Tuesday, August 07, 2007


They say this could be the hottest day of the year thread.


MITS said...

Thanks for the hot thread, Steven. Take Care.

Anne-Marie said...

See Jim is there even when we dont know he is. Then he jumps in. :)

normabyrd said...

JIM is #1 today!!---CONGRATS! JIM!

movin said...


Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

Check the action in the Fins' nest.

Have a happy day,


movin said...

I was just trying to make out the three swallow chicks in the half light, and I recalled that Candy or someone had remarked how big their mouths were....

I believe the large mouth of swallows is necessary for catching larger quantities of insects while in flight. It gives them a "bigger" chance of grabbing a flying insect.


paula eagleholic said...

I believe it Steve - It's steaming out there already.

paula eagleholic said...

Mom and chick still in CT - munching on a big fish!

normabyrd said...

MS FIN & FINNY (suz's name) are in nest----MS. FIN is eating & FINNY waiting!!!----There are less birds there than a few min. ago!---BEAUTIFUL SIGHT!!

Mauley said...

I agree with hottest day of the year thread. It is already 98 here in Harlan KY according to the bank marquee. Has mema Jo been on line today. donna

wvgal_dana said...

Hi friends and lurkers...

WOW is this temperature make you want to stay indoors. Was going grocery shopping. Company came so we said good do it another day for the store.

Everyone be safe outside

wvgal_dana said...

Hard to believe 29 days to Mei Lan's 1st birthday.

Jill said...

YAY. I got to the see the baby. Just for a second, by the time I got my hand to the mouse to take a picture it was too late. Still think they look like Naked Mole Rats. LOL

Anne-Marie said...

Mits you have mail

floralgirl said...

Well, Steve, I HOPE this is the hottest day of the year, cause if it gets any hotter I may melt away...

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Megan, but I think tomorrow is supposed to be hotter yet :(

movin said...

You're making me hot clear out here in So Cal ... hahaha!

Remember to drink plenty of fluids, and if you do go outside for any length of time, cover your head ... and neck.

They always tell you that on the media, but I don't ever remember having troubles thinking of fluids in hot or sweaty conditions.

You might get one of those desert hats like Tyrone Power used to wear...with the white scarf hanging down the back of the neck.

Maybe I'll get one of those for myself, now that I think of it ...

Peeking at the SD Panda, I can see the mama sleeping with the baby between her paws, but all the small pictures on the site are "x"'d out...is that just mine?


movin said...

The swallows don't seem to have moved since 9:04 this morning...


Anne-Marie said...

Jim they are really hard for me to see too. I was sent an email from a friend that had pictures of new born panda's and I sent it to Mits because I didnt know how to put it on the momsters email. Maybe she can do it later. Its gives close up's on the babes.

movin said...

Thanks, Heidi,
I'll check momsters...


wvgal_dana said...

Jim you sound like you want to be a "movie star when they wore those hats" lol.....

Heidi I hope she can do the email. If not through Momsters then to you and you can send pics around.

Anne-Marie said...

Dana I can get into momsters but cant figure out how to put an email out to you. I'm at work and the security system here doesnt help.If I send it to you, do you know how to do it?

wvgal_dana said...

Go ahead and see if you can email me it

Anne-Marie said...

Well, Dana, did you get my email? If not I give up.

wvgal_dana said...

No email yet Heidi

wvgal_dana said...

Heidi I got it and will send it around. Some people won't have PowerPoint so if not they can't open it. Love the pics ty

Jill said...

Most windows computers have powerpoint viewer or it can be downloaded at microsoft for free.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jill thank you for sharing that information with all of us. ( :

Ok Heidi sent around and ask if they didn't see a name share it with someone.

Anne-Marie said...

thanks bunches. besides my ignorance of computers the security system here is something else. You would think I was sending out company secretes.

Jill said...

The only reason I know is that somebody sent me a PP file and told me what to do with it.

Bob Quinn said...

You can get the Powerpoint viewer here:

Powerpoint Viewer

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Bob for also helping everyone. ( :

Bob Quinn said...

I work in Information Technology. That part is easy.

Jill said...

NILLA-I just found out who your boss is. I didn't know that was AL. His kids are friends with mine. Never thought abuot it I guess, when they said he owned a video store. DUHHHHH

Anne-Marie said...

Bob you IT guys are amazing. If it werent for help lines I couldnt get my work done. If I need something done at home I have to call one of my boys to come over. I'm learning but as fast as I learn it changes. Thanks

Anne-Marie said...

swallow babes sleeping. No sign of Kent Kids. One owl sleeping. Two owls in Benicia. Bai and babe sleeping. good night all. Its time for me to hit the freeway.May you find rest and peace this night.

Capt. Eagle said...

Mits I have cups that size, but I can't get them through The Eagle Express door. Maybe the next gathering will be outside. All you Eagle Buddies will have to ask Mits about the 900 oz cup..HAPPY VEWING Gene

paula eagleholic said...

Ok Mits, cough it up about the big cups...when I first read that, I thought the Capt was talking bout something else :)

MITS said...

ROFLMBO, PAULA....Capt, can you send that one to Paula, please...lol, its not what you were thinking. My sister sent me an e-mail to send to the Capt. As usual I read, send and delete. The only thing I save or pics of Maggie.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Night, Mits!

Capt. Eagle said...

Paula, check your e-mail.
Mits, I took care of that matter.

Robyn said...

Evening all, saw the ppt email and it was just too cute!

Leaving tomorrow morning for SC wont be on for a day or two :) should be home by friday the latest which means I will need to make some time to catch up as I am sure there will be plenty to read.

Have a great night and stay cool, I hear it will be hot the next few days.

Going to view some cams and call it a night...

Hugs to all

paula eagleholic said...

ROFLMAO - Love it, love it love it!

floralgirl said...

Alright then, Paula, pass it on...I could use a good laugh too.

paula eagleholic said...

Coming at ya, Megan!

floralgirl said...

OMG- that is sooo funny! Thanks- first laugh I've had all day. Nite all.

Costume Lady said...

I Finally got the mouse away from the Capt. He enjoys kidding with you ladies.

JO--I hope you are asleep.
Sweet dreams.

movin said...


Sleep well.

Keep recovering, Mema Jo. Talk to you soon.


paula eagleholic said...

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks, Ceil!

Good night all!

And as Jo would say...

Prayers going up for those in need!

paula eagleholic said...

Wax for Jo

Sorry, couldn't resist!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Very hot and muggy already, it kind of hits you in the face! Least it did me when I fed the outdoor kitties this morning right before 2. That was a surprise! 81 at my house, 83 here, and very humid.
Brought up the SD cam, and Bai was rocking the baby! How cool was that! She's nursing, but she was just rocking back and forth, that was so aweseome. She's such a good mommie. She's still nursing, but I think she's also washing the baby. She doesn't seem as tired today as she has been, either. That's a good thing!
Gonna open a few other cams, all have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Maybe she is still very tired, think she's falling asleep again, sitting up and nursing. Bless her heart.

Suzanne said...

Bai just sort of keeled over and went to sleep. Little one may still be nursing, but moms snoozing!
My fav Fin nest is MT, 2nd Fin nest MT, but a beautiful day over there!
Don'tknow what's going on now, started this post over an hour ago, then boss came in, others came in, and we've all been talking.
Gonna go check my cams now...

Suzanne said...

Well, not much has changed. Bai is asleep with baby, both Fin nests MT, rough waters on the Cormorant cam, osprey visitor to BW, the falcon that was on the ledge this morning is gone, Mrs S on babies, the NL owls were grooming each other this morning, but now they're just standing around. Wonder if they fed the 3 chicks that hatched? And the 4 eggs have not hatched. No more attention than the parents pay to those chicks and eggs, wonder if the eggs will hatch at all? Guess time will tell...

Suzanne said...

Well checked my fav Fin cam, and both mom and Finny were there. (Like the name, Wanda!) Finny left, mom still there. Cormorants are mostly out, water is really choppy, but that nest is MT. NL owls are grooming each other again, and I've been watching the 3 babies, so not gonna say anymore than that. Norma's stork nest has been MT all morning, and the NL undersea cam is down. Was working, cause it was totally dark, but got lighter as daylight arrived, but now not updating. Mrs Bai is sound asleep.

Costume Lady said...

I am running late this morning. Just thought I would check in so I don't get kicked out of the PJ club. We have an early-morning court appearance. (Customer gave me NSF check)--Will let you know how it turns out.

Would love to have seen Mrs Panda rocking her little Beanie Baby.

Robyn said...

Morning Suzanne, I have been watching the owls also and have not seen either parent tending to the lil ones. I hope they are feeding them when we aren't looking! Mom and dad just snoozing near the eggs and babes.

I am getting ready to get back on the road, truck oiled and ready to go. Can't believe I put over 3000 miles on the truck in just under 3 weeks and I still have 1k to go!

Be back in a day or two. enjoy the rest of the week everyone

Morning to all you sleepyheads, Wanda I didn't see you here this morning...

Robyn said...

Nevermind there you are Wanda :)

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! Good luck on your court this morning, hope you can recover from the person! Hope you get all fees too! Don't know why people do that, but guess it takes all kinds.
It was funny, I wasn't sure that was what she was doing at first, thought she was rocking from changing positions, but she just sat there and kept going back and forth. Very cool!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, diver in the water!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robyn. You're putting as much mileage on your car as I do on mine. I put almost 200 miles a day on it Mon to Fri! She's gonna get old before her time.
Drive safely, and stop by when you can. You still have another stop at a friend's house, don't you? Stay safe!

Suzanne said...

Something just dawned on me about those owls! I've seen 2 of them move this morning, so that's a good thing. But it's the middle of the day over there, they're not gonna be hunting at this hour! 07:53 here, 1:53 in the afternoon there. Those guys are in for their night. So I'm guessing they are feeding the chicks (at least 2 of them, anyway), while we're not seeing them! Phew, good to know the chicks are getting food. At least they're moving today, so I'm guessing they are. They are nowhere near the eggs though, so hope they hatch.
Bai is taking a long nap this morning.

Robyn said...

Suzanne I watched the 6th when there were 2 then all of sudden I look back and I see 3. One didn't move so my first thought was OH NO! 30 min later I saw it changed location when I looked back. They must be feeding them.

Yes I have one more stop to see my friend Dan then home Thursday or Friday. Rumor is it is also very HOT in South Carolina I am 5-6 hours out from his home.

Ctch ya when we get home...

Bye for now :)

Suzanne said...

I think Bai is nursing, but I also think the regular cam operator is off today, and his replacement is now manning the cam. Bai has her back to the cam, and the view hasn't changed. The other guy always follows Bai around, so we can see her front! Hope he's just off and not on vacation!

Suzanne said...

Yeah, they're moving, all but the little one over by the eggs on cam 2. Haven't seen that one change position or move anything since early this morning. I sure hope they're getting fed!
Drive carefully, and enjoy your visit. Bet it is hot, supposed to get to 101 at my house today, and I'm a whole lot farther north! Ugh!

Suzanne said...

Finny is home, and talking to something or someone!

Suzanne said...

Oh, mom arrived. That's who he was talking to. Now both are squaking at something, maybe Dad's around too.

Suzanne said...

wow, they can really open those mouths wide when they want to! They're either yelling at something, or both are very hot.

Suzanne said...

Nursing complete for now, and Bai is laying on her back. Course her top is off the cam, along with the baby, and the cam hasn't moved, and all we can see is her left foot. Wake up, new operator!

Suzanne said...

Both Finny and Mom are really squaking at something. And the white birds are coming back, but over on the right side of cam this morning.

Suzanne said...

OH all 3 were in nest, and Dad brought a fish. Chick just flapped wings trying to steal it from Mom.
Ok, food fight!

Suzanne said...

Mom still has fish.

Suzanne said...

Oh my, Mom is eating, Finny watching!

Suzanne said...

Now he's yellling at her! Guess she doesn't feed him so much anymore since he can catch his own. Never mind, think she's giving him a bite now.

Suzanne said...

Bai Yun has been sleeping and hasn't moved for over an hour. Hope she's alright! Looks like she's still asleep on her back, and cam isn't moving, so no idea where the cub is!
Mrs Fin and Finney still eating.

Suzanne said...

I feel better. Bai is now sleeping on her side, and I'm guessing cub is under her arm. Looks like she almost has her head on her left arm, and cub under her right.

Suzanne said...

Ok, had the wrong end. Butt still in cam, head off cam. Still on her back. Sure be glad when the other operator gets back!

Suzanne said...

Mrs Fin and Finney still eating... and squaking between bites. Osprey still in BW, Falcon ledge MT, 2nd Fin nest MT, think swallow babies are uncovered, but too dark to really tell. NL owls still in nest, stork nest MT, Frodo ledge MT, and fish still swimming.
And all you sleepyheads, time to rise and shine...

Suzanne said...

OMG, both Mrs Fin and Finny took off! Bam, gone. MT nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE AND ALL ANIMAL WATCHERS OUT THERE. I seen Finny and Mom in nest and NL owls just lazing around; hope they had a busy day eating and romping. Missed the scuba diver:( and see we have a panda cam operator asleep at the wheel, along with Bai. Everything is visible there, but what you want to see.

ROBYN You and Tori have a save trip to S Carolina. This trip has been a real adventure for the two of you and also reunion time with friends and family. 3000 miles and still going...........

carolinabeachmom said...

One parent owl just turned around long enough to take a look at what was happening in the other end of the nest and then turned back around again. :(

MITS said...


Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy! Yup, you said it all! I sure hope the regular cam operator is just off for today. Also wish this guy would wake up! He has not been following Bai around yet. If she moves off cam, we can no longer see her till she moves back. Wonder if he knows how to move the cam...
Mom and Finny both left.

carolinabeachmom said...

Whew, I just stuck my face out the sliding doors and shut them back quick. Looks like another day in the house. My son is coming on Friday fron Winchester for a visit with a friend, so I can use the indoor time to start to get ready. There is going to be a lot of jockying around so all can have a bed.

carolinabeachmom said...

That is a shame if that is going to be the way it is today. Maybe the regular one is late in getting in or coming in later. We can all hope. It isn't fun watching her backside or legs. WE want the cub, we want the cub. :)

Suzanne said...

OH hark! Bai has moved and is on the cam!!

Suzanne said...

She sat up, and I guess she's nursing. Head falling down between her legs, think she's falling asleep again.

Mits, when you come on, is Bai sleeping more than usual after having a baby? I know she's 16, and not as young as she used to be, but shouldn't she be getting a little livelier than she is now? The baby is 5 days old now.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Let's hope that Bai is ok. Maybe she is just hovering over cub while it eats.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mama Osprey back in Fin nest, but no Finny yet. Shw was calling. Oh, there he is with his mouth open and yaping.

carolinabeachmom said...

White beards are back at Fin nest. I thought it might have been the sunlight hitting leaves, but each time the cam refreshes, they move to another spot. I wish we could see a close up of one of them.

Suzanne said...

Candy, yesterday those white birds were a bit closer to the cam, and they have black tips on their wings. Look like seagulls. Missed Mom's visit, but Finny is in the nest now. Look at the size of the fish under his foot! Good little fisherman!

Suzanne said...

Bai is almost off cam again. GGRRRRRRR!
I think there is a sign that I can't see over my cube today... Says something about let's just talk! Wish I could take it down. If it was business, it'd be ok, but everybody wants to shoot the breeze....

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...