Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wednesday May 10

Another bright sunny day here. Live video is up.

more later.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big boy is sure perching pretty today. Been flexing those wings too. I have to go out of town from Friday morning until Sunday evening so somebody needs to keep me updated on here as to the happenings. Hope I don't miss anything big.

NillaWafer said...

skrichba welcome to this wonderful adventure many of us have been watching these 3 eagletts since they were first hatched and before eggs. The names Big Boy, Mr Inbetween, and Spunky are names i think Glo gave them Big Boy being the first hatched, Inbetween 2nd and of course Spunky 3rd born and the one least likely to survive but he has.. said with a big smile. Now they are getting ready to take their 1st flight soon and we are excited yet sad, because "OUR" Babies are growing up fast. So keep watching, enjoy this awsome site, go to for a great web site to learn more about this magnificent bird.

NillaWafer said...

Oh forgot to say Good Morning to Sharon and all i think i did at the end of yesterdays post and also another poem. Sharon today could be the day our Big Boy takes he sure is perching alot. Have a great day, Nilla

Mema Jo said...

Have a good weekend, Sharon. Can't you find a laptop to take with you? I know what you mean by missing something.It has been difficult for little Spunky to nap this morning with all the wing flapping and jumping going on by the other two. Earlier I noticed an adult brought in for the nest floor (I guess) another very large leafy branch. These gals/guys are really progressing along quite quickly!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome skrichba! Are you a snowbird down in FL? We have never had an offical naming of our eaglets. At first someone said she was calling them Liberty, Justice & Freedom! Very good USA names for eagles! Someone else said 1ees,2ees & 3ees.Being a Libra I needed order in the names. I think we all just started calling Big Boy (I think he is a male) because he was first born and doing everything first. I started calling the smallest one Spunky due to the feeding where she reached up & grabed the food from the older ones & also jumped right in with the adult in plucking the feathers of the prey(I think she is a female - agreesvie behavior)She is the youngest & had the least chance of survival. Then it seemed very logical to me for Mr/Ms Inbetween to get named as such. Due to the size compared to Big Boy I do think it is Ms Inbetween. I wish that Karen or Steve would give us an educated guess on the sex of our eaglets. Steve had given us a website of other BirdCams (from eagles to bluebirds & barn owls) all over the world. You will like it: The eagles in Cambridge, MD is a very informitive site. Their gallery has many pictures & Sharon agrees that the names under the pictures are great fun! You can also reach the from this site. This is the one that NILLA referred to & it is great. Thanks for joining us other Eagle Fans - We are all so proud of NCTC for maintaining this site!

Steve Chase said...

It's very difficult to sex the eaglets without examining the, so your guess is as good as ours...sorry.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome, skrichba, to our addictive world of watching these babies. It has been such a thrilling experience for me. I have never seen a bald eagle live and in person but I do expect if I ever do, I will be a little more knowledgable about what to look for. I am absolutely addicted.

Steve Chase said...

there goes my typing again--"them"

Mema Jo said...

Steven: Going to send you back to keyboard class! Just joking, because when I read your messages, I don't even see the error but I always know what you're saying. SOoooooo, are you going to give us YOUR guess someday? On the flip side, we'll never really know who's guess is right unless someone climbs up there and measures those beaks! Right?

NillaWafer said...

Jo im laughing so hard considering the alternative exam he would need to do to find the sex out.. I hope skrichba has the live cam also, hey what apart of Fla? I use to live in Jacksonville. I hope everyone is loving this beautiful day as rain is expected soon. The kids are resting now i havent seen lunch come yet..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Big boy still has the perching thing happening. He looks beautiful sitting there. The other 2 are hiding in the shade. I bet if we could follow them for about 4 years, we would be able to see what sex they are when they start mating. Too bad we can't. I would love to see what happens with them!! :)

NillaWafer said...

Oh Sharon look at him just perched there surveying the land, so majestic. Wont be long now ya think he will spread those wings and take flight.. Excited yet very scared for him.. like our childern taking 1st It hard to really see them when they get in the shadows now they are so dark. I keep theater screen up alot. Ok back to work, but

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just figured up the age of Big Boy. He will be 8 weeks old Saturday and I think that is a bit early for his first flight. Just so he waits until after Sunday. :)

Mema Jo said...

1:40pm Has anyone witnessed any feedings today? Remembering that first flight is usually after the starvation of the eaglet. I hope I just missed seeing the feeding.

NillaWafer said...

No Jo i havent seen any feeding today at all. Been watching for lunch to come because mom n dad was on a schedule of sorts feeding them. Wow Sharon i was thinking he was alittle older than that, but thanks for info.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I remember a feeding earlier this morning. I also saw one of them eating on their own 2 or 3 hours ago. Leftovers I guess. Big Boy hatched on March 18.

Anonymous said...

I really don't want these guys/gals to leave, it will be really sad! You said about starvation before flight...what's gonna happen to spunky if big boy goes to take off and he's not ready? Will mom and dad at least come feed spunky, since he's a week behind?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, he is way too close to the edge of that nest. I need him to back up a little bit. If one of the others starts flapping, he is outtahere.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they'll fly for awhile yet. The Blackwater eaglets are about 3-3 1/2 weeks older than 'ours' and they haven't flown yet. And Joni, mom and dad might withhold food if that's what it takes to get them to fly. I sure hope they will still care for Spunky until he's ready to make the leap!

Anonymous said...

It's feeding time....thank goodness....not ready for them to leave yet. can't stop watching them, I've watched from the beginning also; not sure how I still have a job.

NillaWafer said...

Ok mom just came around 2:30 and no food with her, then after she flew off Big Boy went hoppin across the nest wings out spread and Oh my.. my stomach churned i thought for sure he was going off and thinking i know its to soon. There he sets perched over on the edge, other 2 look like they are napping in the shade. Maybe we should start calling him "Thriller" again...

Anonymous said...

I thought mom gave spunky and mr/mrs in between something to eat. At least they were picking at her mouth and digging in the nest. Maybe I was seeing things or just hoping she was bringing food..I agree Big Boy is really making me nervous too!

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding Time:
Ma & Pa just landed with a 1-2 punch, late lunch has arrived!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Feeding time. It is about time!! Us surrogate mothers were getting worried.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Were any of you able to witness the spider spinning its web around the lens of the camera?. It happened on the night of April 7 (before the live feed). It was really awesome. I saved pictures of it. At night, you still see the web glistening in the light.

NillaWafer said...

its almost 3pm okkkkkkkkkkk mom n dad just flew in and she is feeding them now. Dad flew off again. Man they sure are globbin what ever it is up cant tell it is on the near side of the nest by the tree branch. Hey Steve i bet you get a big kick out of "US MOTHER HEN'S" watching and worrying

Mema Jo said...

3:01 Yahoo! Great to see all 3 getting their fair share of the meal.
Joni-they would feed the other 2 but like Sunny suggested - they just wouldn't let Big Boy have any. So glad they aren't ready to fly yet! I will really miss all this suspense and being able to be so close to the beauty of nature.

NillaWafer said...

Yes Sharon i saw that in fact i called over to the center and asked what was going They was laughing n said they thought a spider and darn it stayed all night on the lens.. WOW that food didnt last long, but Big Boys back perching same spot. If i was a betting woman.. which i i bet he takes off from there when time is right..

Mema Jo said...

Sharon: Yes, I did see that dang spider the other night. Scared me when it first appeared. I know everyone had mentioned the Spider a long time ago but I didn't think I had seen it - I just thought there was something fogging up the lens on the cam. The glistening of the web is really awesome. Hope he doesn't come back too often.

paula eagleholic said...

5pm - Mom is back with more food.
All 3 were perching a little while ago, looked really neat.

That spider scared me the first time I saw it too, he looks huge when he is on the lens!

Just Vicky said...
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Just Vicky said...

Did anyone see the two older ones at the far end of the nest? One was perching and the other would have knocked him off it he would have decided to open up those wings! These kids are getting me nervous the older they get!

Mema Jo said...

8:35pm Wed The 8:00 feeding went so well & was very interesting to watch. The view was excellent right below the cam. All were fed! Now it's the end of the day & all are picking their spots for sleeping. Good bit of excitement for one day - wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am trying to figure out what I just witnessed. It looked like dad brought breakfast in, big boy grabbed away. Then Big Boy kind of pushed Daddy back out of the nest. Now they are going a back and forth thing but big boy is winning, I think. Getting a little aggressive here.

Mema Jo said...

Thurs 11th 6:35pm
I think we outdid ourselves with 33 comments on the 10th. I did see Sharon's from early this morning. But where is everyone else today? I think we Blew the Blog! I just watched the adult fly in when the winds got up and the rain poured down. The perils of parenthood- One of the eaglets looked as though it was hanging on the outside of the nest & then hopped on up when the adult came in. I don't know which one it was. The eagle cam must have gone down at 2:06pm today & the video was blurred and distorted during this rain storm that started around 5:50pm. The adult is still there & I hope that Spunky is under him because I can only spot 2 eaglets. Going to be a wet night!

Mema Jo said...

7:00pm Thank Goodness! The 3rd eaglet just popped up from under the adult & did a poop-shoot! Now I can breathe.

Mema Jo said...

FRIDAY 5/12 7:18pm
I keep checking the blog to see other comments even though it's for Wed the 10th. I feel so all alone not hearing from anyone! I did email Steve that the blog wasn't updating the number of comments-hope he looks at it. I also mentioned that the EagleCam had froze on 5/11 & it is up & running now. We will need it for the weekend viewing. I have watched off & on today and saw 2 feedings.BigBoy seems to stay on his perch (where Nilla feels he will take his 1st flight from & so do I) & Spunky has benefited from the feedings. Inbetween got some at the 4:45 feeding. Well, I will talk with you all after I see some more postings on the blog. I know you are watching!

Mema Jo said...

SATURDAY 9:24 am Jo-Md
Both the live video & eagle cam are up! Mainly writing this so that when Sharon gets back, she'll know what went on. All 3 still in the nest! Witnessed a feeding around8:40am-large fish. Spunky was resting & adult eagle drug the fish over to wake him/her up for feeding.Inbetween also was fed-then BigBoy, who had been watching patiently, came over & got some. The other adult eagle flew in with a branch-All 5 in the nest was a sight! I feel the leafy branches are to the eagles what a Sealy is to us humans. All 3 tried to lay on it!
I have just realized why some others' aren't making comments. If you click on '8 comments' under the blog by Steve on the 10th - it won't open. But if you click to the right on the date - the comments open & you can submit your comment. I will email Steve to see if this is the correct procedure now & ask him to get the word out on Monday. I'm out of here for a grandaughter's college graduation most of today - hope I don't miss much. Big Boy is hopping & flapping for longer periods of time - & so is Inbetween (hops on one foot-really funny) Catch you later!

Mema Jo said...

Saturday - 9:52am Jo-Md
I just clicked on the '8 comments' & the blog opened. I swear it didn't 5 minutes ago. So now I don't know why there aren't more comments!

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...