Monday, April 09, 2007


Pic thanks to Dana.

new thread.


sunny said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steven. Belle is in our nest as we speak! Her 3rd visit today.

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the heads up, Sunny.

kirine said...

Morning everyone.

Steven any more reports on Belle and Lib mating??

Suzanne said...

All gone. Didn't see her leave.

KateAZ said...

MAYBE there's a chick in the CO nest this morning? One was due over the weekend. The picture at 6:38:19 doesn't quite look like an egg she's tucking in, and it looks like she's spending more time up off the eggs.

Suzanne said...

Bw parent was back for a sec, now gone. Kent is having a very windy bad hair day! Alert osprey in our nest, something disturbed him/her. PA falcon dad on bar, mom on nest. Getting dawn in WA, osprey cam.

Suzanne said...

WA osprey cam is giving me fits. Not working well at the moment.

Suzanne said...

Just had a switch at Kent.

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Hope your weekend was special. Mine certainly ended like something I oculd never have imagined. I am working hard today to complile the many photos and videos I took yesterday as I watched Dr Sharpe place those 3 little chicks into the nest with their family. I am so very amazed at watching the response of the adults as they discover what the return visit of the Human to our nest Will be fun to watch them continue to care for and raise their little ones now.

Excited to see lib and Belle continue to be at the nest frequently. Keeping my hopes up for more excitement right here int he days to come.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Suz, got yesterdays videos of the West End chick exchange on the blog,

The Catalina Hatchings are all over the news now, especially since they had that piece on the Today show and the weekend news yesterday. You can view it at

Suzanne said...

Paula, awesome video! Brought tears to my eyes and had to laugh too! Too funny, when they all FINALLY joined Wray(?), and then the little eaglet gets out of the nest cut and strolls off. They all look at it like "what is that and where is it going?" Oh thank you, viewing that made my day!!! They showed Dr Sharpe feeding the eaglets yesterday on the TODAY show. I'm glad they're getting positive publicity!

paula eagleholic said...

It was great watching it, Suz. Finally 01 went out and caught a fish and they fed the chicks dinner last night before bedtime....already feeding them again this morning, too.

Suzanne said...

Time for me to hit the road, leaving early. All have a great eagle day! Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly@

Suzanne said...

OH, I'm glad they're feeding the chicks. Wasn't too sure I wanted to know, from the way the adults were acting at first. Phew, so so glad to hear that!!

paula eagleholic said...

I heard Barton's Cove 2nd egg was hatching yesterday....but all I am getting today there is BLUE

NillaWafer said...

WHAT is wrong with that Panda at the zoo still in heat ?? Very vocal and running around dragging bamboo back n forth , up on top of rocks splashing in the water with paws wow just really wild... But cant tell which it its i think Tai was sleeping down in front of windows.. More scent markings n vocal...

NillaWafer said...

That surely has to be Tian he is rubbing n rubbing scent marking at the door... Tai is asleep

movin said...

Good monday morning, everyone.

I seem to be signed in again with a new Google account...every time I visit the blog dashboard area (or anything connected) I get more confused...............

I didn't know anything about it to start with???????????????? How can I get more confused??

I need more coffee, talk to you later. I guess there's no action here yet anyway.


Mema Jo said...

Eagles Eaglets Everywhere

There are so many good events happening. WEnest is such a good example of it all! Superb!
KATE I hope we soon get a clear pic at CO - I agree with you that they have had a hatching-Would love to see to make certain.
NE SITE Hopefully blue screen doesn't mean bad weather for them.

NillaWafer said...

Cam 2 at zoo has Tai Shan sleeping .. just adorable lil guy...

Anne-Marie said...

good Morning all. I had to come to work to get a rest. It was a beautiful weekend. My little egret is gone. Cant find her anywhere and so is mom. Hope everything is OK. Hope they headed for the river. Liberty and Belle are still fooling around. This is worse than false labor in the 9th month.Someone needs to talk to that girl. Back later.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Nilla I missed the zoo commotion this am - I'm not sure but I think they were keeping Mei indoors. Tian could still be in heat(poor guy).

Your trip still on for FL end of month? Lucky gal!

Mema Jo said...

I am out of here for the afternoon

movin said...

Both eagles visiting the nest tree in Kent.


paula eagleholic said...

Finally got onto Barton's Cove - they know there are issues there, (I just sent around an email about that) - The second chick has hatched! Watched Mom bring in 2 fish within 10 feeding the chicklets...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Somebody is home!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Liberty and Belle are both home!

movin said...

Eagle alert.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Belle just took off and Lib is still there.

movin said...

I think it's the reverse, Sharon...

carolinabeachmom said...

Good afternoon all. I was sitting there for about 45 minutes watching the British Columbia eagle swing in the tree. Here I could have been watching our very own couple.

movin said...

Do you think she's thinking about fixing the nest, laying eggs, or none of the above??


Jill said...

I vote for just sitting there.

carolinabeachmom said...

I want to thank you Paula for the Barton's Cove videos. They were just beautiful; and to see the second egg start getting a hole pecked in it was awsome.Another gift from above.

carolinabeachmom said...

Maybe she is just waiting for a fish to drop from the sky; or an egg to just happen to pop out. :)

Anne-Marie said...

I guess sometimes you just dont want to do anything but hang out.

Jill said...

She hasn't moved in like 5 minutes. Must be something interesting in front of her.

carolinabeachmom said...

ok, here is a stupid question. Can they just sit like that and lay an egg or do they have to be laying down?

Jill said...

Never seen an eagle lay and egg but I would think they would move around a bit like a chicken does

movin said...

She may be feeling an egg coming, or she may be getting used to the idea that there won't be any this year...

She's not moving a stick to fix the nest right now...


movin said...

They usually set in the bowl as though there were an egg there, but sometimes it takes a while to get to that point.


carolinabeachmom said...

Well, my eyes are glued to this pic until she makes a move of some kind, as I imagine will the the same for the rest of you. It is the need to know!

Jill said...

I am with you Candy. Course she did this yesterday and then flew away. I think she knows she is tormenting us. LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

That could be very well Jill, but one way or the other, we will know. We can sit as long as she does. :)

paula eagleholic said...

The usually squat - sorta like she is now.

paula eagleholic said...

And then sometimes they rock back and forth when they are laying it.

Jill said...

Oh you are so right Candy. Okay why is she standing up looking under here. MOVE BELLE. LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

Isn't she kind of over the egg cup anyhow?

Jill said...

I thought she was. Kind of hard to tell with her in the nest taking up so much room

paula eagleholic said...

She is actually out of the cup.

Jill said...

Is it more to the back and right?

carolinabeachmom said...

I just hope she doesn't out fox us and stay that way until dark! :(

Jill said...

I just had a snack, I can last a little longer until Hubby comes home and wants dinner.

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Jill, but not too right, just a tad.

movin said...

Maybe just digesting that big potluck lunch, but I get the feeling that it's a preparation to the egg laying.


paula eagleholic said...

She could be waiting for her dinner date, too :)

Jill said...

So she is covering it from the camera just not sitting on it.

carolinabeachmom said...

I'm hoping with Jim; that she might be getting ready. Has anyone seen her sit this still for such a long time before? It doesn't even look as if her feet have moved a bit!

Jill said...

I haven't seen her sit this long. Usually moving around the nest, rearranging things.

carolinabeachmom said...

I can see it now. Belle and Liberty trying to roll the new egg into the egg cup!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I still think it is Lib but I could be wrong. Have been once or twice - :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

I have seen her sit like this before.....heading home, will check in later - AHA, Lib is there w/ a stick

Jill said...

HUMMMM. Which one flew in?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't know. Missed the fly in but definitely Belle and Lib are there now! :)

Jill said...

Better be Lib and Belle or we have another George and Martha on our hands. LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

That would be something, wouldn't it? Beak to beak. Could that have been the sign of the times? :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sure would love to see Belle trying out the egg cup!

Jill said...

BBL Time to eat dinner.

movin said...

I'm not 100% sure which one has been sitting there the last hour...

carolinabeachmom said...

Well someone is standing in the egg cup. It would be nice if they just sat down.

carolinabeachmom said...

Jim, this looks like the same stance as before.

movin said...

It looks kinda like Liberty, but the only reason I can think of him sitting in one spot like that is he's sick.

Which one did somebody say is the lighter color?


Mema Jo said...

Hi There! I read you have a guessing game going on. I just got on - so
can't be certain who it is - However from the expression on the beak and the size of the feet - lools like it could be Liberty to me.
I hope I am wrong and it's Belle in that egg well...........

movin said...

Paula and whoever is involved in the Catalina nests, every time I look at the W.E. nest today, that same "rebel chick" is going off on his(or her) own, which is very unusual for that age.


movin said...

I just checked the weather for the site, and there will be snow flurries or showers....

You don't suppose he's there to protect the nest cup from precipitation, do you?


Mema Jo said...

Protecting the egg well could be the very reason he is there. Wed and Thurs we're to have precip...

Anne-Marie said...

this is driving me crazy. I cant get any work done. To heck with it.

Mema Jo said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Well that whole incident was a little strange. Maybe they were just practicing for what is to come.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Gone now!

Jill said...

Wow they must have stayed a long time. Just came back and saw they were gone but according to the blog time they haven't been gone long. It is very cold here right now. At least for mid April. We are supposed to get rain on Wednesday, then a warm up. Wish it would hurry up.

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I was supposed to have told everyone this morning to have a good week from Mits. She has gone on vacation until Sunday. She will be sorely missed for sure!

carolinabeachmom said...

If it is going to do anything there, I hope it will be a light rain. The eagles have had enough snow and hardships for one year.

Jill said...

Last I heard it was supposed to be rain. Maybe a flurry or two but no accumulation.

carolinabeachmom said...

That sounds good to me. We on the Outer Banks had a few flurries here and there on Saturday. Hard to believe the weather this winter.

sunny said...

Hey Carolina - where are you on the OUter Banks? That's my favorite place on earth! We usually stay in Frisco for a week at the end of July every year.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Didn't stay long but maybe they will be back!

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry Sunny. Eagle back

carolinabeachmom said...

I live just on the north end of the Bonner Bridge that you have to cross to go to Frisco; the Kitty Hawk, Kill Devil Hills, Nags Head area. We came here in 1982 and stayed.

movin said...

Definitely Belle this time.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is a pair again!

Mema Jo said...


Bell in Front

Liberty in back

Mema Jo said...

That was fast!!! TOOOOOOO FAST

Mema Jo said...

2 pics and that was all.........

movin said...

They're gone again...doesn't look as though it will be tonight.


Mema Jo said...

I think that there is a pair of devilish eagles trying to keep us in suspense by playing games of
"Whose in the nest & Where did they go & are they coming back?"

movin said...

I got a dozen pics, maybe, Mema Jo...I'll send them to you.

Got some of this afternoon too, but I don't know if you want them, as they didn't seem to have a purpose.


carolinabeachmom said...

I wonder where they go for the night. You would think that the nest would be more comfortable than balancing on a branch.

Anne-Marie said...

You guys have been at this much longer than me. Is this typical? I came in last year when Belle was sitting on three eggs. I didnt see the preperation. This is nerve racking. I am leaving at 5:00 my time to babysit my two youngest. I'll be a tired Nana by the time I go home.

carolinabeachmom said...

I am with you Mema Jo. I think they know that they have an audience and are enjoying playing with us.

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater adult has a very soft feathery pillow tonight!

Mema Jo said...

Send them on, Jim..

carolinabeachmom said...

Well it is getting pretty hard to see. Soooo guess I'll call it quits for the night, but I'll be up bright and early to see what's up. This is my spring break and the only time I can give so much attention to it. I sure hope they have an egg before I have to go back to school. You all have a good eagle watching night; mema jo, jim, sunny, and heidigirl.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spidey sure is out early tonight!

movin said...

Have a good evening and could happen in the morning, or it could be several more days.

We all hope it will be soon.


Mema Jo said...


Must be warming up at the sycamore

for SPIDEY to come out

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just thinking that same thing, Mema Jo!

Sandy said...

I got pics of the last visit tonight as well. I'll send them when I get back to the other computer...

Mema Jo said...

KATE AZ just sent me email of the Ft St Vrain, CO, eaglet that has hatched. I sent it email through Momsters.

Mema Jo said...

Time to end my day

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams of maybe an egg
Prayers being said for all

Good Morning Suzanne

movin said...


I've been trying to do my taxes on-line with TurboTax, but I'm tired and have to get to bed. At least it's not the very last night, as I've attempted to do it before, but as usual, I'm wishing I'd done it weeks ago.

Well, it's back to work tomorrow, so kindly let me know if anything of importance happens.

Have a good week,

Suzanne said...

Morning, Eagle world, morning, Jo. Chilly out, 28° at my house, big whopping 32° here at work. Geesh, this is the 10th of April, not mid-Dec or Jan! Down coat again today, it helps! Bright half moon, orange again. That is just too cool looking.
Hope our kids make an appearance! Nobody home in the osprey nest, BW chicks are sleeping alone, but they're snuggling together. Our nest MT, and thankfully, no spidey.
All have a great eagle day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! (Wonder if I can post this or will I have to create yet another account? We'll see...) Well, not accepting my password, so have to create a new account yet again. This is becoming a daily ritual!

Well, we have another new account. What a pain!!!

Suzanne said...

There is an osprey sitting on the side of the nest. BW chicks still snoozing and snuggling. Our nest still MT.

Suzanne said...

Getting daylight out. Our osprey hasn't moved, still on the side of the nest. Our nest still MT. BW eaglets still snoozing and cuddling.. wow, pic just went totally out. White 3/4 of the screen, grey on the bottom! Oh, now it's back...phew! Yup, still snoozing. Our PA falcon is laying on the eggs looking pretty, and of course still way top dark out west.

Suzanne said...

Well, the osprey has finally decided to stand IN the nest, not on it. Looks like he/she is leaning up against the sod...maybe the sod is cold, and he wants to keep it warm now. Ok, now gonna stroll around the nest a bit. Our nest still MT, and I would say it's still too early, but they were here very early yesterday, so who knows. BW chicks still sleeping. Falcon still sleeping. Guess everyone here is still sleeping too...

Suzanne said...

BW parent just arrived, I presume breakfast will be served shortly!

Suzanne said...

Chickiepoos are not waking up, they're out for the count! Oop, parent gone... must not have had breakfast, chicks didn't smell anything, so they're still in dreamland...

Suzanne said...

Wow, that BW tree is getting whiter by the day... along with the top of the nest on the left of the tree! Chicks are doing quite a whitewash job!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Inspecting egg cup, looks like Lib, Belle watching.

Suzanne said...

Man, Lib puts his whole head in the egg cup. Guess he wants to see if there are any changes since last time he checked. both standing there looking pretty now.

Suzanne said...

Poof, both gone. Short visit this morning!

Suzanne said...

Well that was exciting, but over too quickly!
BW chicks still sleeping, mom still fishing.
Osprey is just hanging around the nest, he moves positions every refresh. Maybe he's checking the views from different rooms...
PA falcon still on eggs, haven't seen male on the bar yet this morning. Maybe he's getting breakfast for mom.

Suzanne said...

There is a tiny bird on the branch above the nest just sitting. Not one of the blackbirds. Never mind, gone.

Suzanne said...

BW parent is back with breakfast, chicks woke up instantly and are watching!

Suzanne said...

Osprey left. BW chicks still waiting for first bite...

Suzanne said...

Ospreys back. Chicks still waiting. Mom moves from one place to another with breakfast, and they are moving their bodies to follow her! Still don't have their first bite yet, think Mom's eating.

Suzanne said...

OH! She ate, then guess took it out of her mouth on the side of the nest, and 1 chick is eating that by himself. Well, small bite, he's finished.

Suzanne said...

OMG, one chick has his mouth wide open and looking toward the cam. Looks like he's looking right at ya! Wish I had something!! Drop it through the screen...

Suzanne said...

Parent gone. Probably went fishing again... kids are snoozing.

movin said...

eagle alert...

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Thanks, Jim, didn't see your post.

Suzanne said...

poof, just that quick they're gone again!

Jim, did you have to create another new account in order to blog?

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Both in nest, you guys watching???

movin said...

Hi, Suzanne,
Sorry, I could barely see the post myself...just got up, the puter was barely on the site when they showed up...

Have they been here today earlier?

Yesterday, I had to create another account with a new I.D., but today all I had to do was remember yesterday.


Suzanne said...

Looks like they have more grasses in there over the nest cup.

Suzanne said...

Well, they're both just standing there looking pretty! Belle's in the front, Lib is in the rear.

Suzanne said...

Yes, Jim, this is their 3rd visit I think. But 2nd visit was an in and out. I sent you pics of the first visit...

Suzanne said...

Lib on perch, Belle looks like she may be getting ready to take off. Lib just left.

Suzanne said...

Now she's gone too.

movin said...

They're probably gone to fish for breakfast now that the sun is up.

Think I'll look for some too.

Good morning, good day,

Suzanne said...

BW parent back, can't tell if there is a fish or not. Looks like Lord BW this time...

Suzanne said...

See ya later, Jim. Have a good day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I got to see the second visit this morning. They are busier than 2 cats covering up pee!

It just hit me this morning that I need to thank NCTC. Our cam has been up and running for quite some time now and I am so grateful! Thanks so much!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon.
Getting dawn in Kent, enough that you can see the white head and tail. Also looks like an osprey in the WA nest, can almost see that too.
Male falcon is hanging outside of the nest box.
BW chicks stil hanging out and sleeping.
Still only 1 osprey in the BW nest. Haven't seen the other one all day.
Our nest still MT.

glo said...

New thread everyone. have a Great day.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...