Saturday, August 11, 2007


New thread.


movin said...

Thanks many lots, Steve, for the fresh thread for our Saturday. I hope you are enjoying your travels.


carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Steve for the thread.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey, Jim, this music is pretty good. There is a flute solo on their right now. We used to listed to jazz when I was a kid and my cousin John used to stay with us. He was a base fiddle player and we always had music going.

movin said...

I'm bringing over part of one of my later comments (all late today, hahaha!) from the last thread....

If anyone else is interested in jazz and blues, we have the best station out here: KKJZ 88.1 FM

Straight ahead jazz

You can listen to the streaming "whatever" on the site, and I'm sure it's available on cable and satellite and wi-fi radio. It's a great, listener-supported station, which broadcasts 24/7 from Cal State Long Beach.... Got some great program hosts too. Take a listen.


movin said...

Hi, Candy,
Listening to Arthur Prysock singing "Alone Again." Not only is he great, but you don't hear that kind of sounds on radio much anymore. AOL radio has some great jazz streams on, as well as other types of music though.

Tommy Hawkins, whose just departing at 2 p.m., is a famous basketball player-sports announcer, reporter...and JAZZ LOVER. He's been doing his show on 88.1 for a couple of months...I love it. But he's not the only great host with great musical taste.


carolinabeachmom said...

JIM I don't listen to the radio much anymore as there isn't very much good music on at all anymore. I was brought up on the big bands sound,especially Glenn Miller, jazz, Frank Sinatra, Benny Goodman, etc. I still have some 78 records of my parents that some day I want to get out and see how they sound. First I have to find a 78 record player. I think we have an old one is our classroom.

movin said...

Dinah Washington singing one of her great blues tunes now.

Candy, my love of jazz goes back, back, back... take too long to go into here.

But when I (and maybe you) was a youngster, "Swing" and the big, beautiful dance bands were still in...that was the "pop" music of the time.

Well, after nearly dying out, Swing and straight ahead jazz is making a comeback... It won't get to the top again, but it's very strong again. Plus a lot of singing stars, even Rod Stewart, are doing big recordings of the stuff from the "American Songbook", and that comes from the same place as the jazz and the blues comes from.

Enjoy the beautiful sounds while you surf the INet...


carolinabeachmom said...

My son just bought a new short wave radio, that he might pick up on. I'll have to remember AOL and look into it. Thanks for the heads up. I just love GOOD music; used to play the clarinet and and then tried the sax. Wished I had kept it up as I would like to just sit down and play now, but my clarinet is really old and I'd have to give it an overhaul and then get the old wind back. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Got to go for now, but will leave this good music on for a listen. I have to start to get dinner ready. My son just called and told me he was on Jockey's Ridge, the tallest sand dune on the east coast and they'd be home a little later and after climbing and walking all over the ridge, they'll be hungry. You have a SUPER afternoon JIM> TTL

movin said...

Candy, I don't have any 78's anymore, but I have A LOT of
33 1/3 LP's.

I still have a stereo that plays all three speeds, but it's not hooked up now. But you can still get a tremendous number of the old recordings on CD. Try,, or do a google search for mucic CD's. They have all the great stuff.

I've been listening to a lot of those can also get both new and old recording types, as well as the phonographs on eBay if you are in to that.


movin said...

OK, Candy, enjoy your day...I have to do some other things too...


movin said...

By the way, folks,

I was reading the "Nest Observations" for Santa Cruz Limuw, he's on the neighboring island... and somebody put a beautiful "Coloring Page" of a Bald Eagle on there, which you could print and either have your grandkids color, or you can color it yourself.


Anne-Marie said...

Jim ,the Biography channel or travel channel did an article on Morgan Freeman's "jute club" in Mississippi. He restored and old blues/jute club and others are doing it too. Someday maybe I will tour the south and visit as many of those clubs I can. They talked of how the blues and American jazz was developed in the back street jute clubs and how now instead of tearing them down they are being restored. I really enjoyed it

Robyn said...

Evening Jim, Candy and Heidigirl

Nicer weather here today but heard tomorrow will be getting warm again.

I love the Monterey site, especially the otters!

Been busy with my new shop vac and my assortment of paints for upstairs. Been cleaning, spackling, and sanding, OH JOY (not)

I'll bbl need to hop in the shower then go see Tori for a while then get back into class when I return home.

Jo glad to see you in the blogs :), rest well...

Miss y'all :)

Mauley said...

Hi gang, thanks for the heads up on the coloring page. With 8 grandkids this weekend, I can sure use it. Great to see that Jo is improving and getting stronger everyday. Has anyone heard from Nilla Bean?? Have a great weekend, friends and may God Bless You all. donna

paula eagleholic said...

Mauley - Nilla was on earlier today on the other thread...

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Robyn - sounds like things are moving along!

paula eagleholic said...

Mauley - I don't know how you do it.

Jill said...

Hey Robyn, having fun yet? LOL. But I would rather tear up than put it back. Give Tori a big hug. Let me know if you need help Tuesday.

Jill said...

Don't know if this link will work but it clearly shows Squiggles at Momma's paw.

paula eagleholic said...

Deat little thing isn't it Jill.

paula eagleholic said...

I meant "Dear" LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Good Night, all!

Mema Jo said...

Just popping in to let all of you know that I had a pretty good day and am ready to get into bed so I can start a new one in a few hours. I have been able to read thru both threads. Thanks Steve for taking care of us
Maybe tomorrow I will feel like sitting awhile & chatting with all of you.
Peace to All

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE wonderful day today, up to very early Mass tomorrow, then heading to the beach with my friend who will be visiting til Thursday.

movin said...


A peaceful rest and a new tomorrow to you Mema Jo... and Mits, and Heidi, and Jill, and Mauley, and Paula, and Candy, and Norma, and all our friends on the blog....

Sounds as though many are busy with next year's "Spring Cleaning." More power to you.

Thanks, Heidi, I will see what I can find on-line about the "jute clubs" and Morgan Freeman.

I think I saw something else about a lot of cool, old-time jazz places in New Orleans being restored after the hurricane too.

There are more and more "Internet Radio" stations and "Wi-Fi" stations all the time, many are great programs, and most of this type don't cost the listener much, if anything.

I've been contributing to the KKJZ station for 20 years or so, and it's come from a 1200 Watt campus station with a very limited range to more that 8000 Watts with Internet and satellite coverage worldwide...still keeps playing the great straight-ahead jazz 24/7.

I think there might be another jazz station in NY City. I know they had competitions on which one was best or had most listeners a few years ago.

But really there are a lot of wonderful, young artists singing and playing traditional American music. Still some great oldies too...listening to Tony Bennet now, who's over 80 and more soulful than ever.

And, between this type of station, the return to the American Songbook movement and records, tapes, and CD's, you could listen to great music all day, every day, if you wanted.... And watch bird and animal cams on-line.

Beautiful sounds and great viewing to you (can't think of anything technical for the smeller right now)........


paula eagleholic said...

Good Sunday Morning!

To Market, To Market...

MITS said...

GOOD SUNDAY MORNING EVERYONE off to church then beach, have a good one. Jim, thanks for the jazz station, sounds good

Bob Quinn said...

Good Sunday morning! Slow day for me at Blackwater yesterday. Lots of eagles but they were too far away for any good shots. I was off, got a lot of out of focus shots. I did get some shots of what I guess are snowy egrets. Much smaller than the great egrets I usually see at Blackwater:

Saturday's Photos

Anne-Marie said...

Beautiful Bob. What a beautiful way to start a morning.Talk about gifts from God. Happy Sunday.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks heidigirl. Yes, they certainly are a gift. A great way to spend a day.

NillaWafer said...

Good Beautiful fabulous wonderful gorgeous glorius Sunday morning!!!!! Ohhh yeah i am in a great mood saw both grandbabies yesterday and took Jasmin up to Pa to see her pappy (exhusband and his wife)And my son was there so he saw Jasmin..(John and the mother are not together) and JASMIN WAS A PERFECT LIL ANGEL!!! never cryed was wide awake... Was a nice evening spent together...lots of pictures were taken and i hope BARB (xs wife) puts them on comp and sends to me... Diana was happy to see me and just smiled and smiled... Mits how was MAGGIES BIRTHDAY PARTY did she get her cake and make amess???? Jo hope your feeling good today and continue getting stronger...Well off to check out cams.. i have SD up and Bai IS ON HER BACK legs aprt holding the cub...

NillaWafer said...

Hey Jim thanks for the station i love that music.. Right now i am listening to a cd i bought some time ago its Rod Stewarts " As Time Goes By" he sings oldies..He is singing with Cher "Bewitched Bothered and Bewildered" Do i sing along Ohhhhh yeahhhhh...My favorite is "Dont Get Around Much Any More" not braggin but i can really belt this song out..lollll Shhh shouldnt say they we might be singing the next group

NillaWafer said...

Mei and Tian are having a good ole time playing and rolling around on the ground and over big branches..Tai is asleep in a rock hole in the shade...Jim... Rod is singing "Smile" i know you know the words sing along!!!lol Geesh i dont know who is getting the best of who Mei or Tian... they get rough

NillaWafer said...

LQQKS like Mei might have got the best of Tian they are both down by the pond with butts in water and

movin said...


You can see all three swallows clearly lined up, and I think they might be going to fledge...just a hunch.


Anne-Marie said...

I have made a decision. I am going to learn to kayak. I looked it up on the web. There are classes for only $59.00 very close to me and as soon as I'm back from Alaska I'm going for it. I'll drive my kids nuts yet. The Monterey cam convinced me I could do it. If they can do it so can I.

Anne-Marie said...

Jim, they look like they are all lined up looking out to the wild blue yonder deciding which one will be first. You may be right. Either that or they are just dreaming of someday.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Heidi and Jim... Heidi go for the kayak learning but what scares me about it you got to be able to roll the boat over with you in it and back up Yikesss scares me to think about that... Hope you both are having a great Sunday... Jim did you know both of you are in California?

Anne-Marie said...

Yes Nilla he is south and I am north. He is about 6 hours away from me.The rolling doesnt bother me. I can do it. I had 3 Eagle Scouts. Nothing scares me. If I lived through that I can live through anything.

Anne-Marie said...

BBl my grand daughter needs a lift.

paula eagleholic said...

Home again, Home again, jiggity jig!

NillaWafer said...

Oh LQQK the baby panda is laying in her moms open paws.. its growing fast...

Robyn said...

G'day all, sitting here kicking back frusrated and moody, otherwise a good day :).

Jill today I decided to do absolutey nothing but finish my report for school. Tomorrow I will paint my living room and my sis in law is coming over to help me clear the kitchen so I can also paint in there. I will be pullng carpets in the 2 remaining bedrooms during or after next weekend. I will also have my soon to be 15 yr old nephew to put him to work to help curb his soon to be 15 yr old attitude lol I feel like a cop again haha!

I am going to view some cams finish laundry then go see Tori for a while the meet up with some friends.

I'll be here a while longer, I feel calmer when I come here.

NillaWafer said...

Howdy Paula been kinda quiet here... I have been on You Tube watching panda video's especially the ones from Wolong China Pandas they are so cute and video's of twin pandas...

NillaWafer said...

Hi Robyn, Good to see you are you back in Martinsburg yet?
WOW Travel channel has agreat program on about Alaskan animals.. and we know lots of Eagles!!!!!

normabyrd said...

BOB QUINN---Thank you for posting your photos!!-----You are GOOD---probably know that!!! ho!----I like all your photos---But the 5th photo---EGRET---REALLY is my favorite----W/check later----

paula eagleholic said...

Bob - Great pics as usual. Even love the picture of the Ewwiieee. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!

Great Day at the market, pretty day, nice people. What more could you ask for?

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - take 3 deep breaths and count to 10...

NillaWafer said...

Paula i hope your watching the baby panda?

NillaWafer said...

Oh she put the baby down in the straw and is setting up... now she picked it up... Was watching video's of Tai when he was small to.. just makes ya smile to see and remember...

Mema Jo said...

Feeling pretty good today. But I promise not to overdo...
Norma, Nilla, Robyn, Paula, Bob, Jim, Anne - you guys are doing good with the blog! Mits should be in OC by now. Anxious to get a pic or two of Maggie's day. Nilla you are blessed with so many little ones at any one time.. I miss my littlest ones..3 at beach, 1 in NY and 1 downtown. 17 yrs old grandson coming over for dinner with mom, dad and brother. Just doing big pan of lasagna. B-day cake of course.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - enjoy your day with your children and grandchildren. Don't over do it!

Robyn said...

Hi Jo, glad to see you here today :)

Has anyone seen those Ocean sunfish on the Monterey site? Ewww it looks like a swimming fishhead lol.

I emailed the Church owls group to find out what happened but it seems they are on hoilday and I am sure they will get back to me when they return. I hope they understood my translation!

Mema Jo said...

Robyn and Paula, I am glad to see you two just chillin' out today. Beautiful outside.. I go on the deck every couple hours and soak up some sun rays.

movin said...

Ha! My Explorer had to shut down right after my comment this morning, and I'm just getting back.

Beautiful to see you back on the blog on this beautiful Sunday, Mema Jo.

I did check out Bob's pictures, which are very, very interesting again this week. Thanks, Bob.

Hey, the West End cam is up and clear, but nobody is home right now. So is the SC cam.

Kent nest seems to be at least temporarily abandoned.

The salmon seem to have slowed way down at McNeil for now...not much action there.


NillaWafer said...

Robyn those ocean sun fish yesterday they said 1 of them weighs 500lbs and the other over 1000 lbs they get huge!!!! And yes they are strange Jo we all are blesses with childern and grandchildern and in some cases great grandchildern.. Speaking of which my grandson who will be 18 in October was asked by his pappy yesterday when he was giving us a grand baby? I said Oh No i am not ready to be agreat Heidi is going to take Kayak lessions so she can paddle out onto Monterey Bay and wave to us.... Mei and Tian are still together... Bai is rolled into aball with her cub... The Polar bears were playing... I saw 1 ape dragging a cloth across the yard... just surfing around learning things and watching video's on you tube...

movin said...

Hi, Nilla,
Glad to see you on the blog more often.

I know I read a comment about the Jazz and American standards, etc., but I can't find it now, Nilla.

Well, I'm glad you, and quite a few others, enjoy this music as I do.

Yesterday, I mentioned AOL Radio and here's a link...just follow the instructions, allow use of their Active X and so forth. You might have to register to get the whole thing, but it's free now...there are many types of music, including several jazz stations... I like "Sinatra Style" and "Jazz Vocalists (?) and a few others.

AOL Radio

Take a look and a listen.


Mema Jo said...

Jim, I have a craving for some of those oranges you talk about!! lol
Anne needs to touch base with Sunny who goes Kayaking most weekends with hubby.

Mema Jo said...

I am signing off for a while in hopes to be back this evening. Dinner time is a coming sooner then I thought.


NillaWafer said...

Hey Jim the CD's of Rod Stewart singing oldies is really good i bought it at Wal Mart.. It is called "As Time Goes By" Great American Song Book Volume 2 and has many oldies such as Time After Time..Im In The Mood For Love...Dont Get Around Much Anymore...Til There Was You...As Time Goes By..Someone To Watch Over Me and all are great listening music... He had a few CD's he made a collection singing oldies...

NillaWafer said...

Jim at home i have Dishnetwork for TV and when i am cleaning i put on Sirius Radio station with jazz or oldies and beep bop away Oh yes sing along

Anne-Marie said...

Hey Jim, you would love Sacramento's Jazz Festival. Memorial Day weekend. Its big and wonderful. Look it up on the web. Nancy Wilson is one of my favorites. I like the smooth Jazz . Mel Torme etc.

NillaWafer said...

Have a wonderful Sunday whats left of it... time for me to head out and go see Diana...and go out for dinner...

Jill said...

New Thread is up.

Mema Jo said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...