Welcome to our blog, OrLaNd. You are our first blogger from Indonesia!
Good morning everyone. I brought up NBG and they had zoomed right in on the eagle's face. That was absolutely breathtaking. Changing of the guards at NBG and NCTC.
Sharon... sorry I missed your reply, yacking and cam-hopping, yes find that thermometer...and check back in....still on medicines? We really want you well ! xo
Ok, found thermometer and my temperature is good, so that is a good thing. Margy, I am on Keflex and Bactrim so hopefully that will take care of whatever this is.
Hi Mits Same to you and ALL of yours... Hope you saw those Gobblers celebrating the day at PIX...I took about a dozen pictures... it was unbelievable ! all settled down there, for now...
With all the eggs in the nests it would seem more like Easter then Valentines day but then you are all talking about 'peeps' I think you mean those yellow marshmallow peeps - right. They would mush up in your mouth - now if they were the hard chocolate ones - yummy!
The Norma Roberts B&B on the corner in Boonesboro is now accepting guests - $200 to $280 a night! Want to have a sleep over!
I'm sure all her rich friends will come to stay, they ought to put a sign in the lobby to donate to the NCTC eagle nest, since they are just a short distance away, and might want to visit..
Magpie, I'm glad the slideshow is now viewable to you.
What kind of puter/browser system are you using? I'm using FireFox on a Dell desktop.
"F11" (top of keyboard) gets you to "Full Screen" and back to regular size screen on this browser.
Also, I can right click on the NBG picture; click on "Zoom"; click on "Full Screen."
Don't know why the "Page Down" doesn't work for you; but that and "End" and the "down" arrow (bottom right of Keyboard) all work for this purpose on mine.
Today A slight chance of snow this morning. Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. Highs in the mid 40s. Southeast winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 40 percent. » ZIP Code Detail Tonight Mostly cloudy. A chance of rain or snow in the evening. Lows in the upper 20s. North winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming northwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation 50 percent. Sunday Partly sunny in the morning...then becoming mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Sunday Night Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Presidents Day Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph. AMEN
My pictures from yesterday are ready, nothing great at all. Roger had a picture for me, so I just added that--a funny one! There is a picture of a Northern Shrike. It is like a mini-raptor, but isn't consider a member of that family. It catches it's prey and if it doesn't eat it all will impale it on the barb of a wire fence to finish later.
Hi, Dana, I'll make a 'bluie link' you can click on for Dr. Sharpe's Report. It's the 'Santa Cruz Report', and there are two other current reports just below it.
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL MY BEST EAGLE FRIENDS.The weather has changed again and it's cold out again and the weather man says we might get a little snow today.I will get out later and check on the eagles.Yesterday it was so neet to see the eagle bring in a squirrel, it was a red fox squirrel.I am glad everyone enjoys the photos Thanks
Good morning everyone. Home from work and soon off to sleep for a while.
So how do you see the cam so clear you know there is a fly in our nest
ok so I am slap happy ....do not slap me!!!
Magpie thanks for stopping by to see th elatest set of pictures. I can tell you take time to really look just by what you say in your comments. That is really so very helpful to me.
I of course love all 50 or so I am sharing too which is why it is so very hard to shoose a total of 6 to actually enter into the competition.
I also love to share so it is great that so many are looking...flickr gives me that count, and several are taking time to give me feedback.
Now one more question.. Where is Daves picture of the eagle and squirrel? I didn't see it under 2009 nest and didn't find it on his flickr page earlier anyway. I would like to see it if I can find it.
Deb as always thanks for sharing your pictures. And yes I do think you are crazy....but its a good crazy about birds and wildlife...thats a good thing.
Wanda I loved the photo of the German Shepherd in the drivers seat...Great. Wonder if his folks saw you taking that one. I htink he is a fun spoiled special dog...aren't they all.
Sharon Keep taking those meds. Check temp one more time aroudn 4 pm would you please. OK Nite nite for a while all.
Will pull up a couple or 3 cams and lie down for a while now.
aaawww yep thats a squirrel going to the nest for lunch. Well we do know our eagles do need to eat too. Great capture for sure.I have a black squirrel helping himself to lots of birdseed in my flat feeder as I type this. The circle of life.
OK I really am going to have some lunch brunch and go to sleep for a while now.
My live feed today is not live feed at all. I suppose the storm goofed everything up. I started my Great Backyard Bird Count. I have quite a few already!
Haven't read todays comments yet. Cleaned up some limb/branch/twig debris and got some laundry done as well as some cursory housework. Heading for daughter's soon for afternoon/evening to watch shows missed during power outage, and to go out for dinner.
Will check in tonight before I go to bed. Enjoy your day. Intermittant snow flurries here...hope they stop!
I have been busy today cleaning house and doing the wash. Still doing it, but had to check in on you all and see how our nest was doing.
WOW! Sounds like a full "house" in alot of the eagle nests this year. We'll have some fun watching.
SHARON Sorry to year that you still aren't feeling well. Get all those meds into your system and try to smile. The smile will chase any more sicknesses away. :)
A nice little matted and framed " Home Interiors" find at a second hand store:
( ...for Valentine's Day, and every day....)
Love is patient, Love is Kind, Love does not envy, Love does not boast, Love is not proud, Love is not rude, Love always trusts, Love always hopes, Love never fails
no buttons to push, Margy, it usually comes up after a commercial....but seems to be busy now....I have been watching for days with now problems til now.
And a big thanks to Capt Gene for his Valentines wishes.
I am goine to break my diet tonight and have steak with my steamed veggies. Maybe even have a glass of wine. I am down 10 pounds and more to go!!!! Whoopie!
Could not get on OK was thrilled to hear 3 eggs!!!!
What about Colorado? She was on the nest yesterday and today. Eggs there?
Thanks JIM for posting the blue link. Got me there ... was great reading. So happy eagles re-using nest and doing nestorations. Their one guy eagle coming home. I just loved the video...that blue water just moving and the sound. Boy they sure put their nest in tough places for Dr. Sharpe to get too.
I have returned from Dance Class & Pizza Hut lunch & a panda nap & NOW I am getting ready for Mass. Dance was so enjoyable - she was great and towards the end the yawns started in between the ballerina twirls and it was so much fun to watch. Alexis did very well during the tap dance lesson - sorta looked like happy feet! Class is only 5 young ones and instructor takes time with time and also has fun.
Just got a glimpse of our eggs, but could actually just see two. Close up at NBG....just beautiful! Also, saw the three eggs at NBG. She is still looking around.
Deb: I didn't see a whole lot, combination of the weather and the lateness of the hour. Did see two Canada Geese in a field, one was more interested in the ground, the other in standing up. One was quite a lot darker on the back than the other. Also heard first then finally saw a Belted Kingfisher. Thought I was getting a good view of a Beaver with his head above the water....wah, it was a piece of driftwood... Heard a nut hatch too, and some other new sounding songbird. Going to sign on and post my things now.
W☺W Megan, that was fun! Will have to visit some of the other videos offered on that page... It kind of reminds me of my grandson moving so fast when he watches the Barn Dance routine in Barnyard...
My mother used to always take note of how graceful men dancers are....this is truly evident in this little video. Thanks! Happy Valentine's Day to Y♥u and Y♥urs... xo Magpie
Busy at work Fri. & never got on here & at Park today, stoopid, retarded 'puter wouldn't let me sign in----hourglass forever!(Wouldn't even come on until 10:30!!!) Wasn't anything great to report--juvies flew over twice.But then, after work Eagle Heaven.Drove down the hill to the closest boat ramp & an adult flew down & landed on shallow spot in river!!! On way out, approaching the nest, a FLY IN!!!!Sat at back of nest forever. I assume the female was low on the eggs & there was no switch.A visitor I had met w/a great telescope was leaving & I flagged him down.Great sighting & a few pics for us.Thank you birds for a Valentine treat on a rather dull & boring day!♥ ♥ ♥
In the absence of Mits and/or Floragirl: Shepherdstown WV NEST CONDITIONS Tonight Mostly cloudy with snow likely with a chance of rain this evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Little or no snow accumulation. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation 60 percent.
Sunday Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
Margy, I am back and have a few more geese to report, I saw at least 3,000 geese today! I love this time of year. One lone snow goose, about 22 Greater White-fronted and about 25 cackling. The rest were all Canada's. Other water birds, Gadwalls, Mallards, Redhead's, Common Goldeneye, Common Mergansers and Coots. More later, dogs want to eat for some reason.
Good Evening...Gene and I just got back from Hagerstown. We went shopping and planned a Valentine Dinner...snow gave me a scare...so we came home. Now we are getting ready to have DINNER WITH MARIE. LOL
It was wintry mixing when I was out bird-watching, but I came up and down Parks Gap Mountain anyway...I guess I paid for the All-Wheel Drive so I figured what the heck...all was okay....
Hi folks. Just a quick BLOG from work as I am sure when I get off I shall go home and crash. I managed to sleep about an hour when the phone rang and I got called in to work. Off at nine and then off to bed. From reading I can tell there's a few more eggs around the nestcams. Gonna be lots of little ones to cheer on and worry about this year :)
I have posted Margy's photo at the train station...waving at the sisters, Ceil, Mary Margaret and Jim. Not a very clear photo, but fun to look at none the less:) I'm going to try to put it in the Momsters Album.
Thanks, Wanda, for the compliment re: Wild and Wonderful (It's the Company I Keep !! ) and for posting that picture....it was a truly fun time, to welcome our travleres as they come through our little burg.
Man oh Man, Glo - I know that feeling, getting called in before it is time. Funny, the person who called me at 0400 on THE Windy day, starts out like this: "Get Your Clothes on, we need you in here as soon as possible...." - I laughed about that all day...I do usually put my clothes on before I go to work ! ☺
The March edition of "Wonderful West Virginia" has a magnificent cover photo of the Wood Duck, and a nice little article, with another picture of the adult male, and one of the sweet little woodies, talks all about that 60-foot Leap of Faith they take 24 hours or so after hatching...
I saw several Wood Ducks last year or maybe 2007 at one of the woodland swamps at NCTC - females in two color phases, and Sparkly males...
AND, there is another article in this edition about Sycamore trees! Two facts, is that their "hollows" can be so large, that settlers and deserters actually lived in them for short periods of time, AND, the sycamore was a tree used for clandestine wartime activity. The outer bark is unable to grow with the tree, and cracks, breaks, and drops off and leaves a mottled pattern, well we know THAT all right !
The magazine used to be titled "Wild and Wonderful West Virginia" -why would anyone drop the Wild Part?
Deb Do you think we will see a 3rd egg at Valmont? the mom does such contortions at times I think she is laying another one, but last time I saw the eggs (overnight maybe?) there were only two. And Mama Cali has not shown up yet at the other GH nest.
I tried posting the train photos on the Momsters Album, but when I clicked on SAVE...nothing happened. I will try again tomorrow or someone else can try.
I don't think there will be any more eggs for the Valmont GHOW. The last one was on Egg Day and that was last Friday. She only had two last year, also. When she looks like she is puffing up and rocks back and forth, she is hooting. I think that is what you are seeing. Then she does move strange when she rolls the egg, too.
Ok Deb, thanks ! Wouldn't that be awesome to hear those Hoots? It would be a Hoot !
Not to worry Wanda about the album, most of us can check your pics so easily, but I can try to move them over, just might not do it right now. It's about time to head for bed. Work tomorrow, trade for Monday, so I can take grandson with me to Frostburg Monday ! Brother there, keeps his Lionel trains up all year, and he heads out West to study prairie dogs at the end of the month.
Fox is gone.
I've had a lot of fun today with all you folks...and saw so much that my mind and spirit are filled!
Looks like Valentines Day 2009 is almost over. Jack and I grocery shopped together. LOL
JO.....I cut my strip steak in half and enjoyed every morsel!!! Had steamed asparagus and a tossed salad with it....as well as a glass of wine. mmmmmmm!!!! Now back to the diet.
Great photos Deb. I was checking the daily photos for our eagle in CO.. With all the others being about 1 week ahead of schedule, maybe this nest will be earlier then 1st week in March. They are spending some nights at their nest it seems (around 5-6pm photos)
It's great though to have some nests later in the season so that our season is longer for watching the cams.
Well I am home and gettign ready to sleep in my own soft warm bed for 8 hours :). It was such fun to find so many new comments on the photos. For those of you having a hard time choosing 3 out of the 10, see that was my dilemna when they make me narrow over 50 I htink are nice photos down to 3 a month for next two months and that is it for the year.
Your comments are all very helpful. To be honest when all is said and done I will probably choose your favorite top 2 and then one of my own choice as my entry for March. We are starting to at least get a few of them narrowed down as up there and a few as out of there both with good reason. Thanks again . Good Night.
Home at last! Very enjoyable day. Yummy dinner of crab soup, steak and baked sweet potato at the famous John's Diner outside CharlesTown. Diner is definitely a misnomer...very nice restaurant...very busy tonight, too! They gave a chocolate-covered strawberry to everyone after seating! Will catch up on blog, comment if I feel compelled to add my two-cents worth--LOL!!!! For those turning in, sleep tight. Hope you are feeling well-loved tonight!
The Glover boy is very good. When we had our restaurant, we had an employee who tapped...she tried to teach the girls and my sister...it sure isn't easy! Of course my favs are Michael Flatley and his group and his former group Riverdance! Wonder if Jo or anyone has called Norma to see if she alright! Thanks, Capt. Gene, for your sweet greetings. Saw a large gaggle of geese heading SOUTH just outside of Ranson this afternoon....does that mean more winter weather on its way?? Yuck! Margy, it is often end of Feb. before the bucks drop their antlers.
Margy, no doubt in my mind that Manchin changed the name of our wonderful magazine the same time he dropped the Wild and Wonderful slogan from the state-entry signs!! Now that the citizens changed his mind, maybe the mag will change back, too!
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Welcome to our blog, OrLaNd. You are our first blogger from Indonesia!
Good morning everyone. I brought up NBG and they had zoomed right in on the eagle's face. That was absolutely breathtaking. Changing of the guards at NBG and NCTC.
Welcome aboard OrLaANd -
Lots to see on so many cams...
Hi Sharon, Happy Valentine's Day to you...thanks for reminding me that's what it is ☺ ♥
How are you feeling today ?
Thanks for the New Thread and the Heads Up...beautiful eagle OUR nest this morning, always beautiful eagle OUR Nest... xo
Happy Valentine's Day and Good Morning to Everyone...the turkeys were sure celebrating this day !
Good morning Margy. I am feeling a little achy all over like feverish but praying not a fever. I have to go round up my thermometer and see.
Hooded Crow at Finney's - haven't seen them for awhile ☺
sorry, all gone now..
Okay OrLaNd - what time is it where you are....
You need to show up more often, and tell us about the wild things on your side of the planet ☺
Eggs all over, trust you have seen that while watching our blog....
Wanda: are you still trying to watch the Norfolk slide show ?
Okay, I'm moving aside and making room for the rest of you...
TTFN back in a little bit...
Sharon... sorry I missed your reply, yacking and cam-hopping, yes find that thermometer...and check back in....still on medicines?
We really want you well ! xo
We need some Norma on here! That will surely help you feel better Sharon...it makes ALL of us feel better !!
My live feed seems rather still...
Good morning, and Welcome Orland!
Aha, head just moved, Margy!
And yes, it is still after all the wind...thank goodness, we need a break!
but the still is refreshing..
Loved the new set of 10 - made my choices and posted in comments ☺
Ok, found thermometer and my temperature is good, so that is a good thing. Margy, I am on Keflex and Bactrim so hopefully that will take care of whatever this is.
We desperately need our NORMABYRD on here!!!
Whew! ! !
Okay Sharon.... you take ALL those pills until they are all gone - -no matter how you feel, Knock that Infection Out, we need you Woman ! ♥
Okay I reset live feed and now things are percolating again....
Hi Paula, Triple Yay on your tax work so far, and Best Wishes on the rest of the project....You, are a Whirling Dervish, as Hedgie would say !! ☺
Just an FYI...Orland has a valid blog....
Welcome Orland:)
Hi Mits
Same to you and ALL of yours...
Hope you saw those Gobblers celebrating the day at PIX...I took about a dozen pictures...
it was unbelievable ! all settled down there, for now...
♥♥♥ Happy Valentines Day! ♥♥♥
Tell your loved ones "I Love You" everyday!
ok Paula..thanks
I hope Norma goes visiting somewhere with someone that has a working computer and jumps on here. Maybe she should just come up to Shepherdstown !
Our eagle is doing some panda napping...
MT nests up in Maine, they did fix the angle of the still nest cam.
okay...starting with all our Eagle ♂ and ♀ People:
Good Morning ALL in Eagleland Again with Happy Valentine Wishes.
Sharon I do so pray that you soon re-gain perfect HEALTH.
Margy what were those choc. peeps you were eating last night?
Thanks for that report, Paula. We are so leary these days of unfamiliear things and people.
Dana -
like the marshmallow peeps at Easter, but they were chocolate flavored and shaped like bears...got them at Rite-aid in Berkeley Springs... Yum Yum
TTFN - back in awhile...
See you made your way back Wanda ☺
yes Paula, he has been a blog member since July 2008
Nice - three eggs, been waiting to see that !
Mmmm chocolate peeps!
I just put a 3-egg picture on the Momsters Album...guess we start a new one Sunday...☺
Okay, for the 4th of 5th time.
I'm outta here. X O !!
♥ ♥ ♥ Happy Valentine Day ♥ ♥ ♥
Good Morning to All
Welcome OrLaNd!
Hopefully I going to attend dance class to watch my 4 yr old ballerina this morning
Lovely Belle waiting in the nest to be greeted!
I'll have to find hubby some of them....oh daughter definitely would love them. I'll have to find and send the out to her. She just loves the peeps.
Sounds like fun, Jo!
Welcome OrLaNd so glad you commented. They said you have been for awhile since 2008.
Tell us do you get a chase to see eagles or osprey?
have fun, Jo, take pics.
**GooD MoRNING**
both osprey at HH
Time to hit it, folks...
See ya'll Sunday eve...
Have a Great Weekend!
Hugs to all ♥♥♥
With all the eggs in the nests it would seem more like Easter then Valentines day but then you are all talking about 'peeps' I think you mean those yellow marshmallow peeps - right. They would mush up in your mouth - now if they were the hard chocolate ones - yummy!
The Norma Roberts B&B on the corner in Boonesboro is now accepting guests -
$200 to $280 a night! Want to have a sleep over!
I'm sure all her rich friends will come to stay, they ought to put a sign in the lobby to donate to the NCTC eagle nest, since they are just a short distance away, and might want to visit..
Thanks for the tips for Norfolk slide show, I had to play around with it a little but finally managed to follow your instructions. Thank You !! xo ♥ ☺
Jo.. sounds great, but a little out of my price range...☺
Have a great time at the Ballet, and Yes! Take pictures...
I'm not having any problems seeing the NBG slide, the numbers are slightly hidden, but I just click them one by one.
ferry boat passing by at Finland
Good morning, 3 EGGS in OK!!
Magpie, I'm glad the slideshow is now viewable to you.
What kind of puter/browser system are you using? I'm using FireFox on a Dell desktop.
"F11" (top of keyboard) gets you to "Full Screen" and back to regular size screen on this browser.
Also, I can right click on the NBG picture; click on "Zoom"; click on "Full Screen."
Don't know why the "Page Down" doesn't work for you; but that and "End" and the "down" arrow (bottom right of Keyboard) all work for this purpose on mine.
Norfolk parent looking at eggs
I got so excited about the 3 eggs, I missed the ferry boat. I even had Finny open.
Enjoy Mema Jo
Paula see you after the weekend hugs
Jimthank for the NBG note to see slideshow. Can you tell me where did you see the update I think from Dr. Sharpe?
YEAH.....for OK!!!, thanks, Deb
now the ice is moving in ever so slightly at Finland...
A slight chance of snow this morning. Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. Highs in the mid 40s. Southeast winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 40 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. A chance of rain or snow in the evening. Lows in the upper 20s. North winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming northwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation 50 percent.
Partly sunny in the morning...then becoming mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Sunday Night
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.
Presidents Day
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph.
Was it laid yesterday, Deb, that would have been 4 days, since the last egg?
I am not sure when it was laid. I didn't watch yesterday and just saw a switch at OK.
I could not get on til late afternoon, so must have been to many hits with people watching the egg laying...hope she stops at this number...
I checked Maine Forum, Helen. The same for them, they couldn't get on last night, so the 3rd egg was just spotted this morning.
Love your new avatar! ♥
Thanks for the nest report, I am going to Frostburg on Monday, so this should be okay for traveling ☺
I have Gateway desktop, and Use IE for everything....
Great 3-egg nest news for Oklahoma, Deb
I'm getting off the roost for awhile.
See everyone later...
Wonder if the people on Maine forum ever sleep;)?
feeding time at hummer nest
I don't think so, no sleeping allowed if you are an avid Maine Forum member.
My pictures from yesterday are ready, nothing great at all. Roger had a picture for me, so I just added that--a funny one! There is a picture of a Northern Shrike. It is like a mini-raptor, but isn't consider a member of that family. It catches it's prey and if it doesn't eat it all will impale it on the barb of a wire fence to finish later.
pics are great, Deb.
tad cold up at Mt Washington..
Temperature -0.6°F
Wind 80.0 mph
Direction 323° (NW)
Gust 101.3 mph
Wind Chill -37.2°F
Saturday 11:00 AM
Fly in our nest!
Deb, you have mail.
Egg rolling OK
I got it, Helen!
Hi, Dana, I'll make a 'bluie link'
you can click on for Dr. Sharpe's Report. It's the 'Santa Cruz Report', and there are two other current reports just below it.
Santa Cruz Report
There were some great pictures in this weeks reports, Jim! I always enjoy reading them, thanks for your reminders to check them out.
BEST EAGLE FRIENDS.The weather has
changed again and it's cold out
again and the weather man says we
might get a little snow today.I will get out later and check on the
eagles.Yesterday it was so neet to
see the eagle bring in a squirrel,
it was a red fox squirrel.I am
glad everyone enjoys the photos
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave
our eagle just looking up at something
nice pics, Dave:)
Good morning everyone. Home from work and soon off to sleep for a while.
So how do you see the cam so clear you know there is a fly in our nest
ok so I am slap happy ....do not slap me!!!
Magpie thanks for stopping by to see th elatest set of pictures. I can tell you take time to really look just by what you say in your comments. That is really so very helpful to me.
I of course love all 50 or so I am sharing too which is why it is so very hard to shoose a total of 6 to actually enter into the competition.
I also love to share so it is great that so many are looking...flickr gives me that count, and several are taking time to give me feedback.
Now one more question..
Where is Daves picture of the eagle and squirrel? I didn't see it under 2009 nest and didn't find it on his flickr page earlier anyway. I would like to see it if I can find it.
Deb as always thanks for sharing your pictures. And yes I do think you are crazy....but its a good crazy about birds and wildlife...thats a good thing.
Wanda I loved the photo of the German Shepherd in the drivers seat...Great. Wonder if his folks saw you taking that one. I htink he is a fun spoiled special dog...aren't they all.
Sharon Keep taking those meds. Check temp one more time aroudn 4 pm would you please. OK Nite nite for a while all.
Will pull up a couple or 3 cams and lie down for a while now.
our eagle just looking up at something
Glo, winter with the eagle 08-09
turkeys at Pix
Dave's picture is in Winter with the eagles, 2008/2009. Or something like that, but that should get you there.
Here is a Red-tailed Hawk cam that Helen found:
Red-tailed Hawk
backatcha...Capt. Gene:)
I am going to get some things done, bbl.
Thanks, Gene, for the Valentine's Wishes!
I believe I may have seen 3 eggs at Caltrans. Does anyone else know for sure if they have 3 eggs?
thanks, Deb, don't know why it would not work for me.
sloth bears playing at NZ
no update yet on the CALTRAN site, but they are a little slow
yep, I think I just saw 3.
Thanks Deb and Mits
aaawww yep thats a squirrel going to the nest for lunch. Well we do know our eagles do need to eat too. Great capture for sure.I have a black squirrel helping himself to lots of birdseed in my flat feeder as I type this. The circle of life.
OK I really am going to have some lunch brunch and go to sleep for a while now.
Wanda You have mail.
My live feed today is not live feed at all. I suppose the storm goofed everything up. I started my Great Backyard Bird Count. I have quite a few already!
Congrats to Caltrans!
I should have complained about my live feed earlier, it started working right after that and keeps on moving.
Thanks Mits!!! I was pretty sure I saw 3 a while ago.
Pretend this is in RED:
Haven't read todays comments yet. Cleaned up some limb/branch/twig debris and got some laundry done as well as some cursory housework. Heading for daughter's soon for afternoon/evening to watch shows missed during power outage, and to go out for dinner.
Will check in tonight before I go to bed. Enjoy your day. Intermittant snow flurries here...hope they stop!
I have been busy today cleaning house and doing the wash. Still doing it, but had to check in on you all and see how our nest was doing.
WOW! Sounds like a full "house" in alot of the eagle nests this year. We'll have some fun watching.
SHARON Sorry to year that you still aren't feeling well. Get all those meds into your system and try to smile. The smile will chase any more sicknesses away. :)
Oops, dryer is buzzing.
Hey HEDGIE, you make a good RED. Can[t wait for him to read it. :)
Capt. Eagle, you passed the test!
Sharon, I have been wating for him to tell us what the test was about:)
It is soooooo nice to jump back on and see what everyone has been talking about...
Captain Eagle: You R♥ck ! xo ☺ ♥ xoxo
Red - Your Blue Red is special too
And thanks to everyone for all the lovely greetings, we have a pretty large sweetheart network going, don't we ?? xoxo ♥
poor owl at Starr Ranch, sounds like they are cutting trees nearby...it is a sanctuary, so guess they know what they are doing.
Can't quite find my way to the Raptor cam itself, Mits, can you tell me which buttons to hit once I open up the site ? Pls and Thx.
goofy Tai Shan, has licked all the honey out of a box, has destoyed the box ,and now is rolling all over it, does not take much to entertain him:)
A nice little matted and framed " Home Interiors" find at a second hand store:
( ...for Valentine's Day, and every day....)
Love is patient, Love is Kind, Love does not envy, Love does not boast, Love is not proud, Love is not rude, Love always trusts, Love always hopes, Love never fails
I think it is basically from 1 Corinthians 13
xo ♥
no buttons to push, Margy, it usually comes up after a commercial....but seems to be busy now....I have been watching for days with now problems til now.
Sure glad Deb reminded us of the Backyard Bird Count...going to get a little panda nap and head out to the " Backyard " at Swinging Bridge.
TTFN xox
Happy Valentines Day to all Momsters and Dadsters
And a big thanks to Capt Gene for his Valentines wishes.
I am goine to break my diet tonight and have steak with my steamed veggies. Maybe even have a glass of wine. I am down 10 pounds and more to go!!!! Whoopie!
Could not get on OK was thrilled to hear 3 eggs!!!!
What about Colorado? She was on the nest yesterday and today. Eggs there?
I miss Norma!! More computer problems?
Sleep Sweetly, Glo
Thanks Helen! I will try again later too, already put into favorites...I love the sound that Hawk makes....
and Hello Lolly and Thanks, too.
Enjoy Sweethearts Day....xo
was watching pandas, and our eagle repositioned itself.
February 26 was the first egg for CO last year, so it might be a little early yet for them.
Red-tailed site is down for me, too.
guess the word got around:)
Treat ourselves to opening up Google...it's got a cute graphic...
Going to play Beat the Rain and go to Swinging Bridge...
Deb I won't have any pictures but I hope to have a list !
Bird on our nest looks like something is going to happen soon...not sure what, but something...☺
TTFN time for the Camou Coveralls and the Binoculars...ears, and eyes.
xo ♥
Fly in our nest
Thanks JIM for posting the blue link. Got me there ... was great reading. So happy eagles re-using nest and doing nestorations. Their one guy eagle coming home. I just loved the video...that blue water just moving and the sound. Boy they
sure put their nest in tough places for Dr. Sharpe to get too.
Read back and caught up finally. Thanks for the Valentine Wishes Capt. Gene to all. I know you took care of that lovely wife of yours.
I have returned from Dance Class & Pizza Hut lunch & a panda nap & NOW I am getting ready for Mass.
Dance was so enjoyable - she was great and towards the end the yawns started in between the ballerina twirls and it was so much fun to watch. Alexis did very well during the tap dance lesson - sorta looked like happy feet! Class is only 5 young ones and instructor takes time with time and also has fun.
I'll be back on after returning from Mass......
OK eagle has really been looking around and yelling. Sure hope she does not have an intruder!
Just got a glimpse of our eggs, but could actually just see two. Close up at NBG....just beautiful! Also, saw the three eggs at NBG. She is still looking around.
Can anyone get the Red Tail Hawk Cam up that was posted above?
Jo, where does Alexis take her lessons, my niece has been taking ballet lessons up there for several years, has a recital in Frederick every year.
Currently At 5:33PM[ More ] 37°F
Winds: N
at 9mph
Light Snow
Humidity: 70%
Dew Point: 28° F Pressure: 29.85 in
Visibility: 2 Miles
I just came back from being in that dusting that is covering, is it Belle?
Oj Jo - what a cute portrayal of the dance! I love tap dancing, the sound as much as the moves ☺
Happy Evening All....
Deb: I didn't see a whole lot, combination of the weather and the lateness of the hour. Did see two Canada Geese in a field, one was more interested in the ground, the other in standing up. One was quite a lot darker on the back than the other. Also heard first then finally saw a Belted Kingfisher. Thought I was getting a good view of a Beaver with his head above the water....wah, it was a piece of driftwood...
Heard a nut hatch too, and some other new sounding songbird. Going to sign on and post my things now.
2 in nest at Norfolk well speak to soon 1 just left
Belle (if that is she) is tenting to keep eggs dry.
Night light on at NBG
Hello all:) Happy Valentine's day!
This is one of my favorite young tap dancers Savion Glover we used to watch him on Sesame Street:)
W☺W Megan, that was fun!
Will have to visit some of the other videos offered on that page... It kind of reminds me of my grandson moving so fast when he watches the Barn Dance routine in Barnyard...
My mother used to always take note of how graceful men dancers are....this is truly evident in this little video.
Happy Valentine's Day to Y♥u and Y♥urs...
xo Magpie
I could have just added about 40 more Canada Geese to my Great Backyard Bird Count...they just flew over the apartment, as they often do!
Great Buck at Pix PA
I do not understand why this guy still has antlers...
And a bunch of does coming in now too..
cannot get much on Caltrans nor Okla tonight...guess no one else was earlier either...
Egle just arrived at Hornby 2
Margy, I have been watching OK. Keep trying. Watched her turning the 3 eggs just a short time ago.
Busy at work Fri. & never got on here & at Park today, stoopid, retarded 'puter wouldn't let me sign in----hourglass forever!(Wouldn't even come on until 10:30!!!)
Wasn't anything great to report--juvies flew over twice.But then, after work Eagle Heaven.Drove down the hill to the closest boat ramp & an adult flew down & landed on shallow spot in river!!! On way out, approaching the nest, a FLY IN!!!!Sat at back of nest forever. I assume the female was low on the eggs & there was no switch.A visitor I had met w/a great telescope was leaving & I flagged him down.Great sighting & a few pics for us.Thank you birds for a Valentine treat on a rather dull & boring day!♥ ♥ ♥
Cooking some soup----BBIALW
Okay, NatureNut, was waiting on you to show up today! Good end of day report!
Woof, too many cams open, froze up everything, saw one eagle at Two Harbors, and then I was frozen.
Over to visit neighbor lady for Valentine's Day, she's one of my sweethearts.
BBIALW also xox☺
Hello again! I am back from Mass and a dinner (soup) The ground is now snow covered and large fluffy flakes still coming down.
In the absence of Mits and/or Floragirl:
Mostly cloudy with snow likely with a chance of rain this evening...then partly cloudy after midnight. Little or no snow accumulation. Lows in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation 60 percent.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
Doesn't look so bad
You can see some snow flakes on the live feed now.
There was just a position change and egg roll I presume (I missed it)
Margy, I am back and have a few more geese to report, I saw at least 3,000 geese today! I love this time of year. One lone snow goose, about 22 Greater White-fronted and about 25 cackling. The rest were all Canada's. Other water birds, Gadwalls, Mallards, Redhead's, Common Goldeneye, Common Mergansers and Coots. More later, dogs want to eat for some reason.
I thought I saw some snow flakes, Jo.
Good Evening...Gene and I just got back from Hagerstown. We went shopping and planned a Valentine Dinner...snow gave me a scare...so we came home. Now we are getting ready to have DINNER WITH MARIE. LOL
The Bird is moving...in our nest
The most beautiful little three eggs that almost look like four..
That was a Valentine's Treat in itself....roll roll wiggle wiggle plop
Whoops, sorry! Gene had the last word and I didn't remove his avatar. Sorry!
Wow Deb !
The GBBC is going to fall over when they get your report!
Hi Wanda, Gene, Mema Jo...
hey wait a minute, Wanda...you are blogging as the Captain ! Too Funny !!!
Margy, going to put your photo from the train station on here just as soon as supper is over:)
Well you are faster than me, Costume... I knew you'd catch it, that was funny! Don't you care remove that comment and his avatar!
Enjoy your Sweetheart Time...even with that extra woman Marie...☺ ♥
It was wintry mixing when I was out bird-watching, but I came up and down Parks Gap Mountain anyway...I guess I paid for the All-Wheel Drive so I figured what the heck...all was okay....
I was over in the emails
Valentine cards still coming in
Loved them all!
Just ate 2 pcs Valentine Candy
Lolly - Hope you savored every bite of
that steak!
OOh, the Buck is at the Pix site again...lapping at the salt lick..
I got me some pork chops to fix so I think it is time to do that, now that people are talking about eating and Food !
Back in a little while...
It's a differnt buck than before I think, and there is a raccoon encroaching now too....
keep 'em moving on that site, critters...don't let the carcass site some up please, esp not at dinnertime (our dinnertime that is...)
I guess that is Rocky Raccoon coming in to the cam view at PIX
Whoops - he sneaked right back out......
Our eagle's head is tucked under the
wing - Peaceful Sleep
Precipitation has stopped I think..
Could get some rain....
Two Eagles at Lake Washington !!
Make that one, it is a slow refresh I guess...
Mema I hope you are watching!
I think Belle is egg-rolling too
Sigh, all gone, LW
Maybe Belle is just hunched way over, I thought it was an egg roll
Hi folks. Just a quick BLOG from work as I am sure when I get off I shall go home and crash. I managed to sleep about an hour when the phone rang and I got called in to work. Off at nine and then off to bed. From reading I can tell there's a few more eggs around the nestcams. Gonna be lots of little ones to cheer on and worry about this year :)
I have posted Margy's photo at the train station...waving at the sisters, Ceil, Mary Margaret and Jim. Not a very clear photo, but fun to look at none the less:)
I'm going to try to put it in the Momsters Album.
Sorry...posted on WILD AND WONDERFUL, because that is what Margy is! Tee Hee
I think Belle is moving....some...maybe going to change positions..
Oh, new picture to see? Here I go Wanda...
Thanks, Wanda, for the compliment re: Wild and Wonderful (It's the Company I Keep !! ) and for posting that picture....it was a truly fun time, to welcome our travleres as they come through our little burg.
xo ☺
Man oh Man, Glo - I know that feeling, getting called in before it is time. Funny, the person who called me at 0400 on THE Windy day, starts out like this: "Get Your Clothes on, we need you in here as soon as possible...." -
I laughed about that all day...I do usually put my clothes on before I go to work ! ☺
The March edition of "Wonderful West Virginia" has a magnificent cover photo of the Wood Duck, and a nice little article, with another picture of the adult male, and one of the sweet little woodies, talks all about that 60-foot Leap of Faith they take 24 hours or so after hatching...
I saw several Wood Ducks last year or maybe 2007 at one of the woodland swamps at NCTC - females in two color phases, and Sparkly males...
AND, there is another article in this edition about Sycamore trees! Two facts, is that their "hollows" can be so large, that settlers and deserters actually lived in them for short periods of time, AND, the sycamore was a tree used for clandestine wartime activity. The outer bark is unable to grow with the tree, and cracks, breaks, and drops off and leaves a mottled pattern, well we know THAT all right !
The magazine used to be titled "Wild and Wonderful West Virginia" -why would anyone drop the Wild Part?
Do you think we will see a 3rd egg at Valmont? the mom does such contortions at times I think she is laying another one, but last time I saw the eggs (overnight maybe?) there were only two.
And Mama Cali has not shown up yet at the other GH nest.
I tried posting the train photos on the Momsters Album, but when I clicked on SAVE...nothing happened. I will try again tomorrow or someone else can try.
I don't think there will be any more eggs for the Valmont GHOW. The last one was on Egg Day and that was last Friday. She only had two last year, also. When she looks like she is puffing up and rocks back and forth, she is hooting. I think that is what you are seeing. Then she does move strange when she rolls the egg, too.
Fox at the carcass site...? or , what is it....?
Oh fox for sure, check out the tail
Ok Deb, thanks ! Wouldn't that be awesome to hear those Hoots?
It would be a Hoot !
Not to worry Wanda about the album, most of us can check your pics so easily, but I can try to move them over, just might not do it right now.
It's about time to head for bed.
Work tomorrow, trade for Monday, so I can take grandson with me to Frostburg Monday ! Brother there, keeps his Lionel trains up all year, and he heads out West to study prairie dogs at the end of the month.
Fox is gone.
I've had a lot of fun today with all you folks...and saw so much that my mind and spirit are filled!
Peace Love, and Prayers xoxo ♥
Belle just rolled the eggs and switched positions.
I put up a few GBBC bird pictures from today.
Bravo Deb! Encore, Encore!
Good Night Special People ☺
Looks like Valentines Day 2009 is almost over. Jack and I grocery shopped together. LOL
JO.....I cut my strip steak in half and enjoyed every morsel!!! Had steamed asparagus and a tossed salad with it....as well as a glass of wine. mmmmmmm!!!!
Now back to the diet.
Great photos Deb.
I was checking the daily photos for our eagle in CO.. With all the others being about 1 week ahead of schedule, maybe this nest will be earlier then 1st week in March. They are spending some nights at their nest it seems (around 5-6pm photos)
It's great though to have some nests later in the season so that our season is longer for watching the cams.
Well I am home and gettign ready to sleep in my own soft warm bed for 8 hours :). It was such fun to find so many new comments on the photos. For those of you having a hard time choosing 3 out of the 10, see that was my dilemna when they make me narrow over 50 I htink are nice photos down to 3 a month for next two months and that is it for the year.
Your comments are all very helpful. To be honest when all is said and done I will probably choose your favorite top 2 and then one of my own choice as my entry for March. We are starting to at least get a few of them narrowed down as up there and a few as out of there both with good reason. Thanks again . Good Night.
Lolly - you are doing great on your diet from what you said! Glad that you treated yourself this evening!
I am about ready to call it a day
In fact I think I will
Good Night All
Peaceful sleep & pleasant dreams
Prayers for everyone's needs being said
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥
Had din din, saw 1 TV show & konked out in chair! So I will say good night all, Pleasant Feather Dreams! ♥ ♥ ♥
good night everyone
Nite all! Sweet dreams!
Night everyone.
Home at last! Very enjoyable day. Yummy dinner of crab soup, steak and baked sweet potato at the famous John's Diner outside CharlesTown. Diner is definitely a misnomer...very nice restaurant...very busy tonight, too! They gave a chocolate-covered strawberry to everyone after seating!
Will catch up on blog, comment if I feel compelled to add my two-cents worth--LOL!!!! For those turning in, sleep tight. Hope you are feeling well-loved tonight!
The Glover boy is very good. When we had our restaurant, we had an employee who tapped...she tried to teach the girls and my sister...it sure isn't easy! Of course my favs are Michael Flatley and his group and his former group Riverdance!
Wonder if Jo or anyone has called Norma to see if she alright!
Thanks, Capt. Gene, for your sweet greetings.
Saw a large gaggle of geese heading SOUTH just outside of Ranson this afternoon....does that mean more winter weather on its way?? Yuck!
Margy, it is often end of Feb. before the bucks drop their antlers.
Margy, no doubt in my mind that Manchin changed the name of our wonderful magazine the same time he dropped the Wild and Wonderful slogan from the state-entry signs!! Now that the citizens changed his mind, maybe the mag will change back, too!
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