Friday, February 20, 2009


Friday thread.


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deb said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, I'll go get everyone.

floralgirl said...

Thanks Steve:) morning all.
Sun is shining, 22°, wind is still gusting up to about 18 mph...
working on paperwork for the TAXMAN♫♫♪♫♪♪♫

Mits said...

Thanks, Deb and Steve...:)

Mits said...

ah Megan, music to the IRS's ears:)

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagleland

TGIF to all!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think Blogger Baby needs another cuppa joe...

Red, forgot to say hope all your tests go well...

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, heard those wound vacs really promote quicker healing...amazing stuff, isn't it.

deb said...

Fly in at our nest.

Mits said...

love how the one just lays there, not moving

Mits said...

hoodies at Finland

paula eagleholic said...

Sure would be nice to see a nice smooth feed....herky jerky here

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle on eggs in eagle taking over...Think Lib Left and Belle's in charge

Mits said...


paula eagleholic said...

Awww, he really shook out his wings before he took off...must have been a little stiff!

floralgirl said...

Bet he was nice and cozy in the sun, probably had to be convinced he wanted to leave.

Mits said...

yes, was wondering will we ever get live streamimg video??? nice and smooth:)

Mits said...

thought she was going to have to use a crow bar to get him up

paula eagleholic said...

I see Jim was on her at 3am...he must not have been able to sleep....was up sending emails and blogging...

paula eagleholic said...

And nice to hear from Candy....

I miss Miss Norma Sunshine! HO! Hope you feel better soon, Norma!!

movin said...

Good morning again, everyone.

Yes, Paula. I got up in the middle of the night for the usual purposes and had a little trouble getting back to sleep, so I did one thing on here, and another, and another......... I wound up doing quite a few of the "chores" on here, plus emailing Suz and sending some stories and jokes to a few of you....

Musta been at least an hour, and then I laid down again and slept like a baby. ]:~D]



glo said...

Good morning everyone. Back from coffee and dog treats and just called in for an 18 hour shift as we have a storm coming. So will be busy packing up myself and pooch to leave mid afternoon.

I miss Norma too so very much.

I am so glad I have a ocmputer at work. It is slow but i can usually pull up one live and one or 2 still cams at a time on a good day. Sure hope I can eagle watch tomorrow to pass some time.

I am going to load the Final Glo's Glimpses for the March entry. before I leave. I need you to choose your top 2 favorites. Looking forward to what you choose as these are the ones that have scored the highest already out of the last 3 sets. I have to send in my entries next week.

I hope you will come alongside with me once again.

Well enjoy your day, got to get some things organized here.

Mits said...

yesterdays' Beakspeake, show top 5 cams watched, NCTC is not on the list:(

Mits said...

eagle cam #1 at Maine looks like it has stuff all over its lense, or the cam has been knocked out of position

Mits said...

slight turn of the eggs

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!----WOW!---It is great to be back among the living again!!--CONGRATS' DEB----Our #1 EAGLE MOMMA!!---today & every day!!---THANKS STEVEN!!---MORNING---DEB---MEGAN---HELEN---PAULA---MOVIN'JIM---GLO!!----I have been trying to get on this am for an HOUR!----I HAVE MISSED ALL OF YOU!!!----#1 Question---How is BLUEFIELD SHARON?----I pray she is better!!! It is a GLORIOUS COOL sunny morning
here in BEAUTIFUL WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!---'HOME of LIBERTY & BELLE'---ALONG WITH "3 MOUNTAINEER EGGS" waiting to be hatched!!!----Temp is now at 25°----I have been watching this little 'red squirrel' for a couple of ams---ENJOY THIS WINTER DAY & BE HAPPY!----REMEMBER LIFE IS GOOD!---CELEBRATE!!!---

Mits said...

hello, Norma:)

deb said...

Yeah, NORMA, it is great to have you back. We have missed you!!

Mits said...

beautiful shot of NBG eagle

Mema Jo said...

Now that is what I call a

paula eagleholic said...

2 eggs in clear view at CO

deb said...

The Red-tailed Hawk is sitting in the morning sun.

Mits said...

update from MAINE...

Thursday, February 19, 2009
February Storm!
Hi all, We are storming in Maine! I am sorry to say that some of your posts were lost from the blog while I was reviewing them. I am very sorry for this slip of the cursor. The good news is that the eagles have been active at the nest and have shown many signs of pair bonding and nesting. Today the cam is snowed in but as someone pointed out temps are expected to increase and will hopefully clear up our view.

As for a question about light pollution. We use an infrared light and infrared setting on our camera to illuminate our nest at night. IR light is not detectable by birds and does not contribute to the light pollution that you were inquiring about. I hope that clarifies your concern.

Also, I would like to point you to our on-line community site at, sign in and catch up on all the happenings at the nest.

Have a great day and thanks for enjoying the cam!

Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Norma. Glad to have you back!

floralgirl said...

WELL HO!! Norma is here!♥♥♥
Good Day Sunshine♫♪♫
Must head out to the accountant-bbl

Mits said...

wow, beautiful RTH

Mema Jo said...

Reading back - Lolly you drive a Mean Bargain! No promises about removing Spidey's Web - so far that has been a failure because if John couldn't do it - nobody could.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO!!----DID I READ THAT "PRINCE LAN XI" will be on every day????

Mema Jo said...

Brought this over from earlier thread
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
Good morning to all my friends of fine feathers and fur. It is really good to be home this morning.
I just watched a video about how they will apply the wound VAC to my belly and it doesn't look too bad. UPS is supposed to deliver it to me this morning and I guess home health will be contacting me today. The gift that keeps giving! :)

Mema Jo said...

WOW Norma I need to go check that comment out! I know they were trying to get a sponsor..... Sure would make Sissy happy!

Mits said...

Friday, February 20
Xi Lan has been very active this morning. On most mornings, he heads straight for the top of the climbing structure when he and Lun Lun first enter the dayroom. Often times, he then takes a nap in his favorite spot on the structure. Today, however, he has spent quite a bit of time motoring around the dayroom, stopping only briefly for a quick drink of water. Although he still uses the bale of hay that we’ve provided him to reach the drinker, it’s now very easy for him to drink out of the elevated water bowl (this morning he weighed 10.4 kg). Xi Lan has also spent some time sampling the logs in the dayroom. At his age, giant pandas like to explore things in their environment, and like young children, a lot of the exploring is done with their mouths. Xi Lan also spent some time this morning playing with the enrichment item that the keepers put in the dayroom. So, while Lun Lun was busy eating this morning, Xi Lan was perfectly willing to find ways to entertain himself. Right now, I’m watching him slide down one of the logs of the climbing structure to make his way to the hammock. It looks likes he’s still not quite ready for his morning nap.
Megan Wilson, PhD
Assistant Curator of Carnivores

floralgirl said...

This is what I found- all second hand info -keep that in mind- SOmeone emailed EarthCam to ask them if they had more info when the Atlanta panda cam would be online, here's their reply:
"It doesn't look like it will be too long, we're in the process of
finalizing things right now. Thanks for your patience, I'm looking
forward to it too!" and also-the cam will only be up from 10am-5pm Atlanta time

Mema Jo said...

Nope! The Atlanta panda cam will not be available due to limited resources.
I always go in to read the dailies & look at new pics and/or videos.
Really Miss Him!
Jim keeps up posted on the San Diego Pandas. And Mits is keeping an open ear at NZ for any news on Mei Xiang's possibility of being pregnant.

normabyrd said...

JO!!--I think I must have misread!!---I am guessing it means that XI LAN can be seen all day at the "ATLANTA ZOO"!!----(thought it was too good to be true)!---ho!

Mits said...

yeah, that is what I read several weeks ago....

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Megan - I remember Paula put a bug in our ear about it coming back but I am glad you found some 2nd hand info.
10 - 5 I could live with!

Mits said...

yes, big pregnancy watch meeting on the 25th, and hopefully the watch will commence aroung the 15th of April.

normabyrd said...

Thanks MEGAN!---Hope we will get to see the little "PRINCE"!!---

paula eagleholic said...

Last I heard on Atlanta panda cam was that is was delayed due to technical difficulties...but was still supposed to occur.

deb said...

Both Red-tails at the nest.

deb said...

They sure come and go fast at the Red-tail site. If just one is there, they seem to stay longer.

Mits said...

I know Deb, as soon as I went there they were poof.

deb said...

Both eagles out nest. At least there are two on my still cam.

deb said...

Can any one get the OK nest open this morning?

Fish delivery!

normabyrd said...

WHOA KIDS!---My body is feeling lots better!!----will take awhile for this 'ole brain' to CHECK IN!!---But will get there!!---ho!---What's RTH?

Mits said...

[The eggs were laid: Feb. 16 & 19, 2009 ... ]

2 new eggs at hummers' nest

glo said...

(((((Norma)))))) Well lets see RTH lets just say that some of us in our spare time have been truckin...
So good to see you on here. :)

Mits said... tail hawk, Deb can put up the site, if she gets a chance

deb said...

That's Red-tailed Hawk, Norma. We are watching a nest in Portland. I'll get the link.

Mema Jo said...

Big fish delivery our nest...

OK site NOT opening for me

Mits said...

no ok for me.

deb said...

Red-tailed Hawk

paula eagleholic said...

Fish drop!!

Mema Jo said...


Mits said...

ship coming into view at Finland

deb said...

Thanks I will quit checking on OK.

RTHA just landed in the nest. Both eagles at our nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, Lib must have came and went and came back again!

Mits said...

wow nice view of the RTH's tail

deb said...

Both red-tails there again.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for heads up on Finney cam

First I have seen it - must be staying light out longer over there

Mits said...

yep, 6:11p.m. there

Lolly said...

Good morning!!!

And a special Good Morning to NORMA! HO! We have missed you and do hope you are feeling much better!

LOL Yes, Jo, a hard bargain!

Look at that fish just lying there, and two in the nest. Guess no eagle is hungry,

Having trouble typing. I am in my lazy-boy, laptop on tap, and Annie, is on the arm of the chair, purring away, and demanding to be petted.

Mema Jo said...

Great view of that beautiful RED tail now.......

Mits said...

if that is female, you think that is how she lures him back to the nest with the display of her red tail?

normabyrd said...

THANKS DEB!!----That is truly AWESOME!!---

hedgie said...

Good morning folks, and a big welcome back to NORMA!!!!
Very windy and cold here.

Lolly said...

Norma, sob-sob, no sausage and homemade bread here this morning. However, the diet is going great, I am down 10 or 12 pounds. Bought new scales and they are different.

Mits said...

hmmm, just read that, this is a family blog, but you all know what I meant:)

Mits said...

1 eagle 1 fish

Mema Jo said...

If the old scales give you credit for more of a weight loss - Take the new ones back!

Blogger has eaten my last 3 posts..

paula eagleholic said...

LIb's gone...

hedgie said...

My tax refund was deposited today!! ☺☺☺ Yippee!
Sharon, how are you feeling this morning? Are you trying to work?
So glad to hear that good news from AZ----want to watch Xi being a toddler!!!

Mema Jo said...

Anyone know if the Female RTH is less colorful then the male?
This could be the male....

Also, has anyone notice the white dot on head of one of them?

normabyrd said...

GLO!---KEEP TRUCKIN'!!---ho!

Mits said...

yes, have noticed the white dot

hedgie said...

While researching wireless routers, saw this little quip:
The internet is like the wild, wild west without a sheriff.
Scary thought, huh?

Mema Jo said...

Scary but true!

deb said...

The female is larger than the male, any coloring differences would not be because of male vs. female, but would just be individual bird differences.

normabyrd said...

HEY! DANA---The DONKEYS are back---but the pic is a 'wee bit" blurred!!!

Mits said...

so who is the Sheriff?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' LOLLY!!----Since this is FRIDAY---what did you all have for breakfast?---I know you gave up your home-made bread!!---ho!---KIDDIN'----

deb said...

Both hawks at the nest. I wish they would sit next to each other. One is looking in the window!

Red said...

Good morning everyone. Great to have you back Norma. Finished my stress tests and untrasound of my heart already. Won't know the results till next week though. Deb, loved your magazine photos.

Mits said...

I have been wondering if someone is looking back at it...

glo said...

LOL Yeo think I will just keep on truckin BUT having said that I did see a Red Tailed Hawk on my neighbors porch railing this morning just waiting for me to fill my birdfeeders :(. Guess the trucker cam is like a bTH or whatever. I really don't have much consistent time to watch any of them right now. But I am chuckling it is pretty funny!!!

Mema Jo said...

"Who shot the sheriff" ♪♪♫♫♫♪

Mema Jo said...

Red - you must have had a very early start! I bet you are ready for an
early Panda Nap!

glo said...

Please visit and help me to choose March Finalist Contest Entries

normabyrd said...

MORNIN--HEDGIE!!----I heard you shot the SHERIFF---but you didn't shoot the DEPUTY!!----(devil made me write that)---ho!

deb said...

It would be fun to sit and look out into the hawk's face that close, wouldn't it!

Costume Lady said...

RED, I'm very interested in the kind of stress test you had. Treadmill or chemical? My Mom still talks about the horrors of her Chemical induced stress test!

glo said...

Well Mema Jo The way we all feel about Blogger Cop...anyone could have done it :).

Costume Lady said...

Megan, your songs are Johhny on the Spot:)

Mits said...

yes I would love to be that close....with protection from the hawk

deb said...

Yes, glass in between would be good!

Red said...

Wanda, my stress test was chemical and I can relate to your mothers horror stories from past ones, but...........this one was different and wasn't bad at all.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED!---I am happy to hear your stress test is over!---I have heard that is a very scary test----bet you will pass with flying colors!!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I had the chemical induced stress test. The attendants were so very thoughtful by telling me what to expect and being right there beside me when I got the chills & shakes...
I could never have done the physical one.
Wasn't so bad - I ask lots of questions - you know me!

Costume Lady said...

Bless your heart, Red. GeeGee has made me promise that she will never have to have one of those again and that I would never have one. She said she felt like she was tap dancing all over:) She has a way with words. LOL

Mema Jo said...

HAWK - I was thinking that the window would be a great place to have the cam.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I think if Mom had known what to expect, she wouldn't have been so frigtened. She hollered for someone to help her, that something awful was happening to her. Her doctor was there with her and held her hand when she became so frightened and told her it was "all right", that he wouldn't let anything happen to her. That did help her to get through it. Sweet Man!

hedgie said...

Red, glad your test is over. My SIL had one last spring...they wouldn't let me stay with him. Took a couple of hours. He didn't like it, but no horror stories.
Good song, Megan. Very appropo(?s).

Red said...

For todays stress test, I lay on a narrow table that moved into a machine sort of like a CAT scan. I lay on my back with my arms above my head. The only problem I had today was keeping my arms there for 25 mins. When they injected the chemical I hardly felt it today. In the past I would get flushed and have chest pains, and almost get into panic stage. Today was a piece of cake. I don't know is every place is doing this new proceedure or not.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Afternoon Eagleland

Was on and watching this AM.
Laid down for a nap and I guess the medicine for this cold. Knocked me right out.


YES Mema Jo I did talk back a ways about the spot on the one hawks head. Hopefully that will help identify when on eggs. Of course like I said. If we see one laying eggs we know its lol the female.

paula eagleholic said...

egg roll our nest

Mema Jo said...

Well my 12 o'clock news flash came in and no disasters going on right now
SO I must go and start my day!

BBILW (takes me a while to get started)

wvgal_dana said...

I just love it when the hawk flys downward and turns upward in flight. You can see it flying a good ways. Pretty...

paula eagleholic said...

I swear that fish just moved...all by itself

floralgirl said...

Back from tax appt., here's what I told my accountant-MONEY♫♪♫

Mits said...

well good Paula, at least something moved in the nest:)

hedgie said...

Red, that sounds like what I had to check my heart when I was getting chemo--to make sure it wasn't doing any damage. It was called a MUGA test...hmmmm??? Wonder if it was the same thing?

Costume Lady said...

HEY, NORMA, GOOD TO HAVE YOU BACK!! I just put a Get Well card in the mail to you...I will retrieve it if mailman hasn't come yet. If he is what it is:):)

Mits said...

BIG RIG STEVE is just east of Dallas...looks like this time, he is coming past me, when he gets to the east coast.

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, last chance to hitch a ride with Big Rig Steve!! We'd love to have you at our get-together next Thursday:)

Mits said...

eagle in Maine #3 cam

Mits said...

looks like BRS is stopping for lunch

Mits said...

tiny little road side diner, maybe

Mema Jo said...



One link for double views

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

You think she is thinking about laying her first egg??????

Mits said...

they are both squawking at something

Mits said...

she is seriously testing out that nest cup, isn't she?

floralgirl said...

Egg roll- herky jerky pic of it...

Mema Jo said...



Mits said...

ouch, the snobby chat room, at hornsby ,is talking about BWE, saying how boring it is to watch because it is not live stream...

Mema Jo said...

Eating some lunch


Mits said...

good lord, one of the chatters just told another that BWE eggs will hatch the end of March.

Mema Jo said...

Still watching Hornby
Particular about her nest - keeps moving all the pine needles. Hope they are soft.
I guess Dad flew off (wide view)

Mema Jo said...

That's a little behind the times, I'd say!
Which chat?

Mema Jo said...

Hornby flew from her nest - need to set up wide view - she may have gone a short distance

floralgirl said...

She just came back to nest..

Mema Jo said...

Yepper - there she is - just one perch up!

May be best to keep both links so that you could keep both close & wide views opened.

floralgirl said...

BOTH- our nest!

Mema Jo said...

Now they are both there

Good bit of action at Hornby......
Don't know what they did at this nest
last year....

Mema Jo said...




normabyrd said...

WOW!!!!!----W0W!!!----NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT DEB'S OSPREYS!!!----I have been viewing almost ALL of her PHOTOS!!!----DEB!!---YOU ARE A 'JEWEL'-------I AM SO GLAD WE MARRIED YOU!!!-----I am delighted you shared this magazine story with us!!!-----WV attempted the same thing 'transplanting' (?) OSPREYS to the NEW RIVER GORGE AREA!----I under stand it is & has been very successful!!!---SO PROUD OF YOU!!!

paula eagleholic said...

One eagle our nest...having fish for lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

Fish has been devoured....time to get back on the eggs :)

paula eagleholic said...

Did Lib bring in some more fluff?

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' WANDA!!----GREAT to see you!!----

normabyrd said...

Haven't seen BEAUTIFUL MARGY today!!----Guess she is working--She is so COOL!---

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---WANDA!!---just read your comment!!----Thanks!!----COOL ONE!

Costume Lady said...

Not quite sure where Margy is...I have lost track of her comings and goings. Just like a humming bird:)

hedgie said...

Norma, hadn't heard about the New River osprey program, but here is a link to their peregrine falcon program--last year.

WV Falcon

normabyrd said...

I see our temp is up to 30 now!!------Need some food!---later!!

floralgirl said...

She went into work early this morning, around 5:30 am....

hedgie said...

Margy is at work until 6.

normabyrd said...

THANKS!---THANKS HEDGIE!---for correcting me!!---It was the FALCONS that they transported to the NEW RIVER GORGE!----If fact I still have it on my computer!!!----(they say the mind goes first)--ho!

Mits said...

Jo their chat room is to the right of the closeup cam. very least on snowman cam it is at bottom of pic, and you don't have to see it.

deb said...

I just got back from some errands, mailed off the magazine to my dad and some aunts and uncles. I also washed off a few layers of mud on the pick-up, I could have gone through twice!

Mits said...

osprey at HH, keeps trying to take a panda nap, but something keeps waking her up

hedgie said...

Glo, how is your neighbor/friend doing? Added her to my prayers.
Hope your storm fizzles out!
Deb, bet your dad and kin will be just as proud--or maybe more so--of you as we are!

hedgie said...

I am off to go get a wireless router. Wish me luck...of course, I'll need it more when I try to figure out the hook-up!! BBL!

paula eagleholic said...

I use the pop up on the snowman cam so I don't have to see the chat...and it doesn't slow down my computer....haven't seen the hornby chat yet...

Guess some people don't know how to read the BW updates, Mits!

deb said...

WOO-HOO! As Jo would say. This is posted on the Kent page today: (I assume so is supposed to be soon)

Nest building is underway and two new camera views will so be on-line. Check out the new 2009 Down Under complete with photos.

Mits said...

yeah, well alot of people are like that:) may not be live streaming, but is an excellent site for info, plus action when the osprey return:)

wvgal_dana said...

Been looking around at different cams.


Libby Dam eagle ate in nest.

Mits said...

well let's hope KENT returns soon:)

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - were you refering to the Hancock forum when you were talking about HI chat?

Mits said...

BRS update once again....

Where is BigRigSteve?

If you aren't getting a stream we are maxed out.
BRT was shown on MSNBC & we've been flooded.
Please try the cam view later & meanwhile visit the videos, galleries,
& the rest of our trucking adventures!
Welcome, & thanks for checking us out!
I was getting him this a.m., but not now:(

Mits said...

This is the chat right next to the cam....not many people get on it.

movin said...

Welcome back, Norma. Great to see your smiling face again.



Mits said...

OK, got him back on...he is at a rest stop, somewhere in Arkansas

deb said...

I have CO nest open. Eagle sitting on nest.

movin said...

Has anyone commented that the Hummingbird cam has been redirected toward the "new nest."

She has two eggs beneath her brood patch now.



deb said...

Two eggs showing in CO.

Mits said...

yes, Jim we have.

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Deb had it yesterday don't know what happened. That other egg layed must have knocked my live pop up for a loop lol

floralgirl said...

Wing stretch and fly out -our nest-and now one flew back in...

glo said...

Hedgie Neighbor came home this am. Yesterdays test down her esophogus and into stomach showed nothing. So not at all sure where bleeding is coming from. She sees the same Dr who did that test next week and another blood count to see if she is maitaining at least a 10. It was 5 when she was admitted and should be 10 to 12. They only found it because of routine labwork she already does as diabetic. She was very very pale and color is certainly better but now still need to find the cause.

Naptime here. TTYL

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, are you getting your H1 and H2 links from Hancock, or somewhere else...I don't see any chatroom. Just curious! I don't want to chat there...

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle was up a couple of mins ago...we may have had an exchange

paula eagleholic said...

OK, I see Megan noted the exchange....was a pretty stretch...

floralgirl said...

Yep, it was a big stretch- then flew out ... cam is so slow and punchy sometimes it's hard to see what is happening...
I don't have the chat room on my Hornby cam site....
Gotta run to get kid from school- she gets her new glasses today- later

paula eagleholic said...

NBG looks so comfy...:)

NatureNut said...

Happy TGIF Everyone in Eagleland!
Have a wonderful weekend & WELCOME BACK, NORMA--HO!!!
Hope Sharon got her "shop" vac & is playing nurse! Get well soon!
Maybe will be able to catch up this evening. Daughter should be at my house now, so heading out. We will probably hit the Mall on Sat.--Ford's Theatre, Natural History--has an exhibit on the MD Dinosaur & Dem Bones from Darnall's Chance, 2 program exhibits we have worked on & maybe Am. Hist.
BBL, I hope ☺ ☺ ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Nature - have a great time with your DD!

deb said...

The chat is on this cam:

Hornby 2

paula eagleholic said...

OK, from the wildearth website....thanks, Deb

T-Bird said...

Hope all is well in eagle land.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Tbird - all seems good today!

T-Bird said...

It's good to see you Paula.

deb said...

BRS is at a truck stop.

paula eagleholic said...

How's Buddy? Have you been able to watch the nests much?

deb said...

Hi, Thelma, pretty quiet eagle nest day, so far anyway.

BRS's pin is near Hot Springs, Arkansas. He is on the move again.

T-Bird said...

Buddy is doing great Paula. He gets jealous when I come home and get right on the computer to watch the nest and/or the Pandas. So I stop and give him some lovin' and then watch.
Isn't it funny how we spoil our animals?

T-Bird said...

Hey Deb

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, put BRS on full screen...

paula eagleholic said...

Catch ya'll later...

T-Bird said...

Good-bye Paula

paula eagleholic said...

My two are the same way....they need their time too!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 337   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED