Thursday, April 26, 2007


The Cam problems are in Denver, we are working to fix them this AM.

Both of the eagles were in the nest as I walked in.

New thread.

update 10:10 am--Cam fixed.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread. As I said on the other thread - getting ready to start my work day. I hope everybody has a glorious day!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING EVERYONE Going to see my Maggie today.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all, Happy Thursday! My Friday!

normabyrd said...

GOOD A.M. EAGLE BUDDIES---AGAIN!!--I just finished a long SAGA on the other blog & then BEAUTIFUL SHARON comes on & tells me STEVEN has given us a new thread---THANKS STEVEN---Understand you are fixing our cam!---That's why we LOVE YOU!!!---

glo said...

Have a great day Eagleland, from WV to Denver and wherever else youir travels may take you.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Wish I could have sent new pics this morning!
Thanks for the heads up, Sharon, and good morning!
Good morning, Mits! Enjoy your day with Maggie! How's she doing? How was your zoo work yesterday? Is Tai still in your yard as a big dalmation? Or back at the zoo...

glo said...

cam is unstuck eagle has landed

normabyrd said...

WOW MITS!---Are you going to have her all day---Ahhh--That's wonderful---Bet MAGGIE will enjoy being spoiled by GRAMMY!---LOVE to you both!!

glo said...

OK well I did actually get one clear picture of the nest with someone home will send it around

normabyrd said...

GLO---I haven't heard you say you are going over to neighbors with your dogs for treats?-----Do you have time to do that since you are working now----I hope so!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula, morning, Glo. Paula, enjoy your long weekend!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Glo! Looks like Lib on his perch! So nice to see someone home!!
Morning, Normabyrd.
Oh, wow, phychadelic lines and spots all over our pic!

Suzanne said...

One falcon in nest box, other one right outside. Time must be getting near, dad has been hanging around all morning!

normabyrd said...

I see a majestic EAGLE on the edge of our nest---Think it's LIB!---I hope he is expecting BELLE soon!!!

Suzanne said...

Star is doing wing stretches again...

paula eagleholic said...


normabyrd said...

MOM is on the PA FALCON nest & DAD is up close staring at her!---CUTE PIC!

paula eagleholic said...

Nest is MT!

Morning, Sharon, Mits, Glo, Norma! Who did I miss?

glo said...

Yes Norma I always go over for coffee and dog treats. I am there by 6:30 am on Sundays actually. Am back fromt here now though. I don't often get time to get in here though before I leave. My evening shift gets me home late enough in the evening that once I get the Feddblitz ready for the For the love of Eagles BLOG I am very much ready for bed. I then don't get up in the morning as early to get here Before Coffee and dog treats but I always get here afterwards and read. Mon through Fri I usually try to get a post in as well. Without our babies weekends here seem pretty slow, but house wise it is so busy on Sat preparing for work on Sundays. I am on call 24 hrs a day also so yep, busy but always time for coffee with a friend.

normabyrd said...

JAMES RIVER FALCONS are all in a little group!---Looks like a cotton ball--- with a beak here & a beak there---Think MOM is attempting to feed--Pic is dark---hard to tell---ADORABLE!!

normabyrd said...

GLO----I so enjoy your FEEDBLITZ each day---I keep referring to it as "FEEDBIT"----I think you should tell the new MOMSTERS how to find it---(or maybe you have)---It's both beautiful & funny----VERY INTERESTING BITS about EAGLES!---Thanks to VICKY & IRIS too!---

normabyrd said...

CO NEST---ONE 'PROUD' EAGLET attempting to stand so TALL!---But he sways a "wee bit"---ho!----DANA---I think I see a sprig of pine too!!

movin said...

Good morning, everyone.. Happy Thursday.

Wouldn't it be funny if that little blackbird decided to raise a clutch of eggs in the great nest...the eagles don't appear to be using it this year.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning EveryOne!! I am always happy happy when there are tooooooo many of you bloggers on here that I can't mention all your names in fear of letting someone's name out!!!

I must have tuned in right after the new thread update from Steve that our cam was fixed.

Headed out for haircut
Sure looks like rain is headed here

paula eagleholic said...

Can anyone else get VA up?

Mema Jo said...

VA eagle cam isn't up - planned outaged for a few days.
But the VA falcon cam is up with all 3 views........


glo said...

Feedblitz Any and all are always welcome to enjoy the Feedblitz info. You can find info about all the eagle cams that are covered as well as Links to any and all cams right on my For the Love of Eagles BLOG

You get there by clicking on ,glo here:

It will take you to a short list of my blogs. Find the one that says For the Love of Eagles and enter your email to subscribe to the Feed that comes out of there almost daily.

You will notice there is also one called NCTC Eagles of Shepherdstown: It also has a FeedBlitz running off of it.

Feel free to subscribe to that one also if you like. Exploring that BLOG you will find links to all the fledgings from last year, the Web Page and

most Special of all a Beautiful Page of Tributes made by many of those who watched this Family unfold last year. get your Kleenex ready, as we all sounded like mom emptying their nest for the first time!!!

If you subscribe to the FeedBlitz, check your email right away for a validation link to validate your subscription...this is very important and is the way Spam is stopped on the Feeds.

From 7 til 9 Eastern time you can find other Eagle Lovers from many different webcams gathering in Live Eagle Chat that also runs off of the For the Love of Eagles BLOG. You will see the entrance to chat as the bLOG opens. It is on top left. No registration of anykind. Give yourself what ever name you want for chat, hit enter and come on in.

If you have any quesitons or I can help you in any way, feel free to email me at

glo said...

eagle Alert

Mema Jo said...

Oh Yes! I just read that this is your Friday, Paula!

Have a blast in CA
FULL REPORT REQUIRED UPON RETURN Safe Journey & don't forget your hiking boots!

Try to get an autograph from Peter & Stefanni!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks GLO!!!

Beautiful Belle

Suzanne said...

Looks like Belle in the nest, but as soon as I saw her, I also saw the lines...

Barbara said...

Who has the white feather on the right wing?

Mauley said...

Mits, how does Maggie feel about the new baby? Have youtold her yet? Have a wonderful day with her today. donna

Mauley said...

Hi gang, Glo, I couldn't function without feedbits and For the Love of Eagles. I so much depend on you. You make mylife so much less compllicated. Love ya for it donna

Suzanne said...

PA falcon dad up by nest again. Wonder what they know they're not telling us?

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road. Star is talking to her eggs.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

normabyrd said...

WOW---PAULA!!----What a DREAM VACATION!!!----ENJOY!!!!----We want details when you get home!!! ho! ho!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Bet PA LADY hatches at least one or two by tomorrow!!!

normabyrd said...

MAULEY---What??? Do you mean about MAGGIE knowing about a new baby? I must catch up on the blog----I got so excited with your news----I forgot to say HELLO---ho! ho!

Anne-Marie said...

good Morning all, What a beautiful morning. Where is Paula going? I have missed everything. I'm going to have to set my alarm earlier . I have tons of work to do but will check in . Hugs..

Mema Jo said...

Paula is coming out to your neck of the woods, Anne. Catalina Islands!!

Anne-Marie said...

Oh how wonderful, my trip has been posponed for another few weeks. Its cooler down there too. Its going to be in the 90's this weekend. She will be much more comfortable down there.

NillaWafer said...

Hi Ya'll, Have agreat trip to California Paula, the view from the top of a cliff out onto the Ocean will be breath taking especially if eagles are in view also. I am leaving tomarrow also for vacation to Florida for 10 days with family (13). Those babies at Norfolk do so remind me of "OUR" kids last year flappin wings n perching on edge of nest. So Mits are you getting a new grand baby also?
Jenny (sons girlfriend) has been in the hospitol for 4 weeks now (she is at Morgantown now) trying to keep her from labor as she is now 26 weeks and baby is breach, hopefully she wont have it while i am away dont want to miss that birth i have been waiting almost 18 years for a granddaughter... Well i need to scoot still have not finished packing... Spoke with Dana last night and her 3 times aweek is really hard on her, so keep her in your prayers also..

normabyrd said...

HELLO NILLA!!----Really---Really miss you!---I am delighted you are going on a nice vacation---FL is a great place to go----It hasn't gotten real HOT yet---ho!---Anyone going with you?----I have DANA in my thoughts every day!---She is in so much PAIN!------TAKE CARE NILLA & ENJOY YOUR TIME IN FL!!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my haircut but now I am off for another appointment.
I have been over in the emails.
Nillabean Have a blast!!!
Barb Belle has those 2 white feathers
EVERYONE: click on Phyrfly name & visit her web site Things I see - it is sooooooo good
Robynann & CostumeLady: sounds as though a trip to the nest is in order one day - Call me for I am only 20 minutes over the mountain so I can join you

Robyn said...

mema jo, my next class startng monday is environmentaal science and I need to take a field trip for one of my reports and I couldn't think of a better place.

phyrfly said...

Good Afternoon everyone...the hawk cam is up again and it looks like there is lunch their waiting. It's funny because the food (mice) are bigger then the chicks are. I didn't get to see Belle or Lib today, hopefully they will stop by this evening.
My daughter is getting ready to go to Florida with her singing group at school. They will be gone a week, so I need to get her ready and drop her off. Maybe I'll get to stop in this evening...if not have a good night all.

Mauley said...

NIllaBean, Have a ball and I hope she has red hair. I wish I were agoing with ya. God grant you traveling mercies in the name of the Lord. love donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am still working but I have to repeat that Mr. and Mrs. Towhee and an indigo bunting along with sparrows and mourning doves are on my roof. What a beautiful site!! Raining here in Bluefield. Job is going well!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned - BUT now I am going to go pick up Alexis (g-grndughtr)
and go find a restaurant with good Mac & Cheese. Promise when I get back next time - It will be for the remainder of the evening.....


Mema Jo said...

You all may wish to catch the last 15 mins of the AWAKE ButaButa and her mom.

Jill said...

I want to go the WV nest too. I am in Martinsburg.

Robyn said...

Is there a eaglet in the Puget sound nest? YES! there is now we need the kent babies to pop thru :)

Anne-Marie said...

Its been a very productive day and today I earned my keep. Tomorrow is payday so I will pop in when I can. I should have around $100,000.00 on my desk. Does anyone want to go on vacation? We could all join Paula and then jump off to Hawaii. :)

Mema Jo said...

Jill, all 3 of you will be coming from the Martinsburg area. I'll send an email in a day or two - so you all can decide on a precise date and time. There could be others interested - Mits may even come up.
I'll try to get some plans together with your permission after the date is announced. It's about time for a get together!

Mema Jo said...

As far as planning a trip, Anne your offer sounds the best...
What time does the boat leave

Robyn said...

I'm interested just let me know and I will clear my not so busy schedule :).

Anne-Marie said...

The problem with my idea is that all of you could come back and I couldnt. I dont think my grandkids would be too happy. In fact this company wouldnt be too pleased either. They really are spoiled sports about things like that. As big as they are you would think they wouldnt miss a little bit. Oh well, I'm going home and find a hot soapy shower.Hugs..

Mema Jo said...

Eagles were at the nest......

Mema Jo said...

The eagles were saying good night to you Anne before you left work

Mema Jo said...

Robynann email me - I don't have your email address...

Mema Jo said...

Eagle alert OUR nest

Can is not great.......

Mema Jo said...

I can't make a thing now......She may have gone.... Too many lines and I can't refresh to a clear pic............

Mema Jo said...

Got it Robyn

Costume Lady said...

Spent the afternoon with my Mom. Just now catching up on what I missed from my new family.
I would love to go on a field trip. Just let me know when.

Robyn said...

Wonderful, now a question. How do I add a photo here? I also caught a cute pic of the pugent sound baby being fed by dad.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good evening everybody. Had a good day with work today, better than I anticipated! Love it when that happens. Getting ready to watch ER. I hate I missed our eagles visiting. I really need a trip away. Maybe in a month or so I can work out heading up that way! More will be revealed.

Mema Jo said...

Robyn - I didn't know Puget Sound egg had hatched - Great News
Kent can't be far behind!!!

I am not the one to help with getting pics on here..... There is on the Momsters site a complete set of instructions under FILES

Anne-Marie said...

Well thats a heck of a deal. I leave to go home and the kids show up to say goodnight. Maybe tomorrow.. good night.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Robyn, I can help you with a pic. If you want me to help, email me at

Mema Jo said...

I missed ya, Sharon. Enjoy ER...

Mema Jo said...

We are having a thunder storm here in the valley. The temps this evening are higher then they were all day!

Mema Jo said...

The few pics for our NEST during today are on the Momsters

Costume Lady said...

Show me the way to go home--I'm tired and I want to go to bed!!
Good Night to everyone and have a great day tomorrow.

Jo--Thanks for the info.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Hope you have a had wonderful day. Glad L&B stopped by for a spell...

I am getting ready to finish packing for my trip to the Channel Islands. I will be hiking Santa Cruz Island on Saturday and Santa Rosa Island on Sunday, along with about 30 other people from the IWS forum. Hopefully we will get to see K10 and K26 on the nest with the chick. I wish I could meet Dr Sharpe and Steffani, but they are unable to make the hike.

After that I am heading up the coast, ending up in San Francisco, coming home next Friday. Hope to have lots of pictures and stories to share when I return. Mema Jo will take good care of you while I'm gone. I know I won't be able to catch up on the blog till I get back, so hope everyone is OK while I am gone.

Have great week everyone! I'll miss ya'll. Hope you have a great week too, Nilla.

Oh and let me be the first to wish Mauley a big ol' Happy Birthday

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE Nilla and Paula, have great trips to Fla and safe.

Mema Jo said...

Time to call it a day - got caught up in my emails for the past hour.

Paula & Nilla Safe Journeys!

Good Night All My Eagle Buddies
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep
Prayers for all

Good Morning Suzanne
It's your Friday! Cam was speckled this evening..Raining here..

Jill said...

Just came back in from work. Thank heavens it it 12:00. I am off call. Not been home more that 1.5 hours since 9 am. I am tired. Just let me know when you guys are getting together. The only thing I have going on in the next couple of weeks is a trip to the Zoo on May 9. And of course work but I am on call so I can sneak off to Shepherdstown and nobody would know unless they call me in.

Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, eagle world. Good Friday morning to you, Jo! Raining like mad and very foggy at my house, didn't start getting out of it until almost into Frederick! Then patchy fog and very light rain rest of the way down. Be careful driving. Bit chilly with the rain, 50° at my house again, but the rain makes it seem colder. Well, next month is May, and I'm sure we will get more than 2 or 3 days of nice warm weather. Even in PA!!! I'm sure of it.
Osprey is sleeping on side of nest! Thrilled to see someone in the nest. BW eaglets are sleeping, a minute ago one of the chicks put his wing over the other chick. Cute. Now one is on the VERY edge, other in center of nest, both sound asleep. The blinds are drawn on our nest, but I'm quite sure it's MT. Too dark to see the PA falcons, Kent, WA ospreys, but the owl cam is down. Went down yesterday at 1434 on the top view, there is no pic at all on the side view. Hope it comes up today. Maybe Star will have a hatching today. Tomorrow is day 35, so any day now for new Kent eaglets!
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

One more very important thing to say:


And many many more, Donna! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day on your special day today! Who knows, maybe Kent will have their first hatchling today in your honor! Wouldn't that be wonderful?
Have a grand day!

Suzanne said...

Good grief, one of the chicks woke up, stretched his/her wing to touch sibling, then next refresh started flapping! Woke up feeling his oats this morning, it's not even 6. Other chick looked at him like he was nuts, then he quit, and not both are curledd into a ball and probably going back to sleep. He must have been dreaming of soaring the big blue skies!

Suzanne said...

OMG, somebody just arrived in our nest. Very early bird! 0548!!

Suzanne said...

Think it's Belle, looks kinda long. But now head is down and can only see tail, hard to tell. Ok, head up, looking at 12, tail pointing to 9. Well dang, she has her head back down and can't see.. ok, head back up, tail facing 12 now. If you're up, she is still in the nest. Everybody is waking up early today! Osprey just woke up, in the nest now. BW eaglets were flapping, and Belle in our nest.

Suzanne said...

Her head is up close and personal to the cam!

Suzanne said...

Now down. Osprey in center of nest now, chicks sleeping again.

Suzanne said...

She's still there, hanging out by the tree.

Suzanne said...

That's gotta be Belle, she hangs out at the tree, Liberty hangs out on the perch.
Still there, looking around.
Osprey jumping around in the nest, chicks still snoozing.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now all I see is tail feathers. She's moved to about 2:00, but can only see the white tail.
Oops, now gone. Must have been on launch pad.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

We're back!!!

Suzanne said...

Think that may be Belle again, and her head looks wet.

Both ospreys in nest now.

Man, soon as I typed now, she took off. But I guess she'll be back.

Someone just came in and said it is pouring outside now. Weather said supposed to get heavy rain and hail this afternoon. Should make for a fun drive home!! (NOT!!)

Suzanne said...

BELLE is back, 3rd visit this morning. Up by tree.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Still there, Belle over dining area, Lib sorta behind and beside her.

Suzanne said...

Lib's getting closer to Belle, and Belle is moving closer to the tree.

Suzanne said...

Well, Belle is as close to the tree as she can get, Lib is in center of nest.

Suzanne said...

Both heard something, both heads turned towards 12-1 o'clock.

Suzanne said...

Whatever it was, it wasn't a threat. Both still there, Lib looking down, Belle looking out and over him.

Suzanne said...

Darn, Lib just took off. Belle now standing in dining area.

Suzanne said...

Belle is looking at a black bird that just flew in and landed on a branch right in front of her!

Suzanne said...

Black bird gone. Belle still there.

Suzanne said...

Belle still there, just standing around taking the world in...

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, going to launch pad. Gone...

Suzanne said...

Lib and Belle pics sent out.
Both ospreys in nest, been in and out again all morning. BW chcks just laying around, PA falcon on eggs, don't see hubby, still dark in Kent and WA, and Barnowl cam is still down.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Well never mind, there 1 refresh, gone the next.

phyrfly said...

Good Morning all. Is that the blackbird in our nest LOL. Looking for left overs I guess. Opps, now it's gone

Robyn said...

Good morning all, looks a bit wet outside and cloudy but soon it will all blow over to sunshine and warmer temps.

I am going to miss viewing today as I am taking my daughter to columbia to see her favorite band, I will be in teeny bopper hell but it is all good, promises can't be broken.

I hope to catch up tonght or tomorrow since we have meet and greet passes after the concert meaning we wont be home till well after midnight so I will be depending upon your posts to catch up on all our feathered frends.

Happy viewing

Suzanne said...

Morning Phyrfly and Robynann!

Yea Phyrfly, he's been in and out this morning. Got a pic of him in landing in a branch, and Belle just looking at him this morning!

Robynann, take ear plugs, you may need them. Have fun!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Suz--
You are a great commentator. Don't know what your profession is, but you may have missed your calling!!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Robynann--
Enjoy this time with your daughter..time flys by so things with her now because she will soon want to be on her own and you will have to let her fly. Enjoy your day!

Suzanne said...

Morning, CostumeLady, thanks for the compliment. Just like watching these cams!

Our one legged faker is in osprey nest, one eaglet is totally out of the cam's view, have no clue where he is, our nest MT, falcon on eggs, OH, just came flapping in at the top of screen. Wonder if he was on a branch??? Wow, already? Dang, our kids are growing up! Still dark out west, so can't see Kent or WA ospreys, and closed the barnowl cam, still down.

Robyn said...

Most definitly costume lady, it was her oiginal make a wish but she decided on the disney cruise instead so I promised I would buy tickets when they came to town. Well she made sure I knew they were in town.

I see Va is still down :( I am getting edgy not knowing how the babes are doing

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

We're gonna redecorate today. Belle brought in some new green branches and leaves.

Suzanne said...

She's working on the perch now.
Wing flapping in BW.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now on the perch. That may not be Belle, it's probably Liberty. The perch is his area.

Suzanne said...

Yes, that's Lib. He's in the nest now...doesn't take up as much space as Belle. Op, back on perch.

Suzanne said...

Well, he's on perch, sometimes facing out, sometimes facing in. But still there.

Robyn said...

Is the window still open for Lib and Belle to lay eggs?

Mauley said...

Good Morning dear ones, Traveling mercies to Paula and Nilla. Hi Jill, Thanks for birthday song greeting, Suzanne. All I want for my birthday is a Kent eaglet. Hi Robynann, Phyrfly and Costume lady. Mits hope you and Maggie had a ball yesterday. Everyone have a blessed one. donna

Mauley said...

Lib in nest!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Lib still on perch looking regal. Just sorta looking around watching the world go by.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning Mauley
Happy Birthday--have a wonderful day.

Suzanne said...

I think in the 60 seconds our osprey cam refreshes, the one legged faker left, and the pair (maybe?) have arrived. Don't have a clue, but one was flying back in, now 2 there.
Lib still perched on perch.
Eaglets jut scratching around the nest.

Suzanne said...

Falcon dad on bar, mom on eggs. Lib still looking around, and 1 osprey took off. Eaglets still scratching. Haven't had breakfast yet, guess they're looking for leftovers.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, BIRTHDAY GIRL!!! Hope you have a wonderful day. Be very glad you are there and I am here and you did NOT hear me sing! That would be wonderful to have a Kent hatching in your honor today!

Both ospreys in nest, but this is our couple. Lib still on perch, eaglets still scratching.
Dad falcon on bar, mom on eggs.

Suzanne said...

Dawn in Kent. Watch for babies.

Robyn said...

NO Suzanne! they need to hold off for one more day so I can be there too, lol

Joni said...

New thread - Thanks Steven

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you Joni!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...