Friday, February 13, 2009


Fresh thread. Still mighty windy.

I was walking out just after five last night and was able to watch on the NCTC closed circuit some interaction between our eagles that was facinating. The male was on the eggs and the famale came in, talking up a storm. The male got up, flew off. The yelling continued from the female for a few minutes.

When I walked outside, I could see the male perched above the nest. My only thought is that the female was telling her mate to get to work and fond a big fish for dinner. When I left, he wasn't yet listening to her...


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Mema Jo said...

Let's get on with this


Mema Jo said...

Wanted to say

Good Night to All of You
Peace to you & Yours
Prayers for everyone's needs being said
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

Hope your whole day was special

paula eagleholic said...

Duh, click the first pic Dave has on there for the squirrel in the talons pic. Really cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh sorry. FAFSA is Free Application for Federal student aid...form required for college student aid...don't ever get federal aid but college requires

paula eagleholic said...

Hoping for grant aid from the college...

Mits said...

good night everyone...

paula eagleholic said...

Had to get paperwork done...have to start on Mom's....heading down there tomorrow for Saturday and Sunday, so I may be on in the morning....then heading down!

Hope Mattie had a great birthday!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night all...have to go finish laundry.

Hugs to all.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, don't know if he had a license, but sat there like he owned that car:)

Costume Lady said...

Do it in the morning, Paula. Time to get some rest!

Costume Lady said...


Red said...

My sinuses are still messed up. Mexican dinner helped a bit but not enough. Might have to see the doctor again next week.
Right now I'm going to bed and sleep for about 10 hours.
Goodnight everyone. ♥♥♥

movin said...

It's the late evening here, early morn back East. Belle seems relaxed and getting a good sleep now.

Magpie, I had a serious problem viewing the Norfolk slideshows last year. In fact, I don't believe I ever could see the show part; but I found a trick where I could easily see the numbers at the bottom and advance the pictures manually.

I'll take a look at the show later and see if I can reconstruct what I did last year. It's always easier to find a way if you know there is one, don't you think.



movin said...

OK, Magpie, I looked at the NBG slides again, and here's what I did:

1-- open slideshow
2-- view "Full Screen"
3-- click on first picture
4-- adjust to view pic perfectly,
won't be able to see #'s
5-- click "Page Down" key,
will see #'s now
6-- click on "next picture"
or individual number
7-- leave pointer on that spot,
and by using "Page Down" and
click on "next pic", you can
advance the show pretty



movin said...

**GooD NIGHT**


Have a fabulous weekend.



Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jim, for those instructions. Those of us who are having difficulties at NBG,will certainly give that a try:)


magpie said...

* Hi Wanda *

I think this might be Liberty in our nest, due to how he (or she) is moving the fluff around in the nest here and there...I missed a switch if there was one...

I am working my way through the slide show...cannot exactly get it to do what Movin suggested, but the extra encouragement at least has got me going...very very about half way through and it has taken me about 20 mins just to do that !

Thanks Jim !

magpie said...

both eagles were at Norfolk, I was hoping to see the eggs but I didn't and don't know if I missed it while hopping around...

magpie said...

they just seem like they are in slow motion this morning, at least the tree is not Blowin' in the Wind...☺

magpie said...

OUR egg cup well is sooooooo deep, I just barely saw one egg awhile ago.....
Bet it's warm in there !

magpie said...

Saw a nice big raven at Finney's awhile ago...but it didn't stay long. Every once in awhile, Pix backtracks to an image from January with all kinds of snow on the ground..
What's up with that ?

magpie said...

tell me I just missed a wiggle at our, don't tell me...

magpie said...

scruffy looking morning eagle at BWO
and one just turned eggs at BWE

magpie said...

Mean no disrespect to eagle at BWO - he just looks like he has Bed Head !

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Eagleland

Our eagles are so smart. That nest cup this year is NOT going to get much snow or rain in there. Looks like a "dry well". lol

Contragulations on 2nd egg at NBG.

Glad OK may not have as many. That way they can have better hatching.

Nice picture of squirrel Dave.

Glad Mattie has a nice BIRTHDAY and fun at the dance. She is quite the "lady".

Wanda I love the driver picture very cute.

Red I hope you get to feeling much much better.

Sharon I know those antibotics and the moist heat. Is going to help you and your going to HEAL!!

magpie said...

I haven't seen food at OUR Nest for awhile, maybe Belle is out getting Breakfast for Two - or Liberty whichever is which

magpie said...

Gobblers at Pix Pa

magpie said...

* Hi Dana *

magpie said...


This is the adjustment I had to figure out on the slide show...
"Full screen" - I figure means hit the 100% symbol
- then I put my mouse on the scroll down arrow on the far right bottom....(I was trying to use the Page Down key on keypad and that didn't do anything for me...duh)

everything else from there is exactly what Jim says...

I love the ones in the teens, and then 29 - 30 - 31 - on where she lays flat, slam wore out I guess.

Nice slideshow, just took some navigating !

Thanks again Jim ☺ ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hi there Margy ( : sounds like you have been into the Easter candy. tee hee

magpie said...

Awesome, gobblers in strut at Pix Pa - Spring is in the air...

magpie said...

No wonder, there are hens there too !

magpie said...

Toms are showing off for the Ladies ! Unbelieveable views there

magpie said...

When those waddles turn red the Toms Mean Business !

magpie said...

I sure hope Chrissy is watching those turkeys !

magpie said...

egg roll, Ours

magpie said...

Daggone it, as so mesmerized by the turkeys think I missed a switch at our nest...

magpie said...

Switch just happened our nest, egg roll now, Belle I think...

magpie said...

Sea Eagle at Finney's

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning. New thread is up!!

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED