepper spray only. No Tear Gas, UV Dye or combination sprays. OC Pepper Spray can be no stronger than a 10% concentrate. The can must be between 15-60 grams only. Must have safety feature.

We carry Michigan/Wisconsin approved pepper sprays.

California: Canisters cannot be more than 2.5 ounces.

Animal Repeller like bear spray and dog spray are legal and can be shipped to New York, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Is there anyplace where I cannot carry pepper spray?
Yes. You cannot carry any pepper spray on an airplane or in carry-on luggage or in the passenger area. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) allows one Pepper Spray (up to 4 oz) per traveler in your checked luggage only.

stronghunter said...

I have heard that leprosy--Hansen's disease--can be found in the footpads of some armadillos.

My sister-in-law did research on leprosy at one time a few years ago.

stronghunter said...

Impressive research, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Susan has a raccoon visiting her on a third-floor balcony. It has to climb up a brick wall to get there. She thinks it must know she likes raccoons.

stronghunter said...

I really don't think I can cut back on my medication any more without having problems, though.

stronghunter said...

Pepper Spray for Dogs

T-Bird said...

No, it's not new Dana. In fact it's well broken in. : )

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Lynn for posting the link Eagles in Peoria. I didn't know where Peoria was going to take me. I clicked and it was in Arizona. That was AWESOME!!! Thank you for posting that..boy they were all so close to those babies..NEAT!!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Kay I love your comment "Have you noticed an inordinate number of polic care at the donut shop". LOL When I seen the picture and the person standing by the buring. I thought DUMB DUMB DUMB - he would definately get a buzz.

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly 2012 Camp at the Jelly stone sounds promising. Especially you can check on house and cat.

Hoda said...

Goodafternoon everyone. Some good discussion on medications and insurance and what to do about it all...also about pet training. We all agree that there are some good visits happening with family and friends. The 20th of August already and school starts next week...
A quiet morning for me and I realize I was too busy for the pst couple of to have the luxury of the time and the space to catch up with myself.Many events I choose to not attend, volunteer appreciation coktails, medal awards cermonies...yet I feel I need to stop. I appreciated being involved in the Seniors Games and they went well.

Lolly said...

There was a recent article in the paper about armadillo's carrying leprosy. We certainly do not touch the creatures. One time one of the kids picked up a piece of armadillo after Jack had shot and buried it. We scrubbed those hands!! The boys know now not to touch!! They were very excited and thought it really cool about this morning's armadillo.

Also, Laurel's neighbor has shot three recently in his yard with his bow and arrow. He is a good shot!!

Lolly said...

Jack is going through his stuff for his trip. Still need to buy a couple of things. Michael has gone today to get his gear. They are going to have so much fun!!

Lolly said...

Have added a picture of the dead armadillo. It is from a distance, did not upload the close up. Also, a picture of a dead armadillo impersonator. LOL

Family pic blog!

stronghunter said...

Is the picture of the impersonator sideways, Lolly, or is the impersonator an acrobat?

Mema Jo said...

I have had a very peaceful afternoon by
doing nothing much of anything!
I'll be going to Mass at 5:00 to pray
for some energy in my daily life!

Hoda said...

JO, Peaceful afternoon sounds GRAND!!! Also going for prayers, makes for a perfect day...

PA Nana said...

Good afternoon eagle fans.

Have caught a few more winks and just about have laundry finished.
Don't know why 2 people make so many dirty clothes, towels & sheetz.

Judie, your description of our football teams is great. That should help Hoda a lot.

Hedgie, so sorry to hear of the baby giraffe. This year has been the worst for our animal friends.

Now, must catch up....

Steve, again, happy birthday.

PA Nana said...

Shirley! It hasn't been a good retirement for you lately. Prayers for quick solutions.

Shirley's predictament makes me very worried for Jimbo & I when he finally decides to retire. We both are on medications.

Lynn, thanks for the info on pepper spray. Not that the dogs in our neighborhood are mean. There's a black lab on one side that never barks and a jack russel that barks but is so docile he's more afraid of people.

My sons' golden was put down yesterday and one is dealing with the grief. The other son doesn't know yet.

Lolly, another armadillo bites the dust. It's been a bad year for our feather and fur friends.

back to reading....

JudyEddy said...

OK I have looked and I can't seem to find it WVGALDANA said LYNN posted a link to Eagles in Peoria. Maybe I have overlooked it twice but I can't seem to find it HELP

hedgie said...

Satellite keeps losing signal---must be a storm approaching....still sunny so far---86°....

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

LYNN that was a fantastic video on the eagle and the kids being able to see it and I am amazed that many nest in AZ to

JudyEddy said...

Well it seems all have fledged today LOL so I will fledge also BBL

hedgie said...

JudyE---that was probably on Weds. or Th. thread that I posted that!
Can't help more than that---don't recall where I got it from!

Diann....if Jim's employer allows him to keep company health insurance as your supplemental plan to Medicare post-retirement, I strongly suggest that you use it! The non-group, independent plans basically suck!

hedgie said...

Oh, good, you found it!!!

Costume Lady said...

Hello to you all...
Washing clothes, pulling weeds and picking some veggies, has taken up a good part of my day. Going up and down the steps to the laundry room does me in on laundry day...I usually make it a 2 day affair...easier on the knee. Hoping things go well and I can get a REAL new knee in November. It all depends on GG's wellness.
She was doing so well last evening and was so happy and laughing at the baby, almost uncontrollably! He was so funny...walked up to her and got really close and started his jabbering as though he was really carrying on a conversation. The more she laughed, the more he jabbered:) Her recently repaired hearing aids allowed her to hear him!

MARGY, You said that you were in Va. Beach in November...did you get to see the Christmas lights on the beach? I love seeing their cheerful and really puts you in the mood for the holiday.

LYNN, I checked out the local weather radar and see no rain in the area. Maybe the humidity is affecting your satellite.

PA Nana said...

Hi Wanda, long time so see. Was looking foward to your Friday night video. Jayden is getting so big and he's adorable, but I don't need to tell you.

Lynn, I definitely will keep that in mind. I AM worried 'cuz of my health issues.

Think I'll read this morning newspaper then the new Birds & Bloom Extra I received yesterday.

BTW -I still think hummers have a sense of smell. It happened again.
They were missing for 2 days and when I but out fresh nectar they appeared. Too often for coincidence.


JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook I have never heard of the Huffpost under wierd news
Our Winter I love her

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Shirley, I knew you would have tried to get the best information. Sorry. Didn't mean to imply you needed to be coached.

Long day. Got my glasses and will have to get adjusted to a few slight changes. Will not use them going up/down stairs.

Hoda, you deserve to rest and regain some energy. You really have been busy.

Lolly, so glad Jack didn't run over a dog.

Lynn, if you could train Liesl to put all her toys away, as Dana did her pup, maybe you could get a gig on Jack Hannah.

DanaMo, sorry about the lab. Such a difficult decision even when we know it is best. Hugs.

Going to put my aching feet up for just a few then to the kitchen to play chef.


Judie said...

Ooops, Wanda, I often take care of laundry over two days or I take something downstairs to read. Will mark Nov. as "new knee" month.

DanaMo said...

oops new thread....didn't realize that! Here's my last post:
Hey Shirley that sounds awful and expensive. Sorry to hear about your prescription issues! Maybe they made a mistake???

My FSA card got rejected and I don't know if it's because they haven't gotten my dx of diabetes or if I've run out of pre-paid money or if they want receipts from me for prior expenditures. Insurance problems drive me crazy. Hope you can find out if a mistake has been made, don't just accept it, make sure everything is correct.

DanaMo said...

Judie-I think you have the wrong Dana. I haven't read back but my labs are all good, or at least they were when I left yesterday to come to OH! I hope they are all still okay.

wvgal_dana said...

I don't have any labs.

stronghunter said...

Judie, feel free to coach me any old time. I always welcome advice. I knew that eventually I would be in the doughnut hole.

I suppose I could accept the HMO from the school, but I just don't like the idea at all. I can live with the thought that I can start over in January if that is the way things work. I have more than a month's supply now.

stronghunter said...

My frustration is with the system in general, not anyone on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy all...having a great day

Saw herons osprey and cormorants today

Funniest thing...there was a big seagull standing on my road last night...he wouldn't to go around hin

My brother and nephews came today...they got here a lmittle while ago...already fishing

Ok gotta go shuck some corn...bbl tonight

stronghunter said...

Funny thing, the dogs (most likely Flash) ate up all of the catnip flavored cat treats. Wonder what they thought of the catnip?

hedgie said...

JudyE---lots of stuff I post in various locations comes from HuffingtonPost. I really like the variety.

DanaMo---thank goodness all is well with your labs! Scared me when I first read Judie's note--was searching for a sad post from you....WHEW!!!!
How are things in Dayton? Are the kids with you, or are they home with Grandma and Grandpa??

Wow, the spot in Madrid where the Mass will be held tomorrow is the size of 48 football fields!

stronghunter said...

I asked Susan about this--

I went to Target today and bought several new outfits for Hunter to wear to school.

Prices weren't bad, either.

When I checked out, the woman bagged the items by balling them up and cramming them into the bag. They were pretty much wrinkle-resistant, but she managed to wrinkle them anyway, so I smoothed them out and folded them when I got home.

I asked Susan if the store teaches clerks to fold clothing when they bag it. She said no, and that she had had the same problem when she bought pajamas at Target for Hunter a couple of weeks ago.

She said she removed the item from the bag and folded it while standing there at the register. Wish I had thought of that.

It just seems disrespectful to wad a person's new clothing purchase into a ball as if it is a piece of wastepaper.

hedgie said...

Can't wait for the Winter movie!!! What a great cast!

hedgie said...

DanaMo, I have an HSA---and am always so frustrated with them. They must have a bunch of idiots working for them, because I ALWAYS have to either send more documentation or point out WHERE on the receipt the info they can't find IS. What a pain in the arse.
And so many retail places don't accept it, so I have to get re-imbursed. And, of course, Obamacare eliminated non-prescription drug items from coverage. I really stocked up big-time before New Year's eve!

stronghunter said...

Getting demolished in a couple of my Scrabble games today. Oh well , , ,

hedgie said...

Wanda, is there anyway you could put your washer/dryer upstairs? Hate that you have to climb those steps so much.
Thanks for radar info---satellite has cleared up. Maybe I had a bird hanging out on the transponder!

hedgie said...

Judie---yes, PLEASE don't wear new glasses on stairs until you are well-used to them!

stronghunter said...

I liked my HSA once they got things straightened out. But it took awhile. Then I found out I could not have it anymore. Wasn't supposed to have been allowed to enroll to begin with.

hedgie said...

LOL---hope Flash (or Luna) doesn't turn into a cat!!!

stronghunter said...

Bifocals, Judie?

I have lineless ones. I am afraid to try the others.

Yes, definitely be careful on stairs. You have had enough stair trouble.

stronghunter said...

So far he hasn't meowed.

JudyEddy said...

This is from the facebook page of Dolphin Tale the movie and I know I don't like to go to movies but I am going to see this one and I will try to see it on its opening nite just to prove the others wrong LOL

Dolphin Tale
‎#TeamWinter, we have a mission for you. #DolphinnTale opens in 5 weeks. We're up against some pretty big movies on our opening weekend incl. Moneyball w/ Brad Pitt, Abduction w/ Taylor Lautner, Machine Gun Preacher w/ Gerard Butler, Killer Elite w/ Robert DeNiro. All the "experts" are saying we won't have a big opening. We need you to prove them wrong.
47 minutes ago · 3797 ·UnlikeLike ·

hedgie said...

Too bad, Shirley---it does help. What happened for us was that Geithner and the big O demanded that GM take away retiree health care. Regular retirees got an additional $300/mo. in their pension check. Those of us on disability retirement got an HSA--$260/mo. credited to it. Strange that the disabled aren't worth as much as regular retirees who are older! They could use that $300 to purchase their own supplemental insurance plans. We can't use the HSA for that.

NatureNut said...

Good Saturday PM to Everyone in Eagleland and a

Got to sleep late Hooray,was outside working on plants-dead heading & found some storm damage!
Fairly minor, but made me MAD!Small oval pot of spreading type purple lantana got blown upside down off deck railing & landed on the blue balloon flowers' pot!!! They are one of my favorites.Oh well, mostly done blooming & are perennial, so guess it doesn't really matter about broken stems.
I did tape up some split lantana stems! May keep flowers alive a little longer.

Read back some--Wanda, how delightful about GG hearing Jayden so well!!
Shirley, those drug costs are unreasdonable! Some of the mail order drug cos. are very reasonable, like Medco. One of our Dr.s sent RX to them for drugs that are not generic, yet & quite pricey even w/insurance. Maybe yours is sold by them or another mail pharmacy.

hedgie said...

Liesl and I are going to the sofa to watch a recorded show or two. Wonder if I can stay awake on my "catnAp sofa?" BBL.

NatureNut said...

Watched an "enjoyable" car race---a Nationwide (not as powerful motors as Sprint Cup) road course in Canada. I think was Montreal & some roadways had water on both sides & lots of green grass there. Beautiful!(even if you don't care about the race!)
Sounds like Paula is having a good time even if she has to cook!!

Din Din time ☺

hedgie said...

Sorry about your plant loss, Loretta. :(
Shirley, my sister and Mom both use Costco---say they have the best prices for pharms.

stronghunter said...

I don't know, Loretta. I know that the Medicare people helped me select an insurance company that will pay for my medication. I am still learning how to manage this thing.

Lolly said...

Bosco, the dead armadillo impersonator is lying on his back.

Lolly said...

Well, actually, Bosco is lying on his right side....legs out and stiff. A good impersonator.

Lolly said...

Low today....85, broke a record
High.......107, broke a record

54 days over 100...I am so sick of this!!!!

stronghunter said...

Too bad about your storm damage, Loretta. I hope your repair job helps the plants to recover.

Mema Jo said...

Hello again - I am back from Mass and some dinner. Going to get relaxing
clothing on and a cup of coffee and
go out on the deck. Very pleasant
evening - could use a gentle breeze.

I'll read back in a little while......

stronghunter said...

You have my sympathy, Lolly. This weather has been awful for Texas.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY TX was talked about on our weather tonight Paul our weather man had said if only we could send Tx some much needed rain I walked out a little bit ago and there was the prettiest rainbow too big from my camera lens so I did a quick video and I posted two pic on facebook It is really nice out

wvgal_dana said...

Going to go put me feeties up.

Night all

May God be with all those that have needs of any kind. May he give traveling miseries to those traveling. I pray HE reaches all I have ever spoken to HIM about and HE continues to remember when I fail too. Gods prayers for all HIS creatures big or small.

hedgie said...

BW post on FB:

We hate to break the news, but the decision was made to end the Osprey Cam season early due to the rain damage at the Visitor Center. We've posted full details in our Osprey Cam Web Log, so please read the update. And thanks for your support during another great Osprey Cam season! We hope to be back in mid-October.

JudyEddy said...

Well I need to go get a shower and watch some mind numbing TV so I will say goodnight


See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...


hedgie said...

DanaWV---please don't wish miseries on the travelers!!!

hedgie said...

Jo, I just watched Flashpoint...whew! Good one. No previews, and guide is not showing any upcoming episodes.....but it also only shows 13 days in "season finale" info listed....MTBR!

Lolly said...

Just walked outside for a minute and now I am covered with sweat. Yuk! 99.3!

Yes, Judy, it is really sad. Trees are dying fast. So far we have not lost one however we do have one huge oak outback that is slowly getting dead leaves. It is a tree that does not get watered as it is behind the shop, not in the lawn. Go for a drive and you see dead trees everywhere and we are not like the East, we do not have a lot of trees. Going to be dessert if this continues.

Judie said...

Diann, it is you I am sorry for having to send the dog over the Rainbow Bridge.

My apology DanaMo. Speed reading error.

Dinner over, kitchen tidied, ready to watch some mindless tv while I await the sandperson.

Darth and I are attending a butterfly tagging tomorrow afternoon at Hidden Oaks Nature Center. Should be interesting.


Mema Jo said...

I really enjoyed Flashpoint last night.
I'm not sure about the 'no previews'
deal. Let me know what you find out - I sure hope there are more.......
I just had a slice of pound cake and
hubby went out and got some soft ice
cream... I only took about 3 spoonfuls
on top of my cake. Delicious......

Mema Jo said...

BW did have a very successful nest of Osprey this year! Sorry to see the cam to go down but the best has already been

Lynn - We are going to have to tend to DanaWV -- traveling miseries! Like
flat tires and broken windshield wipers
lol Dana WV I haven't pulled one of those in a while - I better watch myself.........

Mema Jo said...

I will hold my laughter and go watch some mindless TV - Mystery Theater..
No commercials so I'll be late coming
back to say good night.

ps......... If Lynn and I figured out what Dana was asking the good Lord - Have faith that He also knew exactly what Dana meant about the travelers.. ♥

DanaMo said...

No problem Judie, just wasn't sure what I missed.

Hedgie-we get so frustrated with the request for documentation; what do they think we are doing buying a big screen tv from the dentist office. And oh I can thank Obamacare for not being able to by over the counter drugs on my fsa card. Wonderful. I can't even buy allergy medicine for my kids on it because it is now otc. What a bunch of malarky!

Kids are home with our oldest, who is 20. My parents are checking on them, but really they can handle things pretty well themselves. They take care of the dogs and the house. I left plenty of easy to make foods. Mom and Dad call frequently and live within a mile.

hedgie said...

Jo--sent you an email with the info I found out.

Yep....DanaWV made a faux pas!

Diann---totally forgot about your post about the sorry for your son and his family. :( The Rainbow Bridge has sure gotten too many pets and critters this year.

hedgie said...

Good that you don't have to worry about the kids, DanaMo. Makes it so much easier for you to travel. Is your eldest a college student?

hedgie said...

Paula---did you do the corn on the grill???? I love it that way!

DanaMo---mine wants the receipt to show that I am the patient.....well, duh! SInce it has my name on it, doesn't that kind of figure?? And I am not at all happy with them seeing something that shows a diagnosis! None of their business! And yep---O gets the blame for the OTC debacle.

hedgie said...

Jo---I love pound cake!

Liesl is begging for her bedtime cuddle....I better go before she starts talking!!

hedgie said...

For all you Skins fans---Mark Moseley was the star attraction at our local Bike Night. See if you can view this--
Mark and one of my former co-worker's wife

JudyEddy said...

Peeking in before I power her down for the nite I posted the quickie video and picture of the rainbow from this evening on my blog

Rainbow video and pictures

Nite nite see ya in the am

Costume Lady said...

Oh my goodness, DANA, you made me laugh and then snort at your comment about traveling. I'm certain you ment TRAVELING MERCIES, NOT MISERIES, but that was hysterical! I know, we ALL do those mistakes:)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, Gene has wanted to move the washer and dryer into the closet area in Dustin's room, but I think that would be a disruption in that room, it is small to begin with AND, if I get a new knee, maybe I can go up and down the stairs without pain. Thanks for the suggestion, but it was already running through my little brain:)

JudyEddy said...

this was on facebook eagleaddict cam page
Eagle caught a fish and swims with it nite again

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Judy...thanks for the link!

Lolly said...

Slow on here tonight. Think I am going to give myself a manicure and pedicure. Gotta keep the toesies pretty!

Tomorrow I do believe Jack and I are going to have a little fun time. There is a winery in Ft Worth, Lightcatcher Winery, that on some Sunday afternoons has live music. Food is excellent and the wine good. Think we are going and have a very relaxing afternoon.

I am going to say good night just in case I do not get back.

Sweet dreams!

NatureNut said...

Wow. Just watched Women's Gymnastics. Didn't know it as on!
Some of them will be on Olympic Team. One poor girl landed wrong after vault & looks like knee is really injured. What a shame.

Sounds like some neat activities tomorrow. Judie & Darth w/butterfly tagging!!!! Lolly & Jack wining & dining!

Getting a little sleepy, would like to see Law & Order.
Maybe will get some news tonight from Jeanne about Danny.

If I konk out & don't return, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay ;>)

JudyEddy said...

You all may have seen this in the past but I haven't it is from Mar 5, 2010 It was on facebook also ok now I do need to sign off I was chating with Angie on facebook

Jeff Guidry and His Eagle Named Freedom

DanaMo said...

Looks like Monte and I are heading out for a drink! Have a good night everyone. "See" you in the morning.

DanaMo said...

Oh strange...that last post never posted. We are already back from getting that drink!

hedgie said...

Judie and Darth---have fun at the tagging tomorrow!

Lolly and Jack---I hope that wine tasting is INDOORS in A/C!!! I don't think it would be very relaxing in the kind of heat you are having if it's outdoors!

Judy--pretty rainbow. Have seen the other things you linked to before!

Wanda---great minds, as they say! I think Gene has the right idea!! If they would show in that room, you can always drape them with a lovely fabric when not in use!!

DanaMo said...

@Hedgie-well my oldest has "dropped out" He attended Mount St. Mary's for 1.5 years. Came home at Christmas just not happy. I think he liked the school well enough, but just doesn't now what direction he wants to take. He had actually been accepted to art school in Florida, but decided on the Mount instead. For a number of reasons I believe, but mostly lack of confidence. He doesn't see himself as good enough. Now he just doesn't know what he wants to do. He took 2 summer classes in graphic design, at HCC but I'm not sure that he is convinced he wants to pursue that either. Amazing the kids are all so different. He will find his way it's just going to take him some time I guess.

DanaMo said...

"doesn't know"

magpie said...


when does Aric join up with you there?
That was one quickie drink!

In answer to your questions, I was at Virginia Beach during the daytime, did not stay there I missed out on the Christmas lights if they were there, and by the way, the baby on your avatar is...??
what a cutie! And nice report of Friday Night Fun....I can picture it all in my mind !

Hello Eagle Pals!

sure was nice when Lynn's daughter arrived at work today, helped with the work load

magpie said...

wooops see that it is Jayden's cousin but I can't make out the spelling on the name I think it is far off am I on the spelling ?

magpie said...

Glad to read that Loretta had the day off! But sorry to read of the updumped plant onto another plant

Wow, butterfly tagging, THAT is going to be neat, Judie and Frank!

magpie said...

Saw T-Bird was on, but haven't seen any visits from Sharon or Sissy

Helllooooooo down there in Bluefield, Ladies

Sounds like a very nice week-end for you, Paula !

And Lolly, one armadillo down, and how many more to go !

Diann, I am so sorry about the Labrador...
(( Hugs for all the family ♥ ))

This bird is tired, going to head to bed soon

Lovely to read many posts today from you, Precious Pals...
sorry I am a little low on words.

Prayers for Wellness...and that Sleep is Sweet
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Oh darn
forgot I have to put the clean sheets back on the bed

hedgie said...

Argh, Margy---isn't that frustrating? Nothing worse than being ready to climb in and the bed isn't!!
Sleep well. Do you work tomorrow?
Looking forward to that "extra" make-up check Weds.??
LOL----Carolyn told me about locking her keys in her car....duh!!

DanaMo---so many young people end up in that kind of quandary. Hoping he will find his way soon. Hope he has been able to find a job while he's feeling his way through the decision-making.

Judie said...

Yippee! Sandperson was sneaking up behind me. Turning quickly, I opened a closet door, spun around, and shoved Sandperson into the closet and swiftly slammed the door closed. Now to catch up.

DanaWV sure did give me a laugh, also. Have visions of the variety of miseries our travelers might encounter.

You are right, Loretta. Bad landing for the young lady. Hope she heals quickly. Agree with Margy that updumped flowers is not nice. Hope they all recover.

Lolly, have fun tomorrow as you wine and dine.

Hi Liesl. Give your mom a puppy kiss and ask her when you can see Stony again.

Wow, DanaMo. Thought you might have really gotten into the swing of Oregon Village. Going out for a drink at 10:17pm reminded me of my single days in Dayton.

Hi Margy. Is tomorrow a rest day with maybe some time with James the Wise?

$#%#*Just heard the hall closet door creek open and now I hear stealthy foot steps approaching, getting closer and closer, so close now, must hurry.

The night light is on for anyone who may need to arise in the darkness or for those who may arrive late from the West coast. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Well my Mystery Theater is over -
no closed caption and some of those
English accents don't do well with my
I am ready to call it a day -
Good Night and God Bless
Hugs for all
Thought going out to Lori and hoping all
is well.


hedgie said...

LOL, Judie---Stoney's old person didn't know whether he would be back for the next session or not! He's an ornery fellow---but quite amusing. Probably pushing 80! Hard of hearing and mumbles....loves Stoney, but doesn't make very wise decisions about his safety. Trainer Maxine and I were always trying to teach him!!! One interesting thing in common---he is retired State Dept., as was my Dad. Didn't learn that uuntil the last few minutes of last class--so would like to pursue that to see if they may have known each other!
Good night---too bad you can't keep that sandperson locked in the closet!!

hedgie said...

Sorry that some have not checked in. Still worrying about Lori's Mom. Guess Kay is having a ball with her slumber party! Hoda....with Dawn again this evening??? Andy and Jay are probably still catching up, too!

Going to get my bath....touch up the manicure and hit the hay. Animal advocates meeting tomorrow, so no lazy Sunday for me.

All good wishes for peaceful rest. Prayers are going up.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh jeeze the sounds available on nephew (now mind he is 13) is in the living room giggling about the farting noises on his its burping, lol

stronghunter said...

Tried to go to sleep, but here I am. Wow, the insects are loud tonight. I am going to head back upstairs. Best wishes for all. Rest well, everyone.

Judie said...

Well, let's hope Paula's nephew's phone does not begin to emit noxious fumes along with the sound effects.

Night and bye.

stronghunter said...

Paula, one of my fellow teachers last year said that her husband told her that males never outgrow their amusement over farting sounds. That concerns me a bit. I think it might be true.

So it probably does not matter that this kid is 13. I know for a fact that 10 year olds think they are hilarious.

Hoda said...

Been lurking in between phone calls. I am actually tired from two days of being very involved in various activities. I will head off to bed and wish you all sweet dreams. God Bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Lol Shirley...I think that lady's hubby was right...

Really pretty stars tonight but now some high clouds have moved in

Gonna go read and hit he hay

(((Hugs for all)))

Costume Lady said...

MARGY, the baby on my avatar is from some of Denise's photography. Her name is Nevaeh (Heaven, backwards). She is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.
Jayden's father and Nevaeh's mother, are brother and sister.

I'm headed for bed...

stronghunter said...

Nevaeh is a beautiful baby, Wanda. Yes, I am still here. I will eventually go upstairs.

stronghunter said...

The photography is also beautiful.

Now, I am going upstairs.

Good night.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


I forgot the GGGG

JudyEddy said...

It was just on the news that the lawsuits are starting in regards to the sugarland storm Being they had plenty of warning in regards to the inclement weather approaching and they choose to ignore the warnings so far one lady that had her leg amputated is suing and one others family of a lady that died

JudyEddy said...

Did you hear about the wedding Kim Kardashian she asked all her guest to wear only black and white

JudyEddy said...

Looks like I'm the only early bird this am that has to go to work and Yep if I didn't have to go to work I would be in bed myself So I bid you all a good day a good bye

Catch ya later

Oh Steve posted on FB last night a thank you for all his Bday wishes I commented that everyone on the blog also wished him a great day He says thanks thought he may pop in maybe not for sure Ok BBL HAGD OTWIG

DanaMo said...

JNUdie and Hedgie-Yes it was a quick drink, just not as quick as it appeared on the computer! LOL

My oldest (Andrew) is working, he works at a mail processing center. Pretty boring stuff and I thought that would throw him into action, but has not! He works 3 days a week, 8 hours each day. I'm glad he is working. I just wish he was going to school and heading towards something more meaningful!

Looks like I may be the only one up. Here I am in OH, sitting in the hotel. If anyone is lurking please say hello! :)

T-Bird said...

Good Sunday morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

wvgal_dana said...

I sure am glad God knows my heart!!! I did boo boo ... yes it was suppose to be traveling mercies.

I too hope Lolly & Jack will be inside today.

Thought I would find something on here from Lori.

Hedgie where was Carolyn at when she locked keys in car this time?

Beautiful rainbow Judy.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Quiet morning on the blog.

Glad that the misery/mercy confusion has been straightened out. Kney you did not wish misery on anyone, DanaWV.

Costume Lady said...

DANA, hope we didn't hurt your feelings...but, your misspelled MERCIES, gave me a real belly laugh! You know we were laughing WITH you, not at you;) (((HUGS)))

Costume Lady said...

JUDY, the organizers of that concert did admit that they knew of the storm, but thought the crowd would use their own judgement as to whether to leave or not! Very negligent!:(

Costume Lady said...

Looks like we may have rain this afternoon...87° for a high and a beautiful, sunny 83° tomorrow.

Have a blessed Sunday♥

Costume Lady said...

BTW, NEVAEH (avatar, is only 40 days old). Isn't she sweet?

stronghunter said...

That's "Knew you did not . . .

stronghunter said...

Hi Wana! Beautiful baby. Beautiful photograph. A winning combination for sure.

stronghunter said...

Love the hat!

stronghunter said...

Hi Thelma!

hedgie said...

Good Sunday AM! Hope everyone is well. Shirley, suspect you may need a nap, nightowl!

Danawv---Carolyn was at work when she locked her keys in the car---for the second time!!!! Since the center is in the city, had to call city police for an unlock---geesh! Sure hope no criminals got away with crime while they responded! Still can't believe that cops perform that "service!"

T-Bird said...

I'll catch you fine peeps later.

hedgie said...

Sky is getting very heavy here...I think the rain is going to move in earlier than predicted.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh yes Wanda I knew you all was not making fun of me. Your so sweet to say it though (((HUGS))).

I remember the name from before because as you said "it spells Heaven backwards". Sure is a cutie!!

stronghunter said...

Looks like you have your own, personal little rain event just south of Martinsburg, Lynn.

stronghunter said...

Need to take care of some chores. BBL.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals, make that Precious Eagle Pals ☺ ♥

Nice police officer who came to do the unlock for Carolyn, was the nice police officer I invited to come here so I could discuss activities in the neighborhood..things have been better since then....all the other officers were busy setting up for bike night...

DanaWV - my Traveling Angel Cloud was watching out for any traveling Miseries ☺

magpie said...

I don't wear anything without pockets so I can have my extra car key in one of them

magpie said...

As yes.. the farting sounds...
James and I have named them
We have names for burps and other things also

magpie said...

Thanks to Wanda
for the information on NEVAEH -
Lovely child, beautiful Denise Photography ♥

magpie said...

As always, Best of the Morning to
T-Bird and Buddy....

and always please pass that along to Sharon and Sissy and all the Southern Delegation Clan xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Lolly and Jack
sounds like a nice outing, music ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ and all the rest
Have Fun and dance a little jig for me
Hope there is some Blue Grass music there !

magpie said...

I so very much enjoyed each and every comment you posted about your time with the Bragg Bunch...
especially the one, with your being so touched by all the joy of family and blessings ♥

magpie said...

Daytime Bandit is lurking...
time to get ready to go get James and his father, to get some school shopping done....

I hope you are regaining all your strength and energy, and whether you have it yet or not, you sure are sharing it with us, the energy and enthusiasm

Best wishes to all having family times, and also to those just having a day to yourself....

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy, and Joyful Day
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxox ♥

hedgie said...

Wanda, Nevaeh is precious! Denise does such a great job!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all of you here in
Eagleland. I sure am hoping for some
cams to be working so we can catch a glimpse of an eagle or two.

This month of August has seemed to fly
right by me... Prayers for this year's school - for teachers and students - to be very worthwhile.

hedgie said...

Rain has started.

wvgal_dana said...

It has been sprinkling here for a short while.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I get on for a quick hello and what do I read....rain, sprinkling, etc!!! Good grief!!! I have been out since 7 watering pots and flowers. Already 86 and heading up up up once again. Cartoon in the paper had the devil peeking out of hell saying "it's like an oven out here". Yep, it's hotter than hell!

Time to get ready for church, but I wanted to say good morning!

Have a great day! I'll be baaaack!

Beautiful baby, Wanda and an unusual name.

hedgie said...

Rain stopped and now sun is back out! Go figure....crazy weather.

Sunday tranquility marred by loggers working out in the back. ARGH!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, maybe you should replace your smiling sunshine with a rain cloud--or a rainbow.

magpie said...

Y'll Watch for
SPLIT coming up soon

ttfn xoxo

hedgie said...

LOL, Shirley----I am NW of the city, and DanaWv is north!! Wonder if the south end got rain??!! I'm not even sure that radar can be reliable anymore!

Have fun, Margy....hope you find some good sales.

movin said...


C(°Ù¿°)D Jim

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 545   Newer› Newest»

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...