The Zoo is proud to introduce seven new customized stamps celebrating and supporting conservation programs at the Zoo. One stamp features Tai Shan! Join us for Conservation Stamp Day on November 14 or buy Zoo stamps online or at the Zoo.
they go on sale tomorrow..if you go to zoo store and buy $50.00 worth of stuff you get a sheet free, I think...$26.00 value...will get them when I get a chance to stop in store...
WANDA!---Story in our morning paper--The Smoke Hole resort gift shop--snack bar & 3 units burned yesterday!---Damage est. more than 1 million--dollars worth--- 2 fires deliberately set--
WANDA---It is on the other side of Petersburg---I thought GENE might go by it on his way to SENECA ROCKS!!----maybe not---haven't been that way for a while!
Lolly, retreat looks like a lovely place to go! Norma, is that at Smoke Hole caverns?? Too bad....hope they arrest the arsonist. Mits, I beat ya' to it, kiddo, on the stamps!!! Posted it yesterday----sorry if I stole your thunder, LOL!! Live cam....what's that? Fingers and toes crossed!
For third day in a row, i just saw SOMETHING big fly through the backwoods---not close enough to ID....some kind of hawk, I imagine, but could be an owl. Wish it would come in closer and land!
Norma, Gene left this morning to spend a few days at hunt camp with grandson. If the resort is visible from the road, I would imagine he will see it. Don't know what the penelty is for Arson, but don't think it is severe enough for such an act!
Oh that is too funny.. I can't resist.. DId you hear-NASA says a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon in October has turned up evidence of water.
No, I swear I read it somehwere....NASA says a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon in October has turned up evidence of water. bbl...I'm supposed to be working
Jim - I bet you best start reading our blog ! Water - what water?
I love this song..Probably dates me!
Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style some day. Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker, wherever you're going I'm going your way. Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. We're after the same rainbow's end-- waiting 'round the bend, my huckleberry friend, Moon River and me.
NASA didn't tell me about the moon water, but they did tell me this:
At today's launch countdown status briefing held at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, managers reported space shuttle Atlantis, its payload and crew are ready for launch at 2:28 p.m. EST on Monday.
Well, morning banter has been fun. Time for me to shake a leg and get ready to get out of here. Heading for CharlesTown to hook up with my youngest when she gets off work. Dinner out---she wants pumpkin pancakes at IHOP! Sounds good to me----haven't made them in many years cause Bill doesn't like pumpkin! Andrea....good luck on tonights' exam! Hope you found the GREEN poster board---sorry, Margy! Have a good afternoon and evening.
Well, trying to figure out all this insurance stuff is giving me gas. Pardon me.
Norma, so sorry about your friend's passing.
Lynn I bet your big UFB IS an owl!! I hope it comes in close so you can see. Barred owls are kinda tannish...who is Bill?
Lolly I sure hope you have a refreshing spiritual weekend...looks like a nice place!
OK There are about 200 crows sitting in trees and flying around outside and frankly it's starting to get a little too Alfred Hitchcock looking for me....they are raising a huge ruckus.
Hi, Everybody! Dragging in late again...slept in, and it felt good! STEVE, thanks for the update on the live cam--can hardly wait!! NORMA, SO good to hear from you again! Was pretty worried about you 'cuz it had been so long! Don't you just HATE it when the stupid computer goes wacky?!! Glad Sharon got it fixed for you! So very sorry to hear about your friend. Praying for Gene & family--and you, too! Boy, we've had a rough stretch of road here lately, haven't we? I do agree, too, Norma, that God did send Deb to us for a while so we could get to know her. What a blessing! LOLLY, hope you enjoy your weekend retreat; we'll be waiting to hear all about it when you get back on Sunday! Have a great time! WANDA, hope your Gene has a great time with your grandson! Well, gotta run--have a couple of errands this morning, then must study for tonight's test. (Please pray, everyone! 375 medical terms on the exam! THANKS in advance!) Will be back later if possible, but if not till late, late tonight, don't worry! Just busy as a one-armed paper hanger! :o]
Start planning for this for next Tuesday morning the 17th between 0130 and sunrise: The Leonid Meteors... usually the best meteor showers of the year...and no moon to interfere. guess who has to work :(
Andy, good luck tonight....I could never do what you are doing...
got this off the Conowingo dam site....this site is 7 years old, so guess, that is why my volunteer friend has seen more eagles......
Bald Eagle numbers vary from a half-dozen in summer to 30-40 in winter. It is not unusual to find 20 in a single scan from November through February. While there are larger concentrations elsewhere, Conowingo is considered one of the best places east of the Mississippi River to view Bald Eagles because the birds are nearly always present in good numbers and viewing conditions are excellent. The sun is nearly behind observers all day throughout the year. About one out of three winters a single Golden Eagle is found with the Bald Eagles. 2003
I am getting ready to pack it up and head to Bedford in a little bit. See you on the other side. Becky, Mattie and Justin are going for the weekend too! YAY!
Hi everyone. Just checking in for today. Haven't read through the blog yet but did see Steve's news. Yipee!! Can't wait.
Teresa is making dinner tonight and the whole family will be here - again. I'm wiped out from not getting my usual amount of sleep and just watching 22 month old Max makes me exhausted. He's adorable though.
Due to the bad weather down VA way, T is staying another day, maybe two. Her hubby may have to find another way home from airport. We'll see what happens ...
Eagles??? Thought I would see if 'puter would worrk before I leave Chelsea. Went out to see if I could get pic of new arrival ducks in pond---hooded mergansers! Saw commons last week. I flushed a bird that at first looked like our green heron, but was too large. DID YOU KNOW that Chelsea has a cormorant??????Must be in the neighborhood!It circled in the sky several times & landed in a tree!!!!! Got some tips from one lady here on Photoshop, but I probably won't get it to work yet.So far so good the old fashioned way! Gotta make like a banana & split ☺
In my travels today I saw a very large group of Turkey Vultures roosting in a tree, in TOWN, and more circling overhead. Stopped to take some pictures which I will post sometime Saturday, young man who lived in the house I stopped in front of wanted to shoot at them. Said he was afraid they would get his dogs...I told him two things, the birds only go for carrion, and it is not legal to shoot any kind of gun in town...even a BB gun, close to houses, nor at wildlife, but I don't think he was convinced. I was a little more alarmed at him than I was the birds.
See one in and one on...might have missed the second one in, Mits, thanks for the alert.
I went ahead and posted the eewiees on my Feathers... link on my blog....I had seen these birds and a lot of them circling around near our I-81 exit, finally found where they are hanging out, but can't figure out why. Guy clapped his hands and got them flying around but I couldn't get any good pictures of that. There must have been about 40 of them in the area
I have to get a nap in...I have a six hour shift from midnight to 0600. Hope to read all about Jo's dinner when I get up... Good Night, catch you later. xo ☺ ♥
Well, Helen, we could think of it this way...we are watchihg it from down here, and Deb is watching it from a higher overview. I understand, want to send pictures to her also... ♥ (( Hugs ))
There is one thing Bedford isn't lacking in is skunks. Sometimes I'm really concerned about letting the dogs out. Buddy wants out but I'm thinking it's not a good idea right now.
I have returned from dinner at Uno's where I really enjoyed my Classic pizza. I haven't had pizza for a really long time it seems and Guess What? I remembered every bite????? Thank the good Lord!
I am getting some Turkey Day cards addressed to all the ggkids so that the Germany gals will get them in time.
Message from FB from Sissy: Beverly Crisco Riffe: Tom's mom is coming to Princeton to Health South today. They had a bed after all!!! That is great news. Only one week after flying her out, she is coming home to rehab!
Great news, Jo! Prayers for Granny Riffe. Wanted to get on here sooner, but checking emails. Got call from daughter. She's on TX soil~~was driving home from airport. Her hubby had been in PA this week & in Atlanta, she phoned him to see if she had a ride home or he left car at airport. He said, "I'm in the Sky Lounge in Atlanta"!!That tricker---he arranged ticket on the same plane! Got a headache & truck races are on!!!AAARRRGGGHHH Have a good evening everyone. ☺ ☺ ☺
Good Evening... Went to restaurant for Crab Legs this evening. First time in a long while. GeeGee said she felt like going there, so we did. Denise came over and joined us. Haven't seen her since way before she decided to become a Beach Baby. GeeGee ate well and bought a container of the spinach casserole which she loves so much. She'll be eating it all week. She's hoping it will give her some energy:)
I got a Thank You letter today from The Wildlife Center of Virginia, finally. You can find it on my blog, SMILES...CLICK on it to enlarge. Nice little note on bottom of letter from Ed Clark.
Good evening all! Nice afternoon and evening out with my Christie. Yummy pumpkin pancakes, and she had gingerbread ones! Lousy weather, though. Seems like it is ALWAYS raining when I go there. Started just as I got close to Shepherdstown and continued until I got back here in Berkeley County!
I told them that we were a group who watched the NCTC Eagle Cam and attended the Open House, had a raffle and that is where the proceeds that was donated to them came from.
Just popping in to say goodnight and sweet dreams! Prayers for all, see you later....maybe not tomorrow as my mom-in-law is in town from Terra Alta, and then Sunday I'm hoping Steve and I will either be going to NZ or Coniwingo for some bird watching and fishing...supposed to be a warm day!
Very interesting day you had, Loretta! Mergansers and cormorant---neat! Margy, enjoyed your pics! Jo, so glad you remember your dinner!! Bluefield gals should all be safe and sound where they all belong by now. Shirley and Judie both AWOL today, I see! They better chime in soon! Mits, BWO had something on theirs about NCTC, too.....wondered the same thing when I saw it.
I feel we need a short letter to Ed Clark and to Peggy (I think from Black Water) just to let them know we are not affiliated with NCTC - that is just where our Eagles reside. I don't want anyone thinking that we are misrepresenting ourselves. Meaning I want full credit as to who we are!
Jo - Is Shilrey Okay? Sounds like most of our Momsters are tucked in where they belong....but there are some we didn't get an "evening visit" from. Paula usually lets us know what her weekend plans are too.
Lynne - sounds like a tough choice for tomorrow! Terra that was a rainy misty ride over here from there. Wanda and Lynn, you and your families seem to have eaten well tonight...and Jo too, pizza heaven for her !
That is a very nice letter from the Wildlife Center...but I agree with the others, probably need to clarify that we are just a bunch of concerned civilians Momsters and Dadsters....☺
The statistics are astounding... good thing they are doing what they are doing....
Can you believe that a family in town to bury their family member at Arlington today was doing some sightseeing yesterday and someone broke into their car and stole the urn of ashes?????? How awful.
Yes thanks Jo saw where Dana postd that first thing this morning and I forgot my manners about it.
Well, much as I would like to return to the pillows, can't do it, got to get dressed for civilian life for about 7 hours... See you all in the morning light.. Sleep Well, Prayers for all Wellness and Peace, and God Bless Us, Every One xo ☺ ♥
Well, I'm home OK from school! No more Anatomy/Physiology class! Yay! I ended up with dark cobalt blue poster board for my Presentation--it was the only color they had in the thick kind that would stand up by itself. Only had one hand to hold it! Hope I got enough right answers on the Med. Terminology test. Can miss 40 of them out of 350. Did OK on my presentation, but wish he had called on me first! Would've enjoyed everyone else's more. Really, really glad this class is behind me. Don't know what my grade is yet. He said he could tell us tonight, but now we have to wait until at least late Saturday, more likely Monday. Gotta text message him. Oh, well. I think I might have at least a B. Sure hope so! Hubby and I need to drive to the desert house in the morning to check on things up there and pick up the mail. Gotta re-program the sprinklers, too, because it's starting to get pretty cold at night there, and sprinklers need to run in the daytime so none of it freezes. You guys back east already know about that, I'm sure. I'm concerned that Shirley and Judie haven't shown up. Hope it's just due to being really busy with school. Don't know who's in their area, but does someone have their phone numbers? Can't help but be a little worried. Prayers for both Shirley and Judie!
Omigosh, Lynn, Some idiots stole someone's ashes?!!! How cruel can people get?!! That's just horrible. That poor family must be frantic. Now I've heard everything. The Lord reward them according to their deeds! Welcome home, Sharon! It's a good feeling, isn't it?! Hope Margy has an uneventful evening at work. Well, I need to unwind a bit so I can get to bed. Will go watch some mindless TV, I guess. Hope you all have a really good rest tonight. May be kinda late getting back here in the morning, with our desert trip and all. Don't worry! Hope we hear from Shirley and Judie in the morning. Prayers being said for all. The night light's nice and bright, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner is enabled. Sleep tight! G'night, all. Love you guys! :o]
Andy, Jo had an email from Shirley, and I've emailed both of if no sign of them tomorrow, will try calling them. Luckily, neither live alone. Judy has her hubby Frank, and son Will lives w/ Shirley. Glad you have gotten those classes behind you! Relax now and enjoy your trek to the desert! Goodnight, Momsters and Dadsters. Prayers for all.
Hi, Gang, Since I was concerned, I went back thru my e-mails, and Judie sent me one on 11/3. She was totally swamped with stuff to do for school. Since this is the end of the quarter, I would imagine she has even more to do now. Hope we hear from her over the weekend, but totally understand how much there must be for both her and Shirley to do. Guess we'll hear from them when they dig themselves out from under. I'm not so worried now. G'night, all! :o]
I scanned over the comments and saw that there have been questions about my welfare. I'm fine, but confused. I could not get on last night. Could not connect with the NCTC website.
I also did not pack the power cord to my computer, so I have a limited amount of time on here. I will probably go see if I can get a powercord if it's not too expensive. I need to do my assignments in addition to talking with my buddies on here.
I do thank you for your concern. I hope Judie hops on sometime today. I want to save a little battery power, so I'm going to turn off the computer, and I hope I can talk to you later today. I will head out to the computer stores or Walmart later on today and see if I can pick up a power cord.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---BELLE & LIBERTY!!!---on this cool--- temp 52°---wet morning here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!---Most folks are wearing black arm bands!---VICTORY was soooo close last night & yet so far!!---MORNIN' & CONGRATS!--DANA & MEGAN---Our #1 EAGLE MOMS---today & every day!---LIFE IS GOOD!!---
Good morning everyone. I see I have already missed the Royal pair. Maybe they will stop back again. We certainly got to see them a few times yesterday. Today the shelter is actually doing the Staff Christmas party. Yes I get to go. The Director says as far as she is concerned I am on an extended sabatical LOL. Last year we couldn't get the time worked out to get everyone together until Jan. So trying a new plan this year and one of our awesome volunteers is having knee surgery at the end of the month so we moved it up so she could come too. Hope your day is a good one. Mine will be in many ways.
1 – 200 of 387 Newer› Newest»Hooray! Thanks Steve. That is great news...
Sorry, I deleted those 2 but for a good cause.
Yeah on the live stream! SHOW ME!
yep, an eagle...morning everyone have a good Friday the 13th:)
thank you Miss Sharon:):)
Oh, WOW!!!! Thanks Steve for the good news! We are so excited!
Posted this on the previous thread.
Lolly's Retreat
Just so you know about the beautfiful, relaxing, spiritual place I a going. Have gone for years.....LOVE IT!
looks like crocked taloned Lib
wow its a busy nest day. So nice to see our eagles. Do you suppose they know they are soon to go live
:-) .Thanks Steve
Glad I have not left yet! Wahoo and Eagle! Know that eagle is also excited about the news!
That's wonderful news Steve.
Looks like Lib!
Lolly, have a great weekend.
Sorry for the loss of your friend, Norma.
yes exactly, Sharon:)
Love our eagle!
Thanks for the new thread Steve.
Happy Friday the 13th!
Good news that you are giving all of us and we will of course be standing by!
Love your Panda stamp Mits!
I am not going to know anything from the medical test until Monday - my Dr doesn't work on Fridays!
The Zoo is proud to introduce seven new customized stamps celebrating and supporting conservation programs at the Zoo. One stamp features Tai Shan! Join us for Conservation Stamp Day on November 14 or buy Zoo stamps online or at the Zoo.
Your retreat area looks great for getting in touch with your life!
WOW!---STEVE!--What wonderful news!!---thanks!
I am going to go get my RED on for the day.
LOLLY---Such a beautiful place!--We will want to hear all about it!! --How long will you be there?ENJOY!---
ps--bet you will miss your grand-kids--ho!
So, Mits, did you buy some Tai stamps when you were at the zoo the other day?
they go on sale tomorrow..if you go to zoo store and buy $50.00 worth of stuff you get a sheet free, I think...$26.00 value...will get them when I get a chance to stop in store...
I wish I was a panda!!
Live video??!!! OMG! I can't hardly wait. Seems like it has been forever!!
aaah! nothing changes!---DIEGO is snuggled close to BAI---sleeping--
MITS!---The PANDA stamps are cool!----Bet they will sell ZILLIONS of them!
I hope they do, Norma;)
WANDA!---Story in our morning paper--The Smoke Hole resort gift shop--snack bar & 3 units burned yesterday!---Damage est. more than 1 million--dollars worth--- 2 fires deliberately set--
I'm not sure where Smoke Hole is, Norma.?
THANKS HEDGIE!---You reminded us
WV MOUNTAINEERS play CINCINNATI at CINCY tonight!---This one is going to be rough!!!!!
WANDA---It is on the other side of Petersburg---I thought GENE might go by it on his way to SENECA ROCKS!!----maybe not---haven't been that way for a while!
Lolly, retreat looks like a lovely place to go!
Norma, is that at Smoke Hole caverns?? Too bad....hope they arrest the arsonist.
Mits, I beat ya' to it, kiddo, on the stamps!!! Posted it yesterday----sorry if I stole your thunder, LOL!!
Live cam....what's that? Fingers and toes crossed!
For third day in a row, i just saw SOMETHING big fly through the backwoods---not close enough to ID....some kind of hawk, I imagine, but could be an owl. Wish it would come in closer and land!
Norma, Gene left this morning to spend a few days at hunt camp with grandson. If the resort is visible from the road, I would imagine he will see it. Don't know what the penelty is for Arson, but don't think it is severe enough for such an act!
heavens no, Lynn, was glad you mentioned it in your, DID YOU
I'm not on this blog, to create thunder...people read what the want and ignore if they want., it is what it is:):)
Lynn, do you have any streams nearby that an EAGLE may come to visit?
NASA says a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon in October has
turned up evidence of water.
How about this news!
NASA says a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon in October has
turned up evidence of water.
LOL Mits! I don't know if it is really great minds or just News Alerts!
Oh that is too funny.. I can't resist..
DId you hear-NASA says a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon in October has
turned up evidence of water.
roflmbo....great news alerts, Jo
I got my red shirt on but now I need some food!
We are getting rain sprinkles off & on
did anyone hear if there is water on the moon????
Good MorninG
I'm ready for the live feed. How about you? Thanks, Steve.
New blog entries at San Diego. Take a look.
Still raining at BW I see. I wonder why my rain dance didn't work...some of that you're getting could have dropped on the West as it passed over.
I know Mits, but Zoo IS your domain!!!
Wanda, only a small creek---and I know it wasn't an eagle-----it was mostly tan!
Now Megan - where did you hear that? lol
mostly tan..???, must have been a bird from FLA
Hi, Mits. I haven't read anything on water being found on the moon. Might still be analyzing the data.
hear what????:)
You know that song
Moon River
Does anyone there water on the moon????? ROFLMBO!
LOL.....well, Jim guess you have to read the blog to find out more info...MTBR
think it is a rumor, Lynn...rofl
well at least we now know all the little aliens can now brew a pot of coffee.
No, I swear I read it somehwere....NASA says a spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon in October has
turned up evidence of water.
bbl...I'm supposed to be working
MORNIN' MEGAN!!---Does your brain turn off-----when you are working!!----(devil made me say that)
I think our SUN is attempting to shine!!!
Yep, Jo, wider than a mile!
Jim - I bet you best start reading our blog ! Water - what water?
I love this song..Probably dates me!
Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.
Forgot my lunch - BBILW
NASA didn't tell me about the moon water, but they did tell me this:
At today's launch countdown status briefing held at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, managers reported space shuttle Atlantis, its payload and crew are ready for launch at 2:28 p.m. EST on Monday.
Well, morning banter has been fun. Time for me to shake a leg and get ready to get out of here. Heading for CharlesTown to hook up with my youngest when she gets off work. Dinner out---she wants pumpkin pancakes at IHOP! Sounds good to me----haven't made them in many years cause Bill doesn't like pumpkin!
Andrea....good luck on tonights' exam! Hope you found the GREEN poster board---sorry, Margy!
Have a good afternoon and evening.
P.S. Breakfast at Tiffany's, wasn't it, Jo??? TTFN.
"its not easy being green", as Kermit would asy...
Well, trying to figure out all this insurance stuff is giving me gas. Pardon me.
Norma, so sorry about your friend's passing.
Lynn I bet your big UFB IS an owl!! I hope it comes in close so you can see. Barred owls are kinda tannish...who is Bill?
Lolly I sure hope you have a refreshing spiritual weekend...looks like a nice place!
OK There are about 200 crows sitting in trees and flying around outside and frankly it's starting to get a little too Alfred Hitchcock looking for me....they are raising a huge ruckus.
JO!---That song doesn't date you---it will always be with us---That was my husband's favorite---
andy williams
LYNN2---Thanks LYNN--she had been sick so long--bless her heart---
You are so funny---I have never heard that expression--giving you gas---ho!
need food---
that's really a shame about Smoke Hole Caverns gift shop, have been there, so many many old fashioned home style place.
Hope Gene has a good week-end, Wanda, sounds like the weather is going to be A-Ok - did he take a camera? ?
xo Good Afternoon Eagle ♂'s
and ♀'s
another Eagle visit eh ?
How nice !
I need to choose my words more carefully when I mention Eagles
Hi, Everybody!
Dragging in late again...slept in, and it felt good!
STEVE, thanks for the update on the live cam--can hardly wait!!
NORMA, SO good to hear from you again! Was pretty worried about you 'cuz it had been so long! Don't you just HATE it when the stupid computer goes wacky?!!
Glad Sharon got it fixed for you!
So very sorry to hear about your friend. Praying for Gene & family--and you, too! Boy, we've had a rough stretch of road here lately, haven't we? I do agree, too, Norma, that God did send Deb to us for a while so we could get to know her. What a blessing!
LOLLY, hope you enjoy your weekend retreat; we'll be waiting to hear all about it when you get back on Sunday! Have a great time!
WANDA, hope your Gene has a great time with your grandson!
Well, gotta run--have a couple of errands this morning, then must study for tonight's test. (Please pray, everyone! 375 medical terms on the exam! THANKS in advance!)
Will be back later if possible, but if not till late, late tonight, don't worry! Just busy as a one-armed paper hanger! :o]
P.S.--Jo, I love 'Moon River', too--brings back many very good memories! :o]
P.S. again~~Jim, my Hubby called to say it's raining lightly in Ontario. Not where I am yet, but start that rain dance! LOL :oD
Start planning for this for next Tuesday morning the 17th between 0130 and sunrise: The Leonid Meteors... usually the best meteor showers of the year...and no moon to interfere.
guess who has to work :(
Andy, good luck tonight....I could never do what you are doing...
I'm headed out for awhile, TTFN.
xo ☺ ♥
wearing red of course
CAL TRANS Eagle Cam update....
Improved Eagle Cam launches Dec. 2!
osprey laying in nest at Cape Coral
got this off the Conowingo dam site....this site is 7 years old, so guess, that is why my volunteer friend has seen more eagles......
Bald Eagle numbers vary from a half-dozen in summer to 30-40 in winter. It is not unusual to find 20 in a single scan from November through February. While there are larger concentrations elsewhere, Conowingo is considered one of the best places east of the Mississippi River to view Bald Eagles because the birds are nearly always present in good numbers and viewing conditions are excellent. The sun is nearly behind observers all day throughout the year. About one out of three winters a single Golden Eagle is found with the Bald Eagles. 2003
Maybe this would be the year for the Golden Eagle to make an appearance!
Sounds lovely, Mits..
Cape Coral looks pretty, sorry I missed the bird.
BWO has an eagle.
and I am waiting for OURS xo
and There they Are !!
I just about saw them "fly " into the nest ....
Come On everyone !
Lib poofed
Belle poofed
Well....maybe they will come back.....
I got four pics, into the album in a little bit
Hi Paula, Hi Sharon....
wow, second time today I've had the pleasure of the eagles! I do believe they are practicing for the ***LIVE CAM***
I am getting ready to pack it up and head to Bedford in a little bit. See you on the other side. Becky, Mattie and Justin are going for the weekend too! YAY!
will be nice to get back to your dogs and your beautiful view...Sharon
Have a nice week-end, Sharon, you and the kids and the dogs...
Hi everyone. Just checking in for today. Haven't read through the blog yet but did see Steve's news. Yipee!! Can't wait.
Teresa is making dinner tonight and the whole family will be here - again. I'm wiped out from not getting my usual amount of sleep and just watching 22 month old Max makes me exhausted. He's adorable though.
Due to the bad weather down VA way, T is staying another day, maybe two. Her hubby may have to find another way home from airport. We'll see what happens ...
.... later
Off to dinner
Hope I remember this one.....
Watch for those Night Lighters to appear.
Wow! I guess they did appear...
I'll look in at the album upon my return.
I got four new pictures up from the visit we just had
Good Evening to everyone
Eagles??? Thought I would see if 'puter would worrk before I leave Chelsea. Went out to see if I could get pic of new arrival ducks in pond---hooded mergansers! Saw commons last week. I flushed a bird that at first looked like our green heron, but was too large.
DID YOU KNOW that Chelsea has a cormorant??????Must be in the neighborhood!It circled in the sky several times & landed in a tree!!!!!
Got some tips from one lady here on Photoshop, but I probably won't get it to work yet.So far so good the old fashioned way!
Gotta make like a banana & split ☺
Sounds great Loretta...
Hope your evening is a good one Diann, and all others here too
night light on
sure is
like your Panda stamp Mits, I was reading and watching earlier in the day about it
In my travels today I saw a very large group of Turkey Vultures roosting in a tree, in TOWN, and more circling overhead. Stopped to take some pictures which I will post sometime Saturday, young man who lived in the house I stopped in front of wanted to shoot at them. Said he was afraid they would get his dogs...I told him two things, the birds only go for carrion, and it is not legal to shoot any kind of gun in town...even a BB gun, close to houses, nor at wildlife, but I don't think he was convinced. I was a little more alarmed at him than I was the birds.
does feeding at
gunshots at, but deer still eating and drinking out of pond, they know thry are on protected land
great pic at Alcoa...falcon on top of box...two in the box
See one in and one on...might have missed the second one in, Mits, thanks for the alert.
I went ahead and posted the eewiees on my Feathers...
link on my blog....I had seen these birds and a lot of them circling around near our I-81 exit, finally found where they are hanging out, but can't figure out why. Guy clapped his hands and got them flying around but I couldn't get any good pictures of that. There must have been about 40 of them in the area
Exit 13 that is, I bet Wanda and Gene have seen them also
Stunning, the birds at Alcoa....
its no fun watching Mt. McKinley, Glacier National Park or Denali National Park anymore....:(
I have to get a nap in...I have a six hour shift from midnight to 0600.
Hope to read all about Jo's dinner when I get up...
Good Night, catch you later.
xo ☺ ♥
Well, Helen, we could think of it this way...we are watchihg it from down here, and Deb is watching it from a higher overview.
I understand, want to send pictures to her also...
♥ (( Hugs ))
Her spirit shall always be within us....
otter feeding and training session going on now at Montery bay aquarium
Hello eagle buds.
Hey MITS and Magpie. Yeah MITS, I don't think we know the impact we have with each other.
I'm getting ready to head to Christiansburg and pick up Sharon, Bec, Mattie and Justin. Can't forget Mopsie. : )
drive safe, Thelma
There is one thing Bedford isn't lacking in is skunks. Sometimes I'm really concerned about letting the dogs out. Buddy wants out but I'm thinking it's not a good idea right now.
Thanks MITS, I will!!
...ooh heard you talking Thelma...
hope the drive is a good one...
awesome sunset at the grand canyon tonight
off to watch Ghost Whisperer..bbl
I have returned from dinner at Uno's where I really enjoyed my Classic pizza. I haven't had pizza for a really long time it seems and Guess What? I remembered every bite?????
Thank the good Lord!
I am getting some Turkey Day cards addressed to all the ggkids so that the Germany gals will get them in time.
good for you, Jo..
Ghost Whispers isn't too great anymore in my opinion.
Have we heard from Shirley recently?
Back to getting these cards ready..
Good evening everyone. It's finally quiet on the homefront.
I understand why the Lord gave babies to the young. 'Cuz when they get to our ages, they're too tired to be effective.
I love being a grandmother - you can spoil them then send them home!
T didn't like me giving Max a donut - hahaha - mother's revenge!!
I must get more sleep though, I tend to be a bit grumpy. Just ask my kids. ;o(
To those who already have their heads on a pillow, sweet dreams.
For those yet to take the plunge, pleasant dreams and blessings around.
Rest well, Diann. My day is almost done. Max is so adorable!
Message from FB from Sissy:
Beverly Crisco Riffe: Tom's mom is coming to Princeton to Health South today. They had a bed after all!!! That is great news. Only one week after flying her out, she is coming home to rehab!
Answer to all our prayers! ♥
Great news, Jo! Prayers for Granny Riffe.
Wanted to get on here sooner, but checking emails. Got call from daughter. She's on TX soil~~was driving home from airport. Her hubby had been in PA this week & in Atlanta, she phoned him to see if she had a ride home or he left car at airport. He said, "I'm in the Sky Lounge in Atlanta"!!That tricker---he arranged ticket on the same plane!
Got a headache & truck races are on!!!AAARRRGGGHHH
Have a good evening everyone. ☺ ☺ ☺
Good Evening...
Went to restaurant for Crab Legs this evening. First time in a long while. GeeGee said she felt like going there, so we did. Denise came over and joined us. Haven't seen her since way before she decided to become a Beach Baby.
GeeGee ate well and bought a container of the spinach casserole which she loves so much. She'll be eating it all week. She's hoping it will give her some energy:)
I got a Thank You letter today from The Wildlife Center of Virginia, finally. You can find it on my blog, SMILES...CLICK on it to enlarge. Nice little note on bottom of letter from Ed Clark.
Wanda, why does Ed Clark thing this donation is coming from NCTC??
Good evening all!
Nice afternoon and evening out with my Christie. Yummy pumpkin pancakes, and she had gingerbread ones! Lousy weather, though. Seems like it is ALWAYS raining when I go there. Started just as I got close to Shepherdstown and continued until I got back here in Berkeley County!
I told them that we were a group who watched the NCTC Eagle Cam and attended the Open House, had a raffle and that is where the proceeds that was donated to them came from.
Just popping in to say goodnight and sweet dreams! Prayers for all, see you later....maybe not tomorrow as my mom-in-law is in town from Terra Alta, and then Sunday I'm hoping Steve and I will either be going to NZ or Coniwingo for some bird watching and fishing...supposed to be a warm day!
Hey, Lynne...go to Conowingo and let us know if it would be worth a Field Trip:)
Granny Riffe is settled in at HealthSouth tonight. That has to be the toughest, strongest woman I have ever or will ever meet!!
Very interesting day you had, Loretta! Mergansers and cormorant---neat!
Margy, enjoyed your pics!
Jo, so glad you remember your dinner!!
Bluefield gals should all be safe and sound where they all belong by now.
Shirley and Judie both AWOL today, I see! They better chime in soon!
Mits, BWO had something on theirs about NCTC, too.....wondered the same thing when I saw it.
yeah, I'm thinking that's where we should go....maybe zoo next outing before it gets too cold. We'll decide for sure tomorrow!
I'm so glad she's all settled Bev!
good night everyone.
I feel we need a short letter to Ed Clark and to Peggy (I think from Black Water) just to let them know we are not affiliated with NCTC - that is just where our Eagles reside. I don't want anyone thinking that we are misrepresenting ourselves. Meaning I want full credit as to who we are!
I did get an email from Shirley...
thank you, Jo, you are right about clearing the air on that one...
Jo - Is Shilrey Okay?
Sounds like most of our Momsters are tucked in where they belong....but there are some we didn't get an "evening visit" from.
Paula usually lets us know what her weekend plans are too.
Lynne - sounds like a tough choice for tomorrow! Terra that was a rainy misty ride over here from there.
Wanda and Lynn, you and your families seem to have eaten well tonight...and Jo too, pizza heaven for her !
and of course pleased about Mrs. Riffe...
Agree, Jo! NCTC is Fed. Gov't facility & would be very strange for them to give donations.
Loretta - so your daughter and son in law both flew home from Atlanta?
That is a very nice letter from the Wildlife Center...but I agree with the others, probably need to clarify that we are just a bunch of concerned civilians Momsters and Dadsters....☺
The statistics are astounding...
good thing they are doing what they are doing....
Thanks, Wanda, for putting that up there for us to see.
Three birds at Alcoa, all in the box, guess they are all chicks
the still cam has caught up with the live cam at Snowman, which reminds me.....we haven't heard from crunch bob lately either :(
Wanda, Paula was there back in the spring and said it was wonderful!
Margy - Pook has updated Moose Watch with her fall intentions.
Wanda you have mail Thanks!
Loretta, your SIL sounds like a fun and thoughtful guy! Bet your daughter was thrilled to make the last leg of her trip with him!
Can you believe that a family in town to bury their family member at Arlington today was doing some sightseeing yesterday and someone broke into their car and stole the urn of ashes?????? How awful.
Moon water making news big time tonight!
Yes thanks Jo saw where Dana postd that first thing this morning and I forgot my manners about it.
Well, much as I would like to return to the pillows, can't do it, got to get dressed for civilian life for about 7 hours...
See you all in the morning light..
Sleep Well,
Prayers for all Wellness and Peace,
and God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥
Good evening from Bedford. Good to be home and good to have a house full of people.
I bet that Bedford place is rocking!
Keep the noise down cause I am going to
go to bed...
I hear a TRAIN.............
Good Night All
Prayers for All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥
Oh-oh, WVU lost their game.....guess Norma is a sad 'eeeer tonight.
Night, Jo! Bye, Margy! Shirley feeling better??
I am going to climb into my wonderfully deep tub and read and soak! BBL.
Hi, Everyone,
Well, I'm home OK from school! No more Anatomy/Physiology class! Yay!
I ended up with dark cobalt blue poster board for my Presentation--it was the only color they had in the thick kind that would stand up by itself. Only had one hand to hold it! Hope I got enough right answers on the Med. Terminology test. Can miss 40 of them out of 350. Did OK on my presentation, but wish he had called on me first! Would've enjoyed everyone else's more. Really, really glad this class is behind me. Don't know what my grade is yet. He said he could tell us tonight, but now we have to wait until at least late Saturday, more likely Monday. Gotta text message him. Oh, well. I think I might have at least a B. Sure hope so!
Hubby and I need to drive to the desert house in the morning to check on things up there and pick up the mail. Gotta re-program the sprinklers, too, because it's starting to get pretty cold at night there, and sprinklers need to run in the daytime so none of it freezes. You guys back east already know about that, I'm sure.
I'm concerned that Shirley and Judie haven't shown up. Hope it's just due to being really busy with school.
Don't know who's in their area, but does someone have their phone numbers? Can't help but be a little worried. Prayers for both Shirley and Judie!
Omigosh, Lynn,
Some idiots stole someone's ashes?!!!
How cruel can people get?!! That's just horrible. That poor family must be frantic. Now I've heard everything. The Lord reward them according to their deeds!
Welcome home, Sharon! It's a good feeling, isn't it?!
Hope Margy has an uneventful evening at work.
Well, I need to unwind a bit so I can get to bed. Will go watch some mindless TV, I guess. Hope you all have a really good rest tonight. May be kinda late getting back here in the morning, with our desert trip and all. Don't worry! Hope we hear from Shirley and Judie in the morning.
Prayers being said for all. The night light's nice and bright, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner is enabled. Sleep tight! G'night, all. Love you guys! :o]
Andy, Jo had an email from Shirley, and I've emailed both of if no sign of them tomorrow, will try calling them. Luckily, neither live alone. Judy has her hubby Frank, and son Will lives w/ Shirley.
Glad you have gotten those classes behind you! Relax now and enjoy your trek to the desert!
Goodnight, Momsters and Dadsters. Prayers for all.
Hi, Gang,
Since I was concerned, I went back thru my e-mails, and Judie sent me one on 11/3. She was totally swamped with stuff to do for school. Since this is the end of the quarter, I would imagine she has even more to do now. Hope we hear from her over the weekend, but totally understand how much there must be for both her and Shirley to do. Guess we'll hear from them when they dig themselves out from under. I'm not so worried now. G'night, all! :o]
Both eagles in the nest!
Megan aren't they beautiful.
Steve's news sounds GREAT!!!
Oh a close close where it looks like eagle with 2 heads lol
They sure are, Dana. And I can't wait for a live feed.
Me either !!!!
Look at Liberty showing his best side in the back tee hee
Good Morning Norma ( :
Good morning.
I scanned over the comments and saw that there have been questions about my welfare. I'm fine, but confused. I could not get on last night. Could not connect with the NCTC website.
I also did not pack the power cord to my computer, so I have a limited amount of time on here. I will probably go see if I can get a powercord if it's not too expensive. I need to do my assignments in addition to talking with my buddies on here.
Bye for now!
I now have just 42 minutes left on my computer's battery. Oh, dear.
Shirley good to hear from you and know you are ok. OOOpppps get that cord eeekkkss
I do thank you for your concern. I hope Judie hops on sometime today. I want to save a little battery power, so I'm going to turn off the computer, and I hope I can talk to you later today. I will head out to the computer stores or Walmart later on today and see if I can pick up a power cord.
Would love to buy my own laptop.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES---BELLE & LIBERTY!!!---on this cool--- temp 52°---wet morning here in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!---Most folks are wearing black arm bands!---VICTORY was soooo close last night & yet so far!!---MORNIN' & CONGRATS!--DANA & MEGAN---Our #1 EAGLE MOMS---today & every day!---LIFE IS GOOD!!---
Good morning everyone. I see I have already missed the Royal pair. Maybe they will stop back again. We certainly got to see them a few times yesterday. Today the shelter is actually doing the Staff Christmas party. Yes I get to go. The Director says as far as she is concerned I am on an extended sabatical LOL. Last year we couldn't get the time worked out to get everyone together until Jan. So trying a new plan this year and one of our awesome volunteers is having knee surgery at the end of the month so we moved it up so she could come too. Hope your day is a good one. Mine will be in many ways.
Good morning eagle peeps.
Mema Jo, how did you know we were rocking? ; )
I hope you all make a good day. I am so thankful to be able to spend time with family today!!!! Words can't describe.
Good Morning Thelma...
Good Morning again Norma. Good Eagleland Morning Glo and Thelma.
Eagle at BWO
MORNIN' GLO!---Enjoy the party!---I get those privileges too!---When the Court has a party, etc--I am invited too!
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