Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday October 31

Halloween thread.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the Halloween thread!

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the NEW THREAD sad you didn't say what you was "watching" as you typed this time. You played a Halloween Trick on us by not saying lol. Have A Good Day and tell us what the eagles are doing as are Halloween Treat Now...

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at Kent

glo said...

.Dana You have mail

wvgal_dana said...

ty Glo

Sharon if you see this.

Was the skunk in Tai & Mei's yard today?

glo said...

Hey all I am starting a Picture of the Week and Month Filmloop today so please snap away.

This can be any picture from a WEBCAM of wildlife or "zoo life LOL" I will make this a Private Loop for now, ( which means photos will be added by me, as I receive them from you, but all will be able to see, and somehow vote...II will figure out a way for you to have input as to whose picture is going to be number one etc.

OK My email is


There will be a small prize for each photo that wins Photo of the Month

Yes of course Stillcam photos count...

Brought over with a few alterations from previous thread.

Lets build a Great Filmloop together.


paula eagleholic said...

Happy Halloween to all!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is up in the tree playing. Buta is asleep by her mommy. Eagle gone at Kent. Hey, Steven, what are Liberty and Belle doing this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Happy Halloween to you too, Paula.

Yes, Dana, the skunk was in the yard this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Sharon about the skunk being in Tai's yard today.
That is why he was nuts (more than usual). He was running all around the yard FAST. I thought Man Somebodies Fed That Panda Too Much Sugar lol. It must have been he smelt that skunk.
Glad he never found it !

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon I just seen George. Oh my heavens hee hee.. :) :)

wvgal_dana said...

There is George in Kent nest again !!

wvgal_dana said...

There are two of them Sharon !!

wvgal_dana said...

Georgia and George they are there again.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I love squirrels. We had right near the house. The shed 100 or less yards from house we had before. Those two had babies every spring and then late spring. Loved watchng the babies trying to walk and reaching for a limb. When the babies got on the limb you could see their little legs shaking.
Oh I hope Georgia and George and youngn's will be ok. Sometimes they have a second nest. If anything happens they can move them to the second nest.

The sticks on the eagles nest closest to us is getting less and less. I thing Georgia and George are building a fortress up there.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon 10:27 EST I hope you are watching the squirrel hiding nuts all over that eagles nest lol. Yep Georgia and George.

MITS said...


MITS said...

DANA, you seagull is at CT.

MITS said...

Poor Tai probably got sprayed...it only has to happen once..like the electric wire.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think somebody needs to tell George that he is playing fire playing around in that nest!

wvgal_dana said...

I think watching them now that they are just knocking the sticks down. While they try to hide their winter food.
I sure hope George and Georgia have lived with these eagle at Kent before. If so all will be well :)

MITS said...

Suz, my sister, the lurker, said the same thing about the cam going up on the 1st:):):) Hear that, my good buddy, STEVEN

MITS said...


MITS said...

Seagull all gone at CT.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits "Oscar" is at CT??? :) glad he is still around

wvgal_dana said...

Yep tonight is the night kids come around for Halloween...
I'll have to get me usual for the wee little ones. I'm "Clifford The Big Red Dog" :) :) hee hee. Little ones that can hardly talk know "Clifford". Clifford tells even the teens "Happy Halloween have fun but Be Safe".

MITS said...

Good question, Suzanne??? Don't know if she will ever come on, I'll keep trying. Normabyrd, the skunk probably got in the same way the deer get in, its near Rock Creek park, a deer jumped into the cheetah yard last year, luckily jumped out REALLY fast.

glo said...

Ok The FilmLoop is up and running for the Contest. I am not exactly flooded with pictures yet so take a peak, I have added 3 so you can see what it looks like etc. And of course the RULES say I can't vote for my own picture LOL. Come on go for it

great place to see what is happening today just for fun while we wait. Will get everyone used to the look and feel of the loop too.

The link


glo said...

Mits and Norma You have me trained, I will email you the link.

glo said...

Sharon You have email requesting a quick favor PLEASE!!!

and Thanks so much

glo said...


Ok Your answer is coming back right now Thanks so much!!!

MITS said...

Thank you, Glo.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Norma I want to come to Romney to ride the eagle train sometime.

The house I was talking about that we downsized from in Inwood. We had 20 squirrels in our yard at times. One loved coming on the porch and taking shell peanuts from my hand.

Mema Jo said...

What a beautiful sunny day it is - will be a good evening for the trick/treaters to travel door to door.
So you all are hoping for the 1st to be the premier opening of the cam - I'm with you 100%!
Glo I have been to the sites to up our ratings. On the photo loop - is their a deadline for voting..like should we wait until some more are entered?

wvgal_dana said...

The guardian of CT (not Oscar the seagull) the shadow of the Knight is showing in CT.

glo said...

Mema Jo

Yes you should send me pictures all day to enter. Then tonight before you go to sleep OR in the morning go take a look and vote on your top 3 favorite. The info is on the loop as it starts You are allowed to vote once a day, BUT yes you can vote for 3 photos when you place that vote.
Its MOSTLY for fun
and an easy way to share what those web cams are up to. My guess is the loop will become more and More Our eagles, but hey gets us ALL used to how it works IF we will all play!! You will see I can add a short caption to your phots. Please send with Title and a caption if you want one added. The Picture with the most points on Friday nights Before I go to bed, will get Phto of the week. This should keep me busy and out of your hair with New things to do LOL if you play along.

glo said...

OK Sharon Thanks that helps LOTS, You have an email answer coming to you.

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like fun for all...Like you said, it will serve to help us get familiar with the Loop before the new family gets started.
When you add the comment - could you give it a number then?

glo said...

For ALL of You
Please read this mornings posts from

6:35, 8:13, and 8:57

I think this will be fun and I want to be sure Everyone knows and plays

Even if you can't or don't save pictures, You can go see them and vote, BUT I am hoping there will be several really fun ones to share as time goes by so please share them with me so I can add them to the Loop.

glo said...
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glo said...


wvgal_dana said...

Glo is the loop you speak of on the "for eagle lovers page"?

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
glo said...

This is where the Feed Blitz and new info on our eagles is. Most of you are subscribed to this.


I am going BACk to delete the post a couple up fromt his g-r-r-r-r

MITS said...

Well, as usual I'm thoughly confused about the whole thing...Storm at Petes' Pond.

wvgal_dana said...

How do you find the manuel link to snap a picture for the Kent eagles?

glo said...

So sorry for the confusion!!!
"Where is my wet noodle"

OK So we need to know if I did something to change settings so Suzannes is having trouble here, OR NOT. Someone else please go there now and tell me if the "Fledge Videos etc still work for you ". They work for me bUT I am working them from of course my computer.

Thanks will be watching for the info.




glo said...

Dana Home page for Kent. You can get to BOTH links form here


glo said...

Mits Just snap those great Pictures, add some cute short captions if you like, and send them to me.

Tonight go vote for the Top 3 so far at the site I sent to you this morning.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo what is this site? Tried to get to it and nothing.??


I need to find out how to take pics at the Kent eagle nest site?

glo said...

OK George is already on the Loop and in the contest LOL Thanks to Sharon.

Suzanne I am going to try to email the loop to you. If that will work and is the only way, then we will do it that way!!! Keep the faith girl!!

glo said...

Suzanne You have mail.

Someone else please try the


It works fine for me. I may restart my computer as it could be in my cache. I am getting confused now too LOL

Dana I posted the link up a couple of back posts for you. Go play with it, you can do it!!

glo said...

I don't know Suzanne I have re-started my copmputer an dclened out my cache. It all works exactly the same and looks the same for me. I don't think it is any settings I have changed. Do check your email though

We need to wait for someone else to help us out from their computers now. Man I hope we can get especially the Feed blitz site up for you. I honestly don't think it si coming form her. I haven't touched that page at all for days!!!

glo said...

Yes suzanne That was a link directly to the Filmloop from today. BUT the FeedBlitz one should still work fine for you!!! I think it is on that end, BUT we shall see when someone else checks it out for us.

Drive Safe, will blog at you tomorrow. If need be I will send to you each photos I put on the Loop. You can vote for them and I will enter your votes. You will miss nothing except seeing it all put together in the loop. WE will work it out!

MITS said...

Glo, is Suzanne talking about the youtube video on your site, the one where John Denver is singing and someone is talking over it???

wvgal_dana said...


glo said...

Yes Mits She can't load that page anymore from work, but it could be there. I have no problem, but would love to know from somoene not logged in to my computer if it works for them. so does it still load fine for you. I am going to be crying if it doesn't!!! Really!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I am getting too many links for too many places.
(2)the shop
(3)for eagle lovers blog spot

Is one of the the film loop you are talking about?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!

MITS said...

Yes. Glo, mine works fine....Thanks, Paula

wvgal_dana said...

BBL will catch up on reading blog then

glo said...

Ok Mits What an absolute relief that is.

Sorry Dana I will try to get all the links located off of the For the Love of eagles site today. I set up that Beta Blogger site yesterday as it is so much easier to work with. Actually a couple of the links ar already there including the Feed Blits one..You are all set up for that. BUT probably no news there til the cam is on.

You are fine. learn to snap and send some photos fromt he cams you vist. All will be well.

paula eagleholic said...

None of the loops are running.

paula eagleholic said...

And now it is.

Must just be technical difficulties at times...

glo said...

Dana You have email.

glo said...

Ok here we go. Thanks Paula, who just sent a really Neat picture for Halloween

glo said...

Here is where to see the Photos. yes I think It is an occasional technical thing with Blogger .

starting to et some fun phots in now.


MITS said...

The headless eagle...good one , Paula::):):)

glo said...

Its Great isn't it. Everyone remeber to vote later this evening before bed for your Good Better best photos etc. You can vote once each day. I will tally photos picture counts on Fri for weekly winners, and at the end of each month starting with Nov. for Monthly winners.

MITS said...

Glo, when we get the pics, do we send them to you???

glo said...

Yes Mits send them to me, and if you have a short caption send that with the photo..

Oh Boy I'm excited now, i think there is gonna be another great photo and caption coming soon.

MITS said...

Okie-Dokie...I'll be on the lookout for a pic!!

glo said...

Ok Mits My guess is you will know when you snap something worth adding to the Loop for others to enjoy, and I will be looking forward to your captions as well.

MITS said...

That a 10-4!!!

MITS said...

Eagle back at BW...Hi, Lisa.

glo said...

Lisa I would absolutely love to enjoy all that wildlife "from where I can see them while I type " LOL on a regular basis. of ocurse if I lived near you i might have to be outside still and quiet to really enjoy them!!!

glo said...

Remember any web cam photos of wildlife or Zoo life we watch on here in our "spare" time can go in the photo contest.

MITS said...

I like to put PAM on the poles of my bird feeders...frustrates the squirrels, but lot of entertainment for me:):):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So, whassup, everybody? Just got off work, on time today!! YEAH RAH!! One more day and then I am off for 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!

glo said...

Sharon 5 days... well what are you going to do with 5 days off. That has to feel so very good. i am surfing around looking for neat shots to win my own contest LOL. George is already in the loop but if you want to send a caption feel free i will add it tot he photo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I will be going out of town from Friday morning until Sunday evening. It is going to be great!! I will still be able to check my email and the blog off and on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Well yes sounds like fun plans for 3 of those days. Good for you!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is a storm at the Africam! Dog barking, lightning and thunder.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Girls,

Just a quickie,, cos I'm in the middle of a Television prog, we have over here called " MOST HAUNTED", this years it's coming from Edinburgh and has been on for the last 3 nights, and its LIVE, so if any of you are interested ar logging in to watch and have a good HALLOWEEN SCARE I'll give you the URL



I'll be able to have a propper chat to you tomorrow, thats if I've not been put away in a nut house after tonights prog.

Take care all,, love yah.


Chrissy Beahan said...




Mema Jo said...

I have returned. Just got my Flu Shot at the Dr.. Glo You are going to shoot me with this questions but I need to know where or how do I cast my votes

Mema Jo said...

Tai is on the ledge with his "box" while Mei is there also with her bamboo.

glo said...

Mema Jo You are such a participator and encourager i would never shoopt you.

You cast your votes in the comment section below the Filmloop with the Photos.

Give the name of the Photo Like

"Headless eagle from Paula" etc. so i know what photo you are givng however many points, rank... 1 for Good, 2 for Better, 3 for best. The photo with the most points at the end of each week will be Photo of the Week. The photo with the Highest point Overall will be Photo of the Month

Everything can be found right here.


LOL Good luck and thanks for asking.

MITS said...

EAGLE AT KENT AND BW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Mits

glo said...

Both eagles at kent for a minute or so...they are back and busy , Keep watching

Mema Jo said...

Kent - going down for a snooze?

Mema Jo said...

Short rest - up and at 'em - move that stick,,, With the refresher it looked as though the stick was tossed to the other side.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW, gotta go!!

paula eagleholic said...

And Kent :)


MITS said...

Ditto, Paula!!!!

MITS said...

EAGLE BACK AT KENT, STILL AT BW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

Eagle all gone at BW!!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

It's almost the bewitching hour of 6 pm here in the valley - I am awaiting the little goblins and ghosts to soon arrive for allllllllll of these chocolate candy bars and goodies!
(I can hear their mothers when they dump their bags tonight) TeeHee.....

MITS said...

Same here, Jo...just waiting, of course, I always get stuff that I like in case there are any leftovers.

MITS said...

Eagles in and out at KENT!!!

MITS said...

They have started, I just love the little ones.

Mema Jo said...

So did I, Mits. Butterfingers and milky ways and all that good stuff.

MITS said...

Milky Ways, 3 Muskeeters and MM's

Mema Jo said...

Big long stick being placed in the nest at Kent. It fit the whole way around the nest almost.

Mema Jo said...

Kent eagle up on the limb.. maybe another one is one the way.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

My most favorite little one from the neighborhood just stopped..I always take her pic - she is now 6 and loves costumes Tonight she was a beautiful witch.. Most of the neighborhood kids are now in their teens and the trick/treaters gets fewer and fewer each year. I still overbuy the candy - but give it to grandkids when I see them.

MITS said...

You and me both...always over-buy. Sometimes the kids in neighborhood go to parties I think...less and less every year. Sometimes give the rest of candy when we have food for the poor Sumdays.

glo said...

Ok We are starting to have a few fun pictures to choose and vote on tonight. I am Closing picture submissions for today at 6:30 pm ET to give me chance to get them all on the Loop and give everyone plenty of opportunity to see and vote for them.

You can still send photos and captions anytime, BUT they will be saved for tomorrows Loop.

You can vote for up to 3 pictures You can not vote for your own however

There is a place to pause the loop and click through so you have MORE time to look at the photos.

I hope this turns into something fun for all.!!!

MITS said...

Jo and Sharon, you have mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just stopping by for a second. Glo, didn't get my submission in before 6:30. Busy, busy day and afternoon. Anyway, Happy Halloween everybody. Out for a while. Will be back around 9.

We never had trick or treaters here. Too lazy to walk up the hill!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you have mail!!

glo said...

Sharon Actually you do have a submission from one you sent today.

glo said...

Ok I have voted for my chocies so you can go see how to log in your votes. Please remember don't vote for your own,

glo said...

Votes for Photo Contest go here:


MITS said...

Ok, so I go to that site and I see the pics, but don't see your posts, Glo????

glo said...

Mits you have mail

MITS said...

Ok, found it and I've voted.

glo said...

Mits yep by Jove I think she's got it!!! or is that by George. thanks Mits, I see your votes etc.

MITS said...

BOOYAH FOR ME:):):):)!

MITS said...


glo said...

Mits Please tell everyone that entering pictures and voting on pictures really was easy!!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

Voting accomplished.

glo said...

Geesh Mits Still struggling with your Comcast mail! I owuld hate that. That's OK you have aheadstart on tomorrow with one of yours now and its really a great caption.

glo said...

LOL Saw your vote Mema Jo

Remember, you do NOT have to have submitted a photo to vote for your favorites. Go see what the photos for today look like. there are some Great ones on there.

MITS said...


glo said...

LOL Mits Yes anyone can...and you did great bOTH with sending and voting.

glo said...


Just Vicky said...

Good girl Glo! Collect that WAX for 2 needy travelers!

glo said...

LOL Yes Vicky I try

glo said...

Thanks for voting too..getting close for a couple of them, might change once the Goblins are all taken care of LOL

glo said...

Vicky You have mail

Just Vicky said...

Wow, I feel important, I had mail!!!

glo said...

LOL So there ya go!!You are important.

glo said...

Hi Lisa Glad you got back to Mits about the Pam. How was your day off?

Just Vicky said...

Hi Lisa! I haven't officially welcomed you aboard this blog! So,WELCOME LISA!

MITS said...

Yes, Lisa and no squirrels get hurt:):):)

glo said...

Hi Vicky You have More mail LOL

Just Vicky said...

That mailman is really working hard tonight!

glo said...

LOL Vicky i copied and sent you the whole page as i get it from here anyway LOL.

glo said...

Ok Mema Jo You have mail!!

glo said...

Vicky More Important mail comin gyour way.

Mema Jo said...

Glo you have mail.

Just Vicky said...

Wow, cyber mailman getting dizzy!

Anonymous said...

LOL I just sent the mailman home. he's finished with this round LOL

Just Vicky said...

Thank goodness! He'd start demanding overtime!

Just Vicky said...

So where's the gang all at?? Past time for the little trick-or-treaters isn't it??

glo said...

ooops sorry meant to log out an dlog back in with my Blogger name for us on here LOL. I purposely did NOT use the other reminder all day LOL. OOOPS

floralgirl said...


glo said...

Hi floralgirl How are you?

Mema Jo said...

Did you get a bagful of candies, Megan? I bet you didn't give your chocolate chip cookies out as treats - did you?

Mema Jo said...

I think Floralgirl Tricked us! She was there but where did she go?

glo said...

Yeo must be some kind of a trick alright LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lights out on LunLun and ButaButa....... Right on time for a change.

Mema Jo said...

I have been whizzing around Pete's Pond in a big blur with the camera - stopping ever so often to check out the scenery. I am dizzy.
Africam shows no activity.
It's 5 am in Africa.

As usual, the Brisbane ledge is MT...
I doubt we'll ever see those 3 again.

Mema Jo said...

Well, Megan that was really a great disappearing trick you pulled on us.

glo said...

Nope think Brisbane is a done deal..they aren't as personable about their cam as Steve is at all. of course there isn't the person to person interaction we have daily blogging either. just kind of theri and a few eeks later all gone. They were gorgeous birds though and I do remain impressed with that windstorm and her rolling that egg back to the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Glo Going over for a few hands of solitaire. BBL to say Good night.

floralgirl said...

HA! I disappeared to the darn laundry room:( Too much walking today, didn't hand out candy at my house, took daughter into town for trick or treat.

glo said...

Mema Jo for the one you signed for sounkster tonight...that is the page Suzanne did get to see last week but couldn"t get to work for her today. Man that is disappointing. she did get a glimpse but we were hoping she could see all the new stuff once the cam is on.

glo said...

Floral gilr go vote for our pictures

glo said...

LOL I type jsut as bad with one hand as I do with 2. I typed the last two BLOG entries with one hand while I ate chocolate chip cookies with the other. Not such a good idea I guess. LOL

glo said...

Well think I'll finish up some stuff around here now too. Will check back to say good night. Tomorro wis November 1 The very special first day of a very special month!!!

MITS said...

Yes, tomorrow is November 1st, may it not only be ALL SAINTS DAY, but hopefully, ALL EAGLES DAY!!! God is goin get me for that...GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.

floralgirl said...

OK, Glo, I tried, but couldn't see the pics. Too tired to fool with it any more. Nite all.

glo said...

Megan You will have mail in the morning when you wake up.

Bird Girl said...

Hope everyone has had a good Halloween... quiet at my house, which I like. Hubby goes to bed about 730, since he gets up at 4 in the morning, so we don't encourage trick-or-treaters. Actually, if it's a weekend evening, we'll go out

Arizona doesn't change time, we change time zones. Well, not exactly, but that's the easiest way to remember. From October through April, California is an hour behind Arizona; April through October, we're both the same time.

Saw my Harris hawks on Sunday, and one again today. Such beautiful creatures!

Try to check in tomorrow... lots to do around the house this week and a couple of projects... take care!

Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

Just finished watching on Public Broadcasting System a BBC documentary on all kinds of eagles - never knew there were so many. Fantastic photography.

Good Night All
May tomorrow be the day ...

Good morning Suzanne
Hi, Jim if you stop by.

glo said...

Good Night all.
Jim you have mail.

Good Morning Suzanne You have mail too!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well maybe 200 or 201

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Suzanne, Doreen and all Eagle persons :)

147 kids wore me out last night. Didn't have any strength left to get on blog lol. It was fun and great watching the little ones. Then pulling tricks on the big ones.
Nope I just don't give out treats have to play the part for the little ones.
Oh did I get a lot of big ones this year. They screamed, and laughed at each other trying the bag trick lol.

wvgal_dana said...

Sure was Suzanne wore me out. I didn't come back on the blog last night. Layed down lol

Won't be here long this morning. Your date (teasing) has a CT-Scan with contrast. For his lungs this morning. See how they are and if blood clots have dissolved.

glo said...

Good morning all. Dana Thanks for voting on the photos and.. Sounds like your place was a fun place to be last night if you were a kid.Suzanne Yes I got your info. I will enter your votes when I come back from coffee.

Another cold and windy day here. Fall is here to stay for sure now is my guess.

Yes, still lots of time to go vote on the pictures, and ALL DAY til 6:30 to send me photos for tonights New Loop.

glo said...

Suzanne Your votes are cast LOL. That works OK, as long as my memory remembers to send it in LOL.
Megan has mail

New Loop will be up by 7 pm Eastern time, and you will have til 6:30 ET to get pictures it to me. if you mail is slow OR mine is, don't wait til thent o send it out. I would though add it to the next day, so snap and send. Thats my LOGO now, Snap and send Thanks!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Gotta run

See you later

Suzanne if I'm not back in before you leave work. Take care talk later. wink

glo said...

Hey Suzanne Thanks for the Heads Up. How come he doesn't look so cold.

glo said...

Got itSuzanne off to coffee and dog treats

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING MY EAGLE BUDDIES. TEMP HERE IS 58°. Tai is getting soooo big it is hard to tell who is who in that big yard. Have a blessed day everyone. Its "All Saints Day". Got my fingers crossed and hoping for some news about our eagles.

Mauley said...

new thread up. Thanks Steve

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...