Saturday, April 28, 2007


Was at the Potomac Valley Audubon Society "This Race is for the Birds" 5K cross country race this AM at NCTC. A great turnout to support PVAS.

New thread.


MITS said...


MITS said...

Did you run, Steven?????

MITS said...

Eagle back in nest at KENT, still 2 eggs.

MITS said...

still see only 1 chick at PUGET SOUND

MITS said...

Maybe something going on at PUGET SOUND, Mom is off the egg.

MITS said...

darn back on, I'll have to go look at pic I took

MITS said...

egg might have hatched at PUGET SOUND.

MITS said...

Just looked at my pics of PS,and I guess I still see an egg.

Costume Lady said...

It looks like our Bird Watchers our snoozing. (good thing on a dreary day like this.

MITS said...

I feel like a snooze myself:)

floralgirl said...


Costume Lady said...

Having read your comments over the past few days, I see your Granddaughter is the love of your life. I, too, have a Granddaughter who is the love of my life. I was the first one to hold her when she was born and we bonded instantly. She is now 21 years old!!

Costume Lady said...

You must be a flower lover. Do you have lots of flowers in your garden?

floralgirl said...

Yep, I sure do. I grow and sell cut flowers and plants at farmer's markets.

Costume Lady said...

You are my new best friend!!!
I love flowers.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda, Megan has Beeeeaaautiful flowers over at the Sat Market in Shepherdstown - Have to get there early in order for her not to be sold out! I just got in - lots of cars parked for the hikers at Appalachian Trail, most people out mowing lawns,rain started as I headed home. I know I passed some road kill & I will swear that sitting on the guard rail beside it was a JUVIE. I just know it was!!! I almost hit the brakes to go back to watch him.

Mema Jo said...

Well since we all agree it is Sat... I am going to get ready for 5:00 Mass.I will check in before I leave.

MITS said...

Yes. Costume Lady..Maggie is my love, she is 8 months old.

MITS said...

Trying to decide if I want to mass at 5??

Mema Jo said...

Mass at 5 on Sat makes you feel like you have 2 Sundays lol <:)

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...




MITS said...


Anne-Marie said...

Good afternoon all, I'm tired, dirty and very sunburned. Its in the 90's today but I got allot of yard work done. I also go my passport submitted to the post office. Its time for some lunch and then I'll go outside again and hit the front yard. I got the information on Sitka Alaska today about the eagle rehabilitation center there and I want to be able to take a tour. I'm really excited. Hugs to you all.

Costume Lady said...

Lucky you, having a sunny day....It is grey and rainy and about 50degrees her in Eastern Panhandle of WV.

floralgirl said...

Well, Heidigirl, for once I wish I had a sunburn. I'm tired, grumpy and muddy. Taking advantage of the clouds to move some perennials in the garden. Raining here now.

MITS said...

Yawn...fell asleep watching the football draft...changed clothes, it got cool here this afternoon...looks like rain maybe.

movin said...

Hi, all ...
This is an attempt to post an url to a video in one piece, so that you don't have to go through a long process to make it load in Explorer 7.

Also, this is the link to the video of the challenger's attempt to take possession of the Maine nest...posted by Suzanne (our Suzanne, I believe).

Let's see if it works this way...


MITS said...

I didn't think our SUZANNE could get that nest on her puter.

movin said...

Well, the experiment didn't work in one way, but it worked in another way....

The url was not underlined in blue as it was when I copied it, but I was able to copy-paste the whole thing in one step to Explorer 7. So you probably can too.

One warning if you view the video... it is close to an hour long, but the action is all after minute 48...the challenger flies into the nest at minute 48:58 (Mom is perched above it, but she doesn't take an active part in the battle), so just move the arrow on the "progress bar" (don't know actual name) at the bottom to somewhere around minute 48 and watch from that point...unless you like many minutes of windblown white pine footage.

It's very interesting, and you've got to watch closely to see who's who once the action gets started. Enjoy the action.


movin said...

I'm not sure it's the same Suzanne, Mits... I didn't follow that part about which sites our Suzanne's work computer could get.

Last I heard from you guys was she hadn't set one up at home yet, so maybe it is a different lady.


MITS said...

didn't work for me, Jim...can you send it to my e-mail address, think I tried this right from their site and it didn't work for me either, but did see the video of nestoration and mating.

movin said...

Mistake or typo alert!!

I should have written the action begins at minute 28:58.



MITS said...

Jim, you are talking to a novice here when it comes to techniques with the computer, I'm still trying to learn how to copy and paste, found some good direction, but have not had time how to teach my self yet.

MITS said...

going to fix dinner...BBL.

movin said...

Mits, you should be getting the hyperlink in your e-mail about now.


MITS said...

Thank you, JIM, I got it:):):)~

MITS said...

Hope PAULA fixes the SC cam while she is out there:).

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Jo for the link. I need all the help I can get.

movin said...

Nearly time for the evening visit by Liberty-Belle, isn't it?

Looks kind of dark there already.


MITS said...

Jim. we are on the same wave-length today..thinking the same thing..think they were there between 8 and 8:30 last night.

MITS said...

dinner almost ready...BBS

movin said...


movin said...

Short weagle visit, unless they plan to return.

Got a few pics.


MITS said...

missed them...

MITS said...

egg turning KENT

movin said...

Feeding chicks at West End.


MITS said...

all 3 adults and chicks at WE.

MITS said...

feed ing at TH.

MITS said...

some talk on the channel island forums about the eagholics visit today..SC is going to change its cam tomorrow in hopes of getting a temporary fix, til they get their cam fixed, don't want anyone to miss any of the action

Mema Jo said...

The 2 best videos of the intruder that I watched were on YouTube by klbak total about 15 minutes.

Glo had this link on her web page
You can watch it full screen-click on last button on the right.

Mema Jo said...

I was thinking that IWS forum might have something to say about the group visiting the Islands. Best go read so we know that they are having an
eagle blast.

MITS said...

If you go on the video, that Jim sent you only have to watch from minute 44 to 47 to get all the good action.

Mema Jo said...

You must go over to IWS Forum to the DAILY CHAT comments & join in the fun and photos and comments of the group!
OK folks, heres the scoop. Can you say blonde moment? This is why I arrived late......I'll be honest
I went to the wrong freakin airport!!!

There are two airports I was looking at for my flight out here, and I didn't really look at my itinerary until I got to the airport today...I forgot which airport I had booked my flight, I got to one airport and realized I had booked to leave from the other one....fortunately, I was able to catch a later flight, and have finally arrived here in Ventura. I am sitting with Jann & Dave in their hotel room....they saved me a glass of wine (please forgive typos) and my favorite kind of chocolate (they didn't know it but it was my favorite).......

I'm here and going to bed now...will be thinking of everyone tomorrow during our hike! Hopefully will be able to check in later.

That's our Gal - she can handle anything

MITS said...

I can relate to that story, hubby and I did the same thing one year on one of our trips to Arizona. showed up at National, when, we should have been at Dulles, fortunately, weather was bad and flight coming in was delayed, and we made the original flight.

MITS said...

osprey still in BW nest.

MITS said...

Jo, did Paula e-mail you or did you find that on channel island forum, I've looked everywhere for it, they have some group photos of the gang out there.

Mema Jo said...

MITS: Got it from IWS FORUM - DAILY CHATS for Friday about the last page.

Momsters pics from today are


Thanks Sharon, Jim and Mits

Mema Jo said...

Sent email through Momsters concerning Blackwater land deal & the response you got Mits.

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to call it a SATURDAY !!!

Good Night All

& May Peace be with you

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo. I'm glad Lisa is happy about it and that it is a good thing for BW...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning---
Eagle in the nest---still don't know one from the other!

Costume Lady said...

Lib & Belle were both on nest and now both are gone. Gone to get breakfast, I suppose.

Robyn said...

Good morning all, looks like it will be a nice day in the eastern panhandle of WV today. With my coffee in hand it's time to peek in on a few nests :).

Costume Lady said...

Good morning, Robynann--it is a beautiful morning here in Martinsburg,isn't it? The sun is streaming through my ferns and columbine right now and it is just beautiful. Makes me want to get outside and plant some more. I think I will tomorrow.

Robyn said...

Morning Costume Lady, wish I could go outside today but I need to get some last minute studying in for a final I will be taking today.

OH! forgot on the way into the merriweather fri night a peregrine falcon zipped no more then 5 ft over my car, we had a fast view of him/her through the moon roof.

Didn't see anyone in our nest and the maine nest seems to be rebuilding and there is mating activity, maybe they will surprise us that watch them. To early to see the Washington eagles.

sunny said...

Good morning, Eagle buddies! I just peaked in on BW, and see that the babes have been named! Justice for the older, and Majesty for the younger. Nice names!!

I got to see Belle (I think) Friday night! She wouldn't pose for the camera though, so not great pics are in the momsters album, thanks to Jo.

Have a great Sunday!

Costume Lady said...

Robynann--Sounds like you and your daughter had a really nice day. And the icing on the cake was seeing the falcon.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning to you too SUNNY---A nice Sunday to you also.

Time for me to get ready for church. Hope you all have a nice day.

MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...




sandyshaw said...


2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...