Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday PM

Things have dried out a bit here. Lots of speculation as to when the oldest eaglet may finally fly. I too have seen him lift off a little in the nest, but I still think we have a few weeks to go for a full flight. It will be the oldest's 8 week birthday on thursday.


NillaWafer said...

"OUR" kids have been fed well today and moving around the nest flappin wings near the edge. I have been watching the nest of falcons in Harrisburg, 5 little fluffy white babies. Its awsome with sound also on real player. Sharon i hope you have had time to take alook at these babies, LOL i know im getting no work done here.. smiles

NillaWafer said...

Ok it is alittle after 6:30 pm Monday and im having trouble logging into the live web cam? Is it down again? Anyone else having trouble? The cam that changes every 30 seconds is up ok. Just curious, Thanks, Nilla

Steve Chase said...

I just tried as well and it looks like the dang thing is locked up again on our end. Sorry, can't reset until tomorrow...

Mema Jo said...

Live cam is down-but Eagle Cam is running. Maybe the cam could be set to refresh sooner then 30 secs.?.Five secs would be good-couldn't miss too much. Feeding time - got a good shot of BigBoy's wing spread. Like 'feed me or I'm out of here"! I hope his 1st flight is just because he is anxious to see the river & not because he had to be starved!

Mema Jo said...

This is a video about Martha, the DC female that was injured by another female when trying to protect her nest. I have been on the BlackwaterRefuge,Cambridge,MD again & there is an article about 'branching'-what an eagle does before 1st flight. Of course I was on I was also looking at falcon babies in NY,NY.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I saw that video about Martha. Isn't it awesome? Now I'll have to go read about 'branching'. THis has been very educational for me, and I love learning more about the eagles.

NillaWafer said...

Jo i to just watched the video of Martha being rescued and then released after she recovered from the injuries suffered. I am watching 5 baby falcon's in Harrisburg on live cam with sound. Its awsome also. I have alittle nest of birds outside of my store, i have watched them for this is the 3rd year of raising young.. smiles

Mema Jo said...

9:07 pm Monday
SUNNY: The video didn't mention it but the Washington Post in a follow up said that George (Martha's mate) left the nest (the chick died) & took off with the female that had attacked Martha. I hope & pray that Martha meets some new mate & never goes home to D.C. but stays up in DE & raises a family.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I had read earlier about what a scoundrel George was. I had been following the story after the attack. We've taken these little guys to heart, but Mother Nature has her own plan. I sure hope our guys make it to fledging, and fly off into the sunset safely!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now another thing to look at. Have to go check out Martha's release. And, I haven't been to the falcons in Harrisburg. I have to do that now. I need more obsessions to deal with! LOL. As for George and Martha, George doesn't deserve her anyway if he is going to run off with her attacker. Just like a man, huh? No offense Steve. LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

What a beautiful thing to see Martha fly off. Thank God for the ones that found her, rescued her and made her all better.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! I just checked out the Blackwater site, and they think one of their eaglets may have had his first flight last night! How dare they do it at night! If he flew, it must have been successful, because they're both in the nest now!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:30 a.m. Sunny, I am so afraid that is going to happen with us, missing that first flight. I just went to that web site and only see one eagle again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:35 a.m. What's up with the live cam today? Might be missing something big here!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That live falcon video with sound is pretty amazing. An adult was bringing in food and doing some really major squawking coming in. It ran off all my birds from my birdfeeders outside my window and my dogs came running. It was pretty funny. They are so beautiful. The littlest one is not getting to eat yet though. Here we go with another obsession. I am still loyal to our baby eaglets when the video is up.

paula eagleholic said...

At least the other cam is up! At least we have a pretty good chance of seeing a first flight with a live feed. That would be really neat.

Just Vicky said...

Well, it has been a VERY long morning without the live cam!! I'm totally lost without it.

2/20/25 PM bird

1203 PM NN Scout comes to the nest with a load of bedding again. He seemed to leave with something in his talons. He has a beak full of bedd...