Tuesday, August 21, 2007


New thread.


Costume Lady said...

Where did everybody go?

Costume Lady said...

Must be a new thread. Thanks Steve. How was Florida?

MITS said...

Thank you, Steven and Jim for the heads up...Jo I thought the grizzly bear thing was not working, everytime I turned it on yesterday, kept seeing the same footage.

Costume Lady said...

I heard last night that Hurricane "Dean" was headed for a Wildlife Sanctuary in Mexico. Hope they keep us updated on the situation.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve!

Thanks, Jim for the heads-up.

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta is doing rolly-pollies on the hamock structure. Remember how LunLun used to roll with her? lol

movin said...


It's a beautiful morning in So Cal, heading for the mid 80's.

I was going to mention the probability of them running a video clip at McNeil Falls, Mits. I suspected it yesterday, but it's absolutely obvious this morning.

I looked in at Kent, saw a blackbird on the lower perching branch, and just as I was moving on, I caught a pic of one of Henry's (was that the name?) offspring scaling one of the limbs...I'll send you the pic.

Everybody is devastated about Limuw at the IWS site, of course...and I'm down about it too, but it's one of those things you can do absolutely nothing to change.


normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

JO---One thing for sure "THE ATLANTA BEAUTY" is not sleeping now!!!!!----Those little "black legs" just fly----She is a fast little imp!!!!---Love watching her when she isn't sleeping!!!

Mema Jo said...

LunLun and ButaButa are having quite a session of fight-play! Not certain which one is getting the best of the other one.

MITS said...

Jim at one time I thought I read something about if you see the yellow rectangle in the corner it was a video, then when I turned it off and turned it back on yesterday, pretty much knew it was a rerun. The squirrels name was George, I think??

Mema Jo said...

Hey There, Norma - I was so hoping you were not taking a Panda Nap so you wouldn't miss the Show! lol

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

As my sister always says, "Buta is a female version of Tai".

MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

This interaction between ButaButa & LunLun is so entertaining to watch!

Especially when you know it is really 'playtime'......... They really do knock each other around with some force, I'd say!

Mema Jo said...

She reminds me of Tai and his agressiveness. You and Ceil were right from her very 1st exam when you two said she was a
"Sassy little girl"! Well, that isn't exactly how you said it.. lol

normabyrd said...

I just finished reading the comments, etc. on IWS---GLO has a beautiful video---Thanks for sharing it with everyone GLO!!!---I enjoyed reading the loving notes & thoughts of the people who were around A#63 on a daily basis----HE WAS SPECIAL---Weren't we LUCKY to have watched & prayed for this EAGLET "who did it his way"!!!

MITS said...

Yes, she really was aggressive from the start....

MITS said...

Great close-up of Squiggles.

MITS said...

never mind she/he crawled under mom's paw

Jill said...

Norma, I wasn't skipping school completely, I was going to the classes I wanted, not the ones they wanted. They finally figured out that it would be best to let me go to Vo-Tech.

Norma-check your email. Rest of the story is there.

Jill said...

Great shot of Mai and Tian "playing".

Jill said...

Gone now. They were wrestling around not beating the snot out of each other.

normabyrd said...

I AGREE---BUTA BUTA has always had a lot of SPUNK---It's just that she was always asleep ----She is "FASTER THAN A SPEEDING BULLET"-----you go girl!!!!

MITS said...

This ought to be good Mei and Tian are in the den together eating biscuists out of their tubes

Jill said...

They have been doing pretty good together Mits. Looked like they were hugging earlier.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to take a break...BBL

MITS said...

Weel Jill turn up the audio and they have been having a knock down drag them out fight, surprised they haven't seperated them.

MITS said...

It was Mei's fault, she stole Tains' treats and he tried to mount her, it has not been pretty.

glo said...

Thanks for your kind comment Norma Yes Limuw certainly did it his way...what strength of character he showed.....

He lost against a human invention that yes is pretty much necessary for the survival of our society.

I do not think he ever would have lost to another eagle or many other creatures in the wild He was a winner...Thats all I know to say.

I have to work tonight and like a few others who knew just before bed time it wasn't a very restful night so I shall take a nap.

I am thankful for Buta Buta and Lun Lun helping my friends to laugh today with their antics.

MITS said...

Mei and Tian are outside, and Brenda and Nichole were giving Tian some sympathy.

MITS said...

Now they are calmly sitting there eating bamboo together.

MITS said...

Tai Shan is still sleeping in his favorite spot.

Jill said...

No Mits the hug didn't last long. Ornery little buggers.

MITS said...

looked like a pair of suma-wrestlers, but all is quiet now, Jill

MITS said...

Bai is certainly not sleep deprived:).

Jill said...

Squiggles has gone from looking like a naked mole rat to a opossum. LOL. So cute, litte head sticking out from Mommy's chin.

movin said...

Well, I've reloaded Explorer, opened a bunch of animal cams, and I'm checking and waiting for Explorer to have to shut down again.

This morning it shut down while I was giving the heads up about the new thread, so I hope it doesn't continue that policy. There are many more important things we deal with on-line where we definitely don't need our browser shuting down.

So far so good...

Look at the fog at the Finnish site.

I checked the weather at Frodoville, and it has rained lightly since last morning, but the wind seems very moderate now.


wvgal_dana said...

Sure is foggie at Finland Jim

Good wind surfing

CT nest with osprey in very windy

Frieda not on eggs

wvgal_dana said...

Alligator laying out on land at Pete's Pond

movin said...

Explorer is still holding up...

Looks like Mei might be nursing the little tike.

Fried is very "head down" now.. don't know if that's because of the wind or she's sleeping.

I'd better get to some more "officially unemployed" work. Until later....

Mema Jo said...

I sure hope that Candy can touch base with us soon.

Mema Jo said...

For those interested:
Special TV Note

Travel Channel
8/21 at 9pm EDT

Into Alaska
with Jeff Corwin
"Southeast Alaska
& the Bald Eagle"

Costume Lady said...

Yes, We haven't head from her since Sunday morning. Come to think of it, that really isn't so long. Now that she is back in school, she no longer belongs to the PJ Club. CANDY...you can chat with us even if you don't have your PJ's on!!lol

We need to hear from you too.
I'll bet you are down there in Bluefield drinking LEMONADE and forgot all about us.

NILLA--You are delinquent too.

All you Eagle Lovers that haven't been in touch with us for a while, please come on here and just say HELLO. We do miss you.

Costume Lady said...

Did you e-mail Anne-Marie about the Alaska program? I'm sure she would love to watch it.

Mema Jo said...

Osprey Cam Web Log

Lisa has pics of Finney, new sites to visit and beautiful pics of the CT osprey. She gives important info about the migration starting at Hawk Mountain and the tracking of two osprey again this year.
Just a wealth of info for you !!!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I sent an email out by Momsters - Anne should receive that now that she is home from work. Ed says it is on Channel 72 here in MD

Mema Jo said...

Brisbane has another close up shot of the 2 eggs - Frieda is off the nest.
I sure hope they miss having the 'storm'.

Napping pandas on all cams.

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Missed you, Jo and Wanda! I am now waiting for the show to come on...

MITS said...

Off to watch the Eagle show.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EVENING EAGLE BUDDIES! i thought I would try to connect before the show comes on at 9 o'clock on the Travel Channel.

Was glad to hear that Tori walked 2 miles and only stopped once to get her breath. Things will look better and better for her Robyn. This is just the beginning.

On the sad note, I saw where Limuw was found dead on the road in Nevada. I kept picturing him flying high in the sky, and soaring here and there. He is with God now and is truly soaring. He brought us joy in watching him grow. He is in a better place now.

I have had two very busy days at school. Last night I came home so achey and crippled up from moving things, that I just took 2 Extra Strength Tylenol, layed down and fell asleep. I think I was up about 2am taking my shower that I had missed.

I just got home at seven forty this evening. We got alot more done and I took my Tylenol earlier today. Sooo, I came home, called my sister, took my shower and washed my hair, and knew I wanted to get on here to read the blogs that I have missed.

I really do miss the chats I was having with all of you.

carolinabeachmom said...

And I see that there are now two eggs in Brisbane. Hooray. I did check in for a moment yesterday on Squiggles, but didn't have time to watch for long and had to turn it off.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well I guess it is about time to get the tv ready, so if I am still awake after the show, I'll try to get back on. I really miss you all so much. BBL

MITS said...

We really miss you too, Candy

Mema Jo said...

We miss you being here with us, Candy

MITS said...

Finally think we are going to see some eagles:).

Anne-Marie said...

I know you guys are watching eagles on TV and I dont blame you. Its too early here so I will rest until it comes on. I had a long session with the dentist today and rest will feel good. You guys are missed. Peace and rest tonight.

carolinabeachmom said...

The program was awesome. It looks like it is going to be on again next week. Must be a series. I was getting pooped out watching him cross country skiing. :)

Well, I think I had better get in, as 5:30 comes early. Hopefully, I'll be home a little earlier tomorrow and will be able to chat.

Love you all of you and a peaceful nights sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

floralgirl said...

Wow, I gotta get to Alaska! That was so cool, sooo many eagles.

paula eagleholic said...

I would love to go there one day as well...good show!

Glad you made it in to say hi, Candy. Sounds like you are getting ready, all in good time!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all. Wiped out today.

Prayers for all our human and animal friends.

Mema Jo said...

I love snow, eagles, otters, totem poles, and I would get that cabin with the chef for a couple weeks! That was awesome - Could have shown more eagles...Very entertaining in a very peaceful way! Worth an hour of my time. Hope you get to see it Anne. Only 17 more days and you'll be on your way!

In one of Lisa's BW pics of Finney,
there is a MOOSE in the background. lol

Mema Jo said...

Squiggles all alone

Mema Jo said...

Time for Frieda to give us another egg tonight! Usually 3 or 4 are laid.
Are you here Mits and/or Wanda?

MITS said...

Little more eagles and less of Jeff Corwin would have been better, would love to go there, maybe when hubby retires. Beautiful scenery.

MITS said...

Ahhh the lovely Frieda is resting on her eggs:).

floralgirl said...

Ha HA ,I was thinking the same thing, more critters, less Corwin.

MITS said...

I'm here!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Megan and Mits

we had another storm this evening around 9:30...... Tomorrow is rain again.......then it should be a good hot beach weekend..........

Can't get over the fact that school buses will be running Monday!

floralgirl said...

Oh geesh, they'll be running here tomorrow. I'm out of here, big day tomorrow, my daughter's first day of high school. Can't believe it. Good nite night owls.

Costume Lady said...

Been wondering if your daughter went to her pool party.

Guess what time it is????


Mema Jo said...

It must be TIME to call it a day!

Good night everyone
Peace to you and yours
Prayers being said for all your needs

I get a haircut tomorrow at noon. That should make me feel like a new woman - right! lol

Good morning early birds

MITS said...

WOW!! look at the time already.GOOD NIGHT EAGLE AND PANDA FANS Big day for you tomorrow, Megan

movin said...


My Internet Explorer DID display the same message and shut down again; so I went to Microsoft and searched around for a fix...disabled "allow third party browser extensions" (what's that!?), restarted the computer and am now trying it out.

It seems snappier, which I didn't expect at all, and it's working so far. We'll see.

Have a great night and tomorrow.

Good morning to you, Suzanne.


Jill said...

Norma-just had a friend say he saw an eagle near the Grant-Pendleton line. Probably some of the same bunch the good Dr. sees. When you go back to him ask him if I would be able to see the eagles from the Point/Cookmans old house. He will know where that is.

MITS said...

Hey Jill, what are you doing up so late, working??? I have been trying to fix this puter. Did a system restore, and finally am able to open my attachments in e-mails again, at least it is working now...Suzanne send me some pics of Finny if he shows up, and I can test this in the a.m. GOOD NIGHT AGAIN

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EAGLE MORNING TO YOU SUZANNE! Surprise! I couldn't sleep, so thought I would come on and surprise you. Your buddy Finney is waiting for you in the Finland nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

Finney looks like he has fish for dinner over there. He keeps looking up every once and awhile. Probably looking for you to come to work and look at him. ;)

carolinabeachmom said...

When I can finally get on for a minute, that Bai seems to be snoozing. Haven't fully checked my email yet, as I had 90 some to get through last night.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, eagle world. Way to go MITS!! You go, girl! I was thinking on my way home yesterday, that it might also just be an application, and that could be reinstalled, and that would be the end of it. I haven't gone back and read comments, but did see your last comment, so will send you pics of Finny. He's in the nest eating a fish as we speak! And ewwww, he has about 3 fish hanging out as leftovers in the nest. The boy ain't gonna go hungry!
Decent out tonight, but still raining. Just a nice easy rain that we still need, but foggy in my area. 62 at home, 64 here, but damp so still jacket weather for me.
All have a great eagle/panda day. Speaking of which, both Bai and Squiggles are sound asleep. Bai sure likes to sleep on her back with her legs way in the air. Too cute.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

carolinabeachmom said...

Mama is on eggs in Brisbane. As of last night she had two eggs. Jo was thinking that maybe she could have three or four total. Aren't her eggs just the most beautiful you have ever seen.

We all watched Alaska last night at nine on the Travel Channel. Beautiful state, but not enough on Bald Eagles.

MEGAN I hope you all get through the excitement of your daughters first day in high school. That will be exciting for all. Enjoy every minute of it with her.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Good to see that you made it to work today with no wierd happenings. That Finney of yours is surely getting to be a very handsome osprey. AND he made mincemeat out of that fish he was eating.

I can't tell which way is up with Bai.I wish she would move so I could see Squiggles. I think that my teacher has a meeting today, so I might be able to get on and watch her for awhile. Here's hoping.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, my alarm will be going off in about l hour, so guess I'll go and get back in for a quick snooze if I can get one. Surprise, surprise, but I can't wait for you to see I'm here.
You and everyone else have a wonderful middle of the week day. And Suzanne have a safe trip back home.

Suzanne said...

Finny finished the fish he was eating, and started to tackel another one, but don't think he finished it. (Boss came in cube, and couldn't watch!) Anyway, Finny left and I don't see the fish.
Bai is actually laying on her head, with her butt in the air sound asleep. Had to take a pic of that, she is unreal. That is just too funny!!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, good morning, Candy! I didn't know you were here. I saw the thing on Alaska, but that is way past my bedtime! I'm hoping it will be on again in the near future.
How was the first day of school, Monday? Lots of fun kids, I'm sure.
Finny is beautiful, isn't he? Didn't know you were watching!
And look at Bai with her butt in the air. She's been like that for a while, I can't imagine how her neck is going to feel! But have to say, I have never seen an animal do any kind of yoga! (Kinda looks like that, doesn't it??)

Suzanne said...

Bless your heart! Hope you can get another 40 winks before the alarm goes off. I'm gonna have to set an alarm on this blogger, so it will go off when company comes at o-dark-early!! Hope you can get back on later, Candy!
Finny is still out and about, and Bai's butt is still in the air! Frieda still on her eggs, and no note on the site about her having a 3rd egg, but think she had 4 last year, but don't really remember.
Have a good one, Candy!

Suzanne said...

Bai has turned rightside up and is nursing Squiggles, but cam is a tad fuzzy, out of focus. Darn.
Beautiful sunrise at Peggy's Cove! Finny still out and about, and Frieda still on her eggs.

Suzanne said...

Mits, sent you pics of Finny this morning, and one of Bai sleeping on her head and neck. Let me know if you can view them...

Costume Lady said...

It was good to hear from Candy this morning. She was up at 4:30 and couldn't sleep. I guess it was the excitement of all those sweet little faces of the kindergardners greeting her each morning.

I think we have had enough rain for a while...we can't even get into our garden to pick our veggies without sinking to our ankles. Oh My, just listen to me; we are never satisfied are we? I'm sure Megan is happy she can stop dancing!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! It was nice to hear from Candy this morning, but it sure was a surprise at that hour! I hope she could go back to sleep. Yeah, we're never satisfied, I've had enough rain for a while now, too. But I'm thinking come Sunday, we'll want it cool and rainy again, we're supposed to get 90° temps this weekend in PA! Hot and humid. Ugh. LOL, yeah, Megan, you can slow down on the dances, now.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, wow! I was just able to view Peggy's Cove. I typed in the link you gave me yesterday, but all I got was a message that I either typed in the wrong address or it was not available. I did not re-type it but this morning, I tried again and it worked. Absolutely beautiful. I wonder if we can get the Eagle Express up there? I'll bet that restaurant has wonderful Lobster dinners, and Crab Cakes, and Flounder.....

Suzanne said...

Oh, Finny, and parent in nest, both have fish, finny mantling!

Suzanne said...

The little pig had a fish in one talon, and reached over to steal the other fish from parent, who flapped at him. Then parent left, and he's now 2 hand luke again, fish in each talon!

Suzanne said...

LOL, he's just standing there with a fish in each talon, just looking around. Too funny!

Suzanne said...

Parent must be near, he's yelling at something. MINE, THESE ARE ALL MINE... Look at the glare at the cam....yup, that means YOU TOO... MY FISH.

Costume Lady said...

I did get tuned in to Finny in time to see parent. Looks like a Fish Buffet in that nest. Manners are non-existant.

Suzanne said...

He is not letting go of those fish! Standing on both of them, and definately keeping his eyes out for someone who may be foolish enough to try to steal his fish!

Suzanne said...

LOL, got that right, Wanda! Little piglet! He's sure not letting go of those fish!

Suzanne said...

He finally let one fish go, so he could eat the other one. Guess that's a 2 handed size!!!

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. has a dental appointment this morning, so I will have to fix breafast so he can get going.
I have one this afternoon.BBL

Hope you slept well.

Suzanne said...

Oh, tell the Capt, and you too, good luck at the dentist. Hate going, but it is a necessary evil.

Suzanne said...

Wing flaps to help eat fish!

Suzanne said...

Finny finished his first fish, then looked like he was getting ready to leave. He changed his mind and started squaking at something! Came back, got the 2nd fish in his talons, and took off with it. He's gonna make sure he gets to keep his food!

floralgirl said...

Good drizzly morning Suzanne, I see Candy was in here very early, guess I'm not the one with nervous energy today. Last night we went to the school, found the classrooms and met the teachers, today she is on her own. She's not thrilled to be in the honors program, they call it the academy, they separate the boys and girls, her first two classes are girls only.

Suzanne said...

Feeding time in SD.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. She'll get used to it, I hope, and she should be flattered to be in the honors program! That's great. Does she like her teachers from what she saw last night? That's always a big help. You're not gonna know what to do with yourself now that she's in high school! Yeah, that may last a week!!, then you'll figure it out, I'm sure. hee hee

floralgirl said...

Yeah, I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, too wet to play in the garden this am, doing housework, yuk. But I gotta keep busy. All her teachers seemed nice, she is most excited about her Japanese class, had to switch her out of Latin for that. She really wanted it, and the teacher is great. We had no idea that she would be in the Academy, the school really screwed up, and no one knew their kids were in it or what it was really about until last night.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'M BACK!! Went in to school this am only to find that there had been a break in and a lot of the school was trashed and spattered with paint. They had also gone to our Middle School, but didn't get any further than kicking the glass in the door in. I guess they also broke in our Recreation center which is nearby.

floralgirl said...

Oh Candy, that is awful. People are so stupid sometimes.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING WANDA! Yes, I am sitting here having my cup of coffee. Retirement is looking better and better. My husband is driving the county van today taking people to doctors appts., dialysis, nutrition, etc. It gets him his cigarette :( money and gas money. Usually does it at least twice a week. SO I have the house to myself! :):):)

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE I'm glad to see that you saw Bai sleeping upside down this morning. I thought he was too, but I didn't really think he would be.

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is UP!

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MEGAN! From the sounds of it, the people up in your area want you to stop your rain dances. :) Like they said, they can't ever be satisfied. We had good storms last night, but it is still as humid as ever. Meanwhile, my sister in New York state has been walking around in hoodies and long pants. :(

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN So glad to hear that they put your daughter in the honors program. Hopefully she will be challenged there, which kids really need at that age. The best part is that you both seemed to like the school, and boys and girls separate in the new thing now. Just tell her to try her best; that is all she can do and she might just surprise herself. She'll do just fine and the honors will get her some credits when she gets in the upper grades, maybe 11 and 12 towards giving her credits towards her college courses.

Costume Lady said...

Did you get sent home because of the Break-in or are you still at school?
Did you get back to sleep this morning before your alarm went off?

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...