Sunday, February 15, 2009


Fresh thread.


Mits said...

Good morning everyone

Mits said...

Have a good Sunday:)

Mits said...

thanks for the Sunday thread, Steve.

Mits said...

egg turning NBG

Mits said...


Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Presidents Day
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph.
Monday Night
Mostly clear. Lows around 20. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.

Mits said...

eagle BWO

deb said...

Good Morning, Helen, and anyone who was on the old thread that is still around.

movin said...

Hi, Mits. How'd you get a thread all to yourself?



Mits said...

lol...Jim, came on this a.m., and there it was...Hi Deb.

Mits said...

Deb, any idea when HH might lay an egg?

deb said...

No, I was just noticing that the osprey is laying in the nest right now.

Mits said...

yeah, me too.

deb said...

I went and read the Osprey blog from last year and they didn't lay until March, but there was drama there last year. One osprey pair had the nest and then there was a territory fight and another took over the nest.

deb said...

2007 was in March also, found a photo gallery.

Mits said...

been reading their current weblog....they evidently had to fight the red-tails for possession of the nest, and weather has been colder than normal.....

10 February 2009
With the recent cold snap subsided the ospreys have settled into a routine of home improvement and mating. The nest is much improved from its earlier state of inattention and the ospreys are building it more into a bowl shape.

Mits said...

can't wait til the osprey return to BWO

movin said...

I noticed that an eagle must be close to the empty Pelican Harbor nest. You can hear it calling fairly softly close by.

AND in the Two Harbors, there were two and now one adult doing nestoration work.

Which Osprey nest is the "H H"?



deb said...

It is Hilton Head, Jim.

Hilton Head Osprey

movin said...

Thanks, Deb. Boy, they really start the nesting process earlier down there, don't they.

I wonder if we will get a more successful pair this year at BWO. A lot of the troubles of the last couple of years have been luck involved, but still it's been two years without successfully fledging a chick.



Just Vicky said...

Good morning Mits, Deb & Jim and any lurkers!! Looks like Caltrans is having a rough woozey morning!

movin said...

L & B are both in the nest, and they were both vocalizing loudly a minute ago.



movin said...

L & B are both in the nest, and they were both vocalizing loudly a minute ago.



movin said...

Change over.



deb said...

TV at BWO.

movin said...

Hahaha. I haven't seen either ZZ or Bai all morning, but now they've got fresh bamboo on camera, and they are both there side-by-side chowing down.



movin said...

I thought Liberty would set on the eggs, but he hasn't so far. He's busy working on the nest right under the camera.

It's above freezing, so they may be trying to air things out and dry the nest bowl area.



Lolly said...

Good morning Momsters and Dadsters! Both our nest! Just taking a peek before leaving for church.

movin said...

Both in the nest again, and Belle is down on the eggs right away.



hedgie said...

Morning all.
Article in our local paper announced that Betty's Retaurant (mmmm--BACON!) is celebrating their 50th away free cake and coffee...Congrat's to Betty and staff.

hedgie said...

Chilly but sunny here. A little breezy, but not bad.
Hope everyone has a fun day planned. Daytona 500 this afternoon! Go Junior!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All - great to see you all this early early afternoon. I just realized the time of day!

Mema Jo said...

It takes a good bit of time to check out all the cams for Eagles, Osprey, Owls, red tails and the woods and zoos.

Most of the cams are up/running.

Want to see who was here & where everyone has gone on the earlier morning thread.

movin said...

Hey, I found these great clips of new youngsters of many kinds at the San Diego Zoo and at the Wild Animal Park, which is part of the Zoo but out in the countryside near Escondido.

See if you find anything you like.

Zoo's babies



deb said...

Empty nest for a minute, but just as I started to type in came an eagle.

Mits said...

back from church, going to eat lunch.

Lolly said...

Sure is a quiet day! Just checking in and checking the cams before Laurel and the boys arrive. This morning for the first time Joseph was feeling better. They do not have school tomorrow so we are keeping them. Hopefully we will be able to go to the zoo tomorrow. Ft.Worth zoo is a very good one!

Can not get on OK, will keep trying. Imagine they are carrying a lot of viewers right now.

Lolly said...

Finally got one cam at OK. Immediatly saw the eagle leave the nest, could see it swooping down below the nest. Cool! Apparently the other eagle was sitting just above the nest because just a few seconds went by before it was there on the eggs. Saw three pretty eggs all in a row!

deb said...

Eagles in OR nest!

deb said...

One eagle is still there, up on the top limb in OR.

Mema Jo said...

Hi! Afternoon Momsters!
OR cam taking forever to load on QuickTime.. Would love to see them. Is there much snow in their nest? Everyone must have jumped on their cam when you hollered, Deb!

I was watching a little of the
Digger Cam!

deb said...

Jo, I put up a little clip of one of them, yes, lots of snow.

deb said...

What is the digger cam?

Mema Jo said...

I gotcha Deb! I had to laugh when I saw it on the NASCAR race track. It is a cam
down on the track - has a little gopher diggin' in! I just had to trick ya!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the OR clip
Good sized eagle
I can't remember if they had one egg last season or none.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly are you having a sleep over with all the boys? Get the popcorn out

I just marvel at being able to watch the OK site - or any site - in such detail.
Just makes your heart swoon!

deb said...

Ha, Jo, I wouldn't have found that cam, I am not a car racing fan. How does the little thing stand the noise!

Mema Jo said...

Going to check the owls and red tails

The red tail site up in NY doesn't have anyone there yet - just like Mama Cali

Mema Jo said...

Valmont showing both eggs

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to dream up some dinner around here......


Mits said...

I knew what you were talking about Jo:).....Deb, he is animated, used him sparingly last season, he was such a hit Keith Urben (sp) has done a song about him, and the have a small clip of his adventures at beginning of race...I don't watch all the races, but Daytona is the biggest race of the year. It always affords me a good Sunday nap too.

Mits said...

great pic of the OR eagle , Deb, can't recall Jo, but not more than 2 eggs last year I think, but not a successful season, if my memory is correct.

Mits said...

OR certainly is one of the more photogenic cams around.

Mits said...

eagle eating at BWO

Mits said...

eagle UP

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon/eve Everyone! Finally got yesterday's Park eagle pics on blog (2 titles) & had to put our Cooper family visitors here at home on too, as one came by this AM!
Gonna be real busy this week---besides looking for HS classmates, etc., daughter is comiing to town for business & then will spend a few dats w/us. That means "field trips" even tho I feel like hibernating! LOL I suggested Ford's Theatre as it just got a facelift.

Mits said...


Mits said...

back down on eggs

deb said...

Thanks, Helen, I was envisioning a poor little gopher getting run over by a race car!

Mits said...

lol, Deb, if he was real, he would have no chance.

Mits said...

eagle awake at NBG

deb said...

Loretta, great pictures. The juvenile Cooper's Hawk is gorgeous, I love it's tail!

NatureNut said...

Deer at PA.
News Flash--checked plant bed in front of my house & 7 tulip bulbs are sprouting! I think some are the new blue ones daughter got in Amsterdam. We had some before & never grew.

NatureNut said...

Thx, Deb. I had a few of him, but liked that one 'cuz you could see his tail. He stayed there for 1 1/2hours!A couple chickadees did zoom in & out to get a seed from feeder, but he never bothered them or the squirrels.

hedgie said...

Love your pics, Loretta!
What high school did you graduate from?

hedgie said...

Helen, your new avatar is precious!

Mits said...

that is Tate (male) and Sharma (female), Lynn, the red pandas, Tate is the new man in her life, actually he is the first man in her life, she lived with her brother Wicket til a few months ago.

Mits said...

Tate is the one with the redder face, he is just an amazingly beautiful red panda.

Lolly said...

JO....yes, a sleep over. Yea! Jack is building a fire. We or I should say they are going to have smores. Have the marshmellows and after roasting them they put them between choc. covered grahms.

Am now on Facebook. Set it up this afternoon. All I need, something else on the computer to take up my time.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, last night where you stopped at John's Diner and had dinner. We pass by there everytime we go to Berryville to pick up Dustin...over a period of 14 years. Have always wondered what kind of food they serve and if it is good. I assumed it was good, because there are always a lot of cars there. I love the way they have trimmed with the white lights. Choclate covered strawberries, huh? Yummmy!

Mits said...

hope you have good spyware, Lolly.

Costume Lady said...

LORETTA, loved the photo of you, Cooper's Hawk:)
Would love to have a tail feather. I am a collector of feathers and bird nests and hornet nests. YES, I AM WEIRD;)

Costume Lady said...

Lolly, I have been trying to get set up on facebook, but more often than not, it shuts my system down. Have not tried lately.
BTW, the Capt. and I are having a sleep-over too;) Tee Hee

Lolly said...

Yes, we do.

Costume Lady said...

Helen are the two beauties showing any interest in each other yet?

Lolly said...

I am not too sure about your sleep over, Wanda!

Mits said...

when he was introduced to her last week Wanda, they went at it instantly, but the keepers think she may had been just past her estrus for the year, but don't really know...when I was there, they were really just getting along beautifully, best time to see the Red Pandas is right now, their coats are just glowing

Costume Lady said...

Well, Helen, let's just hope she wasn't past her fertile days;)

hedgie said...

Oh, Wanda, you and Gene should stop at John's next time. It is very nice; a bit eclectic. They are devout and not open on Sundays. No alcohol, either. A friend of my SIL has been chef there for about 14 yrs. IT's family-owned and run, and has been for many years (like 30 or something!). Menu had dinners for two last night for Valentines that were in the $50-$60 range---lobster and prime rib, etc. They have one seating arrangement that is in an old-time carriage!

Mits said...

got our fingers crossed, if they animals are as fertile as the Asian Trail keepers, we should be good to go:)

hedgie said...

They make a cute couple, Mits. Hope love is in their future!!

Mits said...

that sounds like a cool place

Mits said...

you all should make a run down to the zoo one day before the crowds start in the spring.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly Keep your eyes to the skies!
It isn't a bird or a plane - It's
Debris falling in Texas, possibly from satellites' collision

Mema Jo said...

Mits - maybe you could mention the best day of the week to visit... I know weather would have to be considered.
Sounds like it would be a fun day.

Mits said...

right now anyday is a pretty good day, school trips usually start in April

Mema Jo said...

I dreamed up dinner earlier & it was at Bob's!

Going to watch Cold Case at 9:00.

hedgie said...

Well, maybe our next big get together (June?), we should go to John's for dinner instead of the Clarion!!!
Having one of my optical migraines...can barely see the screen...hope I cansee to watch Cold Case! BBL!

Mits said...

was thinking the same thing, Lynn, if it was big enough for us:)...take care.

Lolly said...

Well, my boys are in bed. Joseph was really tired. That flu has left him tiring very easily.

Joseph got into my paint program on my lap top. Painted a yellow picture of me with black teeth, wrote "You look werd" (weird) and saved it for my wall paper. Now, I ask you, did any of you dare to say such a thing to your grandmother? LOL It will stay as my wallpaer for quite a while I think.

They had smores, brushed their teeth, read them a story and they are in bed. Tomorrow the zoo in the morning and take them home in the afternoon.

Lolly said...

That would be very interesting to see, Jo. Read about in on the internet.

Costume Lady said...

THIS IS FOR LOLLY AND SISSY (and anyone else who wants a laugh):
I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape,
So I got my doctor's permission to
Join a fitness club and start exercising.
I decided to take an aerobics class for seniors.
I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired for an hour. But,
By the time I got my leotards on, The class was over.
SORRY SISSY, I FORGOT, YOU'R NOT A SENIOR...doesn't matter, I'm sure you can relate to the above:)

Costume Lady said...

There is someting special about having grandchildren, fed, bathed, and sleeping peacefully in your house. It's like...Wow, I must have done something right!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Finally home...tired of shuffling papers! But got a lot done!

Lolly said...

The toys are not picked up though!Actually not many around. However, Jacob did discover my basket of catalogs received before Christmas. They are spread over the floor. He was looking for the toy catalogs. That boy can sit forever gazing at the toy catalog.

Yep, that's me. However, I would never attempt to get into a leotard. Sloppy sweats for me!

NatureNut said...

Hi Lynn, I went to Suitland.
Wanda, if the hawks shed any feathers, I'll save for you!!
Helen, Love the red pandas!They have such cute faces. Didn't know they existed until several years ago when Park staff went to the Zoo away from the Zoo facility in Front Royal. Had some wonderful, unusual animals there.
Back to end of show on TV....

paula eagleholic said...

I see OK finally had a third egg! Wonderful! Any more good news I missed?

Mits said...

CALTRAN has 3 eggs, Paula.

hedgie said...

Hey, Loretta, thanks for telling me. I went to Annandale.
Hi, Paula. Bet you are one tired cookie!

Mits said...

Loretta, Sharma was born at Front Royal, CDC, they have one open house a year, think it is in October.

Mits said...

off to bed..good night.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, 3 at Caltrans!

We will have lots of eaglets to watch!

NBG is still at 2 I take it...

paula eagleholic said...

I'm beat and so are the doggies! I took them with me...they got walked and ball play and neighbor's dog playtime too...

paula eagleholic said...

Heading to bed, catch ya'll tomorrow!

Hugs to all ♥

Mema Jo said...

TV shows held my interests this evening.
Time now to watch news & head to bed..

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's needs being said

((((hugs)))) ♥ ♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Me, too. News, bath and bed!
Sure hope Norma shows up in the am! Wonder where Margy is tonight?
Have a safe trip to Frostburg tomorrow, Magpie Margy!!!
Good night. Sleep tight. Prayers for all.

Costume Lady said...

TV had my interest most of the evening, too. Nascar, Amazing Race, Cold Case and The Unit...all good shows. Will watch news in the morning...about to fall on my face:)


Costume Lady said...


deb said...

Night, everyone.

Lolly said...

Nite all! Good morning Early Birds!!!!

movin said...



Great week coming up. Enjoy it.



Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Blogger cop got me first thing this morning!!

Good morning Friends!

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Sissy! Where is everyone?

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Happy Presidents day Happy Birthday George Washington

Off to coffee and dog treats.

Mits said...

Good Morning everyone, if you have off, have a nice President's Day

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

There ya'll are!! I was fixin' to come looking for ya!!

Mits said...

sea eagle at Finland

movin said...

**GooD MoRNING**


Mits, Glo, Dana, Sissy, Vicky...



Costume Lady said...

Time to rise and shine! Silver Alert is going out for NORMA and a BOLO for Margy.
Happy Birthday to Abe Lincoln whos birthday affords some of us a day off! Yes, you VICKY;)

Red said...

Good morning Everyone!!!!!

I have today off too Wanda. :)

Costume Lady said...

HELEN HAS FOUND A NEW THREAD********************************

Mits said...


3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED