Saturday, February 21, 2009


New thread. Happy weekend.


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING STEVE!---Thanks for the new thread!!----Will bring the CREW over!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new Thread, Steve. Have a great weekend!

Thanks Norma for the heads up!

paula eagleholic said...

How are you feeling today, Norma?

paula eagleholic said...

Fish crows at BWO

paula eagleholic said...

Eggs were just rolled our nest

paula eagleholic said...

Now an eewwiie and a fish crow

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---MARGIE---PAULA---T-BIRD & WANDA---It's a WONDERFUL day in the neighborhood this morning!!---BLUE SKIES--SUN shining & all is right with the EAGLE WORLD!!!! ----CONGRATS!---MARGIE---our '#1 EAGLE MOMMA' today & every day!!!---birds chirping this MORNING --- BELLE & LIBERTY in the nest!---along with our "3 'MOUNTAINEER EGGS"!!----Let us all dance in HEAVY COATS & REJOYCE on this GLORIOUS morning!! ---- LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Costume Lady said...

Hope you are feeling bright and sunny, Norma.

Costume Lady said...

Capt. Gene is frustrated this morning...furnace is not working and for the first time in our married life, he had to call a repairman. He used to repair furnaces, but he is not schooled in these new electronic furnaces:(

paula eagleholic said...

Can they come today, Wanda?

normabyrd said...

WOW! PAULA!---You are a 'HAPPY CAMPER' this am!!----I'm fine---How are you?----

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Paula...he is Berkely Springs right now and is coming here when he is done there. Thank is soooo cold in here. We have started a fire in the fireplace and I have a little ceramic heater here in my office.
We were certainly lucky to find someone to come this quickly, but he will probably want an arm and a leg and our first born great-grandchild:(

normabyrd said...

hope GENE gets in touch with someone early today!!----(always on a weekend)!!

paula eagleholic said...

Do you remember the PBS Bald Eagle show that was just on not long ago???
Well that nest now has an eagle cam. It snowed over night but they have been there this week working on their nest...
The Decorah eagle cam in Iowa

Decorah Eagles Nest

Thanks Lori from the Maine forum!

Mits said...

Good Saturday a.m. everyone.

normabyrd said...

PAULA!!---Oh yeah -- I remember that program well!!----When I attempted to open---I get this: Need to add---"AXIX MEDIA CONTROL"----Should I do this?

paula eagleholic said...

Both at PH

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Norma, it's OK to install Axis

Costume Lady said...

I have a black screen witha red X in the corner. Paula, you started a firestorm...we are all whining now!:)

Mits said...

thanks, Paula, when you put that to full screen, feel like you are sitting in it.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!!---How are M&M?---

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - did it ask you to install AXIS as well? Are you using XP or Vista...and what browser?

Mits said...

M&M's are doing fine, thanks for asking:)?

Mits said...

Bill Xam Cam

Costume Lady said...

Got it Paula...and I thought it was cold in here!!

Mits said...

have been watching this cam for months, guy lives in a town house, has cams on all day and night, right now there is a hawk and red squirrel in the trees eyeing each other, at night he feeds the raccoons, Jo and I saw one last night, they are expecting snow, cam is in Michigan, probably not far from snowman cam

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning I am coming in on the new thread - I haven't read the earlier comments! I am watching RTH hawks all over the cams. Now I need to check out all the eagle cams...
I may be gone for a while!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - that cam is great - I love his comments off to the right! Harry the hawk is still there in the trees...

T-Bird said...

good morning MITS, Mema Jo and Normabyrd

Mits said...

the guy does have a sense of humor, especially at night with the menu for the raccoons....Hello Thelma, how are you?

Mema Jo said...

Hello Thelma! Good Saturday morning to you! What are you getting into today?

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for that site Paula
That is some kind of COLD SITTING

Eagle just went Poof..

Mema Jo said...

Oh yes - Deb is out looking for the swans

paula eagleholic said...

Exchange our nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at new Decorah cam...

paula eagleholic said...

gone at Decorah, IA

Mema Jo said...

My live feed was frozen
Just put up Still Cam & see that Belle has changed position - guess I missed it
all happening!

normabyrd said...

PAULA!!---Thanks!---I have had the EAGLES from the PBS show on forever!!----WONDERFUL PICS---BOTH EAGLES THERE MOST OF THE TIME!!----

Mema Jo said...

Phone call from Germany
Gals are all doing well!

Mits said...

glad they keep in touch, Jo:)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!---I have been watching the THE IOWA EAGLES forever!!---Couldn't figure out what they were doing there?---NEST was covered in snow!!---JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL!!!

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful day so far for Lolly to have guests and for Loretta to be out & about with her visiting daughter to do all that sight seeing!

Praying that Sharon is comfortable
and that Sissy has rested up!

Mits said...

new view at the Ecuador hummer feeder

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' T-BIRD!!---Any news from BLUEFIELD SHARON?----Pray things are getting better for her!!!---LOVE to SISSY too!!!

T-Bird said...

Hey guys-while our eagle is sitting in that position, how can you tell if it is Liberty or Belle?

Mits said...

Lib looks short in the nest, Belle overflows.

Mema Jo said...

This is another blog - very elaborate about the Bird Cams Around the World

They cover our NCTC nest - great pics

NCTC coverage on other forum

T-Bird said...

so this is Lib?

Mits said...

boy they really captured some great shots, Jo.

normabyrd said...

NORFOLK EAGLE on nest!!!---I didn't realize they have 3 EGGS!!---HOORAY!!----Praying all goes well for the little REBELS!!---ho!!

T-Bird said...

Normabyrd, Sharon is healing and I think Bev is rested up.

hedgie said...

Hi all.
That is the ever ongoing question, Thelma! Paula is the best at figuring out who is who!! The cam distorts sizing so that unless they are side by side, it is really hard to distinquish! There is something about the V of the neck feathers, but I haven't figured it out yet, either!!

Mits said...

CALTRAN does not seem to be working this a.m.

normabyrd said...

Thanks T-BIRD---That is good news!

Mits said...

Maine cam is clear with a really different view

Mits said...

Big Rig Steve is on the road again, somewhere is Tenn.

T-Bird said...

signing off for a while-later

movin said...





movin said...

Indeed it is a "glorious morning", Norma. I'm glad, glad, glad that you are feeling better and are back amongst us.



normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HANDSOME JIM!!---It truly is a glorious morning---sunny day---temp up to 39°!!!---& THAT'S A GOOD THING!!!----How are you?

normabyrd said...

I'm feeling much better----just can't seem to remember anything--but that is par for the course!!!
ho!----I haven't checked in on our LITTLE "PRECIOUS" at the LAZ00!!

hedgie said...

It's so nice to hear you cheery voice, Norma! You, too, Jim, but of course you haven't been MIA!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Off to 'start' getting ready for this wedding.. Need to put finishing touches on present & Mema!


normabyrd said...

I agree HELEN----I just checked the ME NEST!!----wasn't sure what I was seeing???---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE!!---How are you this gorgeous am?----I thought I read you had guests this week-end?---But I am not running on all four!!! ho!

normabyrd said...

JO!----Who is getting married??

Mits said...

her niece, Norma

Mits said...


This Afternoon
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. South winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. A chance of snow showers in the evening... then snow showers after midnight. Little or no snow accumulation. Lows in the mid 20s. South winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 90 percent.
Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow showers in the morning...then partly sunny with a slight chance of snow showers in the afternoon. Brisk with highs in the mid 30s. West winds 15 to 25 mph. Chance of snow 50 percent.


hedgie said...

No, Norma, Lolly has guests, not me!

hedgie said...

Work to do. See you later!

Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

You would think that those 2 guys could at least clean off Ms Goose's hat!

Mema Jo said...

May be another person way off to the left

Mema Jo said...

I guess I can sight their snow mobiles off in the distance to the left

It could be a guy & a gal.... can't tell with all the snow gear on.

Who ever - Have fun!

Mema Jo said...

Wedding present is ready
Now it is my turn to get ready


Mema Jo said...

I'm Back

Norma - Asia trail
Little otters are out in the sun

PA woods - whole flock of turkeys...

Mits said...

pickup truck snowman cam

Mits said...

here come more people..snowman cam

Mema Jo said...

Clouded leopards out!!! So beautiful!
Would love to see some off spring!!!

Mits said...

guy is on his cell phone

Mema Jo said...

OK Off to the tub

Mits said...

taking pics

movin said...

Both parents are standing on PH nest ... birds are singing in the background.



movin said...

Both were at our nest, but it looks like a changeover. If you hurry, you can see the eggs.



movin said...

The two at PH are into serious body contact and mock pecking over where to put some sticks, etc.

I think they are closer to laying eggs than I suspected.



movin said...

Watching Two Harbors. She was turning egg(s) and ventilating the nest bowl ... I could only detect her turning one egg.

While that was going on, Dad flew by ... probably heading for the 'ole fishing hole.'



movin said...

Empty nest at West End, but an adult eagle just overflew it.



Mits said...

EAGLE laying in nest at Hornby Island

Mits said...

from wide view you can see both eagles at Hornby

Mits said...

HI eagle has a feather stuck in her nostril

movin said...

ZZ and Bai are back together today, and they are playing together ... and apart for ZZ.

They just "met" on the walking circuit and engaged in a mock wrestling match.



movin said...

They're pretty happy to be together again, but according to the Zoo officials schedule, they will be separated permanently before much longer.

Will Bai give birth to another cute little bundle of fur this year?? That's the hope.



movin said...

You know, when Pandas play, they act just like humans.

They're still at it in San Diego.



paula eagleholic said...

I've been out in the yard this afternoon...nice day out there for February...gotta hit the shower, feed the dogs and head out. Hope everyone has a nice evening...

Catch ya'll later!

movin said...

eGGS visible as Belle is turning them.



Mits said...

BRS update....

Where is BigRigSteve?

OK, my laptop has crashed 10 times today.
Windows Vista is a piece of garbage (as many of you know).
If you get to see my cam at all, you are lucky today.
If we are full, visit the videos, galleries, and the rest of our trucking adventures!
Welcome, & thanks for riding along!
"think he is a little ticked:)"

Mits said...

BWO site...
Nest Update

One of the eagles bagged a Canada goose, which is a rather large bird for the eagles.

It's possible the goose was sick or old, thus making it easier to catch.

deb said...

I am home, have to feed dogs and start dinner. We found 10 swans, I think they are all trumpeters, but they are hard to tell apart. More later! I see the new sites from today. Decorah, IA and some mans backyard.

Mits said...

OK cam #2 has changed views

glo said...

Good evening everyone. Had a very long shift but wanted to quickly say Hi and thanks to those who know who they are :).

Mits said...

no mardi gras parade yet.....

Mits said...

Deb, glad you saw the swans:)

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of Mardi Gras...wonder if Jo wore her 4 strands of purple beads to the wedding?:) Tee Hee
I had a few Mardi Gras customers today and they bought MANY beads! And also, a Genie costume. That should help pay the furnace repairman. Bless his heart. I couldn't believe he came here today...thought we'd have to wait til Monday. It was a minor problem but a major fee. Worth every penny to get the heat back on!

Costume Lady said...

Deb, do you ever dream about flying?:) You are a lucky lady to experience all that you do. And we are glad of that because you share it all with us:)

Mits said...

yep, got to have that heat, Wanda

deb said...

Wouldn't that be fun to soar with the birds, Wanda!

Not only did we see the swans, we saw tons of geese and ducks. Lots of Cedar Waxwings, Tree Sparrows (so pretty with their bi-colored beak), Robins, Crows, Kestrels, Red-tails and so very many eagles. We couldn't get close to the eagles, darn it all, the roads were gated shut at the WMA. :( Mary counted 45 eagles in about 10 trees. As far away as we were, she is sure she missed some.

Mits said...

sounds like a great day, Deb:)

deb said...

It was a good day. I am tired, though, and have a sore throat and burning eyes. I think it is all allergy related, tree pollen is high and the wind is blowing it around. I am loading pictures now, they won't be ready for a while yet.

magpie said...

Awesome update on Mason:

Mason's Update

Nice way to say Good Evening, Folks ♥

magpie said...

Belle is up !

magpie said...


deb said...

Hi, Margy!

My pictures are ready.

Mits said...

what wonderful news for Mason and his family:) thanks for the update Margy.

hedgie said...

Hi gang. Been a long day of doing lots of little things....and still spinning my wheels on the router. Going to have to get a pro in I fear. Sure it won't be as expensive as Wanda and Gene's furnace repair!
I have nine deer milling around right now. At least 2 BIG bucks and 2 big does. They sure love that corn...but some fighting going on, which I don't like. Also a raccoon trying to insert itself into the mix.
Deb, you have robins there already and tree pollen????? THink you are going to really have an early spring. Can't believe how lucky you are to have SO MANY eagles!!!

deb said...

When I first started on the update, I thought they meant, now, like today, then I finished reading it and caught on.

Mits said...

home run again Deb....just gorgeous:)

hedgie said...

Glo, hope your l-o-n-g shift was peaceful. Bet your are tired. When do you go back?
Margy, how was your shift today? When I was able to listen in, sounded a little busy.

magpie said...

HI Everyone, so good to "see" you ☺ ♥

I see lots of new cams and sites listed today, will have to bookmark the entire days's posts!

That is awesome news, Mits from the Ellsworth family...
sounds so exciting and encouraging.

Well, Deb, I am chomping at the bit and here I go, to your pictures...back in a few magical moments...☺

deb said...

Lynn, these are migrating eagles, they follow the ducks and geese so they have a good food source for their journey!

hedgie said...

Deb, pics are loverly! Love the "tufted" duck!
Interesting report on Mason....can't help but wonder if Bryn Mawr feels that he's reached max recovery...will keep praying that there is more to come...maybe home environs will spur that to happen.

magpie said...

I agree with Mits, Home Run, in fact, a Grand Slam!
Great pictures, Deb - do I see maybe one Tundra Swan in there, the one with the straight neck? Or is that just a straight neck pose from a Trumpeter...
Love the Sleeping Geese, and those domestic Geese are pretty handsome.
xo ☺

deb said...

Margy, I studied the pictures so long and can't decide. I should be able to see a little yellow on the Tundra, besides the straight neck, but I sure don't see any. I want one to be a Tundra, so I can add it to my list.

deb said...

The Tundra is also 10 lbs. lighter, they all look the same size to me??

magpie said...

Hi Hedgie
Yes, there were some busy spurts, several individuals spent their last day on earth and their first day in heaven today, all medical things.

Glo: 18 hours, that is a looonng shift....Hope you are settled into YOUR ROOST for the night...

and Mema is just dancing the night away I guess...☺

Deb I hope you will be feeling A-OK soon..

magpie said...

Back in a few, checking some swans out on Thayer's Guide....
after reading your comments Deb...

deb said...

I am fine, Margy, more irritating than anything--just too much wind today.

magpie said...

Okay then, Deb glad to hear that, wind is so bothersome!

Yes, I think, Trumpeters they are!
Thanks....there's still plenty of migration time to come, though ☺

magpie said...

Speaking of heat, Wanda
Glad you got your little roost all warm and cozy....
Wonderful that someone could make a house call today, and from Berkeley Springs at that!

My heat in the Blazer is great, but then I ended up with a leak in the radiator and problem with the thermostat! Arrgh! Just coincidence, but the mechanic cut me some breaks....still, bye bye some of my tax refund :(
I think I will just get a bicycle! xo

magpie said...

Got me some new Moose treats from a favorite sister today....a finger puppet, Large Moose cookie cutter, and a few other specialites....maybe I should rename this place the Moose Roost ! ☺

Nice buck at Pix PA while it lasts..

magpie said...

a four-point..haven't seen that one there anytime recently.....

magpie said...

sorry, math is wrong, he has six points at least...

magpie said...

thought so! I think one of the bucks at Pix now has lost one side's worth of his antlers...

deb said...

Pretty deer, there are two bucks there

magpie said...

from Scott Shalaway, Shed Hunting:
Some excerpts:

"Bucks shed their antlers after the rut. Antler shedding is affected by changing daylength. This stimulates the pineal gland to reduce the production of testosterone, which weakens the bond between antlers and skull and the antlers eventually drop."

"The shed season can run from December through March. Bucks in poor health or those worn out after an exhausting rut probably shed their antlers earlier than others."

And finally, he says that finding shed antlers can be as challenging as finding morel mushrooms.

There were other features of this article that were very interesting, as are all of his articles.

magpie said...

Shalaway's articles usually run in our Sunday newspaper, under his heading The Wild Side .
I believe he is from Marshall County, WV, near the PA border and Pittsburgh.

magpie said...

BWE does not exactly seem to be refreshing tonight...

hedgie said...

Margy, any special occasion for your moose treats? You didn't slip in a birthay without telling us, did you???

magpie said...

No, Hedgie... not until July for me.
My sister lives in Massachusetts and there are sometimes some sigtings there. And for some reason, I just started collecting things Moose, and others have been so generous to contribute. I even have some flannel Moose Boxer Shorts! Several shirts, a pair of PJs, many several framed pics, and a bunch of stuffies! A rug, a lamp, coasters....and so on ad infinitum! ☺

magpie said...

" many several"...guess that means more than several.

By the way, saw the beautiful slender crescent moon this morning and an ISS Flyover. In the early early Sunday morning, with an unobstructed Eastern Horizon, the even more slender moon will be close to Jupiter and Mercury, I'll be up that early BUT I think the clouds are going to interfere...but maybe some of the rest of our Bloggers can look...

magpie said...

Holy Smokes!

Make that Moonie, Jupiter, Mercury AND Mars!

magpie said...

Oh Bother! It's late and time to head to the pillows and blankies, and maybe, two chapters of Firefight...

Best Saturday Night wishes to all, it's been fun! Bet Loretta is having a good time, and Paula too!

Peace, Love, and Prayers xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Good Night Liberty and Belle and the Egglets Three....

hedgie said...

Wow, what a line-up! I think we are supposed to get snow by morning....but less than an inch from what they say...of course, forecasters have been wrong before.
I remember seeing alot of moosie stuff, Margy! Collections are so much fun!

hedgie said...

Shuttle launch has been postponed a fourth time.....won't be until at least next weekend. Shucks!

hedgie said...

G'night, Margy...sleep well...only one more say to go! "See" you tomorrow evening!

Costume Lady said...

Sandman is calling to me a little early tonight, so I am going to listen to him:)


hedgie said...

Sorry we haven't heard from Sharon or Sissy...hope everything is going okay in Bluefield.
Me, too, Wanda...heading for tub and then calling it a day.
Jo must be having a great time at the reception!! Must have worn her dancing shoes!
Goodnight, fowl friends. Peace and prayers.

deb said...

Night from me, also. Time for some sleep!

Mema Jo said...

I am popping in to say Hi and then to turn right around and say Good Night.
Beautiful wedding & reception was so very nice - food, family, friends, music and lots of new people to meet.

Peaceful sleep & pleasant dreams...
Prayers for all!
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

movin said...





magpie said...

* Good Morning *
Nice wing stretch and some egg-tending, egg-rolling, wiggle and a plop, Starring Our Belle and the Three Little Egglets...

magpie said...

Too cloudy this morning for Moonie and the Three Little Planets....

magpie said...

Sayonara my Eagle Pals..

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

See you much much much later.

I hope to be on here same time as you sometime Monday Morning ☺ Welcome Back !! We sure missed you xox ☺ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Just watched Belle turning her eggs...she has become an expert, does it so quickly, you only see the eggs for a moment. Still appx. 12 days to go before one of those eggs debuts a chicklet.

Happy Birthday to George Washington. My Dad shared this day with George for his birthday and if he were living, he would be 95.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I brought up this thread and the first thing I noticed was that our Normabyrd had been here!! LOVE YOU NORMABYRD AND HAVE MISSED YOU TERRIBLY!

Anyway, I am on the mend now I think. I have a lovely wound VAC connected to my belly now. The home health nurse said it would probably just take 3-4 weeks for it to heal. She will come on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to change the dressing. I am still on antibiotics are make me feel pretty yucky. Might call tomorrow to see if they will change it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Wanda. My Aunt Bess' birthday was today too and she probably would be about 100 years old.

Costume Lady said...

Good to have you on here with me this morning, Sharon:) 3-4 weeks seems like an awfull long time, but at least you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not sure I could have held up as well as you have. You know ALL our prayers have been with you through all of this and will continue until your Doc says you are HEALED!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, it is good to have Miss Norma back with us and feeling better. We do miss her when she is not on with us. She's our Morning Ray of Sunshine:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You know Wanda, on just regular, normal days, I can feel the power of the bond we have on this blog but then during times of trials, the power is just unbelievable.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

New Thread is Up!

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED