Sunday, February 22, 2009


New thread, with a little snow.


1 – 200 of 223   Newer›   Newest»
paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland!

Have a Great Day!

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Paula and to whoever else may be nearby!

Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Just Vicky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Paula...
It was a little snowy, but has stopped for now. It is 34° and cloudy.
Time for some breakfast and then off to church. Have a blessed Sunday:)

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Vicky
Good Morning Vicky:):)

Mits said...


Costume Lady said...


Mits said...


Cloudy with snow showers likely this morning...then partly sunny this afternoon. Little or no snow accumulation. Highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph. Chance of snow 60 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 20s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph.
Mostly sunny and brisk. Highs in the mid 30s. Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Monday Night
Mostly clear. Lows around 17. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Mits said...

BRS is driving thru snow.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, again!

Had to catch up on yesterday, get coffee, feed doggies their biscuits, etc.

Had a great time w/ gkids last night, got home around tired to get on computer, so I went to bed...slept till 8ish..

We have light snow flurries here this morning. Glad I got my yardwork done yesterday....time to do inside stuff today!

Have to check out Deb's pics at some point...

deb said...

There is an eagle in Decorah!

deb said...

Good Morning, it is bright and sunny here and the wind is NOT blowing!

Mits said...

official weather report from "MAGGIE".....its cold in here, and its snowing...also I love Youuuuuu!, while we were talking Molly took that opportunity to go in and delete Dad's emails...they are a handful, those two:)

deb said...

Eagle gone from the IA nest.

deb said...

I hope nothing too important was lost from the e-mail bandit!! It is amazing how kids learn technology so easily. Cute!

Mits said...

not much, Anne thinks it was work emails....DUH!

Mits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mits said...


paula eagleholic said...

Normally, you can go to the "deleted" folder and retrieve them...

Mits said...

yeah, they know more about puters than me, sure they will get them. Their lives are so busy, we are trying to set a date to see them, but phone calls are nice:)

paula eagleholic said...

Nice photos, Deb. I like the swimming beaver :)

paula eagleholic said...

And yea, you have to watch those kids around the 'puter!

Mits said...

BRS is headed up I81 to 66, then around the Capitol Beltway, to 95, I could go up to the Beltway and wave:):)

Mits said...

snowing in Bluefield

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----CONGRATS! PAULA--our #1 EAGLE MOMMA!--today & every day!!---MORNIN'---PAULA--VICKY---WANDA---HELEN & DEB!!---(honestly---i have been trying to get on here for at least 45 min--get on & freezes)---IT is a COOL--WINDY--CLOUDY am!!----Have had tons of BIRDS this am---Usually a sign of of 'so-so' weather!!----So far---no SNOW!!---
DEB!---I hope you read my CONGRATS TO YOU YESTERDAY---in re: working with the OSPREYS!!!----I READ EVERY WORD!!---SO PROUD OF YOU!!--ho!---What a wonderful project!!!-----You know when I grow up----"I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE YOU!!"---COOL! ----

paula eagleholic said...

What's his destination, Mits?

Stoopid blogger!

normabyrd said...

Who is BRS?-----

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - BRS is Big Rig Steve...a trucker with a webcam in his get his view rolling down the you want the link?

deb said...

Yes, I did read them, Norma. It was a wonderful time and fun to have the article come out.

normabyrd said...

DEB---I understand you were looking for SWANS yesterday?---Have you posted yesterdays pic!!---Will check!!!

deb said...

Paula, I could have had some really good pictures of the beaver on shore, IF I hadn't thought it was a brown rock!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles in and out at PH and WE this morning...

normabyrd said...

The NORFORK EAGLES are both in the nest this am!!---So proud!! -- 3 EGGS!----

normabyrd said...

DEB----Bet your family & friends were proud!!---

movin said...





movin said...

Glad you are feeling better,
Norma.... Did you get my eCard??

Morning, Mits, Vicky, Paula, Wanda, Deb....



movin said...

It's 57° now in So Cal, and it looks like we had some drizzle during the night...

Could get some showers this A.M. on the way to a pleasant 72° later. A beautiful Winter Sunday.



normabyrd said...

THANKS PAULA!!---Promise I won't ask more than once a day!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

PAULA----Also wondered if your son enjoyed his visit to JAMAICA?--

My daughter was married there!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta go get some breakfast....BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Yes he did Norma. It was quite an experience!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!----JIM!---Yes!--Thank you so much!!--GUESS you didn't receive my thank you!!----sorry!!---I did send one!!

hedgie said...

Morning all.
Sharon, so glad to hear that you are doing okay....a/b's could cause that yucky feeling...hope they can change the meantime, try some antacids and see if it helps.
Speaking of birthdays...yesterday would have been my granddad's 124th. He's been gone 30 yrs. come Tues.

Mits said...

PAULA, BRS destination is Avondale, PA

paula eagleholic said...

Sunshine our nest :)

hedgie said...

Mits, you should invite BRS in for coffee!!!

Mits said...

by the time he got me email, he would be long gone:)

normabyrd said...

The folks there are dirt poor---but so very friendly!----

Mits said...

he is actually getting near, Thelma in Bedford, he updated his map about 45 minutes ago, right outside of Roanoke

movin said...

You are welcome, Norma. Hope you kick the thing and don't have to worry about it again.

I'll open AOL email a little later. Your 'Thank You' is probably there.



Mema Jo said...

Good Late Sunday Morning!
Loved reading about the computer bandit and the brown rock!
The wedding yesterday evening was very
beautiful & my 2 daughters & I had a very fun time!
Great to see everyone on here - I will need to read earlier comments & then
I hope you all have taken care of the Blogger Cop!

movin said...

By the way, if you want to "chat" on the Delwo Hummer site, there's a new area just under the picture to do that.



Mema Jo said...

Yes, JIM Check out your AOL
There are some good ones on there!

We don't really know what BRS's truck looks like - or do we?

hedgie said...

Eldest is coming to go to the store with me to help me get in my groceries...just too hard in the cold air and wind for me to load at the store and then carry in here. No fun not to be able to breathe, eh, Jo?? She's a jewel!
See you all later this afternoon.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE!!---Today is my Dad's birthday!!----I remember as a kid---I was so proud my Dad was born on WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY!---ho!-----Thanks for passing on the news that SHARON is feeling better!!!

Mits said...

I think I have seen a pic of his cab, but don't remember, sure all the trailers are differnt everytime he picks up a load

Mema Jo said...

Good to read that Sharon was here earlier this am. loLove ♥ ♥ ♥

Mits said...

yes, she was on earlier, she and her wonder-vac:)

Mema Jo said...

The news from Mason's parents is awesome.
I'm hoping that he can stay at Bryn Mawr as long as possible. The staff there have brought him a long ways!
I admire the love and dedication his parents, friends and the town of Shepherdstown is showing him!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!---You must spend a fortune on gifts!!---But it must be wonderful to have so many relatives!!!----Guess--I'm just jealous!!! I have so few!!!!--- (could put myself up for adoption!)---ho!

Mema Jo said...

I am glad that Sharon is HUMMMMMMMMMMING
right along! ♥

Mits said...

she can probably vac the floors while she has it on:)

normabyrd said...

BWO---EAGLE----also a pic of a goose an EAGLE brought to the nest yesterday!!!

glo said...

well some fun chuckle comments to start of my day. Sharon vacuuming and Missed beaver rocks I can so relate. Oh yes and the M and M girls are helping their parents keep up with the latest in technology.

Hope everyones day is going well. I did not get to church today, still dragging from my long shift..I will not do that so willingly the next time I think I am too old for that and then I had to come home to shovel. It has caught up with me today but just a little.

I can rest and enjoy eagle cams. Sounds good to me.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' GLO!---I Remember those days!---Give thanks that you've still got 'SPUNK'!---ho!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Glo I surprise myself with all my energy but then I use it up all in one day and I find the next day I am done in!

Mema Jo said...

Taking an afternoon break


deb said...

The Red-tails have added some greenery to their nest.

paula eagleholic said...

The wind has started to pick up here.

Doesn't look too bad at the nest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good afternoon Eagle Buds!! Been MIA for a couple of days trying to get caught up on life!! Didn't happen though, so I surrender! Hope everyone is good. Have I missed anything?

movin said...

Check out BWO.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I see Norma is back!! Hi Norma. We have been missing you something fierce!!

movin said...

How is Sharon doing, Sissy??



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It is snowing big time here in the big city of Bluefield. Andrew is in Winfield, WV with his girlfriend. Worry, worry, worry.

Red said...

Jo, Just for you.

Big Rig Steve and Truck

Red said...

Your roads still look clear Bev.

Mauley said...

Sissy, I, too, would like to know how Sharon is doing. Have a blessed day all of my eagle friends. donna

Mema Jo said...

Thank you, Red. I was looking through his album of pictures he takes:
Question: who is taking the photos because BRS is always in them?

Mema Jo said...

SISSY - There be ya!

Have been missing you but I know you deserve every free minute you can find!
Don't worry cause I think Andrew is a happy camper nowadays!

Mema Jo said...

In case Sissy doesn't come back on - Sharon was on the earlier thread:

..... I am on the mend now I think. I have a lovely wound VAC connected to my belly now. The home health nurse said it would probably just take 3-4 weeks for it to heal. She will come on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to change the dressing. I am still on antibiotics are make me feel pretty yucky. Might call tomorrow to see if they will change it.
Sunday, February 22, 2009 8:18:00 AM

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mauley! Hope mostly all is well with you and your famiy! None of us usually get that "100% OK"!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

BRS just went past Charlottesville a while ago. He can have that place for sure!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom said the roads are not bad at all. Sharon just went back home, came out to eat supper. She is doing alot better, just them antibiotics making her feel bad but otherwise alot better than last week for sure!! God is good to us as always!!

Mema Jo said...

BWOsprey cam is on the blink...

Valmont Owl's Failed 2 eggs were removed from the nest box this morning. Everyone hoping they return and try with the 2ns clutch.

deb said...

Update on the Redoubt Volcano in Alaska:

Unrest continues at Redoubt. The volcano has not erupted. Seismicity remains elevated and has consisted mostly of low-amplitude tremor and small earthquakes.Seismicity has quieted after an elevated number of small earthquakes between 1:00 and 3:00 AM AKST this morning

Mema Jo said...

I haven't seen both of our eagles in the nest today....

normabyrd said...

WV MOUNTAINEERS just WON their ball game!!!-----

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

THANKS DEB! on update of REDOUBT!

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---I always check out BLUEFIELD & I always vote!---ho!---Doesn't say I have to be a resident!!!

normabyrd said...

Has anyone heard from DANA?????----I didn't see her on her yesterday either?----

normabyrd said...

I see "LADY NORFOLK" is at home---don't believe she is receiving guests this evening!!----ho!

Mits said...

BUMMER,missed BRS, coming around the Beltway and going up 95...NCIC marathon on and I fell asleep

Mits said...

He made good time today, and almost at his destination

deb said...

I see he is at a truck stop. i am waiting to see the red-tail.

Mits said...

he is near Havre de Grace, NE Maryland.

Mits said...

my full screen button is not working, any ideas how to fix it???. I was fooling around with my goggle toolbar buttons yesterday, to delete some that I don't use? So now can't get full screen on some of my fav cams.

Mits said...

current nest weather...

Currently At 5:53PM[ More ] 33°F
Winds: WNW
at 16mph
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 41%
Dew Point: 12° F Pressure: 30.10 in
Visibility: 10 Miles

deb said...

I get very few screens that have full screen buttons. BRS opens in pop up window for me, little screen.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Mits. I don't use that...

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - glad your EEERS won!

Mits said...

It is how I get BRS, Raptor cam, I use it all the time.

Mits said...

also, love to use it NBG

paula eagleholic said...

Daggone...missed the last Mount home game last night...oh well, couldn't have gone anyhow...they are still in 2nd place in Northeast Conference.

normabyrd said...

PAULA----Noticed MD defeated NC!
Didn't mention it this am!---Feel bad for CANDY!!---Season isn't over yet!!!!---(don't know why -- nc usually beats everyone)---THEY ARE GOOD!!!

Mits said...

snowing at Pix

normabyrd said...

DEB---I love watching the RTH at Portland!!----Notice the GREENS--!
That site is one of my favorites!!

normabyrd said...

I see DEER at the PA site!!---It's dark!!

deb said...

I like watching it, too, Norma, but for some reason it won't stay on for me today. It keeps resettin.

Mits said...

hawk is there now

Mits said...

mine has bee running for over 50 minutes.

hedgie said...

Groceries are all put away, trash is put out at roadside,dinner is done, race is in rain delay....and I am ready for the sofa recliner....which will probably result in a panda nap! Quite windy and cold here.
Norma, Dana hasn't been feeling well for most of the past week...her back/leg giving her a time.

deb said...

I haven't ever had trouble with it before today, not sure what is going on. I barely get a minute and it rewinds. I just emptied the Quick Time Cache to see if that will help.

normabyrd said...

THANKS HEDGIE!----I was just thinking about you!!!----Remembering that you probably have all your cupboards filled with FOOD!----Doesn't it give you a good feeling!!----(it takes so little to make me happy--too!) ho!

Thanks---I thought maybe DANA'S husband was ill?----BLESS HER HEART!

normabyrd said...

WOW!---I just found the CO eggs!---& what about all the PBS programs they are offering!!----Wonder what we would need to hook on---That would be so COOL!---I usually watch the NATURE channel every Sun!!!

hedgie said...

Snow flurries again here!

deb said...

Eagle in Iowa nest.

Mits said...

OK, uninstalled and re-installed google toolbar and full screen is working again, thank those full screens.

Mits said...

both hawks just there, one flew off

hedgie said...

Yep, Norma...cupboards are FULL!! I usually only shop once a so used to commissary shopping when I was married, which was a once-a-month trip to Ft. Ritchie, MD. A lot of work, but better, and more economical, than going every week, since I hate shopping!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!---I feel so good this afternoon----it's SINFUL!!
Thanks KIDS!----

Mits said...

IA eagle resting in nest:)

deb said...

I finally got the RTH site to work and they are gone, :(

deb said...

Both eagles in IS nest

normabyrd said...

sorry i said that!----barbara walters just came on!----must change channel----ho!

deb said...

Back to one.

Mits said...

poof in IA

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - heard the news on the MD/NC game....quite the OT, no less!

Mits said...

on, their mardi gras can has sound tonight....there is a man that is preaching to the crowd, not going to end well.

normabyrd said...

YEP PAULA!---That game was played yesterday!----MD usually has a taped replay----

Mema Jo said...

Lisa at BWE reminds us:
...Friday is the first likely day for hatching to begin, although it could be Saturday......

She is usually right on target with her predictions

deb said...

The preacher probably isn't making many friends tonight, is he?

Mema Jo said...

Just finished dinner with ggd, gs & son
Love having them here.....

Mits said...

Deb, he sounds like Dr. Phil:)

Mits said...

I commend him for trying, but don't think he will be listened to tonight, of course, tomorrow when they wake up, some of them will be praying to God in the bathroom.

Mits said...

I see who they are, they are the pepople who were in D.C., when the Poe was here, they hate might be in for a surprise when they try to get to heaven.....God does not like fake Christians, people who pretend to be good.

Mits said...

that's POPE:)

Mits said...

wonder if he has a permit, seems to be going away now.

deb said...

I turned my sound down, he was getting on my nerves.

Mits said...

he is gone now.....loser!

Mits said...

here come the bikers....I don't think it is as many people as in past years.

Mits said...

snowing hard at Pix, ground already covered in snow

Mits said...

Nest Update

Technical Note:
Looks like we might have a battery problem with the cam. We're working on the issue.

Mema Jo said...

OKLAHOMA cam - looks (in the dark) that the cams are adjusted..... Won't know until I look in the daylight.

Mits said...

HOPE SO, CAM #2 was way off yesterday.

deb said...

The economy will have people cutting back on everything. The trip alone is expensive, then add in motel, food, drink, etc.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, don't be surprised if BWE is Sunday or Monday...they were late last year...and I as recall, Lisa was worried...

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, our first eaglets of the season, since the FL cams are down

deb said...

both OK cams were normal today, someone fixed the off kilter one.

Mits said...

yes, it is an expensive to make sure I have my pancake and sausage for Tuesday night, can't believe lent is here already

Mits said...

Beakspeake top bird cams for yesterday...

Hummingbird Babies
(Anna's Hummingbird)
Friends of Blackwater
(Bald Eagle)
Dellwo Birdcam
(Allen's Hummingbird)
USFWS Eagle Cam
(Bald Eagle)
WVEC - Norfolk Botanical
(Bald Eagle)

Mits said...

I miss the FLA eagle cams.

Mits said...

Barn owl in Texas, guess it is getting ready to go out for the night

Mits said...

the eastern bluebirds are in their nest in Texas

Mits said...

wow, must have been some rain delay at race, still have over 100 laps to go, thank goodness for cable, will not watch oscars, got out of the habit along time ago.

hedgie said...

Rain delay wasn't really too long, Mits. Race didn't start until 6:07!! Hate these late ones; same w/ west coast football games. Oh well, it is what it is.
Watched a really good HBO movie---tear-jerker--"Taking Chance" w/ Kevin Bacon. Only 1 hr. 15 mins. JO---DO NOT WATCH IT!
Here we go again...another rain delay. Better see what else I have taped to watch! I don't do the awards things, either.

paula eagleholic said...

I don't do the award shows either...gonna pop in a movie shortly, since my shows aren't on tonight...

Mits said...

that is right, I was thinking 3 o'clock, but they are in California, I like the HGTV programs

Mema Jo said...

Man oh Man Hedgie - I won't

Mits said...

Belle awake looking around

Mits said...

good night everyone, shutting down early tonight...TTYT:)

Costume Lady said...

@#$*!! Blogger Cop just ate two whole paragraphs of mine.

GeeGee was in church this morning and very chatty during our visit. She tired very easily, so we left early. I guess when you'r 88 it's ok to tire easily. She is still not herself...guess it takes a little longer to get over a bug at that age.

Costume Lady said...

The race is boring, no activities on here or in the nests, so, maybe I'll watch the Oscars:)

Mema Jo said...

I am calling it a day!

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone being said

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, movie is over...hitting the hay.

Shhh, Eagle is asleep :)

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

Me, too. Wonder where Margy is tonight? HAven't had the scanner turned up...maybe she worked over, or maybe she spent the evening w/ James. See you all tomorrow. Pleasant dreams. Blessings for all.

deb said...

Belle was just awake, but has tucked her head in now. I am off to bed also.

Costume Lady said...

I can't believe I stayed awake and watched the Oscars til the very end. The show wasn't very good, but I was curious about the winners of best Actress, Actor, and Movie. KATE WINSLET, SEAN PENN AND SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE.

MARGY, check in with us as soon as you can, or we will issue a BOLO for you! Hope wherever you are, that you have had a good time:)


magpie said...

I'm crawling back to the roost late, everyone and Belle is probably sawing logs by now, except maybe Jim...

Hedgie: You are correct! Went to visit the grandson right after work.

Just saw two cold eagles at a cold Finney's nest, and was waiting on a refresh to try to get a "better" picture but they disappeared !
Great, sunrise coming earlier day by day there... ☺
Back in a little while for a final sign-off...

magpie said...

Daggone, wish I had posted just a few minutes earlier, I would have met up with you Wanda !

movin said...

**GooD NiGHT**




magpie said...

Good Night Eagle ♀ and ♂ people...
Sleep Sweetly...xo ♥

Costume Lady said...

WARNING: If you have our Live Feed on, DO NOT turn it off! I inadvertently did and cannot get it back on now:(

Costume Lady said...

Ignore my last the Live Feed back now:):)

Costume Lady said...

Before I lost my LF, I saw a beautiful fly-in and changing of the guard, but they were so quick, I didn't get to see the eggs. My Still cam was black and I couldn't get a photo, but it was so beautiful to watch. (a first for me this year)

Costume Lady said...

MARGY...glad you checked in last night. We can call off the BOLO now:) Those grandchildren are precious, aren't they. Mine are 14, 21 and 23 and still are precious:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Eagle friends! They are saying we are not gonna have much more accumulation of snow here in Bluefield, but it is really putting it down!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Cold here so I am dressed like Santa well no just Red and green ..looks like I am going to a Christmas party. Since the local eagles have pretty well left as the river is now open I am ready for Spring not Christmas. LOL. Time to turn on some cams. I need to add some beauty to this morning for sure :).

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Both in our nest!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Egg roll!

Mits said...

Good Monday Morning everyone:)

Red said...

Good morning all. Frosty morning in North Alabama this morning. Colder here than at the nest today.

Red said...

BRS is at his destination and unloading early today.

Mits said...

looks like BRS, got up early and made it to his destination.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, Mits, he was already there when I got up at 7. Up and at em!!

Mits said...

lol, Red, your post came thru right as I finished mine.

Mits said...

off to get some JAVA:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We are up to a whoppin' 16 degrees here this morning, still spitting snow. School canceled. We are gonna be in school till July at this rate!

deb said...

Good morning, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Outside it looks like someone up there is plucking the down feathers!

Mits said...

hey early bird.....what's up?

Mits said...

Occasional snow flurries will continue to stream across portions of north central Maryland this morning. Portions of this activity will move along the I-70 and I-270 corridors from Hagerstown...through Frederick and the outskirts of the Washington Metro area. Other areas of scattered flurries will begin to push across the Potomac Highlands and northern Shenandoah Valley. Little or no accumulation is expected. Temperatures across the area will begin to rise out of the mid and upper 20s. Steady westerly winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts near 35 mph will help produce wind chill values in the teens and single digits this morning....amen

Mits said...

Regular forcast for Nest...

Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 30s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Lows around 18. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph.
Sunny. Highs around 40. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Tuesday Night
Mostly clear. Lows around 18. Northwest winds around 5 mph in the evening...becoming light and variable.
Mostly sunny. Highs around 50. South winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Wednesday Night
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 20s.
Partly sunny. Highs in the mid 50s.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Trying to work this morning Mits. Grateful not to have to go outside. Wish Andrew and Kelsey didn't have to.

Mits said...

I know you are an early bird, Bev, I was talking to Miss Jo:)

Mema Jo said...

Interesting pic on BRS cam...
Do you think it is a Welcome Center at a Rest Stop?

Mits said...

lol.....I thought it was someones' out house.

Mits said...

SPLIT COMING UP...will Steve save us from the split in time....?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Glo for the Smilebox Egg Roll videos! I always enjoy them

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 223   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED