Saturday, August 25, 2007


New thread.

We had a good meeting with Bedington VFD. We all determined that getting a fire truck to the tree would result in one significantly stuck firetruck. Thank you for all of your assistance on this. We have move to plan B, the tree service, and we have made progress on that front. Also, the new microwave system is being installed, we don;t need the tree truck for that. Its all very nice new equipment.


Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday Morning Everyone
No, we don't need a 'stuck fire engine' under the sycamore tree and I'm thankful that we have a Plan B.
Great news, Steve and thank you so much for keeping us in the loop!


carolinabeachmom said...


It is stifeling here already and getting worse. Looks like another inside day in the air. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Candy!

Thanks for the update, Steve

Looking forward to the new equipment!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Was as school yesterday until about 6:40pm before I brought my dragging, achy body home. It took two extra strength Tylenol and bed to recover. :) It was a hectic day since the breaking into and the trashing of some of our school made us lose a day in getting ready. Then for one hour in the afternoon, we had all 17 kids with their parents and siblings crawling all over the room at once and then visits from former students for the last two hours. We usually stagger our appointments with new students and parents every 20 minutes for a whole day so we can sit down and really meet them and talk to the student. This one hour business was for the birds! I don't think anyone benefited from it, but whatever the principal says, goes.

carolinabeachmom said...

Enough of my bellyaching, and on to a new day with new adventures on the blog and animal watching.....that is until Marek comes home from work. He is getting himself his own laptop for himself supposedly sometime by Fed Ex today. Maybe things are starting to look up here. :):):)

carolinabeachmom said...

The new equipment sounds really great Steve. We are all patiently :) awaiting it's hookup and viewing and hearing. Sounds like it is all under control and we are all very excited and thankful for all that you do.

carolinabeachmom said...

Haven't read my email yet or the blogs, so will BBL

paula eagleholic said...

New Australian webcam from National Geographic

paula eagleholic said...

Well, new to me, that is!

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you were able to get your room back in shape Candy.

paula eagleholic said...

Lonely looking osprey at BW

MITS said...

PAULA just reading that address cracks me up:)

paula eagleholic said...


Is that Finney?

paula eagleholic said...

Kewl, Dad just delivered a fish to the osprey chick in CT

MITS said...

Later, Gators, off to the beach...Great news about "OUR CAM", can't wait to watch the fall-cleanup.

movin said...

Hahahaha... I knew you wouldn't believe the early comment!!


Thanks for the great update on the new audio-video equipment, Steve.

Everybody drink the last drops of your water, ice tea, lemonade or Hawaiian Punch, get up, go to the frig., refill your cup or glass, take a healthy swallow or two, and then come right back to talk to us in a better disposition (optional).

We want to keep you folks back East in a hydrated condition for nest watching. It's not too bad in So Cal ... gray skies, but it's only 72° right now.


movin said...

Hahaha. You got me again, Paula...spent 15 minutes on National Geo. main page before I realized the whole url had not copy-pasted to the address box.

What are we watching? Giant crocodiles?


Jill said...

Does anybody know of a good place on the MD side of the river to try to spot the eagles? MEGAN? Or the WV Side?

carolinabeachmom said...

JIM You aren't watching anything right now as it is just after 4 in the morning there. lol

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe Dam 4, Jill.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe they are doing reruns.

paula eagleholic said...

It's reruns, Jim.

movin said...

Hi, Candy,
You're right about the time, but are they showing video from earlier?

OK, "reruns" about in daylight? Would you be looking for crocs or what? Is that an estuary?


movin said...

So, has everybody got their ice tea or lemonade or diet cola in their off hand, and is everyone sipping fairly regularly??


paula eagleholic said...

Got my water...

paula eagleholic said...

Kakadu National Park sprawls across the northern tip of the Australian continent, about as close to Singapore as it is to Sydney. Most visitors arrive here by car from Darwin, the Northern Territory capital some 100 miles (161 kilometers) to the west. In the park they find spectacular scenery—vast wetlands, sheer cliffs, miles of coastline—plus a wealth of wildlife and a rich Aboriginal heritage.

paula eagleholic said...

Our WildCam is located on the edge of Kakadu's Mamukala wetland, an ideal place to spy on crocodiles, wallabies, magpie geese, and other creatures who head here during the dry season, one of the Northern Territory's two seasons. From May to September, when little or no rain falls, creeks and floodplains dry up and crocs and other wildlife head to billabongs (watering holes) and permanent wetlands. October ushers in the wet season, and by mid-December monsoon rains overflow creeks and rivers, turning the landscape a lush green and fostering mold on anything that doesn't move.

paula eagleholic said...

I would like to see a wallaby :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Bai has left Squiggles all alone and she is just sacked out. What a honey bun.

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA I like your new pic with the little angel with Limuw. It is nice. Didn't I read that was Limuw?

movin said...

Paula, Candy, I think the clock on that site may be a half hour off, and do you think it is real time now, or not??


movin said...

By "real time" I mean is it live or tape?


paula eagleholic said...

Candy - yes that's Limuw!

Jim, current time with tape running.

carolinabeachmom said...

Ok on to the Crocks. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Bai just stretched and before I could save a pic, she moved back into place, but now Squiggles is peeking out from between her Bai's arms. So cute.

Anne-Marie said...

Good Afternoon all, I am cleaning and packing. At least I'm trying. Its really frustrating since I have never done this before I'm not sure what I'll need. I know I will take too much but I dont know what to leave behind. I have to do the hard stuff when my energy level is high. I take a rest every so often and sit at the computer. I have been lurking.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Anne. You had just better keep packing. You don't have much time left to go. :)

movin said...

Hi, Anne-Marie,
Where you be packing to go? Guess I missed it on the blog.


Mema Jo said...

Good Early Evening! There is a storm over my valley right now - doubt if the rain will drop the temps very much. Very very dark out!

Lurking and napping most of the afternoon. Feel pretty well.

Pack Away! Don't forget the bib boots! lol

Mema Jo said...

Lightning has become fierce!
I'll return.......

carolinabeachmom said...

There are sure a few bears in Alaska looking for fish, plus a lot of birds around (seagulls?) waiting for tidbits.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Jo Glad to hear you are still taking care of yourself and resting. Not much doing now. I gave up looking for crocs on Paula's site. It says best to view that site from 8pm on. So I'll try later.

Costume Lady said...

Did you get your WAX e-mail. Oh, so funny! Thank you JO.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Candy & Wanda, Storm seems to have left the area - quite strong there for awhile. Temps have dropped!
Just finished a light dinner - Going to have a quiet evening it looks like. I'll check on Squiggles and Frieda every now and then. I think Frieda will only have the 3 eggs like last year. You never know!
I haven't heard from Nilla - Do either of you remember her talking about another bus trip on the blog.. can't remember when it was to be, but that would be a good reason not to be hearing from her. I hope that is the reason and that she is well in health!

Mema Jo said...

Check out the Cheetah Cam at DC Zoo

Cheetah Cam

Costume Lady said...

The Cheeta is a beautiful animal. Love to watch them run.

You are right about Nill planning a Bus Trip (I believe it was to Disney World), but I don't remember when it was to be. I think she would have let us know just before leaving.
She did have a short stay in the Hospital about 2 weeks ago to have another stint (?) put into her heart. She said she felt great. Maybe Jill will know something. I asked Nilla to let us know if she was OK a few days ago, but haven't heard anything. JILL???????

MITS said...

Okie-dokie, have hydrated myself with some G&T's yum, great day at the beach and beautiful evening so far. TTYL!

MITS said...

I think Nilla's trip to FLA is next April, her daughter is having a bus trip, I think.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi Jo, Mits and Wanda. Freida off eggs and there are still only three beautifully colored eggs on stones.

carolinabeachmom said...

WAMDA Yes I got my WAX email. Thanks. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Poor Bai has gotten herself into a wierd looking position. It almost looks like she is upside down. Can't wait for her to move so I can see how she is sleeping.

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everybody I ended up with company. It was a nice visit. I fed them all and they left full and happy. Its a nice feeling. I'm in the north middle of the state so when family goes up or down the state I'm a stop off. Sometimes over night but they wanted to get on the road. Disney Land here they come.
The packing is coming along fine. I'm just not pushing it.Has anyone been on a big ship before? What about balance in high heels.? Just a thought. I am making lists. Something my mother did and I swore I would never do. I am becoming my mother. Yikes...
I am going to check with someone about the high tides at Monterey. I have been watching and this is unusual. I'm wondering if its because of the hurricanes around Hawaii.

MITS said...

Annemarie, have only been on a cruise ship once back in 1966, went right thru the middle of a hurricane on our way to Bermuda. The ships are so large with great stabilizers, sure you will be fine in heels

carolinabeachmom said...

I think that the Alaskan bears are the only things moving about. Everything else is at a standstill. Maaybe Anne-Marie will bring us back some grizzly bear pics. Just looking at that cold water makes my legs and feet ache. :D

Bai is still in place snoozing. Wake up Bai!

carolinabeachmom said...

ANNE-MARIE If all else fails you can use your high heals to beat off any unwanted wildlife. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey Wamda!!! Sorry about that Wanda. I was just back reading and saw where you got a new name from me. :)

MITS said...

Candy, Bai is sleeping on her back, it just looks weird, because the den is round

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh ok MITS. I knew the den was round, but couldn't figure it out. Maybe the cam is making her look awkward. Thanks for the heads up.

carolinabeachmom said...

Watching the Africa cam and you can hear something moving in the water, but it must be under the camera. Haven't seen anything moving yet. Something is really splashing nearby tho. Wish the cam would pick it up.

carolinabeachmom said...

Guess I will call it a day. Glad you got some rain up north; nothing here. You all have a good peaceful night. Tomorrow brings another bright and beautiful new day! It sure felt good to get on here today. GOOD NIGHT ALL1

Anne-Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Just finished watching a Potter movie with hubby & son - I read the books 1 yr or so ago and can't really remember everything that is going to happen. Sorry I missed chatting with all of you.

Good Night
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for All being said

TTUT (((( hugs ))))

Costume Lady said...

You are doing really well at getting off to bed at a reasonable time....Sweet Dreams.

Costume Lady said...

If you are still on here; heels are not a problem on a cruise ship.
You won't even know you are on a ship. You feel nothing moving. I hope you mean to wear them in the evening because they wouldn't be very comfortable when climbing glaciers.LOL

Mema Jo said...

**For those of you still on the blog:
I have received a phone call from our Eagle Eyed Sharon letting us know that her mother has peacefully passed on. Sharon admitted her mother to the ER yesterday, but her mother wanted so much to come home today that the Dr did release her. Sharon will give us more information tomorrow. Prayers requested for Sharon and her family

MITS said...

Sharon, you know we are here for you:(.

Costume Lady said...

Thank you Jo, for letting us know about Sharon's Mother. She and her family will surely be in our prayers tonight and for as long as she has a need.

movin said...

Hi, everybody,
I hope you had a great Saturday.

Anne-Marie...I've been on a large ship, but not as big as a cruise ship, and in anything but a typhoon you won't feel much rocking or rolling [unless the ship has a good band]. Don't worry about heels, just take something more practical too.

Candy... I'm watching Pete's pond, and I can hear splashing too, but I did see a couple splashes near shore, which looked like good size fish feeding on the insects near the surface. Should be getting light soon, so maybe we'll see something larger coming for water.

The Finnish chick is on her nest this Finnish morning. I bet she migrates soon, she looks ready.


movin said...

I am sorry to hear about Sharon's mother, but it sounds as though she passed peacefully.

I'll be proud to pray for her in her new life.


Mema Jo said...

That is such a beautiful way to express your prayers, Jim.

MITS said...

I know Sharons' Mom will be happy to see her daughter Donna. That was beautifully put, Jim:)

Mema Jo said...

Good night again everyone.

movin said...




Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning - sun has not decided yet to come out! It did storm last night again in the valley.

Greg has started up the 2007 season forum on the Frodo Cam site.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Mema Jo! Looking like a beautiful Sunday here in Commode Town!

Mema Jo said...

Tai is up very very high this morning in the his tree.

Mema Jo said...

The otters are taking their active morning swim. I am never up at this time of am, so I am getting to see things not seen before! lol

Mema Jo said...

Finny is having a clear day - was in the nest - but now flew out.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Vicky - I just realized I was not alone anymore! Hope you enjoy your Sunday.

paula eagleholic said...

New thread is up! Who will be first?

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...